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Bring back youth with a watch. How to restore youth to the skin? Ways and recipes. Protection external and internal

You need to control your emotions. To do this, you need to follow the expression of your own face, try not to frown. During cosmetic procedures, it is undesirable to talk or smile. It is not recommended to sleep on a pillow, a high position of the head during sleep leads to formation on the chin. They also occur due to frequent exposure to the sun, as a result, the skin becomes tight and dehydrated. Adverse factors are alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, lack of and more.

If wrinkles are caused by a hereditary factor, using cosmetics with them is practically. Here it is advisable to seek help from professionals. Conduct a course of injections of Botox or hyaluronic acid, you may need to perform an operation to sew gold threads under the epidermis layer, perform a facelift.

Cleanse your skin with water, avoiding soaps and lotions with a high alcohol content. Buy products with a high content of collagen. Creams should be nourishing and moisturizing. In the morning, wipe the skin with milk using a cotton swab, then apply a mask of sour cream or kefir. Wash it off with a strong stream of water at room temperature. Then wipe the skin with a piece of ice in quick movements. You can prepare a freeze from a decoction of herbs such as chamomile or calendula. Apply cream on wet skin, remove excess with a napkin or cotton wool.

In the evening, cleanse the skin with herbal infusions. Prepare them in advance from chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, sage and others. In stores, purchase tonic lotions, use them daily before bed.

Make a potato mask. Take an enameled bowl, grind the pre-boiled vegetable in it, mix with the boiled yolk and add 1 tbsp. warm milk. You should get a uniform consistency. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with hot water and rinse with cold.

Do compresses 2-3 times a week. This procedure expands blood vessels and pores, increases blood flow to the skin, and relaxes muscles. Cleanse your face and apply a thin layer of moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin. Take a napkin or gauze, fold it into 4 layers in the form of a long strip and soak it in water at a temperature of 39-45 degrees. In this water, you can pour a decoction of chamomile in advance and put a pinch of soda. The napkin should be laid on the face so that the middle falls on the chin, and the ends on the cheeks. Hold for 1.5-2 minutes. So it is necessary to do 5 times, then rinse the skin with cool water with the addition of lemon juice and apply a nourishing cream. Remove excess.

Do not touch your face during the day, keep your hands under control. Dust, dirt, sweat contribute to pollution and lead to premature aging of the skin.

It is no secret that with age, and especially after 40 years, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. This problem occurs not only in women, but also in men. There are many reasons for this. These are endocrine problems, and stress, and lack of sleep, and diseases of internal organs, as well as weight fluctuations. But the main reason is that hyaluronic acid and collagen are produced less with age. And these are just those substances on which the elasticity and youthfulness of our skin directly depends.

If you do not pay attention to this problem, then over time, flabbiness of the skin will be noticeable not only in problem areas, but throughout the body, including the face. What to do and is it possible to cope with this trouble on your own? It is possible to restore skin elasticity, but only through a whole range of measures. To fight against aging, you need to go fully armed: it is not enough to influence the skin only from the outside or exclusively from the inside. Only an integrated approach will give tangible results. So, what will help the skin after 40 years to stay young?

Nutrition against sagging skin after 40

Vitamins are also needed: C, A, E and group B. These elements take part in the synthesis of substances necessary for the skin. Try to eat more foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. To do this, you need to replace meat dishes with fish more often, for example. Include in the diet a variety of nuts, olive and flaxseed oil, any caviar.

In order for skin cells to be renewed, the body needs a sufficient amount of good quality. On average, this amount should be 8 glasses. Not tea and coffee, but pure water. Drinking enough liquid will help to remove toxins from the body, which will contribute to the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. By the way, if we talk about tea, it is better to give preference to green, it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Enough two cups of drink per day.

Physical activity will keep the skin youthful after 40

Movement is not only health, but also beauty. Regular exercise tones the muscles. Physical activity contributes to a significant blood flow to problem areas. As a result, metabolism improves, the condition of small vessels of the skin, it receives all the necessary nutrients, and the process of cell renewal is stimulated.

Of course, ideally, you need to go to the gym - for example, buy a subscription to a fitness center. But if there is no time, exercises performed at home will also bring results. Choose a complex for your problem areas. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly, and then in a couple of months you can see the first results. Also, try to move more whenever possible: walk, climb stairs, dance, swim. During exercise, the body is saturated with oxygen, which helps to improve collagen synthesis.

It will be useful to master and gymnastics for the face. It does not take much time - an average of 10 minutes a day. And you can do it at any time and in any place - for example, lying on the couch or driving a car. With the help of gymnastics for the face, you can lift the cheeks and corners of the mouth, make the lips more plump, and the eyes wide open. Forehead wrinkles can be easily and quickly removed with simple exercises. Gymnastics will even improve the shape of the nose - it will become more elastic and graceful. When exercising, the skin of the face receives additional nutrition and remains elastic longer. Excellently recommended set of exercises from Carol Maggio.

Deep breathing: a miracle exercise for youthful skin after 40

The exercise "deep breathing", invented by yogis, can be performed at any convenient time. You do not need to allocate space and purchase inventory to complete. Despite the simplicity, the exercise brings great benefits: it saturates the body with oxygen, makes the heart beat faster, which means it improves blood circulation. In addition, "deep breathing" is a wonderful "internal massage", beneficial to the organs and energizing.

The exercise is performed as follows. It is necessary to sit with a straight back, relax your shoulders, do not lean forward. Take a slow, long breath through the nose, gradually filling the lungs. It is necessary to expand the bottom of the chest as much as possible, filling it with air. When there is a feeling of maximum fullness, it is necessary to hold your breath and count to yourself to 10. After that, slowly exhale the air through your mouth. Relax, take 4 normal breaths, then repeat a deep breath. In total, you need to take 10 deep breaths at a time, not forgetting to “insert” 4 ordinary ones between them. Perform the procedure every day. This simple exercise will keep your skin youthful for a long time.

Massage for loose skin

Massage is an effective tool, it also helps to tone the muscles and the skin - elasticity. It is good to combine it with aromatherapy - for example, massage with fatty oil, to which a few drops of essential oil are added. You can find a specialist in lifting massage. But such procedures can be performed at home using a massager. Regularity is also important here.

Cosmetics that preserve youthful skin

A good body cream with regular use will help tighten and smooth the skin. It must include components such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin C, caffeine, plant extracts (for example, cocoa, green tea, algae). If possible, choose products that are recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your age group.

Do not forget to change the agent periodically, as the effectiveness decreases over time.

You can also use anti-cellulite creams. It is not bad to make a course of body wraps and masks with aromatic oils, honey, yellow clay, etc.

Also for the body you need to purchase ready-made peeling. You need to apply it constantly 1-2 times a week during the shower. Such a procedure will not only rid the skin of dead particles. After peeling, the nutrients penetrate the dermis much better, and many products are many times more effective. Therefore, after peeling, it is necessary to apply a nourishing agent to the skin with massage movements (rubbing and patting).

How to restore youth and beauty? Without expensive creams and debilitating surgeries… Very simple!!!

And technology will help you with this.

How? I'll explain now …..
Man is a complex bio-computer capable of self-tuning and self-regulation.
But, like any computer, it needs a command and a program. And since all the programs are laid in us from birth, we just have to get the desired file in our memory and indicate the path to it. Simply put, we need to choose a moment in our life when all body systems were in a 100% healthy and energetically strong state and give a command to our subconscious to return them to this state.
In this technique, such a command program is your photo and memories, which will allow the subconscious to get the required file from the depths of memory and launch it into execution.

To make a difference, think new thoughts about new results. Joe. Dispenza.

1. We set up the program - an image for the return of youth

You will need a photo that shows you between 18 and 30 years old, that is, one that shows you as old as you would like to look and feel. Stick it on a sheet of paper, around the perimeter exceeding your photo by 8-10 cm.

Above the photo, write in numbers the age captured in the picture. Below the photo, the word is HEALTH. On the left is a vertical letter under the letter - YOUTH, on the right - SPIRITUALITY.

Retire for 10-15 minutes (nothing should distract you). Hang this template on the wall. You can turn on the music that you liked at the age of the corresponding photo. Sit comfortably in front of this template. It is desirable that candles burn on three sides of the template - below, left and right, but one must be at the bottom.
Concentrate on the photo. Then, begin to mentally unwind the tape of events in your life to the age corresponding to the photo. At the same time, try to remove unpleasant events from your memory using the command program:


Say the program 3 times each time.
Having reached the right moment (year), stop and, turning to your photo, speak and feel the program:

For a couple of minutes, look at the photo and remember yourself at that age.

2. Putting the youth program into action

Rub your palms with force, spread them at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other and feel the energy (warmth) coming from the center of the palms. Then, send that energy into the photo by extending your arms towards the side of the photo. Without lowering your hands, close your eyes and take an energy impression from your photo. Simply put, imagine taking your image from a photo like a cosmetic mask. Attach this cast to your face and hold it with your fingers.

Next, send the image of your real face (enhancing it with the energy coming from the palms) right through your head, to the back of the head. The image should be kept there for about 1-2 minutes. Now run your palms over your face, straightening and smoothing. Putting your palms together, say the program:

Do this technique once a day for a month, and you will see for yourself that “it is possible to restore beauty and youth, you just need to trust your subconscious, believe in yourself and not deviate from the goal.

Is it possible to preserve or restore youth and health?
Without any doubt!
Youth can be extended, health can be maintained and even restored!
I am talking here about the youth and health of the body, which automatically implies the youth of the soul.

First of all, stop dying. Change settings.
What does it mean? Now few people will argue that it is our ideas and beliefs that govern our lives.

From childhood, we see how people grow old. In the mind is postponed (not without the help of others) installation: I will also be like that. At the same time, scientists argue that a person is able to live much longer than he lives now. Indeed, if our body is renewed every 7 years, where does youth and health go?

For a person who has special knowledge and practices a special way of life, youth and health are only a side effect of his development.
And yet: how to preserve youth and human health?

Secrets of health and longevity
How to prolong (return) youth

These are the main secrets of youth, health and longevity.
They are available to everyone, and how fully you will use them depends on you.
Let's deal with them in detail.

Change your age

First of all, sever the link between your passport and your wealth.
No need to justify your weakness by the date of your birth! Now I can do what I didn’t do 30 years ago (I didn’t train much). On your birthday, subtract rather than add your years.

Change your state

State* Most important. In what state you will be, you will get such a result! Whatever you do, create a state in yourself that corresponds to the result you intend to get. Aim to be young and healthy. Intention is everything! The rest is just an application to maintain it.
What is the difference between 5 year olds and 75 year olds? Children are flexible, inquisitive, carefree; old people are ossified, shackled by habits (experience), weakened by comfort. Everything is possible for children, nothing is needed for the elderly!

  • Take a photo of yourself when you were young and healthy. Go back to that time and remember how you felt then (this is body memory). Get back this feeling of youth and health, remember it.
  • Every night when you go to bed, induce this state and keep it until you fall asleep. Be firmly convinced that you are the same now as you were when you were young.
  • Waking up in the morning, return to the body the state of youth and health (vigor, lightness, freshness, there is still a whole life ahead). Feel young and healthy without a shadow of a doubt! Practice this state during the day, as soon as you remember it in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Young and healthy: pay attention to your body and remember this state. You can remember your childhood to compare and understand what exactly you need to keep in yourself all your life.

Note: the gap between today's and the desired age should be such that you can believe yourself.

Bring back the shine to your eyes.
Notice how clear, shining eyes children have and how dull old people have. Look sometimes into young eyes to use them to adjust your eyes. How musical instruments are tuned using a tuning fork or by “inner ear”, when you remember this feeling.

Change your lifestyle

The young and healthy cannot sit around all day moaning and complaining. Youth is characterized by activity (both physical and social). There are, of course, prematurely aged, but we are not talking about them.
Enter the image and gradually begin to live in accordance with it.

Find something for yourself, it’s good if it’s useful for other people.
Enjoy life, look for and cultivate positive emotions in yourself. Evil, arrogant, envious people do not look young and attractive and age faster.

Move: go hiking, skiing, swimming ... - everything that gives health also works for youth. Engage in creativity that will help you express yourself: painting, dancing, singing…. By the way, about the voice: with age, a person's voice changes. Preservation of the natural voice is one of the conditions for prolonging youth. Start creating your life, live according to your heart.
Listen to harmonious music: not necessarily only classical, but definitely not rock. The rhythm of rock “knocks” a person off the natural rhythm.

Rest more often alone with nature, listening to birds, wind, stream, sea, etc.
Look for companies of young, enthusiastic and cheerful people. Do not make yourself a preoccupied "business sausage". Seriousness is not necessarily a sign of great intelligence.
Constant worry creates unnecessary tension in the body. Hence, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis and, as a result, other health problems.

But periodically creating extreme situations for yourself (several times a year) is very useful. It can be fasting, swimming in an ice hole, crossing the desert or climbing mountain peaks.
The choice here is huge. .
The point is to make our body and mind work with maximum efficiency. At the same time, reserve capabilities that sleep under normal conditions are turned on, and the body rebuilds itself for the optimal mode of operation. Excess is removed, energy is added, the ability to self-healing increases. The old is destroyed and the young is born.

“In order to make the body work properly, three types of activity are needed: emotional, physical and volitional. We need new experiences. New challenges need to be addressed.
- If there are enough types of activity, the person will be healthy?
- Almost never ages.
- Why?
- After 50, you will understand that the young is always in shape, and the old, as it were, gathers himself for life every morning. The right combination of activities allows you to stay in shape longer.“

One side of the form, for example, is the desire to get up in the morning, looking forward to an interesting day. As a contrast: you don’t feel like getting up, you’re tired of everything, you hardly force yourself to get up, because it’s necessary - this is to collect yourself.
Do not give up age positions. What you could do physically and emotionally at 20-25 years old should be continued after 50. Walk up to your floor if you live in a high-rise building - this is gymnastics, which does not require additional time.

“You asked me to talk about longevity practices. Here is one of them: put on your shoes while standing.
But I'm more comfortable sitting.
- Now you occasionally sit on a stool to lace up your shoes, in a year you will have a special stool for this, in two years you will also have a bench next to the stool to lean less. By seventy, you won't be able to put on your own shoes at all.
- Agree. But this is not such a practice of longevity.
“Thousands of such little things are the practice of longevity.
… You walk slowly, walk faster than average.”
Vladimir Serkin "Shaman's Laughter"

Under normal circumstances, live according to natural rhythms. Feel when the world expects you to be active, and when non-intervention.
Eat in accordance with your bodily constitution, exclude meat at least from your daily diet.
Rest when you are tired and do not sit in front of the TV (computer) if the body asks for movement. Remember, the best rest is a change of activity: work your head, stretch your body and vice versa. Good sleep is very important (including for the condition of the skin).

Raise your energy levels. Live a healthy life. Practice the principles of impeccability as an optimization of your relationship with the world and closing of energy leakage holes.

Family people live longer than single people. Mutual love increases the energy of life. Reasonable sexual activity prolongs the youth of the body and soul. Sex is an exchange of male and female energies between partners, it evens out the overall energy state.

Daily gymnastics, especially on the flexibility of the spine, stretching. It is better to use integral systems: hatha yoga, qigong, etc.
Self-massage: just every morning rub your body with your hands, comb your hair with your fingers, massage your face.
There are special sets of exercises to stop the internal biological time, for example: "Eye of rebirth".
As for youthful skin: the condition of the skin depends on the overall level of health and cleanliness of the intestines.
Smoking and alcohol significantly worsen the appearance of a person.

* State- emotional and psychological mood, which corresponds to a certain bodily sensation.

anna base

Today, the rhythm of life resembles an endless race, which is gaining momentum every year. Time flies by fast, and people often cannot distract themselves from this crazy rush and look at themselves from the outside. At the same time, one day there comes a moment when a person realizes that he has become a habit, the skin has lost its former freshness, and the body is slender and attractive. It is especially sad for mature ladies to realize the “costs of age”, because for a woman it is to remain beautiful as long as possible. "Add fuel to the fire" glossy publications and TV screens, full of photographs of eminent people of the Balzac age with stunning appearance. As a result, every self-loving representative of the weaker sex asks the question: how to restore youth? Currently, there is a lot of information and recommendations on this subject, thanks to which everyone can do it.

What's stopping you from regaining your youth?

Youth is associated, first of all, with external attractiveness, so a slender and fit figure is a prerequisite for those who want to lose a few years. The state of the body also deserves attention: how “slagging” it is with malnutrition and. It is worth studying and eliminating the factors that prevent the return of youth. These include the following:

Smoking and alcohol abuse - such addictions adversely affect the appearance and health of a person.
Wrong nutrition. Fatty, too spicy and sweet food is implied. It is better to introduce vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts and other healthy foods into your daily diet. Food greatly affects the well-being and psychological energy of people, which is necessary for the continuous improvement of the quality of life. Many note that by changing the usual menu, they have become more mobile, more positive, and.

You should continuously learn new information and. Thanks to enlightenment, brain cells are restored, which helps to maintain a clear mind and excellent memory.
The right attitude to situations that people cannot change. It is worth learning to accept people and circumstances as they are, and at the same time. Such a wise approach will allow you not to dwell on the negative and worries, but to move on and radiate the optimism necessary for good health.
Do not waste precious life energy. This applies to gossip, empty talk, grouchiness and communication with conflicting unbalanced personalities.

Passion for creativity is one of the best ways to overcome,. Great help to relax and forget about the problems of drawing, embroidery, knitting, origami and others. It does not matter what the result will be, the main thing is the pleasure of the process.
Communicate more often with young carefree individuals and learn from them to enjoy life. After all, many people remember that at a young age, without sufficient material resources, confidence in the future and strong relationships, people enjoyed every moment they lived. It is better to make it a habit and perceive all events from a new perspective. This approach will simplify life and provide.

Of course, this is only a small part of the actions necessary to restore youth, beauty and health. However, following just a few recommendations will make you look better and feel carefree and happier. The body will appreciate even small efforts, giving a person an attractive and rejuvenated appearance.

March 30, 2014, 17:31