In a private house      07/14/2022

How to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the face. How to slow down the appearance of wrinkles? Sun protection

get enough sleep

It has long been proven that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to premature aging, since lack of sleep disrupts the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

It is also very important how you sleep. If you sleep on your side or buried in a pillow, the skin becomes stale and over time, small creases (wrinkles) gradually form on it, and a slight asymmetry of the face gradually forms. For example, note that for many people the shape of one eyebrow is slightly different from the second - all this is a consequence of sleeping on your side.

Therefore, accustom yourself to always sleep on your back, and if it doesn’t work out, get silk pillowcases for pillows. Silk is a very delicate fabric and will help keep your skin from wrinkling while you sleep.

Proper nutrition

Try to eat more oily fish and seafood. Omega-3 acid, which is part of their composition, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin with age.

It is also necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin A and C. Vitamin A activates fibroblasts involved in the formation of collagen, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.

Soy is another important product for skin beauty. Soy products are called the elixir of youth. They contain the substance genistein, which blocks enzymes that destroy collagen and elastin, plus genistein stimulates the production of new protein compounds.

Don't squint

The habit of squinting inevitably leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Studies have shown that people who neglect glasses develop wrinkles on average 5 years earlier than those who wear them.

Therefore, if you have poor eyesight, wear glasses or contact lenses, and in summer do not forget to hide the area around the eyes under sunglasses.

Facial cleansing should be gentle

Don't use harsh facial scrubs too often. Such a strong exfoliation breaks the protective barrier of the skin, and it becomes vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions (sun, cold, free radicals). As a result, wrinkles can appear much earlier, and the existing ones will be more noticeable.

Choose the right cosmetics

Your boudoir table must have a moisturizing and nourishing cream. Intensive hydration, even with combination or oily skin types, is the key to its youthfulness.

Protect your skin from direct sunlight, which can cause age spots and early wrinkles. Choose a day cream with an SPF of at least 15.

Start using special anti-wrinkle creams from the age of 25-30, or even earlier if necessary.

Use products with acids. Due to the delicate exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin, they will help improve and even out the complexion, make mimic wrinkles less noticeable and, in general, slow down the aging process of the skin. Products with glycolic and lactic acid will be optimal. Glycolic acid has a rejuvenating effect, while lactic acid perfectly moisturizes the skin.

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The cream contains the purest active plant extracts that penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate the processes of blood circulation and collagen synthesis. This helps with regular use of the cream to even out skin tone and texture, as well as smooth wrinkles and lighten age spots. Approximate cost - 720 UAH.

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The appearance of a new wrinkle can ruin a woman's mood for a long time. But time is inexorable, and nothing can stop the emergence of these insidious witnesses of the past years. However, it is still possible to slow down their appearance. Of course, modern cosmetology provides many different means and methods of rejuvenation. At the same time, scientists argue that in order to look younger, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and time. We suggest listening to the advice of experts, following which you can slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

1. Sun protection

Although many of the fair sex are fans of a bronze tan, we still advise you to limit your exposure to the sun. UV rays adversely affect the skin, especially the face. Excessive tanning contributes to dry skin, deterioration of metabolic processes in its layers, which means aging and the appearance of wrinkles. It is recommended to use day creams that have UV protection, and you need to apply them all year round. In the summer, try to use sunscreen with a high degree of protection.

2. Full sleep

Lack of sleep, especially chronic, has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin. If the body does not get enough sleep, the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity, is disrupted, and skin cells do not have time to fully recover.

Not only the number of hours of sleep is important, but also the quality of such rest. If you toss and turn on an uncomfortable bed for 10-12 hours, in the morning you will feel overwhelmed and sleepy. But sleep for 7-8 hours on a comfortable mattress will bring invaluable benefits to the whole body, and skin in particular.

An effective way to get new wrinkles is to sleep with your face buried in a pillow. Moreover, more wrinkles-creases will be exactly on the side on which you most often sleep.

3. Get rid of the habit of squinting

As a rule, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, they are also called "crow's feet". They arise as a result of the habit of squinting. Therefore, if you have such a habit, you need to urgently get rid of it. First you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon. If it is associated with myopia, you should choose glasses or lenses to improve your vision. If you're squinting in the sun, wear comfortable sunglasses.

4. Pay attention to omega-3s

Numerous studies have proven that omega-3 acids have the ability to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and age-related sagging of the skin. Of course, it is best to get these nutrients from food. Most of them are found in fatty fish, such as salmon. You can also take fish oil, preferably after consulting a doctor. Additionally, you should use a face cream containing omega-3 acids.

5. Clean your skin properly

Illiterate skin care can lead to premature aging. Oddly enough, wrinkles can also appear with regular care, but only if it is excessive. Do not use cleansers too often, especially scrubs. If you overdo it in their use, the skin will become more sensitive and defenseless against damaging factors. It is recommended to use skin scrubs no more than twice a week, and for those with sensitive skin, this procedure can be carried out once every 1-2 weeks.

6. Moisturize your skin

Cosmetologists say that a good moisturizer is often much more effective than lifting products. Therefore, do not forget to moisturize your skin regularly. It is especially important to saturate it with moisture during the hot summer. In addition to moisturizing creams, it is good to use thermal water during this period. It can be sprayed on the face 2-3 times a day. To do this, use special aerosol cans with thermal water, which fit comfortably in a lady's purse.

7. Use products with fruit acids

Fruit acids (ANA) affect the skin at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels. They have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, exfoliating and antioxidant effects. Glycolic, citric, tartaric, lactic and malic acids are most often used in cosmetic creams. It is most effective to apply such creams in courses in late autumn or winter, when the activity of the sun is low. This will help even out and improve the complexion, make existing wrinkles less noticeable and prevent the appearance of new ones.

8. Eat foods with vitamin C

Vitamin C has been proven to be a powerful antioxidant that protects skin cells from free radicals that contribute to aging. In addition, it improves the regeneration of skin cells and stimulates the fibroblasts necessary for the formation of new collagen fibers. You should include a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as use creams with vitamin C.

9. Don't Forget Soy Products

Soybeans contain a unique substance called genistein. It stimulates the production of new proteins, and in addition, blocks the enzymes that break down protein molecules in the skin (collagen and elastin). No wonder soy products and cosmetics today are called elixirs of youth.

10. Forget smoking

Experts call smoking one of the main culprits of premature skin aging. First of all, the fact is that nicotine releases free radicals that destroy the skin. According to recent studies, the skin of smokers has an average of 40% more wrinkles than non-smokers of the fair sex. Isn't that a good reason to quit smoking?

As you can see, the proposed methods for slowing down aging are not at all complicated, they do not require a lot of money and significant efforts. Try to follow these recommendations and be sure that you will be able to slow down the appearance of time marks on the skin. Let treacherous wrinkles not overshadow your mood!

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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Wrinkles are a clear sign of aging. But who wants to get old? Therefore, it is not surprising that we are all trying by any means to remove the wrinkles that have appeared, or at least hide them with the help of creams and decorative cosmetics. If you do not want to face this problem and want to look younger, then it will be useful for you to learn how to prevent wrinkles and noticeably slow down the aging process, as well as how to quickly minimize the first signs of aging on your face with home remedies.

When and why do the first wrinkles appear?

Skin aging is a natural and inevitable process. With age, it ceases to produce in the right quantities a number of substances necessary for its elasticity and elasticity - collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

The most noticeable sign of old age is wrinkles. In many ways, their appearance depends on genetics, but there are many factors that can significantly accelerate age-related skin changes and deterioration in appearance:

  • UV radiation.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Smoking and alcohol.
  • endocrine disorders.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Lack of or improper skin care.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.
  • Chronic fatigue.

The first wrinkles appear already at the age of 25, and over time and under the influence of many factors, they deepen and begin to appear all over the face. Unfortunately, this process is inevitable, but with proper skin care and proper nutrition, it can be significantly slowed down. It is easier to prevent wrinkles than to reduce them. But there are many effective ways to deal with them.

How to prevent wrinkles?

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, several basic principles must be observed - this will slow down the aging process of the skin and unpleasant age-related changes. Here they are:

  • Proper skin hydration.

The lack of moisture in the skin causes it to dry out, which causes wrinkles to appear much faster and become deeper. That's why it's so important to keep your skin moisturized. To do this, you must: use moisturizing creams, consume large amounts of water (about 8 glasses a day), humidify indoor air (especially during the heating season), avoid air conditioning.

  • Avoidance of UV radiation.

During prolonged exposure to the sun, it is recommended to use sunscreen with a high UV filter. You should also not forget about sunglasses - they not only protect the retina, but also prevent strabismus and, consequently, the formation of facial wrinkles.

  • Minimize visits to the solarium.

Solarium is the effect of UV rays on the skin, which leads to its aging.

  • Performing special exercises for the facial muscles.

Facebuilding (a set of exercises for the face) allows you to maintain facial muscle tone, which has a positive effect on slowing down the signs of skin aging.

  • Proper skin care.

Daily facial massage, performed with the right cream, stimulates collagen production, improves blood circulation and improves skin tone. Thanks to anti-aging cosmetics, the skin will receive the necessary nutrients and moisturizers that will help it stay in good shape for longer.

  • Frequent exposure to fresh air.

The lack of oxygen leads to a slowdown in the metabolic processes in the skin cells, which causes its lethargy, poor appearance, thinning and early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly be outdoors so that the skin receives oxygen in the required amount. In addition, its intake improves blood circulation and the production of certain substances.

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking and alcohol abuse accelerate the aging process of the body, including the skin.

  • Minimizing stress.

Compliance with these simple principles will slow down the aging process by 7-12 years and stay young and beautiful longer.

Anti-wrinkle diet - how to eat to slow down aging and prolong youth

The appearance of wrinkles and skin condition largely depends on nutrition. Properly balanced meals will not only help maintain the correct body weight, but also provide the body with vitamins and minerals that affect the appearance and condition of the skin. In addition to foods rich in nutrients that slow down the aging process, it is worth adding collagen in the form of tablets or nutritional supplements. This is an effective way to fight wrinkles "from the inside".

Diet plays an important role in the process of preventing wrinkles. In the daily menu, be sure to include products containing:

  • Vitamin C (currant, citrus fruits, paprika, spinach, cauliflower).
  • Vitamin A (egg yolk, liver, dairy products, carrots, pumpkin, apricot).
  • Vitamin E (oils, cereals, almonds and nuts).
  • Vitamin B group (liver, eggs, dairy products).
  • Minerals: selenium (nuts, almonds, fish, seafood, whole grains), zinc (meat, liver), manganese (green vegetables, whole grains), copper (seafood, liver, cocoa).
  • Flavonoids (green tea, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, apples).
  • Beta-carotene (carrots).
  • Lycopene (tomatoes).
  • Coenzyme Q10 (offal, fish).

It is necessary to maintain optimal body weight and, above all, to avoid rapid weight loss, especially in adulthood, when the skin is no longer sufficiently elastic. This will lead to its sagging, the appearance of wrinkles, loss of facial contours. And you should also not be overly zealous in losing weight and reduce your weight to 40-50 kg. Subcutaneous fat plays an important role in maintaining the proper skin tension needed to maintain facial contours. The consequences of its loss due to strong weight loss will be sagging of the skin, deepening of the furrows, the appearance of deep wrinkles and "flews" in place of the cheeks.

Homemade anti-wrinkle face masks

If wrinkles appear on the skin, you can try to smooth them out and prevent them from deepening by using homemade masks based on natural ingredients. Home treatment, combined with a healthy lifestyle and adherence to the principles of preventing aging described above, leads to a noticeable reduction in wrinkles.

The most popular method for fighting wrinkles at home is to make different types of masks from products that are usually available in the kitchen every day. For this purpose, the following ingredients are used:

  • Papaya and pineapple. They smooth wrinkles, making them less deep, gently exfoliate dead epidermal cells, and make the skin smoother. They also have anti-inflammatory, soothing and stimulating regeneration effect.
  • Apple or apple cider vinegar diluted with water– effectively smoothes wrinkles, especially around the eyes.
  • Lemon juice mixed with olive oil. It has exfoliating, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, effectively reduces wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Banana or avocado pulp. These fruits perfectly nourish and renew the skin, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles, and with regular use, they also eliminate existing ones.
  • Egg white. Contains moisturizers and nutrients. Applied to the skin, it causes an immediate improvement in its tension and, with prolonged use, helps to reduce and even get rid of wrinkles.
  • Argan oil. It is used as a component of home masks or for massage. Effectively nourishes mature skin, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. Due to the high content of tocopherols (vitamin E), it perfectly moisturizes the skin, prevents the appearance of collagen deficiency, and stimulates cell renewal.

Slow down the aging process and get rid of wrinkles for a long time - this is on the shoulder of everyone. It is enough just to follow a few recommendations, stick to a healthy diet and do not forget about smoothing masks for the skin. And you will always look 10-15 years younger than your true age!

Researchers studying thrush flies have improved the insects' health and significantly increased their lifespan. Experts are confident that with the help of developments, people will one day be able to delay the onset of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, cancer, problems with the cardiovascular system, strokes and other age-related diseases.

Scientists have studied the "energy station" of the cell - the mitochondria. This organoid controls cell growth and activates cell death. In the process of aging, the mitochondrion is often damaged, and the cells are not always able to replace the organelle, which, accumulating in the muscles, brain and other organs, becomes dangerous. This leads to the emergence of various diseases associated with aging.

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, scientists found that the mitochondria in the cells of fruit flies change their shape to a more elongated one with age. The specialists removed the damaged mitochondria, and as a result, the flies were more active and lived 12-20 percent of their life cycle longer.

“We believe that the increase and elongation of the mitochondria prevents cells from getting rid of the damaged organoid,” said David Walker, author of the study, professor of integrative biology and psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles, in a press release. “Instead of getting rid of malfunctioning mitochondria with age, they accumulate.”

Life Extension

Scientists were able to determine the cause of the elongation and removal of mitochondria. By increasing the level of the Drp1 protein, the scientists divided the mitochondria, and as a result of the process for which the Atg1 gene is responsible, it was removed. The researchers also limited the intake of the Mfn protein, and the mitochondria were unable to combine, increasing in size, which improved health and extended the life of the flies.

“You can separate mitochondria with Drp1 or prevent them from growing together by deactivating Mfn,” says study author Anil Rana. “The effect of these actions is the same: the mitochondrion decreases, and the lifespan increases.”

The result of the study is amazing. “This is tantamount to rejuvenating the muscle tissue of an adult to the state of a young person’s muscle,” Walker said in an interview. “We have succeeded in slowing down the decline in health associated with age. To increase the lifespan and improve the health of the flies, it turned out to be enough to carry out a 7-day work.

These newly discovered cellular mechanisms could help people develop cures for aging. The effect was achieved after a short-term intervention, and this is important, since taking any medicine for a long time is dangerous. The study was another attempt by scientists to increase the duration of human life, which, as many of them believe, can last forever.

Gray hair is one of the signs of human aging. Although some individual gray hairs may appear at a young age, most often gray hair begins to appear in 35-40 years. And although the process is inevitable, you can still try to slow it down, and at the same time improve your health. There are simple folk remedies that we want to talk about.

First, watch your diet. Load up on beans, avocados, and nuts. Secondly, if you have bad habits, try to get rid of them. Smoking and alcohol exacerbate the problem. And thirdly, write down some tips on using folk remedies that will help you take care of your hair and slow down its aging.

1. Tincture of chamomile and turmeric - for fair hair. Turmeric is added to give hair a honey hue. Pour 4 tablespoons of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of turmeric with a liter of boiling water (preferably filtered) and let it brew, and use it as a hair rinse after each wash. The tincture will restore the golden sheen and hide the gray hair.

2. Tincture of sage with black tea - for brown hair. To prepare an herbal hair rinse, brew a few sage leaves with black tea and dilute the tincture with boiling water (half a liter will be enough).

3. Rosemary tincture - for very dark hair. 4 tablespoons of rosemary per liter of water. This tincture improves the condition of the scalp, strengthens the hair roots and gradually makes them darker.

4. Tincture of sage and rosemary for dark hair. 3 tablespoons of sage and 3 tablespoons of rosemary per liter of water. Pour, let it brew, strain. An excellent conditioner that does not require rinsing and heals the hair.

5. Henna and lemon juice hair mask. For those who love the reddish and copper tones that henna gives to hair. Mix 3 tablespoons of henna powder and a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply the paste on your hair and wrap your hair with plastic for about three hours. Then rinse. This henna treatment helps the hair a lot, makes it lively and shiny, at the same time hiding the gray hair.

6. Magnolia tincture. Pour one tablespoon of magnolia into a glass of hot water and let it brew. When cool, strain and rinse hair after washing. The tincture will give the hair a beautiful even shade.

7. Avocado, argan and coconut oil hair mask is the perfect treatment for gray hair. Mix three oils in equal proportions, apply to hair and cover with a hot towel. After 20 minutes, you can rinse your hair with warm water.

8. Walnut, rosemary and eggshell paste. A very effective tool for giving hair vitality. It is prepared as follows: mix 5 chopped walnuts with chopped eggshells and two leaves of walnuts, also in chopped form. All you need to grind into a paste, apply it to your hair, leave for an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Do this mask once a week - and you will not recognize your hair!

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