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Wookieepedia Sith. Love and marriage in the Jedi and Sith orders at different times

Jedi and Sith are also people (and non-humans) and the topic of carnal pleasures was not alien to them. And even more so at a young age. But don't expect this article to be a depiction of the Sith-Jedi Kama Sutra and all sorts of perversions. The article will focus on such an important thing in the life of any society as family, marriage and what is commonly understood by the word "love".


If the Sith, as it sometimes seems, needed only strength, power to be happy, and their favorite pastime was to cut-kill-crush and take away from the townsfolk kurko, milk, eggs, they would have died out long before the first war with the Jedi.

Among the true followers of the "dark side" of the Force, love and marriage were not only not forbidden, but even encouraged. The reason is obvious. Love and sexual attraction are the strongest emotions in any rational being. And, as you know, the Sith did not hesitate to use their emotions to control the "dark side" of the Force.

Even in the early days of the Sith order, shortly after the arrival of eleven Dark Jedi on Korriban, intermarriage between human exiles and the local Sith population was common. The possibility of healthy offspring from such bonds has been scientifically proven by Sorzus Sin, a renowned Sith scholar and true legend of the order. After several hundred years, half-breeds became commonplace in Sith society, and many of them rose to the heights of power in the first Sith Empire. You don't have to look far for examples - Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kresssh ... Apparently, extramarital affairs for the Sith were not considered immoral even during this period. At least it was not forbidden to have a harem and concubines.

After the Great Hyperspace War, two Sith societies survived. One of them settled on Kesh, and the second - on Dromund Kaas.

First, let's say a few words about the Sith of Kesh. On this planet, the citizens of the Sith Empire (forcers and "mere mortals") were forced. Their ship was shipwrecked during a hyperspace war. A handful of three hundred survivors had to adjust to their new surroundings. Entertainment of a carnal nature not only brightened up the difficult life of the first decades, but was also the key to the survival of society.

Over the next five thousand years, the Sith of Kesh created a full-fledged state with a population of many millions and ... "this thing" was in their order of things. Marriage was as important to the local Sith as it is to us in the real world. The only difference was that the partners were selected in such a way that children were more likely to be born as force-users. But, as they say, you can’t command your heart, and unequal marriages were also not uncommon. In this matter, the fate of the Kai family is indicative. Gavar Kai was a Sith sword (a title similar to a Jedi Knight - approx.), And his wife, Laka Kai, did not even have sensitivity to the Force and did not occupy any significant place in society. Fortunately for the family, their daughter - the famous Vestara Kai - was born with the gift of the Force. And what a gift!

Vestara Kai

In the Sith Empire of Vishate, carnal pleasures and marriages between Sith were also encouraged. For the first hundreds of years, they had the same importance as for the Sith of Kesh - ensuring the survival of society. In other words, being a virgin in those days (especially for a Sith) was not only unfashionable, but also smacked of anti-state activity. And homosexuality was completely tantamount to betrayal. After the Empire has grown, carnal pleasures and amorous relationships between the forces have become commonplace.

Moreover, in the Sith Empire, the issues of family and marriage of members of the order were approached with all seriousness, not disdaining even eugenics. The members of the order were selected the most promising partners, in terms of health and heredity.

Centuries after the founding of the Sith Empire, the Sith Order's Recruitment Department created an extensive database of everyone who had ever entered the Sith Academy. Personal files contained data on origin, pedigree, service history, potential, health status, etc. Using data from the filing cabinet, the Sith from the recruiting department and other related services selected mating couples and predicted the potential of the offspring. Sometimes even the Dark Council, the highest legislative and executive body of the Empire (after the Emperor, of course), was engaged in the selection of a couple. This approach was not only driven by concern for the happiness of Sith families. The well-being of the entire Empire depended on this, since it was the Sith Forces who were its core. You can learn more about this in the Fatal Alliance novel and The Old Republic MMO.

lord tetsu

But do not think that male Sith were turned into an analogue of the bull-inseminator. The Sith were left to choose with whom, when, how and where. However, it also happened that the Sith "returned his debt to the motherland" with one lady, and married another.

Thanks to such a serious approach to the formation of families as the basic unit of society, within a few generations, many Sith dynasties appeared, most of whose members served in the Sith order. An example is the Sith families to which the Sith Lords Preven and Tetsu belonged. The Tetsu clan spanned ten generations, and the Preyven clan was even older.

Among the Sith of this Empire, there were both formal lechers and womanizers, as well as decent family men who cared about the upbringing and well-being of their children. Examples of the latter are Darth Angral, Darth Jaedus, and Lord Grathan.

Angral had a son, Tarnis. Angral treasured him, often providing an opportunity to prove his worth to the Sith Empire. The Sith that Angral trusted the most was chosen as Tarnis's teacher. They became Lord Praven, a former student of Angral.

The example of Jaedus is even more revealing. Jaedus' only apprentice and most valuable treasure was his daughter, Darth Zorrid (her birth name is unknown). After the death of Jadus (in reality it was a staging), Zorrid, according to ancient Sith traditions, took her father's chair in the Dark Council.

And, finally, the third of the presented examples is the Gratan family. Selventa Gratan and her husband have been happily married for many years. Although Selventa married not only for love, but also because of Gratan's high position in Sith society. Their son, Bilzleet Gratan, was homeschooled like Jadus's daughter. His mentors in learning the ways of the dark side of the Force were only his father and mother. By the way, on the example of this family, one can trace the attitude of the Sith towards children. When Bilzlit was in danger, the mother was ready to give her life and even betray her husband, if only her child would survive.

The Sith of this period did not disdain extramarital sex. Perhaps the most famous lover of "active recreation" was the well-known Darth Malgus. His love was Elina Daru, formally considered a slave. There were also rumors among the Sith and ordinary citizens that Malgus had a mistress on the side. Moreover, this mistress was one of the high-ranking Sith in the Empire. Her name was Darth Khadra. However, these were just rumors.

Elina Daru

You can also remember the Sith Lord Shaa, who in her youth had a long relationship with Lord Raxus. The eternally gloomy Lord Scourge was also noted in amorous affairs. This assistant of Revan and Mithra, in the murder of Vishate, and then a useful companion of the Hero Tython, before taking a place near the emperor, managed to enjoy the company and love of at least two women.

Going back a little, I would like to note that in the history of the Sith order there were strong dynasties that ruled states for centuries. An example of such a dynasty is the royal family of Onderon, descending from Freedon Nadd himself. In a known period (Tales of the Jedi comics), Onderon was ruled by two powerful forceusers: King Ommin and Queen Amanoa. And so they would have ruled further, if the Jedi with light democratizers had not descended on the planet, without asking and knocking, and had not contributed to the speedy departure to the world of another royal couple. Only their daughter Galia was left alive, who did not study the dark side of the Force and therefore was not a target for the ax head in the name of goodness, light and other pathos.

Vilia Kalimondra

Little is known about Sith family life in the franchise's next well-developed time period, the New Sith Wars. We can only say with certainty that marriage and sexual relations were not condemned and, as in the old days, were in the order of things. There was simply no point in the ban, because any Sith ruler of those times needed heirs to preserve the integrity of the state.

Only one Sith dynasty of this period is well known. Dynasty of Calimondra. A successful military leader and politician, Vilia Kalimondra for her long life She got married several times and had seven children. Alas, each of her offspring believed that he was the true heir to her empire. The struggle of the sons for the maternal inheritance led to another feudal fragmentation of the Sith state and a prolonged Sith civil war. The main confrontation broke out between her son Chargas and daughter Zelian.

In addition to impressive military and political achievements, Chargas Kalimondra was also noted on the personal front, becoming the father of three children, a son, Quillian, and two daughters, Arcadia and Dromica.

For Zelian, the word family was not an empty phrase either. Married to an unknown Sith, she gave birth to two children, Daiman and Odion. Subsequently, her sons also "added fuel to the fire" civil war, starting bickering with each other. The narcissistic Daiman could not come to terms with the fact that his mother was preparing the eldest son Odion as heirs. You can read about how this couple, in the name of the struggle for power, sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths in the Knight Errant comic book series and the novel of the same name.

Altogether Vilia Calimondra had seven children and at least six grandchildren: Arcadia, Dromica, Quillian, Malakith, Daiman, and Odion. Such a "friendly" Sith family.

Zelian holds young Daiman in his arms

After the destruction of the Sith Order (Brotherhood of Darkness) by Darth Bane and the Jedi "Army of the Light" came the expected final collapse of Sith traditions. Including family and marriage traditions. For the following centuries, until the demise of the Jedi order and the transformation of the Sith order, the Rule of Two Sith did not marry or fall in love, rarely living a fulfilling life. The teacher-student pair had very different goals in life.

Against this background, one exception looks surprising. His name is Darth Vectivus. Instead of destroying the Jedi - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfixing all the Sith "Rule of Two" - Vectivus dedicated most unhurried knowledge of the Force, commerce, entertainment, collecting art objects ... In general, I had fun as best I could. Unlike all Sith before and after him, who were killed by their own apprentices at the first opportunity, Vectivus died a natural death surrounded by friends and loving family. Luckily for the "Rule of Two", Vectivus's somewhat trained apprentice, after the Sith's death, continued the one-teacher-one-student tradition.

At the same time, while the followers of the "Rule of Two" hid in fear from the Jedi, another self-proclaimed Sith lived and flourished. His name was Seth Hart. Immortal Hart adored entertainment, wearing out his temporary body at numerous revels, sexual orgies and other decent amusements of high society. Unlike the Sith of the "Rule of Two", he did not hide from anyone and ... also went unnoticed by the Jedi.

Seth Hart

The destruction of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY and the transformation of the Republic into the Empire did not lead to a fundamental revision of the views of the then Sith regarding family and marriage. IN Galactic Empire love relationships between members of Darth Sidious's Sith order were rare, and marriages were even rarer.

I'll give you a couple of examples. The result of the connection of Cronal (one of the strongest GI forceusers) with an unknown woman was the birth of her daughter Sariss. True, there was no talk of any happy family life. Cronal often traveled the galaxy, carrying out secret orders for Sidious, led part of the Ubictorate (Imperial intelligence) and was engaged in other government affairs. He completely entrusted the upbringing and training of his daughter in the art of the “dark side” of the Force to the “Prophets”. Sariss never found out that one of the Empire's most powerful force-users was her father.

Another example is the married couple Hetrir and Rillao. They were Imperial forces (Vader's students) and for the time being faithfully served Palpatine. The result of their cohabitation was the birth of the son of Tigris.

Yes, and the emperor Palpatine himself liked to enjoy the female company. His mistress was Roganda Ismaren, one of the Emperor's Hands. Obviously, the ruler of the entire galaxy had other concubines, but their names are unknown.

Roganda Ismaren

Another well-known character who had great influence in the Galactic Empire should be mentioned. Hand of the Emperor Sarkev Quest, after the formation of the Empire, became one of the most influential members of the Imperial Sith order. Sarkev was officially listed as an employee of imperial intelligence. But he did not hide from anyone among the shadows, like Cronal, and did not dangle headlong across the galaxy, exterminating the enemies of the emperor, like Mara Jade. Sarkev appeared openly at court in luxurious robes and led a typical secular life, secretly spying on his master's political opponents. Feasts, balls and beautiful ladies - this is his field of activity. In imperial secular society, Sarkev had a reputation for revelers and a womanizer. But there was also love in his life. The aforementioned Roganda Ismaren shared a bed with him. Their union resulted in the birth, in 4 BBY, of Yrek Ismaren.

Fortunately for Sarkev, Emperor Palpatine was not jealous. Moreover, for good service, he provided Sarkev with a place in the Imperial Ruling Council- the highest advisory and executive body of the Galactic Empire. It is worth noting that Sarkev was the second adept of the Dark Side to sit on the Council. His predecessor (Sly Moore) had by then retired from the Council and was engaged in other activities.

After the repeated and final death of Emperor Palpatine in 10 ABY, the surviving followers of the "dark side" were no longer up to family life.

Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker.

Go ahead. During the days of the Sith Order of Darth Krayt, marriages between Sith sometimes occurred. Darth Talon spoke. that she was "born a Sith", like some other members of the Order of Krayt. They were all Sith from birth, meaning their parents were Sith too.

But members of the order did not disdain extramarital affairs. For example, the well-known Darth Talon happily shared a bed with someone, at whom people of school age so love to look with unequivocal glances, provoking the well-known itch in the lower abdomen. In general, Talon was that even bl ... girl of easy virtue. One of her temporary lovers even managed to become Cade Skywalker, Luke's great-grandson.

The Sith dynasties also existed during this period. The most striking example is the Wyyrlok dynasty. Darth Krayt's trusted aide, Wyyrlok-III is called third for a reason. Three generations of his family were members of the Sith order. In total, four generations of this family are known. Wyyrlok-III had a daughter, Saaray (Wyrlok-IV).


The well-known aphorism is well suited to describe the carnal pleasures of the Jedi: “ If you can't, but really want to, then you can».

Views on this topic in different periods of the existence of the Jedi Order changed from the prohibition of any relationship with sexual overtones, to complete freedom.

Let's start in order.

As you know, the Jedi Order is the successor of an older order known as the Je'daii. Members of the order were not forbidden to create families. Even whole generations of adherents of the order often met. An example of a hereditary Je'daii is Sek'nos, a representative of the Sith race. At least three generations of his family were members of the order. His grandmother was the skilled healer Myarta Sek, and his grandfather Tok Rat was an outstanding warrior of his time and a sage. Or you can remember Tasha Ryo - the daughter of the Je'daii master Cora Ryo and the lord of the underworld of the Chicago system Volnos Ryo.

The Jedi Order, which was formed after the Wars of the Force (25.783 BBY), did not begin to change its attitude towards the issues of amorous relations of its members and did not even try to encroach on the traditions associated with marriage and family life. This went on for many thousands of years, until the Great Sith War, aka the First Sith War, aka the war with Exar Kun (3996 BBY).

Nomi Sunrider and newborn Vima

Several Jedi families are known to have existed during this period, all of whose members were part of the Jedi Order. For example, the Sunrider and Drey families. Many generations of the Drae family - a wealthy line of Jedi and businessmen - were Jedi. And members of the Sunrider family have served the order for hundreds of generations. Many of them were truly outstanding personalities, inscribing their names in the annals of the history of the order. As with some Sith dynasties, the children of Jedi families were often taught the basics of using the Force at home. It is worth noting that in those days there was no obligatory teacher-student bond. A young Jedi was often trained by several teachers at the same time.

You can also recall another contemporary - Jolie Bindo. This gray Jedi, who lived according to the principle of "as the Force directs", one day fell in love and married his own student. The Jedi Order did not interfere with their relationship at first, intervening only when his missus turned to the dark side and arranged artistic carving with a lightsaber on the carcasses of several Jedi. Not appreciating her "creative impulse", the Jedi Council ordered Jolie to kill his wife. Like, he taught himself, now you can figure it out yourself. Jolie defeated his beloved in a lightsaber fight, but love prevented him from completing what he started. Soon, Jolie's wife and student were hacked to death by the Jedi.

Little Lucien Dray

The attitude of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order towards family and marriage turned upside down in just a few years, for no objective reason. It happened when the Council, in order to consolidate the order, began to “tighten the screws” by introducing uniform rules for all enclaves. Marriage, though not strictly forbidden, was now undesirable. It was believed that love and family bring people closer to the "dark side" of the Force.

By the way, such views of the leadership of the order were one of the reasons why the Jedi looked crookedly at the marriage of Bastila Shan and Revan. And Bastila's pregnancy could not please them at all. The Jedi calmed down only after an unspoken peace was concluded between the council and the rebellious family - Revan stops expressing his “heretical thoughts” about the Force aloud to the Jedi, and the Jedi stop grumbling publicly about their family relationships.

Revan watches a holotape of his wife and son

The situation changed again after the Great Purge, carefully arranged for the Jedi order by the Sith Triumvirate. Especially Darth Syon then succeeded in reducing the Jedi population.

After the death of the entire Council and most of the knights and masters, a new generation of Jedi had to hastily restore the order. In this situation, forbidding marriage and having children was tantamount to sabotage. New Jedi dynasties arose, bearing the names of Ovair, Shan, and Zavros. But the old dynasties such as Sunrider and Diat also continued to exist during this period.

Although the Ovair weren't exactly a Jedi family. Or rather, not Jedi at all. For at least four generations, the family worked in secret for the Sith Empire, being Emperor Vishate's most valuable agents in Republic territory.

By the way, it is worth saying that in subsequent eras, when the attitude of the Jedi Order towards personal attachments finally changed from approval to condemnation and strict prohibition, people from the Sunrider and Diat families were allowed to marry.

Nima-Da-Boda is the last known member of this lineage and a direct great-great-great-great... (and many times "great") great-granddaughter of the Sunriders on her mother's side served in the Jedi Order decades before the Clone Wars. And another member of the family, Vima-Da-Boda, born in 190 BBY, lived for more than two hundred and fifty years, having managed to visit both the old and the new Jedi order of Luke Skywalker.

master Niko Diat with a baby

The Diat clan has existed for more than four thousand years. Latest famous representatives The Diat Dynasty - Padawan Te Diat and Master Nico Diat - served in the order during the Clone Wars. Tae died fighting Separatist droids on Jabiim in 21 BBY, and his uncle Niko had died seven months earlier in the battle for Keith.

But let's go back to ancient times. After an unspecified period of time during which the Jedi were free to marry and love each other as they pleased, where they wished, the Order's Council reintroduced strict prohibitions. An exception was made only for some families.

But even here there are double standards. The well-known Jedi Master Satil Shan, hero of the Great Galactic War, Grand Master of the Order, strict defender of the order's rules, unbreakable upholder of tradition, and so on and so forth... was willing to share a bed with a man. In her case, it was Jace Malcom, a veteran warrior and commander of the famed Ravager Special Forces unit. The result of their closeness was the birth of Taron Shan, the future legend of SIS (Republic Intelligence). Such were the immaculate grandmasters of the order, preaching one thing but in reality ... doing “this very thing” with some kind of martinet. However, most of the members of the order did not even know about Satil's pregnancy. For the time being, even Jace did not know that for twenty years now he had been the father of a boy performing deadly missions behind enemy lines.

Newborn Theron and his mother Satil Shan

But not only Satila had a bad conscience. During this period, several more Jedi are known to have loved each other and were forced to hide their feelings. For example, the knights Liha Narezz (Nautolan) and Jomar Chul (Zabrak).

Love arose not only between adult knights. Among young people, unambiguous views on the genitals of the opposite sex were much more common. One notable example was the relationship between Padawans Moratsen and Spanios.

In search of "hazing", the Jedi Masters of this period did not disdain to secretly spy on students and force other students to spy on classmates. In particular, Jedi Master Yollo resorted to the services of informers.

Sometimes the Jedi ban on marriage led to very unpleasant consequences and even bloodshed. As proof of this statement, I would like to cite one interesting couple - Nomar Organa and Reanna Rist. Nomar and Reanna loved each other and were about to get married. An engagement was announced. The leaders of the noble houses of Rist and Organa did not interfere with their relationship, because marriage could end the long feud between the houses. It would seem that everything turned out as well as possible - a happy family and a long-awaited peace. But when the news of Nomar's intentions reached the Jedi Council, the masters forbade the young Padawan from marrying. Forced to choose between the order and his beloved, Nomar nevertheless chose the order. Dom Rist took Nomar's decision as a personal affront. The bloodshed continued.

After the events described above, celibacy was an unbreakable tradition of the Jedi order for more than one and a half thousand years. But then the traditions had to be changed again, adjusting to the changed circumstances. These circumstances were the start of the New Sith Wars (NSW) that followed the Fourth Great Schism. For almost a thousand years, in a series of long and bloody wars, Jedi and Sith enthusiastically slit each other's throats across the galaxy.

During the NSV, some rules were safely consigned to oblivion or temporarily canceled as not corresponding to the spirit of the time. Now the Jedi often became supreme chancellors, commanders-in-chief of the armed forces, they were given the titles of lords, kings and barons, they owned property and finally received the legal right to marry and give in marriage. Jedi Lords were free to marry, and their titles were usually hereditary, passed down from generation to generation.

By the way, the very fact of the existence of hereditary Jedi, who, despite the massive bloodshed of the New Sith Wars, rarely turned to the dark side, was sometimes considered evidence of the fallacy of traditional Jedi views on the inadmissibility of affection, love and marriage. Hereditary Jedi Lords were such prominent figures in the history of the order as Valentine Farfalla and Rolan Hoth.

Quinlan Vos and Khaliin Hentz

Shortly after the end of the EAR, culminating in the decisive victory of the Army of the Light at the Battle of Ruusan, the Jedi went back to their old ways, banning marriage. As they say, our song is good, start over.

Although this time the matter was not limited to marriages. The Jedi Council invited the members of the order to voluntarily give up the titles and ancestral estates, castles and other material goods that were family property. As expected, not all Jedi liked this "offer", more like an ultimatum. Many have become accustomed to their high status. In response to the demands, some Jedi Lords and Barons openly suggested that the Jedi Council follow the very far known sexual route, wanting to see those who invented the Jedi celibacy at least in a coffin in intimate positions.

With celibacy and a few exceptions to this rule, the Jedi Order survived until its demise at the end of the Clone Wars.

T'ra Saa and Tholme

But the nature of living beings cannot be abolished by artificial rules and regulations. Many of the Jedi of this period had love affairs, ranging from mild infatuation to long-term love and even marriage, played away from the eyes of the members of the Council of the order.

One of the most famous examples is the love story between Tholme and T'ra Saa. I must say, it was a very, ahem, interesting relationship, because Tholme was a man, and T'ra Saa was an almost immortal tree (or rather, a race of intelligent tree-like plants). In this light, the potential continuation of communication in bed by Malvina and Pinocchio does not seem something strange in the science fiction genre. In their attitude, the phrase "he was passionate and ardent, and she was a log in bed" has a slightly different meaning.

At one time, a lot of controversy and bewilderment among fans was caused by the fact that this tree had a voluminous chest, which some earthly ladies could only envy. It would seem, why does a tree need sis ... mammary glands or something very similar to them? But there is a reasonable explanation for this: T'ra Saa was just trying to give her body a more feminine look. It was not difficult for her to "inflate" the desired part of the body to pleasant, for Tholme, volumes. It is a completely understandable and reasonable step for a woman, even if made of solid wood.

The relationship between the Nautolan Kit Fisto and the Twi'lek Aayla Secura is also worth mentioning. True, in their case, things did not go beyond a light affair and kisses.

But not only members of the order secretly loved each other. There were also relationships between the Jedi and, so to speak, "mere mortals." The most striking example of such a relationship is the love between Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and Separatist agent Khaliin Hentz. Another secret alliance that led to the birth of a child is the love between Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan and a clone commando named Darman.

Etain Tur-Mukan and Venku (fanart)

But there are no rules without exceptions, just as there is no person without vulgar thoughts. In addition to the aforementioned families, representatives of several other Jedi families served in the order in the last decades of the Old Republic. The most famous examples are the characters Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Directly during the Clone Wars, Plo Koon, his brother (name unknown) and Plo's niece named Sha Koon served in the order.

For Ki-Adi-Mundi, an exception was made based on the characteristics of his race. The fact is that the Cereans valued men very much, since they were born much less than women. The average ratio was 1:20, which is why a typical Cerean village, in terms of sex ratio, sometimes resembled a chicken coop. This feature of the race led to the absence of a monogamous family in Cerean society. Polygamous marriages were considered the norm.

At first, Ki-Adi-Mundi's father was reluctant to give his son to the Jedi. The Jedi Order, who wanted a promising apprentice, had to compromise by allowing Ki-Adi-Mundi to marry after puberty and continue the lineage. At the time of his death in 19 BBY, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi had five wives and eight children. Now imagine the envy of the rest of the Jedi, who could only dream of this.

Ki-Adi-Mundi and his wife

In listing Jedi of varying degrees of eccentricity, it would be a mistake not to mention Thrace Cho Lim. This diminutive woman was a contemporary of Mace Windu and one of his few close friends. Their friendship was not hindered even by Thrace's unorthodox views, her fashionable dressing style and complete disregard for the strict orders of the order. Thrace was known for her amazing abilities to heal with the help of the Force, she was a good diplomat and an inquisitive researcher.

Tracia took only girls as students, which is why she expectedly provoked the appearance of vulgar rumors and unpleasant mutterings behind her back. She could teach several students at the same time. Her favorite student was Vergere, another very outlandish madam. Although this is not surprising: the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Thrace also had other quirks. For example, she openly violated the trademark Jedi vow of celibacy. The Jedi have had sexual intercourse numerous times while on missions in various parts of the galaxy. The number of those who shared a bed with her is incalculable. The result of "Jedi friendly sex" was the birth of several sons and daughters. But that's not all, Tracia got married several times.

The Jedi in general, and the council in particular, looked sideways and bewildered at the whole affair, grumbling angrily, but doing nothing. Fortunately for them, the loving healer rarely visited the capital, preferring to seek adventure in her soft spot far beyond Coruscant. This circumstance could not but please the Council of the Order. As you know, a bad example is contagious. The further Thrace was from the temple, the less influence she had on the fledgling Padawan minds.

In 29 BBY, her adored student went missing. Even Obi-Wan and Anakin, known lovers of sticking their noses into all unlocked cracks, failed to find Vergere. When both returned to Coruscant and revealed that Vergere had been kidnapped by an unknown race, Thrace packed her things and quietly left without explanation. History is silent on how the Council of the Order reacted to this. But, probably, their collective opinion sounded like this: "What a pity that she finally left." Nobody saw her again.

Thrace Cho Lim

It would be a mistake not to mention another loving character. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes, yes, this great Jedi in his youth did not miss a single skirt. However, I exaggerate a little.

Obi-Wan's first love, as a Padawan, was a red-haired girl named Serasi, whom he met while on a mission to Melida Daan. The love interest in the girl was one of the reasons that prompted Obi-Wan to temporarily leave the order and even draw a sword against his teacher. Alas, their relationship did not last long. Serasi died in 44 BBY.

Then there was the blonde Siri Tachi. Although their romantic relationship never went far, it left an indelible mark on Obi-Wan's soul. Only order rules prevented their relationship from developing into something more.

Next in line was another blonde, the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze. But this time it didn't work out either. Although during the Clone Wars, relations with Satine still benefited the order in general and Obi-Wan in particular when it came to Mandalore's non-intervention in the Clone Wars. Particularly undesirable then was the accession of the entire Mandalorian people to the CIS.

Siri Tachi

Sometimes celibacy led to sad consequences. In addition to the well-known Anakin-Padme couple, there were several other cases when the prohibition of love relationships backfired on the order in the most unpleasant way.

One of the most interesting examples was the fate of Padawan Raik Muun. In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, this girl studied at the Jedi Order Academy in Almas. For the time being, her fate was cloudless - a good potential in the Force, a diligent attitude to study, excellent lightsaber skills ... But, alas, order taboos and feelings for another student of the academy stood in the way of her becoming a Jedi Knight. One day she fell in love with a young Zabrak named Nek Lausirk. But Nek, relying on the rules of the order, decisively rejected all her claims. Nek told his teacher about what had happened, and as if a broken heart was not enough, Raik was kicked out of the order in disgrace.

Raik Muun, angry at the whole world and wanting revenge on the Jedi, soon turned to the "dark side". Although the target of her retribution was not Nek, for whom she probably still had warm feelings, but Master Kirlokk, the head of the academy. It was this Wookiee who made the final decision about her exile. The opportunity presented itself during a peace conference held on a luxury liner hovering in orbit around the planet Rennock. Ryke launched T'salak onto the ship, which she managed to find on Cularin and force them to bend to her will. The creatures killed Kirlokka and badly wounded several knights.

Talent and perseverance allowed Raik to complete his training on his own, becoming a powerful force user, although he did not really know how to control his gift. When Raik heard that the Jedi had been outlawed and the Purge had begun, she hurried to Coruscant to get her revenge on her offenders before others did. But instead of the long-awaited battle with the Jedi, Raik faced Valin Draiko. He, too, was once a Jedi, was also offended by the Order, and also wanted revenge. But unlike the girl, Valin served the Empire, being one of its inquisitors.

Raik was enrolled in the Inquisition, becoming Draco's apprentice. The couple turned out perfect. Raik was very talented, but unrestrained, insecure and poorly in control of her gift. Draco, on the other hand, was a skilled and determined warrior, with a consistent approach to solving any problem. He sometimes lacked the emotionality inherent in Raik. Thus, the advantages of one compensated for the disadvantages of the other. Ex-Jedi-turned-pair of Inquisitors, Valin and Raik faithfully served the Galactic Empire, hunting down fugitive Jedi across the galaxy.

Remember! Don't break a girl's heart. This could end badly.

Callista Ming

However, it is worth noting that among the Jedi of this period there was a group of those who strongly rejected the restrictions of the order, following the ancient Jedi traditions. These members of the order were called the Altisian Jedi, after their leader, the Jedi Master Jinn Altis. Master Altis said that the Jedi Order was now more like a corporation than a spiritual association. Solid rules, taboos, rigid hierarchy, infrastructure, commissions... The rest of the Jedi looked at the Altisians the same way they looked at the Old Believers in our history. It seems to be the Jedi, but it seems to be some kind of near-Jedi sect. The council of the order had not really decided what to do with the Altisians.

Followers of the Altisian offshoot of the Jedi Order ignored many of the order's prohibitions that limited the personal freedom of the Jedi, including the training of Padawans in a teacher-student bond (instead, one teacher could have several students) and, of course, love and family. The most famous (to us) love couple among the Altisian Jedi were the Knights Callista Ming and Gate Eris.

Luke and Mary's wedding

With the demise of the Jedi Order during Order 66, all existing rules and taboos perished. Jedi survivors of the Purge were not prevented from marrying. However, they practically did not use the sexual freedom that had fallen on them.

In creating the New Jedi Order (NOD), Luke Skywalker did not fetter his followers with the unreasonable restrictions of the old order. "Militant virgins" with the light side of the Force on their whole heads are finally a thing of the past. Their place was taken by the younger generation, who were not afraid to experiment in everything from the methods of using the Force to marriage.

Many NOD Jedi, even before the start of the Vong invasion, had families and children. Luke was one of them. Although it is worth noting that Luke often doubted the correctness of the relationship with Mara. At times, Luke felt that marriage might lead him to the dark side. Luke's moral anguish on this score can be read in the novel "Survivor's Quest" (in Russian translation "The Way of the Survivor").

Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider

According to the author of this article, the ban on the establishment of relations between members of the order that go beyond friendly and strict celibacy was the greatest mistake of the Jedi. After all, in addition to mental and physical rest, which prevented the appearance of bad (and dark) thoughts, celibacy led to the removal of gifted people and non-humans from the gene pool of society and thus weakened future generations of force-users. After all, it is known that as a result of the connection between a force user and a non-force user, children were born much more often with the gift of the Force than without it.

Although at the same time it is worth recognizing that in some ways the Jedi were still right. It remains to be seen what would have happened to Revan's mind had he continued to cohabit with Bastila. It is quite possible that Bastila, as befits a typical wife, would thoroughly “rape” his brain and domestic problems returned the poor fellow to the "dark side".

Force (eng. The Force) in the universe Star Wars an energy field created by all living beings that surrounds and penetrates all living things and unites the Galaxy. It is believed that the Force is due to the presence of symbiotic cells in the cells ... ... Wikipedia

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Cover of the fourth volume of the saga. Artist Michael Wellan Memory, Sorrow and Thorn (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn) a series of books by science fiction writer Ted Williams in the genre ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Strength (meanings). The Force, The Force, is the most important concept in the Star Wars fantasy universe. In the film, the Force is described by Obi Wan Kenobi as: "an energy field ... Wikipedia

Star Wars character Darth Bane Activity Dark Lord Sith Home planet Apatros Race Human Gender male Height 2 meters Weapon Lightsaber (red), with a curved hilt Belonging to the Sith, Dark ... Wikipedia

Developer Pandemic Studios Savage Entertainment (PSP port) ... Wikipedia

Star Wars character Darth Rev ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see slasher. Slasher (English Slasher from English Slash to chop, cut) or Chopper (English Chopper, literally a chopper, from English Chop to chop) is a special kind of ... ... Wikipedia


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  • Essay on the road from Sitka to St. Petersburg, F. P. Wrangel. Essay on the way from Sitka to St. Petersburg. The composition of F. Wrangel. St. Petersburg, printing house N. Grech, 1836 The book is a reprint edition of 1836 (publishing house "type. N. ...

Midi-chlorians- Force (eng. The Force) in the Star Wars universe, an energy field created by all living beings that surrounds and penetrates all living things and unites the Galaxy. It is believed that the Force is due to the presence of symbiotic cells in the cells ... ... Wikipedia

List of races and creatures in Star Wars- This article has no illustrations. You can help the project by adding them (subject to the image guidelines). To search for illustrations, you can: try using the tool ... Wikipedia

Memory, Sorrow and Turn- Cover of the fourth volume of the saga. Artist Michael Wellan Memory, Sorrow and Thorn (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn) a series of books by science fiction writer Ted Williams in the genre ... Wikipedia

The Force (Star Wars)- This term has other meanings, see Strength (meanings). The Force, The Force, is the most important concept in the Star Wars fantasy universe. In the film, the Force is described by Obi Wan Kenobi as: "an energy field ... Wikipedia

Darth Bane- Star Wars character Darth Bane Activity Dark Lord Sith Home planet Apatros Race Human Gender male Height 2 meters Weapon Lightsaber (red), with a curved handle Belonging to the Sith, Dark ... Wikipedia

Star Wars: Battlefront II- Developer Pandemic Studios Savage Entertainment (PSP port) ... Wikipedia

Revan- Star Wars character Darth Rev ... Wikipedia

Slasher (computer game genre)- This term has other meanings, see slasher. Slasher (English Slasher from English Slash to chop, cut) or Chopper (English Chopper, literally a chopper, from English Chop to chop) is a special kind of ... ... Wikipedia


  • , F. P. Wrangel. Essay on the way from Sitka to St. Petersburg. The composition of F. Wrangel. St. Petersburg, printing house N. Grech, 1836 The book is a reprint edition of 1836 (publishing house `type. N. ... Buy for 1325 UAH (only Ukraine)
  • Essay on the road from Sitka to St. Petersburg, F. P. Wrangel. Essay on the way from Sitka to St. Petersburg. The composition of F. Wrangel. St. Petersburg, printing house N. Grech, 1836 The book is a reprint edition of 1836 (publishing house "type. N. ...