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Forms and types of labor. Types of division of labor. Individual form of labor organization Individual form of labor organization

In the economic literature, when considering such an issue as forms of labor organization, a classical classification is proposed: division into individual and collective forms.

Collective forms of labor organization are the most widespread, since they are most often brought to any unit, and based on the results of the implementation of this plan, wages are calculated for the entire unit, with subsequent distribution among individual workers. Depending on the place occupied in the hierarchy of the organization, the collective forms of labor organization, in turn, are divided into group, individual, sectoral, shop, etc.

Depending on the method of division, divisions are distinguished with a complete division of labor (performing only their duties on their own with partial interchangeability (possession of several specialties and performing the function of combining), with complete interchangeability (any employee of the unit can at any time replace any other employee of this unit).

Also, units can be with full self-government, when, after setting the task, the unit solves it on its own, mobilizing exactly the resources that are needed to achieve the goals. Partial self-government implies the delegation of part of the functions and the centralization of the other part. If all functions are centralized, we are talking about a collective form without self-government.

According to the methods of payment, such forms of labor organization are distinguished as: the form of individual remuneration, payment according to the tariff system, payment according to the tariff system using coefficients, tariff-free wages, commission wages. If we consider the forms of labor organization for interaction with the management of the organization, then we can distinguish forms based on direct subordination, operating on the basis of a lease, contract or contract.

Using various forms, you need to ensure that this increases the efficiency of work and the attractiveness of labor in the enterprise. For example, it is not recommended to combine such labor operations that differ greatly in the qualifications of the worker's labor used (for example, auxiliary work and highly skilled labor).

In order for the selected combination program to be successful, it is necessary to develop a map of the organization of labor at a particular enterprise. The combination of different professions and the replacement of an absent worker are progressive forms of labor organization. Under the combination is meant the performance of their job duties plus additional work in another specialty. The expansion of the service area is an increase in the volume of work in the main specialty of the employee. Replacing an absent employee is the performance of additional duties of this employee during vacation, illness, business trips, etc.

Such forms are aimed at reducing the number of working personnel, reducing the cost of paying wages, and growth without making additional investments. These forms of labor organization can be used only with the written consent of the employee and should not lead to a deterioration in the quality of products. The employee must have unused time during the working day when he has the opportunity to perform additional work.

Care must be taken to ensure that the worker is not overworked and is able to perform quality alignment work during his working day. Otherwise, the combination may lead to poor performance.

. Forms of labor organization- these are its varieties, which differ in the peculiarities of solving issues in certain areas of labor organization. They are determined by the relevant system-educational features and criteria

According to the method of setting planned targets and accounting for the work performed, the forms of labor organization are:

Individual - involves a personalized approach to the distribution of production tasks, accounting for work performed, payroll at the enterprise;

Collective - characterizes a collective approach to the organization of the production process

At the same time, collective forms of labor organization are divided according to various criteria.

Depending on the method of division and cooperation of labor in the collective form of labor organization, the following production units are distinguished:

With a complete division of labor - involves employment in accordance with the educational and qualification level of workers in one workplace;

With partial interchangeability - provides for the combination of work performed;

With full interchangeability - provides for the possibility of using labor at any workplace of the unit, as well as the exchange of jobs in accordance with the developed scheme

Depending on the method of management in the collective form of labor organization, the following divisions are distinguished:

With full self-government - subject to the definition of a subdivision of the production assignment, and the solution of other issues on the organization of production and labor is carried out by the subdivision team;

With partial self-government - part of the management functions is centralized, and the other is delegated to the team of the unit;

Without self-management - centralization of all department management functions

According to the method of formation of funds for the implementation of production activities, the following are used:

Individual labor activity;

Contracting and rental teams;


Small and joint ventures

According to the methods of payment and material incentives, labor organizations are distinguished:

With individual wages;

With collective wages based on the tariff system;

With collective wages based on the tariff system and the use of various coefficients for the distribution of earnings (KTU - labor participation coefficient; KTV - labor contribution coefficient, etc.);

With tariff-free wages;

With commission pay

According to the method of interaction with top management, there are forms of labor organization based on:

direct subordination;

contract agreement;

lease agreement;


In the process of joint work, as a rule, there are various types of activities, works or operations that complement each other, i.e. one or a group of workers perform a certain part of the total amount of work i.e.

Division of labor

The division of labor must be considered as a specialization of labor activity, which leads to the coexistence of its various types.

. Division of labor- this is the process of separation of various types of activities, specialization of workers, in which individual workers perform different jobs or operations, complement each other

In the theory of scientific research, a social and technical division of labor is distinguished.

. Social division of labor- this is the differentiation of social functions that perform certain groups of people, and the allocation of various spheres of society, which, in turn, are divided into smaller sectors and sub-sectors. The social division of labor and the specialization of production are the basis for the formation and development of commodity, including market relations.

. Technical division of labor- this is the differentiation of types of labor activity between departments and employees of the enterprise, the division of the labor process into a number of partial functions and operations, the specialization of workers in the process of economic activity.

There are the following main types of division of labor within the enterprise:






Technological division of labor provides for the division of the production process into types, phases and cycles

operational division of labor means assigning individual operations to employees to shorten the production cycle

The functional division of labor occurs between the various categories of workers that make up the staff (workers, managers, specialists and employees), as well as between the main and auxiliary wage earners.

The main workers participate in changing the shape and condition of the objects of labor and perform technological operations for the manufacture of the main products

Auxiliary workers create the necessary conditions for the smooth and efficient operation of the main workers

The professional division of labor occurs between groups of workers on the basis of the technological homogeneity of the work they perform and depends on the tools and objects of labor, production technology

The qualification division of labor is due to varying degrees of complexity of the work performed and consists in separating complex work from simple ones. Time takes into account the technological complexity of manufacturing products, the complexity of the functions of preparing and implementing labor processes, as well as product quality control.

The division of labor is inextricably linked with its cooperation, which means the achievement of rational proportions in the costs of various types of labor and provides for the introduction of rational social labor mutual relations between the participants in the labor process, the harmonization of the interests of people and the goals of production.

. labor cooperation- this is an organized production interaction between individual workers, teams of brigades, sections, shops, services in the labor process, aimed at achieving a certain production effect. The effectiveness of its cooperation lies in ensuring the most rational use of labor and means of work.

There are the following interrelated forms of labor cooperation:

Within society, when the exchange of activity and the product of labor is carried out between types of economic activity;

Within the type of activity that provides for the exchange of products of labor or the joint participation of a number of enterprises in the production of certain products;

Within the enterprise, when the exchange is carried out between workshops, sections, individual performers, depending on specific production conditions (type of production, features of equipment and technology, etc.)

Of the collective forms of labor cooperation, the leading place is occupied by group forms, in particular, production teams.

common is the brigade (collective) form of labor organization with its varieties

A brigade is an organizational, technological and socio-economic association of workers of the same or different professions on the basis of appropriate industries, equipment, tools, tooling, raw materials and materials, to fulfill a production task for the production of high-quality products of a certain amount with the lowest material and labor costs based on collective material interest and responsibility.

The creation of teams contributes to a more complete use of working time, a reduction in the number of workers, and, consequently, a decrease in the labor intensity of products, efficient loading of equipment and maintenance of it.

In practice, two types of teams are used:

Specialized - created from workers of the same profession;

Complex - provide for the involvement of workers of different specializations

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1. Theoretical part

1.4 Types of teams




In market conditions, the requirements for the level of organization and labor rationing are significantly increased. When profit becomes the main generalizing indicator of the performance of an enterprise, the importance of all types of norms and standards, primarily labor, increases.

The rationing of labor and its organization play a decisive role in raising labor productivity, the most important factor in reducing the cost of production and increasing the mass of profits.

In conditions of fierce competition, the enterprise wins, where the organization of labor and production reaches a higher level.

Progressive is considered such a form of labor organization that is able to maintain high rates of socio-economic development of the team, ensure the acceleration of innovation processes, optimal coordination of the interests of the individual and the team.

In this course work, the authors will consider the collective form of labor organization. The collective organization of labor meets many modern market requirements, promotes the development of democratic management methods at the enterprise, and the solution of a complex of economic and social problems in labor collectives.

It creates organizational opportunities for increasing the content and productivity of labor, the full and effective use of limited economic resources, improving product quality and ensuring its competitiveness in the domestic and world markets.

The purpose of this work is to consider the collective form of labor organization, get acquainted with its practical application. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were implemented:

To identify the features and prerequisites for the use of the collective form of labor organization;

Get acquainted with the brigade form of labor organization and the principles of its formation;

Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the collective organization of labor;

Consider the use of a collective form of labor organization on the example of an enterprise.

The object is a collective form of labor organization.

The subject is the prerequisites and principles for the use of a collective form of labor organization.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 The concept of a collective form of labor organization

Forms of labor organization - these are its varieties, which differ from each other in the features of resolving issues on individual elements of labor organization. Forms are determined by formative features, there are several such features.

According to the methods of setting plan targets and accounting for the work performed, individual and collective (joint) forms of labor organization are distinguished. An individual is called such a form of labor organization, when the production task, accounting for the work performed and payroll at the enterprise are carried out for each employee personally.

Collective (joint) is a form of labor organization in which the production task is set as a whole for any division of the enterprise, accounting for the work performed is carried out according to the final results of the work of employees of this division, wages are also initially accrued to the entire division, and only then it is divided between workers .

Collective forms of labor organization, in turn, also have varieties:

1. Depending on the place of the subdivision in the management hierarchy at the enterprise, collective forms of labor organization can be link, brigade, precinct, etc. (by types of subdivisions);

2. According to the level of specialization, specialized and complex units are distinguished. The former unite workers of the same profession, the latter - workers of different professions;

3. Depending on the method of division and cooperation of labor in complex subdivisions, subdivisions are distinguished: with a complete division of labor, when each employee is only engaged in performing work strictly in his specialty and at one workplace;

Partial interchangeability, when employees have two or more professions (specialties) and can perform work not only in their main profession (specialty), but also in a combined or combined one;

Complete interchangeability, when each employee of a unit (link, group, team, etc.) can work at any workplace in this unit, and also change jobs according to a pre-designed scheme with other employees of the unit;

4. According to the methods of planning and accounting for the costs of performing work, subdivisions can be self-supporting, with elements of self-supporting and without self-supporting. Self-supporting units are called such units that keep records of the costs of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, energy, labor in the fulfillment of planned targets;

5. Depending on the method of management, divisions are distinguished:

With full self-government, when a production task is set for a subdivision, and all other issues of organizing production, labor and management are decided by the primary team itself, for example, the foreman and the brigade council;

With partial self-government, when part of the management functions is centralized, and the other part is delegated to a subdivision;

Without self-management, with the management of the unit centralized.

All these and other forms of labor organization and their varieties are interconnected in various combinations, for example, a brigade form of labor organization with complete interchangeability of workers and with the distribution of collective earnings using the labor participation coefficient (LTU), etc.

One of the most common forms of labor organization is the brigade with its varieties. Complex units (brigades) with full interchangeability have the greatest opportunities for solving economic and social problems.

In such subdivisions, it is possible to organize work with a change of labor, i.e., with the alternation of work in different professions, or with the performance of work sequentially at different workplaces, each of which has its own set of production operations. This measure is especially effective in jobs with great monotony of work.

In the transition from individual forms of labor organization to collective ones, a direct connection between isolated individual workers is formed on the basis of the union of primary labor collectives of a new type.

The result of such an association is a radical change in the content and organization of labor.

Collective labor, with its proper organization, contributes to the most complete use of equipment, material and labor resources, and an increase in the quality of products.

Noting the advantages of the collective organization of labor, K. Marx wrote that the number of workers united in collectives "... is always less than the number of those workers who, working alone, would have done the same work during the same time."

The expansion of the scope of collective labor is influenced not only by scientific and technological progress, but also by the objective requirements for creating a collective interest in improving the final results of production. In all links of production (regardless of the degree of mechanization), where a large number of workers are involved in the manufacture of the same product, it is practically advisable to organize labor and stimulate it on a collective basis. Under these conditions, the evaluation of the results of the work of individual workers becomes either insufficient or simply impossible. Collective forms of labor organization have the potential to be effective, but this does not mean that any transition from individual to collective labor organization necessarily guarantees an effect.

1.2 Features and prerequisites for the use of the collective form of labor organization

The need to use collective forms of labor organization is dictated by the following reasons:





The association of people into groups was predetermined by the technical features of the performance of certain types of work.

So, if it was impossible to lift a heavy load by one person, a group of workers took on this work, if it was impossible or inappropriate to schedule the work for each individual worker for the installation of a construction object, then an assembly team was created that decided on the spot what to do and to whom, etc. d.

Thus, in production and in other activities, there have been and continue to exist some technological features that predetermine the need for collective forms of labor organization. The main technological and organizational conditions for the introduction of the collective organization of labor include the following:

Performing a complex task, each part of which cannot be accurately distributed among individual workers;

The volume and front of homogeneous work is such that the production task cannot be completed within the prescribed time by one worker;

The need to ensure collective responsibility for achieving high performance indicators;

The need for coordinated work when servicing large and complex units (such as an open-hearth furnace, an oil processing plant, etc.);

The need for joint work of performers with different professions, etc.

At present, i.e., in the context of the transition to market relations, the technological prerequisites for the transition to a collective organization and wages are supplemented by the need to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, which, in turn, can only be ensured by joint efforts and the focus of all employees of the enterprise on achieving clearly defined concrete results. In addition to technical and organizational, the need to use collective labor processes is also dictated by economic reasons. Thus, under certain conditions, the use of a collective form of labor organization leads to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of production, an improvement in the quality of work performed, an economical use of material resources, a more complete and efficient use of equipment, working time, etc.

There are also social prerequisites for the spread of the collective form of labor organization.

The team (section) is the primary link in production management, in which such human properties as collectivism, mutual responsibility, mutual assistance, mutual control, and creative activity are most fully manifested. The expediency of collective work is also determined by psychophysiological factors.

Crews create conditions that make it possible to reduce the monotony of labor by periodically moving workers from one workplace to another, performing various technological operations, and combining various functions. The collective form of labor organization is characterized by the unification of workers for planned and joint participation in one or different, but interconnected labor processes. The historical experience of the development of labor organization shows that the more the labor process is differentiated by types and performers, the more it needs cooperation to fulfill the common task of any technological or production process aimed at manufacturing goods or providing services. Divided labor presupposes the specialization of individual performers to perform a certain part of joint work, which cannot be carried out without a clear coordination of actions of individual workers or groups, that is, without labor cooperation. Thus, collective labor can be considered a general form of labor organization aimed at increasing its productivity.

1.3 Brigade: principles and conditions of formation

The closest cooperation of the members of the labor collective is achieved with the brigade form of labor organization.

The production team is a primary labor collective of workers of the same or different professions, specialties, qualifications, jointly performing a single production task and united by a common economic assessment of labor results.

The objective prerequisite for such an association is the organizational and technical conditions of production, i.e., such conditions when, outside the brigade form, the conduct of the production process is either impossible or inefficient. To fulfill the plan, the brigade creates the necessary organizational and technical conditions.

The production area and equipment are assigned to it, the team is provided with technical documentation, tools, raw materials and semi-finished products. However, the technical conditions of production do not determine the unambiguous choice of the organizational form of labor. For certain types of work, under the same technical conditions, it is possible to use both brigade and individual forms. Under these conditions, it must be borne in mind that the brigade form creates economic prerequisites for highly productive labor on the basis of intra-brigade cooperation of labor, which leads to a reduction in losses of working time and an increase in the time the equipment is used.

Brigades are organized primarily for:

Maintenance of large and complex production units (powerful presses, rotary lathes, melting furnaces, when the labor of two or more workers is required);

Performing certain work in strictly limited terms, which one worker cannot withstand with a given amount of work;

Fulfillment of a production task that cannot be divided into parts for execution by individual workers (for example, assembly, adjustment and testing of complex units);

Organization of a clear and well-coordinated work of the main and auxiliary workers, if the productivity of the main workers largely depends on the work of the auxiliary ones (for example, crane operators and molders in foundries);

Workers who do not have a permanent place of work or clearly defined duties (for example, when performing loading and unloading operations);

Joint labor of a group of workers with elements of interchangeability and combination of professions, since it becomes difficult to identify the individual output of each, and consolidation of operations is undesirable due to the unequal workload of workers;

Production lines, assembly lines when there is no production need to create backlogs at individual workplaces, although they are possible due to different performance of performers, and only an increase in output from the final operation is required;

Maintenance of equipment when the processing cycle exceeds the duration of one shift (machining on large and unique metal-cutting equipment, forging and stamping work with a long heating time of workpieces, etc.);

Servicing multi-machine complexes for machining, when the transfer of a shift on the go significantly increases labor productivity and equipment utilization (teams of milling machines, boring workers, teams of workers servicing the complex of gear-cutting equipment).

The main tasks performed by the production team:

1. fulfillment of production tasks in a timely manner;

2. production of high quality products;

3. systematic increase in labor productivity;

4. reducing the labor intensity of manufactured products.

The main prerequisites for the organization of team work are the need for collective simultaneous efforts of workers to ensure the normal implementation of technological processes and to obtain an additional effect compared to the individual organization of labor. If the first condition is largely predetermined by the technical and technological features of production processes, then the second relates to the sphere of socio-economic and organizational aspects of labor.

Production and socio-economic features of production determine the need and possibility of creating teams of various types.

It is advisable to create a brigade division of labor in the following cases: when servicing large and complex production units;

On production lines to maintain the rhythm of work (team on assembly lines);

Performing complex work that cannot be taken into account separately (sub-assembly and general installation of the product in the absence of a cooperative assembly process).

The principle of coordinated joint efforts in teams ensures a close and constant relationship between workers, synchronization in time and space of their labor actions, and the performance of various labor functions. This principle makes it possible to create more favorable working conditions for the members of the brigade and increase its efficiency. The coherence of the labor process in space determines the nature of the location of individual workplaces, their certain connection with each other within the framework of a collective workplace.

When deciding on the organization of teams, it should be borne in mind that they are most effective in cases of:

1. if a certain completed part of the technological process cannot be performed by one performer and requires the parallel work of a group of workers;

2. if a group of jobs is connected by a common rhythm of work (for example, on production lines and assembly lines);

3. when servicing large units and automatic lines, flexible production systems (FPS);

4. when performing repair and installation work that requires the simultaneous participation of several performers.

The introduction of a brigade form of labor organization requires a preliminary thorough study of the working conditions and the nature of industrial relations. At the same time, the formation and functioning of teams should be based on the following principles:

Technological or subject-closed specialization of the brigade with assigned operations, nomenclature of parts and assemblies;

Assignment to the brigade of a certain production area, equipment, etc.;

Bringing to the brigade a production task that reflects the final results of collective work, which is oriented towards economic indicators and the system for organizing remuneration and labor incentives.

These principles can be best implemented if, when organizing brigades, an organizational project is developed that addresses the issues of regulating labor and its payment, optimizing the number, planning, accounting and cost accounting.

1.4 Types of teams

The production team - the primary link of the labor collective of the enterprise - unites workers for the joint and most effective implementation of the production (technological) process or task on the basis of comradely mutual assistance, common interest and responsibility for the results of work. Production and socio-economic features of production determine the need and possibility of creating teams of various types. The classification of types of teams is based on organizational, technical, technological and economic features. The group of organizational characteristics is the most numerous and representative, and the effectiveness of the functioning of brigades depends on their correct accounting.

On an organizational basis, brigades are distinguished:

a) depending on the forms of division and cooperation of labor:

Professional - specialized and complex teams;

Functional - engineers and workers, only main and auxiliary workers, only main workers, only auxiliary workers;

Qualification - workers of the same qualification, workers of different qualifications;

b) according to the degree of division and cooperation of labor - with a complete division of labor, partial division of labor, complete interchangeability of workers;

c) numerical composition - small (up to five people), medium number (6-20 people), enlarged (from 20 to 50 people);

d) the mode of work in time - shift (all members of the team work in one shift), end-to-end (members of the team work in two or more shifts).

On a technological basis, brigades are distinguished:

a) depending on the nature of the serviced processes - servicing machine, hardware (machine-hardware), assembly processes;

b) according to the degree of continuity of the serviced technological and labor processes - servicing continuous, discontinuous (periodic or cyclic) processes;

c) technological division and cooperation of labor - performing a separate operation, a set of operations, a separate stage, redistribution, several stages, redistributions, a complete cycle of manufacturing products (a single or cross-cutting brigade in the technological process);

d) the duration of the technological cycle of the work performed - with a cycle duration greater than the shift duration, less than the shift duration, a multiple of the shift duration, a non-multiple shift duration.

On a technical basis, brigades are distinguished:

a) by the type of brigade equipment serviced - serving the same type, specialized or universal equipment, equipment of different types;

b) the degree of mechanization and automation of work - performing work only manually, performing work partially manually, partially with the help of machines and mechanisms (machine-manual);

c) maintenance of equipment - carrying out maintenance only mechanized, partially mechanized, partially automated, complex-mechanized, automated, complex-automated.

On an economic basis, there are brigades that are fully or partially self-supporting, depending on the authority and responsibility of the brigades, the choice of forms of ownership, the method of accrual of earnings, etc.

The listed organizational, technological, technical and economic features are of great importance in the formation of brigades, influencing their type, composition, structure.

The professional composition of workers, determined by the nature (degree of technological homogeneity) of the production process, involves the division of teams into specialized and complex.

Specialized teams are organized from workers of the same profession or specialty to perform homogeneous technological operations, most often for metalwork and assembly, installation, adjustment, loading and unloading operations.

Their advantage in comparison with the individual organization of labor is that in these collectives intra-shift losses of working time are reduced through a more organized supply of tools, devices, an organic combination of highly skilled workers with lower-skilled workers, the exchange of experience and the strengthening of labor discipline.

Complex teams are organized from workers of various professions and specialties to perform a complex of technologically heterogeneous, but interconnected works. The advantage of such brigades is the possibility of optimal cooperation between the labor of the main and auxiliary workers, the application of the principle of combining professions and specialties, flexibility in resolving issues of the placement of workers.

The degree of division of labor, the volume of work combined in other professions and specialties make it possible to distinguish teams:

With a complete division of labor, where each worker performs only his own operation;

With a partial division of labor, where individual workers periodically perform work that does not correspond to their main specialty;

With full interchangeability, where each member of the team masters the operations that are part of the production process assigned to the team.

Both in the complex and in the specialized brigades, one or another degree of division of labor may be present.

A complete division of labor, without combining professions or performing any auxiliary work by the workers, leads to the acquisition of high professional skills by the workers and an increase in labor productivity (up to certain limits). Typical is the division of labor in mass production based on the synchronization of production and automatic lines with a regulated cycle.

The advantages of a complete division of labor should be considered wages according to the final result and a high level of mechanization. However, this form of organization also leads to negative consequences: a decrease in the content of labor, its monotony, limited opportunities to improve skills and, as a result, to staff turnover.

Therefore, it is more efficient to organize labor with partial division, the development of related operations, occasional combination of professions, and the performance of a number of auxiliary works.

Full interchangeability of workers in brigades is ensured in the conditions of specialized brigades, but it is much more difficult in complex brigades. By shift work, shift and through teams are distinguished. Shift teams work in one shift and do not transfer their tasks to other shifts. This form of labor organization is ineffective, although it facilitates production accounting and operational production planning. Through brigades are formed from workers employed in several shifts. They provide a reduction in time between shift breaks, changeover of equipment, preparation of work for the shift. Therefore, cross-cutting teams, despite the complexity of evaluating the results of shift work, are much more effective than shift teams. Determining the number of workers in a team is a complex production, technological and socio-economic task. In the recommendations, for example, for mechanical engineering and metalworking, a large team is considered to be more than 10 people, where there may be links (at least 5 people) headed by a link (senior worker). Practice shows that teams can be small (3-5 people), medium (6-9 people), large (20 people or more).

At some machine-building enterprises there is a tendency to enlarge teams up to 50-70 people.

This is due to the desire to focus on the final results, to ensure the unity of the production structure and forms of labor organization, to reduce whole- and intra-shift losses, and defects.

However, the management of such a team becomes more difficult and the level of direct contacts in labor decreases, and, consequently, the cohesion and synergistic effect decrease (an additional effect resulting from the interaction of the system elements).

This contradiction can be resolved in two ways: by creating brigade-production complexes, i.e., by combining teams of different shops engaged in the production of one type of product (truly cross-cutting), by calculating some optimal number of workers in a brigade. The size of the brigade should be determined not only taking into account the organizational and economic conditions of production, but also socio-psychological requirements.

Approximate limits of the number of the production team:

The lower limit is 10 people;

Upper - 30.

All these conditions and features must be taken into account in research.

1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of the collective form of labor organization, its effectiveness

Under certain conditions, the use of a collective form of labor organization leads to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of production, an improvement in the quality of work performed, an economical use of material resources, a more complete and efficient use of equipment, working time, etc.

Its advantage in comparison with the individual labor organization is that in these teams intra-shift losses of working time are reduced through a more organized supply of tools, devices, an organic combination of highly skilled workers with lower-skilled workers, the exchange of experience and the strengthening of labor discipline.

Another advantage of the collective form of labor organization is the possibility of optimal cooperation between the labor of main and auxiliary workers, the application of the principle of combining professions and specialties, and flexibility in resolving issues of the placement of workers.

The social advantages of the collective form of labor organization are: the possibility of creating more favorable working conditions, reducing the monotony of labor, increasing its content, diversity, ensuring a change in labor, expanding the professional profile of workers and improving their skills, strengthening the interest and responsibility of each member of the team for the final results of labor , development of self-management and self-organization, etc. Among the shortcomings of the collective form of labor organization, one can single out the fact that it is not always possible to staff the team in strict accordance with the volume of work in individual specialties, since they change significantly over time.

Complete interchangeability between team members is achieved when each team member masters all the operations included in this technological process.

However, it is very difficult to achieve full correspondence between the qualifications of workers and the qualification level of work, so individual workers perform work that does not correspond to their qualifications. The effectiveness of such a collective form of labor organization, as is known, is characterized mainly by an increase in productivity due to an improvement in the placement of personnel in workplaces and shifts, a reduction in lost working time, an increase in the content of work, an improvement in its planning and other production reserves.

The conditions for the effectiveness of collective forms of organization and stimulation of labor are:

Firstly, the introduction of any organizational innovation in the enterprise must be preceded by an economic and social justification of its necessity. It is necessary to understand well the features of various forms of labor organization, to calculate the options for possible solutions, the expected costs and the effect of using the innovation. If the case is completely new and there is no experience of its use, one should first conduct an experimental test of the new idea in one of the departments, analyze the results, and only then, if the economic and social feasibility of using this idea is confirmed, should it be accepted for its wide implementation;

Secondly, after substantiating the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing an organizational innovation, it is necessary to design it - the development of an organizational project in which all issues related to the use of new forms of labor organization should be worked out;

Thirdly, in the work to improve the organization of labor, one should rely widely on the participation of personnel, holding competitions among them to solve various organizational issues, morally and materially encouraging the creative initiative of workers.

2. Practical application of the collective form of labor organization

2.1 The use of a collective form of labor organization on the example of AvtoVAZ

The Volga Automobile Plant produces 2/3 of all passenger cars in the country and is the main supplier of this equipment for export, including to capitalist countries with a traditionally developed automotive industry. Today, AvtoVAZ is the largest plant in Europe, with a production capacity of up to 800,000 cars a year and 67,000 jobs. The area occupied by the plant is more than 600 hectares, and the length of the main conveyor exceeds one and a half kilometers.

One of the objective prerequisites for the widespread use of brigade uniforms at VAZ was the deep operational division of labor characteristic of mass-flow production, in which most jobs in the main production units are links of conveyor production or automatic lines. The technological flow and the regulated rhythm of the conveyor, as the most effective form of organizing production at the present stage, require such an organization of workers' labor that ensures the given rhythm of the production process and, ultimately, the stable implementation of the daily program for the production of finished products.

The required result could be achieved only on the basis of the widespread use in all links of production of collective forms of organization and stimulation of labor.

Regardless of the nature of the work, all teams are organized according to the cross-cutting principle, in which one team includes workers from two, and, if necessary, three shifts.

The advantage of such an organization lies primarily in the creation of a collective interest in the implementation of the production program by the team as a whole. As a result, working time and equipment are better used, unproductive costs and losses are reduced, and the overall organization of work is increased.

Each worker is interested in transferring a shift on the go, i.e., in transferring his workplace in such a state that the shifter does not waste time preparing him for work.

Inside the production teams employed on the main technology, workers are not permanently assigned to jobs.

The brigade creates conditions for the development by each worker of related operations and professions and their periodic movement to different jobs, which ensures that the given rhythm of production is maintained, reduces the monotony of work on conveyor work, and allows for an equally intense and varied workload for each worker of the brigade.

Brigades engaged in non-core technology, for example, in transport and unloading operations, are assigned to strictly defined work areas and are responsible for the uninterrupted and high-quality supply of blanks, materials and components to production teams included in this work area.

Repair maintenance of technological equipment assigned to production sites is carried out by repair teams according to the types of repair. The number of workers in a brigade to perform a specific amount of work is determined without a planned coefficient of overfulfillment of production standards, since the labor organization system is built on technically sound standards, overfulfillment of which, when the brigade is fully staffed with workers, is impractical. When the norm is met, the daily production schedule is also ensured.

The performance of the standardized task takes into account the actual time spent only on the work provided for by the technology, which stimulates the reduction of working time losses. The main distinguishing feature of the brigade organization of labor at VAZ is the creation of such an environment at the enterprise, which ensures increased readiness of the entire system of organization and maintenance of jobs for a continuous production cycle.

For the first time at the Volga Automobile Plant, such new organizational principles of the brigade organization of personnel labor as the full coverage of the workers of the entire enterprise in collective forms, the end-to-end nature of staffing teams in shifts, the refusal to permanently assign workers within the brigade, stimulating the development of related professions and operations by all members of the brigade, interchangeability and alternation of personnel shifts, billing of workers taking into account the quality of work, payment for the output of each worker according to the final results of brigade work, the use of collective forms of incentives for workers for fulfilling, rather than overfulfilling, production tasks.

In addition, the centralization of functional services in the enterprise management apparatus made it possible to remove all auxiliary workers from the production workshops, which, in turn, were concentrated in large specialized workshops:


To ensure production;

Equipment repair;

Therefore, the workers of all shops, both main and auxiliary, are united in teams, taking into account the nature of the work performed.

Brigades in the main workshops include from 30 to 100 people, in auxiliary ones - up to 40 workers.

2.2 The use of specialized teams on the example of the Central Automobile Repair Plant, Voronezh

The enterprise "172 Central Automobile Repair Plant" JSC is engaged in the production, development, disposal and repair of automotive and special equipment, as well as metalworking using high-tech equipment available at the enterprise. The company replaces engines and installs diesel engines on GAZ and Ural trucks.

One of the divisions of the enterprise provides after-sales service for KamAZ vehicles.

The main advantages of the company is the availability of modern equipment and extensive experience in the repair of vehicles.

At the enterprise JSC "172 CARZ" for the repair and maintenance of cars, specialized teams are used.

The most important factors influencing the choice of method of organizing work are:

Scope of work, depending on the number, type and operating conditions of vehicles;

Stability of the volume of work by periods of the year;

The number of workers-repairmen of the vehicle fleet;

The level of cooperation for the implementation of these works in the central repair shop;

The scope of work performed at car service stations;

Availability and condition of the production and technical base.

But the main requirement for choosing a method of organizing labor is to ensure the improvement of the main indicators.

Such indicators for the maintenance and repair of vehicles are:

Reducing vehicle downtime during maintenance and repair;

Reduced maintenance and repair costs.

But these indicators depend on the quality of the work and the level of use of working time. So, improving the quality of work and improving the use of working time should also be taken into account when evaluating the method of organizing work.

To improve the main indicators, it is necessary to evaluate and stimulate the results of the work of workers according to these indicators. Therefore, the best method of organizing labor should be considered one in which the fulfillment of these basic indicators depends on the workers and can be assessed by objective values.

Depending on the form of organization of production for the maintenance of machines, repair and maintenance workers are combined, depending on the nature of the work, into groups, and teams are created.

Specialized teams are formed from workers of various professions, where each performs certain operations.

Each team specializes in one type of maintenance and repair, i.e., there is a division of labor and the productivity of robots increases. At "172 CARZ" create such specialized teams (groups of workers):

Daily maintenance team (only if there are more than 60 vehicles or at the service station);

Crew to perform the first maintenance;

Crew to perform the second maintenance;

A team for the production of current repairs in the positions of maintenance and repair of cars (in this case, the units removed from the car are usually repaired by a separate group of workers).

The composition of a specialized team may include workers of various specialties: a locksmith, a regulator, an electrician, a tire worker, a carpenter, and a greaser. In small fleets, all these works can be performed by one universal worker. If there is a sufficient amount of work, workers of specialized teams are assigned to certain maintenance work: fastening, adjusting, lubricating and cleaning, no electrical, bodywork, etc.

The size of the specialized team is established on the basis of the complexity of the work of the corresponding type of maintenance and repair. A specialized team is usually managed by a mechanic, foreman, or the most skilled worker. It should be borne in mind that the method of specialized teams has significant drawbacks. With such an organization of labor, responsibility for the quality of maintenance and repair is depersonalized, since one worker fixes and adjusts the unit, another lubricates it, a third one repairs it at the car maintenance and repair posts, and the fourth one repairs the unit removed from the car. In addition, when performing the first and second maintenance, such work can be performed by different workers, and therefore, in the event of a unit failure in operation, it is difficult to establish the cause and culprit of the marriage.

This method does not allow evaluating the results of the work of teams (groups) of workers according to the main indicators, that is, by the number of downtime and the cost of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

As you know, about the service stations of cars during maintenance usually comply with accepted standards, during the second maintenance, an increase in downtime is due to the performance of current repairs. So, in the brigades of the first and second maintenance, idle cars are almost constant, so they cannot be used to evaluate the results of the work of the team.

Therefore, with this method of organizing labor, the results of the work of teams are evaluated by the number of maintenance and repairs performed, which contradicts the rule - the fewer repairs and maintenance per unit of run, the higher the quality of work, the better the teams work. The specialized team is entrusted with the timely and high-quality performance of maintenance or repair of the corresponding type of all vehicles in the fleet and the timely preparation of vehicles for production on the line. Therefore, the most important indicator is the quality of work, which should be assessed by the amount of car mileage without repair.


To select an effective form of labor organization, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the achieved socio-economic results, working conditions and its organization in the shops, the technical level of individual jobs and their complexes, the organization of wages and material incentives for the final results.

Collective forms of labor organization have proved their effectiveness and vitality in both planned and market economies. In brigades, the growth of production qualifications is accelerating, and new professional skills are acquired by all employees, their active participation and production management are ensured, the most complete employment, rational distribution and operational interchangeability of personnel are achieved. At the same time, their further widespread use in modern production requires the joint efforts of scientists, managers, technologists, economists, sociologists, psychologists in the development of new market requirements for the formation of teams, their quantitative composition, management mechanisms, organizational features and labor rationing, and many others. . If in the old days the determining factors in the recruitment of teams were the requirements of production technology, then at the present stage, economic and social factors, the requirements of organizational, managerial and psychological interaction of the members of the team, are beginning to play an increasingly important role. And this means that the formation of brigades in the new market relations should be preceded by a whole range of technical, economic, organizational, psycho-physiological and managerial decisions, during the implementation of which not only the workers themselves, but also their employers came to a firm conviction about the great economic advantages and the urgent need introduction of collective forms of labor.


1. Labor Economics: a textbook for universities / A.I. Rofe. - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. - Moscow: MIK, 2013. - 534 p.

2. Development of collective forms of labor organization (Electronic resource).

3. Bukhalkov M.I. Organization and regulation of labor: Textbook for universities. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 424 p.

4. Pashuto, Valery Petrovich. Workshop on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise: textbook. allowance for university students / V.P. Pashuto. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 239 p.: ill., tab. - ISBN 978-5-406-00491-3:110-00. labor workforce

5. Byakova, Ekaterina Olegovna. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise: pract. allowance / E.O. Byakova, N.A. Pogodin. - M.: Exam, 2008. - 149 p.: tab. - (Series "Documents & Comments"). - Bibliography: p. 148-149 (35 titles) and subline. note - ISBN 978-5-377-01177-4: 88-64.

6. Sosna, B. I., Brigade form of organization and stimulation of labor, Economic Library (Electronic resource).

7. Forms of labor organization and their effectiveness (Electronic resource).

8. Classification and strength of brigades (Electronic resource).

9. The concept of the forms of labor organization and their classification (Electronic resource).

10. Karyakin A.M., Collective forms of labor organization in Russia (Electronic resource).

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The form of labor organization largely determines the nature and content of labor, as well as the order of interaction between employees. The individual organization of labor is based on the establishment of a production task separately for each employee, personal accounting of the work performed by him and the calculation of wages based on the results of this performance. The group (collective) organization of labor assumes that the establishment of a production task, accounting for the work performed and the calculation of earnings are carried out for individual departments without an individual breakdown for each employee.

According to the methods of setting planned targets and accounting for the work performed, there are:

An individual form of labor organization, when the task is set for each employee separately, individual records of the work performed are kept and each employee is charged individual earnings;

The collective form of labor organization, when the production task is set for the entire team as a whole, the production of products is also accounted for by the final results of the work of the team, and earnings are accrued to the whole team.

Collective forms of labor organization according to the method of division and cooperation provide for the formation of varieties of teams:

With a complete division of labor, when each employee is only engaged in performing work strictly in his specialty at one workplace;

With partial interchangeability, when employees have two or more professions and can perform work not only at their workplace, but also in a combined profession;

With full interchangeability, when each member of the team can work at any workplace or change jobs according to a predetermined scheme.

According to the method of formation of funds for the implementation of activities, the following forms of labor organization are distinguished: individual labor activity, contract, rent, cooperative, small enterprise^.

The form of labor organization also depends on the form of its payment. There are the following forms of remuneration and distribution of earnings:

individual, collective according to the tariff, collective using various coefficients for the distribution of collective earnings (KTU - labor participation coefficient, KKT - labor quality coefficient, etc.).

According to the methods of interaction with higher authorities, there can be the following forms of labor organization: direct subordination, work contract, lease agreement, contract.

According to the methods of managing a team, they distinguish: complete self-government, partial self-government, without self-government.

According to the size of labor collectives and their place in the management hierarchy at the enterprise, collective forms of labor organization can be: link, brigade, precinct, shop, group, departmental, etc.

4. Division and cooperation of labor

Separation of processes and works implies, first of all, the division of labor. Under the division of labor in the enterprise is understood the differentiation of the activities of those working in the process of joint labor, as well as the specialization in the performance of a certain part of the joint work.

The forms of division of labor (functional, technological, professional and qualification division) and the corresponding forms of labor cooperation also characterize the features of production interaction between workers, creating for it different possibilities for using labor, depending on what forms are adopted at the enterprise.

With a functional division of labor, i.e. the separation of types of labor activity depending on the functions performed by employees at the enterprise, interaction (labor cooperation) is carried out between different functional groups of employees, such as, for example, main and auxiliary workers, workers and employees, managers and specialists, etc.

The technological division of labor into separate production operations and types of work entails the need for interaction between workers performing different operations and types of work. The same can be said about the professional and qualification division and cooperation of labor.

The division of labor is inextricably linked with the cooperation of labor. The deeper the division of labor, the greater the importance of cooperation. Collective labor is not a simple sum of partial labor processes. Only the correct correlation between partial labor processes, together with the correct placement of workers, ensuring their rational employment, leads to high labor productivity. That's why labor cooperation in an enterprise is an association of workers in the course of the joint implementation of a single process or a group of interrelated labor processes.

Specific forms of labor cooperation in the enterprise are diverse, as they are inextricably linked with the organizational and technical features of the enterprise. However, despite the diversity, they are usually reduced to three main forms - intershop, intrashop and intrasector labor cooperation.

Intershop cooperation associated with the division of the production process between shops and consists in the participation of teams of shops in the general labor process for the enterprise for the manufacture of products.

Intrashop cooperation- this is the interaction of individual structural divisions of workshops (sections, production lines).

Intradistrict cooperation consists in the interaction of individual workers in the process of joint labor or the organization of collective labor of workers united in brigades.

Principles of labor organization

Topic 4. Principles and forms of labor organization

Labor organization activities are based on general principles effective human activity. Let's take a look at some of them.

1. Scientific character (use of the latest achievements of science in the work on the organization of labor).

2. Complexity (comprehensive improvement of the organization of labor in all its elements and in relation to all employees).

3. Continuity (the organization of labor must follow technical progress and meet the changing conditions of production).

4. Normativity (work on the organization of labor should be carried out on the basis of a specific regulatory framework that regulates its individual aspects).

5. Profitability (achieving maximum results at minimum cost).

In labor economics, two main forms of labor organization are traditionally distinguished: individual and collective.

With an individual form, the work of each individual performer is planned, taken into account and normalized. An individual form of labor organization is characterized by the assignment to the workplace of operations that are similar in complexity of execution. With an individual form of labor organization, cooperation manifests itself in the following forms:

1. Combination of specialties (professions) - performance by one worker of functions and works related to various professions. There are three main types of combination of specialties:

Combination of different specialties within the same profession (turner-milling operator);

Combination of labor functions at one workplace (processing of parts - adjustment of equipment - minor repairs);

Combination of labor functions outside the same workplace (painter - plasterer - glazier - bricklayer).

The combination of professions is caused by the mechanization and automation of production processes, leading to an increase in the share of free time among workers. It allows us to solve an important social task for society - to increase the content and attractiveness of labor, reduce its monotony, and increase the professional level of workers.

Among the main conditions under which the combination of specialties is possible and economically justified, the following can be mentioned:

Workers have unused working time,

The general content of the labor of workers,

The variance in the performance of combined functions,

The absence of a negative impact of combining work on the accuracy, quality and productivity of labor,

Qualification level of a worker sufficient for mastering a second profession.

The possibility of combining professions is revealed on the basis of the data of the “photo” of the working day, included observation. Based on the analysis of the resulting costs and losses of working time, the most appropriate forms of combining professions are determined.

Multi-station service. It is a form of labor organization in which one or a group of workers service several machines at the same time, performing manual techniques, maintaining the workplace, preparatory and final operations on each of them during the automatic operation of other machines.

Technical The prerequisites for the development of multi-machine maintenance are: increasing the level of automation of the equipment used, improving the equipment control system and the design of technological equipment, as a result of which the share of manual labor in equipment maintenance decreases and the share of its automatic operation increases.

Organizational The prerequisites for the introduction of multi-machine maintenance are: rational layout of equipment at the workplace, ensuring the convenience of its maintenance, the shortest routes of transition from machine to machine, the implementation of the most efficient system for servicing workplaces.

Economic the feasibility of multi-machine maintenance lies in the possibility of ensuring the full employment of machine operators and the equipment they service.