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Where is the homeland of ficus? Indoor ficus homeland Where did the ficus appear?

Genus Ficus – Ficus

Family: Mulberry (Moraceae).

Homeland: Mediterranean, Western Asia, North-West India.

Plants of this genus number in nature, according to various sources, from 900 to 1000 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the life forms there are trees (with plank-shaped roots), shrubs, and vines. Among the ficus trees, there are also ficus “stranglers”: at first these plants develop as epiphytes on other trees, where their seeds are carried by animals. But some time passes, the aerial roots of young ficus trees sink lower and lower, grow into the ground, thicken, entwine and squeeze the trunk of the host tree, which gradually dies.

Another life form is named after the ficus bengalensis, or banyan tree. It is also characteristic of the rubber plant in its natural environment. Aerial roots begin to develop on the horizontal branches of the tree. Growing into the ground, the roots thicken so much that they look like additional trunks. Over time, one plant forms a whole grove.

Several types of ficus are grown indoors. Let's look at them.

Ficus Ali -Ficus ali

Outwardly, it looks nothing like any other ficus. The leaves are somewhat reminiscent of oleander leaves. Shade-tolerant. This is a tall species.

Ficus benjamina -Ficus benjamina

This type of ficus and its many varieties are very popular and promising for keeping in rooms and office premises. These bushy plants, with abundant drooping foliage, dark green and variegated, reach 1.5 m in height.

Ficus carica (fig, fig tree) –Ficus carica

The fig, or fig tree, is well known to us for its tasty fruits. And its fruits are those small grains that are well felt when chewed. The plant captivates with its large palmately lobed leaves and picturesque appearance. In autumn the leaves fall. In places of natural growth, plants bloom three times a year, in a temperate climate in spring and autumn.

Location. Light, however, not sunny. Later, when the leaves have grown, it is sunny and warm.

During the period of active growth, the plants are watered abundantly and fed weekly with liquid fertilizer until August.

Wintering. Figs should be moved indoors a little later than other potted plants, as they tolerate light frosts. In winter apartments, they are kept at a temperature of 2-8 ° C in a bright, in extreme cases also a dark place. Watering is very moderate.

Ficus is tiny, or dwarf –Ficus pumila

The ampelous forms of this species love pruning. Well suited for florariums. Can be grown as a vine and guided along a support. Demanding on humidity. Variegated forms need more lighting.

Ficus lyre -Ficus lyrata

Spectacular appearance with large, hard, embossed leaves. Suitable for spacious sunny winter gardens, reaches a height of 2 meters or more, at a young age it can also grow in rooms.

Ficus rooting -Ficus radicans

Ampelous shape, leaves larger than those of ficus dwarf, with wavy edges. Variety F. radicans – F. variegata– has a cream border along the edges of the leaf blade.

Ficus elastica –Ficus elastica

One of the 1000 species of the ficus genus, which is also called: elastic ficus, rubber ficus, rubber tree. The recognized head of all ficuses is a plant of impressive size (up to 2 m in height) with aerial prop roots.

It has carelessly spreading, slightly drooping branches with large dark green shiny leaves, bright brown uneven bark, especially at the base, on the top and side shoots young, not yet unfolded leaves are visible, hidden in a pink cover.

Well-placed variegated ficus plants in flowerpots that match the style will add a unique stylish touch to any type of interior.

A variety of ficus elastica is Ficus elastica Tineke. At first glance, it seems that this is not a living plant, but a skillfully made and painted plastic dummy, the color of the leaves of this ficus seems so unnatural. Such a plant can be an excellent gift that will always create a good mood, especially on gray winter days. Its maximum size is about 180 cm.

The plant is light-loving, drought-resistant, heat-loving and requires special care. Prefers bright, diffused lighting, without direct sunlight during the period of their activity (March-September).

Features of care

The soil. For adult specimens, an earth mixture in equal proportions of turf, leaf soil, humus, peat and sand is suitable.

Transfer. Young specimens and rooted cuttings can be replanted in soil that does not contain turf soil and humus. An important feature when planting is the presence of good drainage. Ficuses are afraid of stagnant water. The volume of the bowl is replaced with a larger one according to the general principle: as the plant grows. It is better to carry out transplantation work in the spring. In winter, when transplanting, ficus may shed its leaves. Ampelous species do not need large bowls and grow well even on the surface of the soil of their large relatives (for example, ficus Benjamin variegated grows well on the surface of the soil, the dwarf ficus - the sunny variety) or other plants.

Temperature. Moderate, in winter not lower than 12 °C, except for figs, in summer – 19–24 °C. When summer temperatures rise above 24 °C, an intensive spraying regime should be introduced.

Lighting. Mature tree-like specimens tolerate bright light well. But penumbra doesn’t bother them either. Other types prefer a bright, but not sunny location. We can say that most ficuses (non-variegated forms) are shade-tolerant plants. They do not like changing places, i.e. rearranging, moving, and cannot stand drafts.

Watering and air humidity. At any time of the year, water carefully: not allowing the earthen clod to dry out, and not allowing moisture to stagnate, otherwise the consequences will arise immediately - a sudden drop of a large number of leaves. Watering should be done with warm water if possible. In summer, ficus should be actively sprayed, especially ampelous forms, in winter - if the air is extremely dry and the room temperature exceeds 22 °C. Plants with large leaves, in addition to spraying, are regularly washed to remove dust and inspected to prevent the appearance of pests.

Fertilizer. In the spring and summer, the plant needs regular application of complex fertilizer once every two weeks.

Trimming. They easily tolerate pruning and require crown formation.

Reproduction. A simple and affordable way is cuttings. Tree-like and ampelous ficuses are easily propagated in this vegetative way. The only difference is that ampelous ficuses (ivy-shaped and tiny) take root faster than shrub and tree-like forms. No greenhouse boxes with peat, sand or covering material are needed. In an ordinary container with water, after two to three weeks the ficus will develop adventitious roots. To propagate woody ficuses, you can take both apical sections and sections from the middle part with one node, but better - with two or three. The main thing is that the cuttings are not the youngest, but already semi-lignified. The cut is made with a sharp knife, the lowest leaf is removed from the cut, the milky sap is washed off with warm water, then the cut is slightly dried and again placed in warm water for rooting. Of course, if you are used to rooting in a loose substrate, please do so, but this method is more labor-intensive and there is no way to monitor the rooting process, as, for example, in water. For woody forms, it is advisable to roll large leaves into a tube and tie them to reduce evaporation, and bury the cutting itself obliquely into the substrate by one knot. So, in the summer there are no obstacles to propagating ficuses by cuttings.

Ficus is one of the most common house plants. It has taken root in our homes so much that we have forgotten about its real home - the subtropical and tropical forests of Asia and Africa. In total there are more than 2000 species, but only about 20 species are domestic breeds. But can they bloom?

Origin of ficus: the birthplace of the indoor plant

The plant belongs to the mulberry family and is often called rubber tree. The fact is that the plant contains about 15% rubber substance.

Ficus rubbery

For more than five thousand years of existence ficus has adapted to any environment, and acquired many forms and types. In their natural environment they can grow as full-fledged trees, shrubs or vines entwining other trees.

What country does this home flower come from?

Where does Ficus benjamina come from? The plant is native to the forests of Malaysia and the Philippines., New Guinea, Indonesia. In New Guinea, for example, the largest ficuses grow - they can reach more than 40 meters in height and 4-5 meters in thickness. Such flowers have large shiny leaves, drooping down, and milky juice. It is known in Latin America, where tumor-resolving drugs are made from this juice.

Ficuses in their homeland: Indonesia

In Indonesia, and especially in India, ficus is considered a sacred plant, giving spirituality and enlightenment. It can often be seen in temples and places revered by residents. Tourists who manage to get to the peninsula tie ribbons on the table of this plant - it is believed that in this way their cherished wishes come true.

Where could the rubber ficus come to us from?

The most popular type of home ficus is the rubber type.. This plant easily adapts to the environment, has good immunity, and also has dark green oval-shaped leaves measuring 30-40 centimeters. Can grow up to two meters tall. This flower originates from the forests of Southeast Asia and West Africa.

Your ficus tree has potential to grow

Ficus care: necessary soil composition, conditions for growth and flowering

Each species (deciduous or not) has its own care process, but there is a few general rules contents of this plant:

  • availability of free space for growth in length or height;
  • sufficient sunlight, which would not fall directly on the leaves and flowers of the plant;
  • presence of slight darkening;
  • avoidance any draft;
  • finding in warm climates or indoors;
  • copious water saturation(preferably spring, rain or melted snow);
  • leaf care– removing already dead, dry leaves, wiping each leaf with a damp cloth, and so on.
  • Young ficus trees need more careful care– monitor the soil, feed them with fertilizers and water them with warm water once or even twice a day. Dwarf and so-called creeping plants also need not only abundant watering, but also maintaining moist air in the room.

    Medium sized ficus, as a rule, are bush, reach a height of one or two meters. These grow slowly, so they need a lot of space upward and careful care of the leaves.

    To identify the cause, take a close look at the ficus or consult a specialist.

    Reproduction: how your Benjamin can bloom

    Ficuses are flowering plants, but do not bloom indoors due to lack of natural pollination. Small insects pollinate the inflorescences through small holes located in the upper part of the future flower.

    Female and male flowers are negligible and do not represent any aesthetic value, but are only suitable for reproduction. At home, ficus can only reproduce vegetatively.- cuttings.

    In order for the indoor ficus to feel at home, it it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. In return, it will become a good friend to its owner, ennoble and cleanse the space, because it is not for nothing that the plant is sacred in many countries of the world.

    Homeland of indoor ficus

    Large banyan tree in the homeland of ficus - India

    Ficus is rightfully considered one of the most popular houseplants. This plant belongs to the mulberry family and is popularly often called the rubber tree, since its juice consists of fifteen percent of the specified substance.

    The ficus is native to the subtropical and tropical forests of Malaysia, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. More than nine hundred species of ficus are known, and they all have significant differences.

    In nature, ficuses can be:

  • bushes;
  • trees;
  • climbing or creeping vines.
  • Ficus sacred in Malaysia

    In addition, they can develop on other plants, forming adventitious roots that subsequently reach the ground. These are the so-called ficus - banyan trees. In the homeland of the ficus, banyan trees form the Bengal ficus, the sacred ficus and the Indian ficus.

    Another famous homeland of ficus is New Guinea. There you can often find plants reaching a height of more than forty meters, with a trunk diameter of at least five meters. Most species have large, often glossy leaves, which can sometimes be drooping. The flowers of the plants are small and collected in inflorescences. All parts of this plant contain milky juice. In the homeland of ficus, in Latin America, special medicinal tinctures are made from it, which are used in the treatment of benign tumors.

    Ficus racemosus tree in its homeland, India

    In southern Indonesia and the northeastern regions of India, which are known as the homeland of the ficus, this evergreen plant is called sacred. It is revered by local Buddhists, since it was under it that Buddha achieved the state of nirvana through meditation and reflection. In addition, the described plant can be found in all temples of Ceylon without exception. There, according to ancient legend, it was first planted in 288 BC. These plants are considered symbols of high spirituality, and numerous pilgrims tie colorful ribbons on them.

    At home, the plant rarely grows more than one or two meters in height. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it not only has positive energy, but also helps to increase efficiency, and also helps to concentrate on a specific task.


    Homeland of the ficus plant

    The homeland of the ficus plant... Ficus plants are very popular in indoor plant growing due to the decorative nature of their leaves. These plants belong to the mulberry genus – Moraceae. The homeland of ficus is Southeast Asia, the islands of Java, Ceylon and Barneo, as well as the tropics and subtropics of Australia.

    Ficus plants are so diverse in size, shape and color of leaves that home plant lovers will never cease to admire them. These members of the mulberry family can be tree-like, vine-shaped, or shrubby. A distinctive feature of these plants is the obligatory presence of sticky milky juice on the fracture or cut.

    In their natural habitat, most ficuses are evergreens, but sometimes deciduous species are found: Ali, Natasha, Viandi, Elastica. These species shed their leaves in October and new ones begin to grow starting in February.

    Ficus trees have a very diverse shape and color of leaves, and the size of the plants is simply amazing in its contrast. Miniature ficuses - small-leaved Pumila and ivy-shaped Hederacea - are used as ground cover. The largest leaf of these little ones barely reaches a size of 1.5 cm. The largest Bengal ficus Banyan reaches a height of 30 m, and its crown is very spreading, up to 5 thousand meters in diameter.

    There is a well-known fig tree in nature, the fruits of which are loved by many. But not everyone knows that this tree belongs to the mulberry family and bears the proud name Ficus Carica. The homeland of the Ficus Carica plant is ancient Mesopotamia, that is, the modern territory of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

    Whatever ficus you choose, the homeland of the plant leaves an imprint on its appearance, the size and color of the leaves and the growing conditions at home or in greenhouses. And only by strictly following all the tips and rules for caring for these beautiful plants will they allow you to admire their beautiful and interesting shapes and colorful shiny leaves. For perfect care, ficus plants will reward you with the same perfect flowering - beautiful hollow round or pear-shaped inflorescences with many small and fragrant flowers inside.

    Ficus benjamina

    Decorative Ficus Benjamin: description and photo

    FICUS BENJAMIN(F. benjamina) is an ornamental deciduous evergreen plant of the Mulberry family. Widely used in indoor landscaping, it can perfectly decorate any room or office, blending seamlessly with most styles.

    The name of this type of ficus comes from the word benzoin, meaning benzoin resin, which is secreted by the tree. It is known that the ficus is the symbol tree of Bangkok.

    The Mulberry family includes about 1000 varieties of ficus, of which the Benjamin ficus (F. benjamina) is the most popular. The leader in the number of varieties with small leaves of different sizes, smooth and wavy edges, straight and curled leaf blades, mono and variegated colors. The branches of Ficus benjamina droop, which gives the plant a certain special attractiveness. The tip of each leaf is pulled back and forms a dropper to drain excess water onto the leathery leaves.

    The plant's homeland is the tropical rainforests of Asia, where ficus grows at the foot of the mountains. In nature, it is an evergreen tree reaching a height of 15-20 meters. In indoor conditions, Ficus Benjamin has a more modest size and, with good care, grows up to 2 meters in height. The lush and graceful crown of the ficus is formed by thin, flowing shoots strewn with numerous oval leaves. The bark of the trunk and branches is gray and smooth, with rare brownish streaks. The leaves are 4-10 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, alternate, oblong-oval, with an elongated and pointed apex, thin, smooth, leathery. The color of the leaves is green with a glossy tint. The edges are entire, the veins are reticulate, weakly visible. The length of the petiole is about 2 cm. Ficuses produce fruits - syconia - oblong or round, orange or red.

    Benjamin's ficuses in their genus are divided into varieties (Danielle, Exotica, Naomi, Wiandi), which differ in larger or smaller leaf sizes and their color (variegated or plain, with straight or wavy edges). Varieties of Ficus Benjamin - Nuda, Hawaii, Natasha, variegata, Starlight, Gold Princes, are shaped like a weeping tree up to 2 m tall. The only difference is in the shape of the leaves and color. For example, for the form f. Benjamin Baroque leaf blades are twisted in a spiral. The variegated varieties are the best.

    Growing and caring for Ficus Benjamin

    Today, this evergreen small tree or shrub is increasingly popular due to its rapid growth and easy care.

    The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees. From the first days of the appearance of the ficus indoors, it needs to be provided with a permanent location, protected from drafts and direct sunlight. You should not move or move the flowerpot with a flower often, otherwise this will lead to the foliage falling off on one side. He will feel quite normal near a shady window or near a sunny south window at a short distance. Variegated varieties of ficus benjamina are recommended to be placed in a more illuminated place so that the distinctive color of the leaves does not disappear.

    Watering and humidity.
    Watering should be regular and moderate: in summer 2-3 times a week, in winter - no more than once a week. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil should be slightly damp before the next watering. To ensure that the soil dries evenly, it must be loosened once every two weeks. Water for irrigation and spraying should be settled (at least 12 hours), soft, and at room temperature.

    Spraying is beneficial for ficuses all year round: in hot weather in summer twice a week, in winter - once a week. The plant does not tolerate dry air; it should not be placed near heating systems, otherwise the tree may react by yellowing and dropping leaves.

    Ficus transplant.
    A young plant is replanted in the spring every year using the transshipment method, into a container 2-3 cm larger in diameter, a mature one - once every two to three years. Once a year, you can renew the top layer of soil by 3-5 cm if a white coating has formed on it - a salt crust. The composition of the substrate is formed from the following components: leaf and peat soil in a 2:1 ratio.

    It is not recommended to replant Ficus Benjamin into large pots, except when the roots have completely entwined the earthen ball. Signs that the plant needs replanting are when the container becomes too small for the ficus, the soil dries out quickly after watering, and roots crawl out of the drainage holes.

    Within a few weeks after transplantation, the plant may shed its leaves, and the growth of the ficus may slow down, as the root system takes some time to adapt. Then everything should return to normal. It is necessary to continue to spray and properly water the plant, and after a short time young leaves will appear, and the ficus will adapt to the new conditions.

    Since ficus benjamina grows quickly, the soil for it must be constantly fed. In the spring, as soon as young leaves begin to appear on the ficus, you can begin to fertilize the soil. Feeding is carried out all summer (from March to September) once or twice a month, and is stopped in the fall. Suitable liquid universal fertilizers for decorative indoor flowers with a high nitrogen content for the development of green mass. Before adding fertilizer, the plant should be well watered so as not to burn the roots. For ficus, not only root feeding is recommended. Spraying the foliage with a weak solution of fertilizers has a beneficial effect.

    In winter, ficus is not fertilized, since during this period vegetation is undesirable due to lack of light, heat and moisture. Stimulation of growth leads to the formation of weak and elongated shoots. Well, in the case of using artificial lighting and ensuring optimal air humidity, ficuses are fed once every 1-2 months with a weak fertilizer solution (1/2 the usual dose), with a reduced nitrogen content, so that the plant does not grow when there is insufficient light.

    Formation and pruning of ficus.

    You can give a decorative shape to a tree by planting two or three plants in a flowerpot. Sometimes the trunks, due to their flexibility at a young age, are braided, which allows you to create an unusual lush crown. Formation in the form of a bush, single or multi-tiered trunk, sculptures of various shapes, in the bonsai style. The active development of the root system must be restrained by cramped pots and pruning.

    A common problem is yellowing and falling leaves.

    You should not be alarmed if, in the first weeks of being indoors, the ficus begins to partially shed its leaves. Thus, the tree responds to changing environmental conditions. It is quite natural that ficus leaves fall off during the process of growth and renewal. In winter, ficus benjamina may also lose some of its foliage (up to 30%), which is a normal process.

    But when the crown thins before our eyes, amateur flower growers are often lost, not knowing what to do and how to help their plant. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by insufficient watering, drafts or temperature changes. If the plant is moved in a timely manner, creating comfortable conditions for it, the leaves will stop drying out and falling off. Lighting, temperature and humidity are directly related.

    Periodically, the ficus can be shaken, dry and falling leaves can be removed, thereby releasing it in a timely manner and providing air access to dense foliage. More details about this problem are described on a separate page at the link below.

    Where is the homeland of ficus?

    Where did ficus trees come from?

    Ficus is a plant of the glorious mulberry family, which is often called the rubber tree. It is easy to explain - the juice of the culture consists of 15 percent of this substance. It is native to the tropical and subtropical forests of Malaysia, the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

    Another famous homeland of the plant is New Guinea. Impressive specimens grow there, reaching 40 meters in height. Their trunk diameter is about 5 meters. Most species of such trees have huge and shiny leaves that grow downwards. Moreover, the flowers of such plants are medium in size and form beautiful inflorescences. Parts of the culture are characterized by the presence of a specific milky juice. It is widely used in Latin America for the production of medicinal tinctures used to treat benign tumors.

    In another famous homeland of the culture - in southern Indonesia and the regions of India located in the northeast, this plant is even recognized as sacred. Buddhists living here believe that while under it, Buddha was able to enter nirvana. In Ceylon, it is believed that, first planted in 288 AD, this tree is the personification of spirituality. It can be seen in all local temples. When arriving on the island, believers traditionally tie bright ribbons on the branches of such trees.

    The well-known fig or fig tree still grows in the wild. But few people know that it also belongs to the mulberry family and is actually called Ficus Carica. Its homeland is ancient Mesopotamia, in its modern version it is the territory of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Whatever variety of ficus you choose, the country of its origin leaves an imprint on the appearance of the plant, the size and color of the foliage, and the characteristics of its maintenance. At home, such a plant usually does not grow above 1 - 2 meters. If you believe the teachings of Feng Shui, ficus is able to cleanse the energy of the home and create favorable conditions for any fruitful activity.

    In what forms can they grow?

    Under natural conditions, they grow in the form of shrubs, trees, unusual climbing and creeping vines. There are also quite large vines among them - for example, hairy ficus. Many species begin development as epiphytes - such as golden ficus. They are also able to form additional roots, developing on other plants. After a while, such neoplasms descend to the ground. This is a banyan ficus, which in its homeland can form a Bengal, Indian and sacred ficus.

    Experts call the main life forms of such a plant epiphytes, stranglers, banyans, bottle or caudes, earth or aggressive. In a number of tropical plants at different stages of development, there is a frequent change of life forms. They can, starting life on other crops, become stranglers, and then banyans. And they are also able to develop in the form of simple evergreen trees.

    Various strangler ficuses grow in the tropical forests of America and Asia. They receive many advantages - being located in the crown of the owner, they have excellent access to light. And, being in the crevices of other trunks, they are protected from the scorching sun. A waxy coating on the surface of the foliage allows such crops to have enough moisture for normal growth and full development. When it gets stronger, a small bush of such a tree releases aerial roots. Since the ground is very low with minerals and water, they can now grow in the humid tropical air.

    With overgrown roots, the strangler entangles the owner, forming a kind of frame and inhibiting its growth. Over time, the host tree inevitably dries out. Banyan is another unique form of vegetative propagation. Its numerous aerial roots hang down in garlands, appearing on the horizontal branches of an adult specimen. Often such life forms form multi-stemmed groves of trees. India is home to the famous Calcutta Botanical Garden called the Great Banyan Garden.

    In it you can see a bright representative of the banyan grove, numbering about 1000 trunks. His age is 160 years. Engineers rightly compare the banyan tree to a spatial hinged structure, which is distinguished by its ability to withstand even strong gusts of wind. Getting to New Guinea, travelers see interesting low-growing climbing vines, which are attached to a support by aerial roots. Some of these crops are usually used to decorate the walls of houses - for example, tiny ficus. In the people for this, he received the beautiful name "alpinist from East Asia." And indoors, such crops are used as groundblood and ampelous.

    Video "About growing ficuses"

    Origin of individual varieties of ficus

    As mentioned earlier, indoor crop lovers prefer to grow about 2 dozen varieties at home. The rubber-bearing type of flower is recognized as one of the most popular. It grows and develops well, does not require complex care, and has stable immunity to most diseases. It easily tolerates pruning and recovers quickly. This tree-like flower grows up to 2 meters, has dark green oval-shaped foliage up to 35 cm in size. The culture comes from hot countries - Nepal, Burma, West Africa, the Himalayas.

    The variety has a variety distinguished by beautiful variegated leaves. Green-leaved varieties are less demanding on growing conditions. The variegated varieties include the rubber-bearing variety Robusta and Black Prince with leaves of the same color. Variegata has green leaves and cream edges, while Doecheri has variegated foliage with a red vein and pink spots on the surface.

    The lyre-shaped flower has attractive light green leaves. This ficus got its name from the shape of its leaves, which are very reminiscent of this musical instrument. It comes from the tropical and lowland forests of West Africa. In the wild it can grow up to 12 meters. It has an erect trunk without aerial roots, the length of the leaf plate is up to 60 cm.

    Dwarf or pimula - an ampelous plant in the form of a creeping and climbing vine with thin and long
    other shoots measuring about 5 meters. Found in China and Japan. By nature it has small heart-shaped leaves up to 3 cm long. It covers the ground with a beautiful carpet and produces roots. The leaf size of adult crops reaches 10 cm. Among the dwarf varieties there are also variegated species.

    The countries of origin of the creeping variety are the tropical regions of America, Asia and Africa. This shrub is a creeping miniature species with rounded leaves. It has adventitious roots and climbs well up the bark of trees.

    The retusa variety, also known as laurel or blunted, is an alien from the tropics of Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Many flower growers know it as Cuban. This culture is perfect for creating bonsai, having an interestingly shaped stem. It has shiny green egg-shaped leaves that are up to 10 cm long.

    The rustleaf variety, which is also known as the Australian variety because it grows in this country, is a bit reminiscent of the rubber variety. It is an evergreen and spreading tree of medium size. It has beautiful red shoots and dark green foliage, growing up to 25 cm. The apical shoots are pubescent and painted in a pleasant bright pink shade. A variety of rustleaf variety is a variegated form with a creamy white leaf edge. Aerial roots form in the lower part of the trunk.

    The Benjamin variety, known to every gardener, came to our country from the tropics of Asia, where it is found at the foot of the mountains. Under natural conditions, this is an evergreen tree up to 20 meters high. At home, such a culture barely reaches 2 meters. It is the symbol tree of Bangkok. It has leaves that resemble an egg in shape, and the Baroque variety has spiral-shaped leaves. From such a culture, excellent bindings are obtained, which are made from props of aerial roots.

    A rooting variety from this family came to us from India. It is unusual in appearance, has a large number of curly thin shoots. Its dark green leaves pointed at the ends with a white stripe along the edge are on the roots. The length of each is up to 7 cm.

    A variety of carica, or fig, or fig tree is mentioned in the Bible. Its fruit, the fig tree, was once forbidden, and the first people on Earth created garments from the leaves. This culture grows in India, Europe, North and South Africa, is found in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a spreading crown. Its decorative leaves have a broad-lobed, palmate-notched shape, with light yellow and white veins visible on the surface. The Carica variety includes Kadata, Black San Pedro, Dalmatica, Black Crimean, Shuisky.

    Ivy-shaped - comes from Burma, Laos, Thailand, and Southern China. It is a climbing shrub with aerial roots located at the leaf nodes. They have a narrow shape and somewhat sharp edges, grow up to 11 cm. At the bottom of the leaf plate there is a pubescence resembling bristles. Mountain variety Montana is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, Indochina. This tree-shaped shrub reaches 1.5 meters in height. It has beautiful rich green leaves in the shape of an egg up to 10 cm long, on which dark veins are located.

    The sacred species was first seen on the territory of such countries as India, Thailand, Taiwan, China. Under natural conditions it grows up to 30 meters. At the bottom of the trunk it forms support roots. The religious variety has large leaves of an interesting heart-shaped shape up to 20 cm long. An amazing phenomenon is associated with it - when the pressure changes at the tips of the foliage, juice comes out, which is called the weeping of a sacred tree. Its leaves are striking in their greenish-blue color with a characteristic white streak.
    The triangular variety is found in distant Africa, where it can reach 30 meters in height. It has cute triangular-shaped leaves up to 10 cm in size with a vein symmetrically located in the center. At home, it even produces round, light yellow fruits.

    The variegated variety is a low-growing shrub up to 1 meter high. Brown spots are clearly visible on the surface of its dark green leaves. It bears fruit with inedible berries resembling the size and color of olives. Parcella is a fast-growing tree that has dense, lush foliage. It has naturally received hard oval-shaped leaves, on the surface of which there are bright yellow streaks.

    The Bengal Banyan flower has good branching. In the wild nature of India and New Guinea it grows in huge plantations. This invasive species inhibits the growth of all low-growing crops located underneath it. At home it is possible to grow a tree up to 7 meters high. Rough or aspera is a medium-sized tree, growing up to 1.5 meters, with lush foliage. It is characterized by good branching, the bottom of the trunk is bare. The dark green leaves have spots and streaks of pink and also white. They form a magnificent marble pattern. It grows in the tropics from the Eastern Himalayas to the Philippines and Micronesia.

    Video “Ficus propagation. All ways"

    To properly grow any variety of ficus, we recommend that you watch the video below. It contains useful recommendations and tips for growing.

    Varieties of ficus with photos and names - varieties for the home

    Today, about 1000 species of ficus are known to science, but only some varieties are suitable for home cultivation. Individual varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home maintenance. This evergreen representative of the mulberry family appeals to many gardeners.

    Decorative deciduous ficus is easy to care for; you just need to follow certain conventions regarding a particular species. Due to its low maintenance requirements, along with its visual appeal, it decorates the interior of a living space, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or cafe.

    All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, the leaves have a dense structure, bright green color (certain varieties may have spots or edges), and different shapes.

    The plant can be decorated as an indoor tree, a cascading hanging form, or a miniature bonsai. The natural growing environment allows them to reach enormous sizes and become full-fledged trees. Domesticated representatives of the ficus family have dimensions acceptable for the premises and grow slowly.

    Ficus - where does it grow and where is its homeland? He prefers tropical countries, the coasts of the Pacific and Indian oceans, the Mediterranean, and South Africa. It is also common in Crimea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, and India. The tropical rainforests of Malaysia and the Philippines, where ficus trees grow and bear fruit, are the plant’s homeland.

    Ficus - types, photos and names

    We often grow representatives of the ficus family at home, moreover, they are among our favorites. Bushes of different varieties are not always similar to each other, but they are united by almost the same method of cultivation and similar care requirements.

    Variety of Benjamin - Lovely

    One of the most popular varieties, Ficus Benjamin, has universal sizes and resembles a small tree.

    Photo of Starlight (a kind of Benjamin)

    This variety has several subvarieties that differ in leaf shape. The ovoid shape of the Benjamin leaf has a slightly pointed tip, can be a rich green hue or have white inclusions and edging (variegated varieties). Frequent pruning is recommended to give the crown a beautiful shape. The trunks lend themselves to weaving: gardeners often use this technique to achieve an unusual decorative effect. To do this, several seedlings are planted together, and this species is also used to create bonsai.

    Photo Midnight Lady (Benjamin variety) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

    Ficus rubbery, also known as elastic, resilient or elastic, is the most common variety for pot growing. Buddhists revere it and consider it sacred. In its homeland (northeast India, south Indonesia) it can reach 30 meters in height. This variety forms branches as it grows, and also forms aerial roots, especially with high air humidity. Due to this structure of the root system, ficus elastica is also called the “snake tree”.

    At home, it does not produce color; the leaves are quite large, oval in shape with a sharp tip. Melanie gets its name from the white milky sap that sometimes exudes on the surface of the leaf. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to produce rubber on an industrial scale.

    Ficus elastica should not be over-watered, especially with the onset of winter.

    Rubber (elastic) - Belize

    A very interesting variety of dwarf varieties is the creeping ficus.

    Pygmy Creeper - Pumila Green Sunny

    It has curly creeping shoots, roots with suckers that can cling to any surface. It grows well in sunny places and loves moisture. Ficus repens has small, leathery, oval-shaped leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller ones (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this ground cover variety are prone to lignification. In bright light (but not in direct sunlight), the variegated leaf pattern becomes even brighter, and if there is not enough light, it can become simply green.

    Its other name is ficus pumila; the most popular varieties for home breeding are: Sunny (with an uneven white border along the edges of the leaf),

    Pygmy creeper - Pumilla Sanny

    White Sunny (with a continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white spots along the leaf). The dwarf creeper feels equally comfortable in hanging pots (like a hanging plant) and ordinary pots.

    Pygmy Creeping - Pumila White Sunny - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

    Dwarf ficus can be twisted around special decorative poles, giving the desired direction to the shoots.

    The name Ficus Lyre-shaped was obtained precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm in length (25 cm in width) and have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. From it grows a fairly large tree that does not like neighbors, preferring to stand separately from others. It does not apply to banyans (plants with aerial roots). It has an erect trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background, in shape, expanding towards the top of the leaf, reminiscent of a violin.

    Lyre-shaped (Ficus lyrata) - photo from Instagram

    Ficus with the female name Natasha belongs to Benjamin's sub-cultivars.

    This is an evergreen perennial shrub that can grow up to 2 meters in indoor conditions. The bush has many thin shoots with densely growing small leaves, which are the smallest among other varieties of Benjamin. The leaves themselves have a leathery structure, an ellipsoidal shape with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can vary from white-green to a rich green hue.

    Photos of ficus leaves Natasha and Cypress - for comparison

    Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, or frequent movements; she prefers to grow in one permanent place. Loves irrigation (twice daily), regular shaking of the crown (to ventilate lush foliage).

    Photo of Microcarp Retuza

    The Microcarpa variety is very similar in appearance to one of the Benjamin varieties. It is characterized by accelerated growth of the root system, so it is often used to create bonsai. Microcarp leaves can be of different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On the shelves of our flower shops you can often see this variety grown in a special way, in which roots resembling ginseng rhizomes become visible. The label attached to the pot says Ficus microcarpa Ginseng (ficus microcarpa ginseng).

    To achieve this root shape, you need to do complex agrotechnical work using hormonal supplements and appropriate fertilizers. Under natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 25 meters; it is also called a “strangler” due to its tendency to entwine the trunks of nearby growing trees, preventing their further growth and development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a preparation material for the subsequent formation of the plant to obtain the bonsai style.

    Photo Microcarp - bonsai style

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the formation of bonsai - miniature trees that, in their appearance, repeat their large counterparts (roots and crown). Translation from Chinese "bonsai" is "grown in a tray." For preparations, varieties of ordinary trees or bushes are used, but with the use of clever pruning technologies, pulling stems with wire, and special watering techniques, amazing mini-gardens are created. Ficus is ideal for growing bonsai with your own hands - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this direction.

    Ficus bonsai is created from varieties:

    The Robusta variety is a variety of rubber-bearing ficus.

    Rubber-bearing (elastic) - Robusta - photo Galina ??, Lugansk

    Under natural conditions, it can grow to a height of 50-60 meters (but specimens of 30-40 meters are more common), and is the tallest representative of this family. This is one of the most unpretentious species; beginning flower growers and ficus lovers are recommended to start their activities with it. Ficus Robusta has large, fleshy leaves (approximately 30 cm long), which can be either single-colored (dark green) or with white or yellow patterns. It looks great in floor containers, loves frequent but moderate watering, and is not too demanding of light.

    Another representative of the Benjamin variety is Kinki.

    Photo by Kinki (Benjamin) - photo by Yulia Semenyuk (Mirekina), Krasnoyarsk

    This is a dwarf variety with small, narrow, light green leaves with cream-colored edges. The light-loving Kinki, who prefers diffuse lighting, does not like hot air (do not place it near radiators or heaters), as well as drafts. It is highly undesirable to move it from place to place (it may shed leaves). It will feel comfortable with moderate regular watering and irrigation.

    In the natural environment, a characteristic feature of the Bengal ficus is the banyan tree - a special form of structure of the root system, in which one plant from the outside looks like a forest of many trees growing nearby.

    The Bengal ficus variety has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves; at home it grows up to 2 meters in a few years. It loves good lighting and sunlight, although it needs to be shaded to avoid burns on the leaves.

    Photo of Andre (Bengal variety)

    Light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower; if natural lighting is scarce, then installing an additional source of artificial lighting becomes relevant. Not too active watering is recommended.

    The Melanie variety belongs to the rubber-bearing ficus family; it was once also used to produce rubber, but is now a full-fledged ornamental plant.

    Photo by Melanie (rubber-bearing)

    Melanie's ficuses are neat bushes with a voluminous crown; they look equally harmonious in offices and home interiors. This variety is unpretentious in care, likes frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering; it starts to hurt from too bright lighting. It has glossy leaves with a leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk, and a crown that can be easily shaped. Allergy sufferers should take a closer look at this variety before eating, as its milky juice is toxic and can cause allergies.

    Ficus Moklame is a tall bush with a neat compact crown.

    Photo of Microcarp Moklaim (Moklame) - photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg

    The shoots of this plant are directed upward, the oval leaves of a rich green color have a very dense structure - slightly reminiscent of plastic. This flower loves diffused lighting; with a lack of light, the leaves of Moklame turn pale, and with sufficient lighting they acquire a rich hue. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in summer).

    Ficuses in the house - signs

    Ficuses are living plants, like all living beings, they carry an energy charge. Whether it is positive or negative is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums you can read the owners’ concerns and discussions about whether ficus trees can be kept at home.

    If we consider the signs, it is worth highlighting several basic, most frequently mentioned ones:

  • If you feel a sudden urge to purchase this plant, then it is likely that you will soon have a new addition to your family. However, in order for this sign to start “working”, the ficus must be given to you, and the giver himself must be a positive, pleasant person for you.
  • If a girl or woman wants to get married, then she should grow a ficus from a small petiole with her own hands. Only she should care for the plant; direct communication with the flower is also recommended, that is, layering favorable energy on it.
  • If you place a flower pot in the kitchen, the family’s financial situation will improve and income will grow. If you have trouble sleeping or are stressed, then place it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere in a favorable mood, and optimizes energy in general.
  • According to biological studies, it has been proven that the presence of ficus cleanses the air in the room, saturates it with oxygen (releases phytoncides). This plant is capable of absorbing a variety of compounds harmful to humans (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, etc.). Special enzymes that the leaves of the plant contain can transform individual toxic elements into sugar and amino acids.

    There is information about the use of ficus in traditional medicine in eastern countries: with its help they cure skin, oncological, and intestinal diseases. However, you should not try little-known treatment methods on yourself, but rather consult a competent doctor.

    A plant can only cause harm if a person is allergic to it. Certain types of ficus, the same rubber-bearing ones, secrete juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people suffering from asthma. This juice cannot be tasted, and its contact with the skin is also undesirable.

    Be doubly careful if you have small children or curious pets - contact with this plant may not have the best effect on their health.

    As we see, the positive qualities of the ficus are much greater than the possible prohibitions on keeping it at home.

    This is a beautiful evergreen plant, caring for which will not require you to spend a lot of time or have any complicated maintenance conditions. Any member of this family can decorate your home with its decorative touch. We hope that the varieties of ficus described here with photos and names will help you make the right choice and place a new green friend in your home.

    Below are the varieties of ficus - photos and names of varieties:

    Anastasia (Benjamin variety) Lovely (Benjamin) Daniel (Benjamin variety) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Midnight Lady (Benjamin variety) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Starlight (Benjamin variety) Baroque (Benjamin variety) - photo Galina ??, Lugansk Baft (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) - photo Galina ??, Lugansk Regidan (Benjamin variety)
    Safari (Benjamin) - photo Galina ??, Lugansk Photo by De Gantelle (Benjamin) - photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamina) Photo Ali (Binnendik variety) - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol
    Amstel Gold (Binnendik variety) - photo Galina ??, Lugansk Photo Opposita - one of the varieties of figs
    Dwarf - Pumila White Sunny - photo Galina ??, Lugansk
    Benjamin variety - Midnight Lady Photo Esther (Neon) - a variety of Benjamin
    Deltoid (variegated) - photo Galina ??, Lugansk

Large banyan tree in the homeland of ficus - India

Ficus is rightfully considered one of them. This plant belongs to the mulberry family and is popularly often called the rubber tree, since its juice consists of fifteen percent of the specified substance.

The ficus is native to the subtropical and tropical forests of Malaysia, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. More than nine hundred are known, and they all have significant differences.

In nature, ficuses can be:

In addition, they can develop on other plants, forming adventitious roots that subsequently reach the ground. These are the so-called. In the homeland of the ficus, banyan trees form the Bengal ficus, the sacred ficus and the Indian ficus.

Another famous homeland of ficus is New Guinea. There you can often find plants reaching a height of more than forty meters, with a trunk diameter of at least five meters. Most species have large, often glossy leaves, which can sometimes be drooping. The flowers of the plants are small and collected in inflorescences. All parts of this plant contain milky juice. In the homeland of ficus, in Latin America, special medicinal tinctures are made from it, which are used in the treatment of benign tumors.

Ficus racemosus tree in its homeland, India

In southern Indonesia and the northeastern regions of India, which are known as the homeland of the ficus, this evergreen plant is called sacred. It is revered by local Buddhists, since it was under it that Buddha achieved the state of nirvana through meditation and reflection. In addition, the described plant can be found in all temples of Ceylon without exception. There, according to ancient legend, it was first planted in 288 BC. These plants are considered symbols of high spirituality, and numerous pilgrims tie colorful ribbons on them.

At home, the plant rarely grows more than one or two meters in height. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it not only has positive energy, but also helps to increase efficiency, and also helps to concentrate on a specific task.

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The flora of the Earth is incredibly diverse, awe-inspiring with its fabulous beauty, surprising in the number of species, names, shapes, and colors.

Among this splendor and abundance of plants, ficus stands out, the types and names of which amount to about a thousand different names. Let's take a closer look at this many-sided plant, find out its properties and the possibilities of using it to decorate various interiors.

History and interesting facts from the life of ficuses

All ficus, regardless of type, are heat-loving plants and are predominantly distributed in the Mediterranean countries, on the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in Western Africa, and Latin America. Some varieties of ficus can be found in Crimea, Central Asia, and the countries of Transcaucasia.

Ficus is a very interesting and ancient plant. The tombs of the mummies of Ancient Egypt, made from African ficus, have survived to this day. And who doesn’t know the fig or fig tree, also known as the fig tree, which has the status of a sacred tree for Muslims.

Ficus belongs to the mulberry family and has up to 800 species. Over the course of its many thousands of years of existence, this common plant has acquired a wide variety of life forms: from giant trees to very small dwarf plants.

It was also always called the “rubber tree.” This is explained simply. The jelly secreted from the stem and leaves of the ficus tree consists of 15 percent rubber. This is why ficus is used in industry.

The fruits of some types of ficus, for example, figs, contain about 75% sugars and have long been used by humans as a delicacy. In their natural habitat, the fruits of other varieties of ficus are the main part of the food of forest inhabitants.

In African countries and Mexico, rural residents use ficus leaves to cover the roofs of houses in the construction of houses.

If we talk about the home ficus, then everyone knows this common plant from childhood, which has a strong trunk and large, juicy green leaves. In the past, ficus decorated the window sills of almost every home, personifying order, stability, peace, and a correct way of life. And even, at one time, it was synonymous with philistinism.

In recent years, ficus has again begun to experience a huge surge of interest in it from gardeners, thanks to its extraordinary diversity, beauty, and unpretentiousness. This plant has become one of the main decorative elements, especially in country houses, where it became possible to provide this beauty with sufficient space and the necessary lighting.

At home, the plant brings many benefits, purifying the air in the room and creating coziness. This versatile plant has a lot of other beneficial properties, sometimes unexpected and extremely interesting.

So, let's get to know ficus trees better.

The origin of the Bengal ficus leads us to the shores of Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh. This is one of the representatives of the mulberry world, absolutely fantastic, from the point of view of an inhabitant of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, ficus banyan. Banyan refers to the unique life form of this plant. This amazing tree resembles a fairy-tale giant and, rather, looks like a dense forest consisting of many trunks.

How does this process happen?

The tree trunk is formed by shoots from which aerial roots emerge. The roots initially have a small thickness; as they develop, they begin to reach the ground, take root, and then they rapidly develop and increase in diameter to several meters. New trunks give rise to new shoots, and this process does not stop, repeating itself again and again. Over time, one tree gradually turns into a real fairy-tale forest, occupying an area of ​​​​several hectares.

The most impressive tree of the family is considered to be the Great Banyan of the Indian Botanical Garden, numbering about three thousand trunks.

In the interior of a city apartment, this tree will look much more modest, but if you decide to keep such a ficus within your home walls, you need to create a number of conditions for it. And, if you are not embarrassed by the size of the Bengal ficus, and it can grow up to three meters high, then, following all the rules of care, you can relax under the crown of a wonderful tree and enjoy the fresh air.

It could be a completely miniature bonsai.

Ficus lyreformes

This tropical beautiful plant grows in India and West Africa in nature and reaches a height of 30 m. It got its name because of the bizarre shape of the patterned leaves, reminiscent of a lyre - an ancient musical instrument.

Feels great at home, growing up to two meters. Of course, if you have enough area with good lighting. And provided that high humidity and temperature are maintained, you have every chance of growing a tall, elegant, handsome man.

But we must remember that ficus lyre prefers loneliness. Therefore, it will feel uncomfortable in the vicinity of other plants. This type of ficus requires constant spraying, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth, and a shower. Sometimes you have to use a humidifier.

In a word, this type of ficus is a difficult specimen and requires increased attention and care rules.

Dwarf ficus

Among the giant ficuses, which have an impressive size and height, tiny ficuses, which have another name - pumila, attract attention.

These ornamental plants, native to China, Taiwan, and Japan, are evergreen, creeping vines. They have small, beautiful leaves of a dark green hue, sometimes, depending on the variety, with a white border. The ficus stem produces shoots, which over time form aerial roots that can cling to any support and walls.

Therefore, dwarf ficuses are often used to frame any surfaces. The houses and gazebos entwined with a thick web of green carpet look very beautiful. Pumila is also planted as an additional decoration in the same pot with another type of ficus, and together they look great.

It is also possible to grow dwarf ficus at home, like any other type of plant, observing the necessary conditions. The plant needs abundant watering, and it also likes diffused light with a small amount of direct sunlight. And it feels great near windows facing west and east.

The dwarf ficus is replanted annually in the spring using standard ficus soil.

The birthplace of this plant is considered to be India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. The name of this plant speaks for itself. The rubber-bearing large-leaved ficus contains a large percentage of rubber in the juice released from the surface of the leaves. That is why it was previously grown on an industrial scale for the production of rubber. But this juice is not easy - it causes an allergic reaction, dermatitis, if it gets on the skin, since it contains alkaloids and enzymes.

In nature, the rubber-bearing ficus grows up to 30-40 meters in height. Its “rubber” properties, trunk and dense roots are used by residents of southern countries, making hanging bridges from these plants. Such a structure made of living wood can withstand more than a dozen people, as well as floods.

Rubber-bearing ficuses can create banyan trees in their natural habitat, turning into entire groves.

At home, the rubber-bearing ficus is also bred and brings benefits to its owners, first of all, by purifying the air from harmful impurities. Also likes a warm, humid atmosphere, good lighting, but not in direct sunlight.

If you do not forget to feed the ficus, water it in time, replant young plants annually and adult ficuses every 2-3 years, then your pet will delight you with its juicy green appearance for a long time, bringing a sense of peace and order to your home.

If we talk about the country of origin of this type of ficus, then it will be Burma, Nepal, some areas of Indochina. In nature, like many of his compatriots, they are gigantic in size and grow to a height of up to 30 meters, I have a dense green crown with large leaves.

Sacred ficus can begin its life as an epiphytic plant, fixing itself on other trees or in the recesses of buildings. Then, like many representatives of ficuses, it begins to take aerial roots, then fixes itself in the soil and turns into a trunk, which is a support for a young plant. And with further development it often turns into a banyan tree.

This type of ficus has a distinctive feature called “guttation.” When humidity is high, droplets of moisture form at the tips of the leaves of this plant, creating a weeping effect on the plant.

Buddhists consider this type of ficus to be a sacred plant, hence its name. According to legend, an ancient Buddhist prince achieved enlightenment under this wonderful plant and became Buddha. Since then, there has been a tradition of planting ficus sacred near temples, and pilgrims with enviable consistency decorate the plant with multi-colored ribbons.

It is grown at home with the same requirements for the maintenance of the entire ficus family.

This type of ficus is extremely popular among gardeners because of its decorative qualities and the simple process of growing and caring for it.

In nature, like all its relatives, it grows in the warm countries of Asia and northern Australia. It loves a humid habitat and in natural conditions can grow to a respectable size of 30 m in height. It can form the banyan trees already familiar to us, but in countries with a drier climate it remains a single-trunked tree.

In its natural habitat, it is often used in the form of “live” hedges and to create topiary forms, when geometric cutting is applied to plants to give them certain shapes.

It looks very attractive on the windowsills of apartments, hanging the branches a little down, for which it received the name “crying ficus”. The leaves, depending on the variety, vary in size (from 3 to 10 cm), shape and color shades. But regardless of the variety, a milky sap is released from the surface of the ficus leaves, which can cause an allergic reaction.

, like no other, has a large number of varieties. They differ in size, from small plants to 4-meter-high giants, leaf shape and color. May be trees or shrubs.

Among all the diversity, ficus varieties stand out for their special unpretentiousness:

  • Daniel: dark green leaves 6 cm
  • Golden Monique: light green and golden leaves with a unique pattern
  • Curly: leaves about 5 cm with a strongly curved outline and a white border
  • Golden King: green leaves with a yellow stripe on the edge
  • Monique: corrugated leaves.

And many other varieties, each of which has its own characteristics and charm.

Ficus benjamina adapts well to the home interior, is heat-loving, and requires watering only when the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, water less often, but keep an eye on the roots, preventing them from drying out.

The types of ficus do not end there, the story can be continued for a long time, but you have met the most common inhabitants of our window sills. In future publications I will try to talk about the rules of caring for them, about possible diseases or which can settle on these majestic plants.

Ficus benjamina- one of the most popular decorative foliage indoor plants. Its homeland is South Asia, the Philippines, and Australia. In nature, it is a large bush or tree, reaching a height of 8 - 10 m; in indoor conditions it grows up to 1.5-2 meters. The trunk is gray with small streaks. Branches inclined downwards. The leaves are on small petioles 2-2.5 cm, the leaf blade is oval with an elongated tip 4-8 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide. The central vein is not clearly expressed. The sheet is dense and glossy. Leaf color varies from light green to very dark, and there are many variegated forms.

Indoor varieties

Ficus benjamina has a huge number of varieties, differing in the size of the leaves and their variegation.

Ficus benjamina variety Daniel

Variety "Daniel"- distinguished by very dark, monochromatic leaves.

Ficus benjamina variety Monique

Variety "Monique"- has more delicate, thin branches and a light leaf slightly wavy along the edge.

Ficus benjamina variety Nicole

Variety "Nicole"- has a more elongated leaf with a lighter edge.

Ficus benjamina variety Safari

Variety "Safari"- distinguished by obvious spotting and tricolor coloring.

Ficus benjamina variety Baroque

Variety "Baroque"- the most unusual and difficult to grow. Each leaf of this miniature plant is twisted into a spiral.


Prefers bright, but not sunny places. In summer it needs shading from direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves. The required amount of lighting also depends on the variegation of the leaves - the more variegated the leaves, the lighter the plant needs. If the ficus is located in the back of the room, it needs to be provided with additional lighting with a fluorescent or phytolamp. It is advisable that the backlight be located directly above the growth point, in this case the crown will be more symmetrical.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and responds to them by dropping leaves.

In the summer, ficus benjamena can be taken to the balcony or garden in a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight. However, in this case, after bringing the ficus indoors, due to sudden changes in living conditions, it will shed some of its leaves.


Prefers a temperature range of 20-25 °C, in winter not lower than 15 °C. Provided proper watering, they can tolerate higher temperatures. A temperature drop below 15 °C will lead to massive leaf fall, and a temperature below 10 °C can lead to the death of the plant.

If the temperature in the room drops and it is not possible to move the ficus to a warmer room, the lump of earth should be well insulated. By maintaining the temperature of the roots, the ficus is able to tolerate lower temperatures for some time.

The plant should not be placed near heating appliances.

Watering is moderate after the top layer of soil dries. The plant reacts to overdrying by dropping some of the leaves; from overwatering, the leaves become light and the roots can rot. In winter, with cooler conditions, watering is slightly reduced.

Watering is done with warm, settled water. The water is drained from the pan.

For more intensive growth, it is advisable to regularly spray with warm boiled or filtered water. However, the plant grows well without spraying, easily adapting to the conditions of the apartment.

Only in winter in hot apartments with central heating is it advisable to spray the leaves to avoid losing some of the leaves.
From time to time, it is advisable to wash the ficus in the shower to wash off dust from the leaves. If the size of the crown allows, the crown can be completely immersed in water for a few minutes.

From spring to autumn, ficus is fertilized with universal fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants, diluted in a slightly lower concentration than indicated on the package.

In winter, when kept in cool conditions, fertilizing is stopped; when kept in warm conditions, fertilize once a month with fertilizers diluted in an even lower concentration.

Fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation and watered over the already wet lump of earth.

The plant responds well to treatment with Epin, which stimulates faster crown growth.

Young specimens are usually transplanted once a year in the spring, adults - once every 2-3 years, when the roots entwine the entire clod of earth. In large plants, it is permissible to replace the top layer of soil instead of replanting.

Pots can be ceramic or plastic; a drainage layer is required. The size of the pot should only be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Universal store soil is suitable for planting, or you can make a mixture of peat, leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.


Propagated by seeds, cuttings and air layering.

  • Seeds sown in the ground in the spring, covered with a bag and placed in a warm, bright place. Germination occurs within a month. After two leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots;
  • By layering only rare and complex varieties of ficus benjamen are propagated, for example, the Baroque variety with twisted leaves. For propagation by layering, the bark is cut into a ring, wrapped in wet sphagnum, moistened and wrapped with plastic wrap. After the roots appear, the layering can be separated from the mother plant and planted in the ground under the bag;
  • The easiest way to reproduce is cuttings. A cutting 15-25 cm long is cut off, placed for a couple of hours in warm water so that white juice comes out, after which the edge of the cutting is rinsed and placed in clean boiled water. It is advisable to put a piece of charcoal in the water to prevent decay. After the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in the ground under a bag or jar. When the cutting begins to grow, the polyethylene should be gradually removed, tearing it to gradually accustom the plant to the air in the room. You can root directly in the soil under the bag.
  • Diseases and pests

    Ficus trees are not often affected by pests. Most often, scale insects, mealybugs and thrips are found on them. The mealybug can be harvested by hand, but to combat the scale insect it is better to use systemic fungicides - phytoverm, actellik, actara.

  • The leaves are turning pale– insufficient lighting. Put the ficus in a brighter place or provide it with additional lighting;
  • Leaves are pale and limp- you flooded the ficus. Do not water the plant for a while. If this does not work, replant it in another soil, removing the rotten roots and watering it with root solution;
  • The plant sheds its leaves– the loss of some leaves in autumn is a natural process for ficus benjamena. If a plant sheds a lot of leaves at once, it may be standing in a draft, or near a heating device. Move the plant to another location.
  • Crown formation

    Ficus benjamina is a fast-growing plant that requires crown formation. If the plant is located near a window, it is advisable to rotate it by 90 °C every 2 weeks so that the crown grows evenly. But this is usually not enough. The plant needs annual spring pruning.

    Ficus with a crown in the form of a column

    It easily tolerates pruning, which stimulates the formation of numerous side shoots. Pruning is usually done above a dormant bud, blotting the cut with a cloth and sprinkling it with charcoal. If the plant is small, you can pinch it by simply removing the growing point.

    Ficus on the trunk

    From ficuses you can form standard plants, removing the lower branches and forming a dense crown with pruning.

    Ficus with woven trunk

    A very interesting effect can be achieved by intertwining the trunks of several plants. To do this, several young ficuses are planted and their trunks are intertwined. The bark is incised at the points of contact between the stems. As a result, plants grow quickly. In this way, you can form completely unusual openwork trunks.

    Ficus benjamin bonsai

    And, of course, ficus, like no other plant, is suitable for creating indoor bonsai. To do this, the plant is planted in a tight pot and not fertilized. The branches are fixed in the desired position with special wire and weights. After some time, the stretch marks and weight can be removed.

    If you want to have a large and easy-care plant at home, the ficus benjamina is exactly what you need.

    I suggest watching a short video on caring for ficus benjamina.


    All about the amazing houseplant Ficus benjamina: description of species

    Ficus benjamina is one of the leaders in popularity among indoor plants.

    A huge variety of ficus species makes it possible to choose exactly the plant that will best fit into the interior of an office or apartment.

    The need to regularly trim a rapidly growing specimen will allow you to even shape its crown the way you want.

    Description of the plant

    Externally, ficus benjamina resembles a small tree. The short trunk is covered with gray-beige bark.

    Benjamin's crown is lush and branched.

    The tropical past of the indoor plant is reminiscent of aerial roots or their rudiments (in their natural habitat they absorb water from the air).

    The color of the leaves ranges from solid green or light to variegated with a wide variety of “graphics” of the pattern.

    Original option - this cannot be done with any other representatives of indoor flora. However, you can also purchase a single Ficus Benjamina plant.

    If you need to landscape a winter garden or greenhouse, it is difficult to choose something better than ficus.

    The rich, glossy foliage combines well with other indoor plants and does not require any special, labor-intensive care.

    The homeland of indoor Benjamin is the tropical forests of Asia. This member of the mulberry family is found today in China, India, Australia, Hawaii and the Philippines.

    In its natural habitat it stretches up to 25 meters in height. While his indoor relative reaches a little over a meter, and it takes him about ten years to do this.

    A houseplant quickly becomes lush and branches well, so the formation of a plant crown is one of the main directions in plant care. The shape of the “haircut” can be chosen from several options:

  • bush-like;
  • in the form of a ball;
  • in the form of any sculpture;
  • according to the bonsai principle.
  • By the way, the “bonsai” haircut works well due to the fact that the ficus shoots do not lose their elasticity for a very long time and allow you to perform all the necessary manipulations with them.

    It should also be borne in mind that the younger the plant, the easier it is to trim.

    You also need to know a number of rules: use only sterile instruments, protect the bark from damage, and do not pick off the leaves by hand.

    It is worth adhering to the principle of measuring seven times before using scissors or pruners: so as not to spoil the appearance of the plant.

    Try to mentally keep in mind the result you are striving for, and cut off only those branches that do not fit into the ideal image created by your imagination.

    You can weave a braid or spiral from semi-lignified stems, as specialized stores offer, on your own, but not before the lower part of the plants, with which you begin weaving, reaches a length of thirteen centimeters.

    As it grows further, turn after turn is added, and the braid itself (so that it does not unravel) is held in place with electrical tape or woolen thread. By the way, the plant only benefits from such a “braid” - the stems become stronger.

    Root system

    Benjamin's roots are generally very strong. It is no coincidence that in their homeland the plant takes measures to protect sidewalks and underground communications from the destructive effects of its roots.

    For a houseplant, it is important to choose the right pot. It should not be too large or wide - in this way the ficus will grow slowly, mastering the underground space centimeter by centimeter. But there is no need for cramped space - the root system should be comfortable.

    Aerial roots, characteristic of ficuses growing in the natural environment, are observed quite rarely in indoor plants: there is simply no special need for them; the efforts of the traditional root system are enough to extract water and nutrients from the soil.

    The plant blooms only in natural conditions and in greenhouses, the climate and conditions of which are close to natural. However, there are no rules without exceptions: according to flower growers, their home ficus trees sometimes bloomed.

    The inflorescence, called a syconium, looks more like a red berry with a small hole, and if you don't know what it is, you might start to worry if your plant has some kind of strange disease.

    Specialists brought out a great many different types of ficus Benjamin. The differences between them usually lie in the color, shape and size of the leaves.

    Here are some of these varieties:

    Baroque- unpretentious, very similar to a miniature tree and has many subspecies with leaves of different shapes and colors.

    Anastasia- distinguished by an original pattern of leaves, it is very catchy and patterned.

    Starlight- its feature is variegated leaves with white or cream spots on a green background.

    Golden King- this plant fully lives up to its name, it is the real king of the ficus world. It grows well, allows the formation of beautiful tall trees, and has a noble color of leaves with a golden edge.

    Ficus Golden King

    Variegated- this handsome guy really doesn’t like to change his surroundings. When purchasing it, find a permanent place for the plant to live.

    Daniel- a bright, cheerful green representative of Benjamin's ficus. Not as demanding on conditions as its variegated counterparts.

    Benjamin Mix- a magnificent representative of the genus, which can have leaves of very different colors - from plain to variegated. Whimsical and requires a lot of attention.

    Ficus benjamina Mix

    Kinky- easily tolerates haircuts and allows you to form any crown. Also, it is from Kinki that graceful trees with several trunks are “weaved”.

    Natasha- a dwarf variety of Benjamin with a compact, beautiful crown and variegated oval leaves.

    Home care

    Ficus benjamina requires simple, but still special care, compared to other indoor flowers.

    The plant does not like direct sunlight or drafts, so keep it a few meters from the window.

    Instead of watering, use spraying (once or twice during the day). Take water either boiled or settled, at room temperature.

    The plant does well in high humidity. It needs a particularly humid environment in the summer, so you need to periodically spray the ficus leaves.

    Like any plant, Benjamin can get sick. Read about the diseases your pet is most prone to here. You will also find some useful tips for growing ficus in this article.

    Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out regularly, every two to three weeks, but not all year round, but from the beginning of spring to September.

    Watch a video with tips for caring for ficuses at home:

    We bring to your attention a few more materials that will help you grow a healthy plant. Read all about ficus transplantation and its propagation.


    Many people believe in the magical properties of the plant.

    For example, it is considered a sure sign that Benjamin attracts wealth and prosperity to the house.

    There is also an opinion that the plant can extinguish negative emotions and fill the house with happiness.

    It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but the fact that ficus neutralizes formaldehyde, one of the most dangerous substances that pollute the air in residential premises, has been proven by scientific research.

    Having purchased such a beautiful and useful green pet, you probably will not regret it.

    The homeland of Ficus Benjamin and the main points for caring for it in apartment conditions

    Ficus benjamina is a houseplant from the numerous genus Ficus. Its popularity can be compared to the rubber ficus. Homeland - the tropics of Asia. In the wild, due to constant humidity and high temperatures, the tree can reach up to 30 meters in height.

    Self-care for Ficus Benjamin is not always easy, as it might seem at first glance.

    Rules of care

    Since the plant’s homeland is the tropics, its care should be close to natural. The root system of ficus Benjamin is quite developed. The flower has many different varieties, each of which has an individual leaf shape, height and color.


    You need to be extremely careful when carrying out this process. The amount of watering will directly depend on the time of year, the size and age of the specimen, temperature conditions, air humidity levels and lighting. Moderate watering characteristic of the summer annual season. Be sure to check the soil before each watering; it should dry out a couple of centimeters. Remember to drain excess water from the pan. With the onset of winter, the plant should be watered strictly as needed.

    Boiled water at room temperature is ideal for this process.

    Do not take Ficus Benjamin out of the bathroom immediately after bathing. Let it dry a little.


    Despite the fact that the homeland of the plant is the tropics and the level of lighting there can be very diverse, ficus Benjamin requires a little effort. Lighting will directly affect the overall health of the flower and the color of the leaves. Lighting must meet the following criteria:

  • exposure to direct rays of the sun is strictly prohibited;
  • the place should be well lit.
  • Temperature

    To grow Ficus Benjamin at home, you will need to take care of a constant temperature of 20 to 25 degrees above zero.

    Protect Benjamin's ficuses from gusts of air, drafts and open windows.

    With the onset of the winter season, Benjamin's ficus can survive temperatures of 16 to 18 degrees Celsius.

    Air humidity

    The homeland of this plant also influenced the level of air humidity that must be maintained at home. This is especially true in the summer, when the humidity level should be high. Also, on hot summer days, the flower will not refuse to be sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. With the onset of the winter season, you need to make sure that the pot with the plant is located as far as possible from heating appliances. Experts recommend keeping a container of water or a special device next to the pot that maintains the level of air humidity.

    Fertilizer application

    Ficus Benjamin will not refuse feeding, which is carried out twice a month during spring and summer. As a rule, organic and mineral fertilizers alternate. With the beginning of active development, it is necessary to apply fertilizers that contain large amounts of nitrogen.

    Transplant procedure

    Ficus benjamina cannot be replanted only at will. There must be a compelling reason from the following list to begin this process:

  • The growing container has become too small.
  • The root system enveloped the entire earthen ball.
  • Replanting is required due to changing the soil or improving the drainage system.
  • During reproduction.
  • As a rule, it is recommended to replant the plant annually. The spring period is chosen for this. And only specimens that have reached 3 or even 4 years of age can be replanted every 3 years. Do not forget to add fresh soil to the container with the plant from time to time.

    For young ficuses, leafy soil is excellent, for older ones - dense, nutritious soil.

    The container for transplanting Ficus Benjamin should be chosen not too spacious and large. Choose a pot a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one. It is imperative to ensure good drainage.

    The flower reacts negatively to alkaline soil or soil with high acidity.

    You need to be extremely careful with the root system of the plant. She is very fragile. That is why the entire reproduction process will take place by transshipment along with an earthen lump.
    A couple of days after transplanting, you can water the plant.

    If you purchased ficus benjamina from a specialty store, then do not rush to replant it. You need to wait for the adaptation period to complete, which lasts about a month.

    Plant propagation

    Cuttings are the most effective way to propagate Ficus Benjamin. Cuttings root well in soil or water, which needs to be changed from time to time.

    If the cutting was planted in the soil, then it makes sense to cover it with a glass container to create a greenhouse effect.

    The ideal time for ficus propagation is spring or summer.

    It is at this time that Ficus Benjamin activates the growth of leaves and root system. The main thing is to choose the right cutting size. Cuttings that are too short or long will not take root.

    Crown trimming and shaping

    Trimming the crown will help give your pet an original appearance. The most common forms are:

    Pruning, like other processes, is carried out with the onset of the spring season or at the beginning of the summer period. It is worth remembering that the younger the ficus Benjamin, the easier it will be for you to form its beautiful crown.

    Be sure to follow these rules during the pruning process:

  • Ficus benjamina should retain its natural appearance.
  • Take your time to cut off all the branches in a row.
  • The pruning tool must be sterilized.
  • Do not damage the plant bark.
  • The leaves should not be curled or completely torn off.
  • The cut should be made strictly at an angle directed towards the top edge.
  • But it is not only the pruning process that can achieve a beautiful appearance. The interlacing of trunks will help in its formation. To achieve this, it is necessary to plant several young specimens of the plant in one container. Their trunks are quite flexible and can be easily weaved. It is necessary to remove the leaves in those places where the shoots are woven.

    The trunks can be tied with sticky tape or wool thread to prevent them from growing.

    Problems during cultivation

    Not all flower growers know how to care for Ficus Benjamin. Therefore, let’s consider the problems that can most often occur during cultivation:

    Just don't panic if the leaves start to turn yellow or fall off in the fall. This is a natural process for Ficus Benjamin.


    Six types of ficus elastica

    Ficus elastica or Ficus rubber or Ficus rubber is a common indoor plant that belongs to the Tucaceae family, the genus Ficus.

    Its homeland is the northeastern part of India, as well as the islands of Java and Sumatra.

    At home, the plant does not reach its full size, which in nature is 30 meters, but grows for years without suffering from incomplete development.

    Several of the most decorative forms of plants are grown in apartment conditions. They are quite unpretentious and can grow in almost any home.

    Ideal option for a small room. Ficus elastica melanie is compact and attractive. Large leaves of a dark green color with a pink-orange bottom and good bushiness give it an unusual appearance.

    This ficus is unpretentious and suitable even for those who have no experience in keeping indoor plants.

    The leaves of the plant are wide with dark burgundy veins. In a small room, Abidjan will look bulky. He unpretentious and can be the first indoor plant.

    Ficus elastica Belize is the most common species, which is most often cultivated in apartment conditions. The color of the leaves is tricolor, which adds decorativeness to the plant.

    The edge of the leaf plates is white-pink, and the central part is rich green. View needs good lighting, and care for him requires strict adherence to the recommendations.

    This the most undemanding variety, which can grow in almost any conditions. The leaves are dark green in color, fleshy, capable of very efficiently purifying the air from harmful substances.

    Because of this feature, it is recommended to get such a ficus for residents of areas adjacent to industrial zones. Robusta, due to its endurance, forgives many mistakes of a novice gardener and is even able to survive several days of drying out.

    The leaves of the plant are spotted, with uneven distribution of spots. Spots of various shapes and sizes, from white to light green. This is clearly visible in the photo.

    Tineke, unlike most ficuses, is whimsical, he Suitable only for experienced growers. A beginner will cope with it only if he strictly adheres to all the recommendations without violating them.

    A mix variety is obtained when several rubber-bearing ficuses are planted in one pot at once. The leaves of the mix variety are leathery, with a glossy shine, oval in shape and can be dark green or variegated.

    The even stem is densely leafy, which creates a good decorative effect. Ficus is unpretentious, it can be grown without difficulty in most apartments. Able to clean the air well.

    How to care for a plant after purchase

    First of all the tree is quarantined, since it is necessary to make sure that it is not diseased or infested with pests. Quarantine is also required so that the plant adapts to new conditions and does not become infected if existing indoor plants are carriers of infections that they themselves do not manifest.

    After the purchase, the ficus needs to be transplanted, since the land in which it is bought is unsuitable for long-term cultivation.

    To give the plant the most marketable appearance, it is saturated with additives that, with prolonged exposure, will kill it.

    Transplantation is carried out a week after purchase when the ficus is already accustomed to new living conditions.

    The plant is watered and carefully removed from the pot. After this, the store-bought soil is shaken off and the ficus is replanted in suitable soil. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to do expanded clay drainage. The diameter of the new pot is taken 4 cm more than the previous one.

    Learn more about transplanting rubber ficus and caring for it in this video:

    Proper care at home prolongs the life of the ficus and allows it to remain as decorative as possible.

    Ficus sacred in the homeland of Buddha and in indoor conditions

    A very interesting representative of a large genus of ficus of the Mulberry family is Ficus sacred, or religious (Ficus religiosa). It is also called the Bodhi Tree or simply Bo, as well as Peepal. The tree is native to India and its natural range extends from the foothills of the Himalayas to the east, southwest China, northern Thailand and Vietnam. Followers of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism revere and worship this tree.

    According to legend, thousands of years ago, a prince from Northern India, Siddhartha Guatauma, sat under a fig tree and meditated. When Siddhartha fully understood the meaning of life, he achieved the highest and perfect enlightenment of Bodhi and became Buddha Supreme, or the Awakened One. According to legend, not only Buddha, but also Vishnu was born in the shade of the Bo tree. In Buddhism, this tree is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Silk threads of red, yellow and white are tied around it and they pray for the parents to be rewarded with offspring. In India, the Bodhi tree is widely planted around temples.

    The tree, considered historically associated with the Buddha, grew on Bodh Gaya in the northern Indian state of Bihar, but in the 2nd century BC. it was destroyed by King Pushpiamitra, but it was resumed later in the same place with a new plant received from him. In the 7th century AD. it was again destroyed by King Sassanka. And the Bodhi tree, now located on Bodh Gaya, was planted in 1881.

    A descendant of the plant in whose shade Buddha received enlightenment, Sri Madha Bodhi, was planted in 288 BC. in Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka and is considered the oldest tree among flowering plants.

    Ficus sacred grows as an evergreen or semi-deciduous tree, reaching a height of 30 m. Growing in a climate where there is never frost, it sheds only part of its old leaves during the dry season. The leaves are arranged on smooth shoots in a spiral. The petioles are long, reaching 13 cm. The leaf blade is broadly ovate, 7-25 cm long and 4-13 cm wide, thinly leathery, with entire, sometimes corrugated edges. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a thin, extended tip in the form of a tail. The central vein is clearly visible, the lateral veins are clearly visible. The stipules are oval and reach 5 cm. Like all ficuses, peepal has a milky sap. Pseudofruits (syconia) are spherical, located in pairs in the leaf axils, reach 1.5 cm in diameter, and turn purple when ripe. For them, the plant received another name - Sacred Fig. This is a monoecious plant. Ficus sacred blooms throughout the year. Flowers are pollinated by a wasp of a certain species. The fruits are eaten by birds, monkeys, bats, and pigs, who spread the seeds.

    The plant often begins its life as an epiphyte, settling in the leaf litter in the hollows of other trees. From there, the peepal tree sends down aerial roots, which later serve as its support, forming a banyan tree. This species does not form aerial roots from lateral branches, like other ficuses. It grows as a single-trunk tree, the diameter of the trunk with smooth, light gray bark can reach 3 meters or more.

    As befits a divine plant, it heals ailments. All parts of the Bo tree are widely used in medicine. The leaves are the most valuable. Juice is squeezed out of them or powder is made and used to relieve fever, dysentery, constipation, and boils. Fruits are used to normalize digestion, used for dehydration and heart diseases, as well as for poisoning. The roots help cope with inflammatory processes. Extract from the roots reduces the level of uric acid in the body, thereby helping with gout. The bark from the roots helps with any inflammation in the mouth and throat area, back pain and ulcers. Milky juice, as one of the components, is used in the treatment of many fungal skin diseases. The bark is used to treat wounds, and the seeds help with bladder diseases.

    Currently, ficus sacred grows in tropical gardens around the world. It is valued for its external aesthetics and the religious veneration associated with the name of Buddha. In countries where there is no pollinating wasp, it is propagated vegetatively (by cuttings).

    The Bo tree prefers hot, humid climates and can grow indoors, but prefers full direct sun. It is unpretentious to soils, but light loams with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction are optimal.

    Maintenance and care indoors

    Ficus sacred is quite common among our amateur gardeners. Pipal is also grown as a potted plant and is decorated by followers of Buddhism on Bodhi Day (December 8). The main thing that must be taken into account for its successful cultivation is great need for light.

    Soil composition. You need to add turf soil and sand to the purchased soil (3 parts peat soil, 1 part turf soil, 1 part sand). Replanting is carried out in spring and summer as the roots fill the volume of the pot.

    Watering moderate, as the soil dries out. Prefers light drying to abundant watering.

    top dressing universal fertilizer in the spring and summer.

    Pruning tolerates it well, and often simply needs it to maintain the shape of the crown. It is held at the end of winter and beginning of spring.

    in winter It is advisable to place the plant in bright light, lower the temperature to +18 0 C, reduce watering, and spray frequently.

    In summer It is advisable to provide the ficus with a place in the open air in direct sun (carefully monitoring the level of moisture in the substrate). On hot days it is necessary to spray frequently.

    Pests. At home, ficus sacred is very susceptible to spider mites, so you need to humidify the air more often. It can also be affected by scale insects and mealybugs.

    Reproduction. Easily propagated by cuttings. Rooting lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.


    This large-leaved bush-like plant sometimes reaches the height of a small tree. Ficus grows in any conditions; with good care, in one year it reaches a height of 1 m or more.

    Upon reaching 1-1.5 m, the top is cut off so that a crown is formed from the shoots sprouting at the top. When apical shoots appear, the lower leaves of the trunk gradually turn yellow and fall off, due to which the plant takes the form of a standard tree.

    Description of ficus, homeland of the plant, photo of indoor flower leaves

    Ficus (Ficus)- a plant from the Mulberry family.

    A genus of evergreen plants, 600 species are distributed in the tropical forests of India, Indo-China, Ceylon, Java, Borneo and other islands. In the jungle, ficus is a huge tree up to 30 m tall, with leaves up to 1 m long. For the first time, an accurate description of the ficus plant was given 2200 years ago by the first botanist Theophrastus. Theophrastus accompanied the famous conqueror Alexander the Great on his campaign to India and was struck by the sight of a ficus: a mighty tree with a round crown of monstrous diameter. Roots descend from huge, horizontally spread branches. They gradually turn into trunks and form, as it were, an artificially planted covered green passage around the main trunk. An entire detachment of cavalry can camp under their shadow. The shadow of a ficus at midday can cover more than a hectare of land. Ficus roots are also remarkable: winding, flat, like boards, rise 1.5-2 m above the ground.

    Natural climatic conditions: tropics and subtropics of islands and coasts of the Indian and Pacific oceans. South Africa and the Mediterranean are also called the homeland of the ficus plant.

    Pay attention to the photo of ficus leaves - they are alternate, less often opposite, whole, serrated or lobed:

    Variegated forms of ficuses are especially beautiful, there are also forms with golden and almost black foliage. The leaves of many varieties f. Benjamins have wavy edges. All parts of the plant contain milky sap. Even with good ficus care at home, these plants practically do not bloom. Ficuses are very popular with bonsai growers as they are showy and easy to shape.

    Small annual ficuses are suitable for decorating rooms, large tub specimens are suitable for winter gardens, large and medium-sized rooms.

    As shown in the photo, a ficus indoor plant is usually placed on a window in a saucer or on a wooden lattice, installed near the window on special stands:

    Larger ficuses can stand on the floor by the window or at some distance from it. In winter, ficus can be placed even in the depths of a bright, spacious, cool room, avoiding places near radiators and pipes.

    Difficulty in growing ficus flowers: average.

    Interesting facts about ficus trees. Many ficus trees are of very important economic importance in their homeland.

    Thus, the rubber ficus (F. elastica Roxb.), or rubber tree, living in our rooms produces up to 18-20% rubber. In 1493, Christopher Columbus's ship landed on an island he named Hispaniola (now Haiti). On the shore, the Spaniards saw a fun game similar to our basketball. In time with the song, the inhabitants of the island threw up black balls, which, falling to the ground, as if alive, made funny jumps.

    These balls were quite heavy, sticky and smelled of smoke. The Indians explained that they were made from ficus juice - kaochu (translated as "tears of a tree"). In Europe, rubber appeared in 1770. At first it was collected from ficuses growing in the jungle, then they began to be bred on plantations. True, the ficus was soon replaced by Hevea brasiliensis. It grows faster and contains up to 32% rubber.

    Another important member of the mulberry family, ficus carica (F. carica), has beautiful palmate-lobed leaves and very tasty sweet fruits containing up to 70% sugar. They are called wine berries, figs, or figs. In ancient Egypt, sculptures and sarcophagi were carved from the wood of fig trees.

    Temperature, lighting, watering and feeding ficus at home

    Optimal location: the plant must be installed near the western, eastern and southern windows, but protected from drafts and cold air (when opening the window). Lighting of ficuses of variegated forms should be complete and long-lasting. Ficuses with climbing shoots (rooted and small-growing) are shade-tolerant.

    Temperature requirements: The optimal temperature in summer is 25–30 °C, in winter 16–20 °C. The minimum safe temperature for ficuses of many species is 10 ° C, for variegated plants - 15 ° C.

    Lighting requirements: a bright place with shade from direct sunlight in summer. Ficus with hard leaves, for example f. rubbery, can be in the morning summer sun, other species require bright diffused light. Ficuses with dark green leaves are resistant to temporary lack of light, variegated plants can hardly tolerate even partial shade, losing the beautiful color of the leaves. An important condition for growing ficus is additional lighting in the winter. The plant will survive wintering better in a warm and dry living space if it is provided with additional lighting and spraying. The higher the room temperature, the more light is required.

    Watering, spraying: In summer, water abundantly, but the soil should dry out between waterings. The need for watering is determined by touch: the finger is buried 2-3 cm into the ground (for tub plants - 5-7 cm): if the soil crumbles and does not stain the finger, then watering is required, if the soil is wet and sticks to the finger, water early. Water with warm water, in summer - until it flows out of the drainage hole. 30 minutes after watering the ficus at home, drain the water from the pan. In winter, careful watering is required. In summer, ficuses are more at risk from lack of water; in winter, especially when kept in a cool room, there is excess moisture. In hot summers and winters, when keeping ficus in a heated room with dry air, spraying leaves and showers are useful. Warm and soft water is used for spraying. Ficus lyreate requires high air humidity.

    Feeding: in spring and summer once every 10–14 days with organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them. In winter, ficus is not fertilized. Vegetation during this period is undesirable, since there is not enough light, heat and moisture, and stimulating the ficus to grow leads to the formation of weak and elongated shoots. Feeding ficus at home is not required for 1–2 months after transplantation, as long as the new soil contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.

    Transfer: signals for replanting - a lump of earth completely entwined with roots, rapid drying of the soil after watering, roots crawling out of the drainage holes.

    When grown and cared for at home, ficus trees are usually replanted in the spring or early summer using the transshipment method. For large tub-shaped ficuses, the replanting of which is difficult, the top layer of soil is changed 1–2 times a year.

    Substrate: young ficus prefer a light and permeable soil mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. Adult ficuses require denser soil, so turf soil and humus are added to the substrate. A good drainage layer of expanded clay and pieces of charcoal in the soil will protect plants from stagnant water and rotting roots.

    Trimming: Ficuses need rejuvenating and formative pruning, which is carried out in early spring. Sanitary pruning can be done at any time. In summer, new shoots can be pinched for greater tillering. Old plants cannot be cut too low, since the buds on the woody trunk do not always wake up.

    How ficus propagates at home and video of propagation by cuttings

    A simple and affordable way - cuttings. Tree-like and ampelous ficuses are easily propagated in this vegetative way. The only difference is that ampelous ficuses (ivy-shaped and tiny) take root faster than shrub and tree-like forms.

    No greenhouse boxes with peat, sand or covering material are needed. In an ordinary container with water, after two to three weeks the ficus will develop adventitious roots.

    To propagate woody ficuses, you can take both apical sections and sections from the middle part with one node, but better - with two or three.

    The main thing is that the cuttings are not the youngest, but already semi-lignified. The cut is made with a sharp knife, the lowest leaf is removed from the cut, the milky sap is washed off with warm water, then the cut is slightly dried and again placed in warm water for rooting.

    Of course, if you are used to rooting in a loose substrate, please do so, but this method is more labor-intensive and there is no way to monitor the rooting process, as, for example, in water.

    For woody forms, it is advisable to roll large leaves into a tube and tie them to reduce evaporation, and bury the cutting itself obliquely into the substrate by one knot. So, in the summer there are no obstacles to propagating ficuses by cuttings.

    The video of ficus propagation by cuttings shows how this procedure is performed:

    Stimulation of root formation. The development of roots in ficus occurs from callus tissue, which forms in places of mechanical damage. The wider the wound surface, the more actively callus is formed, from which a more powerful root system develops. To stimulate callus formation, shallow oblique cuts (scratches) are made on the part of the cutting that will be buried in the soil.

    The use of root-forming chemicals (such as Kornevin) or growth regulators (heteroauxin) can significantly increase the yield of rooted seedlings and the further development of a powerful root system. Treatment with stimulants can be carried out by soaking the cuttings in a solution (which is advisable for subsequent rooting in water), or by dusting the cut with a powdered preparation. Dusting is used when rooting in the soil substrate.

    How else does ficus reproduce at home and how to perform this procedure correctly? It is possible to propagate ficus by layering; this method is practiced mainly for the purpose of “rejuvenating” plants that have lost their decorative properties. For example, when the ficus “lost” all the lower leaves.

    To obtain "air roots", a strip of bark 2–3 cm thick is removed from the trunk with a ring, or oblique notches are made. The wound site is covered with damp moss and covered with a piece of polyethylene.

    In the future, it is necessary to keep the moss moist. After some time, roots will develop at the site of damage, after which the upper part of the plant can be cut off and transplanted into a new flowerpot.

    Pests and diseases of indoor ficus flower (with photo)

    The appearance of brown spots on the leaves indicates root rot due to poor drainage, overflow, especially in cold weather. Watering with cold water, lack of light, low temperature, drafts cause leaf fall. Ficuses can be affected by scale insects, spider mites, and mealybugs.

    See what diseases and pests of ficuses look like in the photo below:

    Possible problems when growing ficus trees. All ficus plants do not tolerate drafts, waterlogged soil and direct sun. Also, the ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, do not transfer the plant, do not move or disturb it. When there is insufficient lighting, ficus internodes lengthen, growth slows down, and leaves fall off. Ficus is sensitive to hypothermia of the soil, so it feels bad and can shed its leaves if it stands on a cold windowsill or floor.

    Do not place caudex ficuses and plants grown as bonsai near radiators and in dry rooms, as well as where drafts are possible.

    Ficus carica (fig) and photo of plant propagation

    Ficus carica, or fig, or wineberry (Ficus carica L.) belongs to the Tutov family. Homeland - Mediterranean. A beautiful deciduous ornamental fruit plant. For the room, it is better to take specimens of those varieties in which the fruits develop without fertilization.

    Ficus carica is easily propagated by cuttings, which quickly take root in sand without shelter or in water. Rooted cuttings are planted in a mixture of greenhouse and compost soil with the addition of sand (2:2:1). In indoor conditions, figs are grown as low bushy specimens.

    For this, as well as for annual fruiting, the plant must be pruned and pinched. Pruning is done in the spring, shortening the branches by 1/3-1/4. In early June, young shoots are pinched. In spring and summer, they are kept in bright, sunny rooms, watered and fed abundantly, and taken out into open ground for the summer.

    In the autumn-winter period, figs shed their leaves. For storage, it is placed in any non-freezing bright room, carefully watering as needed. Figs overwinter at a temperature of 6-8 °C. With proper care, it grows and bears fruit indoors for several years. The fruits ripen in sunny windows.

    As you can see in the photo, ficus karika is interesting not only because it gives edible fruits, but it is also an ornamental leafy plant, suitable in summer for landscaping residential premises, shop windows, etc .:

    Forms of ficus repens and its reproduction (with photo)

    Ficus creeping, or Ficus dwarf (Ficus pumila L. (F. repens hort., non Willd.) An elegant ampelous plant. The stems are covered with small (2-2.5 cm) heart-shaped oval leaves of bright green color. On the underside of the stems there are roots - suckers, with which the ficus is attached to any support. Shoots hanging from the pot with the slightest lack of water easily lose their leaves. Therefore, in the pot in which the ficus creeping grows, you need to place a piece of cork, a board or a tree branch vertically. With constant spraying, they are soon covered with well-leafed ficus shoots, which are attached to them using sucker roots.

    It is used for vertical gardening, as a hanging plant, it grows easily and occupies the entire free area.

    There are several forms:

    F. pumila var. minima– leaves are small, up to 1–1.25 cm long.

    F. pumila var. macrophylla- the leaves are large.

    Variegata- leaves with a white border.

    Sunny– the border is not continuous, but in the form of separate spots.

    White Sunny– with a wide cream border.

    This type provides unlimited opportunities for the owners to express their creative imagination.

    Pay attention to the photo - the creeping ficus can be used as a ground cover or hanging plant:

    They are used to decorate vertical surfaces, but it is necessary to remember the increased demands of this type on air humidity. You can insert a figuratively cut piece of board or an original shaped branch into a pot with a plant, wrap them in moss and secure them. Ficus easily “overgrows” these supports, forming original green shapes. It is only necessary to constantly spray the plant and moisten the support, since at the slightest lack of moisture the plant easily sheds its leaves.

    Found in tropical rain forests, on rocks in China, Japan, and the Malay Archipelago.

    Ficus repens is propagated in the spring by cuttings. Cuttings take root only under glass in a warm place with generous spraying. After rooting, they are transplanted into small pots in a mixture of soddy, leafy, humus soil and sand (1: 1: 1: 1/2). Young plants are carefully and gradually accustomed to dry room air.

    In winter, the ficus creeping should be kept in cool rooms.

    Ficus rustifolia and rooting

    Ficus rustifolia (Ficus rubiginosa L.). Mulberry family. Homeland - Australia. An indoor evergreen plant, quite often found among hobbyists. Rusty-leaved ficus in appearance is very similar to elastic ficus, but grows more slowly, it has smaller leaves, and it is more hardy in room conditions. The leaves of the rusty ficus are elliptical, obtuse, 12 cm long, smooth on top, dark green, covered with felt brown pubescence below. In winter, it feels great at a temperature of 6-8 °C. Ficus rustifolia cuttings take root poorly, but it reproduces well by layering. Care and maintenance are approximately the same as for ficus elastica. Ficus rustifolia is used to decorate warm, bright small rooms.

    Ficus rooting (Ficus radicans Desf.). Mulberry family. Homeland - India. A climbing plant with thin graceful stems and medium-sized oval-elongated dark green leaves 5-7 cm long. The stems can twist around a support or hang down if it is grown as an ampelous plant. It is unpretentious, has little demands on lighting, heat and the composition of the soil mixture, but grows better on a mixture of turf, leaf, peat soil and sand (2:1:1:1). Propagated in spring by green cuttings, which are planted in damp sand under a glass shelter. They can root in a water bottle. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in small pots. Care consists of abundant watering in spring and summer and careful watering in winter. On hot days, spraying the entire plant twice daily is useful. During growth, it is necessary to give liquid fertilizers recommended for ficus elastica. In the first 3 years, the rooting ficus is replanted annually in early spring. Old plants are replanted less frequently, after 2-3 years.

    They are used for wall decoration at windows in various suspensions, sometimes in combination with other climbing plants, in rooms and public places with sufficient air humidity, light and warm. It can grow on nutrient solutions in hydroculture or in an ion-exchange substrate.

    Care and propagation of elastic rubber ficus at home (with photos and videos)

    Ficus elastica, or rubbery (Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem.) often called Rubber fig - rubber fig, rubber bush - rubber bush, rubber plant - rubber plant, Indian rubber bush - Indian rubber bush.

    Popular names indicate the presence in the tissues of this ficus of a large amount of rubber-like resins.

    Evergreen trees 20–25, sometimes up to 40 m high, numerous branches, forms many aerial roots. The bark is reddish brown. The leaves are young at the top of the shoots, tubularly twisted, in reddish stipules, elliptical after opening, large, up to 20 cm long and 8-10 cm wide, leathery, glossy above, dark green, matte green below, with a clearly defined midrib.

    It grows in tropical rain forests, in shady, swampy places in India, Nepal, Burma, on the Malacca Peninsula, on the Malay Archipelago, on the slopes of the Himalayas, rising to a height of 600–900 m above sea level.

    Widespread deciduous and ornamental plant. If you are sure that you will provide your ficus elastica with decent care at home, this plant can be used for interior landscaping. This flower is quite suitable for growing in residential premises, winter gardens, and is contained in the collections of almost all botanical gardens.

    Of significant interest are the forms common in culture:

    Decora– the leaves are wide, leathery, the color of the leaves varies from dark green to olive.

    Variegata– leaves with pale yellow, whitish-gray spots and stripes.

    Black Prince– this variety has large rounded leaves of a very dark green, almost black color.

    Tineke– very showy leaves, with irregular white and gray spots, light or pink veins.

    Schriveriana- a compact variety suitable for indoor conditions with chrome-yellow to orange-yellow coloring of young leaves and straw yellow of older leaves.

    Robusta– leaves are slightly wrinkled, dark green.

    Melany It is distinguished by elegant dark green leaves with a reddish tint, which is emphasized by red, yellow and pink borders.

    Doescheri- this variety has leaves slightly narrower than the original species, they are decorated with a yellow pattern, which is set off by a red or pink central vein.

    Burgundy– is distinguished by the unusual color of its broadly ovate leaves with a pointed tip – they are purple in color, dense, leathery, shiny.

    Tricolor- has a marbled color of the leaves.

    Reproduction of rubber-bearing ficus is carried out by cuttings, air layering, a piece of stem, leaf and bud. In March-April, the tops of shoots bearing 1-3 leaves with a growing point are cut off from cuttings. The milky juice flowing from the cut is washed off with water, and the cut is dried.

    The prepared cutting is planted in a clay pot in damp, clean sand or expanded clay, covered with a jar and placed in a warm, bright place. The moisture content of the substrate must be uniform. When propagating rubber-bearing ficus at home, to prevent excessive dampness, the pot with the cutting is placed in another, larger one, and the space between their walls is filled with sand, which is watered daily.

    It is even easier to root a cut cutting in a bottle of water. From the bright sun, the cuttings shade. Roots develop in 20-30 days. When propagating by leaf and bud, the mature cut shoot is cut into segments with one leaf. The leaf is carefully rolled into a tube, tied and planted in the sand; a peg is passed through the tube of the rolled sheet and stuck into the sand.

    As shown in the photo, when propagating a rubber-bearing ficus, before planting, the lower cut of the cutting is split and a grain of sand, a pebble, a piece of wood chips, an oat grain, etc. is inserted into the split so that the split does not close:

    Rooted cuttings, depending on size, are planted in a pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm in a mixture of turf, peat, leaf soil (1:1:1) with the addition of a small amount of sand, horn shavings or blood meal. As the ficus grows and weaves into a coma, it is transferred to a larger pot using the same soil composition. Caring for young plants is normal. Old ficus trees, in which leaves are preserved only at the very tips of the branches, can be rejuvenated. In such cases, they resort to air layering.

    In the spring, on a shoot intended for layering, a circular cut is made around the trunk or a narrow strip of bark is removed and a flower pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm is attached to this place, having first sawed it in half or cut a strip from the side to the very middle of the bottom so that you can place into the pot the trunk of the removed shoot. The cut trunk should fit in the middle.

    The pot is secured to the plant using two pegs stuck into the ground, to which it is tied with twine. The opening in the pot is covered with plywood or a piece of roofing felt to prevent the soil from spilling out. The bottom of the pot and the walls are covered with damp moss and peat or leaf soil is poured into it. The soil should cover the cut on the trunk well; the moss serves to maintain constant moisture. Instead of a pot, for the same purpose you can use a piece of matting, polystyrene foam, polyethylene, rolled up around the trunk. Moss and soil are placed inside and pressed against the cut so that the wet soil and moss come into contact with the cut. You can simply cover the incision with one damp, clean moss. The moss cover should be dense and constantly moist. The moss is tied tightly with twine to the trunk.

    The method of obtaining air layering gives excellent results. After 1.5-2 months, roots develop around the cut. Then carefully remove the wrapper, cut off the rooted top below the root formation site and plant it in an appropriately sized container. The result is beautiful, low, crowned, well-leafed plants. Several air outlets can be removed from large ficus specimens.

    When propagating the rubber ficus, caring for the plant should be careful.

    The remaining leafless cut trunks are kept dry for some time, watering very little, but spraying generously with water, until new shoots appear from dormant buds. Afterwards, watering is increased, and the plant is covered with new shoots.

    Watch a video of propagating rubber-bearing ficus at home:

    Care and cultivation of lyre-shaped ficus flowers at home (with photo)

    Ficus lyreformes (Ficus lyrata Warb. (F. pandurata hort. Sander))– fiddle leaf fig (fiddle leaf fig).

    Evergreen trees up to 10–12 m high; the trunk is brown.

    As can be seen in the photo, the leaves of the lyre-shaped ficus are broadly ovate, dissected, large, up to 50 cm long and 10–15 cm wide, dark green, with light veins, light green underneath, leathery, thickened:

    Found in tropical rain forests in Tropical West Africa.

    Annual ficuses can be kept in a sunny window, watering abundantly, shading, spraying and washing the leaves. It is useful to fertilize 2-3 times during the summer. It’s even better if you have a greenhouse on the window or in the garden to place a young plant there. The soil temperature should be 22-24°C. This thermal regime is very important for the rapid growth of both roots and above-ground parts. From July, ficus can be accustomed to the outside air by gradually opening the greenhouse frames. With this method of keeping annuals, the ficus will grow to 50-90 cm by autumn. It will have a straight, strong trunk, covered from top to bottom with large leaves. For rapid growth, it is useful to warm up young ficus plants standing in the room once a week by pouring hot water heated to 45 ° C into a tray.

    Adult plants can live indoors for many years, developing well, increasing in size, and maintaining the mass of leaves.

    In order for plants to last, it is necessary to properly care for them. Although ficus plants are not demanding in terms of temperature and light, they nevertheless require certain maintenance conditions. It is very important to distinguish the characteristics of care according to the seasons.

    In spring, adult plants are pruned, replanted or transplanted. Since ficus elastica does not branch in the first years of its life, the tops of young and adult plants should be cut off annually. The trimmed ficus takes on a crown shape and is well leafy. Ficus should not be transplanted into very spacious pots or tubs, since the new soil in them often has time to turn sour before the roots penetrate into it. This is especially often observed with inept watering in winter. The container can be increased by 1-2 cm larger than the size of the transplanted plant. It is recommended to replant or replant adult plants after 2-3 years. For untransplanted ficuses, it is useful to change the top layer (2-3 cm) of soil in the spring.

    These photos show caring for the lyre-shaped ficus at home in compliance with all basic agricultural practices:

    Other types and varieties of ficus with photos, names and descriptions

    Here you can find the names of other varieties of ficus, see their photos and read the description.

    Ficus ficusFicus salicifolia. This is an evergreen plant, reaching truly impressive sizes in natural conditions, with alternate lanceolate leaves located at a short distance from each other. Even young plants bloom and produce initially green and later reddish to brownish-purple fruits that resemble berries. By pruning it is easy to achieve an expressive style (for example, broom-shaped). The plant can be recommended for beginners. However, it must be remembered that with irregular and improper care, as well as with sudden changes in environmental conditions, the willow ficus can shed its foliage.

    Ficus small-fruitedFicus microcarpa. An evergreen tree with leathery alternate leaves.

    Pay attention to the photo - the indoor ficus flower of this variety has green spherical fruits, as they mature they become yellow or purple:

    The fruits are inedible. Ficus small-fruited can be recommended even to a beginner: the plant has small leaves and can be easily formed as an indoor bonsai.

    Ficus natalisFicus natalensis. The homeland of this type of ficus is Africa. An evergreen tree or shrub with dense, dark green leaves blunt at the end, in natural conditions it forms large thickets. Ficus Natal is considered one of the most unpretentious types of ficus, so it is very suitable for beginner bonsai lovers.

    Ficus boxifoliaFicus buxifolia. Native to Africa, it is characterized by small dark green leaves, similar to boxwood leaves, with smooth edges and a blunt tip. The trunk and branches of this evergreen plant are covered with dark brown bark. The inflorescences, often very numerous, sitting in the axils of the leaves, produce first green and then reddish-brown small fruits that are not very pleasant to the taste. Ficus boxifolia with small leaves is well suited for the formation of bonsai.

    Ficus sacred (Buddhist Bo tree)Ficus religiosa. An evergreen plant from India and Ceylon, it has strong, greyish-colored branches with heart-shaped leaves measuring 8–12 cm, with smooth edges and a long, drip-like point. The leaf veins are clearly visible. The cauldron-shaped inflorescences produce inedible fruits, which, when ripe, acquire a purple color. Since the plant has large leaves, its minimum height in a bonsai should be 50 cm. In its homeland, this type of ficus is considered a sacred tree.

    Ficus blunted (Ficus retusa L.). An evergreen tree with aerial roots. The shoots of the plant are horizontally spread. Powerful aerial roots adorn the trunk. The leaves are green, leathery, glossy, broadly obovate with a short, obtuse-pointed (not retracted) apex, up to 8 cm long and up to 4 cm wide.

    How to make a bonsai from a ficus: video on how to trim and shape the plant

    In rooms and in bonsai style they grow:

    Ficus rubber plant.

    F. Binnendieck.

    F. oakleaf.

    F. bengal.

    F. cape.

    F. Parcella.

    F. variegated.

    F. triangular.

    F. the highest.

    F. dull.

    F. rusty red.

    F. golden.

    F. lyre-shaped.

    F. mountain.

    F. darkifolia.

    F. sacred.

    F. rooted.

    F. Palmer.

    F. microcarpa.

    F. petiolate.

    All Japanese styles are possible. Before forming a ficus bonsai, you need to take into account the large size of the leaves, so you should plan a minimum tree height of up to 50 cm. When the shoots of young plants are 10–20 cm long, they are cut to 1–5 leaves, depending on the position of the shortened branch in the crown. In the upper third of the crown, shoots should be kept short, promoting the development of the branches below them.

    It is often necessary to trim the branch almost to the trunk to keep the tree compact. The branches remain elastic for a long time, which is why even old branches can be formed in the right direction using wire and without resorting to tensioners. Since the tree grows rapidly in thickness, you should constantly monitor the wire. In many cases, it needs to be removed after 6-8 weeks. Places of squeezing by too tightly fitting wire remain noticeable for a long time. In order for the bonsai to have a powerful and thick trunk, it is recommended to curl the trunks of 2-3 plants together.

    The formation of figs is difficult due to thick branches and large leaves. However, all Japanese bonsai styles are possible. In early spring, before the appearance of new leaves, all shoots of the previous year should be greatly shortened. Branching begins only when the tip of the shoot is cut off. Pruning sites should be treated in order to prevent the remaining buds from drying out and the penetration of infections.

    The following pruning is recommended for shoots up to 10 cm long. Old branches can be removed at any time of the year. Annual branches easily take the desired position with the help of wire. Older branches become brittle, so it is advisable to use tensioners to change their shape to keep the bark intact.

    How to prune boxwood ficus for bonsai? Its branches, compared to other species of this genus, do not retain their plasticity well. When forming, the interval between pruning procedures should be reduced. One- and two-year-old shoots are formed using wire; older branches are fixed in the desired position using tension devices. Pruning is carried out when the shoots are 5–10 cm long. Depending on the desired final height of the bonsai, from one to five leaves are left.

    Watch the video on how to make a bonsai from a ficus to better understand how to form a compact tree in the Japanese style:

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