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Singer diddy. Pi Diddy's ex-lover and mother of his children is found dead in her own home. puff daddy now

On November 4, 1970, in New York Harlem, Manhattan County, Sean Puffy Combs, later known as Puff Daddy, P Diddy, just Diddy, was born. He spent his school years at the private school Mount Saint Michael Academy in the Bronx, after graduating from school he entered Hovard University in Washington, District of Colombia. While studying at the university, even at that time he managed to prove himself a very smart businessman, working in the editions of two newspapers. After graduating from university, P. Diddy was able to convince his school friend to take him to work with Uptown Records, in which his friend recorded himself. P. Diddy's career growth in this area was very rapid. Not everyone succeeds in just a few months to overcome the path from a simple assistant to an equal resident of the label, which has the right to independently find new talents and conclude contracts with them on behalf of the company. However, this P. Diddy was not enough - his dream was to get the chair of the vice president of the company. During this time, Sean managed to be the producer of several successful albums: Father's Day by rapper Father MC (1990), What's the 411? Mary J Blige, "Blue Funk" by Heavy D & The Boyz (both 1992), but already in 1993 he was fired from Uptown, possibly due to excessive arrogance.

That same year, P. Diddy opened his own company, Bad Boy Entertainment, run by him and two assistants. P. Diddy's income was mainly based on remixes, but after a while he managed to sign a contract with Craig Mack and Notorious B.I.G. However, an attempt to also sign contemporary rapper Tupac Shakur was unsuccessful. And hopes that the popularity of Tupac will be able to bring the newly minted label to more high level collapsed in an instant. However, the work did not stand still. After Craig Mac and Notorious B.I.G each recorded a successful single, followed by their albums, the Bad Boy label gradually began to unwind. The popularity of Notorious B.I.G. Ready to Die gave the company the opportunity to sign new artists such as popular r&b artist Faith Evans and the group 112. Interestingly, Faith Evans was the wife of Notorious B.I.G., and 112 used to provide him with vocal support at concerts. However, P. Diddy skillfully combined work for the promotion of his own label with production activities for other musicians: Lil "Kim, TLC, Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, Aretha Franklin, Mase and The Lox.

However, in 1994, the company split between two labels Bad Boy and Death Row, two rappers Notorious B.I.G and Tupac, and, consequently, two label owners - P. Diddy and Suge Knight. The reasons for the outbreak of war could not be precisely established. Some believe it all started when Tupac accused Puff Deddy and Notorious of participating in a failed assassination attempt on him in 1994. However, even then it was no secret to anyone that for almost two years the militant parties constantly exchanged threats and insults against each other in songs and interviews. Even the lyrics to Tupac's "Hit" Em Up" contained countless threats against Puff and Notorious, including statements that Tupac was in a love relationship with Faith Evans, and the video featured two characters P.I.G. and Buffy, who were bullied in all sorts of ways. The result of this battle was two deaths of its participants. In September 1996, Tupac was shot by unknown people, and already in March 1997, Notor ious B.I.G. suffered a similar fate: his second album, Life After Death, was released just three weeks after the tragedy and went platinum a whopping six times as a result.

The murder that happened to Notorious B.I.G affected P. Diddy so much that he even abandoned work on his first solo album for a while. However, as time passed, Diddy came to his senses and continued his unfinished work, which resulted in his debut solo single "Can" t Nobody Hold Me Down ", which immediately won the top of the charts and was able to stay on the first line for two months. P. Diddy recorded his second single called" I "ll Be Missing You" in memory of a deceased friend together with his widow Faith Evans. However, despite the fact that Puff Daddy was convicted of using part of Sting's most popular composition "Every Breath You Take" in his song, practically without changing anything in it, the single was a huge success and even brought P. Diddy a Grammy Award in the nomination "Best rap composition performed by a duet or group."

Some time later, Puff's first full-length album "No Way Out" was released, which was recorded jointly with label mates, simply called "The Family" on the album. The album sold in large numbers and brought P. Diddy another Grammy award in the Best Rap Album nomination. Another single from the album "It's All About the Benjamins", recorded together with Lil "Kim, The Lox and Notorious B.I.G., managed to win resounding success. Later, Rob Zombie and David Eric Grohl worked on creating a rock remix for this composition. A successful experience in sampling brought the success of another composition of the album called “Been Around the World”, probably also because it successfully combined two singles by David Bowie “Let's Dance” and Lisa Stansfield “Been Around the World”. In addition, such stars as Wycklef Jean, Quincy Delightt Jones and Puff Daddy's future girlfriend Jennifer Lynn Lopez participated in the video filmed for this composition.

In 1999, many were pleased with the release of the second solo album from Daddy "Forever". However, critics and fans called this album secondary, there were few fresh ideas in it. After this unpleasant moment in the life of Puff Daddy, another followed. In mid-April of the same year, Interscope Records representative Steve Stout sued Daddy for beating him. It happened after the filming of the clip "Hate Me Now" by rapper Nus, in which Puff Daddy voluntarily starred in the crucifixion scene. After he demanded that these frames be removed from the video, he was refused by Steve Stout. Not long arguing about this, Puff beat Stout. Somehow, the charges against him were dropped, but the scandals associated with his name did not end there. The Lox left the Bad Boy label, and recording with Lil "Kim was interrupted due to a shootout. At that time, Puff had a relationship with Jennifer Lopez. On one December day in 1999, they rested at the Club New York club. A shootout ensued, after which it turned out that Puff had an unregistered weapon. Accusations immediately followed from Puff's driver, who accused him of taking a bribe to hide the unlicensed There were also accusations from the owner of the club Club New York, who after this incident began to go badly.There were other accusations from various people, but in February 2001, Puff was cleared of all charges.At the same time she broke off relations with him.After all this, Puff changes his stage name to P Diddy.

It would seem that all litigation is over and it's time to start writing a new album, but apparently not destined. First, he was accused of assaulting a TV presenter, then he ended up in court for driving with an expired license. After that, he went full-time and began an unusual collaboration with "Nsync, Britney Spears, David Bowie. With the latter he recorded the soundtrack for the film "Training Day". The result of his work was the new album "The Saga Continues ...". The single "Bad Boy for Life" (the first on this album) became very successful.

New disappointments awaited P Diddy soon. Arista stopped working with Pi Diddy's Bad Boy label, and most importantly, poached the main performer Faith Evans. P Diddy had an attempt to launch his own reality show "Making the Band 2". It selected members for a new pop group. Critics mockingly accepted the new brainchild of P. Diddy, and this show was not popular. A year later, P Diddy earned $2 million at the New York City Marathon. He donated this money to free education. Another change of stage name took place in the summer of 2005. Now he's just Diddy.

Diddy currently has his own menswear line, Sean John. This activity has already borne fruit and has been awarded a prestigious award. Diddy is the owner of the Justin's restaurant chain. The restaurants were named after Diddy's son. Diddy is also a movie actor. One of the roles in the Broadway production of A Raisin in the Sun, a small role in the movie Monster's Ball, in which he starred with Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton.

Diddy discography:

Press Play (2006)
We Invented the Remix, Vol 1 (2003)
The Saga Continues... (2001)
Thank You (2001)
Forever (1999)
No Way Out (1997)

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Sean John Combs (P Didi), musician, producer, author, television star, creator of a multi-million dollar entertainment business Bad Boy Entertainment. According to some authoritative publications, he is the most influential and wealthy person in the world of hip-hop. Born November 4, 1969 in Harlem. He spent his childhood with his mother in New York, and later began to study at Howard University in Washington.

Already in 1993, he opened his own recording company Bad Boy Entertainment, which at first did not have an office or employees. In 1994, such musicians as The Notorious B.I.G. finally signed under P. Didi. and rapper Craig Mack. 1994 - Craig Mack hit the Top 10 with the song "Flava In Ya Ear" (feat. LL Cool J, Busta Rhymes, Rampage) and received the first "platinum" for Bad Boy.

In 1997 puff daddy recorded his first debut album "No Way Out", which went platinum 7 times and received a Grammy for Best Rap Album.

Diddy has appeared in several TV movies: "Biggie and Tupac", "Tupac: Resurrection" and others. And in 2003, a TV movie was released "Diddy Runs the City", he directed the picture himself.

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Biography, life story of P. Diddy

Sean John Combs was born on November 4, 1969 in the New York area of ​​Harlem. His father was killed when Sean was 2 years old and Janice Combs was forced to move to Mount Vernon, New York. (Sean later learned more about his father's death by reading newspaper files. He was one of the richest men in Harlem, with close ties to the local mafia.) As a child, Sean was a fairly well-fed boy, and his mother called him Puffy. This nickname stuck with him for the rest of his life.

Sean was an ordinary student at Howard University, Washington D.C., but somehow he met Andre Harrell, who at that time was the president of Uptown Entertainment. The guy constantly dangled from Washington to New York to Andre, who became his mentor, as a result, at the tender age of 19, he already worked with might and main in the company and took his first steps as an executive producer. In 1990, the album of his ward Father MC "Father's Day" was released, which became a hit. In 1991 Jodeci and Mary J. Blige projects were promoted, in 1992 Puffy produced the debut album of his high school friend Heavy D "Blue Funk", in the same year he was fired from Uptown Entertainment for being too ambitious. However, it is this feature of his character that helps him in 1993 to found his own record company, Bad Boy Entertainment. The company breaks through with the double platinum status of rapper Notorious B.I.G.'s debut album. Ready To Die. At the same time, Puffy works with Faith Evans (Biggie's wife), as well as with the female trio Total (Biggie's vocals) and the male vocal group 112. Sean Combs is gaining a reputation as a successful producer with a phenomenal flair for new talent. He later collaborated with stars such as Mariah Carey, Lil' Kim, TLC and Usher.

At that time, rappers were already divided into West Coast and East Coast rappers, and their dislike for each other became more and more acute. An outright feud ensues between Notorious B.I.G. and representative of the "Western" rappers" Tupac Shakur, although they used to be friends. In 1994, Shakur was attacked with an armed weapon, and then he was accused of sexual harassment and arrested. When Tupac was released from prison, he stated in an interview with Vibe magazine that he believed Puffy and Biggie were involved in the attack. (The animosity is also evident in his work: Shakur makes a Hit 'Em Up video featuring the characters P.I.G. and Buffy he insults in every possible way.) Combs tried to restore peace, but to no avail. In September 1996, Tupac was shot, six months later, Christopher Wallace, aka Notorious B.I.G., dies in exactly the same way.


Sean Combs himself at that time already became known to the world as Puff Daddy, releasing the single Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down in 1997, which stayed on the top lines of the Billboard chart for almost two months, and then his first solo disc No Way Out. In memory of Biggie, he, along with Faith Evans, recorded the song I'll Be Missing You, using the melody from the Police hit, in which Sting sang, Every Breath you Take. The song becomes a hit and wins a Grammy, and the album No Way Out was recognized as the best rap album of the year. No less popular were Puff Daddy's experiments with the combination of hip-hop and rock in the compositions Come With Me and Benjamin's Rock.

In 1999, Puff Daddy released their second album, Forever, which was much less successful than the first. But the rapper still remains at the peak of popularity, and the media constantly mentions him. The reason for this is his affair with actress Jennifer Lopez, who by that time had made a career as a singer. At this time (when everything seems to have turned out quite well, Puffy is a world-famous performer and winner of prestigious awards, a successful producer and songwriter, the bride is one of the most desirable women in America), Sean begins a losing streak. He is constantly in trouble with the law. In 2000, accused of illegal possession and use of weapons, he was arrested. At the trial, he was acquitted, but the process cost him a break in relations with Jennifer Lopez, who officially terminated their engagement just in time for Valentine's Day. Sean took everything that happened very painfully. He was afraid that after that people simply would not want to hear and pronounce his name aloud. (Many rappers were arrested and served time in prison, but this did not prevent them from remaining popular. But Combs, as a boy from a decent family and a businessman by turn of mind, could not bear this.) At the same time, he wanted to start a new page in life. To do this, he changes the stage name of Puff Daddy to P.Diddy. The media consider this act idiotic, it becomes an occasion for jokes at all kinds of award ceremonies for musicians, and Combs himself is ranked 12th in the list of "America's 20 dumbest people" for this.

Due to the arrest of P. Diddy, Bad Boy Entertainment planned to postpone the release of the gospel album Thank You, but Sean, having been released from custody, returned to work and released the disc on time, closer to the summer of 2000. The album The Saga Continues followed it. The song Bad Boy For Life included in it became a #1 hit. In 2001, Puffy worked with David Bowie on the soundtrack for the film Training Day, and collaborated with youth icons N'Sync and Britney Spears. Also successful is the Sean John clothing line he created, twice nominated for the Perry Ellis Menswear Award. In addition, P.Diddy is actively involved in charity, providing New York schools with computers and donating $ 1 million to his native Howard University.

In 2002, Bad Boy Entertainment released the hit collection We Invented the Remix (“We invented the remix”), which included previously unreleased remixes of compositions by famous rap and R&B artists such as Mary J. Blige, Missy Elliott, Notorious B.I.G. and Ashanti. P.Diddy's tracks "I Need A Girl Part I" (together with Usher and Loon) and "I Need A Girl Part II" (together with Ginuwine and Mario Winans) were at the top of the charts.

Combs does not stop there, during this period he is clearly lucky. In 2003, after working first with the boy quartet B2K on their single Bump, Bump, Bump, he switched to producing. His former ward Mary J. Blige again begins to cooperate with him, in August 2003 her disc Love & Life is released. And a month before that, another successful commercial release takes place - the soundtrack of the film Bad Boys II, featuring hip-hop and R&B stars. God himself ordered to entrust the release of the sound track for this film to a label with an almost identical name. P.Diddy was noted there as a performer at the same time (Show Me Your Soul, joint with Pharrell, Loon and Lenny Kravitz).

Whatever his name - Sean "Puffy" Combs, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy - nothing changes: he continues to work as a performer, producer, head of the expanded Bad Boy Entertainment empire and discoverer of new names. And, as a rule, his projects are successful.

Puff Daddy (Sean Combs)

Sean Combs

Musician, producer Date of birth November 4 (Scorpio) 1969 (50) Place of birth New York Instagram @diddy

Puff Daddy is the pseudonym of an American rapper and record producer. His name is associated with the development of the hip-hop genre in New York, and the musician himself became a recognized and wealthy representative of this trend.

Biography of Puff Daddy

The future rapper was born in November 1969 in New York's Harlem quarter. The real name of the musician is Sean Combs. As a child, he was overweight, so his mother called her son Puffy, this nickname remained with him in the future. His father died when Sean was 2 years old, after which the family moved to another part of the city. Sean studied at a private school in the Bronx, then continued his education at Washington's Howard University. During his student years, he worked at two publishing houses at once.

After graduation, he entered the Uptown Records recording studio. Within a short period of time, Combs became an equal representative of the company, who was trusted to look for fresh talents and conclude contracts. At the same time, he collaborated with popular artists as a producer and released 3 albums. Sean was distinguished by excessively ambitious character, and in 1993 the company said goodbye to him.

Combs created his own studio, Bad Boy Entertainment, where he worked with two assistants. The company immediately signed a contract with the American hip-hop artist Notorious B.I.G. The first album "Ready to die" was called by music critics a historic event for New York: the hip-hop genre then developed on the West Coast, the release of the album became the starting point for the formation of the rap industry in New York and on the East Coast.

The successful producer took the pseudonym Puff Daddy. After the release of the album, Daddy's studio signed lucrative contracts with singer Faith Evans, the group 117. Puff raised the company and at the same time collaborated with the performers as a producer.

In 1994, a conflict broke out between two rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., then between the studios "Death Row" and "Bad Boy". The reasons were not given, but in interviews and songs, the rappers threw insulting remarks at each other. As a result of this war, two participants died: first, unknown people shot Tupac, and six months later, Notorious B.I.G.

After the tragedy, Puff briefly retired, and then recorded his first single "Can't Nobody Hold Me Down". For 2 months, the song occupied the top lines of the charts. The musician dedicated the next single "I'll Be Missing You" to a deceased friend and received a Grammy Award. Soon the rapper recorded his debut album "No Way Out" at his studio. The songs were successful. The musician received a Grammy again. In the late 90s, the next album "Daddy Forever" was released. Listeners called it a repetition of the first.

After that, a losing streak began. An employee of Interscope Records accused Puff of assault and went to court. Then Daddy was charged with illegal possession of weapons and a bribe. After a series of trials, Puff was acquitted. The rapper has since changed his pseudonym to become P Diddy.

Now he has suspended his musical activity, preferring the career of an actor.

Childhood and youth

Puff Daddy's real name is Sean John Combs. His biography begins on November 4, 1969 in the African-American quarter of New York - Harlem. Mother Jennis (née Smalls) is a model and teacher's assistant, and father Melvin Earl Combs served in the United States Air Force helping Frank Lucas, a convicted drug dealer, to transport heroin during the Vietnam War. When Sean was 2 years old, Melvin was shot dead in a parking lot in Central Park.

Raised in the Roman Catholic faith, Combs graduated from St. Michael's Roman Catholic Academy in 1987. Later, in 2008, the rapper said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that he does not adhere to a particular religion:

“I separate the good from the bad, but I can pray in a synagogue, a mosque or a church. I believe there is only one God."

The nickname Puff Sean was given as a child, because he puffed when he was angry (eng. puff - “puff”).

Combs went to business school at Howard University in Washington, where he became famous as the "king of the parties": on some days, a thousand teenagers filled his house. The young man left after the 2nd course. In 2014, he resumed his studies, receiving an honorary doctorate in the humanities.


Combs began working with Uptown Records as a talent director while a student. It was he who promoted the R'n'B quartet Jodeci and the singer Mary J. Blige. In 1993, Uptown Records fired Sean for his self-confidence, and the young man founded his own label, Bad Boy Entertainment, under Arista Records. The first performer that Combs managed to get on stage on his own was The Notorious B.I.G. This was followed by contracts with, Lil "Kim, and others.

In 1997, Sean realized that he had to make his own music. In February, the rapper's debut single "Can" t Nobody Hold Me Down" was released, which spent 28 weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Months later, in July, Puff Daddy's first album "No Way Out" was released, in 1998 won a Grammy Award for best rap album.

The track "I" ll Be Missing You, dedicated to the murdered The Notorious B.I.G., lasted 11 weeks on the first line of the Billboard Hot 100 and brought Pi Diddy the second Grammy award for best performance. And the video for the song "Victory" went down in history as one of the most expensive (as of 2018, it takes 9th place) - they spent $ 2.7 million on filming.

Puff Daddy song "I'll Be Missing You"

The album was also supposed to include the track "Come with Me" - a duet of Puff Daddy with, but the world heard it in 1998 as the soundtrack to the movie "Godzilla". In 1999, the rapper's discography was replenished with the Forever compilation, which hit number two on the Billboard 200 and went platinum in the US. Critics, however, did not appreciate the music: the magazine "Q" in 2006 brought "Forever" in the list of "50 worst albums of all time".

Two years later, Bad Boy Entertainment got out of control of Arista Records, and Combs' The Saga Continues... was the last collaboration. It did not receive high critical acclaim. In 2002, the rapper, who changed his pseudonym to P.Diddu, went on tour with "N Sync", giving concerts as an opening act.

Puff Daddy song "Come with Me"

In 2005, Sean Combs once again changed his stage name to Diddi. The reason for this was a lawsuit from DJ Richard Dearlove, who has been performing under the pseudonym Diddy since 1992. The London High Court banned Combs from using the Diddy name in the US and also fined him £110,000 in favor of the DJ.

A year later, Sean released the album "Press Play", which featured ("Come to Me"), ("Tell Me"), Keisha Cole ("Last Night"). The collection topped the Billboard 200, selling 173,000 copies in its first week.

Puff Daddy song "Last Night"

2010 saw the release of Combs' fifth studio album, Last Train to Paris, which chronicles Diddy's alter ego's journey from London to Paris to reclaim a lost love. The recording featured Sean's R'n'B band Dirty Money, consisting of dancer Dawn Richard and singer Kalenna Harper. According to critics, the duo successfully diluted Diddy's music.

The planned album "No Way Out 2" was released as a mixtape in November 2015 under the name "MMM (Money Making Mitch)". It includes 16 tracks. A year later, Sean Combs announced his intention to leave the music industry and focus on his acting career.


As an actor, Sean Combs made his debut in 2001 in two projects at once: the crime drama All Under Control! with, and starring in "Monster's Ball" with and. Puff Daddy performed on Broadway in 2004 playing Walter Lee Younger in A Raisin in the Sun. 4 years later, a television version of the play was released, in which Combs also participated in the filming.

In 2005, the rapper's filmography was replenished with the action movie "Carlito's Way 2: Rise to Power" about life in Harlem in the 1960s. Three inmates, Earl, Rocco and Carlito, are released from prison and want to take over the drug trade in Harlem.

Deliveries are already controlled by the Italian Bottolot family and African American gangsters led by Nikki Hollywood (played by Sean Combs). Men understand that the only way to survive in Harlem is to stick to friends and respect the laws of the streets.

In 2008, Combs played lawyer Derek Powell in two episodes of CSI: Miami Crime Scene Investigation (season 7, episodes 15 and 16), in 2011 he appeared in Hawaii 5.0 as an NYPD detective, and a year later he starred in an episode of the sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (season 8, episode 5).

Personal life

Sean Combs is the father of six children born to different mothers. The first child, Justin, was born in 1993 to rapper designer Misa Hilton-Brim's high school love. From 1994 to 2007, Puff Daddy dated and broke up with Kimberly Porter. Together they raised Quincy (1991), the son of Kimberly and her previous partner, producer Al B. Sure. Their son Christian was born in 1998, and daughters Delilah Star and Jesse James were born in 2006.

5 days before the birth of the twins, Sean's ex-girlfriend Sarah Chapman gave birth to a girl named Chaines. At first, Combs refused to acknowledge paternity, but a DNA test confirmed the family ties.

IN different times frank, compromising photos of Diddy with Jennifer Lopez appeared in the press. However, none of the lovers never became the rapper's wife.

Sean has been in trouble with the law on numerous occasions. In April 1999, a man attacked Steve Stout, the manager of the Nas rapper. Diddy starred in the video for the Nas song "Hate Me Now", and the video used the image of the musicians crucified on the cross. Combs asked that these blasphemous scenes be cut, but Stout did not listen, and Sean put up a fight. The rapper was charged with causing moderate bodily harm and robbery, and was sent to anger management courses.

In December of that year, Combs and rapper Shyne staged a shooting in Manhattan. The court found Sean not guilty, and Shane was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 2008, the Los Angeles Times accused The Notorious B.I.G. and Diddy in Murder (2Pac). Later, the publication admitted that the information was fabricated.

puff daddy now

There is no news that Sean Combs will return to music in the near future, as well as information about upcoming film projects with the participation of the rapper. Although he moved away from music, in