Water pipes      07/15/2020

Jews in the service of the ss. Jews in the service of the Wehrmacht. thousands of German Jews served in Hitler's army

The top of Zionist organizations, which have long and unreasonably appropriated for themselves all the pain and blood of Jews who suffered in the Second World War, treats the work of their fellow tribesman Brian Michael Rigg without much enthusiasm. Rigg, a professor of history at American Military University and a Ph.D. who once served as a volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces, recently published two sensational books: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and the People of Jewish Descent in the German Army and Rescued from Reich: how one of Hitler’s soldiers saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” The latest book was co-authored with Yale University Jewish history professor Paula Hyman.

Why did the militant Zionists not like these books? What's in it

a person who is difficult to accuse of anti-Semitism tells convincingly that not all Jews died en masse in concentration camps during World War II. Many of them, it turns out, fought in the Wehrmacht and SS troops. And some Jews were the leaders of these very camps.

What is Brian Rigg talking about? Oh, there's a lot of interesting stuff there. For example, not everyone knows that the blue-eyed man looking out from German recruiting posters from the time of fascism, signed “The Ideal German Soldier,” is Werner Goldberg, a member of the Polish company - a half-breed with a Jewish father. This alone suggests that not all Jews, and especially people born from mixed marriages, were repressed by Hitler. Many of them were completely bona fide Nazis. And some headed local fascist organizations, even military formations and associations.

In fact, Nazi racial laws prohibited the employment of Jews and their descendants from mixed marriages in government service. But people with such kinship often went out of their way to prove that they were even greater Germans than the Germans themselves. This led to the fact that real life these strict laws were often ignored.

The most significant example is Air Field Marshal Erhard Milch, his father was a Jew. Because of his origin, Milch was denied entry into the naval school under the Kaiser, but the first World War opened the way for him to aviation. There he met the ace of the First World War and the future largest Nazi boss, Hermann Goering.

In 1929, Milch headed Lufthansa and provided free planes to the leaders of the NSDAP. Later he went into the service of those whom he had previously supported. When the Gestapo tried to hint to Goering that he had a Jew subordinate to him in the highest position, he replied: “In my headquarters, I myself will decide who is a Jew and who is not.” After the war, Milch served nine years in prison as a war criminal.

Of course, the Jews did not give the “true Aryans” any rest, and at the beginning of 1944, in the depths of the Wehrmacht personnel department, a list of Jews who occupied senior positions in the army was born. The list included 77 people. Among them are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. Each of them had a certificate personally from Adolf Hitler confirming his Aryan origin.

Do not think that Jews served only in senior positions. There were many of them among the rank and file of the army. The military brotherhood did not allow the Germans to hand over “their” Jews. And they, in turn, served from the heart. Hundreds of Jews were awarded one of highest awards Nazi Germany, the "Iron Cross". A textbook case was when a soldier with this award came to a concentration camp to visit the father of a Jew. The commandant, shocked by this event, literally said the following: “If it weren’t for your award, you would instantly find yourself in the same place as your father.”

Rigg wrote his book based on 400 interviews he conducted with Wehrmacht veterans of mixed origin. Robert Borchardt, major, received the Knight's Cross for a tank breakthrough of a section of the Soviet front. Later he fought in Africa and was captured by the British. In 1944, Borchard was allowed to go to England to reunite with his Jewish father. In 1946 he returned to Germany with the words: “Someone must defend our country.”

Walter Holander, colonel, Jewish mother. Awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees, the rare Golden German Cross. And also the Knight's Cross for the destruction by his brigade of more than 20 Soviet tanks on the Kursk Bulge.

Many Wehrmacht veterans with Jewish roots themselves do not understand how to relate to the past. “If I served in the German army, and my mother died in Auschwitz, then who am I - a victim, or one of the persecutors?” - asks an 86-year-old SS veteran, one hundred percent Jewish.

But Jews served not only on the battlefields. One of the most odious figures of the Third Reich, Reinhard Heydrich, like most representatives of the fascist elite, had Jewish roots. It was he, as head of the RSHA, who headed the Gestapo, police, intelligence and counterintelligence. It was he who, at the Wannsee Conference in 1942, prioritized the “final solution to the Jewish question.”

According to Brian Reeg, 150,000 Jews fought in the Nazi forces. This information is also confirmed by other sources. Military history magazine No. 9, 1991: “In our prisoner of war camps, 10 thousand 173 Jews are officially registered who fought against the Soviet Union on the side of the Nazis in the troops of Hitler’s Wehrmacht.” Among the special settlers - “Vlasovites” according to the records for 1949, there were 171 Jews.

And the indignation of the terry Zionists against Riga’s book is understandable. Indeed, recognizing the active participation large quantities Jews in World War 2 on the side of Hitler, it is much more difficult to make your own “gesheft” on compatriots tortured in the bowels of the Reich.

Not long ago I was surprised to learn from English film about the battleship "Bismarck", (Shown on the Explorer channel) that many Jews, half-Jews and a quarter of Jews always served in the German fleet. A naval officer's training is long and expensive. Hitler did not want to weaken his fleet. So he simply ordered to register them all as Germans with the issuance of an appropriate personal certificate signed by the Fuhrer. And they also issued the same to their wives. In particular, the commander of the Bismarck was half-Jewish (and his wife was a Halakhic Jew) and did not like the Nazis. But he was also a hero of the First World War, a participant in the glorious Battle of Jutland for the German fleet. And these were generally untouchable people in the Reich. He pointedly refused the Nazi salute. And instead he saluted, putting his hand to his temple. He got away with everything. And so he served until his heroic death in an unequal battle in the North Atlantic along with his battleship.

I found out and was surprised for a long time.

Admiral Canaris,

according to some sources, he was also a Jew. And he didn’t like Nazis either. And he didn’t look like an Aryan at all. It’s okay. Recorded as Greek. He served until at the end of the war he became involved in the anti-Hitler rebellion. Only then were they executed.

Here's another confirmation. True, quoted from an ideologically biased source, but very plausible.

“The Israeli newspaper Vesti published sensational material about 150 thousand Jewish soldiers and officers who fought in Hitler’s army.

The term "Mischlinge" in the Reich was used to describe people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 distinguished between "Mischlinge" of the first degree (one of the parents is Jewish) and the second degree (grandparents are Jewish). Despite the legal "taint" of people with Jewish genes and despite the blatant propaganda, tens of thousands of "Mischling" lived quietly under the Nazis. They were routinely drafted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals at the level of commanders of regiments, divisions and armies.

Hundreds of Mischlinge were awarded Iron Crosses for their bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross. However, many Wehrmacht veterans complained that their superiors were reluctant to introduce them to orders and delayed promotion in rank, keeping in mind their Jewish ancestors.

Adolf Rotfeld, head of the Lviv Judendrat, also collaborated with the Gestapo. And the officer of the German (!) Security Police of the same Lvov, Max Goliger, received a promotion for his sophisticated cruelty. The Jewish police of the "district Galicia" - "Judishe Ordnung Lemberg" - "Jewish order of Lvov" was formed from young and strong Jews, former scouts. They wore the uniform of policemen with cockades on their caps, on which it was written YUOL; it was they, calling themselves “havers”, who were entrusted by the SS to carry out mass torture of Soviet prisoners of war in concentration camps and then they themselves were surprised at the cruelty with which young Jews treated captured soldiers. And this is just one Lviv...

The aviation of Nazi Germany destroyed how many Soviet cities and villages, how many civilians were killed by fragments of air bombs? Much, much more... We remember this, but we probably forgot that these “aces” were led by a potential repatriate to Israel, Erhard Milch. A Jewish field marshal who received the title of honorary Aryan from the hands of Hitler.

For a long time, the Nazi press published a photograph of a blue-eyed blond man in a helmet. Under the photo it said: “The ideal German soldier.” This Aryan ideal was Wehrmacht fighter Werner Goldberg (with a Jewish father).

Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt received the Knight's Cross for the tank breakthrough of the Soviet front in August 1941. He was then sent to Rommel's Afrika Korps. Near El Alamein he was captured by the British. In 1944 he was allowed to come to England to reunite with his Jewish father. In 1946, Borchardt returned to Germany, telling his Jewish dad: “Someone has to rebuild our country.” In 1983 shortly before his death, he told German schoolchildren: “Many Jews and half-Jews who fought for Germany in World War II believed that they should honestly defend their Fatherland by serving in the army.”

Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal letter, in which the Fuhrer certified the Aryanity of this halakhic Jew (Halakha is traditional Jewish law, according to which a Jew is considered to be born of a Jewish mother). The same certificates of “German blood” were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin.

During the war, Hollander was awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees and a rare insignia - the Golden German Cross. In 1943, he received the Knight's Cross when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks on the Kursk Bulge in one battle.

When he was given leave, he went to the Reich via Warsaw. It was there that he was shocked by the sight of the Jewish ghetto being destroyed. Hollander returned to the front broken. Personnel officers wrote in his personal file: “too independent and poorly controlled,” and canceled his promotion to the rank of general.

Who were the “Mischlinge” of the Wehrmacht: victims of anti-Semitic persecution or accomplices of the executioners?

Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier with the Iron Cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to... visit his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by this guest: “If it weren’t for the award on your uniform, you would quickly end up with me where your father is.”

And here is the story of a 76-year-old resident of Germany, one hundred percent Jewish. In 1940, he managed to escape from occupied France using forged documents. Under a new German name, he was drafted into the Waffen-SS - selected combat units. “If I served in the German army, and my mother died in Auschwitz, then who am I - a victim or one of the persecutors? - he often asks himself. The Germans, feeling guilty for what they have done, do not want to hear about us. The Jewish community also turns away from such , like me. After all, our stories contradict everything that is commonly believed to be the Holocaust.”

In 1940, all officers with two Jewish grandparents were ordered to leave military service. Those who were tainted with Jewishness only by one of their grandfathers could remain in the army in ordinary positions.

But the reality was different: these orders were not carried out. Therefore, they were repeated once a year to no avail. There were frequent cases when German soldiers, driven by the laws of “front-line brotherhood,” hid “their Jews” without handing them over to the party and punitive authorities.

There are 1,200 known examples of "mischlinge" service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with immediate Jewish ancestors. A thousand of these front-line soldiers had 2,300 Jewish relatives killed - nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.

In January 1944, the Wehrmacht personnel department prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals “mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jews.” All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full generals.

By the way, one of the leaders of the Reich, it seems Himler, when it was reported to him that his subordinate, whom he valued, to put it mildly, was not entirely German, and even - it’s scary to think - a hidden Jew, abruptly interrupted: “No one is better than me in the Reich doesn’t know who is a German and who is a Jew!” Apparently, this phrase was common in the highest circles of the Reich.

This list could be supplemented by one of the sinister figures of the Nazi regime - Reinhard Heydrich .

The Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controlled the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence and counterintelligence. All his life (fortunately short) he struggled with rumors about his Jewish origin.

Heydrich was born in 1904 in Leipzig into the family of the director of the conservatory. Family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future RSHA chief. As a child, older boys beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew.

It was Heydrich who held the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 to discuss the “final solution to the Jewish question.” His report stated that the grandchildren of a Jew were treated as Germans and were not subject to reprisals. They say that one day, returning home drunk to smithereens at night, he turned on the light, saw his image in the mirror and shot him twice with a pistol with the words: “You vile Jew!”

A classic example of a “hidden Jew” in the elite of the Third Reich can be considered Air Field Marshal Erhard Milch. His father was a Jewish pharmacist.

Due to his Jewish origin, he was not accepted into the Kaiser's military schools, but the outbreak of the First World War gave him access to aviation. Milch ended up in the division of the famous Richthoffen, met young Goering and distinguished himself at headquarters, although he himself did not fly airplanes. In 1929 he became general director Lufthansa is the national air carrier. The wind was already blowing towards the Nazis, and Milch provided free planes for the leaders of the NSDAP.

This service is not forgotten. Having come to power, the Nazis claim that Milch's mother did not have sex with her Jewish husband, and Erhard's true father is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time about this: “Yes, we made Milch a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard.” Another aphorism by Goering about Milch: “In my headquarters, I myself will decide who is Jewish and who is not!”

After the war, Milch served nine years in prison. Then, until the age of 80, he worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Thyssen concerns.

The vast majority of Wehrmacht veterans say that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews. These soldiers tried to refute Nazi race talk with their courage. Hitler’s soldiers, with triple zeal at the front, proved that Jewish ancestors did not prevent them from being good German patriots and staunch warriors.”

(http://anvictory.org/index.php?name=pages&op=view&id=367 ) There are also photos at the link.

What conclusions follow from these materials:

1- Political anti-Semitism, even in its most extreme forms, is nothing more than an applied tool to achieve political goals. And their use is flexible. Even the Nazis.

2- There have always been traitors among all nations. And the Jewish people are no exception.

Literature review

From July 11 to July 29, 2011, the 102nd meeting of the UN Human Rights Committee was held in Geneva (Swiss Confederation), at which the following was adopted for all states that signed the UN Human Rights Convention (including Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland) binding decision (general comment):

“Laws that persecute the expression of opinion in relation to historical facts, are incompatible with the obligations that the Convention places on signatory states to respect freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The Convention does not authorize any general prohibition on the expression of an erroneous opinion or misinterpretation of past events.” (Paragraph 49, CCPR/C/GC/34).

The Committee's decision, at a minimum, means that it has already current laws are illegal, and that they were already illegal when they were adopted, so that all convictions carried out on them in the intervening time should be canceled, and those convicted must receive compensation.

Thus, for countries that have signed the Human Rights Convention, persecution for Holocaust denial is unacceptable.

The official text of the decision (general comment) of the UN Human Rights Committee in Russian is available on the website of the UN Human Rights Committee.

On July 5, 2012, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a landmark resolution on freedom of information online, which calls on all states to protect individual rights online to the same extent that those rights are protected in everyday life.

“The Human Rights Council, Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, Reaffirms the human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant international human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic and Social and cultural rights...

1. Reaffirms that the same rights that people have must also be protected online, in particular freedom of expression, which applies regardless of national borders and by any means of one's choice, in accordance with Articles 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

2. Recognizes the global and open nature of the Internet as a driving force in accelerating progress towards development in its various forms...

5. Decides to continue to consider the promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights, including the right to freedom of expression, on the Internet and other technologies, and how the Internet can become an important tool for the development and implementation of human rights, in accordance with its program of work "

Holocaust denial is completely legal!

Thus, Holocaust research and discussion is a matter for science, not for criminal judges!


Wehrmacht –German armed forces (1935-1945), consisting of the ground forces, navy (Kriegsmarine) and air force (Luftwaffe).

UN -The United Nations was created on June 26, 1945. The USSR joined the UN on October 24, 1945.

Third Reich -“Third Empire” is the unofficial name of the German state – Deutsches Reich (1933-1943), Groβdeutsches Reich (1943-1945).

“The entire real history of the Second World War is deliberately closed and falsified. Until now, there is practically no objective information about Hitler and Nazism in Russia. Jews were allies and active figures of Nazi Germany who influenced the course and result of the war...

Liberal authors with surprising consistency forget that thousands of Jews fought for Hitler during the war. They killed Russians, they fought against us. Moreover, they killed very diligently... None of them asked us for forgiveness” and never will (16).

150 thousand soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht could have repatriated to Israel under the Law of Return, but they chose for themselves, absolutely voluntarily, to serve the Fuhrer (3, 5, 10, 34).

The vast majority of Jewish Wehrmacht veterans say that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews (5, 34).

Brian Mark Rigg wrote in great detail about the service of Jews in the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich in his study “ Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and People of Jewish Descent in the German Army"(2002).

Brian Mark Rigg (born 1971) – American historian, professor at the American Military University, Ph.D. Born in Texas into a Christian Baptist family. Served as an officer in the US Marine Corps. He graduated with honors from the Faculty of History at Yale University and received a grant from the Charles and Julia Henry Foundation to continue his studies at the University of Cambridge in the UK. Having discovered that his grandmother was Jewish, he gradually began to approach Judaism. He studied at the Ohr Sameach yeshiva in Jerusalem. Served as a volunteer in the auxiliary units of the Israel Defense Forces.

Rigg's calculations and conclusions sound quite sensational: In the German army, on the fronts of World War II, up to 150 thousand soldiers who had Jewish parents or grandparents fought.

The term "Mischlinge" in the Reich was used to describe people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans.

Mischlinge “mixed”, not purebred Jews. Jews were people with at least three purely Jewish grandparents.

A mischling of the first degree, or half-Jew, was a person with two Jewish grandparents who did not profess Judaism and was not married to a Jew or a Jewess.

A mischling of the second degree, a quarter Jew, was a person with one Jewish grandfather or one Jewish grandmother, or an Aryan married to a Jew or a Jewess. In 1939, there were 72,000 first-degree Mischlings and 39,000 second-degree Mischlings in Germany.

Despite the legal “taint” of people with Jewish genes and despite the blatant propaganda, tens of thousands of “Mischlinge” lived quietly under the Nazis: “they were not deported or sterilized and did not become objects of extermination. Based on earlier laws, they were classified as non-Aryans, and most of them survived” (5).

They were routinely drafted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals, at the level of commanders of regiments, divisions and armies.

In January 1944, the Wehrmacht personnel department prepared secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jews". All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals, two full army generals, one field marshal general (40).

Yes, Lieutenant Colonel of the Abwehr Ernst Bloch– the son of a Jew received the following document from Hitler: “I, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the German nation, hereby confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood”...

Today Brian Rigg states: “To this list we can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals"...(ibid.).

Here are some of them -

Hans Michael Frank - Hitler's personal lawyer, Governor-General of Poland, Reichsleiter of the NSDAP, half-Jew.

Former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Schmidt, a Luftwaffe officer and grandson of a Jew, testifies: “In my air unit alone there were 15-20 guys like me. I am convinced that Rigg’s deep dive into the problems of German soldiers of Jewish origin will open up new perspectives in the study of the military history of Germany in the 20th century.”

Hundreds of Mischlinge were awarded Iron Crosses for their bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross (ibid.).

Knight's Cross, first class of the Order of the Iron Cross in the Third Reich, established by order of Adolf Hitler in 1939.

“For example, the main ideologist of Nazism Rosenberg descended from Baltic Jews. The second man of the Third Reich after the Fuhrer, the chief of the Gestapo Heinrich Himmler was half-Jewish, and his first deputy Reinhard Heydrich already 3/4 Jewish. The Nazi Minister of Propaganda was another typical representative of the “superior race”, a lame, ugly dwarf with a horse’s foot, half-Jew. Joseph Goebbels.

The most inveterate “kike-eater” under the Fuhrer was the publisher of the Nazi newspaper “Sturmer” Julius Streicher. After Nuremberg the publisher was hanged. And on the coffin they wrote his real name - Abram Goldberg, so that in the next world his “maiden” name and pseudonym would not be confused.

Another Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann, hanged already in 1962, was a pure-blooded Jew from crosses. “Well, hang it. There will be one less Jew!” - Eichmann said before his execution. And the person who hanged himself (or hanged) at an advanced age Rudolf Hess, former right hand Fuhrer in the leadership of the Nazi Party, had a Jewish mother. That is, in our opinion, he was half-Jewish, but according to Jewish laws, he was a pure Jew.

He suggested sewing the yellow Star of David onto Jewish clothing Admiral Canaris, chief of military intelligence. He himself was from Greek Jews. If the commander of the Luftwaffe, Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, was only married to a Jewish woman, then his first deputy, Field Marshal Erhard Milch was already a full-fledged Jew” (16).

Below we present the key figures of the Third Reich who have connections with Jewry, flesh and blood.

Hitler (real name Schicklgruber) Adolf (1889-1945), the main Nazi war criminal, Austrian Jew.

Established a regime of fascist terror in Germany. Since 1938, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The direct initiator of the outbreak of the Second World War of 1939-1945, the treacherous attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941. One of the main organizers of the mass extermination of prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territories (16, 25, 39).

Fuhrer of Germany (1934-1945), Reich Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945), Chairman of the NSDAP (1921-1945). Father - Alois Schicklgruber (1837-1903), son - a Jewish banker, mother - Clara Pöltzl (1860-1907).

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) - the main ideologist of Nazism, Reichsleiter (the highest party functionary, the rank was awarded personally by Hitler), head of the foreign policy department of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (since 1933), Commissioner of the Fuhrer for control of the general spiritual and ideological education of the NSDAP, Reich Minister of the Eastern Occupied Territories ( from July 17, 1941).

Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945) – Reichsführer SS (1929-1945), Reich Minister of the Interior of Germany (1943-1945), Reichsleiter (1933-1945), acting. Head of the Main Directorate of Reich Security (RSHA) (1942-1943), State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of the Interior and Chief of the German Police (1936-1943).

And about. Himmler became the head of the RSHA after the murder of the Jew Reinhard Heindrich.

Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942) – and about. Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia (1941-1942), Head of the Main Office of Reich Security (RSHA) (1939-1942), Head of the Secret State Police of the Third Reich (Gestapo) (1934-1939), President of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) (1940- 1942), SS Obergruppenführer and Police General, Bruno Suess's father is Jewish.

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) – Reich Chancellor of Germany (30 April - 1 May 1945), Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda of Germany (1933-1945), Reichleiter (1930-1945), Gauleiter of Berlin (1926-1945), Reich Commissioner for Defense of Berlin (1942-1945), Reich Plenipotentiary on total military mobilization (1944-1945).

Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) – directly responsible for the mass extermination of Jews, head of department IVB4 of the Gestapo RSHA (1939-1941), head of sector IVB4 of Directorate IV of the RSHA (1941-1945), SS Obersturmbannführer.

Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) – Deputy Fuhrer for the Party (1933-1941), Reich Minister (1933-1941), Reichsleiter (1933-1941). SS Obergruppenführer and SA Obergruppenführer (NSDAP assault troops).

Wilhelm Canaris (1887-1945) – head of the military intelligence and counterintelligence service (Abwehr) (1935-1944), admiral.

Erhard Milch (1892-1971) – German military leader, deputy to Goering, Reich Minister of Aviation of the Third Reich, Inspector General of the Luftwaffe, Field Marshal (1940).

Declared a war criminal by an American military tribunal. In 1947 he was tried and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1951, the term was reduced to 15 years, and by 1955 he was released early.

Werner Goldberg. For a long time, the Nazi press featured a photograph of a blue-eyed blond man in a helmet on their covers. Under the photo it said: “The ideal German soldier.” This Aryan ideal was the Jewish Wehrmacht fighter Werner Goldberg.

Walter Hollander. Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal letter, in which the Fuhrer certified the Aryanity of this halakhic Jew. The same certificates of “German blood” were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin.

During the war, Hollander was awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees and a rare insignia - the Golden German Cross. Hollander received the Knight's Cross in July 1943 when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks in one battle on the Kursk Bulge. He died in 1972 in Germany.

Robert Borchardt. Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt received the Knight's Cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front in August 1941. Borchardt was then assigned to Rommel's Afrika Korps. Near El Alamein, Borchardt was captured by the British. In 1944, the prisoner of war was allowed to come to England to be reunited with his Jewish father. In 1946, Borchardt returned to Germany, telling his Jewish dad: “Someone has to rebuild our country.” In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told German schoolchildren: “Many Jews and half-Jews who fought for Germany in World War II believed that they should honestly defend their Fatherland by serving in the army.”

But let's return again to the 150 thousand Jewish soldiers and officers who faithfully served in the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich, “these are 15 full-blooded rifle divisions of the Wehrmacht! - a whole Jewish armada inside the armed forces of the Nazis” (16).

In addition, Jews fought against the USSR as part of the allied countries of the Third Reich in World War II. Hitler's campaign against Russia was of a pan-European nature (26).


By the beginning of 1945, 9.4 million people served in the German armed forces, of which 5.4 were in the active army. In addition, the SS troops included almost half a million citizens of other countries, organized into national divisions and the smallest formations. They included: people from Central Asia– 70 thousand; Azerbaijanis – 40 thousand; North Caucasians – 30 thousand; Georgians – 25 thousand; Tatars – 22 thousand, Armenians – 20 thousand; Dutch - 50 thousand; Cossacks - 30 thousand; Latvians – 25 thousand; Flemings - 23 thousand; Ukrainians - 22 thousand; Bosnians - 20 thousand; Estonians – 15 thousand; Danes - 11 thousand; Russians and Belarusians - 10 thousand (not counting the 1st ROA division of General Vlasov (16 thousand people), which was not part of the SS, police and security battalions, etc.); Norwegians – 7 thousand; French -7 thousand; Albanians – 5 thousand; Swedes - 4 thousand.


This country was Hitler's most loyal ally - it entered the war on June 27, 1941 and continued to fight until April 12, 1945. Up to 205 thousand Magyars fought on the Soviet-German front as part of the “Carpathian Group”, the 2nd Hungarian Army and the air group. Their forces increased to 150 thousand on the territory of Hungary itself. Total losses - 300 thousand people.


In 1941, Mussolini's regime sent a 60,000-strong expeditionary force consisting of 3 divisions to the Soviet-German front. Later, Italian forces in Russia were increased to 11 divisions (374 thousand people), the 2nd and 35th Italian corps became the direct cause of the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. 94 thousand Italians died in Russia, another 23 thousand died in Soviet captivity.


Having entered the war at the end of June 1941, Finland regained almost all the territories taken from it after the Winter War. The Finnish army (400 thousand people) fought near Leningrad, in Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula. Losses amounted to 55 thousand people. After the start of the Soviet counter-offensive, Finland withdrew from the war by signing an armistice agreement in September 1944.


The Blue (250th Infantry) Division fought on the Soviet-German front from 1941 to 1943. During this time, 40-50 thousand Spaniards managed to visit the front. The division fought near Leningrad and Novgorod (where the cross from the Church of Hagia Sophia was stolen by the Spaniards). Losses: 5 thousand killed, more than 8 thousand wounded.


It fielded 220 thousand bayonets and sabers, more than 400 aircraft, and 126 tanks against the Red Army. Romanians fought in Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, Kuban, took part in the occupation of Odessa, and the attack on Stalingrad. In battles with the Red Army, Romania lost 350 thousand soldiers and another 170 thousand in battles with the Germans and Hungarians after it went over to the side of the anti-Hitler coalition in 1944.


Among the satellite countries, Germany was one of the first to declare war on the USSR - on June 23, 1941. 2 divisions were sent to the front and fought with the Red Army in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Crimea. Of the 65 thousand Slovak military personnel from July 1941 to September 1944, less than 3 thousand died, more than 27 thousand soldiers surrendered.


She sent the 369th reinforced regiment, a motorized brigade and a fighter squadron with a total number of approximately 20 thousand people to help Hitler. Half of them died or were captured at Stalingrad.


Immediately after June 22, 1941, a recruitment of volunteers was announced in the country - to go fight in Russia as part of the German troops. Already in July 1942, the first units of the SS Legion “Norway” arrived near Leningrad. In total, 7 thousand Norwegians fought against the USSR.

And there were also volunteers - legionnaires from France, Belgium, Portugal and other countries, including Jews who voluntarily stood up to fight Christian civilization.

« How many Slavs died at the hands of SS Jews? Adolf Rothfeld, head of the Lviv Judenrat, also collaborated with the Gestapo. And an officer of the German security police of the same Lvov Max Goligher, received a promotion for his sophisticated cruelty. The Jewish police of the “District Galicia” - “Judishe Ordnung Lemberg” - “Jewish Order of Lvov” was formed from young and strong Jews, former scouts. They wore the uniform of policemen with cockades on their caps, on which it was written YUOL; it was they, calling themselves “havers”, who were entrusted by the SS men with carrying out mass torture of Soviet prisoners of war in concentration camps and then they themselves were surprised at the cruelty with which young Jews treated captured soldiers. And this is only one Lvov...” (16).

“In the largest Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish police numbered about 2,500 members in Lodz - up to 1,200; in Lvov - up to 500 people, in Vilnius - 210, in Krakow - 150, in Rivne - 200 policemen. In addition to the territories of the USSR and Poland, Jewish police existed only in Berlin, the Drancy concentration camp in France and the Westerbrock concentration camp in Holland. There were no such police in other concentration camps” (18).

In the Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish police had a special badge with a six-pointed star.

“If you list all the Zionist collaborators of Nazism, the list will be very long. Especially if we include in it all those who, through newspapers published in the Jewish ghettos, called on their fellows to submit and collaborate with the Nazis, and those who, as part of the so-called Jewish police, helped the Nazis to catch and deport tens and hundreds of thousands of Jews to death camps" ( thirty).

Today, “the ex-Aryans have unanimously declared themselves Jews and are collectively mourning the victims of the Holocaust, of which they themselves were accomplices. They scold the Fuhrer and receive compensation. The executioners declared themselves victims of sad circumstances” (16).

“The Holocaust religion was constructed by those people who themselves were primarily responsible for the persecution of the Jews - the Zionists! It was they who brought Hitler to power, gave him money to big war and constantly collaborated with him...” (1).

It was Hitler who subsidized and directed Jewish capital to fight the USSR.

"Collaboration between Nazis and Zionists was immortalized with a special medal minted on the instructions of Goebbels after the stay of the head of the Jewish SS department in Palestine. On one side of the medal there was a swastika, and on the other a six-pointed star.

Hitler banned all Jewish organizations and press organs, but left the "Zionist Union of Germany", transformed into the "Imperial Union of the Jews of Germany". Of all the Jewish newspapers, only the Zionist Judische Rundschau continued to be published.

Jews traveling from Germany to Palestine under the leadership of the Zionists deposited money into a special account in two German banks. German goods were exported with these amounts to Palestine and then to other countries of the Near and Middle East. Part of the proceeds was transferred to immigrants from Germany who arrived in Palestine, and about 50% was appropriated by the Nazis.

In just five years, from 1933 to 1938, the Zionists pumped over 40 million dollars into Palestine...

“Based on the totality of their crimes during the Second World War, Nazi collaborators from among the Zionists should have been in the same dock as their patrons. However, this did not happen. Moreover, those who directly or indirectly collaborated with the Nazis found themselves in top leadership positions, such as the same Weitzman or Levi Eshkol, in the 1930s, he led the deportation of German Jews to Palestine in the Berlin branch of the Palestine Bureau. Jews of lower rank filled the middle and lower levels of the administrative hierarchy of the Zionist state” (ibid.).

The scale of Jewish participation in the Second World War against the USSR is convincingly demonstrated by the numbers of prisoners of war in the USSR by national composition in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/02/1945.

Of the total number of prisoners of war 3,770,290 prisoners of war (10, 26, 31):


Number of prisoners of war, people


2 389 560


639 635


513 767


187 367


156 682

Czechs and Slovaks

69 977


60 280


48 957

French people

23 136


21 830


14 129


12 928


10 173


7 785


4 729


3 608


2 377


2 010







From the table above it can be seen that 10,173 Jews were captured - an entire Wehrmacht division!

It so happened that representatives of world Jewry fought on the fronts of World War II both against the fascists and for the fascists!

About 500 thousand Soviet Jews fought on the side of the USSR against the Nazis, and about 150 thousand Jews fought on the side of Hitler’s Germany against the USSR.

It is also curious that during the Second World War, more than one person lived in the world Hitler, but at least two!

One Hitler was in Nazi Germany, the other was in the USSR!

The Nazi-fascists had their own Hitler - Adolf Aloisovich, born in 1889, the son of his father Alois Hitler (1837-1903) and mother - Klara Hitler (1860-1907), who bore the surname before her marriage Pölzl. I must note that there was one small piquant detail in the pedigree of Adolf Aloisovich. His father Alois Hitler was an illegitimate son in his parents' family. Until 1876 (until the age of 29) he bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber(German: Schicklgruber). In 1842, Alois's mother, Maria Schicklgruber, married miller Johann Georg Hiedler, who died in 1857. Alois Schicklgruber's mother died even earlier in 1847. In 1876, Alois Schicklgruber gathered three “witnesses” who, at his request, “confirmed” that Johann Georg Hiedler, who had died 19 years earlier, was Alois’s real father. This perjury gave grounds for the latter to change his mother's surname - Schicklgruber - to his father's surname - Hiedler, which, when recorded in the “birth registration” book, was changed to Hebrew - Hitler. Historians believe that this change in the spelling of the surname Hiedler to Hitler was not an accidental typo. Adolf Hitler's 29-year-old father, Alois, thus distanced himself from kinship with his stepfather Johann Georg Gidler.

For what? Who was his real father?

In part, the answer to the last question is contained in documentary film presented below. AND Historians claim that Alois Schicklgruber (Hitler) was the illegitimate son of one of the financial kings from the Rothschild family!
If so, then Adolf Hitler, it turns out, was also related to the Rothschilds. Obviously, the Rothschild banking family knew this very well, which is why in the 30s of the twentieth century they provided generous financial assistance to Adolf Hitler in becoming the Fuhrer of the German nation.

The Soviet people, in the USSR, had their own Hitler— Semyon Konstantinovich, born in 1922, served as a private in the Red Army.

Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, during the defense of height 174.5 of the Tiraspol fortification area 73 years ago, destroyed more than a hundred German soldiers with machine gun fire. After this, wounded and without ammunition, he left the encirclement. For this feat, Comrade Hitler was awarded the Medal of Courage. Subsequently, the Red Army soldier Hitler took part in the defense of Odessa. Together with its defenders, he crossed to Crimea and died on July 3, 1942, defending Sevastopol.



Well, fellow readers, in your opinion, I didnormalpreface?



He crossed Germany on a bicycle, sometimes doing 100 kilometers a day. For months he survived on cheap jelly and peanut butter sandwiches, slept in sleeping bag near provincial train stations. Then there were raids in Sweden, Canada, Turkey and Israel. The search trips lasted for six years in the company of a video camera and a laptop computer.

In the summer of 2002, the world saw the fruits of this asceticism: 30-year-old Brian Mark Rigg published his final work, “Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and People of Jewish Descent in the German Army.”

Brian, an evangelical Christian (like President Bush), a native of a working family in the Texas Bible Belt, a volunteer soldier in the Israel Defense Forces and an officer in the US Marine Corps, suddenly became interested in his past. Why did one of his ancestors serve in the Wehrmacht and the other die in Auschwitz?

Behind him, Rigg had studied at Yale University, a grant from Cambridge, 400 interviews with Wehrmacht veterans, 500 hours of video testimony, 3 thousand photographs and 30 thousand pages of memoirs of Nazi soldiers and officers - those people whose Jewish roots allow them to repatriate to Israel even tomorrow. Rigg’s calculations and conclusions sound quite sensational: in the German army, up to 150 thousand soldiers who had Jewish parents or grandparents fought on the fronts of World War II.

The term "Mischlinge" in the Reich was used to describe people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 distinguished between "Mischlinge" of the first degree (one of the parents is Jewish) and the second degree (grandparents are Jewish). Despite the legal "corruption" of people with Jewish genes and despite the blatant propaganda, tens of thousands of "Mischling" lived quietly under the Nazis. They were routinely drafted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals at the level of commanders of regiments, divisions and armies.

Hundreds of Mischlinge were awarded Iron Crosses for their bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross. Wehrmacht veterans complained to Rigg that their superiors were reluctant to introduce them to orders and delayed promotion in rank, keeping in mind their Jewish ancestors.


The life stories revealed might seem fantastic, but they are real and supported by documents. Thus, an 82-year-old resident of the north of Germany, a believing Jew, served the war as a Wehrmacht captain, secretly observing Jewish rituals in the field.

For a long time, the Nazi press featured a photograph of a blue-eyed blond man in a helmet on their covers. Under the photo it said: “The ideal German soldier.” This Aryan ideal was Wehrmacht fighter Werner Goldberg (with a Jewish father).

Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt received the Knight's Cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front in August 1941. Robert was then assigned to Rommel's Afrika Korps. Near El Alamein, Borchardt was captured by the British. In 1944, the prisoner of war was allowed to come to England to be reunited with his Jewish father. In 1946, Robert returned to Germany, telling his Jewish dad: “Someone has to rebuild our country.” In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told German schoolchildren: “Many Jews and half-Jews who fought for Germany in World War II believed that they should honestly defend their Fatherland by serving in the army.”

Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal letter, in which the Fuhrer certified the Aryanity of this halakhic Jew. The same certificates of “German blood” were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin. During the war, Hollander was awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees and a rare insignia - the Golden German Cross. Hollander received the Knight's Cross in July 1943 when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks in one battle on the Kursk Bulge. Walter was given leave; he went to the Reich through Warsaw. It was there that he was shocked by the sight of the Jewish ghetto being destroyed. Hollander returned to the front spiritually broken; personnel officers wrote in his personal file that he was “too independent and poorly controlled,” and canceled his promotion to the rank of general. In October 1944, Walter was captured and spent 12 years in Stalin's camps. He died in 1972 in Germany.

The story of the rescue of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson from Warsaw in the fall of 1939 is full of secrets. Chabadniks in the United States turned to Secretary of State Cordell Hull asking for help. The State Department agreed with Admiral Canaris, the head of military intelligence (Abwehr), about Schneerson's free passage through the Reich to neutral Holland. The Abwehr and the Rebbe found mutual language: German intelligence officers did everything to keep America from entering the war, and the rebbe used a unique chance for survival. Only recently it became known that the operation to remove the Lubavitcher Rebbe from occupied Poland was led by Abwehr Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Ernst Bloch—son of a Jew. Bloch defended the rebbe from the attacks of the German soldiers accompanying him. This officer himself was “covered” by a reliable document: “I, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the German nation, hereby confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood.” True, in February 1945, this paper did not prevent Bloch from resigning. It is interesting to note that his namesake, a Jew Dr. Edward Bloch, in 1940, received permission personally from the Fuhrer to travel to the USA: he was a doctor from Linz who treated Hitler’s mother and Adolf himself in his childhood.

Who were the Wehrmacht's "mischlinge" - victims of anti-Semitic persecution or accomplices of the executioners? Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier with the Iron Cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to... visit his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by this guest: “If it weren’t for the award on your uniform, you would quickly end up with me in the same place as your father.”

Another story was told by a 76-year-old resident of Germany, 100 percent Jewish: he managed to escape from occupied France in 1940 using forged documents. Under a new German name, he was drafted into the Waffen-SS - selected combat units. “If I served in the German army, and my mother died in Auschwitz, then who am I - a victim or one of the persecutors? The Germans, feeling guilty for what they did, do not want to hear about us. The Jewish community also turns away from people like me, because our the stories contradict everything we have come to believe about the Holocaust."

LIST of 77s

In January 1944, the Wehrmacht personnel department prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jews." All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed—23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. Today Brian Rigg states. To this list we can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals."

In 1940, all officers with two Jewish grandparents were ordered to leave military service. Those who were “tainted” by Jewry only on the part of one of their grandfathers could remain in the army in ordinary positions. The reality was different—these orders were not carried out. Therefore, they were repeated in 1942, 1943 and 1944 to no avail. There were frequent cases when German soldiers, driven by the laws of “front-line brotherhood,” hid “their Jews” without handing them over to the party and punitive authorities. Such scenes as in 1941 could well have taken place: a German company hiding “its Jews” takes Red Army soldiers prisoner, who, in turn, hand over “their Jews” and commissars to be killed.

Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a Luftwaffe officer and the grandson of a Jew, testifies: “In my air unit alone there were 15-20 guys like me. I am convinced that Rigg’s deep dive into the problems of German soldiers of Jewish origin will open up new perspectives in the study of military history Germany of the 20th century."

Rigg single-handedly documented 1,200 examples of "mischlinge" service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with immediate Jewish ancestors. A thousand of these front-line soldiers had 2,300 Jewish relatives killed—nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.

One of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, spent his entire (fortunately short) life fighting rumors about his Jewish origin. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), in the family of the director of the conservatory. Family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future RSHA chief.
As a child, older boys often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (by the way, Eichmann was also teased at school as a “little Jew”). As a 16-year-old boy, he joined the chauvinistic Freikorps organization to dispel rumors about his Jewish grandfather. In the mid-1920s, Heydrich served as a cadet on the training ship Berlin, where the captain was the future Admiral Canaris. Reinhard meets his wife Erika and arranges home violin concerts of Haydn and Mozart with her. But in 1931, Heydrich was dismissed from the army in disgrace for violating the officer's code of honor (seducing the young daughter of a ship commander).

Heydrich climbs the Nazi ladder. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (a rank equal to an army general) is intriguing against his former benefactor Canaris, trying to subjugate the Abwehr. Canaris's answer is simple: at the end of 1941, the admiral hid in his safe photocopies of documents about Heydrich's Jewish origin.

It was the chief of the RSHA who held the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 to discuss the “final solution to the Jewish question.” Heydrich's report clearly states that the grandchildren of a Jew are treated as Germans and are not subject to reprisals. One day, returning home drunk to smithereens at night, Heydrich turns on the light in the room. Reinhard suddenly sees his image in the mirror and shoots him twice with his pistol, shouting to himself: “You vile Jew!”

A classic example of a “hidden Jew” in the elite of the Third Reich can be considered Air Field Marshal Erhard Milch. His father was a Jewish pharmacist. Because of his Jewish origin, Erhard was not accepted into the Kaiser's military schools, but the outbreak of the First World War gave him access to aviation. Milch ended up in the division of the famous Richthoffen, met the young ace Goering and distinguished himself at headquarters, although he himself did not fly airplanes. In 1920, Juncker provided protection to Milch, promoting the former front-line soldier in his concern. In 1929, Milch became the general director of Lufthansa, the national air carrier. The wind was already blowing towards the Nazis, and Erhard provided free Lufthansa planes for the leaders of the NSDAP.

This service is not forgotten. Having come to power, the Nazis claim that Milch's mother did not have sex with her Jewish husband, and Erhard's true father is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time about this: “Yes, we made Milch a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard!” Another aphorism by Goering about Milch: “In my headquarters, I myself will decide who is Jewish and who is not!” Field Marshal Milch actually headed the Luftwaffe before and during the war, replacing Goering. It was Milch who led the creation of the new Me-262 jet and V-missiles. After the war, Milch served nine years in prison, and then worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Thyssen concerns until he was 80 years old.


Brian Rigg's work is subject to overexposure and distortion. Holocaust deniers really want to take advantage of the scientific results—European and Islamic historians trying to reject the Holocaust phenomenon or downplay the scale of the Jewish genocide.

To quote Rigg, such scientists change their emphasis in small things. It speaks, for example, about “Jewish soldiers” and even about “Hitler’s Jewish army,” while the author himself writes about soldiers of Jewish origin (children and grandchildren of Jews). The vast majority of Wehrmacht veterans reported in interviews that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews. These soldiers tried to refute Nazi race talk with their courage. Hitler's soldiers, with triple zeal at the front, proved that their Jewish ancestors did not prevent them from being good German patriots and staunch warriors.

Hasan Huseyn-zadeh, a Muslim historian from Minnesota, lists in his review: "Jewish soldiers served in the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. Dr. Rigg's work should be read by all who study or teach the history of World War II." The mention of the SS is not accidental - now “ducks” will fly in the media about the service of Jews in the SS, although Rigg gave a single example of such a person (and then with fake German documents). Readers will remain in their subconscious: “The Jews destroyed themselves while serving in the SS.” This is how anti-Semitic myths are created.

Dr Jonathan Steinberg, director of Rigg's project at the University of Cambridge, praises his student for his courage and overcoming the challenges of research: "Brian's findings make the reality of the Nazi state more complex."

The young American, in my opinion, not only does more three-dimensional picture The Third Reich and the Holocaust, but also forces Israelis to take a fresh look at the usual definitions of Jewry. Previously, it was believed that in World War II all Jews fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. Jewish soldiers in the Finnish, Romanian and Hungarian armies were seen as exceptions to the rule.

Now Brian Rigg confronts us with new facts, leading Israel to an unheard of paradox. Let's think about it: 150 thousand soldiers and officers of Hitler's army could be repatriated according to the Israeli Law of Return. The current form of this law, spoiled by a late insertion about the separate right of a Jewish grandson to aliyah, allows thousands of Wehrmacht veterans to come to Israel!

Left-wing Israeli politicians are trying to defend the grandchildren amendment by saying that the grandchildren of a Jew were also persecuted by the Third Reich. Read Brian Rigg, gentlemen! The suffering of these grandchildren was often expressed in the delay of the next Iron Cross.

The fate of the children and grandchildren of German Jews once again shows us the tragedy of assimilation. The grandfather’s apostasy from the religion of his ancestors boomerangs on the entire Jewish people and on his German grandson, who is fighting for the ideals of Nazism in the ranks of the Wehrmacht. Unfortunately, galut flight from one’s own “I” characterizes not only Germany of the last century, but also Israel of today.

Now let's move forward to the present time.

A DPR militiaman speaks to the camera: “We are opposed by “Jewish fascists”. Now we are preparing to fire a salvo at the fascist, ugly, nationalist scum... Jewish! And their accomplices. Now, on the other side, hundreds of Jews, Poles and foreigners like them are fighting there,” reports “ militia."

It so happened that representatives of world Jewry fought on the fronts of World War II both against the fascists and for the fascists!

About 500 thousand Soviet Jews fought on the side of the USSR against the Nazis, and about 150 thousand Jews fought on the side of Hitler’s Germany against the USSR.

It is also curious that during the Second World War there was not just one Hitler in the world, but at least two!

One Hitler was in Nazi Germany, the other was in the USSR!

The Nazi-fascists had their own Hitler - Adolf Aloisovich, born in 1889, the son of his father Alois Hitler (1837-1903) and mother Klara Hitler (1860-1907), who bore the surname Pölzl before her marriage. I must note that there was one small piquant detail in the pedigree of Adolf Aloisovich. His father Alois Hitler was an illegitimate son in his parents' family. Until 1876 (until the age of 29), he bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber (German: Schicklgruber). In 1842, Alois's mother, Maria Schicklgruber, married miller Johann Georg Hiedler, who died in 1857. Alois Schicklgruber's mother died even earlier in 1847. In 1876, Alois Schicklgruber gathered three “witnesses” who, at his request, “confirmed” that Johann Georg Hiedler, who had died 19 years earlier, was Alois’s real father. This perjury gave grounds for the latter to change his mother's surname - Schicklgruber - to his father's surname - Hiedler, which, when recorded in the "birth registration" book, was changed to the Jewish one - Hitler. Historians believe that this change in the spelling of the surname Hiedler to Hitler was not an accidental typo. Adolf Hitler's 29-year-old father, Alois, thus distanced himself from kinship with his stepfather Johann Georg Gidler.

For what? Who was his real father?

In part, the answer to the last question is contained in the documentary presented below. Historians claim that Alois Schicklgruber (Hitler) was the illegitimate son of one of the financial kings from the Rothschild family!
If so, then Adolf Hitler, it turns out, was also related to the Rothschilds. Obviously, the Rothschild banking family knew this very well, which is why in the 30s of the twentieth century they provided generous financial assistance to Adolf Hitler in becoming the Fuhrer of the German nation.

The Soviet people, in the USSR, had their own Hitler - Semyon Konstantinovich, born in 1922, who served in the Red Army as a private.

Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, during the defense of height 174.5 of the Tiraspol fortification area 73 years ago, destroyed more than a hundred German soldiers with machine gun fire. After this, wounded and without ammunition, he left the encirclement. For this feat, Comrade Hitler was awarded the Medal of Courage. Subsequently, the Red Army soldier Hitler took part in the defense of Odessa. Together with its defenders, he crossed to Crimea and died on July 3, 1942, defending Sevastopol.

Source. (http://www.cultandart.ru/society/22761-boevoj_podvig_gitlera_semyona_konstantinovicha)

Source. ( https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4155451/post154292365/)

Well, dear readers, in your opinion, did I make a normal preface?



He crossed Germany on a bicycle, sometimes doing 100 kilometers a day. For months he survived on cheap sandwiches with jam and peanut butter, and slept in a sleeping bag near provincial train stations. Then there were raids in Sweden, Canada, Turkey and Israel. The search trips lasted for six years in the company of a video camera and a laptop computer.

In the summer of 2002, the world saw the fruits of this asceticism: 30-year-old Brian Mark Rigg published his final work, “Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and People of Jewish Descent in the German Army.”

Brian, an evangelical Christian (like President Bush), a native of a working family in the Texas Bible Belt, a volunteer soldier in the Israel Defense Forces and an officer in the US Marine Corps, suddenly became interested in his past. Why did one of his ancestors serve in the Wehrmacht and the other die in Auschwitz?

Behind him, Rigg had studied at Yale University, a grant from Cambridge, 400 interviews with Wehrmacht veterans, 500 hours of video testimony, 3 thousand photographs and 30 thousand pages of memoirs of Nazi soldiers and officers - those people whose Jewish roots allow them to repatriate to Israel even tomorrow. Rigg’s calculations and conclusions sound quite sensational: in the German army, up to 150 thousand soldiers who had Jewish parents or grandparents fought on the fronts of World War II.

The term "Mischlinge" in the Reich was used to describe people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 distinguished between "Mischlinge" of the first degree (one of the parents is Jewish) and the second degree (grandparents are Jewish). Despite the legal "corruption" of people with Jewish genes and despite the blatant propaganda, tens of thousands of "Mischling" lived quietly under the Nazis. They were routinely drafted into the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the generals at the level of commanders of regiments, divisions and armies.

Hundreds of Mischlinge were awarded Iron Crosses for their bravery. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross. Wehrmacht veterans complained to Rigg that their superiors were reluctant to introduce them to orders and delayed promotion in rank, keeping in mind their Jewish ancestors.


The life stories revealed might seem fantastic, but they are real and supported by documents. Thus, an 82-year-old resident of the north of Germany, a believing Jew, served the war as a Wehrmacht captain, secretly observing Jewish rituals in the field.

For a long time, the Nazi press featured a photograph of a blue-eyed blond man in a helmet on their covers. Under the photo it said: “The ideal German soldier.” This Aryan ideal was Wehrmacht fighter Werner Goldberg (with a Jewish father).

Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt received the Knight's Cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front in August 1941. Robert was then assigned to Rommel's Afrika Korps. Near El Alamein, Borchardt was captured by the British. In 1944, the prisoner of war was allowed to come to England to be reunited with his Jewish father. In 1946, Robert returned to Germany, telling his Jewish dad: “Someone has to rebuild our country.” In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told German schoolchildren: “Many Jews and half-Jews who fought for Germany in World War II believed that they should honestly defend their Fatherland by serving in the army.”

Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal letter, in which the Fuhrer certified the Aryanity of this halakhic Jew. The same certificates of “German blood” were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin. During the war, Hollander was awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees and a rare insignia - the Golden German Cross. Hollander received the Knight's Cross in July 1943 when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks in one battle on the Kursk Bulge. Walter was given leave; he went to the Reich through Warsaw. It was there that he was shocked by the sight of the Jewish ghetto being destroyed. Hollander returned to the front spiritually broken; personnel officers wrote in his personal file that he was “too independent and poorly controlled,” and canceled his promotion to the rank of general. In October 1944, Walter was captured and spent 12 years in Stalin's camps. He died in 1972 in Germany.

The story of the rescue of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson from Warsaw in the fall of 1939 is full of secrets. Chabadniks in the United States turned to Secretary of State Cordell Hull asking for help. The State Department agreed with Admiral Canaris, the head of military intelligence (Abwehr), about Schneerson's free passage through the Reich to neutral Holland. The Abwehr and the rebbe found a common language: German intelligence officers did everything to keep America from entering the war, and the rebbe used a unique chance for survival. Only recently it became known that the operation to remove the Lubavitcher Rebbe from occupied Poland was led by Abwehr Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Ernst Bloch, the son of a Jew. Bloch defended the rebbe from the attacks of the German soldiers accompanying him. This officer himself was “covered” by a reliable document: “I, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the German nation, hereby confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood.” True, in February 1945, this paper did not prevent Bloch from resigning. It is interesting to note that his namesake, Jew Dr. Eduard Bloch, in 1940, personally received permission from the Fuhrer to travel to the USA: he was a doctor from Linz who treated Hitler’s mother and Adolf himself in his childhood.

Who were the Wehrmacht's "mischlinge" - victims of anti-Semitic persecution or accomplices of the executioners? Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier with the Iron Cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to... visit his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by this guest: “If it weren’t for the award on your uniform, you would quickly end up with me in the same place as your father.”

Another story was told by a 76-year-old resident of Germany, 100 percent Jewish: he managed to escape from occupied France in 1940 using forged documents. Under a new German name, he was drafted into the Waffen-SS - selected combat units. “If I served in the German army, and my mother died in Auschwitz, then who am I - a victim or one of the persecutors? The Germans, feeling guilty for what they did, do not want to hear about us. The Jewish community also turns away from people like me, because our the stories contradict everything we have come to believe about the Holocaust."

LIST of 77s

In January 1944, the Wehrmacht personnel department prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jews." All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. Today Brian Rigg states. To this list we can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals."

In 1940, all officers with two Jewish grandparents were ordered to leave military service. Those who were “tainted” by Jewry only on the part of one of their grandfathers could remain in the army in ordinary positions. The reality was different - these orders were not carried out. Therefore, they were repeated in 1942, 1943 and 1944 to no avail. There were frequent cases when German soldiers, driven by the laws of “front-line brotherhood,” hid “their Jews” without handing them over to the party and punitive authorities. Such scenes as in 1941 could well have taken place: a German company hiding “its Jews” takes Red Army soldiers prisoner, who, in turn, hand over “their Jews” and commissars to be killed.

Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a Luftwaffe officer and the grandson of a Jew, testifies: “In my air unit alone there were 15-20 guys like me. I am convinced that Rigg’s deep dive into the problems of German soldiers of Jewish origin will open up new perspectives in the study of military history Germany of the 20th century."

Rigg single-handedly documented 1,200 examples of "mischlinge" service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with immediate Jewish ancestors. A thousand of these front-line soldiers had 2,300 Jewish relatives killed - nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.

One of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, spent his entire (fortunately short) life fighting rumors about his Jewish origin. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), in the family of the director of the conservatory. Family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future RSHA chief.
As a child, older boys often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (by the way, Eichmann was also teased at school as a “little Jew”). As a 16-year-old boy, he joined the chauvinistic Freikorps organization to dispel rumors about his Jewish grandfather. In the mid-1920s, Heydrich served as a cadet on the training ship Berlin, where the captain was the future Admiral Canaris. Reinhard meets his wife Erika and arranges home violin concerts of Haydn and Mozart with her. But in 1931, Heydrich was dismissed from the army in disgrace for violating the officer's code of honor (seducing the young daughter of a ship commander).

Heydrich climbs the Nazi ladder. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (a rank equal to an army general) is intriguing against his former benefactor Canaris, trying to subjugate the Abwehr. Canaris's answer is simple: at the end of 1941, the admiral hid in his safe photocopies of documents about Heydrich's Jewish origin.

It was the chief of the RSHA who held the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 to discuss the “final solution to the Jewish question.” Heydrich's report clearly states that the grandchildren of a Jew are treated as Germans and are not subject to reprisals. One day, returning home drunk to smithereens at night, Heydrich turns on the light in the room. Reinhard suddenly sees his image in the mirror and shoots him twice with his pistol, shouting to himself: “You vile Jew!”

A classic example of a “hidden Jew” in the elite of the Third Reich can be considered Air Field Marshal Erhard Milch. His father was a Jewish pharmacist. Because of his Jewish origin, Erhard was not accepted into the Kaiser's military schools, but the outbreak of the First World War gave him access to aviation. Milch ended up in the division of the famous Richthoffen, met the young ace Goering and distinguished himself at headquarters, although he himself did not fly airplanes. In 1920, Juncker provided protection to Milch, promoting the former front-line soldier in his concern. In 1929, Milch became the general director of Lufthansa, the national air carrier. The wind was already blowing towards the Nazis, and Erhard provided free Lufthansa planes for the leaders of the NSDAP.

This service is not forgotten. Having come to power, the Nazis claim that Milch's mother did not have sex with her Jewish husband, and Erhard's true father is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time about this: “Yes, we made Milch a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard!” Another aphorism by Goering about Milch: “In my headquarters, I myself will decide who is Jewish and who is not!” Field Marshal Milch actually headed the Luftwaffe before and during the war, replacing Goering. It was Milch who led the creation of the new Me-262 jet and V-missiles. After the war, Milch served nine years in prison, and then worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Thyssen concerns until he was 80 years old.


Brian Rigg's work is subject to overexposure and distortion. Holocaust deniers - European and Islamic historians who are trying to reject the phenomenon of the Holocaust or underestimate the scale of the genocide of Jews - really want to take advantage of the scientific results.

To quote Rigg, such scientists change their emphasis in small things. It speaks, for example, about “Jewish soldiers” and even about “Hitler’s Jewish army,” while the author himself writes about soldiers of Jewish origin (children and grandchildren of Jews). The vast majority of Wehrmacht veterans reported in interviews that when they joined the army, they did not consider themselves Jews. These soldiers tried to refute Nazi race talk with their courage. Hitler's soldiers, with triple zeal at the front, proved that their Jewish ancestors did not prevent them from being good German patriots and staunch warriors.

Hasan Huseyn-zadeh, a Muslim historian from Minnesota, lists in his review: "Jewish soldiers served in the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. Dr. Rigg's work should be read by all who study or teach the history of World War II." The mention of the SS is not accidental - now “ducks” will fly in the media about the service of Jews in the SS, although Rigg gave a single example of such a person (and then with fake German documents). Readers will remain in their subconscious: “The Jews destroyed themselves while serving in the SS.” This is how anti-Semitic myths are created.

Dr Jonathan Steinberg, director of Rigg's project at the University of Cambridge, praises his student for his courage and overcoming the challenges of research: "Brian's findings make the reality of the Nazi state more complex."

The young American, in my opinion, not only makes the picture of the Third Reich and the Holocaust more comprehensive, but also forces Israelis to take a fresh look at the usual definitions of Jewishness. Previously, it was believed that in World War II all Jews fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. Jewish soldiers in the Finnish, Romanian and Hungarian armies were seen as exceptions to the rule.

Now Brian Rigg confronts us with new facts, leading Israel to an unheard of paradox. Let's think about it: 150 thousand soldiers and officers of Hitler's army could be repatriated according to the Israeli Law of Return. The current form of this law, spoiled by a late insertion about the separate right of a Jewish grandson to aliyah, allows thousands of Wehrmacht veterans to come to Israel!

Left-wing Israeli politicians are trying to defend the grandchildren amendment by saying that the grandchildren of a Jew were also persecuted by the Third Reich. Read Brian Rigg, gentlemen! The suffering of these grandchildren was often expressed in the delay of the next Iron Cross.

The fate of the children and grandchildren of German Jews once again shows us the tragedy of assimilation. The grandfather’s apostasy from the religion of his ancestors boomerangs on the entire Jewish people and on his German grandson, who is fighting for the ideals of Nazism in the ranks of the Wehrmacht. Unfortunately, galut flight from one’s own “I” characterizes not only Germany of the last century, but also Israel of today.