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How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter: recommendations and videos. How to cut glass correctly at home with and without a glass cutter (video) How to cut with an oil glass cutter

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Knowledge of how to properly cut glass is the type that can be very useful to know. If necessary, you will be able to replace or install glass or a small fragment yourself without the help of strangers, which, firstly, is nice, secondly, it saves money, since you can do without calling a specialist, and thirdly, such skills can be useful many more times and Knowing how to deal with such situations means being prepared for them. After all, you never know on what day trouble will happen and when knowledge of how to cut glass will come in handy.

How to cut glass with a glass cutter?

First, you should realize that working with any glass products is always associated with risk, so you need to prepare in advance by wearing special gloves and safety glasses. For this procedure you will need the glass cutter itself, a little patience and a minimum of knowledge on how to cut glass with a glass cutter. If the glass just needs to be cut (that is, cut off one of the edges), the task will be completely easy. Take a sheet of glass and clean it before cutting (if the glass is new, just wipe it with paper, if it has already been used, wash it, dry it and repeat the process as with new one). Mark the place where the cut will take place (using a marker). Now it's time to decide on the type of tool.

There are three types of glass cutters:

  1. Diamond glass cutter. Is the best option, however, before making a purchase, keep in mind that the price for it is appropriate and if cutting glass is just a one-time action, it is not worth buying it. The tip of the glass cutter has a diamond coating, which allows you to cut glass of almost any type and thickness. It is easy to use, the results are almost always excellent, and the service life is much longer than a conventional glass cutter.
  2. Cobalt tungsten glass cutter. The most common and popular. Gained popularity due to its low cost.
  3. Oil glass cutter. In fact, it is an improved version of the cobalt-tungsten (roller) glass cutter. The difference is that the glass cutter has a small reservoir of oil that is fed to the tip, making the result more precise and the process a little easier. Used for cutting thick glass.

When the choice is made, start cutting the glass. In fact, the process is very easy and simple, and if you have at least a little knowledge and skills, you can handle it in a few seconds. The glass must be placed evenly on a table or any similar object, and then simply run the glass cutter along the line marked with a marker, slightly pressing it against the glass. If the glass is not cut, it’s okay, just break it (the structure is already broken and this won’t take much work). If you need to trim more than one side, simply repeat the process. Well, that’s all, and now you know how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter and are therefore completely ready for it. If you need additional information on how to cut glass, the video posted on the page will help you understand this task in more detail.

How to cut tempered glass?

If you have heard that strained glass can be cut, but you don’t know how to cut tempered glass, you don’t have to look for such information and immediately forget about this idea. Tempered glass cannot be cut. In fact, it can be cut, but in doing so it loses all its properties and usually collapses even before the cutting is completed. The only way to get tempered glass of the size you need is to cut regular glass and then temper it (you can use the services of specialists for this).

The most common operation is cutting sheet glass. First you need to equip workplace. This can be a table or a flat board, the surface of which is covered with a blanket or soft cloth. The glass must be clean, or even better, grease-free. Glass is cut with a glass cutter.

To cut glass with a thickness of 1 to 4 mm, use a roller glass cutter, which contains three hard alloy rollers. Each of them can cut up to 100 m of glass. To replace the used roller, the drum screw is loosened and the disc is returned.

For glass 4 mm thick you need to have a diamond glass cutter. Diamond glass cutters of group A are used to cut glass up to 5 mm thick, group B - up to 10 mm thick.

Before starting glass cutting, paper is laid on the floor to collect glass shards and glass dust. Sometimes it's hard to do. In this case, rock a ball of putty in place of the broken glass.

It will absorb the smallest fragments. At the same time, one should not forget about safety precautions. It should be remembered that not only large pieces of glass with uneven edges are dangerous, but also small, barely noticeable fragments.

A sheet of glass is placed on the prepared surface so that the edge coincides with the line of the table. Wooden slats or a special rail is placed along the opening line. During cutting, the glass cutter is pressed against the rail, holding the handle vertically.

You should retreat 1-2 mm from the edge of the glass. Press lightly and with equal force throughout the entire line so that it is uniform, thin and clean.

If the line turns out to be wide, then this is already a scratch, and the glass has not been cut through. Then you need to repeat the procedure by making a new line next to the first or turning the glass over.

It will be easier to cut if you first dip the glass cutter in turpentine or kerosene. When the operation is completed well, the sheet of glass is moved from the table and by lightly tapping with the glass cutter's head from below, deep cracks are reached along the cut line.

Then the glass is placed again so that the line of the opening coincides with the edge of the table, and the necessary one is broken off with a sharp pressure.

Thin strips can be broken off using the grooves of a glass cutter hammer or with pliers or pliers. Narrow strips of glass can be cut with a well-tempered sharp piece of steel, a sharpened plate of carbide, or pieces of broken china.

How to cut glass - video

One way or another, all of us are faced with the need to replace glass in doors and windows, glazing bookshelves and other manipulations associated with the processing of this fragile material. At first glance it seems that self-execution These jobs are very problematic, but in fact, anyone can master the skills of a glazier.

Of course, you need to follow safety precautions to prevent cuts and injuries, choose handy tool and cut it correctly. In practice, you will see that using a glass cutter when cutting glass is quite simple. Most often, you can cut a rectangular piece the first time.

Glass comes in different thicknesses

Tool selection

A tool for dividing a glass surface into parts is a glass cutter. They cut sheets of glass of various thicknesses. When choosing a tool, you need to make sure that the fragments are separated into parts the first time. Glass cutters come in the following types:

  • Glass cutters with a diamond cutting head used for a long time. The high hardness of this stone ensures excellent cutting quality over a distance of about ten thousand meters.
  • Tools in which the cutting function is performed by rollers made of an alloy of tungsten and cobalt, which is particularly durable. Such glass cutters allow cutting glass up to four millimeters thick.
  • In an improved design of roller glass cutters, a container of oil is placed in the handle of the tool, which is supplied to the cutting line. As a result, the depth of penetration of the cutting part into the structure of the material increases. Thick glass can be cut at home with an oil glass cutter.
  • Circular cuts are made with a glass cutter, similar in shape to a compass. One end of the tool is strengthened with a suction cup in the center of the circle being drawn; its radius is set using an adjustable scale, at the end of which the cutting element is located. Typically, such glass cutters are equipped with a reservoir for supplying oil to the surface being processed.

Main types of glass cutters

To work, you also need a long and even ruler, along which a straight line of separation will be drawn. To make cuts of a more complex configuration, use a pattern of the appropriate shape.

Preparation of material and work table

To make a quality cut, the glass surface must be thoroughly cleaned. If the glass has just been purchased, then it will be enough to wipe it with newspaper, which does not leave behind streaks and lint.

Glass that has been used previously must be prepared more carefully. To do this, its surface is washed using special cleaning agents, then fatty deposits are removed, for example, with a rag soaked in white spirit.

IN preparatory stage also includes calculation of the surface cutting configuration. It is not possible to completely avoid the generation of waste, but accurate calculations can significantly reduce their amount. The resulting scraps should not be thrown away; they can be used in the future.
Carpet - good basis for glass cutting

The work table should be level, without significant slopes. The surface of the tabletop does not need to be made too hard; it is best to make it from chipboard and cover it with soft textiles or other similar material for more convenient cutting.

Learn to cut glass with your own hands

The transparent surface of the glass resists loads evenly distributed over the plane, but point impacts lead to its destruction. Microcracks in the structure of the material reduce its mechanical strength, so glass cutting technology is based on creating scratches on its surface cutting tool and separating it into parts by bending force applied to the weakened edges.

Before you start cutting glass, you need to make sure that the factory sheet has the correct right angles. It is then placed on a flat, level surface and a single cut is made using a ruler and glass cutter. Next, the sheet is broken with your own hands by bending force. If this does not work the first time, tap the cut line with a hammer and try again.

You can also cut a mirror yourself

Convenient to work with a diamond glass cutter

A glass cutter that uses a diamond head as the cutting element is very convenient to work with. The handle of the tool should be held in your hand in the same way as a pencil, especially since it is similar in shape. Next, a ruler or a pattern cut according to the cut configuration is applied to the sheet being processed, and a uniform scratch is carefully applied to the glass surface. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • The tool must be positioned at an angle to the plane of the sheet in approximately the same way as when drawing with a pencil on paper.
  • Do not apply too much pressure on the handle of the glass cutter. In this case, the cutting line will be replete with chips and irregularities.
  • Repeatedly running the cutting part over an already marked scratch is unacceptable. If the sheet cannot be broken, you should step back a little to the side and repeat the procedure.
  • You should work quickly and carefully. A guideline for time can be two seconds when applying a scratch to a meter-long piece of sheet.

Next, the line of a high-quality cut is aligned with the edge of the work table so that the part of the sheet that goes to waste is suspended. The cut from the bottom side is tapped with the handle of a glass cutter or a construction hammer. When performing this manipulation, unnecessary fragments are easily separated and fall into the substituted box.

How to cut correctly with a roller tool

Proper operation of a tool that uses carbide rollers as the cutting part has its own characteristics. In this case, the glass cutter is not positioned at an angle to the surface being processed, but vertically.

You have to press with all your heart with a roller glass cutter.

In addition, it is necessary to apply greater pressure on the handle of this type of tool, otherwise a high-quality cut will not be obtained. The roller cuts glass well during the first three hundred meters, then it must be replaced with a new one.

Using an oil glass cutter makes it easier and more efficient to work

The operating principle of an oil tool is no different from a conventional roller tool. By lubricating the surface being processed, the work process is facilitated and the service life of the glass cutter is increased.

How to cut a round hole

A round hole is cut using a pre-made pattern of the appropriate configuration or a glass cutter in the shape of a compass. The latter is much more convenient to use; it consists of an adjustable tripod, a suction cup and a cutting element.

Cutting glass along a radius using a suction cup

One end is fixed in the center of the hole using a suction cup, its radius is set on a tripod, and a circle is quickly and smoothly drawn with a glass cutter. Cut fragment the desired shape at home, accuracy and precision in performing the manipulation helps. You will find everything about drilling holes in glass in the article

We follow safety precautions

When working with such a fragile and traumatic material as glass, you must carefully follow all safety requirements. To protect against cuts, use work clothes made of thick fabric, mittens and sturdy shoes. The organs of vision are well protected by thick plastic glasses. A first aid kit should be on hand.

Be careful and careful! It is necessary to exclude sudden and rash movements. When processing large and heavy sheets, have the help of a partner. To move material of large dimensions and weight, special carriers may be required.

Features of working with non-standard glass

Tempered glass cannot be processed at home; when mechanical stress is applied to it, it crumbles or breaks into pieces. Corrugated - cut with a glass cutter in the same way as a regular one, but on the smooth side.

Corrugated glass is cut on the straight side

Acrylic glass, in fact, is not glass. Thin material is cut using simple scissors or an ordinary knife. A thick sheet can be drawn along a ruler with a piece of a hacksaw blade, several times, and then bent and broken along the groove line.

Acrylic glass is easy to cut

Cutting glass using traditional methods

Sometimes it happens that the glass needs to be replaced urgently, but there is no tool. You can cut glass without a glass cutter, and in several ways.

Sheets of glass no more than 3 mm thick, placed in a container with warm water, can be cut with ordinary scissors. This way you can actually process small pieces. The cutting process becomes easier the deeper the glass is in the water. You need stronger scissors: while working, you get the feeling of cutting thick cardboard.

It’s quite possible to repeat such tricks with glass in water

Gloves will help protect your hands, but you should understand that the injury in the water is almost not felt. Thus, your hands should be slightly higher than the glass, and you also need to monitor the movement of the fragments. Glasses are also a good idea, as glass can jump out of the water and into your eyes.

You can use a soldering iron, a burner, or even a hot nail. The latter will have to be reheated quite often. First, a dividing line is drawn on the glass, which can be of any shape.

At the beginning of the cutting line, a small hole is made on the edge of the glass. Chip can be done with a file, needle file, hacksaw blade and, very carefully, with a grinder. Now the tip of a heated soldering iron is placed in the place of the chip.

Cutting ordinary glass with a soldering iron is not so easy

A burning string soaked in gasoline and applied to the parting line causes the glass to crack. When using this method, ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

The glass is placed on a flat and non-flammable surface. A thin cord should be made of natural materials, synthetics are not suitable. It is cut according to the size of the glass and moistened with gasoline or kerosene, white spirit, lighter fluid, etc. Next, the cord is laid along the marked cutting line and set on fire. When the burning is almost complete, water is poured over the cutting area.

As a result, a crack forms. If it does not cross the entire glass, the process can be repeated in the required area, or the cut site can be tapped to create a crack.

Relying on his own strength, a thrifty owner sometimes voluntarily takes on the responsibilities of a jack of all trades. Why invite a third-party specialist for every issue, if you can test your abilities in performing some work, even if they are being done for the first time. Every man at least once in his life has had to replace broken glass with a new one, having previously adjusted its dimensions to the required ones. As you guessed, we will talk about how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter.

Glass is a fragile object, so a simple tool for working with it must be of high quality. Experienced craftsmen They value their diamond glass cutter very much, so they store it in a special case. It is called diamond because its main element - the cutting part - is made of a small crystal of real diamond, which has the property of increased strength. And if we give it a more precise definition, then diamond is the most durable natural mineral on Earth. Leave a deep mark in the form of a scratch on such artificial material Like glass, it’s not difficult even for a child. Another thing is that no one will allow him to do such an activity, because a small force is enough for the glass to break along the scratch applied to it, forming a traumatic edge. The “fresh” edge is rubbed with sandpaper.

Sometimes you can hear boastful tales of a self-confident “specialist” who convinces others that he can cut glass even with a rusty nail. But this is unlikely to be true, because a glass cutter with an exhausted reserve can only ruin a large piece of glass because it will break along a curved line. And here's why - the hardness of a metal nail is significantly lower than the hardness of a diamond. Let's compare at least using the example of a regular kitchen knife: With a dull knife, bread can only be shredded, rather than cut into even pieces.

Later, roller glass cutters made of high-strength alloy began to be used, which practically replaced the diamond glass cutter from use, gaining popularity due to its low cost. This glass cutter is equipped with a special head with several (3 or 6 pieces) rollers. If one of the rollers becomes dull, it is enough to turn the head by loosening the screw, after which the tool is ready for active work using the new roller as a cutting element.

Note! One glass cutter roller can split 300 linear meters glass

The advantage of such a glass cutter is that the roller moves across the glass with ease compared to a diamond, so there is no need to apply a lot of force to make a noticeable groove. Craftsmen claim that a barely noticeable scratch is enough to divide the glass into planned parts along a strictly drawn line.

The future fault line should be smooth and not interrupted.

Tricks and secrets of cutting glass

So what is the “art” of cutting glass, and how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter? There are several rules for performing this simple action.

First. Successful glass cutting requires a high-quality glass cutter and a spacious table with flat surface made of fibreboard (fibreboard), which is ideal for working with glass.

Second. Apply a scratch to the glass in the desired place using a ruler or a thin, even strip 5-10 mm wide. For convenience, the width of the ruler should not be the smallest, then it is easier to hold it with your fingers while drawing. After all, it is the quality of the applied line that determines how the glass will break. The line should be applied once with firm pressure with a glass cutter on the glass under the ruler; the line should not be intermittent. If this was not accomplished, and the glass cutter made a zigzag, there is no doubt that the glass will not break as intended. Some technicians are able to correct an intermittent furrow error, but this requires sufficient experience.

Glass markings can be done as follows: in an original way: A clear, long, straight line is drawn on the table. Two small lines are applied along the two edges of the glass according to the required dimensions. The workpiece with such marks is placed on the table so that the lines coincide with a straight line on the table. Next, place a ruler on top of the glass 2-4 millimeters to the left of the line on the table and draw a glass cutter from one line to another. This method is applicable only if the glass is transparent.

Third. It is important to hold the tool correctly while making a groove on the glass. The diamond glass cutter should be held in the hand like a pencil, that is, almost vertically, but with some inclination. The drawn line turns out colorless and thin. The roller glass cutter is held strictly perpendicular to the glass surface between the thumb and middle finger, while pressing on the glass cutter with the index finger.

Note! The pressure on the glass with a roller glass cutter should be stronger than with a diamond cutter. The mark on the glass from the roller is white.

The pressure force and the speed of movement of the glass cutter along the entire length of the line should be the same. Only at the edges should the pressure be reduced, otherwise there is a danger of unexpected chipping or the formation of small glass fragments that are dangerous to the eyes. When working with glass, it is better to use special safety glasses and do not forget about gloves - chipped edges of glass can easily injure your hands.

Fourth. Glass with a straight line drawn along it breaks easily. If this does not happen, you should place the workpiece on the table so that this line is 0.5 cm further from the edge of the table, as if suspended. Next, holding the suspended edge of the glass, use the glass cutter head to apply very light blows to the bottom of the workpiece along the entire length of the drawn line. At some point, often quite unexpectedly, the glass breaks. In order to break off the glass, you can simply press on it from above with your hands or, before pressing, place two matches under its edges on the drawn line.

Note! Sometimes you need to separate a small, narrow piece of glass. For this purpose, the glass cutter has special grooves into which the glass is inserted and broken off.

Fifth. It is worth noting that the quality of a glass cutter can be determined by the tone of the sound (soprano) at the moment of drawing the line. Creaking and squealing indicate a dull cutting element.

Good luck with your chipping, and may the instrument sing you melodies in the correct sonic language.


You might be interested in a video on how to cut a mirror:

Below you can watch a useful video about the rules for choosing a glass cutter:

Being able to cut glass without the risk of cracking it is a very good skill. It can be useful for, for example, replacing glass in a window. For someone with experience, this is not a difficult task. But for a person doing this for the first time, the task is quite difficult.

A special cutter was invented for cutting glass. Previously, a diamond cutter was used, but nowadays they prefer to use a cutter whose wheel is made of steel.

The choice of tool depends on the intention of its use. If you will use it regularly, then you need to purchase a professional cutter that has a wheel change function. If you intend to use the cutter up to ten times, buy an inexpensive one; this is the number of times it can be used, but after which it can be thrown away.

Attention, if there is no need for regular use, you must purchase a disposable cutter to avoid unnecessary costs

Rules for cutting glass

Many inexperienced people who have never had anything to do with cutting glass often rush to the cutting itself. It is not right.

Before you start the process, you need to study a few recommendations from professionals:

  1. The glass that will be manipulated must be wetted. That is, cutting dry is highly not recommended. It is necessary to treat the affected area with oil or kerosene. This will allow for easier sliding, and the risk of glass cracking is significantly reduced. Also, for best result, the tool itself (cutter) also needs to be moistened in these liquids.
  2. Very often there is a moment when a person cannot decide on the force of pressing. It is important to know that it is different for each glass, since it differs in thickness. To be bolder and not damage the material, you need to try to practice. For example, on an old and unnecessary piece of glass. If this opportunity is not provided, then you will have to rely on the sound of the cutter. The fact is that with the correct distribution of force, the sound should be monotonous, without sudden sound jumps. In this case, the actions are performed correctly.
  3. There is no need to carry out the process on a hard surface. It needs to be covered soft material. Any fabric can serve as this, just thick enough, or a piece of old carpet. It is he who is ideal for this process.

Cutting process

The process itself is quite simple. Using a ruler, you need to make notes that will help you navigate under required sizes. Then you need to draw an even line so that the force does not expose the glass to cracks.

After the manipulations, you need to carefully place the cutter handle under the cut and lightly press on top. If all recommendations have been followed, the glass will break into even pieces without any problems. If it doesn’t work, then you need to run the cutter again and try again.