Water pipes      06/17/2019

Guide for laying OSB on a wooden floor and their preparation for finishing. Installation of OSB on the walls - recommendations for independent work Which side to mount the osb plate on the outside

It is customary to start work indoors with facing the ceiling structure, this greatly simplifies other stages. There are many products for such a process, but OSB boards are becoming more and more in demand. This product has good performance, but has certain styling nuances. An important task is the correct decorative cladding the resulting coverage.


When using OSB, the exact selection of the variety is very important. Oriented strand boards include four main classes:

  1. OSB-1. Suitable for rough work in stably dry rooms and the manufacture of furniture parts.
  2. OSB-2. It has a higher density compared to the previous version, and a rather low moisture resistance. Products well proven for sheathing internal surfaces subject to constant humidity.
  3. OSB-3. The most popular variety, combining all the necessary properties. It can be operated under severe mechanical loads. Although the product belongs to the category of moisture resistant, it is not able to withstand prolonged contact with water without additional processing.
  4. OSB-4. This type is used much less frequently, because for all its advantages, its price is very high.

There are 4 varieties of oriented strand board with different specifications

Ceiling filing OSB plate performed with materials of 2 and 3 classes. The first option is suitable for the living room, bedroom and corridor, the second - for the kitchen, hallway and even the bathroom.

OSB has a fairly wide range of sizes, but the most common products are 122 * 244 cm and 125 * 250 cm. To work with a suspended horizontal structure optimum thickness- from 6 to 9–9.5 mm. In such a situation, the mass of the sheet is 12.9–18.6 kg.

On a note! It is important to have security certificates. The environmental criterion, measured by the level of formaldehyde emission, should not exceed 10 mg/100 g. Which implies a toxicity class not higher than E1.

The most important characteristics of OSB boards are weight and thickness

The installation of the material has a number of features that should be considered to obtain a high-quality result:

  • The work involves the preliminary construction of the frame. To do this, it is better to use a wooden beam with a cross section of at least 50 * 40 mm. If there are beams, then laying is carried out on them after setting a single level and creating jumpers.
  • Precisely fixing the slab alone is not easy, it is advisable to involve assistants. If the work is done only with your own hands, then you will need to cut the sheet into several fragments.
  • Be sure to form compensation gaps around the entire perimeter of the walls. You should also leave space between adjacent panels. This is especially true for newly built private houses and dachas that are not constantly heated.
  • To finish the ceiling, you will need metal screws. They should be 2.5–3 times the thickness of the material used. The screw is slightly recessed flush to prevent bulging.
  • Sheathing starts from the center or from the corner, depending on the layout of the room. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-calculate the parameters in order to reduce the remaining product.
  • If the plate has additional moisture-resistant protection, then the surface is pre-sanded and degreased.
  • To reduce the complexity of further processes, the parts are treated with a deep penetrating primer before laying. This will cover not only front side, but also ends.

When fixing the plates on the ceiling, it is necessary to use elements made of stainless materials

Important! When buying material Special attention refer to the geometry of the elements. The fact is that due to a violation of production technology or storage conditions, the panel may be deformed. It is extremely difficult to work with the behavior of the sheet, it is not always possible to straighten out the tension.

Mounting technology

To install OSB boards correctly, the process should be divided into stages. This will allow you to carry out all procedures efficiently and avoid problems in the future.

Preliminary activities include the following:

  1. The ceiling covering is treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds. The location of communications is provided in advance. If the structure is directly connected to the attic, then steam and waterproofing is carried out and an insulation plan is thought out.
  2. According to a pre-compiled layout of the racks of the frame, the product is cut.
  3. The surface is cleaned of dirt and dust with a broom and rags and, if necessary, degreased.
  4. Products are covered with 2-3 layers of primer "betonokontakt", each is thoroughly dried.
  5. A tool for fixing is being prepared - a screwdriver with the required set of bits. You should also provide a place to perform the process. For greater convenience, goats or suitable ladders are installed.

Before laying the tiles, it is necessary to carry out preliminary measures on the ceiling surface

Properly carried out preliminary work can avoid problems in the future.

In order for the OSB ceiling to be extremely even and reliable, it is erected along the crate. The creation technology is as follows:

  1. If a wooden beam is used, it is pre-impregnated protective compounds from mold and fungus and flame retardants. All parts are thoroughly dried.
  2. Surface marking is carried out. The first elements will be placed 2–3 cm from the walls, and the total step depends on the type of base and the need for insulation. The best option- 50-60 cm and the same frequency of jumpers that will be required if the structure needs to be reinforced or the slabs are cut into small fragments.
  3. Near one of the walls, the first rack of the frame is attached and leveled. From it to the opposite surface, a cord is stretched along both edges to expose the second part. The remaining fragments of the crate are laid along the resulting plane. It is required to fasten the structure with a margin of safety, so it is better to choose metal anchors.
  4. Communications are laid, the location of lighting fixtures is marked.

The crate is special frame, on which OSB-plates are subsequently attached

Should know! A significant disadvantage of the use of plastic dowels in working with concrete structures is the weakening in case of fire, which can lead to collapse and blocking of the exit.

OSB is attached to the ceiling with great care, any inaccuracies will lead to the formation of distortions. For ease of fixing, the parts are drilled in several places, this will allow you to quickly install the self-tapping screw. It is necessary to hem the material according to a certain scheme:

  1. The first element should be attached in the most visible corner. If the surface is dialed from the center, then it will be necessary to perform complex transverse and diagonal markings, as well as pull the installation cords.
  2. Before fixing, it is required to make a gap of 10–15 mm from the wall and ensure that the seam is at least 3 mm. Self-tapping screws are screwed in with force to provide a deepening of the cap.
  3. Due to the fact that the frame cross members are also used for fastening, they are marked after installation. To do this, a mark is made on the edge of the panel, which is combined with the opposite one, screws are twisted along the formed line.
  4. If cutting is done locally, then the dimension is preliminarily measured desired part. The edges must lie on the crate.
  5. By the same principle, you should hem the remaining fragments.

Mounting should not be done close to the wall, you need to leave a small gap

For a good fit, you can use plates with lock connection. They are suitable for situations where it is necessary to obtain a surface that will be decorated with transparent compositions.

OSB ceiling finishes

It is not difficult to sheathe the base with slabs, it is much more difficult to perform subsequent cladding. For this, various options can be used.

For finishing the ceiling of OSB boards, any decorative materials: varnish, wallpaper, decorative plaster, LMDF or HDPE panels


An original method that allows you to get a coating that has a pronounced woody base. To do this, hemming material passes preliminary training: the cracks are filled with a mixture of sawdust and PVA, the embedded areas are polished, then the surface is impregnated with a primer.

The varnish is applied in several layers, after each coating is well dried.


OSB can be finished with a special fiberglass variety of wallpaper. If you plan to use traditional roll options, then for better adhesion, it is recommended to pre-putty the base. When choosing this method, the joints are additionally covered with a reinforcing mesh. It is advisable to choose multi-layer wallpapers and use suitable glue.


If desired, the surface can be treated with any color paints and varnishes, but over time may appear dark spots. To avoid such troubles, perform the following steps:

  1. The coating is degreased and impregnated with 2-3 layers of primer.
  2. The ceiling is plastered. The applied layer should be no thinner than 2–3 mm. For greater reliability when working on large areas, everything is covered with a special reinforcing mesh.
  3. The resulting base can be whitewashed or painted.

OSB boards for interior decoration is used more and more often at home, so the methods of subsequent cladding are constantly being improved. This allows you to sheathe the premises not only qualitatively, but also beautifully.

OSB(oriented strand board) is a widely demanded structural material that has all the necessary advantages that allow it to seriously compete with chipboard and plywood. The use of the material is extremely important when it comes to building cladding. In addition, OSB boards have proven themselves as floor covering. The building product has a number of advantages, including: high strength, moisture resistance, durability and low price.

Although moisture resistance characteristics do not apply to all such products. For cladding the facades of buildings, it is appropriate to use plates of a certain marking OSB-3, OSB-4. In this post, at your discretion, methods for attaching OSB will be presented.

OSB fastening through the use of battens

A metal profile is used as a crate or wooden bars. For a wooden crate, it is rational to use 40 - 50 mm planed timber. Let it be properly dried, this will avoid deformation.

Before proceeding with the installation process, it is necessary to perform a vertical marking on the base. The distance between the marked verticals should be half the width of the sheet. This will ensure the joining of nearby sheets in the middle of the crate. Presumably the lines are drawn, which means that it is possible to mount the suspensions, ideally the distance between which should be from 30 to 40 cm.

The technology of fastening wooden and metal frame almost identical, in both cases it is appropriate to use a special metal plate (suspension).

If desired, the space of the structure is filled with insulation, which is covered with a membrane on top. In this way, the thermal insulation will be reliably protected from moisture.

Next, the crate is mounted, after which the mounting process begins OSB. As a rule, these are 9 - 12 mm plates. If you have wooden crate, OSB is fixed with nails, which must be long enough to properly fix the board. Plates are attached to the metal profile by using self-tapping screws, 10 - 15 mm longer than the thickness of the plate itself.

Fixing OSB to timber frame

In case with inside strong plates are fixed to the frame, which have a positive effect on the rigidity of the structure, it is possible to make a crate between the frame and the OSB. Thanks to the crate, the space necessary for ventilation of the heat-insulating layer is created, as well as to reduce the load that can lead to deformation.

As in the previous method, a heater is located between the racks, which, together with the racks, is torn by wind and waterproofing protection. Then the crate is attached, and on top of it the OSB boards.

Mounting OSB directly on the base itself

Fastening the plates without pre-installation of the crate allows you to achieve the greatest rigidity of the structure. With this method of installation, the wind and waterproofing layer is laid behind the OSB. After that, the crate is mounted in order to create a ventilation gap, and the finishing material is already attached on top of it, which can be used as siding or decorative panels. Plates, as in the previous method of fastening, are fixed to the tree with nails. It is desirable that the length of the nails be at least 2 times the thickness of the most OSB sheets. Why nails as fasteners? Yes, because due to atmospheric phenomena, the tree can be deformed, the nails “more painlessly” endure such loads.

OSB fastening to a metal frame

The whole installation process is similar to fastening to wooden frame, with the only difference being that self-tapping screws are used as fasteners.

OSB - basic installation principles

- Ideally, the distance between fasteners in the form of self-tapping screws should be about 12 - 16 cm, while it is necessary to step back from the edge of the plate by at least 1 cm.

- In order to avoid the accumulation of water, it is advisable to leave a gap of 10 cm between the bottom sheet and the foundation.

- Between the plates it is necessary to observe a gap of 2 - 3 mm, as they can gain in volume and expand.

- For cutting OSB boards, it is best to use an electric jigsaw.

In construction and repair, various materials are often used for wall and ceiling cladding. sheet materials. One of these materials is oriented strand board (OSB), which is also sold under the English name OSB (Oriented Strand Board).

OSB: what is it and how to use it

OSB is made from wood chips and large chips, gluing them together with high temperature synthetic resins.

The slab consists of several layers, usually 3-4, with different chip orientations.

In the outer layers, the chips are located along the long side of the sheet, in the inner layers - across. According to its characteristics, OSB is close to plywood, but costs less.

Advantages and Features

A distinctive feature of OSB is its high strength, due to the cross arrangement of wood fibers. In terms of strength, the boards are superior to MDF, chipboard and wood, slightly inferior to plywood. Plates show high resistance to chemicals. Some manufacturers use special impregnations in the production of plates - fire retardants, which reduce the combustibility of the material. OSB boards are easy to process; to work with them, you need a regular woodworking tool.

How OSB boards are calculated

Basically, 2 standard sizes of plates are 2440 * 1220 mm (American standard) and 2500 * 1250 mm (European). There are OSB and other sizes, but they are much less common and are produced mainly to order.

To calculate the quantity, it is easiest to draw a wall plan on checkered paper, taking the cell size as 250 for European standard plates or 300 mm for American. Then draw OSB boards on the plan and count their number. It is better to arrange the sheets in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, it is necessary to take into account how the surface will be finished in the future.

If sheathing is planned, for example, with siding on the street or gypsum board indoors, joining with non-factory cuts is allowed, but if painting is provided, try to join the plates with factory cuts. It is desirable to keep the number of joints to a minimum. For example, it is better to sew up a wall fragment measuring 2.4 m by 1.2 m with one sheet, and not with 3 pieces of 0.8 * 1.2 m, because it is quite difficult to make a perfectly even cut, and even a slight deviation from straightness forms a gap. To the received amount of OSB, you need to add a few sheets for a margin in case of marriage or errors when cutting.

An easier way is to divide the surface area by the leaf area. In this case, "in reserve" it is necessary to take at least 20% of the quantity. Round up the resulting number.

What are OSB boards for exterior walls

OSB is made of 4 types:

  • OSB-1 - used only in dry rooms for sheathing.
  • OSB-2 - used as a structural material in dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 - can be used both indoors and outdoors. Can be used under conditions high humidity. Strength allows OSB-3 to be used as a structural material.
  • The most common class of OSB-4 is more durable and moisture resistant than OSB-3.

For exterior wall cladding, only classes 3 and 4 can be used.

Installation outside: crate

External wall cladding can be carried out in several cases:

  • In order to align existing walls, hide defects (cracks, crumbling plaster, etc.) and just as a lining.
  • At frame construction- to protect the insulation from wind and precipitation, as well as an element of the carrier system.
  • When insulating walls - to protect the insulation from atmospheric phenomena.

In all 3 cases, OSB sheets are attached to the crate. The crate is made of wooden lumber of various sections, depending on the task. The most commonly used non-planed bar conifers natural humidity section 50*50 or 40*50 mm. Mounting OSB on a metal frame is allowed.

When insulating, the crate is carried out in increments of a multiple of the width of the insulation minus 20 mm, without insulation - the step is chosen so that the joints of the sheets fall on the bar, several additional racks are added between the joints with a distance between them of at least 600 mm.

When cladding walls, use a moisture-windproof film, following the recommendations of its manufacturer, in particular, the distance between the membrane and the OSB.

How to attach panels to the wall

OSB boards are usually attached to the wall through the crate with self-tapping screws for wood when used in a frame of bars or for metal when attached to a frame made of metal profile. The length of the self-tapping screw should be 25-45 mm.

It is allowed to mount the OSB directly on the wall. To do this, holes are drilled in a sheet cut to size, the sheet is put in place, the wall is drilled with a puncher in the intended places, dowels are inserted and self-tapping screws are twisted. When attached to wooden base the hardware is screwed in without pre-drilling.

Fasten the screws in one selected direction, for example, from left to right from bottom to top, otherwise the OSB sheet may bend.

How to decorate from osb outside beautifully

OSB has a rather interesting texture, which leaves many options for finishing. At the same time, it must be remembered that OSB is 90% wood, so the material is subject to the same hazards as wood. Fungus, mold can appear on the plates, they are subject to rotting to a small extent, the resin can be destroyed under the influence of sun rays, the ends of the panels absorb moisture.

OSB-plate is treated with wood compounds for outdoor use. The composition must provide protection from ultraviolet radiation. To preserve the color and texture, the surface is covered with colorless varnish and antiseptic impregnations, to give wood shades - decorative antiseptics, for painting in various colors - facade paints for wood.

For getting smooth surface OSB walls are plastered and puttied. Before applying the plaster, the surface of the slab must be protected from moisture with special primers or glassine, then the plaster mesh is fixed and plastered. Drawing is possible decorative plaster or painting.

Also, OSB walls can be covered with any type of siding or facade panels, block house, clapboard, etc.

OSB material for interior work

OSB indoors is used for cladding walls, ceilings, for subflooring, as a structural material in the manufacture of built-in furniture, to create decorative elements, boxes, technological cabinets. In frame building inner lining walls OSB increases the strength of the structure.

Work progress

sheathing OSB walls consists of the following steps:

  • Markup.
  • Sheathing device.
  • Laying heat and sound insulation, if provided by the project.
  • Fastening solid sheets of OSB.
  • Sawing OSB to size.
  • Fastening the rest of the sheets.


For sheathing OSB walls you will need:

  • Hacksaw, Circular Saw or a jigsaw for cutting material.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level.
  • Marking tool (tape measure, square, pencil).
  • Perforator for sheathing brick walls.
  • Chisel.

Interior finishing options

The unusual structure of the OSB allows you to create a rather attractive interior. Tiles can be used without finishing, but it is better to varnish them to improve operational properties. OSB can be painted with wood paints, treated with decorative impregnations for wood. To obtain a smooth surface, the panels need to be puttied with wood putties, after which they can be painted or wallpapered.

How to make a crate for osb

When constructing a crate of bars, first fix the bar around the perimeter, then install vertical racks with a pitch of 406 mm with a sheet width of 1220 mm and 416 mm with a sheet width of 1250. If you need to join the sheets in height, a horizontal bar is attached at the junction.

The bars are attached to the wall in 2 ways:

  1. Directly through the bar. When fastening to concrete, brick, cinder block and aerated concrete walls holes are drilled in the bars according to the diameter of the dowel in increments of 300-400 mm, the bar is attached to the wall, holes are drilled through the prepared holes in the wall with a puncher, dowels are inserted and screws are twisted or anchors are used. It is more convenient to first fix the bar along the edges, after which you can not hold it and calmly fasten it at the other designated points. When attached to wooden walls the bar is attracted with self-tapping screws without drilling holes. Self-tapping screws are better to use "white" or "yellow", because. with excessive effort, the “black” hat breaks off and it is very difficult to remove such a self-tapping screw. To adjust the frame vertically, wood linings are used.
  2. On galvanized corners or U-shaped fixing profiles. In this case, the position of the bars is first marked, fasteners are installed according to this markup, then the bar is attached with self-tapping screws.

When using a metal profile for the frame, a guide profile is attached around the perimeter, and a rack profile on the plane. The profile is fixed to the wall on special suspensions.

Racks and rails on the walls must be strictly vertical!

Is a frame crate with OSB sheathing inside mandatory?

OSB boards can be mounted directly on the wall, but it is better to use a crate. This will allow you to correct the slope or curvature of the wall, lay mineral wool to improve heat and sound insulation. The crate also creates air cushion, so that the space between the wall and the OSB-plate is ventilated.

Installation of OSB boards

OSB is fixed with the long side oriented vertically to reduce the number of horizontal joints. When attaching the first sheet, you should control its level position, otherwise cracks may appear in the corners of the walls. Otherwise, the fastening rules are the same as for outdoor work.

What should be the thickness

OSB comes in different thicknesses: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25 mm.
Sheets with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm are used for sheathing ceilings and structures that are not subject to mechanical stress. OSB-plates with a thickness of 6 mm can be used for curved surfaces with a large radius of curvature.

Plates with a thickness of 9-12 mm are the main sheathing material for facing walls and ceilings both outside and inside the premises, for the construction of a continuous crate under the roof.

Material with a thickness of 18 mm or more is used for the manufacture of furniture, load-bearing structures and subfloors.

Work examples

OSB sheathed loft

OSB built-in shelving

OSB seating area

OSB putty

Operation of finishing from OSB: features

Walls made of OSB boards do not require any special care, it is enough to follow the rules common to wooden surfaces e.g. avoid prolonged exposure to moisture.

OSB is a modern high-tech material, with correct installation able to last for many years.

Useful video

The old wooden floor has large gaps, bumps, and it somehow does not look attractive. Therefore, many in the process of repairing an apartment prefer to make floors, using, for example, laminate, parquet, and much more. Wooden floor as a basis for laying other types finishing materials, doesn't fit at all. The surface must be carefully leveled. Suitable option in this case - laying OSB on a wooden floor and proper preparation surfaces.

Particle boards are a multifunctional building material and one of the most popular types of flooring.

Varieties of plates

From OSB sheets, it is carried out by pressing wood chips with an adhesive mixture, and shaping the product into a flat sheet of specified dimensions and thickness. When gluing several layers, the sheet laying technology lies in the fact that each layer is placed with fibers across the previous sheet. This, in turn, makes the product durable and resistant to mechanical stress.

OSB boards

There are three types of chipboard on sale, differing in size and technical specifications. Sheets are categorized as:

  • OSB - 2;
  • OSB - 3;
  • OSB - 4.

Products included in the OSB 2 list are pressed chip sheets intended for finishing floors in dry rooms. Plates 3 are highly resistant to moisture, so they are better suited for floors or partitions in the bathroom and kitchen. But if you need to make load-bearing structures, then it makes sense to purchase an OSB 4 plate, the thickness of which reaches 25 millimeters, and their installation is applicable in various areas of decoration.

Leveling a wooden floor

There are many materials for leveling floor defects, and you can choose any of them. But, you need to decide on the choice, taking into account the curvature of the floorboards. In this case, installing thin sheet plywood does not make sense. Compared to chipboard and fiberboard, wood-based panels are characterized by high strength, maximum thickness, depending on the product category. Correcting the curvature of a wooden floor is not difficult on your own. They are easy to install, do not require special technologies or devices.

OSB sheets are suitable for rough work on finishing floors, both concrete and wood, and preparing the surface for laying laminate. In addition, the material has a number of other functions, such as:

  1. a strong foundation for the future floor;
  2. rough leveling of surfaces;
  3. soundproofing.

The presence of several layers of overlap prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds into the room and softens the impact on the floor when walking, and the room is also thermally insulated. Modern manufacturing OSB boards fully comply with environmental requirements. Manufacturers have completely abandoned the use of toxic substances.

Installation of OSB sheets

Laying rough chip sheets is an easy way to make a solid and even subfloor. If the main wooden floor has a large drop or unevenness, you will have to level the level with small logs, on which OSB will be nailed on top. Fixing bars are mounted at an equal distance from each other, with the calculation of the joints. For greater reliability, the underside of the sheets is covered with waterproofing.

If you plan to later lay the laminate, then you will need to make vapor insulation over the OSB sheets with a special foam film. This will prevent moisture condensation from which the wood structure is destroyed.

To fix the OSB to the floor, it is nailed desired length, or screwed to the supports with screws in increments of 30 centimeters from each other. You can calculate the length of the fastening by multiplying the sheet thickness by 2.5. Such an optimal length will allow you to securely fix the material to the base.

So, for the installation of canvases and leveling the floor, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • thin beam for forming a lag.

The joints should fit snugly against each other, and the fasteners should be fully driven into the surface of the sheet. The installation of chip material is not very difficult, the main thing is to adhere to the accuracy of the technology and be careful. Then the floor will be both smooth and durable.

Two types of laying are used: on logs and with the help of a point support. The actions are not difficult, you can do it yourself. Logs are wooden bars laid from one wall of the room to another, in one direction. Spot fastening is the installation of small cobs, in the form of a grid throughout the floor, with a mesh size of up to 35 centimeters. With a sheet thickness of 20 millimeters and above, you can increase the distance of the cobs to 40 centimeters. The frequency of the supports will provide resistance to dynamic stresses on the surface.

OSB installation to the lags

In the corners of the room, holes are made in the floor sheets so that air can pass under the floor and mold does not occur. All joints with walls and between canvases, as well as air vents, must be glued with gauze with PVC glue so that insects living under the floor do not go up.

Preparation of the old coating

Before laying pressed particle boards on the floor, it is necessary to prepare old surface. Special equipment will help to clean the paint from wooden planks or even remove them, if possible. The following is a step by step process:

  1. the old coating is removed;
  2. the floor is treated with a primer;
  3. OSB sheets are mounted;
  4. fastened with nails or screws.

When it becomes necessary to install a raised floor for communications, for example, to an office, then a good option- this is laying OSB on a wooden floor with a pre-designed frame. Sheet floor material is placed on top of it.

Another problem that homeowners face is old floor squeaks. Here, no matter how you level it, the sounds when walking will not go anywhere. In order not to redo the repair in the future and prevent the boards from creaking, they are nailed to the logs, each separately. Self-tapping screws are twisted at an angle towards the log.

Floor installation

Finishing board processing

The floor is leveled, wood sheets are laid. Now we process them to finishing. Of course, if the natural OSB pattern suits, the floor can be left as it is, varnished, a baseboard installed, and that's it. Or you can put any other type of finish on top. The surface of the slabs and the specifics of their processing are determined by the type of finish used that will cover them.

  • Clean finish. Chip sheets are used in their original state, but the surface must be protected from destruction and wear. Several layers of varnish or a special substance are applied on top to prevent the appearance of bark beetles and other insects.
  • Linoleum or carpet. Roll materials require a perfectly level floor. Any differences at the joints and gaps adversely affect the operation of linoleum, and even appearance it won't look very pretty. Slots and other bulges from drops or screws will be felt under the elastic carpet. The floor is best cycled to reach one level.
  • Ceramic. The base must be immovable, especially if the sheets are laid on logs. sandpaper or wire brush the surface is sanded, and the tile is placed on a special glue that connects ceramics and wood.
  • Laminate. It is quite hard and durable material, equipped special fastening, so there are no special requirements for the floor. The main thing is that everything is smooth. These recommendations will help to make the interior beautiful and practical, functional and durable.

Advantages over other materials

Despite their simplicity, OSB boards are multifunctional. They are used in various areas of the construction industry, in draft and fine finish, construction of structures and ceilings. This material has a lot of useful advantages for the consumer:

  • Simplicity. There is no need to buy special equipment or tools for installation. Anyone can do this job.
  • Convenience. Due to its size, a large area of ​​​​the room is leveled with one OSB plate. The length is designed to install a log in increments of 56 centimeters, which allows you to insulate the space under the floor.
  • Cheapness. The cost of OSB is optimal, and the price-quality ratio will please consumers.
  • Durability. The plates are well fixed with popular fixing elements, do not deform, do not loosen and perfectly withstand the load.

OSB is one of the newest and most practical flooring materials that is gaining popularity every year. Now you do not need to think long about how to level the floor using OSB. Compared to other similar products, they are resistant to moisture, wear and mechanical stress. An excellent copy for its price category, meeting the requirements for building materials, and most importantly, multifunctional.