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Runic ligature Laguz Yera Berkana. Runes for love and relationships: the best runic formulas and staves. The meaning of the straight rune

The effects of the Berkan rune: growth and increase, birth, increase in income, healing from diseases, activation of the maternal instinct and care.

Birch is a tree with the energy of Berkana. The rune of Berkana is Mother. Rune of Growth and Increase, which naturally manifests them in the process of passing the runic circle. Slow and steady growth, as bread rises with yeast, so does the practitioner of runes in everything grow. Also, the main idea of ​​the rune is the energy of motherhood and care. Berkana symbolizes the caring Mother Earth, who takes care of her children in everything. The Universe, which gives everything that is necessary and everything the practitioner needs. Berkana is pregnancy and the process of bearing a fetus. The first female rune Pertro symbolizes the female womb, from where we came out, and Berkana - the breast that feeds us. And, by the way, Berkana increases this pile. Berkana activates the maternal instinct, and in a woman it is just symbolically expressed by the breast. By the chest, you can determine how active the maternal instinct is in a woman and what is with her in general.

Runa Berkana is a housewife and wife. She creates comfort and at the same time is the mistress of the house. The wife maintains the hearth and fire. From the point of view of the runes, fire is the rune of Kano and it symbolizes passion and desire. It is to maintain passion and desire in the house - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility of a real wife and housewife. Modern technology can serve as a good metaphor - in computers, all the most important miracle of computer technology is located on the motherboard. Also, our reality is located on Berkan. And your reality - your activity, your Universe - is always symbolized by your Woman (unless, of course, you yourself are not this same Berkana). When a child is born, he is already built into his mother's motherboard, with her perception of reality. If the motherboard burns out in the computer, then nothing works until the motherboard is replaced. Everything is on it - a processor, microcircuits, etc. MOTHER…

In practical magic, the rune of Berkana gives variability and with its help we can set programs for growth and increase with a mild effect, launching it all in a natural way. The algorithm is often simple - we can put Berkana at the beginning of the runic formula and after it put everything that we want to increase or materialize. Berkana is given to pregnant women for normal living during pregnancy and childbirth. Berkana is also used in formulas for pregnancy or to treat pregnancy problems. Berkana healing rune - restores after injuries. Berkana, like a mother, nurses after problems. Runa Berkana allows you to relax and unwind, recuperate. Berkana is a logical continuation of the Tyr rune, where male energy dominated and it materialized in this world. The very process of materialization of creation and the manifestation of our thoughts in the world around us is Berkana. This rune is also the Birth of new ideas and the translation of our thought forms into something more tangible.

In Tarot cards, this is the third major lasso - the Empress, which also symbolizes motherhood, birth, pregnancy, the materialization of the idea of ​​a magician from the information field of the second major lasso of the High Priestess into a tangible manifestation of a material form. This is the process of Berkana, in which we find ourselves when working with the rune of Berkana.

Divinatory meaning: feminine. Success, fertility. Family Children. Good health, marriage, birth of a child. Inverted - excessive predominance of the feminine, "female charms", inability to complete the task, laziness.

Magical Uses: Promotes growth, fertility, birth and rebirth. Well-being of the family, relatives and friends, children. It can help with infertility, facilitates childbirth and relationships with children. Promotes renewal of the personality and spiritual growth, creativity, as well as the growth and fertility of plants. Can be used to speed things up. Growth and expansion in all areas.

Runic formulas with the rune Berkan

Feu Berkana Vunyo- career and financial growth;

Tyr-Gebo-Berkana -

Feu Berkana Othal Soul - quick rise to your feet in a financial position;

Uruz-Nautiz-Berkana- Beer runes, protection from influences, from psychological pressure, provides career growth;

Tyr-Gebo-Berkana - a love formula, strengthening masculinity in men, femininity in women;

The second is interaction with the element of water, which creates a flow for the formation of the necessary events. Graphically rune Laguz it looks like a hook with which you can equally catch fish and engage in artistic knitting, knitting or ... marriage, overcoming a quarrel with a partner and ending separation. Rune of psychologists, magicians, occultists. Laguz- an excellent talisman for revealing superpowers and gaining magical powers for women. In magic, it provides control ...


Nothing will fall, it is necessary to make an effort, since the Rune is magnetic. In Healing Runu Hyères used to quickly get rid of the disease. The rune is drawn before the start of any important, long-term business ... in business; - successful pregnancy with runes Perth and Soulu; - fixing the result at the end of the runescript. Rune Warning Hyères- only fair interaction will be fruitful and the reward corresponds to the efforts invested. The negative aspect of the Rune is overstrain, things that ...


Birth: child, ideas. Prosperity. A joyful event for the family. If during fortune-telling in a scenario you get a Rune Berkana, get ready for the best, but do not rely on fate. Maximum attention, caution in conclusions, ... foresight will be required. The work that you have begun to put into practice must be carried out with the utmost care. Berkana especially favorable for women. It has a rejuvenating effect, promotes hair growth, brings noticeable relief in disorders ...


And unique. We must be the best. And the runes help. It all starts with two female runes - Berkana And Laguz. These two forces (and POWER is hidden behind each runic symbol) help a woman to be a "real woman". The one that "... that friendship took place. And then the time for new beginnings will come. It's time for harmonization. This is a formula that unites the runes Laguz, Berkana And Hyères. Hyères is the connecting link between the two facets of the feminine character. This power helps make the transition from Frigga to Freya...


Oh - name bindruna. The formula for finding love. gebo - kano - soulu - vunyo - inguz or turizas - laguz - berkana- vunyo - feu To have a union for life. hagalaz - laguz- Inguz The formula for harmonizing the situation in the family. berkana- mannaz - gebo - laguz- vunyo or ansuz - gebo - otila A few spells for men to find their beloved. uruz...


Astrological correspondence of the runes to the elements: Fire - Teyvaz, Urus, Soulu, Dagaz, Kano, Nautiz. Earth - Ingus, Evaz, Feu, Odal, Berkana, Hyères. Air - Ansuz, Gebo, Raido, Eyvaz, Vunyo, Mannaz. Water - Turisaz, Perth, Hagalas, Isa, Lagus, Algiz. Astrological correspondence..., Urus. Taurus - Feu, Odal. Gemini - Raido, Eyvaz. Cancer - Turisaz, Perth. Lev-Soulu, Dagaz. Virgo- Berkana, Hyères. Libra - Ansuz, Gebo. Scorpio - Hagalas, Isa. Sagittarius - Kano, Nautiz. Capricorn - Ingus, Evaz. Aquarius - Mannas, Vunyo. Fish...


The feminine and its manifestation is indicated by runes (signs) Berkana And Laguz. Berkana symbolizes the manifestation of the feminine as a woman-mistress or as the guardian of the hearth. Rune Laguz symbolizes the power of female intuition, seduction and love magnetism. ...in itself is the source of charm. You can apply in this case the runic formula that will make the “woman a woman”: Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulu. If we translate this formula into "normal civil language", we get something like: "I...

If a person cannot find a life partner, it is worth resorting to the method proven over the years, which is the rune of love. This ancient magical sign, when used correctly, can create a happy and harmonious relationship.


Rune signs are a universal way to get anything. Each of the symbols contains power and is intended for a specific direction. The main difficulty in using such magic is the creation of a ready-made formula that will perform a specific task.

Runes for love and love affairs are capable of producing such visual actions:

  1. Love spell. The use of runes for these purposes is not recommended. This type of magic will create a strong negative impact on the energy of the rune bearer and the chosen one.
  2. Increase the chances of attracting a worthy applicant for marriage into your life. Suitable for those people who have been looking for a candidate who fits the image of an ideal husband or wife for a long time.
  3. Raise the level of your own attractiveness. Due to the lack of female or male energy, even with good external data, the opposite sex may not pay attention. Formulas for attractiveness will strengthen it and correct the problem that has arisen.
  4. Return the former ardor and passion to the relationship. For those cases when the fire of love began to fade and you need to rekindle it with renewed vigor.

Anyone can use rune magic. It does not contradict any of the religions and their foundations. At the same time, you should not create love rune formulas to attract the love of a particular person. This is a deliberate interference with his will and desires, for which retribution will come over time.

Effective runes for love

In order to correctly compose a runic becoming, a person must know the meaning of the main signs that are able to attract love and harmony into life.

  1. Kenaz. The most used rune in formulating. It is a catalyst and a magnet for members of the opposite sex. It enhances the attractiveness and sexuality of the wearer, and also awakens the desire to love and be loved. Using only this sign will help you find your other half.
  1. Soul. The attractiveness of this symbol lies not only in external influence, but also in the betrayal of confidence. The sign acts on this character trait and is able to turn even the most modest person into a confident person. This is the perfect rune for love.
  1. Laguz and Inguz. The first character is responsible for the feminine, and the second for the masculine. They are suitable for singles who are looking for a couple. These signs are able to increase the energy of the wearer, as well as his sexuality. It is worth remembering that they are not suitable for those people who already have a long relationship with someone.
  1. Gebo. A symbol of strong relationships between partners. It will help to attract sincere love. And it doesn't always apply to the opposite sex. Sometimes the rune encourages you to love yourself first.
  1. Odal (Otala). This rune is able to correct problems in marriage, improve relationships, help with pregnancy, bring prosperity to the house.

Important! Odal will only work if the union is formal.

Runes to attract the love of a particular person

To attract a certain person into his personal life, the following formulas and staves are compiled:

  1. Otala + Evaz. This bundle should be used when there is already a relationship, but they are hanging by a thread. To do this, put the runes on a joint photo with the second half. Such a ritual will bring back the former passion and love. This formula will help return your lover, but it will only work if he has warm feelings.
  2. Triple Laguz. The combination is suitable exclusively for women who want to attract the interest of a particular person. The nuance is that in order to attract the attention of a certain man, a woman must already be of interest to him. This becoming does not act as a love spell, it only pushes a man or a guy to be active.

Interesting! Such an amulet is also good for young couples in which a woman wants her partner to start listening to her and pay more attention.

  1. Inguz. This rune is also responsible for the transition from desires to actions. An example would be when a girl can’t wait for specifics from her chosen one about a marriage proposal. Using the rune, she will push the man to show hidden desires. It is worth knowing that this will not necessarily be a donated ring, he can also make it clear that he is not going to do anything. It all depends on his desire.
  2. Ansuz + Gebo. Such a symbiosis is able to create equal and sincere relations between partners. Also, thanks to the presence of the Ansuz sign, they will move to a new level and open wider horizons.

Runic stakes and formulas for love

Each of the runes for love and marriage is already endowed with its own power. The use of two, three or more symbols at the same time will significantly strengthen it and direct it in a certain direction. In order to draw up the correct formula, you need to have specific knowledge and understand the situation. Also, do not forget that formulas that have been working and proven by many generations have long existed. Here are some of them:

  1. Kano + Gebo + Laguz. Perfect for single women. In such a bundle, runes are obtained to attract the love of a man. The girl who uses them will definitely meet the partner of her dreams.
  2. Kano + Gebo + Inguz. The principle of operation is identical to the previous version only for men. This is a working rune to attract girls.
  3. Kano + Laguz or Inguz + Soulo. According to the principle of action, identical formulas for love and relationships, or rather, to strengthen them in an already established couple.
  4. Turisaz + Gebo + Vunyo. One of the most powerful staves, which causes an incredible attracting effect. Thanks to him, you can quickly find a soul mate.

Important! The resulting relationship may soon fall apart.

  1. Uruz + Berkana + Inguz. Runic composition for the sexual fusion of two people. It will completely destroy any problems of a couple of an intimate nature and significantly increase the level of pleasure from the process.

  1. Turisaz + Kenaz + Soulu. Such a composition is perfect for humbling a couple after a quarrel. The first rune is able to remove obstacles that interfere with reconciliation, the second creates a more comfortable relationship, and the third is a fixer and amplifier for the first two.

The principle of using runes

Signs must be handled with care. Incorrect use of them will lead to sad results. Therefore, you should know the basic rules that will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

  1. To work effectively with runes, you need to have special knowledge. You should also have an idea about the principles of operation of each symbol that will be used in a particular formula.
  2. Do not forget that there are runes that can complement and enhance each other's properties. At the same time, some signs, on the contrary, may contradict others and interfere with proper work. If you use them in one formula, then instead of the expected result, only harm will be obtained.
  3. It is advisable to collect such stakes that are suitable for a specific situation. An individually selected formula that attracts happiness and love to the house will act more effectively.

Talisman making

To create a rune amulet, two principles are mainly used. First of all, these are runescripts. By this word, one must understand the application of symbols in a certain order to an object. The number of runes can vary from 1 to 10. The most widely used are scripts of 3-5 runes. Such a number provides a fine-tuning of their action to perform a specific task.

Another equally effective principle is the creation of runestav. These are several runes that are written combined. To form such an amulet, you should know all the decoding and principles of writing combinations. With this knowledge, you can get a very powerful and effective artifact that will be charged for a certain principle of action.

Single runes are best used as a temporary amulet. They are applied to any objects, including your own body. You can also use a ready-made amulet with a rune applied.

In general, there are no specific guidelines for the creation of such artifacts, while there are certain limits to their use. Each runic amulet must have a specific expiration date, after which it should be destroyed. But this rule does not apply to single signs that are applied to the plates, their validity periods have no limits.

Runes can affect absolutely any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Their use can change the fate of every person and even help to marry for mutual love.


There are a lot of opinions about charging such amulets. Some say that the rune is a powerful activator and does not need an additional charge of energy. Others offer multi-level slander, which are accompanied by various ritual actions.

At the same time, there are quite simple and effective ways to activate the rune and charge the carrier. One of them is offered by the famous magician and shaman Kenneth Meadows. You can activate any amulet, regardless of whether it was bought or made independently. To do this, you need to put it in your left hand, form a kind of tube with your right fingers and blow on the amulet with force. You need to repeat this action three times. Before exhaling, you need to hold your breath a little and focus on the names of the signs.

Inscriptions for happiness

In runic catalogs there are signs that can bring good luck. This will help in the search for love and happiness, because finding a real relationship is a kind of luck. The most popular formula for good luck in love is Ansuz + Laguz + Gebo. She is able to find a fan who will fully meet all the desires of the wearer.


The Scandinavian runes of love are a great way to find a life partner, bring harmony to the family, or strengthen just emerging relationships. In addition, they do not overwrite any of the religions, so anyone can use them.

If we meet with Laguz in fortune-telling about the situation, then we can say that everything goes on as usual, the person is involved in the flow of events, the onset of the white streak is just around the corner - the flow itself will bring him where he needs to go. This is the first value of this character.

Now let's look at others. Even in ancient times, intuition and the ability to see what is hidden from prying eyes were associated with the water element. Remember the beautiful - Senior Arcana Tarot. It embodies maximum sensuality, deep intuitive knowledge, extrasensory abilities, and the element of water controls this card. Despite the fact that many runologists do not look for correspondences between Tarot and runes, nevertheless, sometimes they appear so clearly, as in this case, that it is very difficult not to pay attention to them. So, the second meaning of the Laguz rune is female power, magical abilities, clairvoyance, the ability to predict the future and see prophetic dreams, intuitive knowledge that protects a person, does not allow him to make mistakes.

Almost always, when divining a person, this rune will indicate a woman, moreover, one who firmly holds her life in her own hands and is able to overcome any obstacles alone, thanks to her feminine strength. If you are guessing for a man, then Laguz can report that he has a reliable rear, created by a real guardian angel in the person of a woman who will protect him from all misfortunes.

  • - Laguz: The combination unequivocally reports a person's supersensory perception or the presence of extrasensory abilities, as it is commonly called today
  • - Laguz: Such a connection indicates a serious reassessment of values ​​related in particular to the spiritual side of existence
  • - Laguz: This is a sign that the person will soon acquire much more power or authority than has been so far

The meaning of the inverted rune Laguz

If we perceive a direct symbol as a sign of sensuality, high spirituality and intuition, then we can say that the inverted Laguz rune acquires the exact opposite. If we use our natural qualities and subtly feel everything that happens to us and in the world around us when a symbol falls out in a direct position, then its overturn will indicate that we have lost this thin thread of intuitive connection with what is happening. A person under reverse Laguz literally behaves stupidly, cannot analyze his own actions and adequately assess the situation. Of course, in this state of affairs, his affairs will not go uphill, but downhill, and very quickly.

When the reverse Laguz comes, you can’t just look at what is happening without taking any action, otherwise the current will take you so far that it will be very difficult to get back. If an inverted Laguz falls out, grab the oars and row, but not thoughtlessly, not just like that, but after analyzing the situation. Look around, see which shore you need to sail to, and then steer your boat wisely. If favorable symbols appeared next to the reverse rune, you can get out of the whirlpool without serious consequences, but if negative signs are nearby, trouble cannot be avoided.

If you ask about the source of your problems, and the runes answer you with an inverted Laguz, it is possible that all your troubles began because of some woman.

  • - inverted Laguz: You don’t need to look for the guilty, because you yourself made all the mess

Separately, I would like to note one more point. Despite the fact that most runologists use the standard and inverted interpretation, there are those among them who take into account the "reflection" of characters. If you also adhere to this principle, please note that the meaning of the Laguz mirror rune is a water flow that has no direction, i.e. Essentially water that goes into the ground. This interpretation can help you understand a difficult situation if the symbol fell out “reflected”.

What does the rune Laguz mean in divination for work and business

A direct symbol in career layouts is always a good sign, indicating that a person knows how to perceive new things, uses the information that comes to him correctly, and has a good memory. If the questioner turned to the runes to solve some problem at work, Laguz tells him: do not stand still, act, you can handle the situation yourself!

When we ask questions about the prospects for the development of a new project or the current flow of affairs, the Laguz straight line tells us that things are going on, the flow is moving, and moving in the right direction. But the reverse symbol, on the contrary, warns of illusory plans that are not destined to become a reality.

It is interesting to consider what the Laguz rune means in combination with Algiz.

  • Algiz - Laguz: If the "water" rune in this pair turned out to be straight, then this says that the person has a huge gift of persuasion, but if the opposite is true, then the questioner fell under the influence of some charismatic person, who at the same time is an empty talker, and his words are not worth a damn
  • - inverted Laguz: The combination suggests that the person herself chose the path of least resistance, surrendered to the power of the current, and is now reaping the benefits - the stream has taken her to the wrong place at all.
  • - Laguz: In some situations, the combination may even indicate a violation of the law, the consequences will drastically affect the life of the asker

What does Laguz mean when divining for relationships and love

When the “water” symbol comes in a straight position, the meaning of the Laguz rune in love is extremely positive. This is a sign of progress, sincerity, real feelings, and sometimes an imminent marriage. With the arrival of a direct rune, you can not doubt your loved one, but completely and completely trust him.

To find out a more specific prediction, you can focus on neighboring runes.

  • - Laguz: Predicts a quick meeting with a beloved person, a date
  • Evaz - Laguz: The combination predicts an upcoming change of residence associated with relationships: when, for example, a couple decided to move in and live together, or get married and move to a new house. Also, this bundle can simply report an improvement in living conditions that awaits lovers or spouses.

The meaning of the Laguz rune in divination for relationships and love, if it falls upside down, is the lack of prospects, bad relationships, quarrels and conflicts, lack of reciprocity, the difficult nature of one of the partners. However, in some cases, the reverse "water" rune can symbolize overly persistent courtship.

  • - Laguz: The combination clearly indicates the desire to subjugate a person to his will, "crush" him with his love
  • - inverted Laguz: If we are guessing a man, then it is very likely that his beloved will simply run away from him, and this will happen soon

The meaning of Laguz in divination for health

If the direct meaning of the Laguz rune in a relationship promises only pleasant moments, then in matters of health everything is not so clear. On the one hand, the symbol is a good sign if a person feels great, but if he applied for an existing illness, then the rune's prognosis will be disappointing: traditional treatment does not bring results. He is recommended to try folk remedies or consult an esoteric doctor. Reverse Laguz is generally considered a very bad sign, and can speak of a magical effect induced on a person by a strong specialist.

How Laguz is used in magic

The meaning of the Laguz rune in magic is simply impossible to ignore. Since this symbol is directly related to psychic abilities and intuition, it is widely used by magicians and esotericists to enhance personal power, especially female representatives. The rune is also part of many love spells.

What is the amulet with the Laguz rune suitable for?

The image of a symbol applied to an amulet or talisman can be used by both women and men, but it is better for the stronger sex to be more careful with such a talisman. If a talisman with this rune can be worn by women without fear to increase their natural strength and develop intuition, then it is suitable for men only if their profession is connected with the native element of the rune - water. These are sailors, fishermen, surfers, divers, as well as scientists studying the ocean. You can also take an amulet from Laguz with you if you go on a sea cruise, ride a boat or swim in an unfamiliar place.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the rune Laguz

We have already discussed with you more than once the issue of applying any runic signs to your body. Only some runes, with rare exceptions, can be used as a tattoo without fear of unpredictable consequences. Laguz, unfortunately, is not among them. Even if we take into account that the meaning of the Laguz rune is ideal for women, too long a “neighborhood” with this symbol can negatively affect them as well. Since the rune has a powerful effect on the female nature, it is wiser to wear it only from time to time as a talisman, so as not to turn into a too independent lady who does not need men at all.

Rune of the Day Laguz

Falling out as a Rune of the Day, the symbol promises you that everything will be fine: you are in a stream that carries you in the right direction. Listen to your intuition, trust your inner voice and you will easily deal with any misunderstandings.

Stop constantly taking responsibility, solving an innumerable number of tasks, putting other people's problems on your own head. Allow yourself to relax a little and surrender to the will of the current. Let events take their course at least for a while - very soon you will see that you have come closer to the goal, despite the fact that you have abandoned the oars.

Questions for meditation on the Laguz rune

Look at the photo of the Laguz rune, and now close your eyes and imagine that you are floating on the waves of a boundless ocean. Mentally ask yourself:

  • What do you do more often: listening to intuition or relying on logic, reason?
  • Do you sometimes let yourself go with the flow, or do you always take the oars in your hands?
  • Imagine that your soul is an ocean or a beautiful lake: what will it be like? With clear blue water, beautiful fish and corals, or dark, impenetrable, frightening?
  • Do you often see prophetic dreams, predict the course of events?

The “water” rune will sharpen your perception, allow you to get answers to all these questions, and also help you become more sensual and allow you to dive into the unknown depths of your soul.

The meaning of the Berkan rune lies in its statutory inscription, which is a stylized female breast. The eighteenth rune of the all-German Futhark symbolizes fertility and motherhood (in a universal context), it is an image of kindness and sincerity, the strength that life can give without demanding anything in return. Berkana is correlated with a birch and is called the Great Mother.

  • Rune semantics: mother, fertility, health, birth
  • Rune transliteration: B (C)
  • Norse rune name: Bjarkan
  • Old Norse name: Bjarkan
  • Icelandic variant of the name: Bjarkan
  • Celtic variant: Berrachd
  • Name known in Germany: Vercna, or Berkano
  • Gothic (Gothic) rune name: Bairkan, berkana
  • Anglo-Saxon: Veroc

The meaning of the Berkana rune is emphasized on the image of the mother, it is a female rune, and it is universal only in extremely specialized aspects. This is creativity, an impulse that pushes to the emergence of new thoughts, ideas. This is true love and natural beauty, while Berkana has a clear protective aspect. It can indicate well-being within the family hearth, the preservation of pregnancy, the provision of a harmonious state in some location or in relation to a particular person.

The meaning of the Berkan rune can be reduced to the withering away of the old, unnecessary, unproductive. The rune embodies natural changes in the surrounding world, where the death of one always entails the birth of another. In a certain sense, Berkana personifies rebirth, healing, regeneration, restoration. This is spiritual development and physical improvement, a meaningful movement from maturation to the emergence of a sprout and flourishing.

The meaning of the rune Berkan in the upright position

The value of the Berkan rune, which is in a direct position, is interpreted depending on the neighboring runes and the situation as a whole. This is the birth of a child, the strengthening of physical health (usually in the context of "women's" problems). The rune can talk about a wedding, indicate the need for patience or even silence (perhaps humility). But this is by no means stagnation, not a cessation of development, everything proceeds naturally and "as it should."

Berkana in a direct position speaks of beneficial changes, this is the beginning of a new stage. Most often, these changes are associated with the fact that you will meet true love, enter into a family union, or continue your family line with the appearance of a child. The rune indicates an ideal period for development, including personal development. This is a favorable moment for any undertakings, a good time to improve skills (the process of training or advanced training). Berkana speaks of a favorable outcome, the moment of the highest concentration of creative energy.

But, despite the fact that you probably have the total patronage of "higher powers", you should not assume that everything will work out by itself. Achieving the desired is associated with thoughtfulness, measuredness and appropriate efforts.

The meaning of the Berkan rune is pretty clear: you are on the right track, everything is going well. The situation requires patience and understanding, be objective and do not expect old habits to dissolve in the blink of an eye. If you want to do something, do it confidently and purposefully, do your best, or don't do it at all. If you are not ready to reach the end, you should not even try to take the first step.

Start small and work your way up to what you want. Break your big goal down into smaller tasks and tackle them one at a time. Plan your actions in advance, do not be afraid to dream and realize your dreams. Do not give yourself the opportunity to relax, because everything is natural - great achievements require great effort. You can do everything, even if someone claims the opposite and the circumstances seem insurmountable.

The meaning of the rune Berkana in an inverted position

An inverted Berkana speaks of difficulty. Growth (both spiritual improvement and physical development) is impossible, you are not able to move forward (quite possibly this applies to personal relationships and joint desires). Alas, the inverted Berkana, depending on the situation, may indicate childlessness, the loss of a child, divorce, and serious family problems.

To understand the situation, you need to carefully analyze it. After all, despite the fact that the subtext of the inverted Berkana is clearly negative, it is more of a warning and, probably, an indication, rather than a dry statement of fact. The problem may be outside, you need to understand what causes you anxiety and upsets your inner balance. Perhaps the reason lies in your own character and your actions, so you need to look at what is happening critically.

An inverted Berkana is an indication that cannot be ignored. Now, in no case should you succumb to despondency, you need to pull yourself together and consider the situation (or a specific person) from all possible angles (under which ones - the rest of the alignment runes will tell you). The inverted Berkana advises to keep your mouth shut, think what you are saying, weigh every word, remember: silence is gold. If you are slow and methodical, and most importantly, impartial, you will definitely be able to identify the cause of your problems. Soon everything will be back to normal.

Use of Berkana in rituals

The significance of the Berkan rune allows it to be used in various shamanistic practices and trances aimed at enhancing fertility (not only in the context of childbearing, but also in order to increase the offspring of domestic animals or stimulate plant growth). Berkana helps with infertility, it can be used to resolve family difficulties, it bestows love, protection and peace.

Runa Berkana is able to facilitate childbirth, improve the health of the mother (more broadly - women), improve relations between generations (the notorious conflict of "fathers and children") and improve family affairs. Berkana gently encourages spiritual growth and development on the physical plane, it helps to understand what you really need at the present time. The rune can be used to develop creative motives, but it will not give you qualities that you do not have, but will only develop the ones you have.

Using the Berkan rune in runescripts

In runescripts, as well as in knitted runes, Berkana is used to enhance femininity, to solve "female" health problems. The rune helps to stabilize family relationships, stimulates mental performance and helps to realize creative ideas (in the context, this can mean both creativity and other aspects of the professional activity of a modern person). Below are the most popular examples of two-part combinations of Berkana with other runes:

The rune of Berkana has amazing power, but it is a soft power that should not be rushed and rushed. But it shouldn't be underestimated either. It moves slowly and naturally allows the new to replace the old.

Philosophy of the Berkan rune - esoteric interpretation

K. Meadows and some other researchers prefer to call the Berkan rune Bjarka, which probably corresponds to the Old Norse name (whereas the Berkan variant is of Gothic origin). Berkana embodies the energy that allows everything in this world to come into being (“manifest in the material layer of being”). This is the embodiment of the cyclic process of growth and destruction, creation and elemental entropy.

However, Bjarka's energy feeds all life even before it is born (like a mother who literally creates her child inside herself before releasing it into the world around her). As already noted, the statutory inscription of the Berkan rune (the pictures are presented above) resembles a stylized female breast. This is an “earthly mother”, which helps to gradually join the earthly experience, which is an important stage in personal development.

It is important to understand that the meaning of the Berkan rune is not just a mother as an archetype or some kind of abstract concept. We are talking about a figurative bond between mother and child, a bond that cannot be broken, because there is nothing stronger in the world than it. Therefore, Berkana is reciprocity, it is not only the embodiment of an idea, but also its accompaniment from the moment of birth to triumph. This is the protection and support that everyone needs, without which everyone is nothing.

The rune of Berkana allows not only to save, but also to transform energy. It helps to change life for the better, tune in to the best, see and feel the best. However, do not forget that this is a purely female rune (as opposed to it, Teyvaz is a specifically male sign). In addition, Bjarka has accentuated healing qualities.

  • Berkana Rune Potential: maternal energy, nourishing force, connection, protection and regeneration, renewal
  • Basic esoteric qualities: protection and mercy, compassion and care, sincerity and kindness, fertility and healing, the ability to form strong relationships
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: helps to understand oneself, stabilizes mood and relationships, helps with family problems, heals reproductive functions
  • Rune Summon: try to understand the natural course of things, because you are so far away from nature that you are used to calling it “wild”

Runa Berkana (Bjarka) helps to abandon what hinders development. It gives a creative impetus, strengthens health and will, gives strength in difficult times.