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Downloaded the game can not open what to do. Why are the games not launching? The main reasons why games do not start

There can be several reasons for problems with launching many games on Windows 7. Consider the most popular of them:


Many games were created for older versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 98). To run them, you need to do the following:

1. Right-click on the game shortcut - Properties.

2. Go to the Compatibility tab and run the game in Windows XP compatibility mode. Apply the changes.

Run as Administrator.

Some games need to be run only as Administrator.

1. Right-click on the shortcut of the game - Run as Administrator.

Prevent changes to system folders.

It happens that you have restrictions on changes in system folders, so games cannot be installed properly on your PC.

1. Remove completely previously installed game.

2. Go to the game installer - find the Setup.exe file and run it as an administrator.

3. Install the game and run. She should be fine.

Missing .dll files.

There can be many reasons for problems with dll files.

1. Remember the name of the file and the game.

2. Open the Google search engine, enter the name of the game and the name of the dll file in the search box.

3. Read information on popular sites. In some cases, you will be recommended to download the finished dll file, and in others - to carry out some other manipulations.

Drivers, DirectX and additional software.

Always try to have the latest video card drivers, update DirectX and install additional software. Most of the time it all comes with the game.

1. Open the installation disc with the game.

2. Install all contents of the Redist folder.

3. Find the latest drivers for your graphics card online and install them.

What to do if the game does not start on Windows 7, 8, 10? This question can be asked by a user who has a problem starting the game after installing it. In this article, we will try to reveal all possible reasons and ways to solve this problem.

Causes of the error and its solution

The causes of the error, or the situation as a whole, may differ depending on many factors. They can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • External factors- a problem of compatibility, operating system or the influence of third-party software (for example, antivirus). Everything that prevents the game from starting under equal conditions on another system or PC.
  • Internal factors- an error on the part of the application itself: incorrect installation, a "broken" image or installer, as well as the absence or errors software or drivers.

For convenience and ease of perception of information, we will begin the description of each cause and method of solving the problem from the simplest and most frequent, ending with the more complex and rare.

1. Check system requirements and compatibility

Check system requirements you can on the store page, disc cover, or website where the game was purchased or downloaded.

To find out the characteristics of your PC and, in the future, compare them with the requirements of the application, you can use utilities to display information about the components of the device (Speccy, and others) or use standard applications.

In Windows search, enter the command msinfo32 and open the "System Information" application, where the necessary information will be available.

Note! Game and Windows version compatibility is also important. Many modern applications may not run on Windows XP, or, conversely, old ones are unlikely to run on Windows 10 without additional manipulations.

You can try to run the program in compatibility mode if it is quite old. To do this, open the properties of the shortcut or application, go to “Compatibility” and set the compatibility settings for various operating systems. Try several configurations, maybe one will help you get started.

2. Drivers and programs

For the correct launch and operation of programs, additional software is required. Under these categories, 2 types of software fit: drivers and components

Drivers- Software necessary to maintain the correct and productive operation of the equipment. For example, in order for the video card to work at full capacity on all modern games, it is necessary to update them periodically.

A common reason why the game does not start after installation is the missing or outdated version of the video driver. To do this, update the driver in the device manager or download the latest version from the official website - AMD or NVIDIA.

But in addition to the drivers needed for the correct interaction of the hardware and the system, programs and libraries are required for interaction between Windows and the application.

These applications include:

  • DirectX - you need to download and install the Web installer, which will add the missing files
  • .NET Framework - you must install version 3.5, and 4.7.1 (the latest at the moment)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ - for games to work, all versions from 2005 to 2017 are needed
  • Games for Windows Live is a Microsoft client that is no longer updated. Not required for all games.

In general, if you install the game from the Steam client, all the necessary applications are updated or installed on their own, without user intervention. Also, some assemblies have a similar functionality for installing these applications from the installer. But not all builds, so it is advisable to update this software after installation.

3. Launch rights

Some games, especially pirated builds, require Administrator rights to run them. In user mode, without Admin rights, the game may simply not start.

You can change the permissions by right clicking on the game's shortcut and selecting "Run as administrator". Or change your account permanently.

To change user rights, enter the netplwiz command in the Run window.

Necessarily! To change rights, you must have an Administrator password, if any.

Then, double-click on the username and in the "Group Membership" tab, select the desired group - Administrator.

4. Poor assembly

In the event that games do not start on Windows 7 or 10, but you followed the previous recommendations, but they did not help, there is a possibility that the problem may lie in the installation error or the assembly itself.

One of the reasons why errors occur when installing or starting the game is poor optimization of the installer and the build as a whole. Such problems practically do not arise on licensed versions, for example, installed from Steam.

What to do in this case:

  • Reinstall the game, the installation error may have been temporary
  • Find a new assembly, it will probably install and run without any problems
  • Install from Steam or another marketplace. You will have to buy it, but this will free you from wasting time looking for problems and trying to find a normal assembly.

5. Antivirus blocks files

IN Lately, Windows 10 users may have noticed that when installing pirated assemblies, more and more games stopped running. The reason for this is Windows Defender, which automatically blocks and removes the files necessary to bypass protection. If earlier, third-party antiviruses had a notification and the file was transferred to quarantine, from where it could be easily restored. Now, Windows Defender almost immediately, after installing the application, removes the pill or crack.

To solve this problem, you can add the games folder to the exceptions, or simply disable Windows Defender.

  • Go to the Windows Defender Security Center and in the Exclusions settings, add the desired folder
  • To disable Defender completely, turn off Real-time Protection and Cloud Protection in its settings. Don't forget to install any other antivirus so you don't get left unprotected.

In this article, we answered the main question “why does the game not start?”, And also examined the causes of this error and how to solve them. If you have any questions or difficulties, we will be happy to answer in the comments.

Video: What to do if the game does not start on Windows

In this article I will not describe why the game tanks, sims, gta, warface, stalker, minecraft, warface, rage, mafia, skyrim, crossfire, hitman, citadels, minecraft, terraria, transformers, dark, turk, wot, does not start magicka, spore, avatar, deadpool, crashday or reus

Here I will point out that you must have it installed and configured so that absolutely all games on a computer or laptop with XP, windows 7 or Windows 8 operating systems are installed, launched and work fine.

The first reason why the game does not start is that system updates are not installed. Be sure to install all updates, with the exception of those that are responsible for security, these games do not affect.

It will not only perform diagnostics, which will indicate why games do not start on your PC, but also scan it for all the necessary game drivers.

After scanning (if necessary), a direct download link will appear.

To do this, simply click "tools" at the top and click on the "drivers" option.

Also, with the help of the program, you can run games with significant acceleration (it will set up your computer or laptop for the highest performance).

Of course, even after applying everything that is described in this article, some applications may not start, only these are purely personal computer reasons that can appear for everyone and are solved individually - write in the comments - let's see, discuss and solve the problem. Good luck!


Make sure the system requirements listed on the game disc cover match yours. Often the reason that the game does not start is an outdated version of the operating system, old or missing drivers for the video card and sound card. Be sure to update the DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++ libraries. Defragment the disk, check it for viruses and any failures using the Windows utility software.

Find the “Readme” file on the installation disk with the game and study it carefully. It often contains information about possible problems that may occur during installation and startup. Also, in the folders on the installation disk, there may be special updated versions of system drivers that need to be installed if the game does not start or stops starting.

Remember if you yourself set the game settings in the dialog box when you started it. If you set them too high or not suitable for your hardware configuration, this may cause the installed game not to start. In this case, try resetting the settings and set them correctly or reinstall the game if they are available.

Consider what apps you've recently installed outside of the game. Pay Special attention on antiviruses and various system optimizers: they can in every way affect the performance of games and other applications. If you experience something like this, remove or disable any unnecessary programs that are currently running in the background.

Run the game in compatibility mode for other versions of operating systems. Sometimes this method works, especially if old games do not start. To do this, right-click on the application icon, select the "Compatibility Mode" tab and set the appropriate parameters one by one, launching the game and testing it for performance.

Search the Internet for any relevant information that will help you solve the problem of starting the game. Use search engines, forums, developer site. On the latter, so-called patches or updates for the game can often be released, improving its performance and problem solving with launch.

Pay attention to the cover of the installation disk. It should have a phone number or e-mail for communication with Russian-speaking support. Contact the support center and explain your problem. Experts will tell you how to fix it, or they will recommend returning the disk.

Contact the store where you purchased the game, providing a warranty receipt, as well as a game disc (it should not be scratched or stained). Explain that the game does not start for you, and ask to return the money for the purchase or change this disc to another one. Sellers will check the game for performance and make an appropriate decision.

Every young person in our time has come across computer games and knows firsthand that these applications can drag the player for a long time. Sometimes it happens that or refuses to work. It is even difficult to describe what exactly a person is experiencing at the moment. He is indignant, however, this word does not describe his present condition. By the way, the questions of the influence of a computer on the mental state of a person are more and more interested in modern psychological science. But the article is not about that. We will talk about what to do if the game does not start or does not work.

How to run the game correctly

The first thing to do is to try to reinstall the game. Look at the requirements that the program, that is, the game, makes to the parameters of the computer. It is possible that the game is not working because it is not compatible with your system. special role will play the type and model of the operating system. It so happened that many games do not work on new operating systems, but work on old proven products.

Reinstall the game to a different disk partition. Maybe you installed the game to a place where there is not enough space for it and not all game components were installed. In order to reinstall the game, you just need to uninstall installed version. It is better to do this with the help of the files intended in the game, that is, with the help of the installer. If you simply delete the folder with the game, then there may not be a positive effect.

What else can be done? Try restarting your computer. Maybe the game you installed requires a mandatory system restart. This happens quite often.

What else to do if the game does not start? Maybe you pulled the disc out of the drive. In this case, the game will report that the license disk is missing, which is required to run the game. If you installed the game from a virtual disk image, then also make sure that the image is loaded, otherwise the game will not work correctly or will not work at all.

Different games have completely different unique features. It's safe to say that a game is a very complex program, often a very finicky application. In this regard, there are a huge number of forums dedicated to computer games on the Internet. For almost any game, you can find a description, its errors and methods for correcting them. Feel free to write the name and year of the game in the search bar and click Search. You will definitely find information about the compatibility of the game, about the causes of its problems and about its features.

One of the most common causes of game launch problems is outdated drivers. For any modern game to work properly, a generic Direct X driver is required, which will show the computer and its devices how to interact with the game. Here's what will help if the game does not start. Often Direct X offers to install the game itself after installing the main game files.

Here are the main causes of problems with the launch of the game. We insist that every game and every combination of game and computer is unique. You need to look for information on the network to understand the causes of problems. But we think that our article may well be more than useful. Play computer games but don't forget about real life. Sometimes the line between reality and virtual reality blurs. This should not be allowed.