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Shooter in the caravan mall. Secret video with "caravan shooter" mazurka released. Was there a boy

Yaroslav Mazurok with his wife Lyudmila and daughter Tatyana. The allegedly dysfunctional "murderer" has a spouse who works as a journalist in a Kyiv daily newspaper, and a daughter who is an excellent student and head of the class

On September 26, 2012, one of the most high-profile events of recent times took place. Three unarmed security guards of the supermarket were “killed” by a native of the city of Kamenka-Buzhsk, Lviv region, Mazurk Yaroslav Teodozievich, born in 1974, in the Kiev SEC “Karavan”. This is according to the official version. On November 7, 2012, again according to the official version, the body of Yaroslav Mazurka, who had been on the wanted list all this time, was found in a forest belt on the territory of the capital's Syretsky Park.

The latter fact did not come as a surprise to the Ukrainian society, because in the media the version that Mazurka would be found dead rather than alive began to be replicated immediately after the incident in the Caravan. The discovery of the body of the alleged killer inevitably gave rise to a number of new rumors and arguments on this topic, and also continued the discussion of previously voiced versions. The first and most important of them is the version about the staged shooting in the Caravan.
This version is supported by several circumstances that surprised many of those who fully watched the well-known video from the security room and the supermarket trading floor. It remains a big mystery for what purpose several video cameras simultaneously watched the unremarkable Mazurka, who bought only milk and bread. After all, he stole the stolen flash drive, which allegedly caused the incident, at the very end of the entire recording. If you keep a close eye on every customer, no cameras will suffice.

In addition, when studying the video, it is striking that the shots fired by military firearms in a cramped room are very fake. In the video, we will not see a column of fire escaping from the barrel, nor smoke (which is actually quite a lot), nor signs of recoil weapons.

The victims of the "shooter" are also surprising, because all three guards immediately fall dead, and no traces of blood are visible on their bodies. As they say, “a bullet is a fool”, but it really does not often happen that a person instantly (!) Dies from one bullet wound, if it did not happen in the head, of course. There is no need to talk about the lack of blood.
After the shooting at Caravan, this event immediately began to be talked about in all the media, the hype on television did not subside for several days, and police chiefs did not refuse to comment. "Shooter" was put on the wanted list, and his photographs were hung all over Ukraine.
Police orientation

However, despite this, not a word was said about the victims of Mazurka. Naturally, the guards had families and other close relatives, as well as colleagues. But neither first-hand comments nor the facts of the funeral were recorded. It seems that the guards in Ukrainian supermarkets are killed by dozens every day and they are no longer counted.

They're looking for a Mazurka... They're looking for it, but they can't find it. The whole of Ukraine is pasted over with absolutely ridiculous leaflets-lightnings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the style of the Second World War. Next to the freeze-frame from Caravan, which shows the cynical muzzle of a professional killer (a special forces officer, a criminal, a Chechen militant ... but you never know), there is a reliable, intelligent photo of a person with a patronymic Teodozievich. Age, facial contours, weight and other indicators of both characters are noticeably different.
File on Mazurka on the Interpol server

The very fact of APPOINTING a 38-year-old citizen from Western Ukraine as a "caravan shooter" deserves special attention. APPOINTED him guilty of three murders personally by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko, a protege of the Family and a close friend of Sasha "Dentist". To him he gave his last name as the ONLY SUSPECT.

This seemed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs not enough. And soon about 20 murders began to cling to Yaroslav Teodozievich. “Very convenient,” the journalists noted.

Why did Mazurok annoy the Police System so much?

In the orientations, he was presented as a defective ex-racketeer, an opportunist who got married in Kyiv. A person without a certain occupation ... To then liquidate it was not a pity.

Mazurok (and his relatives immediately identified him) self-destructed with two shots from a pistol, right in the back of the head. At the same time, he came to the landing barefoot and for some reason with a passport in his pocket.

The police kidnapped Yaroslav. He was tortured, forcing him to take on the story in the "Caravan" and other crimes, - insists the lawyer of the deceased. He refused, after which he was eliminated.

Journalists were not allowed near the body of Mazurka.

At the same time, almost no one remembers that a few years ago, Yaroslav, together with his father, PATENTED a new model of the machine. Hence, of course, the dislike for the Mazurkov family on the part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The talented scientist-inventor, gunsmith and explosives engineer Teodosy Mazurok died under strange circumstances in 2006. It is known that he flatly refused to "sell" his development for a pittance to firms controlled by the authorities. They did not succeed in dialogue with his son either.

Both - father and son - were patriots, one of the first participants in the mass protest movements of Ukrainian national patriots in the late 80s and early 90s. in the Lviv region. Thanks to professional boxing skills, they provided protection for events.

As their countrymen say, it was the Mazurki who in 1989, at their own peril and risk, blew up a monument to Lenin in their regional center. "Legendary Mazurok" - this is how they speak of Yaroslav in Kamenka-Buzhskaya.
“The late father of Yaroslav, whose name was Theodosius Mazurok (because the mists of the Meshkans Kam" Yanechchini called Yogo simply - Dozik) also became famous throughout the Kam "yanka-Buzsky district. After the reception at the 91st Rotis of Independence of Ukraine, in all places, villages, regional centers of the Lviv region, monuments to Lenin were intensively carried away, only at Kam "Yantsi-Buzky monument" Lenin's monument was not dismantled at that time. and from my own little son of Yaroslav (whom this year the militia and suspected at the shooting of the guards of the "Caravan") led Lenin near the town of Kam "Yanka-Buzka ... ista ruled shibi z vikon. I have a masculine, handsome and brand-new patriotic vchinok, which has become a part of the history of our place forever. ijny Batko Dozik himself trained,” wrote user scorpion83 on the TSN website.

So, one of the motives of the developers of the special operation "Caravan" can be considered the desire for the physical liquidation of a business competitor.

Was this the only motive? Far from it.

Appointment of the "Customer"

The second motive could be the fulfillment of an external order to create certain public sentiments. For example, some influential financial-industrial group (or groups) of national and even international importance, generous in paying fees, needs to be pushed through the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by a somewhat ambiguous bill, the adoption of which in the first reading caused rather harsh assessments of experts. The masters of super-provocations are on the move. It is done!

What bill are you talking about?

Shortly after the Caravan incident, on October 18, 2012, the Law of Ukraine “On Security Activities” was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for a vote. The law actually collects all security structures in one or several hands, because now only specialized firms that have received a license can carry out their activities.

The procedure for the use of special equipment by employees of PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES has also been simplified, incl. FIREARMS. And in the era of rampant raiding, which we are now experiencing, the participants in such "events" are given complete freedom of maneuver. The truth is unknown to whom exactly, which side.

Shortly before the adoption of the said law, Renat began a project to create his own security holding. It is not surprising that the richest Ukrainian with his indefatigable appetites wanted to create a structure that would be a significant factor in increasing his fortune. Own armed army is a reliable both economic and political leverage.

But everything can be vice versa. Akhmetov needed his own army, but its goal should not be to capture, but to protect many enterprises and facilities that are part of the structure of Akhmetov's System Capital Management (SCM), since even such influential person after Yanukovych came to power, there is something to be afraid of, incl. and banal raider seizures. It has long been known that relations between Akhmetov and the Family are moving in a negative direction. The views of the latter, apparently, do not decrease, as well as the appetites of fairly well-known people close to her, among whom is the “family” Minister of the Interior Zakharchenko.

At any moment, the Family will be able to oppose the mercenary army of Akhmetov with the forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the SBU and other structures. And the better the fighters of the SCM are protected, the more intact Renat Leonidovich's business empire will remain in every single case.

But, it’s not a fact that the special operation with Mazurk was caused solely by antagonism along the line of Akhmetov -. Without exaggeration, Igor Kolomoisky can be called another of Akhmetov's powerful rivals in Ukraine.

Akhmetov has long been interested in Kolomoisky's ferroalloy plants.

From 2008, Akhmetov began buying the ferroalloys he needed from abroad, undermining Kolomoisky's major sources of profit. Akhmetov fundamentally preferred more expensive foreign products.

It is important for Kolomoisky to force Akhmetov to accept his conditions and prices by any means, while the latter is interested in Kolomoisky's enterprises.

Given the amount of funds and the stakes that are at stake for the structures of both participants in the confrontation, concocting an operation like a caravan "shooter" is not difficult for them.
At the same time, the role of the ICTV channel, which was the first to demonstrate exclusive footage from Caravan, is also interesting. He is a member of the media group of Viktor Pinchuk, another participant in the Great Game with the law “On security activities”. And another Dnepropetrovsk oligarch.

And before that, someone allegedly killed the unarmed guards of the Caravan, absorbed by Kolomoisky along with the rest of the assets of the Surkis brothers.

At the same time, there is only one article in the media about lobbying for the law on PRIVATE ARMIES. With an almost unconditional attachment to Akhmetov, whose image is already unnecessarily demonized in print media.

The second and third motives are obvious. The law was passed (“How so? How so? Those who check bags at the checkout need guns, not some farts”). The “guilty” of his acceptance of the oligarch is pre-appointed by the Customer (s).

In the same way as Yaroslav Mazurok was appointed "murderer". Eternal memory to him...

What happened in the Karavan hypermarket in Kyiv stirred up the whole of Ukraine - an armed buyer shot the guards in cold blood and disappeared.

Earlier, video recordings from surveillance cameras of the mall appeared on the Web, which clearly show how, how. However, footage of the crime itself was cut.

These frames show how a shift supervisor approaches the criminal, who is trying to leave the security room, and a conversation is conducted in raised tones. It is at this moment that the shooter decides to use what is in his pocket.

Everything happens at lightning speed. 14:54:49 - the killer shoots closely at the man closest to him - he falls. The shooter is attacked by another guard and receives a second bullet, but, despite being wounded, continues to fight. It does not last long - the man loses consciousness. Further, the shooter points his weapon at the third guard - he is also wounded, he is still trying to detain the killer, but to no avail. What happens in the adjacent room, the camera did not record. You can see the struggle, the arrow is not visible for several seconds.

14:55:11 - he returns slowly. Goes to the computer - probably to delete the records. Then he reloads the gun.

At this time, another guard reacted to the sounds of shooting - he slightly opened the door, but did not enter. The killer chased after him.

What happened next was recorded by another camera. The gunslinger hurriedly adjusts his clothes and heads for the exit. The guard does not try to detain him, probably, the instinct of self-preservation worked. A supermarket worker pursues a criminal while calling for help. However, he manages to escape.

As the head of the public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said on the air of Channel 5, "there are already 8 messages to the Kiev police, which say that they know who this person is, that he looks like some other person." According to him, all this information is being checked, writes Interfax-Ukraine.

At the same time, Polishchuk said that it would be possible to call the man, whom Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko spoke about on the morning of September 27, as suspects "100% after he is detained and when all the necessary examinations are carried out."

The head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also suggested that the attacker could have had reasons because of which he did not want to meet with law enforcement officers: “Probably, the person was afraid of meeting with police officers ... The security guards of the supermarket should not have carried out any inspections, not asked him to show his pockets and should have called the police immediately.

“Perhaps this person has problems with the law, maybe the weapon that he had with him was also“ lit up ”in the commission of some crimes,” Polishchuk summed up.

Yaroslav Mazurok was hiding from the police in an Internet club.

While the whole country was looking for the "caravan shooter" Yaroslav Mazurka, he spent the whole night in one of the Internet clubs in Kyiv. TSN was informed about this by investigators from the capital's Organized Crime Control Department, the story says. TSN.19.30.

Three years after the high-profile shooting of three security guards in a hypermarket, law enforcement officers shared a still-classified video with the only person accused of this brutal murder, Yaroslav Mazurok.

The video shows how he spends the whole night in an Internet club: he chooses a place in the corner where he drinks beer, listens to something on headphones, goes outside several times, however, every time he puts on his hat. In the morning, he even gets sleepy.

"This is Mazurok. How did we install it? This computer club is located at the Karavaev dachas. During the inspection of the corpse, we found a receipt in his pocket," says the investigator, who, for security reasons, asks not to be named.

It's hard to see the killer's face on the surveillance video. No one pays any attention to him for seven hours.

“They interviewed the club’s employees, no one paid any attention. Perhaps he talked with his family on Skype. He could talk, he could say goodbye, he could learn about the situation,” the investigator says.

In this same hat, jacket and pants that are on the video, Yaroslav Mazurka was found dead in Syretsky Park in Kyiv. According to the official version, he killed himself. Because, as investigators suggest, he already understood that he couldn’t get out of the water dry and thus saved the family from shame.

Mazurka's mother keeps all her son's belongings and insists: he was set up. Like, on the eve of the elections, the then authorities played a series about Mazurka. “So that people do not think for the elections, but that they look at Mazurka the way they once looked at Maryana,” she says, and it is amazing that her son is alive!

“I went to a fortune teller with this. And the last photo of him before his death. And the fortune teller told me that he was alive. And I am fixated on seeing him,” the woman says.

However, in Kyiv, on the grave of Mazurka, his wife Lyudmila erected a monument. Three years ago, she admitted that she had buried her husband, although she added that the police staged his suicide.

Who, then, is sitting in the Internet club, dressed in the same way as the murdered Yaroslav Mazurok? On the phone, the widow only tells TSN that she is still afraid for her own life. Neighbors share that she lives now better than when her husband was alive.

“They live more calmly. Maybe he terrorized them there. Now they have glazed the balcony and installed an intercom,” says neighbor Mazurkov.

During a conversation with a neighbor, the 18-year-old daughter of Mazurka comes out of the entrance, who, they say, is now a successful student and is even in the reserve Olympic champions Ukraine. But she doesn't want to talk about her father either.

“There is only one truth for us. And as people want, let them think so,” she leaves with her truth without saying another word.

Recall that on September 26, 2012, in the Kiev SEC "Karavan" on Obolon, the guards of the hypermarket noticed a man who was trying to steal a flash memory card. To clarify the circumstances, they invited him to utility room. During the conversation

Several days have passed since the corpse of Yaroslav Mazurka was found in the Syretsky park of the capital. They also found weapons, a registration certificate for a Java motorcycle, a license, an identification code, and even train tickets. They did not find only a bullet that pierced either his temple or the back of his head. But this is not the main mystery of this story. Where more interesting question, who was Yaroslav Mazurok really: a professional killer with a great track record or a victim of a combination of fatal circumstances?

From the point of view of logic, everything should have looked like (both to me and other journalists) old detectives with rich work experience. Serial killer accidentally detained by supermarket security while trying to steal a flash drive. He cannot agree on the amount of the ransom, and he cannot get into the police. Because he has a gun in his pocket. And if they don’t give a term for petty theft, then the barrel is definitely a term. Yes, it also turns out that the trunk is not simple, but illuminated in many murders. Immediately after the execution in Caravan, as the Segodnya newspaper, which was extremely informed in criminal news, wrote, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not rule out that Mazurok, starting from 2004, participated in at least a dozen shooting episodes, leaving behind about 20 corpses. In particular, there was a version that the first murder took place on January 26, 2004 in Obolon. Then an unknown thief, caught by a GSO outfit at someone else's door, cold-bloodedly shot Ensign Grigory Nagornyuk and Sergeant Vyacheslav Skobol from homemade weapons. Skobol died on the spot, Nagornyuk was sent to the hospital. Moreover, the killer took the PM of one of the policemen and disappeared.

In 2006, Irina Radzievskaya, the wife of the People's Artist of Ukraine, composer Vladimir Zasukhin, was seriously wounded near the entrance of her house (and died a couple of hours later). She was a witness in the suicide case of ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yuri Kravchenko.

In 2007, a burnt Renault Megan car was found in the forest (Pushcha-Voditsa). Inside - two charred corpses with 9-gauge bullets (homemade, as in "Caravan"). In February 2009, in the same Pushcha-Voditsa, two “black archaeologists” who were looking for old weapons were shot with such bullets. From there, the Minelab Quattro metal detector disappeared, which, as journalists reported, was allegedly found during a search in Mazurka's apartment.

Then - a double execution in August of a traffic police officer with a girl who came to rest by the lake. And also the shooting of a cheerful company of men at a beer kiosk. The last murder, in which Mazurka was suspected, took place in mid-July of this year on a playground between Chokolovsky Boulevard and Antonova Street. Then an unknown person killed a 20-year-old girl and her boyfriend, a 28-year-old listener, at night. National University defense of Ukraine with the rank of captain.

The only thing that unites all these crimes is the use of homemade bullets. Moreover, the fact that they remained undisclosed and spoiled police reporting. Of course, if it were possible to connect all this with the dead Mazurok, we would get a complete portrait of a murderous maniac, such as the Zaporizhzhya Weaver. Only in a different perspective: he does not rape girls, but kills passers-by in a fit of uncontrolled aggression.

But by the end of the fourth day after finding the corpse, the pyramid of sensational conjectures began to slowly collapse. First, there was a leak of information that the pistol from which the supermarket guards were killed was not used in the murder of policemen in Obolon, nor in the execution of the traffic police officer and the girl, nor in the firing at the kiosk.

Then the Ministry of Internal Affairs denied the information that Yaroslav Mazurok was involved in the murder of "black archaeologists" in 2009. Moreover, Interior Ministry spokesman Vladimir Polishchuk said that no metal detector was found in Mazurka's apartment.

My sources in law enforcement agencies they say that Mazurok was not involved in the murder of the wife of the composer Zasukhin (the author of the famous song "Coast-Coast"). And also to the double murder of lovers on the playground.

“These are not “killer” murders. The death of Radzievskaya has nothing to do with her acquaintance with the late Kravchenko. It's all very confusing on a personal level. She was the third wife of a famous musician. With his second wife, he was not painted. There was jealousy, property issues. In general, the same "Santa Barbara". And with the captain and his girlfriend, a lot is also obvious. The main version of the investigation is jealousy…,” says the source.

So what comes out in the dry residue? So far, only a triple kill in Caravan. Mazurka was identified by a surviving guard, some traces were found. But even here it is not so simple. The main snag is the gun from which murders and suicides are committed. More precisely, two pistols, because in the supermarket they shot (as the police said) from a weapon similar to a PM with a makeshift case catcher. And Mazurok shot himself with a home-made revolver, which is allegedly assembled from different parts: a handle with a drum and a mechanism from a starting revolver, and a barrel from a revolver of the 1895 model. Do you know why the revolver could not be used in the Caravan? Because he doesn't need a sleeve catcher. He has spent cartridges and so remain in the drum.

It turns out that either the experts initially incorrectly installed the weapon used in the murder in the supermarket (and this is a question for their qualifications), or the modest plasterer Mazurka had a whole arsenal homemade pistols: from one he killed, from the other he shot himself. Moreover, the one from which he killed was not found, and the one from which he shot himself in the head was found, but without a bullet (there was only one cartridge in the drum).

If we assume that the experts made a mistake with the gun, then we can assume that they got excited with the information about the coincidence of the DNA and fingerprints of the deceased with the traces of the “caravan killer”. Moreover, to conduct a DNA examination in such a short time, let's say, is not easy. And in this, the former lawyer of the wife of the suspect, Lyudmila Mazurok, is right.

By the way, our lawyer is also not simple - Lavrenty Kukhaleishvili. He is the son of the infamous judge of the Shevchenkovsky District Court, Yuri Lavrentievich Kukhaleishvili. Kukhaleishvili Sr. has a very controversial reputation in legal circles. He made decisions on the reinstatement of ex-Prosecutor General Stanislav Piskun; on the prohibition of the Constitutional Court to carry out legal proceedings, etc. He led part of the affairs of the Elite Center. Conflicted with the leadership of the court. And in the end, if my memory serves me right, I was fired for violating my oath.

Kukhaleishvili Jr., in addition to practicing law, is engaged in social activities. He is the leader of the movement for the preservation of green spaces in Irpin, sponsors the Priirpinnya Community Foundation, and in clashes with opponents, his car was even burned. Informed sources claim that there is a business conflict in the "Irpin squabble", to the solution of which one of the parties skillfully pulled the public.

How a young green activist turned out to be a lawyer in the most high-profile case of recent times remains a mystery. Obviously, Lyudmila Mazurok did not have the financial ability to pay for such services. Therefore, it is highly likely that she was offered "charitable assistance." But for what? For self-promotion? Or something else?

It is also worth noting that during the time that Lavrenty Kukhaleishvili represented the interests of the now widow of Mazurka, he made many loud statements to the press. In particular, he expressed the opinion that Yaroslav became a victim of lobbying for the interests of private security firms in terms of granting the right to bear arms. That he was kidnapped and killed and the corpse will be found soon (he said this back in October). And that the police could have detained Mazurka and forced him to confess.

Moreover, Kukhaleishvili appeared on the air of one of the popular TV programs, and she immediately began her own investigation into the behind-the-scenes life of Caravan, which led to sensational discoveries. One of the journalists managed to get a job at Caravan and found out that the guards were engaged in racketeering, knocking down “fines” from the thieves, several times the amount of what was stolen. Once for the theft of 2500 UAH. more than 50 thousand UAH were shot down per person. Moreover, everything that was in excess of the amount was not punched at the checkout.

The program also claims that it is not the guards who line their pockets with illegal fines. The money, they say, goes to the account of "Caravan" - they are loaded into the so-called controller's 22nd cash desk. Only shift supervisors and video engineers have a percentage. The rest goes, apparently, to the owners and managers.

Who are our hosts? How, how: these are two very extraordinary types - Sergey Khripkov and Andrey Gordienko. Pioneers of the mall movement. Deftly threw many of their partners: cranked judgment on recognition of "Caravan" bankrupt. But they first transferred their assets to another legal entity. After that, we went water skiing on exotic seas and laughing at creditors who got poppy shish.

But now their sweet life is coming to an end. In connection with the Mazurka case and the ensuing television investigations, the business of friends will be thoroughly shaken up. A lot of dirty laundry will fall out. And not only about racketeer guards, but about shadow "wiring", tax evasion and so on. It is possible that the network will then pass into other hands. Or under other control.

What about Mazurok? Did he shoot or not? On October 26, an interview with Lyudmila Mazurok appeared on the Internet, where she calmly and clearly adhered to the key version: the guy in the video is not her husband. “He is much younger than my husband. He is no more than 30 years old, and Yaroslav is 38 years old. He has straight bangs, and Yaroslav wore bangs to the side. Planting eyes and lips are completely different. Yaroslav has soft features. Protruding ears. The person in the video has different ears, flattened. The lower part of Yaroslav's face is more pointed. The athletic build is the only resemblance to my husband. Height is 180 cm, Yaroslav is more knocked down, dense. The walk is completely different. Not his manner of walking, running. Yes, my husband had a similar jacket, but in a different color…,” she said.

Moreover, Lyudmila actually provides an alibi to her husband. He says that on the day of the execution, September 26, Yaroslav calmly came home from work, as usual, at about 9 pm. “He opened the door with his keys. Changed clothes. We had dinner. Talked to my daughter about the competition. Feed the fish, beloved carp. Sat down at the computer to play chess. Then he went to sleep. In the morning I left for milk and ... disappeared. If everything that has been said is true, then it is hard to believe that a person behaves like this, whom a few hours ago he committed a “murder in the square”. If Lyudmila is lying, then there are reasons forcing her to defend this particular version. Which? Hope for salvation, collapsed overnight, after identification in the morgue? Maybe this is what made the woman refuse the services of Kukhaleishvili's lawyer, which he himself told reporters on November 12 after being interrogated in the Kiev Department for Organized Crime Control about his previous statements. And you don't need publicity. The woman is in grief. And, perhaps, deep down, she is no longer as sure of her husband's innocence as before. I believe that Lyudmila Mazurok did not keep in touch with Yaroslav from the moment of his disappearance (the police herded her very tightly). And she could not ensure his existence during the month and a half that he was hiding. Who then gave him "bread and shelter"? After all, the photo shows that the person is neatly dressed, he does not look exhausted or exhausted: he has clean nails. And in the pockets - tickets to the Zhytomyr region and a few hundred euros. But how did he change the currency, if many kiosks require you to show your passport?” Our source wonders.

He also doubts that the "rookery" in the unfinished house, which the journalists of "Segodnya" found, is the "cache" of Mazurka. “Mazurok is not like a man who lived in the forest. Rather, he was in the house and did not leave from there. Or they didn't release it. He shot himself from hopelessness, or was killed - this is the question. Rather, he shot himself, but under someone's pressure,” says our source.

By the way, immediately after the murder, there were rumors that only those guards who especially mocked customers were killed. And as if among their recent victims was the beloved girlfriend of a very respectable person, indirectly connected with the Russian criminal community. Hence the original version (forgotten immediately after the appearance of Mazurka) that it was actually a Russian killer who shot. And he did it not out of panic, but on the instructions of the boss, professionally and clearly.

By the way, we once wrote that the habitat of Russian killers is for some reason Irpin. Until recently, they nested there quite thoroughly. They controlled agricultural processing enterprises that supply products to various supermarkets. Then they were taken as a result of a special operation. But maybe there are still some left. Coincidence? Maybe…

Then, in this story, accidentally or deliberately, a trace of the boxer Mazurka, who was sick with arthritis, appeared very similar to the person in the video. He leaves in the morning after the murder for milk and appears only as a corpse.

“Could Mazurok be with people completely unfamiliar to him, if we are talking about a scenario with a double? I think it could. You know, if you leave the house and they tell you that the police are looking for you for a triple murder and they will help you escape, there is no time to think. And then the sacrificial sheep is smoothly led to the idea that the only way out is to shoot in the forest, not far from home, and with complete set documents in your pocket so that they don’t accidentally think that you are not a “caravan shooter”, but an ordinary corpse,” the source reflects.

By the way, another corpse was found nearby the next day. The police claim that this is a man who disappeared a year ago, and he has nothing to do with the high-profile case. How many more similar coincidences will there be in this story, and will we eventually find out the truth? How to say…

On September 26, in the afternoon, a security guard at the Karavan shopping and entertainment center in Kyiv noticed that one of the visitors had stolen goods, after which the latter was asked to proceed to the security room. There, the attacker opened fire, killing three guards on the spot, seriously wounding a fourth, and then fled. The Obolonsky regional department of the capital's police opened a criminal case. A cash reward in the amount of UAH 100,000 was promised for information that would help in the search for the attacker. Already on October 5, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Vitaliy Zakharchenko, said that the killer of the Caravan guards was a native of the Lviv region, born in 1974, Yaroslav Mazurok, who previously worked in private security structures. On October 10, Mazurok was put on the international wanted list.

Last week, the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Vasily Farinnik, promised that sooner or later the Mazurka police would be required. The police promised - the police found. Yesterday. In Kyiv. In the forest belt near the Dorohozhychi metro station. Dead. However, no one promised that he would be found alive. True, they have not yet officially declared with final certainty that it is he. Although the lawyer of the Mazurka family a few weeks ago said: he does not rule out that "to hang this terrible crime on him."

So far it is known that there was, which outwardly resembles a suspect in the murder of guards in the Caravan shopping center. Police say the victim most likely shot himself. A pistol was found next to the corpse, and a passport was found in his pocket. The corpse, which was discovered by the man walking the dog, was still warm when the police arrived.

"Now experts and operatives are working on the spot, who are trying to find out where the person was hiding. DNA examinations have been ordered to reliably find out whether the found person is Yaroslav Mazurk," the Ministry of Internal Affairs stressed.

The journalists who arrived at the place of discovery of the corpse, said that the police took the body in a tight ring. Dozens of investigators are on the scene. It can be seen that the entire face of the deceased is covered in blood. It is preliminary reported that the DNA examination of the body of a man who looks like a shooter from "Caravan" will take several days. In addition, about 10 additional examinations have already been ordered. Apparently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to make sure that the corpse of the one they wanted to find was found.

The fact that there is still no absolute certainty in the identity of the found deceased did not prevent the Ministry of Internal Affairs from removing information about the search for the caravan shooter from the website of the department. For what reasons is not clear. And this is far from the only question that arises for investigators. Firstly, it is not clear why a person (if the deceased is really Yaroslav Mazurok), who is wanted by the entire police of Ukraine, and whom almost the whole country knows by sight, carry a passport with him? Why did he decide to commit suicide right now, in a situation where the police are unable to find him and have almost come to terms with the fact that the criminal may have to be searched for years? And why, in general, is a person who, both morally and in fact, and even having special training (according to one of the versions of the same Ministry of Internal Affairs), suddenly turns out to be suicidal?

In addition, according to social psychologist Oleg Pokalchuk, the alleged body of Mazurka was found just in time "literally right after the elections were psychologically over", which will allow many law enforcement officers to keep their jobs.

A former high-ranking officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a forensic journalist Konstantin Stogniy, wrote in his blog that a body with a gunshot wound to the back of the head was found in Kyiv. “According to preliminary information, this is either the caravan shooter Mazurok or Mazurok himself is faking his death so that they don’t look for him. The deceased allegedly had a passport with Mazurok’s data in his pocket,” he said.

The department officially and categorically denied this information. "According to preliminary conclusions, the presence of characteristic features that are visible. The death of a man occurred as a result of a gunshot wound to the temple area," the Interior Ministry stressed.

At the same time, in an interview with journalists, a source in law enforcement agencies noted: “The shot was in the temple, and not in the head, as some media write. The man, who looked like Mazurka, was with bristles and warmly dressed. ed.), the corpse was found still warm. He had a pistol with him, but whether the pistol that killed three security guards of the Karavan shopping center and wounded one on September 26 will be established by the examination, which is currently underway.”

However, taking into account the dynamics of the development of events, it can be assumed that the examination will show that both the discovered body is the caravan shooter, and the gun next to him is the one from which the guards in the "Caravan" were shot. True, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is urged to refrain from guesswork and promises that "after carrying out all the necessary amount of work on this case, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will provide official information with details."