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Trees and shrubs for a site on a slope. Ways to decorate a garden on a slope Fruit garden on a slope

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Nikolay Khromov 04/1/2014 | 7944

It is only at first glance that it seems difficult to grow a full-fledged garden on a slope. However, in order for garden fruit trees and shrubs to produce a good harvest, it is necessary to take into account some factors.

With a slight slope, the garden will hardly differ from a flat one; with a medium slope, retaining walls and terraces will have to be built; designing a plot on a steep slope will require serious construction work.

How to provide the garden with water?

Erosion- the main enemy of the soil. Water is the most dangerous. It can wash away the entire fertile layer, leave deep furrows, exposing the roots, and simply wash away trees and shrubs. Plants die because of this. There are many ways to combat water erosion, but there are those that have earned recognition not only among amateur gardeners, but also among professionals. These are drainage, turfing and weighting.

Sodding- the easiest way if the slope is small. At the same time as planting the garden, sow white clover, meadow fescue or bluegrass on the slopes. The main thing is to create dense turf. To ensure friendly seedlings, first level the soil (moistened and fertilized with organic matter), loosen it, and compact it a little after sowing. If desired, you can create a meadow lawn interspersed with flowering plants: daisies, cornflowers, buttercups.

Fruit trees and shrubs growing on turfed soil need additional nutrition.
In the spring, feed them by the leaves with any liquid fertilizer (for example, a urea solution). At this time of year, do not forget about additional watering, especially during drought. It is better to keep the tree trunk free from weeds.

If the slope is quite steep and the soil is already eroded, it is best to start with drainage. It can be superficial and hidden. The main goal of both is to create the channel you need for the outflow of water from the site. To do this, you can cover the surface of the slope with a mesh or film. Of course, this is aimed at the fact that over time the plants planted here will grow and form a powerful root system. This means that film or mesh will no longer be needed.

Weighting. The sliding of the earth can be stopped by using large stones or boulders. Plant ground cover or climbing plants between them.

This will give your sloped garden a unique charm. Strawberries or rose hips will also grow beautifully between the stones, which will also strengthen the inclined surface with their roots. For the same purposes, you can dig in wooden dies.

Recently, more and more widespread gabions- kind of dry walls. Large pebbles or stones are placed in a metal mesh frame (with the help of such structures they strengthen the soil in vineyards on slopes). Gabions are suitable for both relatively gentle slopes and almost vertical slopes – two or more meters high. The frame holds its shape, and the stone filling provides excellent drainage.


If the slope is steeper than 30 degrees, the only way to arrange it is to create a system of horizontal terraces and almost vertical retaining walls in the form of a series of steps. A terrace can be made by gradually expanding the tree trunk circles.

It is more difficult to form it immediately, before planting the seedling. The edge of such structures must be lined with turf: this will strengthen and protect it from destruction by water flows. There is no need to build flat, level terraces; make them slightly sloping from the center to the sides to ensure rainwater drainage.

How to plant plants on a slope?

For most fruit and berry crops, planting begins with preparing the hole. Set the top, most fertile layer of soil aside, and after planting, distribute it evenly around the plant. This will help control water erosion and give the plants extra stability. The depth and width of the planting hole is standard (60x60 cm).

What grows well on a slope?

Currant and dogwood. They are often planted on the borders of areas or lowlands where cold air stagnates. Preference should be given to barberry, oleaster, as well as squat and spreading berry bushes; among fruit crops, preference should be given to seedlings with the strongest root system. Start planting plants from the top of the slope. Place the seedlings vertically, regardless of the slope of the surface. It is not advisable to plant trees that are too tall on slopes. As they get older, they may fall off. Place drought-resistant plants on the upper terraces, and moisture-loving plants on the lower ones.

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It is quite possible to arrange complex terrain, no matter how overwhelming this task may seem. The uneven terrain and hilly terrain will allow you to use the rarest, most interesting solutions in the design of the site, and you will definitely create your own piece of paradise.

First steps in arranging a site on a slope

First, assess the degree of slope of the site; the financial component of future work directly depends on this. If the slope is too steep, you can go the simple route: plant it with unpretentious ground cover shrubs and perennials. But it is unlikely that you yourself will be delighted with such contemplation of a wild corner.

Therefore, in this case, prepare for additional time spent on changing the terrain of the site.

Secondly, we build terraces. In order to secure the terraces, we build retaining walls. We make them from the material you like, but preference should still be given to natural stone.

If the slope is small, you can strengthen the soil by planting trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. But still, do not refuse to build retaining walls due to their extraordinary picturesqueness.

Thirdly, take care of the stairs, because on such an area with terraces they are simply necessary. But be creative in how you organize them. Let it be separately embedded steps, ladders or serpentine.

The main thing is to ensure your safety when walking on stairs. Therefore, make them from durable, strong materials that have a rough, rough surface. It's better if it's a stone. If the choice is on wood, then make its surface corrugated.

To make climbing the stairs less boring, consider a scheme of green spaces along the paths. Use the most attractive ornamental foliage plants. Select crops so that their flowering dates do not coincide, pleasing the eye from spring to autumn.

Populating a garden on a slope with green inhabitants

So, the work on designing the ornate paths and paths has been completed, the territory of the site is zoned with retaining walls and is unique. Now it’s time to think about landscaping the landscape so that all the architectural delights do not catch the eye.

When choosing plants for a site on a slope, first of all take into account their practical function - protecting the soil from erosion. Therefore, plants with a well-branched root system are needed: barberry, viburnum, privet, lilac, white dogwood, lilac, ground cover roses.

Remember that any plant, even an adult one, needs time to take root, so immediately relying on their protective qualities is wrong. At first, be sure to use cellular materials on terraced areas.

Many ornamental crops will do well on a sunny slope, but they must also be drought-resistant, because water does not stay on the slope for long, and the temperature is higher than on level ground.

Various types of garden geraniums, bells, sunflowers, wormwood, sage, yarrow and mantle, and various grasses are ideal for such areas.

Fill the spaces between the stones of the retaining walls with ground cover crops suitable for alpine hills. These are young plants, saxifrage, sedum, thyme, alyssum, and cloves.

Low shrubs will feel good: barberry, cotoneaster, spirea, which also strengthen the slope from shedding. Creeping and dwarf forms of conifers will help to dilute the leafy picture: junipers, pines, spruces.

Of course, do not forget that a garden on a slope requires maintenance. Water and feed the plants from time to time, just not in such quantities as many garden crops.

We decorate the slope with ornamental plants

Ground cover roses are suitable for decorating natural sunny slopes. Today their choice is huge. Almost all varieties are winter-hardy, hardy, grow well, bloom throughout the season and delight owners with lush, bright flowers.

Roses need nutritious and moist soil, so they must be properly cared for if you want stunning blooms and strong, healthy bushes. Just place them in terraced areas so that the soil underneath is level, otherwise both water and nutrients will be washed away and the roses will not survive.

An effective combination will be roses and decorative deciduous shrubs or conifers. The combination of roses with lavender, sage, geraniums, and herbs looks advantageous. Junipers, pines and spruces will highlight the fragile beauty of roses, and in winter they will play the first violin.

To decorate the western, northern and northeastern slopes, you will need shade-loving, shade-tolerant, cold-resistant plants, such as heuchera, astrantia, hosta, and ferns. Among the shrubs, you can choose mahonia, euonymus, elderberry, bladderwort, hydrangea, and rhododendron.

In addition, the surface of the retaining walls themselves can be beautifully decorated with potted crops, the first of which will be geranium.

And the impossible is possible...

On a well-equipped, fortified slope it is quite possible to place a lawn. But provided that it fits into the style of the broken area and you are able to provide the lawn with care.

A garden on a slope is perfect for constructing the most unpredictable, most winding streams and waterfalls flowing into an artificially created reservoir at the bottom of the site.

So, a garden on a slope is a wonderful option to create a unique landscape in which ornamental and wild plants, natural and man-made cascades can coexist. This is a chance to let your creativity fly!

When choosing a location for an estate, most buyers will prefer a plot with flat terrain. The reason for this choice is clear: how to lay out a garden on such an area is easy to imagine even for a person who has no experience in planning. The slope is alarming and raises a lot of questions, but it allows you to give free rein to your imagination when creating a garden.

Of course, it is easier and cheaper to improve a flat piece of land, especially if the project does not require artificially creating elevation differences on it. A flat surface will minimize the cost of engineering work and will never present unpleasant surprises in the form of landslides. But the slope is perfect for creating a romantic garden consisting of a labyrinth of retaining walls, winding paths and secluded areas. And, without a doubt, this garden will be unique, since all the planes are somewhat similar to one another, and the slopes always differ in their characteristics. Therefore, the complexity of the process of creating a garden on a slope is more than compensated by its beauty and uniqueness. What such a garden will be like will be determined by the characteristics of the slope itself: slope, exposure and relief. Exposure is an orientation to the cardinal points; the relief is determined by the presence of ravines, riverbeds, and screes. The composition of the soil, as well as temperature, moisture conditions and illumination, which, however, are to a large extent related to exposure, have a great influence.


Traces of the action of water can be seen with your own eyes on any slope - this is the earth carried away by water flows from under the roots of trees and bushes, sandy screes, and eroded riverbeds. So, drop by drop, water successfully destroys stones. And the impact of erosion can only be reduced by strengthening the slope.

The first and main task when arranging a slope is to strengthen it. It is necessary to prevent various soil movements: from simple shedding of earth onto the path to a landslide, which can end catastrophically. Landslides not only spoil the appearance of the garden and damage landings, but can also destroy permanent structures - from a retaining wall to a multi-story building. The main reason for such soil destruction, otherwise called erosion, is the movement of water along the surface of the slope. Water forms furrows of varying depths, washes away the soil, destroys the soil under plantings, and over time can completely wash away the nutrient layer. In addition, soil destruction is facilitated by the compression and expansion of water during freezing. As a rule, the steeper the slope, the more actively it is destroyed.

If the slope is small

In case of a slight slope, strengthening measures can be carried out independently. There are different methods for this. We should start with streamlining water flows, that is, organizing a drainage system so that rain and melt water flows not in the way that is more convenient for it, but in the way we need it - along channels specially created for it, and does not destroy the precious soil. You can build both surface drainage, if it fits into the garden composition, and hidden one.

After constructing the drainage, sometimes it is enough to simply plant plants that quickly develop a root system and create turf. This method is called sodding. First of all, fast-growing grasses with a fibrous, i.e., highly branched, root system are suitable for these purposes: clover, meadow or red fescue, bluegrass. Essentially, in this case, an artificial meadow is created, and for aesthetic reasons, various beautifully flowering plants can be included there.

If instead of a meadow you want to have a berry orchard or vegetable garden on your property, then the surface of the slope can be covered with film or mesh. Over time, the roots of the plants will strengthen in the soil, and the material that has become unnecessary will collapse on its own. It is better to use black film - this will prevent the growth of weeds, retain moisture and improve soil heating. Holes are made in the film, where various plants are planted - from cabbage to shrub seedlings.


It is very important to skillfully play with the potential capabilities of a site on a slope. Terraces connected to each other by gentle steps will help make the garden space more interesting and comfortable, and the money spent on additional work will pay off handsomely.

Palisade Corporation

On steeper slopes, simply sowing grass will no longer be enough. They are best strengthened using geogrids. It is usually made of green or black plastic and has the structure of cellular modules laid on the surface of the slope and covered with soil. You can plant both herbs and various small shrubs, such as rose hips, in cells.

After some time, the geogrid becomes hidden under lush vegetation. You just need to take into account that the higher the slope, the faster the water will drain, so you should choose species that are resistant to lack of moisture in the soil, or organize an irrigation system.

Major construction work

The methods described above will not be a significant obstacle to erosion on slopes steeper than 30 degrees. Neither boards nor geogrid will support a truly steep slope. Therefore, the only way left here is to “break” the slope into several levels, that is, to perform terracing. Typically this is done using a series of retaining walls running in “steps”. This is the most reliable method, but design and construction work here will require the participation of professionals. After all, mistakes made during construction can subsequently cost much more than paying for geodesy work, soil structure analyzes and engineering calculations for the project.

It should be noted that it will not be easy and simple to build retaining walls everywhere. For example, in our region there are often moving soils where an incorrectly made retaining wall “floats” and quickly collapses. This can happen on level ground, but on a slope such movements are especially dangerous. And this is another reason to entrust the construction to specialists, because such structures are complex engineering structures consisting of different materials, including monolithic reinforced concrete. And although low decorative retaining walls on dry limestone masonry can be easily built independently, walls whose function is to restrain the slope from sliding require completely different qualifications.

Another very good and at the same time very decorative way to strengthen both relatively gentle and almost vertical slopes is the construction of gabions. A gabion is an outer frame made of metal mesh, inside of which large pebbles and stones are poured. This method has been around for centuries, and was invented by the French, who used this method to create retaining walls in vineyards on slopes. The frame prevents the filler from spreading, and the stones provide excellent drainage. You can verify the reliability of this method by looking at the gabions of the ring road in St. Petersburg, and at the interchange in the vicinity of the street. Rustaveli gabions hold up a high vertical slope.

Simultaneously with the design of retaining walls, paths, stairs and recreation areas are planned; fortunately, there are a great many possibilities for interesting design of a multi-level garden. It is better to use non-slip coatings for paths and steps. It is also advisable to organize illumination of dangerous places. To ensure maximum comfort while walking, the width of the path should be the same throughout its entire length (for main garden paths this is about 1.2 m), and all steps should be made the same size and height. In addition, since such large-scale construction work will be launched on the site, why not immediately plan hydraulic structures - a waterfall, a system of cascades or streams? This will give your garden even more personality and will decorate it very much.

Garden microclimate

So, the slope is strengthened, paths and platforms are designed and built. It's time to plant the plants!
In general, planning plantings should be carried out at the same stage as designing the entire garden, so that after construction is completed there is no need to dig up the ground again and lay, for example, hoses for irrigation. It is best to imagine the effect expected from flowering plants in advance - this will allow you to arrange the planting areas in the best possible way and immediately organize the garden infrastructure, including equipment for watering, lighting, etc.

The selection of flora must be carried out primarily in accordance with the exposure of the slopes - that is, their orientation to the cardinal points. Illumination, amount of solar heat and humidification mode depend on this. It is clear that on an open slope facing south it will be warm and sunny, but quite dry even in our rainy region. By the way, thanks to this, it is possible to grow and bring to flowering those plants that simply would not survive in our country under other conditions. If trees grow on the southern slope, then drought-resistant herbaceous plants that prefer light shade will best take root there.

A north-facing slope will be quite cold, and the flora living there will have to rely mainly on diffused light. But it will be relatively dry here too. After winter, the soil on the slopes dries out faster, so many bulbous plants do well here: tulips, daffodils, scillas, crocuses, corydalis and others.

At the bottom of the slope, especially if it is a lowland between hills, it will be noticeably cooler. In the spring, the snow melts later, in the fall frosts come earlier, and in the winter frosty air accumulates. And, again, the lower part of the northern slope will be the coolest. But this place will be the wettest and even, possibly, swampy - after all, water flows here from the entire area. In these damp places, moisture-loving herbaceous perennials are planted: loosestrife, buzulniki, loosestrife, meadowsweet, marigold, forget-me-not, black cohosh, hostas, yellow iris, sedges, cereals and ferns.

The moisture regime also depends on the type of soil. On sandy soils, water will quickly absorb and go deep, and on clay soils it will flow down. Accordingly, clarification of the soil structure is also required for planting selection. Many plants that are accustomed to our conditions will feel uncomfortable without additional moisture, and you will definitely have to organize an irrigation system if you want to lay out a lawn on a slope (especially a southern one).


Various barriers also help to retain soil on a slope: large stones and boulders, concrete blocks, boards and logs laid across the slope, wooden blocks dug into the ground, and so on. The choice of a specific solution depends on both the style of the garden and the condition of the slope.

Although the lawn is perhaps too boring for the slope. After all, here, among the cliffs of retaining walls, the planes of paths and steps, you can create a garden consisting of continuous surprises, when at every turn of the path a completely new view awaits the viewer. Slender junipers towering above the rest of the vegetation; cascades of colorful conifers and cotoneasters; fragrant thickets of spicy aromatic herbs - sage, thyme, hyssop, wormwood... Plants with gray and silver foliage are also suitable - chickweed, carnation, carnations and aubriet, shading roses, peonies and clematis, which can be planted here without support.. The ivy-covered pergola above the platform will serve as a secluded place to relax. All this allows you to create a Mediterranean-style garden on a southern-facing slope.

By the way, planting vines without support is a very popular way of decorating slopes. Climbing plants will spread and quite quickly cover a large space, where it is very difficult to create the same lawn. Maiden grapes are best suited for this role in our conditions. And in autumn its beautiful leaves turn a bright crimson color.

In conditions of partial shade on the slopes, ground cover plants do well: tenacious, geranium, St. John's wort, jasmine, loosestrife, periwinkle, pachysandra, Waldsteinia, lungwort, heuchera and others. Volumetric compositions can be created from lilies of the valley, kupena, bergenia and some ferns. In partial shade, especially in a pine forest, you can plant various heathers, primarily rhododendrons. Diffused sunlight and acidic soils are optimal for these luxurious flowering shrubs.

Slopes are traditionally not popular because they are difficult to build on, difficult to landscape, and generally require a lot of attention. And the steeper the slope, the fewer people want to purchase such a plot, since regular walks up and down are more reminiscent of a sport than a usual country holiday. But the impressive possibilities for realizing your wildest fantasies more than pay for all the efforts - after all, if you still decide to grow a garden on a slope, you will end up with a unique, one-of-a-kind corner.

Text: Victor Tropchenko, biologist,
landscape designer

Owners of a plot on a slope are in an ambiguous position. Standard methods for placing beds are unacceptable here, and the arrangement of such a site involves significant material costs. However, after studying existing approaches to design, the owner most often comes to the conclusion about the advantages of such a situation. Landscape design for a site on a slope will be developed and implemented by specialists. The ideas presented can transform the territory, making it unique, immersing it in the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Strengthening the slopes on the site with your own hands

Landscaping begins with work to strengthen the slopes on the site. This will prevent further destructive processes that can damage buildings and landscape design.

Preparatory actions

When strengthening slopes, various methods and designs are used. Landscape design allows the use of stones and concrete blocks, biomats and gabions, logs and lawn gratings in site preparation. To properly strengthen the slopes, it is necessary to study and calculate the following points:

  • how close the groundwater is;
  • what slope is the slope at;
  • geological features of the soil;
  • is there a danger of the area being washed away if a body of water is nearby;
  • take into account the soil pressure on the slope;
  • decide on the material for strengthening;
  • identify the area in need of strengthening.

With a slight slope, it allows you to solve the problem of fixing the soil by planting trees and shrubs with a developed root system. If the slope is significant, terracing or the use of geotextiles will be required.

Ways to strengthen slopes

The simplest and most inexpensive option for landscape design when strengthening a slope on a site is planting plants with a developed root system. This solution is acceptable provided that the slope and its area are small. Plants are planted in cells, which act as a reinforcing structure. In the future, the developed root system is intertwined with the fastening elements and prevents landslides or soil erosion. Juniper is the leader in this method of strengthening the soil; it is also recommended to plant Chinese blackberry, lilac and hawthorn.

Slopes in a summer cottage are often reinforced with fences made of concrete slabs, sandstone, brick or limestone. The advantage of this method of landscape design is as follows:

high level of resistance to external destructive factors;

  • does not require significant care efforts;
  • does not interfere with the growth of green spaces;
  • durability of the structure.

Such fences are erected subject to certain conditions:

  • a solid foundation is laid;
  • minimum height of the fence – 1 m;
  • the thickness of the fence is 1/3 of the height;
  • mandatory equipment for a drainage system (water flowing down the slope should not wash away the structure)
  • fences are built from the bottom up;
  • it is recommended to build a cascade structure;
  • it is necessary to provide a slight slope towards the slope.

The landscape design of the site provides the opportunity to decorate such a structure with flower beds, decorative stairs, and lanterns.

Another option for strengthening the slope on the site is the use of stones and logs. They are dug into the ground after first studying the type of soil and the condition of the surface. At the same time, do not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the site and take care of the presence of drainage. This inexpensive method of landscape design is acceptable on both small and large slopes.

Modern developments in landscape design suggest using geotextiles in arranging a site on a slope. This product in rolls, consisting of polyester and polypropylene fibers, has the following advantages:

  • waterproof;
  • protection of soil from freezing;
  • when water converges, it prevents the mixing of soil layers;
  • plastic;
  • has high resistance to damage;
  • ease of installation on the ground.

Another option acceptable when developing landscape design on a slope is laying geomats. This waterproof material consists of polypropylene grids, superimposed on each other and connected by exposure to high temperatures. Geomats have the following features:

  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • UV resistance;
  • maintaining the natural beauty of the landscape;
  • are not afraid of aggressive substances;
  • resistant to low and high temperatures;
  • easy to install.

The presented methods of landscape design when strengthening a slope can be done with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Their choice depends on the preferences of the owner and further plans for the development of the site.

Design options

The landscape design of a site on a slope opens up wide prospects for the realization of bright fantasies and bold ideas. Considering the need for serious financial investments in landscaping, the approach to planning a site on a slope requires special care and thoughtfulness. The development of landscape design work is necessarily preceded by a study of the technical indicators of water supply and soil characteristics. The location of future outbuildings and recreation areas deserves special attention. Based on their location, they plan the construction of future terraces, flights of stairs, retaining walls and other elements of landscape design. When landscaping a site on a slope, its location relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account.


Having decided to use terracing in the landscape design of a site on a slope, avoid excessively long retaining walls in a straight line. This design will create the impression of a huge staircase. Landscape design experts recommend arranging terraces randomly with ledges or cascades. This will create a picturesque picture of the overall view.

Winding paths or paths are provided between the terraces, and several steps are designed on steep slopes. Retaining walls on the site are made of various materials: natural stone and brick, wood and concrete. It is better to equip a steep slope with retaining walls using cement mortar; on a flat site, dry masonry will be sufficient.

Original ideas in the design of retaining walls on the site are welcome. Avoid straight lines; rounded shapes will ensure smooth relief transitions and visually make them less conspicuous. Terraces with different functional purposes will allow you to move away from standard approaches. Landscape design allows you to place vegetable beds and shrub plantings in separate areas. Combining them with winding paths will visually create a single picture of incompatible things.

The location of the terrace on wet ground requires the presence of drainage fill made of crushed stone. It is located between the wall and the ground with a width of 10-15 cm. It is recommended to supplement the masonry with pipe scraps, which will ensure the release of moisture to the outside and will not allow it to accumulate behind the retaining wall. The absence of such protective measures will provoke rapid destruction of the structure.

Arrangement of paths and stairs

An indispensable attribute of landscape design are neat paths that help achieve an organic connection between the terraces. To ensure compatibility, it is better to make them from similar material.

Important ! Large decorative elements, be it stones, tiles or circles of wood, can create good visibility and a bright perception of the path.

The winding shape of the path hides the steepness of the slope, while the serpentine layout, on the contrary, emphasizes it. Following the rules of landscape design for a site on a slope, it is better to emphasize the bends of paths with low trees, shrubs or evergreens. A staircase is a must on a steep slope. In width it can correspond to the path that continues it or be slightly narrower, but not less than 60 cm. If the staircase has many steps, it is better to separate them with landings. It is advisable to equip them in places where the direction of movement changes. If the size is sufficient, the area is decorated with a bench, an elegant statue or an original flowerpot. Landscape design specialists recommend that stairs located in a shady place be made from building materials of a lighter shade.

Remember! The beauty of landscape design must be combined with safety; choose non-slip material for paths and stairs.

Thoughtful landscape design will provide comfort during evening walks with the help of proper lighting. There are many ways to design it, and choosing an option that matches the overall style will not be difficult.

Floristry of the site

When choosing a floristry concept, the best option for landscape design would be the style of a mountainous area. In this case, the location of the territory relative to the cardinal directions must be taken into account. In this aspect, a site on the northern slope has its advantages, due to the possibility of decorating it with moisture-loving plants that are accustomed to a shady location. For the southern side, herbs and flowers that can withstand high temperatures and drought are more suitable.

Landscape design is developed in such a way that the planted plants have different flowering periods. Tulips, hyacinths and crocuses will be the first to delight owners in early spring. They may be replaced by decorative onions, California poppies and marigolds, and autumn will delight with the bright colors of asters and chrysanthemums. Planting perennials will make gardening easier.

Trees on a site with a slope, according to the rules of landscape design, are planted in a special way. If the house is located at the top, tall plantings in the form of thuja, spruce or pyramidal poplar are located next to it. Barberry or lilac will help create an interesting composition.

Please note! Planted trees and shrubs should not cover the house.

The shorter plants are found further down the slope. Evergreen shrubs and colorful flower beds can add nobility and sophistication. Juniper, magnolia, and boxwood would be appropriate here. The region in which the site is located also plays a role. Therefore, when choosing green spaces, take into account the climatic conditions of your area.

The basic rules for landscape design of a site on a slope are as follows:

  • correctly organize the division into zones;
  • build strong retaining walls;
  • protect the site from soil erosion with the help of a competent drainage system;

It is possible to plant a garden on a slope only by using special agrotechnical techniques that create conditions for the full functioning of the plants used. When planning a garden on a slope, you need to take care of timely and adequate watering. This is best done using an automated water supply system.

Landscaping of a site on a slope and its photo

The design of a site on a slope is always wonderful; the difference in height creates the prerequisites for creating a varied and extremely interesting space. If the difference in relief is significant, then in order to make the garden comfortable for living, it is absolutely necessary to create terraces, retaining walls, stairs, etc. As you know, each advantage has its own drawback - when creating a landscape design on a slope, it is necessary to erect expensive retaining walls, carry out special work to drain storm water; in addition, the land on a slope is usually drier than on a plain, so it is necessary to carefully consider irrigation systems. Landscape design of a site with a slope must begin with the design of water supply systems.

Look at the landscape design on a slope in the photos, which illustrate examples of the implementation of similar ideas:

Photo gallery

Garden design on a slope and its photos, videos

Garden elements:

  1. water cascade over the retaining wall.
  2. road for heavy vehicles.
  3. fruit grapes on a support.
  4. above the drainage well.
  5. gazebo above.
  6. slide around the sewer hatch.
  7. tree peony with a huge stone.
  8. arch with roses.

The proposed design of a garden on a slope assumes that the house is located near the entrance, the entire garden is spread out behind it, on the slope.

The house has a magnificent outdoor terrace, accessible from the back door of the house, and is surrounded by oak Roman cross fencing around the perimeter.

Rain is not uncommon here and the place is windy, so a transparent polycarbonate roof was built over the terrace, they also covered the side of the terrace, and to make it even more comfortable, they covered the transparent wall with maiden grapes.

Below the large terrace, on the next level there is another open terrace. There are two ways to get from the terraces to the garden: going down a wide path with steps running along the fence, or along a comfortable staircase, passing through an arch braided with roses.

Of great importance for areas on a slope is the material of retaining walls and paving, which should look harmonious with the house, fence and surrounding vegetation. The house and fence are painted in an elegant gray-pink color, and the same gray-pink shades are also present in the paving of the paths. The site is terraced with the help of retaining walls, part of them on which the terrace rests is made of cobblestones, the part that decorates the reservoirs is made of flagstone.

In the lower right corner of the site, when viewed from above, there is a compost heap. It is surrounded by a neat fence, blocked by trees and looks quite nice, like a gazebo, and excellent compost grows in it.

In order to solve the problem with drainage of rainwater, a drain (in common parlance - a storm drain) was made along the entire length of the site along the fence, which leads to a catch basin located in the lowest place in the garden. Make a hatch where all the surface water flows, cover it with a lid. The problem was solved, and to make it not only technologically advanced, but also beautiful, they installed a gazebo over the drainage basin. Another problem is convenient access for a sewer truck to a sewer manhole located in the lower part of the site, and entry is only possible from above. The fairly wide access road was designed as follows: the lanes along which the wheels would travel were laid out with tiles with cavities in the middle. These cavities were filled with fertile soil and seeded with lawn grass. Since there is a lot of water, storm grates were laid across the slope; they look quite nice. To prevent the sewer manhole from being conspicuous, a slide was built near it and placed on the manhole.

The watering problem was successfully solved, it was solved with a serious investment of funds, but radically - a drip irrigation system and automated watering were introduced, which are regulated by a processor located in the house.

Look at the garden on the slope in the photos, which demonstrate the wide possibilities for implementing such ideas:

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In gardens on slopes, architectural elements play an important role so that they do not become too dominant; the graphically rigid lines of retaining walls, landings and fences are softened by hanging or climbing plants. There are a lot of vines here - the indispensable maiden grapes, fruit grapes, climbing roses.

Many people hesitate to purchase plots on slopes, especially steep ones, for fear of not being able to cope with the problems of terracing and drainage of storm water, which are inevitable on such plots, but using the features of the relief, you can create your own, unique miracle garden. Owners of plots on slopes can model the surfaces according to their own aesthetic understanding, transforming a boring slope covered at one glance into a magical garden with terraces, stairs and retaining walls.