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Name days in June, Orthodox holidays in June. Name days in June, Orthodox holidays in June Men's names from "B" to "L"

  • - a variant of the male name Agapius (Agapit), derived from the Greek agape - "love".
  • - the female form from Eugene, derived from the ancient Greek name Eugenios (from the word eugenes) - "with good genes", "noble, from a good family."
  • - the feminine form of Claudius, derived from the Roman generic name Claudius (from the Latin claudus) - "to limp".

Name of the day January 6 - Agafya

Agafya is an ancient Greek name. It means "honest" in translation.

Agafya, born on January 6, is a person who is able to pass through ice and fire, water and copper pipes. In spiritual terms, she is a stoic, but in material terms, problems can often arise. Agafya is passionate about lofty ideas and cannot stand idle chatter. She seeks to comprehend the secrets of the universe, is interested in the structure of the higher worlds, perhaps that is why it is not always easy for her to live in the sublunar world. It is difficult for Agafya to feel comfortable in the company of unfamiliar people; she prefers small companies and is wary of new acquaintances.

To get rid of tense situations, Agafye on the day of the name day needs to meditate with the help of the constellation of the Golden Fish. To get strength from meditation, you need to imagine the constellation. The constellation can be represented by anyone, as it turns out. Every constellation is a huge repository of energies.

Agafya is able to feel how the rays of the constellation destroy bad energies and give good powers. With inhalation, light rays penetrate into the soul; with exhalation, dark rays leave.

A goldfish pendant will protect you from misfortune.

Fish frolicking in a clean pond - good luck, goldfish - fortunately. Fish in an aquarium - you have to follow someone's lead.

Name of the day January 6 - Eugene

Eugenia is an ancient Greek name, translated as "noble." As a rule, the roots of any Eugenia are associated with an aristocratic family. Evgenia herself may not be aware of this, but the breed is often visible in the walk, look and manner of holding the head of the owner of the name. Eugenes are intellectuals, they achieve everything themselves, ignoring outside help, and this is often the reason for failures. Evgenias believe that no one will do this job as well as they do, no one will pay as much attention to the child as they do. Eugenes can overestimate their strengths and because of this they quickly burn out and forget about the ringing feeling of happiness that was characteristic of them in their youth.

Meditation on a name day on the constellation of the Crane will help get rid of tense situations. To gain strength with its help, you need to imagine this constellation. (For a sample, you can take the constellation of the Crane from the atlas of Jan Hevelius.) We must try to feel ourselves inside the constellation. There, within this constellation, the star Alnair shines. Do not confuse with Altair! Eugenia can feel how the rays of this star destroy bad energies and give good powers.

After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

A beaded crane on a bracelet or a silver pendant shaped like a crane will protect you from envious people.

Cranes bring happiness and change for the better, storks promise money, profits and healing.

Name of the day January 6 - Claudia

Only noble people could have the Latin name Claudius, in translation the name means “lame”.

"Lameness" is interpreted not as a disease of the legs, but as a special mark by higher powers. It is no coincidence that the chosen ones of the gods - holy fools and saints - had some kind of physical defect.

The name of Claudius went down in history thanks to the vestal Claudia, who was accused of adultery, but proved the falsity of this accusation.

Claudia has wisdom, she is able to see, know and notice more than others. All her life she feels the need for service. Claudia can find joy in serving the cult of the family, somewhere in the depths of her soul she considers herself a saint, well, or almost a saint, this is largely true. Claudia is a righteous person, although her life is somewhat limited by narrow boundaries: either at home, or work, or the circle in which she rotates.

Because of such isolation, sometimes - extremely rarely - she wants to break free, run away ...

The amulet named after Claudius can be made by herself, using the tradition of the Vestal Virgins. They held a small stone in their mouths and said prayers or incantations. When more than a thousand such prayers were uttered, the pebble became a receptacle for the forces of protection. In order for the pebble amulet to have power, they carry it with them in dark suede. The inconvenience of the name amulet is that after a while it is depleted and then you need to recharge it again. The stone can be an amethyst, or it can be one that suits the horoscope or just likes it.

A miniature lamp brings good luck.

A burning candle, a flame in a lantern or a fireplace on January 6 portend success. The ship predicts a round-the-world trip.

Name of the day January 6 - Nicholas

The name Nicholas is Greek and in translation means "victor of nations." This name is also popular in England, in France. It is associated with the name of St. Nicholas, who saved the daughters of a poor man from prostitution. St. Nicholas is known in the same way as Santa Claus, surprises are expected from him, especially at Christmas. Nicholas is the best Santa Claus, the winter month of December endows him with a special power of foresight, his predictions are good ... St. Nicholas patronizes children, sailors and merchants. Nikolai can work with children, fearlessly embark on sea voyages and open his own business.

The meaning of the name Nikolai in Russia is quite consistent with the European sound: Nikolai is a cheerful person, you can expect jokes, practical jokes and surprises from him. He is brave, cheerful, romantic, able to sing serenades under the window of his beloved.

Nikolay should not forget about the power of movement, which helps the personality to realize itself as quickly as possible. Styles of "drunken cat" in martial arts or the practice of such stances remove clamps and help self-assertion. Only it is impossible to study such racks on your own - it is necessary in groups.

The charm of the name for Nikolai is “cat grass”, it is also called “earth incense” or “meow”. The scientific name of the herb is valerian. Valerian is often perceived only as a sedative, but this is an incomplete picture of the properties of earthy incense. Its powerful energy is capable of serving as a strong attraction, and it is not for nothing that it is called "grass-myo-un." As cats meow from her, so women lose their heads if this herb is in the hands of Nicholas. Whether it is bought in a pharmacy and added to a drink, whether it flaunts in the form of a bouquet on a table - Nikolai receives a huge amount of strength being in contact with this herb. A live plant is always preferable, but dried grass is also energetically effective. It must be carried with you as a Name Talisman, wrapped in a piece of red silk.

Yellow flowers on the night of the name day for Nikolai are not a symbol of separation, but, on the contrary, a happy meeting.

Whose birthday is in June? What Orthodox holidays take place in June? You can see a detailed list of all female and male names by dates in this article!

Name day in June (how to name boys and girls in June)

Birthdays in June:

1 - Alexander, Anastasia, Anton, Valentin, Vasily, Victor, George, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Ippolit, Cornelius, Maxim, Matvey, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Sergey.

2 - Alexander, Alexei, Ivan, Joseph, Nikita, Timofey.

3 - Andrey, Elena, Kasyan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mikhail, Fedor.

4 - Vladimir, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mikhail, Pavel, Sophia, Fedor, Yakov.

5 - Athanasius, Euphrosyne, Leonty, Maria, Michael.

6 - Grigory, Ivan, Xenia, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, Fedor.

7 - Elena, Ivan, Innokenty, Fedor.

8 - Alexander, George, Elena, Ivan, Karp, Makar.

9 - Anastasia, David, Ivan, Jonah, Leonid, Leonty, Nile, Peter, Fyodor, Ferapont.

10 - Denis, Dmitry, Elena, Zakhar, Ignatius, Makar, Nikita, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Sofron.

11 - Alexander, Andrey, Ivan, Konstantin, Luke, Maria, Faina, Fedot, Feodosia.

12 - Vasily.

13 - Boris, Nikolai, Polycarp, Roman, Philip, Christina.

14 - Valerian, Vasily, Vera, Gabriel, David, Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Khariton.

15 - Ivan, Nikifor.

16 - Athanasius, Denis, Dmitry, Lukyan, Mikhail, Pavel, Julian.

17 - Ivan, Maria, Martha, Methodius, Mitrofan, Nazar, Peter, Sofia.

18 - Igor, Jonah, Konstantin, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nikandr, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor.

19 - Vissarion, George, Hilarion, Jonah, Susanna, Thekla.

20 - Alexander, Alexei, Anton, Athanasius, Valentin, Valeria, Benjamin, Victor, Vladimir, Grigory, Zinaida, Ivan, Ignatius, Leo, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Taras, Fedot.

21 - Vasily, Ephraim, Konstantin, Fedor.

22 - Alexander, Alexei, Ivan, Cyril, Maria, Martha, Thekla.

23 - Alexander, Alexei, Antonina, Vasily, Ivan, Nikolai, Nikon, Pavel, Timofey, Feofan.

24 - Varlam, Bartholomew, Ephraim, Mary.

25 - Andrei, Anna, Arseny, Ivan, Jonah, Peter, Stepan, Timofey, Julian.

26 - Akulina, Alexander, Alexandra, Andrey, Andronik, Anna, Antonina, Daniel, Dmitry, Ivan, Pelageya, Savva, Yakov.

27 - Alexander, Varlam, George, Elisha, Joseph, Methodius, Mstislav, Nikolai, Pavel.

28 - Grigory, Ephraim, Jonah, Kasyan, Lazar, Mikhail, Modest, Fedor.

29 - Ephraim, Constantine, Michael, Moses, Nicephorus, Peter, Tikhon, Theophanes.

30 - Joseph, Cyril, Clement, Maxim, Nikandr, Nikita, Pelageya, Philip.

Angel Day is the day of memory of the heavenly patron, when birthday people turn to their saint, attend a service, confess and take communion. It is celebrated so that the saints remember and intercede for us before God. Even if the parents gave the baby a name not mentioned in the Saints, then at baptism a consonant Orthodox name will be chosen for him.

Names for boys according to the Saints

Sociability, openness, charm - qualities that hide the assertive and tough nature of men. Young people are insightful, honest and generous, but also secretive, distrustful and difficult to understand. However, the formation of personality is influenced not only by the date of birth, but also by the chosen name. According to the Saints, the day of the angel is celebrated by guys named by one of the names below.

Boy names starting with "A"

In young years Akaki manifests himself as a shy and defenseless boy. He is kind, gentle, needs constant parental care. Avoids socializing with peers because of his insecurities. Over time, everything will change: a sociable and caring person, an extrovert, will grow out of Akaki. He will make every effort to achieve justice.

Alexei since childhood, soft, flexible. With improper upbringing, these qualities can turn into laziness and passivity. The boy is often unsure of himself, as he is used to constantly giving in to the demands of others. But people are drawn to him. Alexei has a heightened sense of justice: the young man will defend the offended, will go to great lengths for the sake of loved ones. The main advantage of a man is responsiveness.

At Athanasius many friends since childhood. He is accommodating, friendly, inquisitive. In conflict situations, he knows how to remain calm. Has a good memory, learns quickly. Excessive complaisance often prevents him from achieving success. It is difficult for a man to defend his rights, to apply for leadership positions. He will not worry about the fact that his dreams will remain dreams.

But if a young man develops self-confidence, he will be able to climb the career ladder. A flexible mind, the ability to negotiate promise Athanasius good luck in his work related to establishing contacts.

Male names from "B" to "L"

Accuracy and honesty are the main qualities George. The boy is peaceful and sociable, but only in the circle of people he knows. Therefore, to many, he may seem withdrawn, arrogant. He always relies only on his own strength, is responsible for his actions. Appreciates good humor. Strives for order in everything. He lets “useful and necessary” people into the circle of friends - he carefully hides this fact.

At Ivana(Yana) also name day on November 6th. His masculine qualities surprise others. He knows how to adapt to difficult circumstances. The young man is distinguished by openness, good nature, natural wisdom. Egoism is alien to him. Strives to get a high status in society. A man is suitable for leadership positions without clear requirements for appearance, with a flexible work schedule.

At Heraclius great willpower. He is persistent and determined. Always trying to be a leader. The boy stands out for his friendliness, so Heraclius always has many friends who love and appreciate him for his courage and activity.

Relatives, relatives are treated with respect, protect them. It is popular among women. Demanding of others. Responsible, does not throw words to the wind. Able to take care of himself.

Courageous, self-confident, hardy - this is about Lawrence. Outwardly balanced. But feelings are always burning inside him. The guy constantly hides his emotions, keeps them under control. Sometimes it can flare up. He sharply refers to attempts to subdue him, to “break” his will, to humiliate him. A man will look for a reason to take revenge on such a person, to humiliate him in front of everyone. Sociable, likes to spend time in friendly companies. Lavrenty is an excellent organizer, endowed with leadership qualities from birth. He can always find a way out of a difficult situation.

Names of guys from "M" to "I"

In accordance with Orthodox canons, name days are celebrated on November 6 according to the church calendar for boys who were given names at baptism:

How to name a girl according to the Saints

Interesting personalities with a problematic character are about girls whose name day is November 6th. Of the female qualities they have:

  • coquetry;
  • thrift;
  • sexuality.

In personal relationships, they are distinguished by devotion and honesty. Birthday girls who celebrate the day of the angel on November 6 - and Synclitikia.

Victoria stands out for his firm character, the desire to achieve his goals as quickly as possible. But if she is unsure of the rightness, then she will not go ahead. A girl always tries to challenge the male sex: in her personal life, at work, her brother, boss, etc. In this way, she asserts herself, struggles with her insecurity. Her mood is changeable: the woman is quick-tempered, but quick-tempered. Vika is a person with high morals, she never acts unworthy, low. She skillfully hides a stormy temperament, seems gentle and in need of patronage, protection.

Synclitikia strives for independence. Therefore, the girl chooses a path that no one has yet walked: there are no "authorities" - no one will tell her what to do. Always takes an active life position. He clearly knows what he wants to achieve. Perfectly oriented in difficult, extreme situations. It is impossible to anger her with changed circumstances. Knows how to make money. Tends to make impulsive decisions.

After naming and baptism, the baby will have a guardian angel who will protect and drive away evil spirits. If there is no name you like in the Saints on the child’s birthday, you can look at the names of the saints for a few days in advance. Considering the options, you should pay attention to the qualities that are embedded in them.

Attention, only TODAY!

Men's and women's name days on September 6 according to the church calendar! Who is celebrating angel day today? A complete list of female and male names and their meanings in the Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day September 6

ArseniyIt comes from the Greek name Arsenios. In translation, it means "courageous", "mature". It is also interpreted as "male", "man".
GeorgeIt comes from the ancient Greek word "Georgos", which in translation means "farmer", "cultivator of the land."
EutychiusGreek name. It translates as "happy", "happiness".
MartyriusName of Greek origin. It is translated as "martyr", "witness".


The name is Russian, Greek, Catholic, Orthodox. It has ancient Greek roots. It translates as "rock", "stone". In other cases, they are interpreted as "unshakable", "reliable", "solid".

It is of Greek origin. It translates as "dedicated to the Egyptian god Serapis."

TationIt is of Greek and Slavic origin. It means "cause" in Greek. In the Slavic form, it comes from the word "tato", which translates as "father".

On the sixth of September they celebrate the memory of:

  1. Reverend Arseny of Komel, hegumen. He received monastic vows at the monastery of Sergius of Radonezh. From 1525 to 1927 he was abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, after which, striving for the feat of silence, he set up a monastery and spent the rest of his life in the forest.
  2. Venerable George Limniot. He served as a monk in the Olympian monastery near Constantinople. He was martyred for the veneration of icons during the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Isaurian.
  3. Hieromartyr Eutychius, a student of Ap. John the Evangelist.
  4. Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, All Rus' wonderworker. At the age of twelve he entered a monastery. With the blessing of his mentor, he founded a monastery on the banks of the river Rati.
  5. Martyr Tation of Claudiopolis(Vifinsky). He lived in Bithynia and was martyred, refusing to renounce Christ, under the emperor Diocletian.
  6. Martyrs Syra of Persia, girls. Born into the family of a fire-worshipping priest, she was given to be raised by a priestess and later became a priestess at the temple of fire. After talking with beggars - Christians, she believed in Christ, for which she was martyred.

And the name, as Dale Carnegie said, is the sweetest and most important sound for a person in any language. And each name hides its secret...

name day- this is the day of memory of the saint, whose name was given to a person at baptism. If it is not known which of the saints of the same name he bears, then, according to tradition, one should consider as “one’s own” that saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows the birthday. Therefore, despite the large number of name days for some names, each specific name bearer can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the date of his birthday.

You can believe or not believe that each name "dictates" a certain character to the owner, but it will be interesting to read the interpreter of names and try to compare with what actually exists!


Alexandra- origin: female form named after Alexander. Meaning: "protector of the people." If Alexandra is the only child in the family, then she becomes stubborn and capricious. Reluctant to play with other children. At school age, having good health, he goes in for sports, at the same time shows purposefulness and achieves significant success. He studies well in all subjects, loves to read. Outwardly, she gives the impression of a closed girl, but in her soul she is pure and expects the same sincerity and justice from others. She does not forgive the slightest deceit - you can forever lose her trust. All her life she will pretend that everything in the world is indifferent to her. Has a clear idea of ​​his place in life. She can become a doctor, an accountant, a teacher, she likes to drive a car.

Feels better in the company of men who are willing to be friends with her. Excessive emotionality often harms her. Reacts violently, under the impression of sudden impulses. Gifted with amazing intuition. Has the ability to generalize, quickly grasps everything. Stunning and contagious. She is an amazing cocktail of friendliness, sensuality and sex. She marries late and becomes not only a wonderful housewife, but also a good friend to her husband. In marriage, she will try to have many children, she will be a caring mother.

name day: March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, July 17, October 13, November 19, December 23

Alina- origin: Slavic, is derived from Adeline, Albina, Alexandra. Meaning: “other”, “foreign”. Alina is a sickly girl in childhood, very irritable, stubborn and impudent, not tolerating any remarks. She has a good memory, she quickly grasps what she hears. Alina studies well at school. Alina is proud, seeks to command everyone, is conflicted. Prefers to be friends with boys. With age, the character of these women softens somewhat, becomes more calm, although many features - stubbornness, intolerance, the ability to go from one extreme to another - remain. People around her sometimes find her cunning, but in relations with men she lacks flexibility: she will definitely say something to her own detriment, which she should have kept silent about. An extrovert by nature. She is suitable for work that requires attentiveness to people, responsiveness and punctuality. They work in different areas, among them are engineers and artists, doctors and salesmen, journalists and architects, musicians and teachers. Alina gets married late. They are good housewives, very hospitable, but they cannot get along with their mother-in-law.

name day: does not celebrate.

Alice- origin: has ancient Germanic roots. Meaning: "noble". She is like a string, persistent to the point of stubbornness, principled, painfully honest and fair. She is very determined and never regrets what she has done. Goes through life without looking back. As a child, Alice is an obligatory girl and, despite some laziness, everyone's favorite. She tends to be overweight and needs to watch her diet. For some reason, they come across husbands with a difficult character, and Alice has to make a lot of efforts so that there is peace in the family. They usually have one child, most often a son. "Winter" - with a controversial character; persistent to the point of stubbornness, principled, but fair. They are decisive in their actions. In the team, they are more friends with male colleagues, but they try to stay in the background. "Summer" - softer, they are sentimental and completely devoid of a sense of envy. They get married late. They are hospitable, know how to receive and entertain guests well.

name day: does not celebrate.

Alla- origin: has ancient Greek roots. Meaning: "the warm sound of a bell." Alla is a charming girl, everyone's favorite. She studies well at school, is diligent and patient, but she never happens to be an excellent student, as she spends a lot of time on her person. In her young and mature years, Alla is very energetic, she does not waste time in vain. She builds only realistic plans and achieves their implementation. Alla has a grasp and perseverance, she is boiled in herself and her powers. He cooks very well. Can choose the profession of a cook or cook. Alla attracts her fans primarily by her dissimilarity to other girls. The first marriage is often unsuccessful. Allah does a lot of good things for loved ones. She does not expect gratitude, does not seek benefits for herself. He works hard, wanting to achieve independence, both material and personal. Alla often acutely feels the lack of human warmth and participation, but is afraid of being misunderstood.

Albina- origin: female form of the male name Albin. Meaning: "white". Albina always has such traits as integrity, stubbornness and arrogance. Albina's principledness as a teenager can cause a school conflict or a family quarrel. At school, Albina tends to stick to the boys, she likes their interests more than purely girlish joys and problems. With age, this trait will continue, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding will always reign in Albina's family. In choosing a specialty, Albina proceeds from what she likes, considerations of the prestige and profitability of the profession are usually in the background for her. Albins are neat in housekeeping, they cook deliciously. They are jealous of the female environment of the husband. They have a huge supply of health, do not succumb to fatigue or disease.

name day: does not celebrate.

Anastasia- origin: female form named after Anastas. Meaning: "resurrecting." Nastenka is the most common name of the heroines of Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. She is everyone's favorite and will never disappoint good expectations. Anastasia grows dreamy, she has a well-developed imagination. She is defenseless against evil and cunning people, she can be deceived and offended, so Nastenka needs support. Health is not very good. Anastasia can become a good artist, a kindergarten teacher, a doctor. Her subtle mental device disposes people to trust, helps to quickly establish frank relationships. Get married early. It is not difficult to win the heart of Anastasia, as she is sensitive, it is easy to touch her, she has a developed sense of pity. Chooses a strong, self-confident man. Anastasia is a devoted and caring wife, coquetry and looking for adventures on the side do not attract her. She is a good housewife, loves to decorate the house with flowers and fine things. She gives herself to her children, gets along with all her husband's relatives.

name day: January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 26

Angelina- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "angelic". Often born in a family where parents do not get along with each other and often diverge. To some extent, this leaves an imprint on the character of the girl. She is irritable, stubborn, likes to command other children. At school, he does not study well, he goes there reluctantly. Angelinas born in winter have rough features in their character. Stubborn, it is difficult to convince them. "Summer" Angelinas are gullible. They marry early, but not always successfully. Marriage is just as unsuccessful for the "autumn" Angelinas. Angelinas are good hosts. They like to receive guests, but they rarely go to visit, as they are too heavy to lift. It seems to them that they have "horse" health, do not spare themselves at work, sleep little, eat irrationally. Minor ailments can make life difficult.

Angela - Origin: Derived from Angelica. Meaning: "angelic".

Angela- As a rule, an attractive and even charming woman. Only she herself does not rely on beauty and does not seek to emphasize it. She has other values ​​in high esteem: intelligence, knowledge, success in the professional field. This is a strong, selfish person who knows how to achieve his own. Angela for many men remains forever an unsolved mystery. A man who decides on ambiguous conversations will instantly feel how a wall has suddenly grown between him and the always friendly Angela. But Angela will be completely different when she meets someone who matches her ideal. In marriage, she will thaw, become extremely frank, will devote her husband to the finest nuances of her experiences. However, the spiritual callousness of her husband, rudeness, constant indifference to what Angela lives with, can make her withdraw for a long time.

Anna- Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: "grace". In Anna, from early childhood, her main quality is manifested - kindness. The worries of her family and friends become her worries. People around often abuse this, but Anna is not offended. Wherever she studies or works, she is never the last, teachers and bosses find reliable support in her, while the envy of her friends does not threaten her, because Anna and justice are almost synonymous. Anna often has an attractive appearance, she is artistic. Does not tolerate slovenliness and untidiness. Anna is more suited in spirit to work related to people. She may well be a sister of mercy, a teacher, an educator. Anna is able to love a sick person, a drinker or a loser. However, she will never regret her choice. She will meekly carry her cross throughout her life, trying to help an unfortunate person. Anna is a faithful and devoted wife, but she cannot stand betrayal. If faced with rudeness and rudeness, then closes in itself. The test of loneliness associated with a possible divorce is not always preferable for Anna over trampled dignity.

name day: January 11, February 3, February 16, February 17, February 23, February 26, March 11, March 14, April 8, April 13, May 11, June 23, June 25, June 26, July 18, August 3, 5 August, August 7, August 29, September 10, September 22, October 11, October 15, November 4, November 10, November 11, November 16, November 23, November 27, December 3, December 11, December 22, December 23

Antonina- origin: female form of the name Anton. Meaning: "Entering the battle." This name contains, as it were, two names: Tonya and Nina. Naming the child Tonya, parents instill in her friendliness, cheerfulness, good nature. But the older she gets, the stronger the second part is manifested - Nina, carrying imperiousness and prudence. If the parents are cheerful and carefree, they will not allow these negative qualities to manifest themselves, but if they are mercantile, Antonina will grow up overly pragmatic, collected and balanced. Studying is given to Antonina not without difficulty, but she is responsible, persistent and good grades are not uncommon for her. Can get a specialty of a teacher, educator, doctor, dressmaker. She has good organizational skills, but as a leader, she may show despotic traits. Antonina is constantly surrounded by many admirers, and in relations with them she is carefree. Having married, she turns into an exemplary keeper of the family hearth. All her strength and thoughts are aimed at ensuring happiness and prosperity in the family.

Arina- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "Peace". Since childhood, Arina has been distinguished by independence. Women with this name are somewhat closed (especially "winter") and have a mind of their own. They seem to be simpletons, which, however, is far from being true. They have amazing intuition, they can instantly grasp the background of any business, but their reaction is a little slow. In personal matters, Arinas are indecisive, even timid. They make good housewives and devoted, but jealous wives. They never rely on anyone - only on their diligence, perseverance and master's savvy. They never act at random, without first finding out everything. They welcome guests with pleasure, but they do not like to pay visits themselves, preferring a cozy family atmosphere. They love sweets.

name day: does not celebrate.

Valeria -origin: female form of the name Valery. Meaning: "strong". Little Valeria has an unpredictable character. For no apparent reason, he can be offended by something and be out of sorts for a long time. After some time, she will become cheerful and carefree. Growing up, Valeria remains the same complex nature: she constantly changes her plans, evaluates the same people and situations in different ways after a while. At the heart of this changeable behavior of Valeria lies slight vulnerability and increased sensitivity. With strangers, he is wary and distrustful. But the person who will patiently win her favor or unexpectedly like her will become her most devoted friend. Valeria is a good hostess, everything is in perfect order at her house. Prefers a quiet home environment, does not like to visit and party. Jealous.

barbarian- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "savage". The girl Varya is a kind, smiling child. She is humble and hardworking. Always strives to put everything in order. He knows how to feel his shortcomings. She is quite balanced in public, but in the depths of her soul a whole fire of passions is raging. If she overcomes her isolation, then it will be difficult to find a more sincere person. Barbarians born in winter are often fond of sports. Thoughtful and reserved. Once you start something, slowly bring it to the end. "Summer" Barbarians know how to present themselves in a favorable light, dress with taste. Touchy and demanding.

Varvara is amorous, but somewhat indecisive, and therefore, in relations with men, she shows excessive timidity and indecision. The first marriage is not always successful. A good hostess, she knows how to create a comfortable atmosphere at home. He likes to spend time in the family circle and reluctantly takes part in parties with unfamiliar people.

Vasilisa- origin: borrowed from Byzantium. Meaning: "ruler". Vasilisa has intelligence and beauty, nobility and grace. Vasilisa is a very sympathetic and gentle person, however, her gentleness is combined with stubbornness and determination. “Winter” women are especially conflicted. They have a very high opinion of themselves and want others to appreciate their person as highly. Their family life is difficult, the first marriage most often breaks up. In the depths of her soul, Vasilisa feels her shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength ... Vasilisa, born in September, is somewhat different from others: she is more diplomatic, softer, not touchy. She, too, does not easily converge with strangers, but she deeply experiences their alienation. However, not everything is so bad in this woman. There is one invaluable quality in her: sincere, disinterested sympathy. This woman has some kind of inner need to restore justice, but sometimes it is not easy to withstand her altruistic impulses.

name day: January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4, September 16

Faith -origin: original Russian name. Meaning: "faith". Vera is a balanced girl in childhood, has a logical mindset. Avoids noisy companies, whims are not found behind her. He studies diligently, willingly takes care of the younger ones. Faith has a well organized practical mind. She is able to soberly assess the situation and is quick-witted in specific cases. Efficiency and purposefulness prevail in her over the emotional and sentimental beginning. Husband chooses among older men. Most often he has one child, but gives him all of himself. He brings up in severity, does not allow liberties.

Veronica- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "victorious". Veronica in her childhood is a timid, shy and indecisive girl. Possesses poor health and excessive sensitivity. With age, irritability and stubbornness appear in the character of Veronica. In communication with others, she becomes more relaxed and feels more free in an unfamiliar environment. Prefers male company. Veronica is a sociable woman. Outwardly, she is attractive, dresses brightly and catchy. Extremely amorous and enjoys stunning success with men. But her feelings are fickle, and without regret she can break off all relations with her lover. In marriage, he seeks to rule, and if the husband cannot come to terms with this, then most likely the marriage will break up.

Victoria- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "victory". Victoria most often looks like her father. As a child, she is somewhat slow and in children's games is rarely a ringleader. Outwardly calm, balanced, does not suffer from talkativeness, sometimes closes in itself. Due to her shyness and inner insecurity, her attempts to assert herself sometimes take bizarre forms. Victoria chooses a profession that does not require communication with people and where the result depends only on herself. Husband chooses especially carefully. Even after getting married, she continues to doubt whether she did the right thing. Her husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which Victoria will be unrecognizably transformed. She will become trusting, frank and will be ready for any sacrifice for the sake of her husband.

Galina- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "calm", "serenity". Since childhood, she has been growing up as a father's daughter, she prefers the company of boys. And adult Galina is alien to eternal women's problems and intrigues: who looked at what, who said what ... She is one of the real workers. It is prudent, and, having started the business, knows in advance what interests it pursues and how to achieve them. Knows how to get out of the most difficult situation thanks to his diligence. He painfully tries to find reserves of firmness in himself even when there is no need for it. The qualities inherent in the name: simplicity, beauty, brightness. Galina always has many admirers and she has someone to choose her husband from. This is, as a rule, the most beautiful and most skillful man, who considers Galina the best woman in the world.

Daria- origin: female version of the name of the Persian king Darius. Meaning: "winner". Girl Dasha in childhood often commands her peers in games. She is smart, impulsive in her actions. Cannot stand loneliness, loves noisy and fun games. She is accustomed to organization and perseverance. She studies well, but she cannot sit at lessons for a long time, she lacks perseverance and diligence. Her natural intelligence and good memory help her out. When marrying, Daria believes that life together should start from scratch. All premarital hobbies, romances, attachments should be crossed out. For family life, only that which will allow her and her husband to feel happy is taken. Daria immediately begins to get along with all her husband's relatives, invites them to visit. Likes to do housework.

Diana- origin: in ancient Roman mythology - the goddess of the moon and hunting. Meaning: "divine". They grow up calm, kind and obedient children. They are accommodating, sensitive to someone else's grief and very compassionate. The name Diana sounds firm, and in the character of this girl there is really enough pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness. Thanks to these qualities, she manages to achieve success in life. However, Diana is a kind person. Sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate people who are cold, indifferent, who consider themselves "balanced." Diana is a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable. "Winter" - with a difficult, somewhat masculine character, they are stubborn, they will always do it their own way. They are the undisputed leaders both at home and at work. Resolute and self-confident - they will take up any task and complete it. They know how to quickly win over people, but just as quickly and without regret part, if circumstances require. They are often married twice.

Name day: does not celebrate.

Evgeniya- origin: female form named after Eugene. Meaning: "noble". The girl Zhenya invents her own world, which is difficult for an outsider to understand. Can play alone for a long time. Curious and very punctual. Growing up, Zhenya becomes more quarrelsome, stubborn and touchy. Fans of easy victories over women quickly feel the severity of Evgenia's morals. She prefers men with old-fashioned manners, courteous and reserved. Evgenia is thrifty, she spends money sparingly.

Catherine- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "pure", "immaculate". Catherine already in childhood stands out for some originality. She likes to stockpile while being greedy. Proud, hardly tolerates someone's superiority. Strives to be the best in the class and tries to communicate only with the “chosen ones”. He copes well with work in any kind of activity, he does not give special preference to any profession.

I tend to believe in astral forecasts. Has an indecisive nature. Experiencing inner restlessness and anxiety for the most insignificant reasons. She needs a husband who would give her a sense of self-confidence. Handles household chores as needed. It is not always possible to properly raise children. There are always many admirers near Catherine, but she does not get married for a long time. She is looking for a person who is close to her psychological makeup.

Elena- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "Chosen, bright." Little Elena loves fairy tales. He keeps a little closed, lives in his inner world. In her youth, she gives the impression of being shy, but upon closer acquaintance, one can see in her a cheerful, emotional nature with a rich imagination. Elena achieves the greatest success in professions that require the ability to communicate with people. A love feeling most often manifests itself in Elena along with sympathy and compassion for a person who needs help. It is unlikely that he will marry a rich man, he will prefer to him a man whom he will regret. By sacrificing herself, Elena expects the same attitude towards herself. Absorbed by her emotional experiences, indifferent to everyday problems, manages with the most necessary. In the family creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Homebody and caring mother.

Elizabeth- Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: "a vow to God." Elizabeth is a playful and restless child. She tries to make herself look better than she really is. Selfish, impulsive. In women's society, she tries to become a leader, but with friends and relatives she is soft and responsive. Elizabeth is generally attractive. She has good intuition, she is able to quickly understand the psychology of a person and find the right form of communication with him. In the family, she most of all strives for peace and tranquility. He is good at housekeeping. She attaches secondary importance to her work, her family and home are in the first place. In the first years of family life, relations with her husband can be somewhat tense, but over time, all difficulties disappear.

name day: February 5, July 18, September 12, September 18, October 21, November 4, November 14, November 20, December 31

Jeanne- origin: French version of the name John. Meaning: "God's grace." Jeanne in childhood is a very peculiar child: stubborn, stubborn, selfish. He goes in for sports a lot, among school subjects he does best in the exact sciences. Often chooses a male profession. Can be irresistible, but rarely uses it. She doesn't want to get married quickly. He connects his life with a person whom he knows for a long time and well. Jeanne is the leader in the family. A husband can always rely on her intuition and energy. Zhanna does housework according to her mood. In the upbringing of children, he professes strictness, a clear distribution of responsibilities.

"Winter" is too self-confident. Jeanne's children receive a Spartan upbringing, they clearly know their duties at home. "Autumn" - greedy, despotic to her husband. Zhanna's diligence allows her to make good money, she can successfully realize herself in business.

Name day: does not celebrate.

Zinaida- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "born of Zeus". Zinaida in childhood is somewhat arrogant and cold. Likes to be the first in everything, often quarrels with peers. Capricious and impatient. With age, he learns to hide the sharp corners of his character. Zinaida rarely has a beautiful appearance, but she is naturally endowed with charm, knows how to present herself effectively and in a favorable light. As a rule, these ladies are very passionate natures. Men always pay attention to them. Skillfully hiding his leadership inclinations, he demonstrates a willingness to obey a man, but in marriage, the husband will have to agree with the commanding nature of Zinaida. In the family, he manages all finances and determines what is best for her husband and children at this moment. "Summer" Zinaida have a softer character.

Inna- origin: old Russian male name, currently used as a female. Meaning: "A stormy stream." Inna has a difficult character since childhood. She does not forgive even small weaknesses to her friends, and she never forgets the evil done to her, although she herself is not vindictive. She has a lively mind, is able to surprise with bold and original thoughts. In actions she is independent, does not adapt to the opinions of others. Having matured, Inna is able, of necessity, to yield to a person she likes, but she will do this contrary to her principles. Marriage with Inna for any man will not be easy. Inna expects absolute honesty and openness from her chosen one. She is jealous, but her husband never doubts her devotion and fidelity. She loves children and is very responsible for their upbringing.

name day: does not celebrate.

Irina- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "Peace, rest." In childhood, Irina is independent and determined. Able to realistically approach the assessment of the surrounding reality. The feeling of sentimentality is not characteristic of her, on the contrary, cruelty is present in her character. After graduating from school for Irina, an important moment in life is the acquisition of a specialty, and then professional growth. Responsible for any job. Sociable, quickly establishes contact with strangers. Irina is an amorous nature, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always strives to maintain independence. The choice of husband approaches thoroughly. She will be a devoted, faithful wife and will be highly respected by her husband and children. In marriage, Irina never completely subordinates her life to the interests of her husband and the hearth.

Professional activity in her life always plays a significant role.

name day: January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1

Claudia- origin: female form of the name Claudius. Meaning: lame. Klava is a calm and balanced girl. As a child, she often gets sick and spends a lot of time in the company of her mother, but does not become a spoiled and capricious child. She studies well, is hardworking and persistent. Adult Claudia knows how to patiently endure all the hardships in life, never burdens those around her with her problems and is ready to provide all possible assistance to a person in a difficult situation.

Claudia's husband will have nothing to complain about, since Claudia is a wonderful wife, an excellent housewife, and a loving mother. She is economical and prudent in the details. But sometimes she is harmed by the lack of female cunning, when it is necessary to be able not to lie, but not to tell the truth. The consequences of excessive directness are very unpleasant for Claudia.

Christina- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "dedicated to Christ." Mobile, quick-witted, cheerful girl, has an excellent memory. She comes across as shy, even timid, but in reality, Christina just watches, listens and remembers everything. She is not very mobile, she needs time to make a decision. The company behaves freely and quickly converges with strangers. He reacts very painfully to comments addressed to him, but he can melt away from compliments. She believes that her work is always worthy of awards and recognition.

Ksenia- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "foreigner", "guest". This girl has been kind since childhood. Sensitive, tender. Her honesty towards people amazes others. She is always happy to help her neighbor in need.

Ksenia is a sweet, calm and obedient child. She is a good student, not lazy, neat and diligent, but too sensitive and touchy, she lacks balance and stability. Having matured, Ksyusha will become an excellent hostess.

Lada- origin: Slavic. Meaning: "dear wife." Frets are principled and stubborn, but shallow. Painful in childhood, caressed by their parents, they grow up to be capricious and self-confident "ladies". They like to draw attention to themselves either with their relaxed behavior, or with a bright, sometimes exotic outfit. Vengeful, do not forgive insults. It is not easy to communicate with them, and even more so to be friends. Most of all goes to relatives and friends. Once burned, she is distrustful of men, becomes very careful in choosing a life partner.

Name day: does not celebrate.

Larisa- origin: from the Latin word "larus". Meaning: "pleasant", "sweet". As a child, Larisa is a reserved child, inconspicuous against the background of active peers striving to stand out. Adult Larisa often devotes herself completely to her work and her beloved work. She, as a rule, is a richly gifted person, she can achieve great success in linguistics, philology, and programming. Selflessly loves children and can be an excellent kindergarten teacher. Children immediately feel her softness and kindness. Larisa takes a lot to heart, easily vulnerable. Having married, she does not try to re-educate her husband, accepts him as he is, with all the shortcomings. The only event that can force Larisa to break up in marriage is her husband's infidelity. Faithful in marital relations, she treats infidelity with disgust, therefore she is capable of a quick divorce, although future loneliness will bring her a lot of trouble.

Lydia- origin: from the name of the region in Asia Minor - Lydia. Meaning: "Inhabitant of Lydia." Lydia has been very curious since childhood. She gives the impression of an overly fussy child, but this is due to the fact that she is afraid of doing something wrong and being reproached. Lydia is quite energetic, but she spends her energy mainly on stupid fuss. Benevolent, capable of empathy, can console with a kind word, but rarely will provide real help in deed and concrete actions. In her work, Lydia is reliable and does not ask unnecessary questions. Lydia seeks to start a family with a man who could understand her interests. Before making the final choice, be sure to listen to the advice of loved ones. Marriage goes, as a rule, successfully. He devotes a lot of time to housekeeping. The husband appreciates Lydia for her hard work, attachment to the house, housekeeping and cleanliness.

Love- origin: Slavic. Meaning: "Beloved". Little Lyuba is constantly in an atmosphere of benevolence and adoration, it is not difficult for her to be constantly in the spotlight. In relations with her parents, she is friendly and attentive, but her feelings lack warmth. In conflict situations, she is able to yield, but only up to a certain limit. Can be very stubborn, and failures do not unsettle her. She is not afraid of painstaking daily work, which makes her a good, albeit rather stubborn worker. An introvert, turned inward, she has no need to share her intimate secrets with anyone. Friendly in communication, friendly, but this feeling is very far from touching serenity. Love never lacks admirers, which makes it very difficult for her to make the right choice. Most likely, will remain faithful to one single person. Able to remember both good and bad for a very long time. Those born in the summer and spring months are endowed with artistry and freedom of communication with people.

Ludmila- origin: Slavic. Meaning: "Dear to people." Lyudmila has been learning housekeeping skills since early childhood. He performs his duties at home diligently, likes to create a cozy atmosphere. Growing up, Lyudmila becomes more proud, pays more attention to her person. He can achieve professional success in painting, music, acting, design, in those areas where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

The husband may at times show dissatisfaction with Lyudmila's excessive independence, and for this reason, serious complications may arise in the relationship. In the event of a divorce, Lyudmila does not lose heart and persistently tries to get married again.

Mayan- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "Goddess of spring." Little Maya is the favorite of her parents. Perseverance and perseverance are not in the nature of Maya. If the relationship with the teachers does not add up, then she loses interest in learning, but if the teachers praise her at least occasionally, then the inspired Maya will be one of the best in her studies. At an older age, the desire to be the first becomes noticeable, categorical statements appear. Maya quickly finds herself a husband. She is mobile, sociable, easily addicted. Maya is jealous, capable of making a scene for her husband even in the presence of strangers. Uncompromising in regard to her personal interests.

Name day: does not celebrate.

margarita- Origin: Latin. Meaning: "Pearl". Margarita has been independent since childhood and has her own opinion on any issue. Too straight forward. These qualities will remain with Margarita for life, although, having matured, she will begin to understand that one must try to restrain her emotions. Smart, quick-witted, not devoid of cunning. In relationships with men, Margarita is impatient. She wants to have everything at once. She can marry the first person she likes and experience serious disappointment after that. Feels confident in male society and can give her husband a reason for jealousy.

Marianne- origin: appeared due to the merger of two Hebrew names - Mary and Anna. Meaning: "Sad beauty." Marianne is everyone's favorite as a child and remains so as an adult. Her extraordinary sociability, emotionality, light and cheerful disposition lead to the fact that she jumps out to get married before all her friends. Despite her tender age, Marianna becomes an excellent housewife, quickly gets used to running the house and unobtrusively leading her husband. Her marriage is strong, with the exception of those born in the fall. She is a rather wayward and hot woman, a big debater. Marianna solves her problems on her own, without placing high hopes on someone else's help. The "January" Mariannes are somewhat straightforward and distrustful. They adhere to firm principles, it is almost impossible to influence them. Marianna is elegant, takes care of her appearance, loves everything beautiful.

Marina- origin: from the Latin word "marinus". Meaning: "Marine". Marina is a person who knows her own worth, and if she is beautiful, then her self-esteem may be unnecessarily high. She is able to subordinate her emotions to reason, therefore she performs all actions prudently and deliberately. In marriage, he seeks peace and a financially secure life. The husband will have to constantly pay a lot of attention to Marina - she needs admiration, compliments, flowers. Marina does not forgive her husband's betrayals, she is ready to go even to a complete break in marriage. In relations with children, she is impulsive: either she seeks to redo all things with the children, or she leaves them alone for a long time.

Maria- Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: "Bitter, beloved, stubborn." Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Very vulnerable, hard going through even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, the ability to stand up for herself. Her actions are sometimes impulsive. Adult Maria radiates warmth, affection, attention around her. She is always ready to help a person in need. She is faithful in marriage, but in order for relations with her husband to be warmer and more sincere, it is necessary to have at least one child in the family. Maria is a very devoted mother, she gives herself to her children. Children reciprocate her feelings, always stand on her side. She is having a hard time with her husband's infidelity.

Name day: January 8, January 12, January 31, February 8, February 19, February 25, March 2, March 20, April 2, April 14, April 25, May 17, June 5, June 11, June 15, June 17, June 20 , June 22, June 24, June 25, July 17, August 4, August 18, August 22, September 28, October 11, October 21, December 15

Hope- Origin: Old Church Slavonic. Meaning: "Hope". Nadezhda is very mobile, loves noisy games, her emotions are overflowing. He always strives to be in the company and command his peers. At an older age, the character acquires masculine traits. She is firm in her intentions, purposeful, does not show excessive sensitivity. She is characterized by calculation in actions. In relations with her husband, she is able to show emotionality, but she keeps spiritual impulses inside herself. He tries to do a specific thing and not waste time on meaningless conversations. He occupies a dominant position in the family and commands his husband, but he does it with tact and unobtrusively.

Nadezhda devotes most of her time to housework. She is hardworking and manages to do everything. Children are taught modesty in behavior and in everyday life. Mother for them unconditional authority.

Natalia- origin: from the Latin word "natalis". Meaning: "Native". As a child, Natalia is a cheerful child. Likes to play and play pranks, a great inventor. She studies well, she has a kind and cheerful character, she is resolute and active. The downside is her intolerance of critical remarks - can suddenly flare up because of a few words said in passing. Get married early. Choosing a future spouse, he does not experience serious hesitation. Natalia is hospitable and loves to travel. Natalya is a proud person and praise for her is the most powerful stimulus in life. The husband needs to take advantage of this weakness of his wife more often, and at the same time try to get rid of the habit of making comments and giving valuable instructions on all sorts of trifles. This irritates Natalya very much, knocks her out of her working state.

Nina- origin: from the Greek word Ninos - that was the name of the founder of the Assyrian state. Meaning: "royal", "great". As a child, Nina is stubborn, cannot always restrain her feelings, does not listen to the advice and warnings of her elders. To achieve a goal, he can show enviable perseverance. He studies well, a sense of pride does not allow him to be among the lagging behind. With age, scrupulousness in matters of one's own honor becomes noticeable. Nina always becomes a particularly responsible worker, punctually performing any task. Nina strives to make her family ideal, and in this aspiration she sometimes shows too much zeal and perseverance.

Oksana- origin: Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Xenia. Meaning: "Guest". As a child, Oksana gives the impression of a gloomy and withdrawn child. She avoids noisy games with other children, she prefers board games that require attention and ingenuity. Oksana keeps herself on her own, persistently achieves what she wants and painfully perceives attempts to hinder her at least in some way. He studies without much zeal, but does well in all subjects. He is friends mainly with girls, but does not trust anyone with his secrets. Oksana is not conspicuous in appearance, keeps modestly, but in her dreams she builds grandiose life plans. Having married, Oksana remains an unpredictable person. In relationships with children, she is able to show unlimited patience. He tries to re-educate her husband, but, faced with resistance, leaves him alone.

Olga- origin: from the Scandinavian name Helga. Meaning: "Holy." As a child, Olga is a serious and thoughtful girl. She is very painfully experiencing the grievances inflicted on her. She is not devoid of stubbornness, she can deny her guilt for a long time, she will never ask for forgiveness. Adult Olga does not achieve great success in life, she lacks firmness and perseverance in her actions. Prone to constant introspection, delving into their own feelings. May feel jealous of successful friends.

Olga tries to keep her appearance, she is quite attractive. If the first love does not end in marriage, then Olga experiences this failure for a long time. She will constantly compare her new admirers with the first man in her life and will not be able to get married for a long time. Olga will be a faithful wife. She does not seek to command in the family, but does not tolerate advice from her husband in her household affairs.

Pauline- origin: colloquial form of the name Apollinaris. Meaning: "Solar". Among her friends, Polina is especially distinguished by her benevolence, responsiveness, disinterestedness. The feeling of envy is not familiar to her - she will rejoice with everyone. Adult Polina is thorough and reliable in business, she takes on any job. Don't forget about your appearance. In marriage, she is very tolerant of her husband's liberties, she will even try to find an excuse for him. The interests of the family are above all for her. She does not seek to make a career, to get a prestigious specialty. Always trying to find a job closer to home. Polina is a wonderful mother. Pays a lot of attention to children. Extramarital affairs, lovers and betrayals are alien to her.

Raisa- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: Submissive, compliant, light. As a child, Raisa always finds herself in the thick of all children's fun and games, she seems to unite the guys around her. She is characterized by a sense of self-confidence, independence in decision-making, the ability to stand up for herself with the most decisive actions. He treats people kindly, looks at life soberly. Does not forgive deceit - immediately and forever terminates all relationships. In personal relationships with a person, she counts on a return on his part, equivalent to the emotions and forces spent by her. In family relationships, Raisa is honest, it is unpleasant for her even in her thoughts to deceive a loved one. In unpleasant situations, Raisa resorts to the only expression of her feelings - silence. If everything is good in family relations, then Raisa is all shining and glowing. Things are going great for her. She gets along with all the relatives.

Svetlana- origin: Slavic. Meaning: "Light". Since childhood, Svetlana has been distinguished by a contradictory and complex character. She devotes a lot of time to social work, she has a tendency to command. At the same time, Svetlana is a kind person and is able to provide a person with completely disinterested help. Svetlana likes to be among men, communication with women does not give her such pleasure. In the case of constant failures in life, she is able to learn from her mistakes and drastically change her lifestyle. Can change jobs, become more compliant and sociable. Adapts well to the environment. Not devoid of industriousness. Svetlana's happiness always depends on herself. Before getting married, she will try to make sure that her chosen one is a worthy person and has real feelings for her. Able to be flexible and diplomatic in relations with her husband and relatives, so everyone treats her with love. She is very attached to children, makes a lot of efforts to give them a good education. With age, she becomes an exemplary hostess.

Sofia- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "Wisdom". Little Sophia is a gentle, kind girl. In relationships with strangers, she is shy and does not differ in excessive gullibility. At the same time, she is able to show sympathy for a weak and defenseless being.

Colleagues especially appreciate conscientiousness and accommodating in Sophia. She is a good specialist and quickly moves up the career ladder. She achieves everything in life herself, without counting on concessions. Sofia is an excellent cook, loves to receive guests. Able to break a prosperous family life if she encounters a strong love feeling in life.

Name day: February 28, April 1, June 4, June 17, September 30, October 1, December 29, December 31

Taisiya- Origin: Egyptian. Meaning: “Belonging to the goddess Isis”, “fertile”. A calm, sociable, reasonable, inquisitive girl, she will seriously study strangers, carefully looking at them. Strives that her life was not ordinary. I am sure that he can only rely on himself. Not a very lucky person, but never lose heart. Consciously does not strive for a career, but can successfully move up the career ladder. Good both as a performer and as a leader. Life can give her amazing love. He builds a family actively and energetically. Diligence and energy retains until old age.

Tamara- Origin: Georgian. Meaning: "fig tree". Tamara has been striving for diversity in life since childhood. She is inquisitive and curious. In communication, she is friendly, affable, but with strangers she does not forget about caution. Tamara has a penchant for leadership, so she often marries a man younger than her in age. In this case, the family develops relationships that satisfy both spouses. He manages the family budget sparingly, but when shopping for children, he does not stop at the price. Very quick-tempered, can arrange a scene of jealousy with strangers with tears and screams. Knows how to cook well, keeps the apartment in exemplary order. Likes to travel and meet new people.

Tatiana- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "Organizer". Tatyana is an emotional child, she knows how to stand up for herself, she is practical and principled. But its principles largely depend on the mood. Among peers, he tries to be a leader. Having matured, Tatyana becomes stubborn and domineering, she clearly understands what she needs in life, and does not make objections. Family life does not always work out well, as Tatyana seeks to impose her will on her husband. Children are wary of her, for them she is a strict mother. Tatyana has few friends, a pragmatic approach prevails in relations with others. At an older age, it becomes more tolerant, family relationships become the main ones in life.

Name day: January 18, January 25, July 17, September 14, September 23, October 3, October 21, December 3, December 23

Faina- origin: ancient Greek. Meaning: "Shining". Faina is most often a large woman, similar in appearance to her father, and in her impulsive character - to her mother. Faina, despite her fullness, is a lively, fast-moving woman, energetic and addicted (with the exception of the "summer ones", who are distinguished by laziness). She is somewhat nervous and suspicious, often acting under the influence of an inner impulse and then laments over what she has done. Good hostess, cooks delicious food. Marries after twenty-five years. She is gentle, even kind, always ready to help, but often unhappy in marriage. He loves his children very much; Faina's sons usually look like their father, and daughters inherit their mother's appearance. Modest, loved by friends, although not influenced by them.

Ella- Origin: Greek. Meaning: "Dawn". In early childhood, capricious and capricious. Adult Ella often does not know where to find application for her abilities, she chooses a profession for a long time. She is not very ambitious.

Ella is sympathetic and kind, but frivolous. Ella enters into marriage several times, but usually all her unions are not very successful. Ella, born in the summer, is a strong, purposeful person, she knows how to achieve her own. He wants a lot from life, does not back down in the face of difficulties and overcomes them. She works hard, tries to make a career.