Well      01/30/2022

How to block the Internet by Rostelecom through your personal account. Temporary or final blocking of access to the Internet from Rostelecom. How to disable Rostelecom Internet or suspend for a while

There is no such function in the personal account on the official website. It is impossible to perform a complete shutdown without leaving home - for this you will have to visit the office or call the contact center. Fortunately, temporary blocking is possible.

In the office, only checking the balance, paying for cellular communications, TV, and the Internet, obtaining information about tariffs and promotions are available. Here you can also take the “Promised Payment”, request an electronic invoice for payment, change tariffs and enable / disable some options.

If you decide to go to the office and write a disconnection application, you must first check the existing debt. You can pay directly at the office, the application form will also be issued on the spot.

In it you need to specify personal data, address, contract number, desired date of shutdown. If you have a provider's equipment installed, you need to hand it over and get a document about it.

How to get into your personal account?

You must register on the portal by entering your login and password, full name, date of birth, contact information. If you have lost your password, click the "Forgot password" button and enter the email address to which the password recovery code will be sent.

How to register

Step by step registration on the portal:

  • go to the official website and click the Register button, it is duplicated on the page several times and you can use any;
  • create a username and password. Login must contain from 4 to 30 characters, Cyrillic is prohibited. It must begin with a letter;
  • the password must consist of at least 9 characters of different case, use numbers and symbols;
  • click "Next". If the passwords do not match, check the data;
  • fill in the fields of the new page: enter your full name and date of birth;
  • Click "Next". Now you need to fill in contact information, indicating the email and phone number. The latter is entered in format 7;
  • activate your account by linking it to a phone number;
  • mail and phone can later be used to recover the password;
  • accept the User Agreement;
  • click the "Register" button;
  • check your mail - an email will be sent to your email address to activate your account. Follow the link in the email.

Further actions

After confirming the email address you need to go to the portal page and log in with a username and password.

Features are now available:

  • control the balance;
  • pay for services;
  • temporarily block access to the network;
  • change tariffs and receive information about them;
  • connect accounts;
  • send SMS messages;
  • transfer funds;
  • receive detailed statistics;
  • get help from technical support;
  • order video, music, software;
  • You can log in through any device: applications for Ipad, Android, Iphone.

Instead of a complete refusal - the service "Voluntary blocking"

Why use blocking? If the subscriber decides to leave indefinitely, this is the best choice. Why can't I disconnect and then reconnect the Internet? Rostelecom is the most popular operator in Russia, many people are waiting in line to get a free port on the PBX to connect.

If the service is disabled, your port may be sold to another subscriber. If you use blocking, it is possible to return service by simply calling the office.

The duration of the lock is not limited. To order this action, just call 8 800 100 08 00.

You can also go to your personal account and select the tab: "Connected services", then - Internet. Then a temporary shutdown. Specify a deadline.

The cost of temporary suspension of service for home Internet for the first three months will be one ruble per month - practically free of charge. Subsequent months - 50 rubles each.

The minimum shutdown period is one month. You can also do this at the nearest office by writing an application and giving it to the operator. In the form, indicate your full name, address, contract number, contact details, the desired period of suspension of service and the reason for contacting - the desire to block the option for a while. You definitely need a passport.

What violations of rights exist when you refuse the Internet?

According to feedback from subscribers of different providers, they had to deal with such situations:

  • The network connection does not work for several days, the support service does not respond and the user decides to terminate the contract. In the office, he is required to pay money for these days, although they have at their disposal the created task to call the master;
  • there may be an incident with the return of the router that was rented: it may be demanded to be redeemed, but they will not be accepted back;
  • there were also cases when the contract was concluded for a year and, in case of its early termination, they demanded to pay the entire amount for 12 months.

Important. The rights of users of the Russian network are protected by: the Federal Law "On Communications", the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information", the Federal Law "On the Mass Media".

So, turning off completely access to the World Wide Web of the Rostelecom provider, unfortunately, cannot be done remotely. A convenient option is a temporary blocking, which will allow you to remain a user of services, practically without paying money for it.

Termination of service at Rostelecom is a fairly simple procedure, but, like everything else, it has a number of important nuances. Ignorance of them can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of accumulating debt to the company.

How to disable Rostelecom and what are the pitfalls of this procedure - read on.

The need to stop using communication services may arise in a number of different circumstances. Here are some of them:

  1. You were not satisfied with the quality of service and the services themselves.
  2. You are moving to another city or another apartment.
  3. You do not plan to use the services of Rostelecom any longer, and switch to a new operator.
  4. You no longer need certain services from the company.
  5. The tariff scale no longer suits you, as well as new offers from Rostelecom.
  6. The person for whom the contract was drawn up has died, and you do not plan to use the connected connection.
  7. You need a temporary disconnection so as not to pay for communication while you are, for example, abroad.

How to turn off the Internet

With the disconnection of the Internet, Rostelecom subscribers face the most difficulties - promotional tariffs with additional conditions, transfer of equipment for use and other nuances make the procedure for terminating the contract difficult and sometimes expensive.

The Internet can be turned off not only forever, but also during your absence / vacation.

For a while

Temporary shutdown of the Internet is called voluntary blocking. It is not provided free of charge (3 rubles/day). You can turn off the Internet for a while in this way for up to 60 days.

How to do it:

  1. Through the personal account https://lk.rt.ru - in the service management section.
  2. 8 800 1000 800 - you need to name the personal account number, from what date to what date you want to disconnect, etc.
  3. In the communication offices - you need to take a contract with you.

At the end of the block, you will be billed for the "downtime" period, which must be paid in the usual way. The connection of services back will be made on the day that you have appointed to exit the blocking.


In order to completely stop using the Rostelecom Internet, you must go through the procedure for terminating the contract. Here, everything is not as simple as with a temporary block, especially many questions arise about the recalculation for services and equipment, which you will have to pay.

To disable the service, you need to pay off all current debts to the company:

  1. Pay a subscription fee for the period of using the services.

If you disconnect in the middle of the month, the amount for each day of use is calculated according to your tariff plan. And here the first surprise can await users.

In the event that your tariff plan was promotional, it may have a number of conditions. For example, you undertake to use Rostelecom Internet for 12-18 months, but the tariff will be lower than for the usual package grid.

This means that if you decide to terminate the contract before the expiration of this period, you will have to pay a large amount for non-compliance with the terms of the agreement - the difference between the full rate and the promotional rate, multiplied by the number of months of your use.

For example: turn off the Internet after 6 months of use. Promotional tariff - 400 rubles. Full fare - 600 rubles. The debt for communication services will be: 200 rubles * 6 months = 1200 rubles.

Some promotional tariffs are even “tougher” - they oblige you to use them until the end of a certain period (a popular figure that Rostelecom often keeps silent about is 18 months), and if you turn off the Internet earlier, the company will oblige you to pay a subscription fee for all the remaining months, which you actually will not use the Internet.

Important! Such nuances must be prescribed in the contract for the provision of services. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study it for such "penalties", especially if you connected at a reduced rate.

  1. Deal with payments for the equipment provided.

The debt for the service itself is not all that Rostelecom will require from you when terminating the contract. If you connected the Internet according to a tariff package that provides for the transfer of a modem or router to you, there are rules here.

For example, most modern tariffs come with a "router for 1 ruble per month." In fact, the device is not leased to you at all (although some plans also have such options), but by installments. The price of the device itself can reach 3-5 thousand rubles, and upon termination of the contract, you will be obliged to buy the router from the company in full and you can’t refuse it, because under the contract Rostelecom has already “sold” it to you.

The same thing happens if you knowingly agreed to a 24-month installment plan for a small fee that was added monthly to your subscription fee. If the Internet is disconnected in the first two years after connection, everything unpaid will have to be paid in full, otherwise you may be denied termination of the contract.

In Moscow, a subsidiary of OnLime offers another promotion - 0 rubles per month. This is already a real lease, but the conditions are valid only for the first 540 days. Further, the service may become paid, or even go into the category of "installment sale". Under the rental conditions for the provision of equipment, you are obliged to return the router safe and sound to the company in a complete set, as it was provided to you.

Advice! Carefully read the contract, especially the clause about termination and conditions for the return of equipment. The whole principle must be written on paper, otherwise additional payments are illegal extortion.

The very same procedure for filing an application for termination of service can be remote, although in many cities you will have to come to the company's office to terminate the contractual relationship. You will need to take with you:

  1. An application for termination is written in the salon itself.
  2. Passport (if the contract is drawn up for another person - a power of attorney; if this person has died - a death certificate; if this is a former tenant - documents for an apartment to confirm that you now live there).
  3. Agreement - if it is not there, it does not matter, the company must have a copy.
  4. Equipment - in case it is rented, and under the terms of the contract is subject to return.
  5. Confirmation of the absence of debt (if you have paid off everything).

Rostelecom undertakes to stop the communication service within a few days (see the contract). Recently, they have been disconnected immediately, but the contract itself will be terminated only when you pay off all debts.

In some cities, you can apply for disconnection through your personal account in the service management section, but in most cases you will be asked to appear in person.

Important! Ask Rostelecom for a note that the contract has been terminated and a certificate that all debts have been paid - this way you will protect yourself from incomprehensible charges that may suddenly appear after termination.

On mobile phone

Mobile Internet can also be turned off - temporarily or completely if you do not want to use it. However, if you decide to reduce the cost of the monthly tariff plan in this way, this may not work - if the tariff is provided by a service package. Most likely, you will also have to pay the full cost, and the procedure will be useless.

In all other cases, you can disable it by entering the command *104# and pressing the call button, but the connection will not be blocked immediately, but on the settlement day. Until the day of payment, both the service and the money for it will be debited in the normal mode. Shutdown is free.

If you have a package plan, it may happen that you have to completely turn off communication services over it, since the company will not be able to block you only mobile Internet.

Turn off your home phone

Disabling home communications can come in handy if you're away on vacation or plan to go completely mobile. Accordingly, Rostelecom allows both to completely terminate all relations on this issue, and to put a temporary block.


A disconnection request can be submitted online, but a visit to the office is often unavoidable.

Usually, through the Internet without a personal visit, communication services can only be limited for a certain time, it will only be possible to completely refuse the phone in person, but access can be blocked.

To use the blocking for a while online, you need:

  1. Log in to your Rostelecom personal account - you must have it. If it is not there, you need to register a personal account and link your home telephone account to your profile. This is done here - https://lk.rt.ru on the "registration" tab. If registered - the "login" tab and enter the username and password.
  2. Find the "Service Management" section and select your home phone (if several services are connected).
  3. Click "Voluntary blocking" and select the personal account of your home phone.

Temporary blocking

We have already discussed how to order the service online in the previous section, but you can temporarily block the phone in other ways:

  1. By calling the customer support hotline - 8 800 1000 800 . You will need to name the personal account and go through identification (full name, phone number of the person who concluded the contract).
  2. In person at the Rostelecom office - you may need a passport and the service agreement itself.

Important! The option is available if you have been using Rostelecom for more than 30 days and do not have a 60-day debt or a valid Promised Payment. Also, some tariff plans do not provide for the ability to connect the option.

The service is paid, but there are grace periods - 30-60 days, depending on the region. In the base period, a fee will be charged - 3 rubles per day. You can block your home phone for at least a calendar week.

If you activate a temporary blocking remotely, then for 30 days after the end of its period, the company imposes a ban on re-ordering this option.


It is also possible to completely “cut off” the telephone line, and here the rules are exactly the same as when the Internet is turned off.

If you have a promotional tariff and the promotional period has not ended, you will have to pay the recalculation of Rostelecom for the months that you used the services.

If the phone was provided to you by the company in installments, pay for it in full.

Also, be sure to cover the debt to the company.

Turning off the phone permanently is done:

  1. By mail with all your details and copies of documents (passport).
  2. Personally, at Rostelecom service offices - again, you will need a passport. If the contract is not drawn up for you - also a power of attorney, and a copy of the subscriber's passport. If the previous tenant moved out and left you a telephone line, in addition to the passport, you need documents for the right to use the premises. If you are the heir of a deceased user, grab a death certificate with your passport.
  3. In the "Feedback" section in your account. Documents will still have to be brought to the company or sent by mail. In some cases, it is allowed to send scanned documents.

How to turn off the TV

The rules for turning off TV are very similar to the procedure for turning off other Rostelecom services. You can temporarily suspend in the LC, permanently turn off the TV - in the provider's offices. In the latter case, you will need several things: payment of debt for the period of use, return or payment for equipment and an application.


Interactive television is connected by Rostelecom using special equipment - digital set-top boxes. This allows you to turn off access to broadcasts without consulting your neighbors and without dooming yourself to a lifetime payment for a common house antenna.

You can turn it off temporarily or permanently. Time limit may not be provided on some tariff plans. Where TV services can be limited, the procedure will cost 3 rubles per day (there are grace periods).

Permanent shutdown of TV is possible only at the request of the subscriber (the one who made out the contract). If the subscriber has died, a death certificate is provided to the company along with the application.

If the tenants used the TV and did not turn it off, you must prove that you are the owner of the apartment and bring documents confirming this with your passport to Rostelecom.

You can terminate the contract:

  1. Through feedback to the LC Rostelecom with the provision of scanned documents or sending them in any convenient way.
  2. Via mail - write an application, attach copies of documents and send. The email address linked to your personal account should receive a notification that the letter has been delivered and the application is under consideration.
  3. Personally in Rostelecom communication salons.

With all these possibilities, it may still not be possible to do without a visit to the salon - under the service agreement, the Interactive TV set-top box is given to you for rent, and you still need to return it. In some cases, the removal of the device is possible by company couriers, but this rarely happens and it is best to simply bring it and return it.

Important! Your debt must be paid. If you used a promotional tariff and turn it off before the end of your promotional period, then recalculation and additional payment as for the basic full tariff plan (for all months of use) is possible.

Collective Antenna

The community antenna is a legacy technology and turning it off is a logical step if you want to switch to interactive TV or stop watching TV altogether.

The main disadvantage is that the subscription fee is charged even if you do not use communication services, because there is only one antenna for the entire entrance or house, and everyone has to pay for its maintenance.

You can stop paying and turn off this type of TV only by visiting the company's office. You need to take with you:

  1. Documents for the apartment - the owner of the premises is obliged to deal with the disconnection. If the owner cannot, a power of attorney is required. If you rent an apartment, you must provide a lease agreement (they may refuse, since the owner must deal with the procedure).
  2. Passport.
  3. Written statement.

Many customers of Rostelecom in Moscow today are interested in the question of whether the “Turn off the Internet for a while” service exists and is relevant for Internet subscribers. We could not lose sight of this issue and pass it by, so today we will consider it in more detail.

What is this service

Note that such a name for the service is “popular”, and in fact it is called “Voluntary blocking”. The meaning of the option is very simple. Let's say you're away for a few days/weeks on vacation or a business trip. Naturally, at this time the Internet will be idle at home without use. Despite this, according to the standard terms of the contract, it is the user who is obliged to pay for such downtime. And if you do not want to waste money, you can think about temporarily freezing your account.

And such a service, as you understand, is available from Rostelecom. We only note that in the capital of Russia, Rostelecom provides subscribers with Internet services under the Onlime brand. And this provider has a similar option called "Voluntary blocking".

Detailed terms of service

To understand the conditions for providing this account blocking service, we will give the most important nuances that all users of this provider should know:

  • The minimum account blocking time is 5 days (calendar);
  • The absolute maximum blocking of a subscriber account is 90 days;
  • During the blocking of the account, the subscription fee for the use of the lease of the following items continues to be charged:
  • Wi-Fi router;
  • Equipment for digital television;
  • Static IP address.
  • The first 30 calendar days during the flow year are provided to subscribers for voluntary blocking completely free of charge;
  • Starting from the 31st calendar day of blocking per year, the cost of the service will be 5 rubles per day;
  • When ordering a blocking, the subscriber account must contain funds for at least 1 day of operation of all services;
  • It is impossible to change tariff packages, connect or disconnect any services and options during the blocking period.

How to activate the service "Voluntary blocking"

To connect this option in Moscow, subscribers have several ways:

  1. Using the personal account interface on the provider's website.
  2. Making a phone call to the 24/7 technical support number.

After activating the option, the account will be blocked the next day after the order.

How to disable the service "Voluntary blocking"

Considering the fact that you will not have the Internet with the activated option, you have the following ways to deactivate the service:

  1. A call to the company's 24/7 technical support number, which we have already mentioned above.
  2. Using the personal account interface on the site, using mobile Internet or third-party Wi-Fi.

Note that if for any reason you change your mind about activating the service, you have the opportunity to refuse to activate it even before the service comes into force. For this purpose, you can also use your personal account on the site or contact the contact center staff.

As for the inclusion of all options and services after sending a request to deactivate the "Voluntary blocking", it is done within 1 hour. Note that billing continues immediately from the day the service is deactivated.

Now that you know this option exists and how it is configured, you can cut your internet and TV bills while you're out and about.

The provider Rostelecom provides its subscribers with one of the useful functions - a temporary shutdown of the Internet. This option can be useful for those who go on vacation or a business trip and will not use the services of the company for a certain period. It is not advisable to pay for functions that the subscriber will not use, and therefore it is better to temporarily suspend Rostelecom's Internet through your personal account. This is the most convenient way, which requires a minimum of time and effort. The ability to disable the use of the Internet provided by the Rostelecom provider is called "".

First of all, it is important to decide whether the network access shutdown will be temporary or permanent. In the case of using the Rostelecom service to suspend work, it will be possible to restore access after the expiration of the calendar period specified at the time of deactivation. If there is a need for a complete shutdown, then it will be necessary to carry out a number of completely different actions, as well as contact the provider's office in person to terminate the contract. When reconnecting, you will need to go through the registration procedure and conclude a new contract again.

Each subscriber can independently take advantage of the opportunity to disable service by Rostelecom using his personal account for this. To do this, it is not necessary to contact an employee, the whole process can be carried out online at any convenient time. However, if the management of the shutdown function for a certain period was not activated earlier in your personal account, then you must have an agreement on hand to enter the necessary information data.

Temporary shutdown of Rostelecom Internet in your account

There are several ways in which you can temporarily deactivate network access. A personal appeal to the provider's office, as well as a phone call to the support service, are not very popular, because there is not always free time. The most convenient and frequently used method is to suspend the Internet on your own, using the personal account that was created during registration. This option is very simple, you can order the option at any time of the day, including at night.

Step-by-step instructions, following which you can disable in your account:

  • Log in to your account using your username and password;
  • in the presented menu, select a section with a list of all active connected services;
  • in the functionality, select "home Internet";
  • in the menu that opens, find the service that the subscriber uses and click on the button there called "Temporary blocking";
  • then you should decide on the deactivation period and indicate it;
  • it remains only to save the changed settings for the entry into force.

Access to the network will be unavailable only from the next day.

Conditions for temporary blocking of services

The blocking option is very popular, because it allows you not to pay for traffic while no one is using the Internet. What does this option include and what are its conditions? There are restrictions on deactivation. The minimum suspension period is 5 calendar days, including holidays and weekends, and the maximum period is no more than 90 days.

Despite the suspension of access to the network, a subscription fee will be charged for the following rental services:

  • router for wireless network;
  • prefix for interactive TV;
  • static IP address.

If you have a personal router or set-top box, the rent is not provided. During the year, the first 30 days of suspension are provided to all subscribers free of charge. For each subsequent day, starting from the 31st day, the payment will be 5 rubles.

Freezing the Internet in your account does not provide for a change in the tariff. This means that during the blocking period it is forbidden to change the current tariff to any other. It will also not be possible to activate or deactivate other options provided by the provider.