Well      07/02/2020

The scenario of the potato holiday in the house of culture. Scenario of the extra-curricular event "potato holiday". Teacher. fun tasks

harvest festival script

"Potato Party"

Goals:- to find out students' knowledge about potatoes;
- develop feelings of compassion, empathy,
Cultivate a versatile personality.
Equipment: equipment, potato bags, song
Prizes: chips, a large pack and four small ones,
Diploma "The most generous class", potatoes.

Holiday progress:

Autumn: Good evening everyone! We are glad to welcome you to the school party for 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades called "Potato Disco".

In the yard we have a golden autumn, it's time for harvests. Potatoes are the most important vegetable on our table at any time of the year. It can rightly be called the king of vegetables. Me, the only one in the world, is not just boiled, but in uniform,

I keep the honor of my uniform - I serve people as best I can.
Do you like potatoes? (Yes)
Autumn: Today we have gathered with you not only to dance, listen to music and relax, but also to play and compete.
Potato: I hope that not only potato lovers have gathered here, but also connoisseurs who know everything about me. At the end of the disco, we will sum up the results of the competition "The most generous class", this is the class that brought the most potatoes. He will receive a prize.
Autumn: The main phrase of our evening will be the words "And I love potatoes!" If I say the words: "Life is good, and living well," then you all shout loudly together: "I love potatoes." Let's try. More friendly again.
Potato: Now let me introduce the members of the jury. (jury presentation)

Then Autumn gives the children two types of cards, one with a maple leaf, the other with an oak leaf.


Guys, you all have cards. They have different images: on some maple, on others - oak leaves. Based on these images, you will be divided into teams. Those guys who have cards with maple leaves, stand on the right side, and those who have oak cards - on the left.

The guys are divided into two teams.


Now that you have split into teams, you have one minute to come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. Time has gone!

At the end of the minute, the children say the name of the team and

introduce their captain.


Now each team has a name and a captain. And finally, we can begin our competition. But before we start, I want to remind the jury that in all our competitions, the winning team gets 1 point. So, the first competition.

Riddles contest.

1 In the spring it turned green,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals (Sorbus)

2 They often ask me, they wait,

And just show

So they will start hiding (Rain)

3 In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head. (Sunflower)

4 A curious red nose has grown into the ground up to the crown,

Only green strands stick out in the garden. (Carrot)

5 And in this garden mysteries grew,

Juicy and large, so round.

In summer they turn green, in autumn they turn red. (Tomato)

6 They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers,

Yegorushka made everyone cry without grief. (Onion)

Autumn: Now for the next contest.

Each team will receive words from which they need to make a well-known proverb. Which team will make a proverb faster and more correctly - that one will win this competition (Autumn distributes cards to one team with the words: autumn, spring, flowers, red, a, pies. take care).


1. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

2. What will you save in the fall - take care of it by spring.)

Potato: While the guys are making up a proverb, we will test your knowledge about potatoes.

Game with spectators
1. Where is the homeland of potatoes? (America)
2. Who brought potatoes to Europe? (Columbus)
3. Who brought potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)
4. What is a potato riot? (peasants refused to grow potatoes)
5. Why were potatoes grown in Petrine times? (to decorate clothes)
6. Why did the peasants refuse to grow potatoes? (people were poisoned with berries, but animals did not eat tops, the people did not know that the root crop should be eaten)
7. How did you achieve the rapid spread of potatoes? (they put guards on the fields, and cleaned them up at night, and the people stole and seated them at night.)
For each correct answer 1 potato.
For the best connoisseurs of potato history, the following song sounds.
Autumn: Guys, isn't it true that "life is good and life is good"?
- I like potatoes.

And now a new task. Since we have an equal number of guys in the teams, I ask both teams to line up. It is necessary to pass the apple from the first participant to the last with the chin, without the help of hands. Which team can do it faster, that one won.

Potato: Well done boys! See how much fun harvesting can be.

Now let's get back to your homework. Many have prepared beautiful, interesting crafts on the autumn theme today. And now we all see how talented you are. And the jury will choose the best. Please note that this is a non-competitive task and winners will receive prizes. In the meantime, the jury selects the best works, the floor is given to the head of the school district, Olga Yuryevna Pupysheva, who will tell us about the results of work on our site.

Autumn: Guys, have you ever tried to make bouquets?

Now you will be given the opportunity to try yourself in the art of making a bouquet. I ask the captains to choose two participants from the team.

Participants are given material for making a bouquet and a vase.


This competition is not about speed, but about quality, the jury will choose a more beautiful bouquet, so take your time, try your best.

When the bouquets are ready, Autumn brings them to the jury, which


Potato: While the participants are making bouquets, we will play the game "Hot Potato" We stand in a circle, I throw the ball, whoever catches it should name the potato dish, if you don't know, then sit in a circle.
Well done! For those who are in the circle, there will be a special task.
While the music is playing, you are dancing like monkeys, the music changes, dancing like herons and a third, like a turkey.
Thanks guys, here's some potatoes for you.
- I like potatoes.

Autumn: The next contest is "Find the word". The teams are given cards with encrypted words, the guys must find as many words as possible. The team that guessed the most words wins.
It's time to sum up the results of the "Most Generous Class" contest.
The classes and the number of kilograms of potatoes are called.
The most generous class is awarded a certificate and a large pack of chips. Congratulations!
"Life is good and living well."
- I like potatoes.

Autumn: Well, the time has come for the end of the holiday. Let's summarize. The floor is given to the jury. Our party is over. Thanks to everyone who took part in the event and in its preparation.
Potato: " Life is good and life is good."
And I love potatoes.

Teacher: Listen to the riddle:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring down,
This time of the year, what is it called? (in autumn)

All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously endows us with ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, arrange Harvest holidays.

This time there will be a story
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five,
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly in the winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who is in the kitchen to us
In the spring I brought it myself.
About the one whose strange eyes
Growing day by day
About the one who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little -
What is it (potato)

Today we have a “second bread” visiting us.

In some realm,
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
The potato lived in the ground.
The royal property had:
Managed to feed the people.

In a word, we are talking about
How potatoes came to the house!
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books ....
Much to be learned

And now it's time to start...

All: "Potato Feast. .

Potato Appears

Everyone knows about potatoes
The rich and those who are not rich.
Everyone prepares it in their own way,
Everyone on the table is happy with potatoes.
And who is frying, and who is betting
Who bakes and who pushes
But they eat it everywhere.
She is both glory and honor!

(included) Potato

I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits,
It's as clear as twice two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
No need to pick up a spoon.
In hot oil, look here
I can be french fries!
And for chips - believe it or not -
I am the main ingredient!

Dramatization of the poem "Quarrel"

One day the potato comes to the carrot

And he sees: the carrot is in the package

- Carrot, carrot, please tell me:

Where are you dressed up like that today?

- Oh, you know, potatoes , I'm leaving:

Today I was invited to the knife.

I was invited to him without you,

I, potato, will not take you with me.

Potato said:

« Do you think knife!

Sneeze me that you won't take me!

Two spoons invited me to cabbage soup.

I’ll go without you, don’t ask for it either!”

They also invited me to 4th grade,

They're having a great time right now.

. Even though it's indecent to boast,

But we have come to tell you:

Without potatoes on "excellent"

No food, no dancing

Even a delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes well done.

2 . Though the green onion is angry,

Potatoes are your best friend

From potatoes here and there

Necessary make product

And not without reason, after all, potatoes

The second bread is called.

Children perform V. Popov's song "Potato".

Let me tell you guys

We lived in the camp like

And in the sun, like kittens,

Warmed up like that, warmed up like that.

Our poor stomachs

Were always hungry

And we counted the minutes

Until lunchtime.

Ah, potatoes, overeating,

Our children's ideal

He does not know pleasure

Who didn't eat potatoes?

And the boys are gluttons

They eat all the potatoes

And then they howl in chorus:

Our stomachs hurt!”

Oh you sweet potato

We hit you low with our foreheads,

Even the longest path

We don't care about you.

The smoke of the fire, the radiance of the coals,

Gray ash and ash.

Teases our sense of smell

The spirit of potatoes by the fire.

Hello sweet potatoes!

We hit you low!

Even the longest path

We don't care about you!

Ah, potatoes, overeating,

Our children are ideal!

He does not know pleasure

Who hasn't eaten potatoes?

Teacher. It is hard to believe that this amazing vegetable was once valued for its delicate purple and pink flowers, which were fashionable to decorate women's hairstyles. So glory to the one who was the first to pay attention not to the tops, but to the roots.

We know this product well and use it almost every day, but not everyone thinks about its homeland and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. But the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo that they brought home was seeds, tubers, grains of new plants.

2 . But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, after tasting the treat, choked, someone's face twisted, someone ran out from the table.

3. Potato sent to Russiafrom Holland at the end of the 17th century Peterl. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called it "devil's apple". They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants unknowingly ate the fruits. This led to many poisonings.

4. A wave of "peasant riots" took place all over Russia. Riots were suppressed by firing cannons at the peasants. But it was not the cruel reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potatoes convinced me.

5. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandfather need a big - big turnip? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in cold winters, when crops were frozen, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty fruitful potatoes replaced turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, which have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "First" bread, and potatoes the "Second". Over time, Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.

7. Maybe you know that all plants live in families. So here are the potatoes from the nightshade family. Here are his relatives: tomato, eggplant, capsicum.

8. Potato is an annual plant, up to 150 cm high, in our climate it is lower. In autumn, fruits are formed on the bushes - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planted with tubers, which are eaten. In the wild, there are about 150 types of potatoes.

10. There are many useful substances and vitamins in potatoes: starch, sugar, protein. Store potatoes in a cool, dark place. But if the potato lay in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in it, which is very harmful to human health. It's solanine.

Teacher: In Rus', potatoes were valued, they considered it a second bread and, of course, about itsang ditties.

Put your ears on top

Listen carefully.

We will sing to you about potatoes

Very good.

1. I love potatoes
Just a meal!I ate it all day longThat's so obsession!

2. Ah, the potatoes are beautiful!I don't need sausageI don't want sausageGive me a bowl of potatoes!

3. Potato blossoms in the field -How beautiful!I'm going to work in the fieldI'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle has arrived.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

I didn't find potatoes.

5. My mother laughed at me"How much can you eat?!"I love potatoesHow can I listen to you?!

6. I don't go out with my friendsI don't watch TVAnd work on your ownI love to eat potatoes!

7. We harvested potatoes

I don't sit around doing nothing.

Dad digs, mom wears

Well, I'm in charge.

8. Without uniform and in uniform

All potatoes are good.

We eat potatoes all year round

There is no money.

9 . Oh, the potato is sitting Pouring quicklyAnd in winter in all housesBoil and fry!

10. In our city peopleLives on potatoesAnd so the peopleAlways cheerful and singing!

11. Once upon a time there were three neighbors:
Rabbit, dog and catServed every dayEach other's all potatoes.

12. Our potatoes - anywhere: Delicious and vitamin.If you always eatStay healthy and strong!

13. Mommy told me: "Walk, son, along the path."Walked in the hope of finding a treasure -Came to the cellar with potatoes.

14. I love watching cartoons

About the red-haired Antoshka

And I always take it for lunch

Your big spoon.

15. Without bite and bite

All potatoes are good.

I ate half a bucket today -

Soul warmed up.

16. We ate porridge all summer,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

17. Eh, potato, you are a potato,

You are my beloved.

I take a spoon, eat potatoes -

I don't go hungry.


in front of you now

We sang ditties.

We beg your pardon

Kohl tired ears.

When the potato was brought to Europe, in each country it was called in its own way.

    English -Potato

    Finns -tartu

    Italians -tartufole

    French people -pom de terre

    Germans -potato

But the first name of the potato was "dad", as the Quechu Indians called it in South America,the scientist Bolotov - "tartofel", the people called potatoes.

Exercise. Come up with a surname, name, patronymic for potatoes and write without errors.

Teacher. A game. I will pronounce the phrase, if you agree with my statement, you must say in chorus “We do not argue!”, If you do not agree, say “We argue!” in unison.

The autumn rains are pouring (We do not argue!)

Spring is waiting for us ahead (I bet!)

Sweeping blizzards all day (I bet!)

Leaves fall from the trees (We don't argue!)

White lily of the valley blooms (I bet!)

In the grove the nightingales sang (We bet!)

And the potatoes ripened in the garden (We do not argue!)

Good potato harvest! (We don't argue)

Eat with tiny peas (We don't argue)

Is the size of a suitcase (I bet)

Weeds bloom on the branches (I bet)

It's hard for us without potatoes (We don't argue)

We continue our holiday

We dedicate everything to potatoes (We do not argue)

Teacher. Fun tasks.

1. Hungry Vasya eats 3 raw potatoes in 10 minutes. A well-fed Vasya spends 1 hour on the same amount of boiled potatoes. How many minutes faster does Vasya manage with raw potatoes than with boiled potatoes? (60 - 10 = 50 minutes)

2. Running away from his friends, Petya pushed his grandfather, who bought 4 identical bags of potatoes, 2 kilograms each. The bags were torn, and the potatoes crumbled. How many kilograms of potatoes flew at Petya, if it is known that in his youth grandfather was a sniper? (4 2 = 8 kg)

3. Third-grader Fedya bought a dish of 6 potatoes in the school cafeteria and went out to wash his hands for 1 minute. At that time, there were 9 first-graders in the dining room,

each of which can eat 1 potato in a minute. How many potatoes will the returned Fedya see on his plate, and how many first-graders are left hungry? (none 9 - 6 = 3 first graders will go hungry)

And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?". 1. What is the homeland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)2. When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)4. What is the name of an insect - a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

7. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say what is it in? (in uniform)

8. Where was the first time a man boiled potatoes? (on fire)

9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)

Useful advice”.

    Potatoes boiled in their skins retain 75% of vitamins; peeled and boiled with tubers - 60-70%, and chopped - only 35-50%.

    Peeled potatoes should not be stored. In extreme cases, it can be left for an hour or two in water and, moreover, with whole tubers.

    After peeling the potatoes, put them under a stream of cold water: they will cook faster, be more crumbly.

    If you need to peel potatoes in advance, store them not in water, but in a tied plastic bag before use.

    Salting potatoes during cooking is best in 5-10 minutes. until it is fully ready.

    Jacketed potatoes won't overcook (making them unsuitable for later frying) if you add more salt to the water than you would with regular boiling.

    Potatoes cooked in their “uniforms” can be easily peeled if they are poured over with cold water immediately after cooking.

    A baked potato with a ruddy crispy crust is a traditional meal at a halt. And everyone, of course, knows the usual way to bake it, when washed and dried potato tubers are buried in hot ashes.

    Young potatoes are peeled like this: mash it, put it in a bag, add salt and roll it on the table.

    Potatoes should be cooked over moderate heat so that they do not fall apart and burst.

    Potatoes should be peeled in a thin layer, as there are salts and proteins under the skin.

Song about potatoes (to the tune of the song "A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass")

    How we love potatoes, 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    We even live a day.
    Imagine 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    Imagine 2 times
    We even live a day.

    We fry it, cook it
    And add it to the soup
    And we can in the "uniform"
    Boil potatoes.
    Imagine 2 times
    And we can in the "uniform"
    Imagine 2 times
    Boil potatoes.

    Do you like potatoes, 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Learn about her.
    Imagine 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Imagine 2 times
    Learn about her.

Teacher It took only a few 10 years for potatoes to make a real revolution in Russian cuisine. It has become a necessary product. The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Everyone loves potato dishes. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, a monument to potatoes was erected. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

Let's collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Let's invite all our friends for a treat!
We will steam, we will boil, we will bake -
After all, we do not care about any work!

So many dishes can be made from potatoes
Anything for the soul you will find here.
Everyone is happy with our potatoes,
I'll put it in a salad.

And for me there is no better in the world,
Than a potato in uniform.
Fry for Tanechka
Ruddy pancakes.
Ready for Zhenechka
With potato dumplings.
And you, Andryusha, eat a shanezhka!
And for you, my friend, a pie with potatoes!
And for our Alyonka with milk, pushers!
And for Nadia, look - french fries!
And you, Valyusha, eat fried !
You, Alyoshka, with potatoes okroshka!
And for you, Artyom, we’ll bake at the stake!
We didn't harvest in vain!
Come and choose what you like!
(all) People have known for a long time,
There is no tastier potato!

Be that as it may, potatoes have long been called the second bread in Russia, and we cannot imagine a table without this wonderful vegetable.

The path of the potato through the countries of Europe was difficult, but, in the end, this crop won universal recognition. The catchphrase “potatoes are the second bread” has become true. Potatoes also have medicinal properties. Freshly prepared potato juice has long been used as a good remedy for heartburn, in the treatment of stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer. In case of upper respiratory tract disease, accompanied by a persistent strong cough, apply

potato steam inhalations, and freshly grated gruel is used in the treatment of burns and eczema. Starch is widely used in medicine, it is taken in the form of jelly for poisoning, used in the form of powder and dry compresses. Potatoes are used in clinical nutrition as a valuable dietary product. Due to the presence of potassium salts, it is used in diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

Write to us, recently took place

General collection of vegetables.

There were peppers and parsley,

Cucumber, lettuce and leek.

Chairman - Mr. Potato,

Terribly pleased and flattered

The fact that, unanimously elected,

He opened and led the meeting.

Thank you all for your trust,

The chairman began his report.

(Potato). They know everything about me, everything in the world:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way,

Who cooks, who fries, who bakes.

But they eat me everywhere and everywhere

For this I have glory and honor.

But I must tell you

Without potatoes on "excellent"

No food, no dancing.

Even a delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes well done.

Though the green onion is angry,

And potatoes are your best friend.

From potatoes here and there

Necessary make the product.

And no wonder the potatoes

Everyone calls the second bread.

Spring came. And at the beginning of summer

The tops of potatoes were covered with a modest color.

In the background, a dandelion bloomed. So he

He was terribly surprised and annoyed:


- Who are you? Where could you come from?

How are you not ashamed to appear in front of me?

( Potato flower.)

- Who am I? Potato flower.

I don't know how I could interfere with you here?


- Potato flower? Well, for the life of me, I don't know.

I have not heard, and I do not want to hear.

Tenderness, beauty were given to me as an inheritance,

And your rude neighborhood does not suit me.

But by autumn the braggart looked away shyly.

He became miserable and bald, quieter than everyone, more submissive than everyone.

And under the tops in the ground a treasure was formed.

It's not all about looks, it's about roots.

Mrs. Potato : Thank you, dear children. It turns out that you know a lot about me. And if, when it is difficult for you to look after me, then do not be angry: after all, I will always repay you kindly.

Our holiday is over
What else can you say?
You rightfully have potatoes
"Second bread" to call

Song from the movie "Breakfast on the Grass". (Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Lvovsky)

How many times on a halt
We baked potatoes.
Feast - feasted,
There were conversations.

Ah, potatoes, potatoes,
Coal in the skin
golden sparks -
Blue smoke.

A very delicate matter
Even for a connoisseur
Brown skillfully
Potatoes have sides.


From palm to palm
You leave her!
And salt the potatoes
Don't let it get cold!


spring water
We will drink potatoes
And of course with you
Have a drink by the fire


You look to the left

Find a wonderful exhibition.

And on it, and on it

Lots of different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka,

There is a daring Kopatych,

Who worked, well done!

Ay, yes, miracle kids, worked hard with a bang!

- Without potatoes to live in the world
Very sad children.
Helps us always
This humble meal:
And in puree, and in uniforms,
In the first courses, and in side dishes,
Both boiled and baked
Both crispy and crushed.
It's not a sin to say about her
That potatoes are the best!

- Can't live without potatoes
Even children know this
Because it tastes better than spaghetti
It's been in the cellar for a long time.
In the first dishes it is boiled,
On the fire, putting in the oven.
And to salads stew, fry
They love to bake with fish dishes.
Good in all dishes
With an appetite for everything
Gobbling up this miracle
Oh, how delicious, they say.

Even cats love it
Our delicious potatoes.
All children and animals
Breakfast is waiting by preparing spoons.
We fry it a lot,
To eat to the bone
Eat kids, enough for everyone
I won't eat it myself!

-Potatoes grow in the fields
And in our gardens.
People sow it a lot
This wonderful gift of nature.
He is useful in every way.
Delicious and nutritious.
In our diet, as you know,
Definitely included.

The poem “Potato” (I. Demyanov)

That my palms are black
Nobody scolds me
Potatoes with grandma
We planted at the wattle fence!

Soon here on the soft slopes
Where he warmed the sides of the barn,
Lots of green bows
May will tie up on the ridge.

After yellow, white, blue
The lights are on -
They will be so beautiful
Our beds by the river!

Let my palms be dirty
I'm used to working...
And there is no tastier potato
What will you plant in the garden yourself!

The caterpillar appears.

Caterpillar: Finally, I'm on target.

I barely made it.

Tired, lost weight

After all, I haven't eaten in a long time.

Well, what do I see there?

Wants to eat potatoes.

The presenter is trying to protect the Potato.

Caterpillar: I won't give you potatoes. I love her myself. Mine is potatoes.

Now, if you complete my tasks and play with me, then I can share with you ...

Song Bulba.

    Take potatoes from the bag
    And eat a little.
    You can eat it boiled
    Ile in a baked uniform


Tram, there, there, ta-ra-ta-ra-ta-ta-there
We are bad without potatoes. 2 times

    We cook porridge from potatoes,
    We will feed our entire family.
    Who gets tired of porridge
    Let him eat potatoes in soup.


    Hey, tours and rasturs,
    We are not of noble nature.
    Since we don't have potatoes,
    And we don't have lunch.


Task: come up with and write down words that can be formed from the word “potato”.

Song about potatoes.

Potatoes in Ireland and England.

So the potato began its journey to Spain, then to Italy, to England.

At the end of the 16th century, potatoes were already known in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Burgundy. In 1665 the potato was brought to Ireland by the slave trader John Gavkins. Since 1684, according to Alexander Humboldt, this vegetable began to be bred in large quantities in Lancashire (North-West England). There are many funny stories associated with eating potatoes. Let's fast forward to an English manor in the late 17th century.

How did you find out about the baked potato?

Recipe: Rinse medium-sized potatoes thoroughly, dry, cut in half and arrange on a baking sheet or on a wire rack. Sprinkle with salt, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until you smell the fragrant smell.

Potatoes in France.

At the end of the 16th century, a curious story happened with potatoes in France. When the Seven Years' War began, the young French pharmacist Parmentier went to the front as an orderly and was taken prisoner, where they brought him food from potatoes to prison.

la with salt. She seemed to him tasty, nutritious. Six years have passed, and Parmentier, having returned from captivity, promotes this culture.

I'm not a king, not a count and not a doctor

Not a philosopher, but just a pharmacist,

And, of course, not a noble family,

But I love helping people.

So that he can live well

I want to plant potatoes.

He succeeded in allocating him a small area and planted it with potatoes, putting out soldiers during the day to guard him. At night, the guards left, and everyone could freely come to the garden and take tubers to plant at home. In the homeland of Parmentier, there is a monument to a scientist who holds a bouquet of potato flowers in his hands.

In France, attention was first paid to the potato as early as 1585. Caspar Bohen described it in his herbalism and encouraged some Lyons to breed potatoes. The experiment was a success, but was not continued due to a rumor that the vegetable was poisonous.

The French gave the potato the name "earth apple". And he won France thanks to the enterprise and quick wits of an ordinary chemist and pharmacist - Antoine Auguste Parmentier. Fast forward to the distant 1585 and observe what happened at that time.

Recipe: 500 g potatoes cut into thin slices, mix with 100 g grated cheese, ground black pepper (1/4 tsp), grated nutmeg (on the tip of a knife) and put in a cast iron mold, rubbed with garlic and greased with butter . Pour in 2 cups of milk, sprinkle with 100 g of cheese and put pieces of butter on top. Bake everything in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at temperature. 220-250 C.

There are many interesting facts in the biography of potatoes. In the 18th century, the Prussian king waged war with Austria. The Prussians sought mainly to destroy the potato fields, which formed the basis of the nutrition of the population, so this war was called the potato war.

Potatoes in Russia.

Potatoes were brought to Russia by Peter the Great at the end of the 17th century. Peter 1, being in Holland at that time, sent a bag of potatoes to B. Sheremetev. In 1736, the potato was already listed in the plant catalog of the St. Petersburg Apothecary Garden. The spread of potatoes in our country was very slow. The hostile attitude towards the new culture was caused not only by prejudices, but also by the fact that

that the potato imported to Europe was not identical to the modern one, it had powerful tops and small bitter tubers. The population did not yet know how to grow it, it was sown thickly, the plants shaded each other, gave even smaller tubers, less tasty. In 1770, methods for growing this plant were described.

They say that there were even potato riots in Russia. During the reign of Nicholas 1, the peasants of a number of provinces were ordered to plant potatoes without fail. All advanced Europe has been cultivating potatoes for a hundred years, and in Russia crop failure after crop failure in 1839 and 1840 and in previous years.

All this gave rise to government measures to spread the planting of potatoes as the main "allowance for the people's food." By order of Nicholas 1 on August 8 and December 3, 1840, as well as on February 15, March 9 and July 6, 1842 You ask, why so many orders? Do you think it's easy for a Russian person to shake up a new business? It was decided: “... to start public potato crops to supply peasants with them for future crops, to issue instructions on the cultivation, storage and use of this plant and to encourage premiums and

other awards of landlords, distinguished by breeding it. And then, in 1842, a potato riot broke out in the Perm province.

There is a recollection that in 1782 in the Irkutsk province, in Kamchatka and even in Alaska, which then belonged to Russia, local residents practiced potato cultivation.

Presentation of potato dishes.

The caterpillar is going to try the dishes.

The potato stops her. Who does not work shall not eat.

Caterpillar: What didn't I work?

We've been working all summer

From dusk to dawn

They ate tubers and bushes - Stuffed their bellies.

Presenter: Is this work? These guys have done a great job. Potatoes were planted in the spring, hilled and weeded in the summer, and dug up in the fall.

We ate, and did crafts.

You look to the left

Find a wonderful exhibition.

And on it, and on it

Lots of different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka,

Bear, horse, cactus, cat.

There is a daring Kopatych,

Who worked, well done!


Oh, yes, miracle kids,

worked hard!

I had fun with you for a long time

And to be honest, I'm tired.

Autumn drives from the yard

It's time for me to winter.

The caterpillar leaves.

Autumn holiday script

"Feast of the baked potato" for grades 5-7.

Class teacher of the 6th grade: Lopatina Lyubov Borisovna, MBOU "Novoobinsk secondary school", p. Novoobinka, Petropavlovsky District, Altai Territory

1 reader:

Attention! Attention!

For everyone's sake:

Who wants to taste a little baked potato,

2 reader:

Salad from it - very tasty, skillfully cooked,

3 reader:

Pies, ruddy, fresh,

Boiled potatoes tender,

4 reader:

Prepare riddles, poems, sayings -

A little bit of everything, but all about potatoes!

1 leader. Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously endows us with ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, arrange Harvest holidays.

2 Lead: And our holiday today is dedicated to potatoes - the main vegetable on our table. Today there will be songs, and games, and jokes, and contests. 2 teams participate in competitions at our holiday, which are given the opportunity to show their knowledge, ability to work, communicate with each other.

3 leading: Competitions will be judged by the jury: _____________. We will start the holiday with an excursion into history - yes, yes, do not be surprised, because the potato is a foreigner, and it was brought to Russia under Peter I in the 17th century.

1 presenter Potatoes are native to Peru and Chile. There he grew up in the wild. Later, the Peruvians began to plant it at their homes. The climate in Peru is peculiar: it is hot during the day and cold at night. The Indians froze potatoes at night, and during the day they dried them in the sun and called them "chunya", and the tubers - "pappo". Having harvested potatoes, the Indians held a holiday.

2 Lead: Potatoes were brought to Europe by the Spaniards and the Portuguese in the 16th century. And Peter I, traveling in Holland, sent a bag to St. Petersburg with an order: "Invite the population to grow potatoes",

3 leading: But potatoes were reluctantly bred because of the superstitious fear of him, they considered him a damn apple. A decree was issued on the mandatory planting of potatoes: “Potato riots began, which were brutally suppressed.

Gradually, in Russia, the potato "taken root", and not just "taken root", but fell in love with people, became the second bread. Without it, food is not food.

1 student . Everyone knows about potatoes:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares it in their own way,

Everyone on the table is happy with potatoes:

And who fries, and who soars,

Who bakes and who pushes

But they eat it everywhere.

She is both glory and honor!

2 student . Hello sweet potato
You feed honest people.
If there are potatoes in the house,
You will be full all year round.

3 student . Ah, potatoes, overeating,
Better waffles and sweets.
Wow, potatoes, overeating,
There is nothing tastier.

4th student We'll take buckets

Yes, and on the road.

Friendship will help us

Dig up potatoes.

5 student . This precocity

That's why it tastes better

What happened to the guys

Mess with her.

6 student .Only autumn sunset

Illuminate the windows

We are in hot ashes

Let's bake potatoes.

7 student . Potato, potato -

Harvest rich!

delicious potatoes

All the guys love it.

1 presenter ..

And now I invite team members. Teams will be mixed from the 5th, 6th and 7th grades of 4 people. Please come up with a name for your teams.

We'll play a little. This is a warm-up before hard work - digging potatoes.

Attention game -

"Kopeshka, path, potato." The most attentive team wins.

( Leading, speaking words, performs simple movements:

"mop" (kopeck) - standing up, raise your hands up,

"path" - squats,

"Potato" - crouches and hides his head.

The participants in the game repeat everything. When the movements are remembered Leading begins to confuse children - he says one thing, but does another. The smartest ones win.)

2 Lead: Today we have an unusual day - "The Feast of the Baked Potato". But before you bake it, you need to plant it, weed it several times, spud it and, finally, dig it out. However, the harvest will not be rich if you do it without a mood. So, we have already carried out the exercises, and now “Funny Starts”!

All competitions today will be related to potatoes.

1 competition. "Harvest"

The potatoes are in a pile on one side of the "garden", on command, one person from the team runs to the potatoes, takes them one at a time and carries them to the other end of the "garden". If a potato falls along the way, you cannot pick it up. The team that collects the most potatoes and does not drop wins.

2 competition. "Lazy Gardener"

Empty buckets stand in the "garden". Each participant has 3 potatoes, which you must “stow” in a bucket by throwing them from a distance. Whoever throws the most is the winner.

3 competition. "Potato Hockey"

Each participant with a stick must drive a potato into a bucket. The maximum number of "goals" - 6 - according to the number of participants.

4 competition. "Who is superfluous."

The competition is held several times. In the middle of the circle lies a dug up potato. It is 1 less than the number of diggers. Teams stand in a circle, everyone walks in a circle until they hear the word "POTATO". After that, you need to have time to grab a potato. Whoever is left without potatoes is out. The host removes 1 potato and the competition continues. The one who wins brings a point to his team.

5 competition "Baked potatoes »

Teams stand facing each other .

In turn, each team names a dish in which there is a potato, while throwing a potato from one team to another. Whoever kept the potato longer than the count of 1,2,3 ... is out of the game. The team remaining in the game wins.

6 competition "How many steps to potatoes"

Ahead is a bucket of potatoes. How many steps do you think it takes?

To check the correctness, we step wide and count the steps. The one who is more accurate wins.

7 competition "Musical" (ditty)

3 Lead .

Better songs about potatoes

There was not and is not in the world,

We will sing to you about potatoes,

And you clap back.

1. Harmonist, harmonist,

Unfold the accordion

We will sing today

ditties about potatoes.

2. Oh potato, potato

Oh, what an honor!

If there were no potatoes,

So what would you eat?

3. Eh, potato, you are a potato,

You are my beloved

I take a spoon, I eat potatoes -

I don't go hungry.

4. We cleaned potatoes,

I don't sit around doing nothing.

Dad digs, mom wears

Well, I'm in charge.

5. Helped mom and dad

Collect potatoes.

He is a bucket, she is a bucket,

Well, me a little.

6. We planted potatoes,

The Colorado potato beetle has arrived.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

I didn't find potatoes.

7. I like watching cartoons,

About the red-haired Antoshka.

And I always take it for lunch

Your big spoon.

8. Without a uniform and in a uniform -

All potatoes are good.

We eat potatoes all year round -

There is no money.

9. We planted potatoes

In the garden, at the gate.

Flowers bloomed on her

Let the people admire.

10. A goat came to the garden,

She widened her eyes:

Where is the onion? Where are the peas?

Everything is planted with potatoes.

11. The cook fried, the cook soared,

I fell asleep on the sofa.

And then instead of potatoes

Collected some coals.

12. My brother is prowling in the kitchen,

For a whole hour looking for potatoes,

Well, what's the matter with me?

I ate it a long time ago.

13. Oh, potato, you are a potato!

How good is that!

And fry and steam

And how to eat - the soul sings!

14. I ate potatoes in the morning,

I tried so hard, I puffed so hard

That potatoes are on the eyebrows,

On the nose and ears.

15. We ate porridge all summer,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

1 presenter . The contest "Potato tango" is announced

Children dance with their foreheads pressed against a potato. The couple that danced the longest wins a prize.

2 Lead. –. Now for the jury.

3 Lead And now we invite everyone to taste the baked potatoes and dance at the disco.

Sabaeva M. A. primary school teacher

MAOU "Secondary School No. 7", Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Extracurricular activities for primary school students

Potato Feast

Teacher: A decorative flower, a cure for all diseases, a poison that exterminates insects, a stain remover, a universal fertilizer, and finally, a food raw material from which bread, starch, powder, butter, coffee, yeast, chocolate, etc. can be made - not true Is it tempting to have such a versatile product? It turns out that there is nothing simpler, because we are talking about the most ordinary potatoes.

Today we will arrange a holiday in his honor, we will talk about this vegetable. Sing, let's play with him. Why so much attention is paid to this vegetable? Because we can no longer imagine life without this vegetable. Therefore, poems, songs, ditties are composed in his honor. In the meantime, poems about our favorite potatoes.


1. Without potatoes to live in the world

It is very difficult for children.

Helps us always

This humble meal.

2. And in puree, and in uniforms,

In the first courses, and in side dishes,

Both boiled and baked

Both crispy and crushed.

It's not a sin to say about her

That potatoes are the best!

3. Good in all kinds of dishes

With an appetite for everything

Gobbling up this miracle

- Oh, how delicious they say!

4. The leaves were unraveled,
The furrow turns green.
From Kamchatka to Opochka
Bulba is the main food.

5. Like a weed, unpretentious:
Weed and rake.
She doesn't need watering
Would have been during the rain!

6. Closer to autumn it will pour
Tuber juices of the earth
Yes, starch will take from the sun -
And dump her in the basement.

7. Then blizzards are not terrible,
The cold won't get cold
If you sat down at the table
Where is the main food.

8. Life will not seem wasted,
And potatoes are like nectar,
And a normal day yesterday
Suddenly sparkle like a gift from God.

9. Without potatoes for "excellent"

No food, no dancing...

Even a delicious cucumber

Well done only with potatoes!

Though the green onion is angry,

Potatoes are your best friend!

10. From potatoes here and there

Necessary make a product,

And no wonder the potatoes

Everyone calls the second bread.

11. We can’t live without potatoes,

We eat it every day!

We don't leave a crumb

Although sometimes too lazy to dig.

12. I love her in different ways:

French fries, mashed potatoes, stew.

And let me be in a terrible mood,

But I can't live without potatoes!

Teacher: As I have already noted, today we will play, we will hold many different competitions. To do this, the guys were divided into teams, there are four of them. Now I propose to get to know the teams better.

Team View(team name, motto)

Jury presentation

To assess the knowledge of each team about this amazing vegetable, to assess the ability of the teams to work together, we need a jury together.

At our holiday there are representatives of various professions, one way or another connected with potatoes. Let's get acquainted with the guests: Russian language teacher, historian, biologist, agronomist, breeder, cook, artists.

So, what does the word potato mean, let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary together with the Russian language teacher.

Teacher of Russian language:The word is borrowed from German. Potato is a garden plant, a vegetable. Potatoes are also called underground tubers of this plant, eaten.

The first potato name was "PAPA" - so the Indians called it in their homeland in South America.

The British called him POTATO.

Dutch and French - EARTH APPLE.


And the Germans changed TARTUFEL to POTATO, which later became known as POTATO.

Competition 1: Come up with a last name, first name, patronymic for our potato friend.

Competition 2: And now we will try to play with the word "Potato"

If you take a big word,

Take out the letters - one and two!

And then collect them again

New words will come out!

Find what words are hidden in the word POTATOES.

As I have already noted, songs have long been composed about potatoes. The guys will sing one of them now.

The song "Potato"» (Music by S. Popov)

Where did you find this miracle vegetable? How did they start growing it in Rus'? Which of our specialists do you think knows the answers to these questions better? Let's give the floor to the historian.

Historian In the wild, potatoes grew in the mountainous regions of South America. It was grown by the Indians. After the discovery of America, potato tubers appeared in Europe, and then they were called "earth apples". Potatoes came to our country under Peter I, who sent a bag of potatoes from Holland to his close Count Sheremetyev and ordered that potato tubers be sent to all regions of Russia and grown. At first, potatoes were grown in flowerbeds as an ornamental plant, later they tried to use its fruits for food, but they are bitter and inedible. Therefore, the peasants refused to grow potatoes and treated him with distrust. People have noticed that potatoes will be born with a head and eyes like a man, and he who eats potatoes eats human souls. Our ancestors called the potato "damn apple". Only potato flowers were popular, especially after the French queen stabbed them in her hair and adorned her dress with them. Later, potatoes became the main food of the Russian people, and proverbs and sayings began to be composed about potatoes.

Competition 3: Collect the proverb and explain the meaning

Each team will collect a proverb from the words that are in the envelope.

  1. The potato will ripen - it will warm the person.
  2. Without labor, potatoes will never be born.
  3. Potatoes and porridge are our food.
  4. Dig potatoes, do not wave your hands.

Teacher: In Rus', potatoes were valued, they considered it a second bread and, of course, ditties were sung about it. Let's invite artists.

1. Better songs about potatoes

There was not and is not in the world,

We will sing to you about potatoes,

And you clap back.

2. Oh potato, potato

Oh, what an honor!

If there were no potatoes,

So what would you eat?

3. Ah, beauty potatoes!
I don't need sausage
I don't want sausage
Give me a bowl of potatoes!

4. Potato blooms in the field -
How beautiful!
I'm going to work in the field
I'm not lazy!

5. Mom laughed at me:
"How much can you eat?!"
I love potatoes
How can I listen to you?!

6. I don't go out with my friends
I don't watch TV
And work on your own
I love to eat potatoes!

7. Ah, fragrant potato,
How delicious are you!
Let's go to hell
Everyone needs you very much.

8. Once upon a time there were three neighbors:
Rabbit, dog and cat
Served every day
Each other's all potatoes.

9. Oh, potato, you are a potato1

How good is that!

And fry and steam

And how to eat, the soul sings!

10. Our potatoes - anywhere:
Delicious and vitamin.
If you always eat
Stay healthy and strong!

Teacher: Who knows what the science that studies plants is called? (biology)

Guys, who is a biologist. Let's invite a biologist. What will he tell us about potatoes?

Biologist: Potato grows in height from 50 to 100 cm, the leaves are simple, the flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-4 curls. The color of the flower is blue, dark blue, purple, white, which is one of the important varietal characteristics. The potato is a self-pollinating plant. The fruit is a multi-seeded berry. On the underground parts of the stem, underground shoots develop - stolons, at the ends of which tubers are formed - modified underground shoots. Potatoes reproduce with the help of tubers. The botanical name for potatoes is tuberous nightshade.

Scene "Potato"

Winter is over, spring has come.

It is necessary to sow, water, where to weed, and where to dig.

And in one big village

Under the name Stary Pevni

Once upon a time there lived an elderly grandfather and a woman with her granddaughter.

Grandfather and woman come out in turn, grandfather begins to dig, plant potatoes. Grandma sits on a bench and knits. The granddaughter runs out with the ball.

The bug runs out, starts to play. First, her grandfather drives her away, she runs to her grandmother, who also drives her away.


So I thought, woman, I'll plant potatoes,

To have at least a little food for the winter.


You're crazy again, grandfather! Remember last year

We spent the whole day in our garden.


How not to remember, sweat flowed from the forehead without stopping.

The turnip pulled out alone, without any training.


What are you talking about, you old liar, we dragged along,

And then three months baked in the dough.


No! I pulled one out, don't be stubborn, baba

In the house I am your master, although I see weakly.


Your eyes are not weak, but your mind is gone:

Five of us dragged, the mouse helped.


What are you, mother, boasted,

How did the mother hen cackle?

(Waves his hand, leaves the stage.)

A scenery appears on the stage, which depicts potatoes.

Many days have passed in disputes, potatoes have grown,

But the woman and the grandfather have very little strength.

The grandfather comes out, rejoices, tries to pull - it doesn’t work, the grandmother gets up from the bench, goes to help the grandfather, with a distressed look, the two of them sit on the bench.

grandmother (with joy) ). The granddaughter has strength, and you are quite frail. Matryonka! Matryoshka! Run to pull potatoes!

The granddaughter runs out, pulls potatoes, gets tired, sits down near the grandmother with a sad look.


Bug will help us, she sure can.

Hey, Bug, by God, run to help!

A bug runs out, digs potatoes with its "paws", but cannot pull it out.

Bug. Mouse-norushka, help, girlfriend!

The mouse can't cope either, everyone is sitting on the bench with their heads down.

Everyone was dragging: the granddaughter with the Beetle, the mouse helped.

They promised to feed, although they did not plant.

And the potatoes kept growing, getting taller,

And the shed, and the windows, and the doors, and the roof.


Who will help, who will come - pull out the potatoes?


And bring it home in parts, little by little?


Grandma with grandfather.


Granddaughter with a bug and even a mouse.


Pushed and puffed - nothing happened!

Only a worm crawled past quietly

And he touched the potatoes very, very lightly.

Rolled, rushed from the garden to the road

And inadvertently rested right on the grandfather's leg.

Then grandfather shone, stood a little,

And then he told everyone.


That's it, thank God!

There are supplies, there is food, the rest is nonsense!

Competition 4: "Planting potatoes"

You need to get the potatoes into the bucket. The team makes 14 throws (each participant makes 2 throws). Each hit is 1 point for the team.

A person of what profession knows everything about how to properly grow potatoes. That's right, an agronomist. Let's listen to him.

Agronomist Anyone who grows potatoes should know that in its development this plant goes through 4 phases: germination, budding, flowering, ripening.

Before planting, the tubers germinate for at least 30 days. In the spring, they dig up the ground to a depth of 30 cm and plant potatoes in the soil at a distance of at least 60 cm between rows, and in a row - 35 cm. When sprouts appear and during growth, the plants are weeded to loosen the crust and kill weeds. When the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, hilling is carried out. In autumn, when the tops begin to turn yellow, they are harvested.

Competition 5: "Harvesting"

2 people from the team collect potatoes with their eyes closed.

Growing a crop of potatoes is a very difficult task, and laziness, of course, does not belong here. I think that many of you have already helped your parents in the garden: weeding, picking potatoes, and not messing around, as in the song about Antoshka.

Dramatization of the song "Antoshka"

Teacher: Who is involved in breeding different varieties of crops? Breeders are engaged in breeding varieties. Word to the Selector.

Breeder : Breeding of new varieties of plants is carried out by science - selection. Thanks to the good results of the work of breeders, new varieties of potatoes are being developed. There are 44 thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. In addition to the usual white and yellow potatoes, there are also red, purple, blue, and even black ones. Great attention is paid to this vegetable in the world. And 2008 was declared the International Year of the Potato.

Thanks to breeders, we have high-yielding potato varieties that are well adapted to natural conditions. Gathering a good crop of potatoes is, of course, a great thing, but that's not all. It is necessary to withdraw the crop from the potato field without loss.

Contest 6: "Transportation of potatoes"(each team needs to transport a bucket of potatoes on children's cars)

Do you think it is possible to use potatoes in medicine? Let's hear from an expert on the subject.

Doctor: potato is a medicinal plant: fresh potato juice is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and helps to reduce blood pressure in hypertension. Potato gruel treats burns and eczema well. In winter, potatoes are the main source of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, tubers contain small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A. Potato tubers are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, and sulfur salts. Unfortunately, in pursuit of a large harvest, a lot of mineral fertilizers have recently been used. Nitrates accumulate in tubers and cause oxygen starvation of tissues, which poisons the body of humans and animals. With an excessive amount of nitrates, vitamins and dairy products help the body fight. The amount of nitrates in potatoes can be reduced during its cooking: put the peeled potatoes in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then drain it, fill it with a new portion of water, bring to a boil and drain it too, then pour fresh water until tender.

Competition 7: "Dance with potatoes"

Two participants, holding a potato between their foreheads, perform any dance movements to the melody. 2 couples from each team participate. The one that dances the longest wins.

Teacher: In addition to mineral fertilizers, people still use pesticides. Let's give the floor to the ecologist, the scientist who knows everything about the relationship between man and nature.

Ecologist: A lot of grief brings passion for pesticides. They cultivate fields for the destruction of harmful insects and weeds. In this case, birds that feed on poisoned insects die. People suffer as poisons get into our food and water. But there are natural ways to protect the harvest - they are called biological. One of the folk ways is hanging birdhouses. You can find other folk ways that will help save the harvest.

Draw a sign prohibiting the use of pesticides or a large amount of mineral fertilizers.

Teacher: Today on our festive table there are a huge number of dishes of their potatoes. And how to properly cook potatoes, what rules must be followed in order to preserve its beneficial properties. Let's listen to the chef.

Cook: In our country, potatoes are called the second bread, and this is no coincidence. Potatoes have great nutritional value. The main component of potatoes is starch and proteins. Potatoes can be used to prepare various dishes and side dishes. It is boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed. Proper cooking of potatoes is of great importance: after peeling the potatoes, you need to put them in cold water. It is not recommended to leave it in water for a long time because it loses nutrients. It is not recommended to boil potatoes in tin or copper utensils, as a large amount of vitamin C is lost. When steaming, the loss of vitamin C is 2 times less than when boiling in water. Potatoes placed for boiling in cold water lose up to 50% of vitamins, and dipped in boiling water - 10-20%.

Contest 9

Each team needs to remember as many dishes with potatoes as possible. The team that names the last dish wins.

The speeches of our experts are over, you listened carefully, and now it's time to hold a small quiz, the correct answers will bring the team points.


  1. How to call in one word the stems and leaves of potatoes? (tops)
  2. Name the homeland of potatoes (Peru and Chile)
  3. How many potato samples are known in the world? (44000 samples)
  4. Where was the first time a man boiled potatoes? (on fire)
  5. What part of potatoes do we use in food? (tubers)

6. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say what is it in? (in uniform)

7. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)

The word for summing up is given to the jury

Teacher: Those who know how to compose hymns must find the most solemn words, and the most vociferous singers will sing a hymn to potatoes in the widest area with all the crowds of people! I don’t know how, but I would cry listening to this hymn!”
These wonderful words were written by the Siberian writer Viktor Astafiev about potatoes
V to our ode to "Russian Garden". We do not know the anthem, but let's sing a song about potatoes from the movie "Breakfast on the Grass".

The song "Oh, potatoes!"

Scenario of the holiday for elementary school children "Baked Potato Day"

Author: Leonovich Irina Olegovna, methodologist, MAUK GDK "Horizont" "House of Crafts", Zima, Irkutsk region.
Description: This scenario is intended for children aged 7 years and older, school teachers, teachers and parents.
Purpose: holiday
Target to convey to the children about what a baked potato holiday is.
1. Form an idea about potatoes;
2. Develop an outlook on potatoes;
3. Cultivate a sense of responsibility in the holiday "Baked Potato Day"


Presenter 1: Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously endows us with ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, arrange Harvest holidays.
Presenter 2: Today, guys, we will talk about Her Majesty Potato,
And we are transported to the realm of Kartofan Kartofelinich.

Host 2:
This time there will be a story
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly in the winter,
Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who is in the kitchen to us
In the spring I brought it myself.
And that one, strange eyes
Growing day by day
About the one who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little-
What is it (potato)
In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon
The potato lived in the ground.
The royal property had:
Managed to feed the people.
In a word, we are talking about
How potatoes came to the house!
Host 2:
About 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. But from a distant voyage, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain. The most valuable cargo they brought home was seeds and tubers. Grains of new plants. But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. One English rich man decided to treat overseas guests with an outlandish planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the treat, choked, someone's face twisted, someone ran out of the table.
Not everywhere accepted potatoes. In some places in Russia there are even potato riots. Russian men believed the rumors that the potato is “damn it’s an apple”, it’s a sin to plant it. By royal order, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But it was not the harsh reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potatoes convinced me. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandfather need a big - a big turnip? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Earlier, in the cold of winter, when the crops were frozen, turnips froze the Russian peasant's bread. Hearty fruitful potatoes replaced turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, which have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "First" bread, and potatoes the "Second". Over time, potatoes were valued in Rus' not only because potatoes can replace bread, but also because potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.
and of course ditties were sung about him.
Presenter 1:
And now friends guys
Put your ears on top
Listen carefully,
We will sing ditties to you -
Very good!

Children sing ditties about potatoes:
Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take out a hundred days,
And in the autumn they began to dig
Not one was found, but ten. We planted potatoes
Mom is in the field, I am in the garden,
Mom a lot - I'm a little,
I'm only one row.

I am motionless for minutes
I don’t sit by potatoes
Farther away, closer
I will transplant her.
Here comes the autumn
The potatoes have grown.
Just planted something.
I am quite a bit. We have harvested
They rejoiced very much.
Don't be lazy, plant in the spring
You will be full for sure!

It is very interesting
And it's been known for a long time:
If there were potatoes in the cellar -
Winter will be easy! We sang ditties to you,
Is it good, is it bad
Anyway, we ask you
Let us clap for you!

Host 2: But after all, potatoes can not only nourish a person, you can play with it. This is evidenced by our competitions, in which I invite you to take part.
After all, we, playing, check
What we can and what we know.
Contest 1
For the competition we need 3 people.
When the potato was brought to Europe, in each country it was called in its own way.
English - potato
Finns - Tartu
Italians - tartufol
French - pom de terre
Germans - potatoes
But the first name of the potato was “dad”, as the Indians from the Quechu tribe called it in South America, the scientist Bolotov - “tartofeli”, the people called it potatoes.
Exercise. Come up with a surname, name, patronymic for potatoes and write without errors.
A game.
I will pronounce the phrase, if you agree with my statement, you must say in chorus “We do not argue!”, If you do not agree, say “We argue!” in unison.
The autumn rains are pouring (We do not argue!)
Spring is waiting for us ahead (I bet!)
Sweeping blizzards all day (I bet!)
Leaves fall from the trees (We don't argue!)
White lily of the valley blooms (I bet!)
In the grove the nightingales sang (We bet!)
And the potatoes ripened in the garden (We do not argue!)
Good potato harvest! (We don't argue)
Eat with tiny peas (We don't argue)
Is the size of a suitcase (I bet)
Weeds bloom on the branches (I bet)
It's hard for us without potatoes (We don't argue)
We continue our holiday
We dedicate everything to potatoes (We do not argue)
Competition 2
"Ah, potatoes." (3 persons)
A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on the chair and covered with material or newspaper. After that, the participants are invited and invited to sit on a newspaper, under which there are potatoes on a chair, to fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers are there. Whoever guesses is the winner.
Competition 3 "Who is superfluous?"
The competition is held several times. Each team is divided into groups of 10 people. Each group stands in a circle, everyone walks in a circle until they hear the word "POTATO". After that, you need to have time to grab a potato. Whoever is left without potatoes is out. The host removes 1 potato and the competition continues.
The number of potatoes must always be one less than the participants. While the music is playing, the children walk around the potato pile. The music ends, we must have time to take the potatoes. Whoever is left without a potato is out of the game. The host takes one of them and the game continues. The last player left with the potato wins and his team gets an extra point.
Competition 4 "Collect potatoes."
Give each student a cut-out picture of a potato. Whoever collects it the fastest is the winner.
Contest 5
"The lazy gardener" (at the request of those who did not play)

Empty buckets stand at a certain distance. Each participant has three potatoes, which the guys try to "put" in a bucket.
Competition 6
"Make a proverb"
(2 people) (Each player receives cards with proverbs. The cards are cut.
The player who quickly and correctly collects the proverb wins.)
1. Bread was born in a shaft, and potatoes - in a wheel.
2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.
3. Ate and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food.
4. Potatoes will never be born without labor.
5. Good ruff in the ear, and potatoes in the pie.
6. The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.
7. Potatoes will ripen - they will warm a person.
8. potatoes - bread sucker.
And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?".
1. What is the homeland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)
2. When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)
4. What is the name of an insect - a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)
5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)
6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)
7. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say what is it in? (in uniform)
8. Where was the first time a man boiled potatoes? (on fire)
9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)
10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)
Leading: A boy named Antoshka also likes to eat it, but he doesn’t really want to work.
Dramatization of the song "Antoshka".
Teacher .. It took only a few 10 years for potatoes to make a real revolution in Russian cuisine. It has become a necessary product. The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Everyone loves potato dishes. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, a monument to potatoes was erected. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov.

Let's collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Let's invite all our friends for a treat!

We will steam, we will boil, we will bake -
After all, we do not care about any work!

So many dishes can be made from potatoes
Anything for the soul you will find here.

Everyone is happy with our potatoes,
I'll put it in a salad.

And for me there is no better in the world,
Than a potato in uniform.
People have known for a long time
There is no tastier potato!
Our holiday is over
What else can you say?
You rightfully have potatoes
“Second bread” to call!