Well      11/26/2021

A person experiences a strong emotion. The power of emotions. Cardiac ischemia

It is no secret that only a person can experience a huge amount of emotions. No other living being in the world has this property. Although the disputes between the scientific fraternity still do not subside, but the majority is inclined to believe that our smaller, highly developed brothers are capable of experiencing some emotions. I completely agree with them. It is enough to look at the dog, which was shown a treat and then immediately hid it.

But back to man. What emotions do a person have, where do they come from and in general, what are they for?

What is emotion. Do not confuse with feelings!

Emotion is a short-term reaction to a situation. And feelings do not disappear under the flow of emotions or situations, they are stable and in order to destroy them, you have to try hard.

Example: A girl saw her boyfriend on the other side. She is angry, upset and offended. But after talking with the guy, it turned out that this is his cousin, who came to visit today. The situation was resolved, the emotions passed, and the feeling - love, did not disappear anywhere, even at the moment of the strongest passions.

I hope that you caught the difference between feelings and emotions.

In addition, emotions lie on the surface. You will always see when a person is funny, his fear or amazement. And feelings lie deep, you can’t get to them so easily. After all, it often happens when you despise a person, but due to the prevailing circumstances, you are forced to communicate with him, while portraying a positive attitude.

Classification of emotions

There are dozens of emotions. We will not consider everything, we will focus only on the most basic ones.

Three groups can be distinguished:

  • Positive.
  • Negative.
  • Neutral.

In each of the groups there are quite a few emotional shades, so it is almost impossible to calculate the exact number. The list of human emotions presented below is not complete, since there are many intermediate feelings, as well as a symbiosis of several emotions at the same time.

The biggest group is the negative ones, the second one is the positive ones. The neutral group is the smallest.

That's where we'll start.

Neutral emotions

These include:

  • Curiosity,
  • Amazement,
  • Indifference,
  • Contemplation,
  • Astonishment.

Positive emotions

These include everything that is connected with a feeling of joy, happiness and satisfaction. That is, with the fact that a person is pleased and really wants to continue.

  • Direct joy.
  • Delight.
  • Pride.
  • Confidence.
  • Confidence.
  • Delight.
  • Tenderness.
  • Gratitude.
  • jubilation.
  • Bliss.
  • Calm.
  • Love.
  • Sympathy.
  • Anticipation.
  • Respect.

This is not a complete list, but at least I tried to remember the most basic positive human emotions. If you forgot something - write in the comments.

negative emotions

The group is large. It would seem, for what they are needed. After all, it’s good when everything is only positive, there is no anger, anger and resentment. Why is a person negative? I can say one thing - without negative emotions, we would not appreciate the positive ones. And, as a result, they would have a completely different attitude to life. And, as it seems to me, they would be callous and cold.

The tint palette of negative emotions is as follows:

  • Woe.
  • Sadness.
  • Anger.
  • Despair.
  • Anxiety.
  • A pity.
  • Malice.
  • Hatred.
  • Boredom.
  • Fear.
  • Resentment.
  • Fright.
  • Shame.
  • Mistrust.
  • Disgust.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Repentance.
  • Remorse.
  • Confusion.
  • Horror.
  • Indignation.
  • Despair.
  • Annoyance.

This is also far from a complete list, but even on the basis of this it is clear how rich we are in emotions. We perceive literally every little thing instantly and give out our attitude towards it in the form of emotions. Moreover, very often this happens unconsciously. After a moment, we can already control ourselves and hide the emotion, but it's too late - whoever wanted to, he already noticed and made a conclusion. By the way, the method of checking whether a person is lying or telling the truth is based on this.

There is one emotion - gloating, which is not clear where to stick, either positive or negative. It seems that by gloating, a person evokes positive emotions for himself, but at the same time, this emotion produces a destructive effect in his own soul. That is, in fact, is negative.

Is it necessary to hide emotions

By and large, emotions are given to us for humanity. It is only thanks to them that we are several stages of development above all other individuals of the animal world. But in our world, more and more often people get used to hiding their feelings, hiding behind a mask of indifference. This is both good and bad.

Good - because the less others know about us, the less harm they can do to us.

It’s bad, because hiding our attitude, forcibly hiding emotions, we become callous, less responsive to the environment, get used to wearing a mask and completely forget who we really are. And this threatens, at best, with a prolonged depression, at worst, you will live your whole life playing an unnecessary role for no one, and will never become yourself.

That, in principle, is all that I can say so far about what emotions a person has. How you deal with them is up to you. I can say one thing for sure: there should be a measure in everything. It is also important not to overdo it with emotions, otherwise it will not be life, but its grotesque likeness.

Strong emotions are scary. Especially those who are used to being reserved. Whoever thinks that it is important to control yourself, it is important to always be aware of what you are doing and how you look in your own and other people's eyes. When your own and other people's strong emotions are frightening, there is a "wonderful" idea of ​​​​control over them. Strangers cannot be directly controlled, but you can try to shame the one who dared to behave as openly and naturally as possible. Shame is an excellent weapon... For yourself, you can look for a suitable ideology - one that will well justify impassibility and restraint. For example, Buddhism is an authoritative teaching. You can take Schopenhauer. Nietzsche would have been good, but he had solid passions and madness - it was not for nothing that he was out of his mind ... We need cold-blooded, imperturbable, impassive authors with the same texts and actions. An English gentleman, Natty Bumpo, nicknamed the Pathfinder, Major McNabbs - these are real examples of unflappable and worthy people!

A person who screams joyfully and jumps in place with happiness seems like an idiot. Crazy fans at hockey or football matches - what kind of screams and antics, what kind of kindergarten? An openly and clearly angry woman is a hysteric. The screaming man is a maniac and a psychopath. A woman who cannot find a place for herself from anxiety is again a hysteric (however, what a convenient label ...). Well, you can call her nervous ... Reverence is pathos. Greedy interest in something - childish curiosity, childishness ... But you should control yourself: emotions are useless, they are a hindrance and must be put under the iron control of the mind.

The idea of ​​controlling emotions is many, many years old. Strong feelings seem to be destructive. "I'm afraid to let my anger out of control because I'll lose all the brakes and I can do a lot of things." “I don’t want to get too attached, because I still have to get rid of ... I don’t want to depend on anyone.” “Negative feelings are best nipped in the bud, otherwise they grow and completely take control of you.” There is a lot of fear in these words. Fear of losing control and, as a result, of the face (“I will look like ...”). Fear of dissolving in a feeling, fear of losing oneself. Shame on yourself for such an "animal". You can't relax even in sex - you need to keep your face, be on top, and what is the solidity in these wild convulsions?

Alongside the idea that emotions can be controlled is the idea that a person chooses their emotions. "You chose to be offended! And I might as well not be offended.” “You chose to be angry, and it is your problem that you are angry. I’m calm, is it really impossible to talk like normal people ... ”(only for some reason my teeth are clenched to the point of pain in the jaws ...).

Both related ideas are wrong. Our emotions are generated by parts of the brain that are much older in origin than the "receptacle" of consciousness, the prefrontal cortex. Consciousness is always slower than unconscious reactions, and emotions are rooted in the unconscious, providing sometime in the distant past, quick reactions to certain external events. The mechanism remains, and the consciousness, not keeping up with the emotions, is trying to create the illusion of control.

We cannot forbid ourselves to experience emotions, especially strong ones. But to say that they cannot be influenced at all is wrong (although this is the dream of a psychopath). We have a choice: we can choose how we respond and respond to emotions. There are many reactions: from “Oh God, I feel angry - ban !!! Otherwise I'm a bad boy! (or “This is irrational, and I am a rational person!”) ​​to “Angry? Now I’m going to smash everything to hell!” And reacting is already just an action dictated by a choice. You can take out your anger on the object it is directed at, you can - on outsiders, you can bite yourself, you can swallow - and only crimson eyes indicate an internal eruption of anger.

We have one more choice to make: to simply experience the emotion, or to respond to it by turning it into an action aimed at changing the situation with which the experience is associated. Then the following is true: I choose to continue to be angry, or do something about it (rather than “I choose not to be angry in a situation that I am angry with”). Our internal attitudes, irrational introject thoughts, past experience - all this affects not the emotions themselves, but the reaction. And so - the emotions are about the same for everyone.

Rejection from loved ones causes pain. If it is not there, then either you do not feel it, or these are not close people. And the feeling of whether a person is close or not close does not depend on a rational choice. “I decided that you would be dear to me!” - sounds strange, right? ... When another person has something that we ourselves really want to possess, but so far this is impossible - we envy. We feel sympathy for similar people ... It is the commonality of our emotional reactions that makes it possible to empathize, to realize what another person feels. Reasons may differ, but emotions are the same.

But how did “change your attitude to the situation - change emotional reactions?” So changing the attitude is also not a rational choice. Until we reach a certain point in our emotional experience, no, even the most correct rational arguments will reach consciousness. “You can’t order your heart”, “I understand everything with my head, but I feel completely different!”, “I know that this is stupid, but I can’t do anything!”. Often you experience strong annoyance because of the words of friends in the style of “well, we told you!”. Yes, they did. But I was not in that emotional state to listen… Awareness, insight is not a rational act, but an unconscious one.

So running away from strong (and not so) emotions is a rejection of a huge layer of life experience, a path to impoverishment and dimming of life. The feeling of saturation comes with feelings, not with smart thoughts. The fear of being unable to control oneself during the experience of strong feelings is associated with a lack of experience of experience, but where does it come from? A vicious circle… Emotions do not destroy, they destroy inadequate ways of reacting and reacting. And the most terrible emotions are hidden in quiet people... In very quiet whirlpools...

P.S. If, after reading, the impression is that the mind is a secondary and unnecessary thing, then this is a very erroneous impression.

Strong emotions are scary. Especially those who are used to being reserved. Whoever thinks that it is important to control oneself, it is important to always be aware of what you are doing and how you look in your own and others' eyes. When your own and other people's strong emotions are frightening, a “wonderful” idea of ​​controlling them appears. Strangers cannot be directly controlled, but you can try to shame the one who dared to behave as openly and naturally as possible. Shame is an excellent weapon... For yourself, you can look for a suitable ideology - one that will well justify impassibility and restraint. For example, Buddhism is an authoritative teaching. You can take Schopenhauer. Nietzsche would have been nice, but he had solid passions and madness - it was not for nothing that he was out of his mind ... We need cold-blooded, imperturbable, impassive authors with the same texts and actions. An English gentleman, Natty Bumpo, nicknamed the Pathfinder, Major McNabbs - these are examples of imperturbable and worthy people!

A person who screams joyfully and jumps in place with happiness seems like an idiot. Crazy fans at hockey or football matches - what kind of screams and antics, what kind of kindergarten? An openly and clearly angry woman is a hysteric. The screaming man is a maniac and a psychopath. A woman who cannot find a place for herself from anxiety is again a hysterical woman (however, what a convenient label ...). Well, you can call her nervous ... Reverence is pathos. Greedy interest in something - childish curiosity, childishness ... But you should control yourself: emotions are useless, they are a hindrance and must be put under the iron control of the mind.

The idea of ​​controlling emotions is many, many years old. Strong feelings seem to be destructive. "I'm afraid to let my anger out of control because I'll lose all the brakes and I can do a lot of things." “I don’t want to get too attached, because I still have to get rid of ... I don’t want to depend on anyone.” “Negative feelings are best nipped in the bud, otherwise they grow and completely take control over you.” There is a lot of fear in these words. Fear of losing control and, as a result, of the face (“I will look like ...”). Fear of dissolving in a feeling, fear of losing oneself. Shame on oneself for such an “animal”. You can't relax even in sex - you need to keep your face, be on top, and what is the solidity in these wild convulsions?

Alongside the idea that emotions can be controlled is the idea that a person chooses their emotions. "You chose to be offended! And I might as well not be offended.” “You chose to be angry, and it is your problem that you are angry. I’m calm, is it really impossible to talk like normal people ... ”(only for some reason my teeth are clenched to the point of pain in the jaws ...).

Both related ideas are wrong. Our emotions are generated by parts of the brain that are much older in origin than the "receptacle" of consciousness, the prefrontal cortex. Consciousness is always slower than unconscious reactions, and emotions are rooted in the unconscious, providing sometime in the distant past, quick reactions to certain external events. The mechanism remains, and consciousness, which does not keep up with emotions, tries to create the illusion of control.

We cannot forbid ourselves to experience emotions, especially strong ones. But to say that they cannot be influenced at all is wrong (although this is the dream of a psychopath). We have a choice: we can choose how we respond and respond to emotions. There are many reactions: from “Oh God, I feel angry - ban !!! Otherwise I'm a bad boy! (or “This is irrational, and I am a rational person!”) ​​to “Angry? Now I’m going to smash everything to hell!” And reacting is just an action dictated by choice. to the inner eruption of malice.

We have one more choice to make: to simply experience the emotion, or to respond to it by turning it into an action aimed at changing the situation with which the experience is associated. Then the following is true: I choose to continue to be angry, or do something about it (rather than “I choose not to be angry in a situation that I am angry with”). Our internal attitudes, irrational introject thoughts, past experience - all this affects not the emotions themselves, but the reaction. And so - the emotions are about the same for everyone.

Rejection from loved ones causes pain. If it is not there, then either you do not feel it, or these are not close people. And the feeling of whether a person is close or not close does not depend on a rational choice. “I decided that you would be dear to me!” - sounds strange, right?... When another person has something that we ourselves really want to possess, but so far this is impossible - we envy. We feel sympathy for similar people ... It is the commonality of our emotional reactions that makes it possible to empathize the other person feels. The occasions may differ, but the emotions are the same.

But how did “change your attitude to the situation - change emotional reactions?” So changing the attitude is also not a rational choice. Until we reach a certain point in our emotional experience, no, even the most correct rational arguments will reach consciousness. “You can’t order your heart”, “I understand everything with my head, but I feel completely differently!” , “I know it’s stupid, but I can’t do anything!” Often you experience strong irritation due to the words of friends in the style of “well, we told you!”. Yes, they did. But I was not in that emotional state to listen… Awareness, insight is not a rational act, but an unconscious one.

So running away from strong (and not so) emotions is a rejection of a huge layer of life experience, a path to impoverishment and dimming of life. The feeling of saturation comes with feelings, not with smart thoughts. The fear of being unable to control oneself during the experience of strong feelings is associated with a lack of experience of experience, but where does it come from? A vicious circle... Emotions do not destroy, inadequate ways of reacting and reacting destroy. And the most terrible emotions are hidden in quiet people... In very quiet whirlpools...

P.S. If, after reading, the impression is that the mind is a secondary and unnecessary thing, then this is a very erroneous impression.

The strongest emotions

10 strongest human feelings and emotions

Do you want to know the truth about yourself or those around you? Do you want to understand what drives you every second of your life? Learn about the strongest human emotions that determine his habits, behavior, life.

Pride - the strongest feeling, expressed in the thirst for self-respect. It can lift to unattainable heights, it can plunge into the very abyss. With her you can bloom like a flower of paradise, with her you can wither. In different circles of communication it causes different responses: in high circles, in a sports environment, in business - it can generate a sense of respect for a person; among ordinary people, people of the orthodox persuasion, it can evoke a range of feelings from pity to open hostility. Actively promoted at the present time. Color - red.

Anger - a blinding feeling that drives a person into a frenzy due to a clear injustice to him, the inability to eliminate this injustice. Anger has two shades: the first is destructive in nature (it can harm the person himself, those around him, up to and including murder); the second - constructive - if in the process of experiencing emotions a positive result is obtained (here we can give a vivid example of the mother's behavior during the siege of Leningrad: a mother with a young child is in a village not far from the city, through which the railway runs. A train travels at great speed along the railway "To get from the village to the city for help, you need to get on this train. The train is not going to stop. The mother decides to jump onto the rails, blocking the train's path. The train stops with a screech of brakes and swearing from the driver, the mother and child get on the train). Color - fiery.

Laziness - a sore of the soul, which determines the whole life of a person who suffers from it. Laziness is comparable to a sticky web, once you get into it, you will extricate yourself for a long time and painfully. Laziness gives rise to many minor vices - lies, idleness, irritability, excessive eating. Laziness can be associated with children's complexes, fear of responsibility, lack of willpower. It is treated with an effort of will, with a great desire. Sometimes it is the engine of progress, during which new items that make life easier are created. Color - purple.

Despondency - An oppressive feeling of longing, accompanied by self-pity and playing the victim. May be a desirable permanent state in lazy people, permanent in people experiencing deep stress. It is treated with medication - from folk valerian to medicinal psychotropic drugs; mentally - from passing trainings to contacting specialists; spiritually - by transferring experiences to the area of ​​mystical experience. Non-standard methods of healing with dubious results - alcohol, illegal drugs, numerous relationships with partners with dubious moral attitudes. Color - pale blue.

Jealousy - A corrosive feeling of distrust and doubt in the other person. It turns out to be disastrous both for the jealous person himself (mental health, low self-esteem, inadequate actions), and for the object of jealousy (physical health, inadequate actions up to death). It is exaggerated and exalted in some works of art, among some nationalities. In small quantities it is a medicine for relationships, in excessive quantities it is poison. Poisonous orange.

Passion - antilove. It has a bright beginning, a stormy and memorable continuation, a climax and an end, followed by a feeling of disappointment and emptiness. It can manifest itself both to living beings and to inanimate objects (luxury items, antiques, branded cars). Color - the whole gamut of red.

Hatred - a feeling of deep disgust and rejection of another person. Destructively. Very destructive. Able to enter a person into a state of passion. It happens to a specific person, a group of people, society as a whole. Inherent in people who have no idea about love. It is believed that it can even compete with her, as evidenced by the Russian saying "From love to hate - one step." It is treated with love, which is also evidenced by the Georgian song “What was destroyed by enmity, will be reborn with love.” Color - cold blue.

Lie - Intentional misrepresentation. The weapon of choice on the battlefield of love. It is produced by fictitious fabrications, inventions and very often simple female nonsense. Sooner or later, but surely becomes known. It is not recommended to resort to this method too often, especially for people with poor memory. Color - marsh.

Envy - a feeling of annoyance caused by any superiority. In both cases, it has a steady destructive effect on the envious person himself. It incinerates, does not allow you to live in peace, drink, eat, gnaw. It is treated by equalizing self-esteem, feasible work in the name of achieving results, fighting laziness. There is an opinion that there are two colors - white (to the delight of people) and black (evil).

Love - the most unsurpassed feeling of all that exists in the human soul. Color - 7 colors of the rainbow.

A person is capable of experiencing a variety of emotional experiences. Moreover, several at once, simultaneously surging or in a certain sequence. Psychologists have long established that feelings and emotions are not only connected or sometimes intertwined, but sometimes one state can smoothly flow into another. Basic emotions, a list and their descriptions will be given below.

A person's emotions are very much dependent on his temperament. The strength of the experiences of the choleric, with his truly explosive character, will clearly go off scale, in comparison with the worries of the phlegmatic, whose control over his condition is almost always very high. Although options are still possible, especially since temperaments in a person can be expressed extremely rarely in their pure form.

As a rule, one can observe their mixing in various proportions. Four temperaments (choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic) provide a different set and strength of manifestation of reactions (emotions) to a newly arisen circumstance. Emotions have the following properties:

  1. Emotions can be overt and sometimes covert. The speed of their occurrence and flow is so fast that a person is sometimes not able to track one or several emotions, respond to them or fully realize them either.
  2. The situational nature of emotions is expressed in a subconscious assessment of ongoing events, and then transferred to the awareness of one's participation in this.
  3. A certain feeling can be expressed through various emotions.

Unlike emotion, feeling is more stable and has a pronounced objective character. Although they are closely intertwined in the state of mind of a person, they still differ not only in their speed, but also in the assessment of his activity or being, to which there is a certain relationship. For example, a beloved fluffy pet can arch its back very imposingly and, honestly looking into the owner's eyes, begin to tear apart brand new wallpapers with its claws. In this case, it will be incredibly difficult to contain the surging emotions. And they are unlikely to be positive, although the attitude and feeling towards the pet will remain the same. Just a minute later, the owner of the pet, trying to find justifying motivation for him, will go through all the existing options to correct the current situation. Perhaps a scratching post will be bought or the time for walking will be increased.

There is no direct relationship between feelings and emotions. The mental state of a person practically balances between them. Sometimes people are able to control even fleeting emotions, hiding their feelings behind inexpressive facial expressions and movements.

A huge number of human emotions are known, their characteristic features are so pronounced that they can be combined according to certain criteria into appropriate groups. All basic human emotions are divided into categories and described by professional psychologists.

Sigmund Freud introduced the concept of "anxiety" into psychology. Modern scientists consider it as a special kind of fear. Sometimes anxiety arises due to the activity of a developed imagination, excessive impressionability or internal restlessness.

Fear includes emotions that are characteristic of expressing a person’s defensive reaction when he is. The emotion of fear can also arise in the case of a deep concern about the fate of loved ones, the country and the whole world. Despair can be called a state that characterizes complete hopelessness, which entails a real threat to the well-being of a person, his health, and in some cases even life.

A variety of human emotions, the list of which can be continued almost indefinitely, speak of the complexity of the human psyche and its rich emotional experiences of life. Without them, all the events on our planet would not sparkle with such bright colors.