Shower      05/28/2019

Super planers are interesting. Manual planer for the manufacture of profile wood products Rozhnov Nikolai Ivanovich

to set up, I found a logical way out from the master - to make a tool case with a profile bottom part. Like, what could be easier? But no one has thought of it before...

7. The front part of the block at the Rozhnov planer is slightly rounded, despite the common advice to make a strictly flat sole. However, this refinement facilitates the movement of the tool.

All these changes in the design of the planer, small in themselves, nevertheless served as the basis for the issuance of patent number 2182535 to Nikolai Ivanovich Rozhnov on May 20, 2002 for "Planer for the manufacture of profile wood products."

Planer making

Making a Rozhnov profile planer is not so difficult. The blanks will be a piece of a hornbeam or beech bar and a finished knife made of tool steel (or just a strip of hardened steel).

To mark planer blocks, Nikolai Ivanovich advises making a template (3) from plexiglass - it is easier to create planers for different profiles. There are more than 40 planes with different profiles in his workshop. If you do not plan to make several planers, you can get by with square markings. A rectangular bar 250-270 mm long, 30-40 mm thick and 85-90 mm wide must be cut off, and then mark the position of the wedge and notch. Approximate proportions are visible in the photo.

Next, you need to make a triangular drill from a feather drill 35 mm wide to drill a tap hole or cut a tap hole with chisels, manual jigsaw or band saw- who has what. The view of the drill is clear from the photo, the width along the upper edge is 35 mm, along the lower edge - 25 mm, the length of the working part is 35 mm. The grooves on the edges serve as chipbreakers and do not match on different edges. Their purpose is chip breaking during drilling, which makes the process smoother.

The next step is to create a fixture to hold the workpiece on the table. drilling machine at an angle of 45 and 75 ° (you can tilt the table, and clamp the workpiece in machine vice screwed to the machine table). We drill two 8 mm holes, select a tree between them with chisels - we get a hole for a wedge.

The side of the hole, to which the knife shank will adjoin, is processed with a chisel to obtain the desired angle of inclination, approximately 10-15 °. We make a clamping wedge from pruning a tree. We saw through fine hacksaw notch slot so that it is on the continuation of the rear plane of the hole for the wedge.

Now comes the hardest part of the process. It is necessary to make a template of the future profile out of metal or plastic, and then with chisels, files, a circular saw and a false gobel with additional limiters, give the planer sole the desired profile. These are long and painstaking procedures.

Next, we put the knife blank in the planer and, looking along the sole, outline the contour of the cutting edge on the metal. We will not dwell on what and how to make a profile knife - this is a separate problem, widely described in the literature on carpentry.

The most important thing is to prevent overheating and release of the knife when sharpening. It is better to check the temperature by touch with your finger, cooling the knife in water.

Nikolai Ivanovich and then came up with a device - he installed a sheet of plywood on an electric grinder so that it would fit the disk under right angle. Instead of a grindstone, I installed (with the help of adapter bushings) a disk from an angle grinder for cutting metal (5) on the grindstone shaft. The rotation speed of the sharpener is more than half that recommended for the disc, so the heating of the workpiece is negligible, the steel is not released, there are practically no sparks. By pressing the knife blank to the plywood hand rest, it is not so difficult to make a profile knife for the planer sole profile or according to the template.

N. ROZHNOV, reserve major, civil engineer, carpenter.

The Master came to the editorial office and right in front of our eyes with several smooth passes of the planer turned wooden lath in a picture frame. Its surface not only did not require further processing, it revealed the natural beauty of the internal structure of the tree. And then the Master - retired military engineer Nikolai Ivanovich ROZHNOV - showed the secret. It consists in the design of tools of the family of original planers with figured knives. However, let the author of the invention tell further.

Nikolai Ivanovich Rozhnov in his studio.

The profile of the working part of the planes - soles and knives - allows you to get ready product in just a few passes.

Such shavings come out only from under the planer knife.

I undertake to assert that of today's masters working with wood, few will be able to list most of the names and appointments. different types manual planes: sherhebel, planer, jointer, false gobel, zenzubel, tsinubel, sheet pile, ground gobel, figarey, bear, morn, humpback, kalevka. And if you consider that each of these planes has its own subspecies, then the task becomes even more complicated.

When I ask a question to specialists working in this field why they do not plan hand tool, the answer is: "Why, when all the most complex woodworking can be done on machines and electric planes, it's much faster and better". Yes, there is a quantity, but as for the quality, I will try to prove the opposite.

Let's start in order.

The tree is the closest living thing to man natural material. Accompanies us from birth to death. Born - they put it in a wooden coffin, died - they bury it in a wooden coffin. When a person is alive, there is a tree all around: a house, buildings, furniture, firewood, etc. Every day, a person mentions a tree dozens of times, sometimes without even noticing it. In the word "hello", by the way, the root is "drav" (from "trees"). And we all come from the village.

The old masters believed that wood had a soul. Before removing the shavings, they carefully studied the "character" of the wooden blank: it is a tree - like a person, it does not like it when it is against "wool". To see, reveal the soul (drawing, texture) of a tree is possible only with the help of hand planers. The thinner the chips, the fuller, richer the pattern. It was called to process, I would even say, to cut the tree for "red", that is, for brightness, for "light". For this, the masters received the title of "cabinet makers".

Take a closer look at antique furniture: over the past centuries, it has become even brighter, richer, warmer in design, because that cabinetmaker gave the tree a second life, revealed the light energy accumulated by the tree over tens, hundreds of years while it was growing, and this process (of accepting and reflecting light) will continue as long as objects of light sources exist. Knots, teases, shells - all this, of course, for a wood product, as well as for a "bright" person, is a disadvantage. Take them away and get good shape without content.

The whole secret is in the shavings. The planer shavings are a thin, bright spiral. The spiral is, after all, also the harmony of the natural form. Human DNA is built in a spiral, plants grow along the same line, and life develops in a spiral.

Machine tools, even the most advanced in technology, do not make the same chips, spirals. They just rip off surface layer. Subsequent grinding emery skins eliminates traces (combs) from knives, but at the same time aggravates the situation even more, as it induces a "fog" on the still not bright processing. It turns out that we conquered the tree with machines, but we could not really force it to serve. Everything has its place in this business: machines help to preparatory stages work, give us a good semi-finished product, but leave the final touch to a person with a planer in his hands.

If you want to work with a tree, then work hard, give it its due. Undisclosed energy is unrealized energy, and all wood products in this case are stillborn.

Do you want to argue with me? I'm ready. Please note that I confirm my reasoning with a specific practical work, I plan on "red" planers with profile knives (mouldings), which:

Do not require adjustment and adjustment before and during operation;

If the operating rules are observed, sharpening the knife is practically not needed;

For the working part (sole) there is a removable case that protects the knives.

I received a patent for this planer.

I said my word about "red" planing as best I could. The word is yours, cabinetmakers, if you still have it.

Hello! Gentlemen, artisans, before calling the Japanese to the competition - "their planes" and all other countries, I rummaged through with the help of the main information tool i.e. computer with a simple set of keywords:
- Japanese American German planers, etc.
- when he applied for patenting, he rummaged through the library in this department and the polytechnic. museum
-passed all the establishments using kalevki in their affairs
It turns out you are advanced in computers and here I will teach ...
Before communicating with anyone, for example, with A. Kutuzov, I also type newsky cabinetmaker and I have a video about this person
Tell me how to get information about masters who have no names ... only on the forum, and this is not complete, one-sided information
I repeat, for more than 10 years I have been stupidly typing: planers hand moulders hand-made baguette planing with hand planers ....- thinner chips brighter cuts planing on red ... and further on the topic of SR declared not by me
I didn’t pull out the “competition” on the forum, but since artisans without names appeared to teach me about:
- removal of profile chips
-production of molding glands and their further exploitation
Then I'm ready to compete and replenish the announced prize fund
I give a tip ... - stupidly type ROZHNOV'S PLANE in all search engines and people who are passionate about planers, frames, there will be enough information so that later you don’t ask questions that lead away from the topic of SR (I repeat myself many times already)
- “video planer of the 21st century”, for example, type in Yandex and you will see the level of competition among the inventors of Russia in 2007. The organizers of this TV project did not find any other planners at that time.
Serve you on a silver platter pulled your own information ...
I have the opinion that you don’t need planers and you don’t know how to plan with moulds ...
My information, however, hooked several artisans and they are already looking at the planes of their grandfathers differently
Gentlemen, how do you teach your children, grandchildren ...? - probably immediately to the machines, and then what kind of skill does the machine operator have - skills are needed there and take care of your fingers
You don’t know how you had to snatch these planes out of the hands of the boys, since the classes were over, but they don’t leave ... They closed the Polytechnic Museum (you don’t even need the AXIS OF THE WORLD), they reduced the tiny rates for circles in schools - they deprived children of the joy of communicating with wood, tools, now there are solid decoupages ...
With respect to the craftsmen - who are from the USSR (make your own planer and make your own frame)
N. Rozhnov
No thanks - vote for FIMIP if you want the drillers to pay attention to us, because those with planers have the floor of the OSI


N. ROZHNOV, reserve major, civil engineer, carpenter.

The Master came to the editorial office and, right in front of our eyes, turned a wooden lath into a figured frame for a picture with several smooth passes of a planer. Its surface not only did not require further processing, it revealed the natural beauty of the internal structure of the tree. And then the Master - retired military engineer Nikolai Ivanovich ROZHNOV - showed the secret. It consists in the design of tools of the family of original planers with figured knives. However, let the author of the invention tell further.

I undertake to assert that of today's masters working with wood, few will be able to list most of the names and the purpose of different types of hand planers: sherhebel, planer, jointer, false gobel, zenzubel, tsinubel, tongue and groove, gruntgobel, figari, bear, morn, humpback, kalevka. And if you consider that each of these planes has its own subspecies, then the task becomes even more complicated.

When I ask specialists working in this field why they don’t plan with hand tools, the answer is: “Why, when all the most complex woodworking can be done on machines and electric planers, it is much faster and better.” Yes, there is quantity, but as for quality, I will try to prove the opposite.

Let's start in order.

Wood is the closest living natural material to man. Accompanies us from birth to death. Born - they put it in a wooden coffin, died - they bury it in a wooden coffin. When a person is alive, there is a tree all around: a house, buildings, furniture, firewood, etc. Every day, a person mentions a tree dozens of times, sometimes without even noticing it. In the word "hello", by the way, the root is "drav" (from "trees"). And we all come from the village.

The old masters believed that wood had a soul. Before removing the shavings, they carefully studied the "character" of the wooden blank: it is a tree - like a person, it does not like it when it is against "wool". To see, reveal the soul (drawing, texture) of a tree is possible only with the help of hand planers. The thinner the chips, the fuller, richer the pattern. It was called to process, I would even say, to cut the tree for "red", that is, for brightness, for "light". For this, the masters received the title of "cabinet makers".

Take a closer look at antique furniture: over the past centuries, it has become even brighter, richer, warmer in design, because that cabinetmaker gave the tree a second life, revealed the light energy accumulated by the tree over tens, hundreds of years while it was growing, and this process (of accepting and reflecting light) will continue as long as objects of light sources exist. Knots, teases, shells - all this, of course, for a wood product, as well as for a "bright" person, is a disadvantage. If we remove them, we get a good form without content.

The whole secret is in the shavings. The planer shavings are a thin, bright spiral. The spiral is, after all, also the harmony of the natural form. Human DNA is built in a spiral, plants grow along the same line, and life develops in a spiral.

Machine tools, even the most advanced in technology, do not make the same chips, spirals. They just peel off the surface layer. Subsequent grinding with emery skins eliminates traces (ridges) from knives, but at the same time aggravates the situation even more, as it induces a "fog" on the still not bright processing. It turns out that we HAVE the tree with machines (conquered), but IT DIDN'T GIVEN TO US (we couldn't really force it to serve). Everything has its place in this business: the machines help in the preparatory stages of work, give us a good semi-finished product, but leave the final touch to the person with the planer in their hands.

If you want to work with a tree, then work hard, give it its due. Undisclosed energy is unrealized energy, and all wood products in this case are stillborn.

Do you want to argue with me? I'm ready. Please note that I confirm my reasoning with a specific practical work, I plan on "red" with planers with profile knives (mouldings), which:

Do not require adjustment and adjustment before and during operation;

If the operating rules are observed, sharpening the knife is practically not needed;

For the working part (sole) there is a removable case that protects the knives.

I received a patent for this planer.

I said my word about "red" planing as best I could. The word is yours, cabinetmakers, if you still have it.