Well      06/14/2019

Work on a laser machine - from idea to finished product. Laser cutting machine for plywood and wood: principle of operation, types and prices Laser cutting of wood and plywood

laser cutting plywood is an effective way to cut sheet material and process complex parts. Modern equipment And Hi-tech allow you to achieve maximum clarity of lines with perfect cut quality and dimensional accuracy of the workpiece.

Professional laser cutting of plywood in Mos-Laser

Depending on the density and structure of the material, laser cutting of plywood sheets is carried out with a laser beam of a certain power, which is selected individually for each product. The professionalism of the specialists of the Mos-Laser team, the preliminary study of templates in 3D format and right choice optimal speed eliminate the possibility of damage to parts and the occurrence of marriage.

Plywood is widely used in construction, interior decoration, and the creation of decorative products, which is why the service of laser cutting of sheets of this material is so in demand in Moscow. In our work, we use high-precision equipment with a powerful system for blowing the cut zone, so that the edges and cuts are perfectly clear without deformation and signs of charring.

Prices for laser cutting plywood

Material thickness, mm Plywood (F.K.), MDF, rub. per meter of cut Plywood (FSF), Solid wood, rub. per meter of cut
3 from 29 from 34
4-5 from 30 from 35
6-7 from 34 from 42
8-9 from 42 from 48
10 from 45 from 55
12 from 50 from 70
14-15 from 70 from 80
16 from 84 from 98
18 from 96 from 110
20 from 110 from 125
22 from 120 from 145

How to use the services of Mos-Laser

Thickness more than indicated in the price list is negotiated individually

Submit your application

Laser cutting of plywood is a progressive technology for cutting wood-based panels, providing high-precision creation of parts and elements of the most complex shapes. Our studio performs laser cutting of plywood according to individual orders in Moscow. Experience and modern equipment allow us to create not just beautiful figures, but real masterpieces that can decorate any object.


Cutting plywood with a laser is widely used in the production of various products for decorative and functional purposes. This technology is especially popular among furniture makers and decorators. With the help of a special machine and a focused beam of coherent radiation, our specialists perform openwork cutting plywood with the creation of flat and three-dimensional figures of varying complexity. This technology is suitable for both piece production and serial production of products not only from plywood, but also from MDF and other materials. Due to the peculiarities of the equipment, laser cutting of plywood allows the production of elements of standard and large sizes. It can also be used to create highly artistic miniatures up to 3 cm high.

Curly cutting plywood is actively used for the manufacture of:

  • accessories;
  • advertising products;
  • furniture elements;
  • building structures.

Technology Benefits

Laser cutting plywood has a huge number of advantages. The machines we use are capable of processing sheets up to 2050x3050 mm in size and 0.5-12 mm thick. In addition to cutting plywood, we also cut products from other wood materials: veneer, natural array, MDF, chipboard. After loading the workpiece on the table and entering the basic parameters powerful laser acts on the material with a focused beam, burning out the desired figure along the contour. Curly cutting plywood to order has the following advantages:

  • the ability to create figures according to templates of any complexity;
  • excellent detail and clarity of patterns and ornaments;
  • high-quality cut with the creation of a clean, smooth and even edge;
  • no need for additional processing of the edges;
  • exceptional accuracy down to hundredths of a millimeter.

Benefits of ordering curly cutting in our studio

  • Modern equipment. Laser cutting of plywood to order is carried out on automated machines with high-tech computer control.
  • Affordable prices. The absence of intermediary margins and transparent cost calculation exclude overpayment and save the budget.
  • Qualified specialists. Services of laser cutting of plywood are shown by experienced and responsible craftsmen who have undergone special training.
  • Efficiency. Thanks to high performance equipment, we are able to fulfill orders of any scale and complexity in a short time.
  • Individual approach. For those wishing to order laser cutting from plywood, we offer a quality service that takes into account all the wishes of the client.

Cooperating with us is convenient and profitable! Check out our price list and order laser cutting of plywood in Moscow by contacting our manager at the numbers listed on the website.

From 10r / meter cut.

We process not only plywood, but also numerous wooden surfaces such as oak, beech, ash, pine, etc. But plywood is an excellent material for processing with high flexibility parameters. Cutting wood and plywood with a laser involves a thermal effect on the material, as a result of which the cut is processed by combustion. Cutting plywood and wood with a milling cutter is carried out using a high-precision CNC milling and engraving machine. Both processing methods have a number of advantages. The choice depends on the idea of ​​your final product and layout. Figurative cutting of wood requires skill and excellent creative abilities, then finished products acquire a finished aesthetic appearance.

Figured cutting of wooden and plywood surfaces

Figured cutting of wooden and plywood surfaces has a number of features, depending on the properties of the material, its thickness and size. Standard sizes plywood sheet - 1525 x 1525 mm, 2440 x 1220 mm, 3000 x 1500 mm, thickness can vary in the range of 3-40 mm. We offer to manufacture finished products only high-quality raw materials - FK and FSF, grades 1\2, 2\2, Sh2. The materials used are devoid of knots and unevenness, and careful double-sided grinding guarantees the production of aesthetic and attractive products.

  • Working field size - 1550 x 2050 mm
  • Minimum order value - from 7000 rubles without taking into account the cost of the material.
  • Cutting material - customer or own
  • File Format - *cdr(CorelDraw); *.dxf, *.dwg (AutoCAD)
Material thickness, mm up to 300 m 301 -500 m 501 - 1000 m 1001 - 3000 m 3001 - 10.000 m over 10.000 m
3 70 25.5 20 15.5 13 negotiable
4 84 31 24 20 17 negotiable
6 98 48 36.5 29.5 24 negotiable
8 126 63 48 39.5 34 negotiable
10 140 78.5 60.5 49 42 negotiable
12 168 94 74.5 59 50.4 negotiable
15 196 118 91 74.5 66 negotiable
18 224 154 106.5 91 81.5 negotiable
20 280 168 120.5 100.5 90 negotiable

Only hand-carved wood can be better than laser cutting, but a hand-carved product will cost much more than a product obtained after processing with a laser beam. Moreover, the terms for manufacturing products using a laser will be much less compared to the long and painstaking process of cutting by hand.

Laser cutting is considered one of the most effective ways effects on absolutely any materials. High impact speed and maximum precision of all cut lines attract many customers. Products obtained by processing on a milling machine cannot be compared in quality with those created using laser cutting.

Laser cutting of plywood, the price and deadlines of which can only please, for many is the solution to the urgent problem of implementation urgency. When a project is on fire, the only right decision there will be an appeal to the laser installation.

Professionalism first

It is known that the laser is able to act on any surface, but each material has its own subtleties. Only a professional equipment adjuster will be able to select the optimal exposure force and set the desired beam operation modes. There are frequent cases of damage to the source material due to the fault of an unskilled employee, therefore, to create products using laser cutting, you need to contact a trusted company that enjoys good recommendations on the service market.

Process Nuances

Laser cutting of plywood, in terms of efficiency, repeats cutting and, however, it has a number of significant features and subtleties, as well as in business.

Plywood is considered the most capricious material for this type of processing, but carved wood products look very elegant and beautiful. The fact is that different varieties wood require different power laser beam and besides, in the mass of plywood, knots are often found that are much denser than the main layer, they can provoke the so-called "undercut". Only an experienced specialist will be able to take into account all the nuances and minimize the risk of damage to expensive material.

Fire may occur when cutting plywood with a laser working surface or charring of the edge of the cut, which means its darkening. To avoid this, the intensity of the cooling air supply must be constantly monitored. One automated process is indispensable here - you need the constant presence of an intelligent adjuster.

All of the above difficulties determine the fact that laser cutting of plywood is the most difficult method of material processing.

The use of plywood products

The scope of carved plywood products is very large, because wooden objects have always been famous for their natural beauty. Often wood carved products are used for interior decoration premises and landscape decoration of personal plots. A variety of panels, furniture elements, floor and wall decorations- everywhere where the designer's eye was directed, you can see plywood decor. Also, carved wood products are used as souvenirs: various coasters, diplomas, frames, and so on.

Advantages over other methods of influence:

  • clarity and evenness of the cut, which will not need to be polished after processing;
  • high cutting speed, in comparison with other methods of exposure;
  • the possibility of obtaining a wide variety of shapes and lines, the thickness of the resulting elements will be the most minimal;
  • laser cutting of plywood, the price of which will please any customer, will allow you to create a product of any complexity, and its cost will not change from this.

The purpose of the article is to acquaint thinkers with working on laser machine with CNC. Since I did not find any articles on this topic, I decided that I would be the first to document the process 🙂

Step by step we will learn making simple things which are useful in everyday life.

Step 1 Idea

How to find what to do? You relax, meditate and BAM! You get the idea to create something. You already feel it in your hands, feel the weight, surface roughness, color. But it can also be quite banal - you need, for example, a hanger in a closet. We will do it.
Well, of course, we are not looking for simple (banal purchase) ways. We need something unique. By the way, one more.

Step 2. Drawing/model creation, material selection

Everything is in order in your head ... I mean your craft. Now we need to somehow convey this to the computer. They have been able to read, write, and speak for a long time, but as far as the transmission of thoughts and images is concerned, this is not yet the case. Are looking for finished drawing for rework or create your own from scratch. The easiest way is to find a vector drawing on the Internet and modify it. I used for this CorelDraw. The thickness of the contour depends on the material. Choosing an inexpensive hanger plywood 8-10 mm.

Let's add a few more hooks and arrange it all tighter. There are special additions for arranging objects on a sheet, but about them in the following articles.

Life hack: in order not to draw hooks, the letters S were used 🙂

Step 3. Dimension check, export

We check everything. We simulate the handling of the hanger, we look at what would normally be worn on the crossbar in the closet and not fall.

In order not to have to redo it is better to check everything at once.

We save our drawing in the format dxf (the most optimal for us).

Step 4. Setting up the machine

Click Import... choose units of measurement millimeters. Let's check the dimensions again. If everything is good, they should increase slightly (by hundredths of a millimeter - this is to take into account what the laser will “eat”).

Then cutting options. There is a table with the names of materials and cutting parameters, but as practice has shown, it is necessary to carry out test cutting on small plot Anyway! Each line color can be customized different power and type of work. The screenshot shows the settings. CUT(cutting) for plywood 10 mm thick.

We have only 2 main parameters - passage speed and power. Yet again IMPORTANT not to cut on maximum power , This extend the life of the laser.

We press start.

Step 5. Painting

Edges of products in the air charred, so we need to process them a bit sandpaper . Then just cover everything with colorless varnish from a can or paint.