In a private house      07/02/2020

Interesting facts in contact about a person. VKontakte: history, success, well-known and little-known facts. The most interesting facts about VKontakte

In appearance and in general terms, VKontakte is similar to Facebook. Founder social network Pavel Durov explains this similarity by the fact that an open concept of styles was used when creating the design. But VK is much more convenient. Introducing Interesting Facts about VK.

General information

VKontakte is a commercial Russian social network. It was launched in October 2006, but at the very beginning it was assumed that only students and graduates of higher educational institutions would use the resource. Russian Federation. The author of this site is Pavel V. Durov, former chief general director of VKontakte. Now this site is owned by the technology company Group.

Interesting information

The social network has many kind of "secrets" about which users often do not even suspect everything. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a person began to use the social network very often and stopped noticing them. Next, we will talk about several interesting facts about one of the most popular networks in Russia:

  1. If a registered user has less than 5 friends, then when he enters, he immediately goes to his page (profile), and not to the news feed.
  2. Although they say that music on VK has become paid, this interpretation is not entirely correct. Her audition was only limited to a certain amount of time. At the same time, a paid subscription was introduced to remove this limitation. This event took place in November 2017.
  3. On November 4, 2019, at about 4 p.m., the social network crashed again. It was expressed by problems with sending messages (or rather, with the complete inability to send a message to anyone), with logging into the page itself or into the "news" section. There were also problems with viewing your own "bookmarks".
  4. VK has been accused several times of piracy, copyright infringement due to the illegal distribution of music and the emergence of Internet addiction.
  5. You can actually go to jail or get a big fine because of likes, reposts and posts on the page. Thus, it is known about the case when two students were convicted in 2009 for posting “extremist materials” (perhaps they really were extremist).
  6. Currently, the resource is accurately translated into 74 languages, but there is information that the social network has been translated into more than 90 languages.
  7. Open registration on the site became available only a year after the launch of the social network.
  8. In 2013, Roskomnadzor added the social network domain to the number of banned sites. Perhaps this was done by mistake (a mistake is the official version), or perhaps due to the appearance of materials that readers should not have known about.
  9. There is a myth that the Federal Security Service launched VKontakte as a project to spy on the population (perhaps some of the information is used to spy on the right people, there is nothing strange in this, because the FSB is a special service).
  10. The site is written in kPHP, a PHP to C++ translator, which doubles the speed of the service.
  11. According to some users, the site still has many flaws that complicate the use of the page. For example, many do not like the editor of articles on VKontakte.
  12. Some companies specifically block access to the social network of their employees to increase productivity. Some educational institutions also adhere to this method.

Good day to all, my dear friends. To be honest, this work week was quite hard. There was a whole lot of work. Therefore, today on this wonderful day off, I just wanted to relax a little. Therefore, I have prepared an appropriate article for you.

In one of the past articles, I told the most interesting ones, but this time I want to touch on another popular social network. Well, from the name you already understood what kind of network it is). In general, relax and read the most interesting facts about VKontakte in my personal opinion.

  1. According to the original idea, this popular social network was conceived as just an attachment to the St. Petersburg State University forum. And it was planned that it would unite all students and graduates of this educational institution. But as you can see, the network has gone far beyond the university forum and the number of registered users is in the tens of millions.
  2. Many have noticed that the main color of the contact, like Facebook, is blue. I don’t know what guided Pavel Durov, but Mark Zuckerberg is colorblind, and Blue colour(with all shades) is the only one that he distinguishes flawlessly.
  3. I don’t know if this is a coincidence or just Pasha Durov’s superstition, but users with id13 And id666 not registered in the contact. Facebook didn't seem to see that.
  4. Today, Vkontakte is the most visited site in Runet. But the truth is there is one BUT. If you add all Yandex services (mail, market, maps, auto, news, pictures, search, etc.), then of course Yandex takes first place.
  5. Despite the fact that this social network has the simplest address, a huge number of users still search for this site using search engines.
  6. Due to the great similarity and the main idea, in the USA they officially announced that VKontakte is a pirate site, and Pavel Durov was accused of plagiarism.
  7. One of the main reasons why the site is called “VKontakte” is the phrase "Be in full contact with information", which Durov heard on the radio "Echo of Moscow". Pavel rethought this phrase and then it came to mind to name his social network like that.
  8. Pavel Durov resigns in 2014 CEO, retires completely from his offspring and sells all his shares. Now he is the creator of the popular messenger Telegram, which by the way is not even translated into Russian. But on the other hand, he does not leave his page unattended and is periodically published.
  9. In the fall of 2014, Group buys out the remaining stake in Vkontakte and thus becomes the sole owner of this network.
  10. By the way, about the Mail.Ru group. This company owns not only the contact, but also the Odnoklassniki website, and that's not counting itself. That is, in fact, all the most popular domestic social networks. networks are owned by the same company. What a twist.
  11. In fact, Group has long wanted to have 100% of the contact's shares, but earlier Durov rejected all these offers and even published his photo on Instagram with his middle finger outstretched, signing the photo like this: “The official response to the trash holding Mail.Ru on its next attempts to absorb Vkontakte”. But as you now know, this holding still managed to become a full owner.

Well, that's basically all I wanted to tell you about the most famous social network in Russia. I hope that you managed to relax and enjoyed today's facts. But if you have something to add, then feel free to write.

Well, this concludes my article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss anything interesting. By the way, I recommend you to look at other articles of my blog. I'm sure you'll find something of interest. Well, I say goodbye to you today. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Good day to all, my dear friends. To be honest, this work week was quite hard. There was a whole lot of work. Therefore, today on this wonderful day off, I just wanted to relax a little. Therefore, I have prepared an appropriate article for you.

In one of the past articles, I told the most interesting ones, but this time I want to touch on another popular social network. Well, from the name you already understood what kind of network it is). In general, relax and read the most interesting facts about VKontakte in my personal opinion.

  1. According to the original idea, this popular social network was conceived as just an attachment to the St. Petersburg State University forum. And it was planned that it would unite all students and graduates of this educational institution. But as you can see, the network has gone far beyond the university forum and the number of registered users is in the tens of millions.
  2. Many have noticed that the main color of the contact, like Facebook, is blue. I don’t know what Pavel Durov was guided by, but Mark Zuckerberg is color blind, and the blue color (with all shades) is the only one that he distinguishes flawlessly.
  3. I don’t know if this is a coincidence or just Pasha Durov’s superstition, but users with id13 And id666 not registered in the contact. Facebook didn't seem to see that.
  4. Today, Vkontakte is the most visited site in Runet. But the truth is there is one BUT. If you add all Yandex services (mail, market, maps, auto, news, pictures, search, etc.), then of course Yandex takes first place.
  5. Despite the fact that this social network has the simplest address, a huge number of users still search for this site using search engines.
  6. Due to the great similarity and the main idea, in the USA they officially announced that VKontakte is a pirate site, and Pavel Durov was accused of plagiarism.
  7. One of the main reasons why the site is called “VKontakte” is the phrase "Be in full contact with information", which Durov heard on the radio "Echo of Moscow". Pavel rethought this phrase and then it came to mind to name his social network like that.
  8. In 2014, Pavel Durov resigns as CEO, resigns completely from his offspring and sells all his shares. Now he is the creator of the popular messenger Telegram, which by the way is not even translated into Russian. But on the other hand, he does not leave his page unattended and is periodically published.
  9. In the fall of 2014, Group buys out the remaining stake in Vkontakte and thus becomes the sole owner of this network.
  10. By the way, about the Mail.Ru group. This company owns not only the contact, but also the Odnoklassniki website, and that's not counting itself. That is, in fact, all the most popular domestic social networks. networks are owned by the same company. What a twist.
  11. In fact, Group has long wanted to have 100% of the contact's shares, but earlier Durov rejected all these offers and even published his photo on Instagram with his middle finger outstretched, signing the photo like this: “The official response to the trash holding Mail.Ru on its next attempts to absorb Vkontakte”. But as you now know, this holding still managed to become a full owner.

Well, that's basically all I wanted to tell you about the most famous social network in Russia. I hope that you managed to relax and enjoyed today's facts. But if you have something to add, then feel free to write.

Well, this concludes my article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss anything interesting. By the way, I recommend you to look at other articles of my blog. I'm sure you'll find something of interest. Well, I say goodbye to you today. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Every modern man registered with at least one of the popular social networks. This article will discuss one of them. So interesting facts about Vkontata, the second most popular site in Russia.

Don't miss out on a related article.

Short facts about Vkontakte

  • The resource was launched on October 10, 2006.(Pavel Durov was 22 years old)
  • Initially, VK was conceived as a student social network, with the working title -
  • VK users put 1 billion likes per day.
  • The most popular post has over 3 million likes.
  • The youngest employee is 16 years old.

A few facts about VK from Wikipedia

For publications, reposts, comments and likes posted on their VKontakte pages, dozens of Russian citizens were sentenced to fines, suspended sentences and even imprisonment. Most of the cases against users are qualified as propaganda of extremism, xenophobia and Nazism.

Along with other social networks, VKontakte is often called one of the most convenient sources for extracting information and searching for personal data. In particular, banking agents use social networks to search for debtors. (In 2018, the NBKI agreed with Mail.Ru Group on the possibility, on a paid basis, to analyze borrowers' profiles on the social network).

Interesting facts about Vkontakte in pictures

Often "VKontakte" is called a clone of Facebook. Pavel Durov, in response to the accusations, claimed that he really got acquainted with the principles of the social network for the first time on the example of Facebook, but the implementation of the site required the adaptation of the concept to the Russian education system, as well as writing its own program code.

The similarity of the design is due to the use of an open style concept, described, in particular, in the book "The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential - Tips, Tricks & Hacks". In addition, in response to criticism, the creators say that some of the ideas and mechanisms used in social networks were first implemented on VKontakte.

Before 2005, the Internet was very different. The World Wide Web was already a huge structure with millions of sites and billions of users. However, the era was coming, which one of its main ideologists, Tim O'Reilly, called Web 2.0. O'Reilly brilliantly predicted the emergence of Internet resources in which users will not just react to content, but create it. The prediction of the main ideologist of free software in Russia brilliantly began to be justified a year later, when Odnoklassniki and VKontakte appeared on the Runet with an interval of six months.

The social network "VKontakte" was launched in October 2006 and began to develop in steps for which even the definition of "by leaps and bounds" looks like an understatement. Without any third-party advertising, the new network began to acquire new users by the millions. Despite some shortcomings, VKontakte quickly became the most visited resource on the Russian segment of the Internet and one of the most visited in the world. The facts below may help you learn something new about the history and current state of VKontakte.

1. Now it's hard to believe, but at the dawn of the existence of VKontakte, registration required not only to indicate the real name and surname, but also to present an invite from an existing user. However, there is no guarantee that in 10 years the legends about how it was possible to access the Internet without presenting a passport or other identity document will not be treated as senile nonsense.

2. In 2007, Russian-speaking netizens put VKontakte in second place in terms of popularity. Bashorg became the most popular Runet site then.

3. The scope with which VKontakte was untwisted gave rise to a lot of rumors and assumptions about the sources of financing for this take-off. Their distribution was facilitated by the administration, which remained silent, and the lack of advertising. Many were generally sure that VKontakte was a project of the Russian special services. Like it or not, it is probably impossible to find out, but criminals and offenders are caught with the help of this social network by dozens, if not hundreds. Employees of military enlistment offices and collectors successfully use VKontakte.

4. VKontakte for the first time bypassed Odnoklassniki in popularity at the end of 2008. And six months later, the creation of Pavel Durov outstripped competitors in attendance by almost two times.

6. Domain was bought only in 2009. Coincidence or not, but it was 2009 that was marked by the first shipments of child pornography distributors and scammers to places not so remote. If it was possible to cope with child pornography, then landing fraud was not stopped.

7. In the early years of its existence, VKontakte was often subjected to massive - and successful - DDOS attacks. Again, we can talk about a coincidence, but the attacks stopped after the composition of shareholders was disclosed, and it turned out that the main shareholder of the network is Mail.Ru Group. After that, on the contrary, VKontakte accounts began to be used for attacks on third-party sites.

8. In 2013, Roskomnadzor added VKontakte to the register of banned sites. The cost of removing the resource from the ill-fated list was terabytes of deleted music and video. The groans of users who turned the social network into a kind of cloud service flooded Runet.

9. Sergei Lazarev became a victim of the struggle for copyright. When in 2012 the singer's representatives demanded to remove the video and audio recordings of Lazarev's songs, one of the users replaced the standard network message with the phrase that Lazarev's songs were removed as having no cultural value.

10. In the United States, VKontakte is at the forefront of the list of pirated resources. This is not surprising, knowing the reverent attitude of the local Themis to copyright.

11. At the end of 2013, according to Durov, the FSB demanded that he hand over the personal data of the administrators of groups that supported the Ukrainian Maidan. Paul refused to do so. Fearing persecution, he sold his shares in the social network, resigned as general director of VKontakte LLC and emigrated abroad.

12. At the time of this writing (August 2018), VKontakte has 499,810,600 registered users. You can independently find out the constantly changing figure at the link At the same time, VKontakte does not have user accounts with numbers 13 and 666. There are accounts with numbers 1488 or 13666.

13. In 12 hours, you can add no more than 50 people to VKontakte friends. The restriction is related to the fight against bot accounts. However, if you respond to friend requests, there is no such threshold, and theoretically you can reach the ceiling of 10,000 friends in a day.

14. Even if you have logged out of the network, your VKontakte account will keep the status "Online" for another 15 minutes.

15. VKontakte originally encourages misanthropy: users who have less than 5 friends immediately open their own page when they enter the network, while the rest have a news feed.

16. 32,767 photos can be added to the Wall Photos album. A maximum of 5,000 videos or 32,767 audio recordings can be placed on a page.

17. The daily audience of VKontakte in the summer of 2018 exceeded 45 million people. At the same time, only in the Yandex search engine, about 24 million people per month access the VKontakte query.

18. The average user of VKontakte, who accesses the site from a desktop computer, spends 34 minutes a day on the resource. Mobile users - 24 minutes.

19. Formally, VKontakte is the Runet champion in attendance. But if we sum up the attendance of Yandex services, then the social network will give way to primacy. Although the attendance of VKontakte can be added to the attendance of services, and then remember that the Mail.Ru Group also owns Odnoklassniki ...

20. In 2015 in honor of the day of the holiday state flag Ukraine, the familiar VKontakte logo was replaced with a yellow-blue (the colors of the Ukrainian flag) heart. The welcome returned a hundredfold - less than two years later, a number of Russian resources, including VKontakte, were banned by a special decree of the President of Ukraine. At the same time, VKontakte continues to confidently rank among the leaders of the Ukrainian Internet in terms of traffic, second only to Google.