In a private house      03/10/2024

How to fry eggplants on coals recipe. How to marinate and grill eggplants. Marinades for frying eggplants on the grill

Mangle eggplants with vegetables are a low-calorie picnic dish. You can make a delicious salad from grilled vegetables and serve it as a dish on its own or as a side dish for barbecue.

Recipe with pepper in soy sauce

You will get 2 servings. Cooking time will be 40 minutes.


  • eggplant;
  • three bell peppers;
  • three tomatoes;
  • two onions;
  • half stack soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar;
  • 50 ml. olive oils;
  • two cloves of garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel them, and remove the seeds from the peppers. Cut into large pieces.
  2. Cut the remaining vegetables into circles, squeeze out the garlic.
  3. Combine garlic, oil, vinegar and soy sauce in a bowl.
  4. Place the vegetables in a bag and pour in the marinade. Shake the bag. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Place everything on the barbecue grid and place on the grill.
  6. Fry for 10 minutes on each side.

Total calorie content – ​​360 kcal.

Recipe with zucchini

The dish takes 80 minutes to prepare.


  • half a kilo of zucchini;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • half a kilo of eggplants;
  • 7 tbsp sour cream;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt.


  1. Cut the eggplants into 1 cm thick slices and add salt. Leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix salt and sour cream, add finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic.
  3. Cut the zucchini in half, then into wide halves.
  4. Lubricate each piece of vegetables with the marinade and leave for half an hour.
  5. Place the vegetables on the grill and bake until cooked on both sides.

Makes four servings. Total calorie content – ​​760 kcal.

Recipe with lard

Makes two servings. Calorie content – ​​966 kcal.


  • 100 g lard;
  • half a kilo of eggplants;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil;
  • salt.


  1. Wash the eggplants and make transverse cuts on each one, not going all the way to the end, to form an accordion.
  2. Chop the garlic, chop the dill, combine these ingredients in a bowl and add oil and salt. Brush with marinade.
  3. Cut the lard into slices and place one slice in each cut of the eggplant.
  4. Place each vegetable on a skewer and cook for 20 minutes, turning.

Excellent food cooked on a barbecue or grill is not only meat or fish. You can cook anything over an open fire: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits. At the same time, fruits and vegetables baked on charcoal do not lose juice or vitamins, which distinguishes cooking over an open fire from other options for heat treatment of food.

One of the most popular “kebab” vegetables, of course, is eggplant. There are many simple ways to cook these vegetables over a fire. They can be baked whole, fried, grilled, or rolled into bacon or lard rolls.

The easiest and most common way is to cook eggplants on the grill.


For this simple dish you will need several eggplants, a good piece of lard (preferably cooked in Hungarian style, with paprika) and some simple marinade.

Cooking technique:

  • First you need to wash the vegetables, remove the stalk and peel. Cut into “washers” one centimeter thick, add salt, and place in a marinating container (dish, bag, etc.).
  • After 20–30 minutes, add a couple of good spoons of sour cream to the bowl, chop a few cloves of garlic (to taste). Marinate for about thirty minutes.
  • Immediately before cooking, assemble skewers or wooden skewers (pre-soaked in water). We alternate eggplant “washers” with pieces of lard on skewers.
  • You need to grill shish kebab on the grill over small coals, turning the skewers from time to time. Cooking time is about 20 minutes, since the “little blue” ones do not reach readiness quickly.

Grilled eggplants: an original appetizer

The grilled eggplant recipe looks much more “solid” and creative when the vegetables are baked under mozzarella-type cheese or any other type that melts well.

In addition to blueberries and cheese, this dish will need champignons, garlic, herbs, and sour cream for serving.

Cooking technique:

  • Prepared eggplants are cut into “washers” one centimeter thick or thin plates lengthwise.
  • Pieces of eggplant and champignons, cut in half or whole, are laid out on the grill grate, salted and peppered.
  • Vegetables and mushrooms are baked for 10–15 minutes.
  • Next, the baked products are laid out on a dish and immediately sprinkled with pieces of mozzarella or other grated cheese.
  • Hot eggplants with mushrooms and cheese melting on their surface are complemented with chopped garlic and herbs. You can serve sour cream as a sauce for the dish.

Rolls with bacon or lard

If you want to cook something non-standard from eggplants, you can pay attention to an excellent, quick snack in the form of rolls.

Bacon and lard (no matter what type - smoked, salted) are suitable as an addition to them. And also tomatoes, bell peppers, and basically anything that is on hand and will stick well on the skewers.

Cooking technique:

  • Prepared eggplants need to be cut lengthwise into plates less than a centimeter thick, so that they can then be easily twisted on a skewer.
  • Also cut lard or bacon thinner.
  • Eggplant slices are fried on both sides on a wire rack.
  • Next, lard, bacon, and other available ingredients are placed into the plates. The roll is rolled up and pierced with a skewer.
  • Before serving, the rolls are sprinkled with herbs and grated cheese.
  • The dish can be served with sour cream or sauces with a mayonnaise base.

Rolls prepared in the described way can be used as a delicious appetizer or as a main dish.

Whole eggplants

Alternatively, you can cook whole eggplants over coals. To do this you will need ordinary food foil. In addition to eggplants, tomatoes, 100–200 grams of any hard cheese, about 100 grams of butter, garlic, and herbs to taste will also be used.

Cooking technique:

  • Peeled and washed eggplants are cut lengthwise, but not completely, into thin slices several times. Each vegetable opens up like a book.
  • Eggplants are salted and peppered.
  • Prepare a mixture of oil and garlic. The peeled cloves are passed through a press and mixed with pre-softened butter.
  • The inside of the eggplants is coated with this mixture.
  • Tomatoes and cheese are cut into thin circles and slices, which then need to be placed in turn on all the slices of each eggplant.
  • Vegetables prepared in this way are wrapped in foil.
  • So, in foil, they are baked on small coals until they become soft. Vegetables need to be turned over from time to time.
  • Cooking time is about twenty minutes.
  • The finished baked eggplants are then removed from the foil and served. They can be sprinkled with herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro).

Grilled eggplants in foil - a very simple dish, just ideal for cooking outdoors

For variety, you can cook eggplants as part of a large vegetable platter.

Eggplants are well complemented by onions, zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and other available vegetables.

Cooking technique:

  • First, all the vegetables need to be thoroughly marinated, because simply frying them is not enough: they will turn out tasteless and dry.
  • Any acidic medium is suitable for marinade - vinegar, lemon juice, wine. You need to marinate for several hours. Various spices are suitable for flavoring the marinade: basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic and others.
  • Washed and dried vegetables are cut into circles and rings and marinated in the prepared dressing.
  • After a couple of hours, the prepared vegetables are placed on a wire rack and baked until cooked.
  • Vegetables are served with herbs, sour cream, sauces with a mayonnaise base.

Alternatively, you can make a wonderful salad from baked vegetables. To do this, you need to mix the prepared assorted vegetables with pine nuts or peeled pistachios, a small amount of soft cheese (mozzarella), and olive oil in a deep bowl.

The finished salad should be acidified with a small dose of vinegar, stirred and served warm.

In addition to the methods described above for cooking eggplants over an open fire or coals, many others are also popular. Eggplants and other vegetables make an excellent casserole. Grilled stuffed eggplants are also highly valued by gourmets. The filling used here is minced meat or vegetables, garlic-cheese paste, eggs, herbs, and spices.

Eggplants on the grill - what could be a more delicious addition to, or even a replacement for, meat kebabs? When the sun begins to warm up and the grass begins to turn green, we all look forward to the moment when we can go on our first barbecue picnic!

We will prepare all the products according to the list.

First, let's cook eggplants on the grill for those who like smoky eggplants, but juicy and tender. To do this, make cuts lengthwise on the eggplant, without cutting to the middle and without touching the stalk. I made six longitudinal cuts.

Finely chop the garlic, chop the dill, put them in a bowl, add salt and olive oil. Mix everything well.

Spread a sheet of foil, folding it into two layers. The size should be larger than the size of the eggplant. Coat the eggplant on all sides with the resulting mixture, carefully insert the mixture into all the slots of the eggplant.

Wrap the eggplant tightly in foil to prevent air from entering and to prevent the juice from leaking out during baking. In principle, one eggplant is enough for a serving. If you also have shish kebab, then this eggplant will be enough for two.

Now a grilled eggplant option for meat eaters! Cut the eggplant into equal circles, DO NOT cut all the way through.

My lard was already cut into thin slices, which I cut into smaller pieces so that they fit well into the slots between the eggplant circles. This is the kind of eggplant-grease fan we should get.

Pierce each eggplant through with a skewer.

If you have a professional or shop barbecue, you are in luck, but I use this device as a barbecue. The degree of cooking of the eggplants depends on how hot the coals are. Place the eggplants over the coals and cook for 20 minutes, turning constantly. Please note that once the eggplant is cooked (I mean the one on the skewer), it will become soft and may simply fall into the fire, do not miss the moment!

We serve the finished eggplants on skewers to the table, and carefully open the eggplant baked in foil and serve it in a foil boat, sprinkled with herbs and onions.

Eggplants with lard on the grill will not leave anyone indifferent, definitely! Soft, smoky eggplants, aromatic lard with a hint of smoke... what else do you need in the fresh air!

Juicy and tender eggplant baked with herbs, garlic and olive oil in foil on the grill will be a real delight for lovers of healthy cooked vegetables!

Enjoy your healthy appetite and great picnics!

Is it possible to imagine a hot summer without active recreation in the fresh air, or a vacation without dishes cooked over a fire, including seasonal eggplants baked over coals? Of course not! Moreover, there are many recipes for preparing this vegetable in the field.

You will need:

  • 5 pieces of medium-sized eggplants;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • 1 pack of mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

How to bake eggplants on coals?

Eggplants need to be washed well and cut off 0.5 centimeters from both edges. Next, you should cut them lengthwise into layers about 0.5-1 centimeters thick. Place the cut pieces in salted water for 15-20 minutes: this will remove the inherent bitterness from the vegetable.

After the eggplants have been lying in salted water, they need to be placed on a cotton towel and carefully blotted: this way we will get rid of excess liquid, which may prevent them from baking well.

Chop the garlic cloves finely and mix with mayonnaise. Lubricate the eggplants with the resulting mayonnaise-garlic mixture and add pepper to taste.

Carefully place the layers on the grill and fry over coals for 3 minutes on each side.

If you don't want to bother with cutting the eggplants, you can do the following. We remove the edges on both sides and cut the vegetable crosswise so that about 2 centimeters remain to one edge: as a result, you should end up with eggplant “octopuses”.

Carefully spread the “tentacles” and grease the inside with mayonnaise-garlic dressing, after which we place them on the grill. Due to the fact that the eggplants are baked whole, the cooking time will take a little longer than in the first case - about 15 minutes. Make sure that the skin does not burn, but bakes on coals. Sometimes you can sprinkle them with water.

As soon as the dish is cooked, sprinkle it with freshly chopped herbs: for this it is better to use parsley and cilantro. And eggplants baked over a fire go well with greens like regan.