In a private house      01.08.2020

Xcom enemy unknown barracks mods. Fixes and minor adjustments

If the game supports mods, then sooner or later they will appear, from simple ones with small texture improvements to giant mods that change balance, models and textures. Maud Warspace Extension changes the balance of the game, for better or worse - it's up to the players to decide.

Warspace Extension changes settings XCOM Enemy Unknown to more effectively use the game's features and gives the player more control over the game. As the author of the mod writes: BlackAlpha « I wanted the player's decisions to have more meaning in the game and not have random punishments for the player throughout the game. Now, if you play correctly, you will be rewarded. But if it is wrong, then punishment will follow.
It should be noted that the mod Warspace Extension was developed for High level complexity, but it will function normally on Mad. Don't worry that it will be very difficult to play even on Normal difficulty, the changes made to the game affected the AI ​​of only a few opponents.

Supported languages

Warspace Extension is only compatible with English in the game, if you have another language selected, you can change the game language in Steam. The author of the mod would like to make it compatible with other languages ​​and invites those who wish to help him with this. You can install the Warspace Extension mod with other languages, but then some of the text that has been changed will disappear.


The Warspace Extension mod may not be compatible with mods that modify the following files: "XComGame.exe", "XComGame.upk", "XComStrategyGame.upk", "", "". But it must be compatible with all other mods. Using Warspace Extension with other mods is at your own risk.

Changes made by the mod

Weapon rebalance

  • Conventional weapons has average characteristics. There is nothing special about them. Basically, you can play with them the entire game.
  • Laser weapons deals more damage, is more accurate and does not require reloading. Sometimes deals weak damage. Unreliable in terms of damage caused.
  • Plasma weapon deals more damage and has a high chance of causing critical damage. However, it is less accurate, which makes it difficult for beginners to use.
  • Environment can absorb several points of plasma damage before collapsing. This allows the player to make better use of cover and play more tactically.
  • Arc thrower placed in the pistol slot.
  • Different types of weapons have different accuracy. As accuracy increases: shotguns, machine guns, rifles, sniper rifles.
  • Additionally, different types of weapons have different levels of accuracy.
  • Pistols need to be reloaded, except for the Laser Pistol.
  • Shotguns do more damage but are less accurate than rifles. Now shotguns are more interesting in the game.
  • U sniper rifle Removed accuracy penalty for close range. But it still takes a whole turn to shoot (without specific skills)

Alien rebalance

  • Enemies have been changed in such a way that their combat properties have become more logical for them, now the results of the battle are more variable.
  • Enemies no longer use cheats. If something goes wrong in battle, it means you made a mistake somewhere and the enemy AI made a good choice progress.
  • Small enemies are harder to hit, big ones are easier. This balances accuracy/speed and opponents' advantages/disadvantages.
  • When Chryssalid kills a civilian out of sight, the civilian will always turn into a zombie.
  • AI will now use more than 5 aliens in combat instead of hiding when reaching that limit.
  • The AI ​​has become more aggressive at long range and always shoots when given the opportunity, but accuracy suffers due to the long distance.

Rebalancing the strategy map

  • If the player ignores the mission, then panic will not arise throughout the entire continent, but only in a single country, but the panic penalty has increased.
  • This allows the player to better control the spread of panic and gives more control over the strategic map. But there is still a chance of luck.
  • Countries have a slim chance of leaving the council at the end of the month as panic reaches level 4.
  • After launching a satellite over a continent or country, the chance of leaving the council at panic level 4 is sharply reduced.
  • Satellites have a much better chance of reducing panic in the country if they are launched at the end of the month.
  • Ordinary satellites have very little chance of not being destroyed by UFOs.
  • Stealth satellites have a better chance of not being destroyed by UFOs when they are unprotected.
  • European countries give more money so that the player has an incentive to place his satellites above them.
  • The chances of UFO sightings are increased.
  • A UFO flying on a mission (terrorism, abduction, etc.) can be intercepted before it begins its mission.
  • The effectiveness of the Research Laboratory has been increased. Now accelerated research is more effective.
  • The research time has been slightly increased to provide an incentive to choose more effective research.
  • The research time for Plasma Weapons has been increased, making Laser Weapons more attractive.
  • Maintenance costs have been increased and you won't be swimming in money like before.
  • Transferring interceptors to a new base takes much less time. Now redeploying air forces has become much easier.
  • The engineering department and laboratory are present in the game from the very beginning, allowing the player to make strategic moves from the very beginning of the game.
  • Items are not created instantly, it takes several days.
  • Missions “Abductions sometimes occur in countries with satellites.
  • Engineers' bonus discount has been reduced.
  • Slightly reduced the size of the storm over countries that left the council.

Character rebalance

  • Beginners start with less Will, but you will have more tools to control panic.
  • Soldiers' Willpower increases a little more with each level.
  • Armor plays a big role in how quickly soldiers panic. Armor that gives more health reduces the chance of panic more.
  • The same armor, but at a higher level, slightly increases the Will bonus.
  • Panicking soldiers shoot only at the enemy.
  • Game balance does not affect the likelihood of your soldier being killed, but there is now more time to revive him.
  • Soldiers wounded on a mission will take longer to recover, especially if they are “severely injured.”
  • You can avoid this by giving your soldiers better armor. Your soldiers will simply be wounded if they lose all the hit points provided by their armor.
  • Armor increases the chance of avoiding injury.
  • Soldiers who were shot must be moved to the rear so that they are not finished off.
  • Death of soldiers in vain is not economically beneficial in the long run.
  • Repairing T-BMPs takes several days if they are heavily damaged.
  • T-BMPs have become a little cheaper.
  • Wounded soldiers have a greater chance of being seriously wounded, so it pays to keep a first aid kit at the ready.
  • The skill tree has been changed to balance classes and improve the roles of soldiers.
  • If you receive a serious injury, a serious penalty is imposed on Will.
  • Soldiers have new ranks in accordance with secret international structures, rather than copying American/British ranks.
  • Soldiers have been renamed "operatives" to make you feel like you're in control of a truly elite force.

Armor rebalancing

  • Armor is divided into Light and Heavy
  • Heavy armor: Carapace, Titanium and Archangel.
  • Light armor: Skeleton, Ghost and Psi.
  • Heavy armor provides more protection than Light armor.
  • Heavy armor has two item slots. Easy - one.
  • Carapace armor reduces mobility by 1 square, Titanium and Archangel by 2 squares.
  • Light armor increases mobility by 3 squares.
  • Heavy armor greatly increases Willpower. Light armor slightly increases Willpower. Secondary armor placed in the slot also increases Willpower.
  • Light armor increases the chances of dodging an attack.
  • Light armor has a special mobility ability (except for Psi armor), which allows it to easily move around the battlefield.
  • Secondary armor now provides more health bonus, which makes it even more attractive especially when combined with Heavy armor, which has two additional inventory slots.

General changes

  • Normal, Hard and Insane difficulty levels haven't changed much, other than having more enemies active and the AI ​​running at full strength.
  • If you want to play on Hard or Insane difficulty, then this mod is for you.
  • Remember that the mod is designed for Hard difficulty, but it will work just as well on Insane. On Normal difficulty the AI ​​will be limited so don't play on it.
  • The second wave has been activated. You must finish the game on Insane difficulty to unlock all features or load a profile that already has them unlocked.
  • Corpses don't disappear.
  • The English texts in the game have been changed to reflect the changes made by the mod.
  • The player no longer has to wait after activating Combat Readiness.

Official page of the Warspace Extension mod

The release of modifications for XCOM 2 is a process that is slowly gaining momentum. As expected, the earliest of the mods, released a month after the game's release, contain only small additions and cosmetic fixes. In the meantime, here's a selection of the best modifications you can use on your next Advent journey.

XCOM 2 save files are tied to the mod you are using

Adding a mod while progressing through the game is not a problem, the problem is that you will be able to load subsequent saves only if the mod is activated. Before installation, please ensure that you have read the installation instructions and all warnings.

Character Customization

When your soldiers take off their armor, we all want them to look great. This mod adds several headgear: a Kevlar helmet with a mask, several berets, and a baseball cap that can be worn with the visor both forward and backward (well, at least not on one side). More hats will be added soon.

Your soldiers can proudly represent their country with flags and speech accents, so why not go ahead and make 21 real-life camouflages from different countries. Russian Berezka, Swedish Barracuda, American TigerPAT and many others will make you camouflage with pride.

We all know how irritating it can be sometimes when your unit is within shooting distance, no interference, you aim, shoot and... miss! That's why these helmets are perfect for the game: there are no worse marksmen in the entire galaxy than your stormtroopers. Includes the classic trilogy, Endor Stormtroopers, and new helmets from The Force Awakens. Wear black and white armor and add a piece of " Star Wars» into your game.

Do you want the fighters of your unit to have a mask on their face like professional athletes, or covered in soot like Furiosa? Or maybe you're a fan of Braveheart, or Pris from Blade Runner. This coloring book will add 10 different styles.

Unfortunately, if you dress up as a soldier from Advent, you still won't be able to sneak between them, offer them a cigarette along the way, talk about the weather, and then stun them with a giggle and run away. But this mod still allows you to wear large, bulky helmets and body armor. Can't win? Mow under them.

Uniforms Manager

When a soldier dies in XCOM 2, he takes all his memories and dreams with him. But more importantly, they take the equipment with them, and you spent so much time setting it up. Uniforms Manager is a good help, and it's obvious that it should have been present in XCOM 2 from the beginning. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to save and reuse ammunition. This gives your team the opportunity to maintain color consistency rather than starting the armor creation process all over again.

Additional voice acting for soldiers


This mod contains a wealth of dialogue from the 2013 game Deadpool from High Moon Studios. Complements each action with phrases such as: “I AM THROWING A GRENADE” (throwing a grenade), or “Guns need bullets to work” (little ammunition), etc.

Fixes and minor adjustments

Have you noticed that XCOM 2 inexplicably freezes for a couple of seconds after some movements? The pause lasts approximately 1–3 seconds after actions such as shooting, throwing a grenade, killing, or covering a partner. This mod will cut out those little weird delays, thereby making the combat process smoother.

The health scale is hopelessly outdated. Here, in the future, we need to see only a cold, precise calculation. Now you see the values ​​of health, armor and shield in numerical equivalent. There is also a setting for the size, position and color of these values.

Free camera rotation

Now you will be able to rotate the camera using the Q and E keys, and zoom the image using the T and G keys, and also make the camera follow your mouse movements. In addition, you can reassign button bindings, as well as configure the zoom and speed of camera movement. Finally, you will see from new angles how horribly your platoon is dying.

The Advanced Warfare Center will give your soldiers the chance to earn random, yet valuable equipment. However, there is a small misunderstanding: random, secret equipment is chosen for each soldier when AWC creates, or hires a soldier. This mod hacks AWC so that soldiers don't lose their chance at extra gear if it's a lower rank than their current status.

If you suddenly accidentally forget about the development of your soldiers, in this case the mod adds icons to the menu of each soldier that will tell you about the availability of an upgrade. You can customize the color and size of the icons as you see fit.

If you are tired of evacuating your soldiers one by one, then here is a mod that will solve the problem with one click. A button is added to the soldier’s capabilities line, now, as soon as you get into the evacuation zone, you just need to press it, and all the soldiers will be instantly evacuated. By the way, about group actions, there is an interesting Overwatch All mod on this topic.

There are several mods where you can affect the timer in a mission, but this one is perhaps the best. Now, while your platoon remains in cover, time does not move. As soon as they noticed at least one, the countdown began. As a result, you have more time to spare, but if you do not want, please also have a version with a default timer.

"Official" modifications

This official mod adds the ability to equip a submachine gun. This will allow your soldiers to move more and hide better, but it will come at a heavy cost: you will have weaker weapons and armor.

Mod opens new way development for soldiers, which will allow them to get all the benefits of a leader, just like in the Long War Officer class. These advantages will allow even a novice to help out an entire platoon, but you can only choose one characteristic.

As if there weren't enough alien creatures in the game? Centurion is a cooler version of Muton, he has a "Battle Cry" that has a strong effect on alien cronies. If installed, don't expect it to show up right away, it will pop up in the middle of the game. You're lucky.

Tools and Utilities

The mod editor also known as ModBuddy weighs about 45GB. If the name sounded familiar to you, FYI this tool was also used to create mods in Civilization 5. Modbuddy can be downloaded as a Steam tool so you can debug your mods and upload them directly to Steam. The SDK provides 1900 script files, 2400 maps, thousands of props, textures, other material, plus hundreds of pre-made characters and animation settings.

If you follow the links on this page, you will see that Steam Workshop the best place to find mods, plus many of them can be installed with just one click. However, Nexus Mods also has a lot to offer for XCOM 2, Nexus Mod Manager is a great tool that will help you download, activate and manage your favorite mods.

The recently released global expansion of XCOM 2 “War of the Chosen” (WotC) forced the entire extensive XCOM2 mod building to adapt to it - most of the old mods, alas, are incompatible with it, the rest do not work very reliably. Popular “vanilla” mods are hastily adapted - and, of course, new ones are forged, specifically for WotC.

In this material, we decided to collect the most suitable mods that ALREADY work well with WotC. It is clear that the article will be updated regularly. And also, we think, it is clear that we do not set a goal to cover ALL mods at all - we choose the most, in our opinion, interesting and do not turn the game process into an easy walk.

All mod names are clickable and lead to their Steam pages. Go!

Adaptation of popular “old” mods for WotC

  • Capnbubs Accessories is one of the most popular mods for customizing fighter equipment.
  • True Concealment - mission timers only start counting when the squad loses stealth.
  • Tactical Suppressors - replaces repeaters with suppressors. Silencers reduce the chance of losing stealth, give a chance for a “silent kill”, as well as the “Ambush” ability - if the selected enemy dies from “combat readiness”, then stealth will not be lost.
  • Smart Overwatch All - one button sets “Vigilance” for all fighters.
  • Evac All - with one button all soldiers standing in the evacuation zone are evacuated
  • Stop Wasting My Time - speeds up many types of animations in battle, cancels some of Bradford's warnings.
  • Additional Icons - adds small stylish menus to all units with the amount of health and other parameters. Slightly cheats - shows which of the enemies is carrying loot.
  • Gotcha again! — adds indicators of visibility, flank attack, " general view", hacking and detection by the enemy from a selected point.
  • A Better ADVENT is a global mod that adds a bunch of new enemy variations. Greatly diversifies and complicates the game.
  • Metal Over Flesh Redux is a mod that gives SPARK many, many special upgrades (via the Challenge Zone), an additional inventory slot, and generally a bunch of other things. Glory to the robots!
  • Grimy’s Loot Mod is a famous mod that provides containers along with loot, after studying which you can build items with unique characteristics in the Diablo style. Grimy himself, unfortunately, retired from XCOM modding, so his followers took over.
  • The MOCX Initiative - A spiritual successor to EW's EXALT, The MOCX Initiative provides a third force in the war - a kind of anti-XCOM. Their soldiers also level up and improve their weapons over time, just like your fighters.
  • Robojumper's Squad Select - the window for sending a squad on a mission shows much more information about the soldiers (and you can also increase the size of the squad).
  • Yet Another F1 - when you press the F1 button while aiming, a window appears with complete information about the enemy (the mod is currently defined by the WotC launcher as “possibly incompatible,” but the author assures that it works, and the special version for WotC will not be any different from the current one).
  • XXL Tattoo is a large pack of very stylish tattoos for fighters.
  • Necromancer Class is a very interesting mod for a psi fighter who can raise zombies, explode corpses, etc.

New mods (specially for WotC)


  • Not Enough Skirmishing - gives the Intercessors abilities a cooldown: Reflex and Whip Strike with a cooldown of 3, and Lord of Battle for 5 turns (and also slightly improves the plasma bullpup).
  • Detailed Soldier Lists - similar to LW2 (and very much easier life) detailing the stats of soldiers right in the general list in the Armory. Shows, among other things, the gradation of combat intelligence aka "savvy" and the number of this moment OS.
  • A Better AI - makes opponents smarter.
  • Show Health Values ​​- shows units' HP in numbers below the scale.
  • New Promotion Screen by Default- replaces the usual "Abilities" tab with a screen of advanced abilities from the Training Center - that is, all the leveling of a soldier now takes place in one place. Also allows SPARK to use XCOM Ability Points.
  • SWR Full Crew Avenger WotC - inside the "Avenger" all the personnel are always shown ).
  • Better Laboratory - makes building laboratories a little more necessary. The constructed laboratory saves materials and intelligence during research and decryption of tablets.
  • Covert Action Missions - Three additional covert missions that give you the opportunity to start an unscheduled guerrilla operation, a raid for materials, or rescue a prisoner captured by Advent.
  • Second Wave Plus is an expanded set of “second wave” settings a la EU, authored by the only modder left in XCOM2 from the DragonPunk team, Dvash Elad. It’s not very convenient to use yet, but it has great development potential (especially since Dvash is always gradually improving his mods).
  • SWR Not Created Equal is a separate setting for those who desperately need the “Everyone is different” option to start a new campaign in XCOM 2 (like me) - a small mod that gives just that.
  • More Resistance Ops - increases the limit on the number of “Resistance Operations” (a special type of operation from WotC from faction leaders that gives an entire group of personnel as a reward) from 3 to 12 per campaign.
  • Scientist Staff Slots - instead of engineers, there will be scientists in the Psi Lab, Hospital and Covert Operations Center.
  • Doctor Mandarbs Map-Pack - more variety in WotC maps! So far, the modder has added new pieces only for city centers, but he plans to systematically upgrade the mod.


  • Rend The Lost - Rangers' Lunge and Templars' Rend (basic melee attacks) will count as Headshots for zombies and grant a bonus action.
  • Faceoff Ammo Fix - the effect of ammo when using the Faceoff snipers ability (“One on One” in our clumsy translation) is applied to everyone who is shot, and not just to the first target.
  • "Increase Combat Intelligence" for everyone— makes it possible to use the secret mission “Improving combat savvy” not only for the main classes, but also for faction soldiers.
  • Insider Knowledge Fix is ​​a small mod that affects the Resistance Order from the Intercessors faction “Inside Knowledge”, which enhances the effect of weapon modules. In vanilla, for some reason, butts and laser sights are not enhanced, this mod fixes this.
  • Restored SITREPs - returns a bunch of SITREPs (random conditions of tactical operations) cut in the release version. The author warns that this mod may crash the game.
  • More Traits - brings back the traits (features obtained when injured/severe fatigue) that were cut out in the release version - even more negative ones, and also, suddenly, positive ones (!).
  • Fair Lost Targeting - zombies will attack Advent and XCOM with an equal chance (50\50, instead of 30\70)
  • Color Coded Bonds - the relationship icons of fighters are multi-colored to make it clearer who is tied to whom.

This XCOM: Enemy Unknown mod is an application designed for XCOM Long War. Based on Monte Carlo principles. Adjust XCOM ship and Alien ship main attributes and perform a high number of repeats e.g. 100k in order to perform statistical analysis. XCOM ship attributes include ship type, kills, stance, weapons, all improvements and modules.

Enhanced Tactical Info (for Long War)

  • Posted about 4 years ago

This is another one of those mods that makes changes the author feels were sorely needed, but may not be to everyone's taste. The changes are focused around the interface, and include showing soldier XP/Psi XP, displaying a count of active aliens for each alien type, and earned XP for each dead alien. It is designed for the "Long War" mod, which can be found here on GameWatcher; so keep that in mind when deciding if you wish to download this mod.

Commander's Choice - Squaddie Class Assignment MOD

  • Posted about 4 years ago

Normally a Rookie is automatically given their base perk. What's that, you say? You don't like that design decision? Well, one inventive author decided to change that. This mod blocks the auto-perk-giving and allows you to change the class of the soldier. Neat, huh?

Graphics Boost with Latest SweetFX 151 EU-EW

  • Posted about 4 years ago

Periodically you"ll see a SweetFX or ENB for your favorite games. These tools serve to improve graphics quality, while giving the game a unique or true to the original look. It"s up to you or the SweetFX/ENB preset author. Well, here's a SweetFX preset that is sure to please. It retains the vanilla look of the game while enhancing things such as sharpness, shadow quality and tinting. Take a look at the screens and get to downloading now.

Revenge of the Sleeves

  • Posted about 4 years ago

Give those genemodded soldiers a little visual panache. This mod separates certain visual parts of gene modding into two distinct classes. Now you can emphasize some embellishments to your hearts content. A subtle yet powerful tweak to the game's graphics.