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Most sporty. National sports in different countries. What is useful dosed sport


Some of us love to watch sports, while others don't mind getting our clothes dirty while participating. The following is a list the most popular games in the world primarily because they are so entertaining!

No. 10. Volleyball

Playing volleyball is easy enough because all you need is good coordination and strong hands. Over 900 million people either play or watch volleyball. Beach volleyball is very popular The best way get the tan of your dreams! High schools especially highlight the benefits of this sport.

No. 9. Cricket

Cricket originated in England and is played with a ball and a bat. The people of India leave everything in the world when the game is shown on television, at any time of the year you can see children playing this game.

No. 8. Gymnastics

Not everyone can play this sport. Gymnastics requires great flexibility, coordination and strength. It is always interesting to watch the performances of gymnasts on television. It's amazing how their bodies twist into a ring and other similar shapes!

#7 Swimming

Training can be boring, but if you know how to swim, you can tone your body and have fun at the same time! Swimming is easy to learn and many swimmers enjoy playing games like water polo or Waboba. In the seven.

No. 6. Tennis

A lot of people think watching tennis is very boring, but disagree with the 1 billion people who watch events like Wimbledon and the French Open, rigorously year after year. Considered to be a stylish and elegant sport, tennis is played by the American and European elite.

No. 5. Water sports

Sports such as scuba diving, jet skiing and many others are loved because they are interesting and exciting. The adrenaline rush you get when you see a school of fish swimming around you is very refreshing.

No. 4. Rugby

Rugby is a very popular sport in England and is one of the toughest in the world. Players must constantly fight each other, and there are hardly any rules or restrictions to reduce aggression. This sport is divided into several categories, the most popular being College Rugby and Tag Rugby.

No. 3. Basketball

This game is not as easy as it seems, and while playing, you need to know a number of rules. Basketball is very popular among teenagers, being tall can help, but it is not a requirement to play. If you can see the target and know how to run, this game is perfect for you. Third place among the most popular sports games.

No. 2. Hockey

Despite the fact that this sport is not as popular as it used to be, the number of its viewers is about 2 billion annually. P.E. teachers are constantly encouraging high school students to play the game, but now it seems that the sport is mostly enjoyed by the female half. Hockey can be quite a tough sport and it's quite difficult to move around in such heavy equipment.

No. 1. Football

The most popular sports game in the world. The rules of football are easy to understand and the game is quite simple if you know what is allowed and what can lead to a red or yellow card. Approximately 4 billion people love the sport, and television matches are among the highest ratings each year.

Sport in Ukraine is quite developed, and our athletes representing their country in the world arenas are direct evidence of this. Ukraine stands for sports and a healthy lifestyle, and this is not a tribute to fashion, but rather an individual choice for everyone.

Many are interested in the question, what kinds of sports are popular in Ukraine? Professionals of masters-bet company tried to figure it out and, based on the clicks to our site, they made a rating of the most popular sports in 2018 in Ukraine according to masters-bet.


If you plunge into the history of the game loved all over the world, then it is worth mentioning that England is considered the ancestor of football. However, it is widely believed that best football players collected in Brazil because they don't just play football, they live it. It is not for nothing that the Brazilian national team became the World Champion 5 times, proving their superiority in the game.

Like all over the world, football is the most popular sport in Ukraine. It is a favorite game of children, teenagers and adults. Football is actively developing in the country and such giants of the Ukrainian Premier League as Shakhtar and Dynamo, playing in prestigious tournaments (Champions League, Europa League), are a direct confirmation of this. And in the ranking of the national teams of FIFA (FIFA), the Ukrainian team occupies the 35th place.

Football is among the top 10 most popular sports, and the top five European leagues in France, Germany, Spain, England and Italy are watched with bated breath all over the world. This is proven by the fact that over 4 billion fans follow the game.

The most important competition in this sport is the World Championship, which is held every 4 years. But the largest prize fund is played annually among football clubs playing in the Champions League. European teams are fighting for $1.5 billion.

In addition, in each country there are professional football leagues, divided into divisions.


Boxing is one of the most popular sports not only in the world, but also in Ukraine. In addition to Ukrainians, boxing is closely watched in America, Mexico, Great Britain, Japan, Poland, Romania, and also in the Philippines.

In the mid-60s of the twentieth century, boxing began to actively attract the attention of the public. After this boom, the leading fights began to gather full halls, the rest of the fans closely followed the fights from their television screens.

The most interesting thing is that boxing is not only a male sport. Boxing among women is also interesting to many, and women's fights are the most popular competition in the world.

Huge amounts of money are spinning in boxing, and the prize funds of some competitions simply do not fit into the head. In addition, athletes fight not only for money, but also for 4 WBA, WBC, WBO and IBF championship titles. Every novice boxer dreams of raising the coveted award in the boxing world over his head.


Previously, when asked what is the most popular sport in Ukraine, one could hear anything but tennis. In just a few years, this sport began to gain momentum, and quite deservedly now occupies an honorable third place in our ranking.

Wimbledon is considered the most popular and prestigious competition in tennis. In 2016 alone, the event was viewed by over 1 billion TV viewers, while the 2017 tournament final was watched closely by 17 million people, and that's just in the UK. Doesn't the number of audience indicate the popularity of a particular sport.

Other tennis events are held around the world every year almost without interruption, but the audience only increases noticeably in the summer.

Prize money in tennis is as generous as in boxing. Take, for example, all four Grand Slam tournaments - the Australian Open, French Open, USA Open and Wimbledon. The prize money of these tournaments exceeds the mark of tens of millions of dollars.


Basketball added to the list of "The most popular sports in Ukraine and the world." This sport is considered one of the most rated, and the number of its fans exceeds 1 billion.

Team sports have always been in the spotlight, and basketball is no exception. Ukrainian basketball players are constantly training and working on themselves in order to represent their country at a decent level at important basketball tournaments.

In addition to Ukraine, basketball is loved in America, Greece, Spain, Italy, France, China and Argentina. This sport is developing very quickly, so it can easily compete with football in a few years.

By the way, in terms of the number of professional leagues, basketball is second only to football. In European countries, leagues also consist of several divisions. As for the salary of basketball players from the NBA, the TOP 40 players of the American association earn more than $ 15 million a year.


Biathlon is a seasonal sport discipline, but, nevertheless, it is a popular sport in Ukraine. Winter competitions gather the main audience during the Olympic Games.

In addition to Ukraine, biathlon is of interest in Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Norway. Despite the fact that many countries are interested in this sport, it is difficult to say that biathlon is the most popular sport in the world, and it will be difficult for him to overtake football.


A review about the most popular sport in the world and Ukraine, like hockey, will be of interest to a large audience.

Such a priority sport as hockey is popular among young people and not only. Yes, the Ukrainian Hockey League cannot be compared with the NHL and KHL, but this does not mean that Ukrainian fans do not follow it. Many Ukrainian hockey players play in famous hockey teams of the world, which proves the professionalism of the players.

The National Hockey League is rightfully one of the five largest professional leagues on the planet, and the NHL has an annual income of $4.5 billion. Many novice hockey players dream of lifting the Stanley Cup over their heads.


Athletics is a global sport, as it includes many disciplines. In this sport, all disciplines are represented by male and female sports.

In Ukraine, the most popular sport is not athletics, but this does not mean that it does not have its own amateur audience.

The popularity of sports is mostly spread in Europe: France, Germany, England. Also athletics is the most popular event at the Olympics. And in 2012, the final 100m sprint became the most anticipated sporting event in history. Therefore, athletics is rightfully included in the list of the most popular sports around the planet.


It would seem that handball is a sport that few people know about in Ukraine. But no, the Ukrainian men's handball team demonstrates a good game. Yes, the Ukrainian team did not qualify for the World Handball Championship 2019, but this does not prevent it from continuing to train and achieve new victories.

In addition to Ukraine, handball is developed in Russia, Norway, Germany, Spain. Popularization various kinds sport, including handball, is gaining momentum every year, and federations specially created for this contribute to development.


Not surprisingly, volleyball is a popular sport, both children and adults love to play it in open areas and in gyms.

In terms of the number of Olympic awards, this sport is still ahead of other game sports disciplines. However, most of the awards were won back in Soviet times. Now there are no significant achievements, but this does not mean that volleyball has lost its position in the ranking of the most popular sports in Ukraine.

Thanks to the simplicity of volleyball, it is loved in many countries of the world - Brazil (according to local media, volleyball in the country bypasses even football), Turkey, Poland, China and Thailand.

And in terms of the number of national federations, volleyball has bypassed other sports, as more than 200 national federations are registered with the FIBV.


Cybersport is gaining more and more every day more revs, it is possible that very soon it will be considered one of the most rated sports not only in the world, but also in Ukraine.

After esports was called a sport, a lot of misunderstandings arose, some agreed with it, and someone loudly stated that esports had nothing to do with sports. But be that as it may, when asked what kind of sport is the most popular, many answer e-sports.

Also this species is popular in Russia, China, South Korea and America. Cybersport prize funds are also hard to ignore, as gamers are fighting for tens of millions of dollars.


Golf originated in Scotland, and it is rumored that ordinary shepherds invented the game for the rich. Then the game was talked about in the Netherlands, and in this way it began to develop and gain attention all over the world.

Golf is the kind of sport that has gathered millions of fans around it, and some of them are in Ukraine. Golf is also included in the rating of the most popular sports in countries such as the USA, Japan, Great Britain and South Korea.


Over 550 million people follow Formula 1 every year. For the first time, they started talking about the “Royal Races” in the 1950s, since then interest in them has not faded, but only increased.

The racing season consists of 20 stages, which take place in 20 different countries, hence the wide audience of this sport. At the same time, racing is considered the most profitable motorsport, each year its income is from 1.5 to 2 billion dollars. And this is not surprising, since expensive cars require expensive maintenance.


After the advent of the UFC, mixed martial arts are gaining more and more popularity. Ukraine is also interested in this sport. And it all started with Brazil and the USA, and gradually migrated to Europe.

A little more and financially MMA is able to overtake boxing. As in any other sport, mixed martial arts has its own prestigious tournaments that attract an audience. Prize funds are practically no different from boxing ones, since large sums are spinning in MMA.


Races such as the Tour de France are known all over the world. In Ukraine, the number of cycling enthusiasts is increasing every year, in addition, cycling races are constantly held, in which not only professional athletes, but also amateurs participate.

Most of all, cycling is developed in Europe, where millions of fans follow the competitions. The prize funds of the competitions are also not deprived of a good monetary reward.


Basically, many people remember about swimming during the Summer Olympic Games, but at the same time, this sport is practiced all over the world. Exist different types swimming, which each athlete chooses for himself.


Table tennis originated at the end of the 19th century, and today it is included in the list of the most popular sports. By the way, most people still think that ping-pong is table tennis. But this is not so, although they are quite similar in terms of the rules and organization of the competition.

To date, the International Table Tennis Association includes 226 countries. In addition to Ukraine, this sport is actively interested in Asia, according to some sources there table tennis up to 5 million people are professionally engaged.


Rugby originated in foggy Albion in the 19th century and became popular in many countries of the world.

There is a legend that rugby appeared after while playing football, one of the players took the ball in his hands, and after running across the entire field, brought it into the opponents' goal. It is also believed that thanks to rugby, American football appeared.

Today there are about 5 million rugby players.


Cricket is a sport that uses a bat and a ball. Cricket is often played on the tarwa.

Cricket is most popular in Australia, India, Wales, England, South Africa and other countries.


A team sport like baseball is somewhat reminiscent of Russian bast shoes and cricket. Baseball is very popular in America, Canada and Cuba.


American football is another most popular sport in America, which has its fans in Ukraine as well.

America is home to the most profitable sports league in the world, the NFL, which makes over $10 billion a year. And Superball is considered the highest rated sporting event in the United States, which is attended by 200 million people.


Even 20 years ago, field hockey was especially popular in India. It later spread to Pakistan and Australia, and then came to taste in other countries.

It is difficult to say that field hockey is developing, as it is not entirely true. But at the same time, the number of fans of this sport is constantly increasing.


Badminton originated in China. Then he smoothly moved to Korea and India, and after that he found his audience in other countries of the world.

As for the professional plan, there are not many competitions in this sport, mostly badminton is developed at the amateur level, including in Ukraine.


Rhythmic gymnastics has always attracted the attention of the public. This sport is included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Gymnastics is popular not only in Ukraine, but also in America, Russia, Japan, the USA and Germany.


Ski - favorite hobby many, all over the world. Consequently, such a discipline as skiing is very popular. Most winter sports are common in the Scandinavian countries.

Alpine skiing is included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games, and with the onset of the Olympics, it gathers thousands of fans on TV screens.


Snooker is a rather specific game that also has its fans. Snooker is most popular in England and China.

As for Ukraine and other European countries, this sport is more developed there at the amateur level.


The road racing championship is an interesting and exciting competition that thousands of MotoGP fans love to watch.

These races belong to the premium class, which has its own audience. MotoGP is especially popular in Spain, the Netherlands, America. However, it has recently begun to develop in England, Germany and the countries of the Middle East.


Another winter, but, nevertheless, a popular sport - snowboarding began to develop relatively recently. However, it has already been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games.

Previously, snowboarding was seen more as a hobby, but over time it has evolved and won the love of the public.


Incredibly beautiful and at the same time difficult sport - figure skating also in popularity is not inferior to other sports. There are athletes in Ukraine who represent their country at the Olympic Games, as well as at the World Championships.

Figure skating is well developed in Russia, America, Germany, Japan and other countries.

Throughout history man has played ball. The game came and went, was almost without rules and sometimes quite violent.

In 1863, the English Football Association was created, at the same time the full English name of this sport appeared - association football. Over time, the long name was reduced to assoc., and in the 1880s to the reduction of soc. in the Oxford manner, the suffix -er was added - soccer ("soccer"). True, football is now called soccer only in the United States and some other English-speaking countries.

It is believed that the 11-meter free kick was offered by Irish football expert John Penalty. However, even the existence of this person is questioned. In fact, a penalty (from the term death penalty - “death penalty”) was proposed in 1891 by the Irishman William McCrum.

How did the most popular sport in the world come about?

According to ancient legends, the goddess Aphrodite gave the first ball to Eros. Ancient balls symbolized the Sun, Moon and Earth, and the first leather analogues of modern soccer balls discovered during excavations in Greece and Egypt. For a long time, balls were made from the bladders of animals, and only in 1855 Charles Goodyear, an American inventor, created the first rubber ball. True, now there is evidence that rubber was used to make balls as early as 1600 BC. e.

One way or another, the ball game was popular in many countries of the world in ancient times: in Ancient Sparta she was called "epykros", V Ancient Rome - "harpastum", and in China - "zhu-ke". Approximately in the XIV century. the Italians invented a ball game called "calcio", later adopted by the inhabitants of the British Isles. The British liked it so much that in the 19th century. football was played almost everywhere, however, different rules and using hands.

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. in the Bryansk region, local residents competed in the skill of owning a leather ball stuffed with feathers. The game was called "shalyga" or "kila". Football acquired its modern look only with the adoption in 1863 by the Football Association of England of uniform rules. Eight years later, in 1871, the oldest football tournament to date, the FA Cup, was founded, and in 1872 the first international match between England and Scotland took place. In 1904, FIFA, the governing football organization, was founded in Paris , which, in addition to England, joined Denmark, Belgium, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.

The main football championships of our time

Among club football tournaments, the most prestigious is UEFA European Champions League. The tournament was first held in 1955, then it was called "European Cup", and in 1992 it was reorganized: at first there was a play-off system (play-off games), later - a group tournament system.

The name has changed, an anthem and an emblem have appeared. Spain holds the record for most Champions League titles won "Real Madrid"- He won the cup nine times. In 1971, the second most important club tournament in Europe was founded - UEFA Cup, which after the reorganization in 2009 became known as Europa League. The tournament system is similar to that of the Champions League, with Italian teams leading the way in terms of the number of victories.

Club World Cup in football, until the reorganization of 2005 it was called the FIFA Club World Cup, founded in 2000, when the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations competed for the championship. The most titled clubs here are Brazilian "Corinthians" and the Spanish "Barcelona", each of them won the tournament twice.

Among the national teams, the main football tournament is considered world championship (mundial), founded in 1930. All men's national football teams of countries that are members of FIFA can take part in it. The final competitions are held every four years for a month.

The final is hosted by the host country, which is determined in advance. In the entire history of the World Cup, only eight teams have become champions: Brazil - five times, Italy - four times, Germany - three times, Argentina and Uruguay - twice each, England, France and Spain - once each.

The second most popular is Europe championship in football, founded in 1960. Then the USSR national team won. It is held every four years, alternating with a difference of two years with the World Cup. The final stage involves the participation of 16 best teams, and the host country, as in the world championship, is determined in advance. The champion receives the Henri Delaunay Cup (that was the name of the first UEFA Secretary General).

In 1962, at the World Cup in the match of the USSR national team against the team of Uruguay, after a hit by a Soviet football player with a score of 1: 1, the ball flew into the net of the Uruguayans from the outside, through a hole. The referee allowed the goal, but the captain of our team Igor Netto showed that the goal was counted incorrectly. It was canceled, but the players of the USSR national team scored another goal and still won the match.

Sport is an integral part of life, it makes a person beautiful, healthy, strong, successful. Russians simply adore sports competitions, which they enjoy watching and in which they massively participate. And the Russian government actively promotes physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. What are the most popular sports in Russia? This will be discussed further.

Features of the development of sports in Russia

Thanks to the government public organizations physical culture and sports are being promoted to the masses. The main tasks of the Ministry of Sports: physical education of schoolchildren and students, development of amateur and professional sports, propaganda healthy lifestyle life. For this, sports facilities, bases, schools are being built, where young cadres are taught sports science.

With the joint efforts of the Olympic and Paralympic Committees, programs for the development of sports among the disabled are being carried out. Athletes with disabilities successfully participate in international competitions. There are centers for sports adaptation of the disabled, the main task of which is rehabilitation, strengthening the physical and mental health of people with disabilities.

In order to improve the physical education of young people, physical education is now given three hours a week, this is the norm for all educational institutions. Schools and universities are equipped with playing fields with professional coverage, sports grounds, and swimming pools. Mass competitions are held among schoolchildren, gymnasium students, students, pupils of boarding schools.

Sports grounds, fitness centers, gyms are being built in cities. Seasonal games are held in the countryside. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is actively supported by television and the press.

A special place in the development of sports is given to the organization "Sports Russia". She brings people together different ages(children, adults, the elderly), calls to improve health, increase the level of physical fitness. Student community "Petrel" is engaged in propaganda physical culture and sports among youth. Sports competitions, international Universiades, championships are held.

In Russia, especially in last years, sports facilities of world importance appear, international competitions are held. There is a restoration and creation of new sports bases, where the national teams are preparing for the starts. And we, the spectators, actively empathize and cheer for our athletes.

Ten most popular sports

  1. Football

What sport is the most popular among Russians? Quite expectedly, football becomes the leader of the rating! Despite the fact that the national team is not currently playing on the high level, fans continue to closely observe the events. As for the youth team, it has achieved significant success in competitions.

Many young people are actively involved in amateur football. Only a few go to professional football, although the country has all the conditions for the development of this sport: high salaries, experienced coaches, fields and stadiums.

  1. Hockey

It is a very popular and successful sport among Russians. Our team from year to year takes a well-deserved place among the leaders. As in any other sport, in hockey, to become a professional, you need to train for a long time under the guidance of a coach. Competitions are held among youth teams, as a result of which the most talented athletes are selected for the national team. Often the best hockey players are invited to play in foreign teams. For the development of hockey in Russia, modern ice palaces and stadiums have been built.

  1. Basketball

Collective throwing the ball into the basket has a huge number of fans around the world. This game has long acquired the status of an Olympic sport (in 1936). Basketball is very popular among schoolchildren and students. As a result of long-term training, athletes become more resilient, dexterous and well-aimed. Basketball is one of the five most popular sports in the world.

  1. Volleyball

This is a popular team batting game. The main types of volleyball are classic and beach volleyball, both are included in the list of Olympic sports. Fun game helps to improve health and cheer up, develop coordination and jumping ability.

  1. Figure skating

A spectacular view that showcases the art of ice skating. Athletes perform rotational and jumping movements that are complex in coordination. Separate singles, pairs and dance performances. And at the Winter Olympics in Sochi-2014, team competitions among figure skaters were introduced for the first time. Russians, thanks to an experienced school, very often rise to the podium in this sport. However, figure skating is no longer as popular as it used to be, but still is in the top.

  1. Athletics

"Queen of Sports" combines running, jumping, walking, throwing. This Olympic view collects the largest number medals due to a large number of disciplines. In addition, it is also a very spectacular sport, which is worth only relay races in running with the transfer of a stick. Athletics is very popular among spectators and at the amateur level - among lovers of a healthy lifestyle. However, few people decide to engage in it professionally.

  1. ski racing

This is a popular ski type, according to which the athlete must cover a certain distance along the obstacle course as quickly as possible. The main styles of skiing are classic and free. The popularity of cross-country skiing is also explained by the peculiarities of the harsh climate of Russia, especially the northern regions. Many Russians ski or cross-country ski at an amateur level.

In Russia, this martial art has become popular quite recently, although boxing has a long history. This contact sport is aimed at developing willpower, fighting spirit, not only among men, but also among women.

  1. Tennis

This is an Olympic sport that involves the rivalry of two (single tennis) or several (doubles) players on the court. Most of all, the young population of the country is fond of tennis. In Russia, tennis received special development in the 90s of the 20th century due to the unspoken status of the "presidential" type.

  1. Chess

Chess has not yet become part of the Olympic program, but is a serious intellectual sport. A professional chess player must carefully prepare for tournaments, be patient, persistent and diligent.

And some statistics: more than 25% of Russians have a negative attitude towards elite sport and believe that the state finances this area in vain. About 30% of fellow citizens go in for sports every day. Approximately 50% are fans or participate in amateur competitions.

Be that as it may, sport has a huge impact on the development modern society. And the main thing is that physical activity brings a lot of joy in the process, fills us with energy, gives strength for new achievements. If you haven't been exercising today, why not do it right now?

There are over a hundred sports in the world, in which thousands of professional athletes and millions of people who practice at the amateur level perform.

Some sports are considered recognized, while others are equated with entertainment. And there is a separate category in sports called national sports.

Many people are interested in what sports are national, we tried to figure it out and prepared a list of countries in which their sports are popular.

national views sports of the world are those sports that originated and developed among one people, and also became part of folk culture. After developing in their own country, they gained fame in other countries of the world.

So what sports are national in different countries?

First of all, it is worth mentioning football, because England is considered the birthplace of the sport beloved by millions of fans. In addition to Great Britain, football is considered the national sport in Scotland and Brazil, but about Brazil a little later.

England also invented cricket. This is the favorite summer look British sports. The rules of the game were invented in the 18th century and the game has not lost its popularity to this day.

Golf is one of the traditional sports in the UK. It, like cricket, was invented in England. The country has many special golf courses, as well as professional championships and championships.

The most famous national sport in the United States is, of course, American football. In America, there is a professional league in which world-famous American football teams play. This sport is not included in the Olympic sports. We mentioned more about non-Olympic sports.

Also worth mentioning is baseball, which is on the list. traditional types US sports. And, despite the fact that many representatives of Russia do not understand the rules of this game, this does not mean that he is not popular in other countries of the world.

Traditional types of the Kazakh people are aimed at testing strength and endurance. It is unlikely that the names of such sports as baiga, kokpar or kyz-kuu are known to many, but, nevertheless, they are popular in their homeland.

Despite the fact that football was invented in England, it belongs to the national sports of France. The French became world champions, which once again proves that they know how to play football, and they do it professionally and beautifully.

Also to traditional French species sports include cycling. The Tour de France is known all over the world. And for athletes, to participate in it is a great honor.