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New information about crips bloods. Gangs of America: Crips and Bloods. The Malditos - minor branch of the East Side Longos gang

(from English "Cripps") - a street gang, a criminal community in the United States, consisting mainly of African Americans. As of 2007, the number of Crips members is estimated at up to 40 thousand people.

A distinctive sign of gang members is wearing bandanas (and clothes in general) in blue shades, sometimes wearing canes. In order to join a gang, a guy needs to commit a crime in front of witnesses. The famous C-walk dance also originated among the gang. Developed its own slang and alphabet.

Bloods often refer to themselves as Damu ("blood" in African Swahili) or Dawg (DOGS). Members of the Bloods adorn themselves with dog tattoos, usually a bulldog. The Bloods also use the acronym M.O.B. (Member of Blood or Money Over Bitches).

In 1971, gang members attacked elderly Japanese women, who then described the perpetrators as lame (cripple), since all the participants in the attack were with canes. Local newspapers wrote about this incident, and the name stuck to the gang - Crips

Currently, the Crips gang is considered one of the largest in the United States. Its members are charged with murder, robbery, drug trafficking and other crimes. Most Crips in California, where it began to develop

Rappers Snoop Dogg and Xzibit left the Crips

Snoop Dogg

Bloods(English bloods - Bloody) - one of the US street gangs, founded in 1970 in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. The Bloods are known for their "war" with the Crips street gang. The creation of the Bloods occurred after a small gang from Compton, the Piru Street Boys, did not find understanding with the vastly superior Compton Crips and entered into open conflict with it. In an effort to enlist the support of other groups, the leaders of the Piru Street Boys gathered all the other non-Crips street gangs in Los Angeles, and the decision was made to form Alliance Bloods. Since the Crips wore a blue bandana as an identification mark and dressed mainly in blue, red was adopted as the Alliance color, a red bandana as an identification mark, and Bloods (English blood - Blood) as a name, that is, "Reds" .

Like any gang, Bloods has its own slang and alphabet ( English alphabet with modified symbols). Using these symbols, gang members "mark" their territory with spray paint leaving tags. In Bloods slang, members of the Crips gang are called crabs (Crabs).

The B-walk dance (Blood Walk) also appeared among the gang, which is an analogue of the C-walk (Crip-Walk), created in the Crips gang as a way of transmitting signals between gang members and recognizing each other

Tupac Shakur producer Marion Suge Knight, Jr. was Bloods.

The main rivals of the Reds and Blues in California are the Latin Kings, Hispanic gangs made up of descendants of Mexican and South American immigrants. Latin Kings are approximately equal in number and degree of influence to both Bloods and Crips, they also operate throughout the country, although the southern and western states, and primarily California, are considered their traditional territory. Recently, there has been an increase in Asian criminal groups.

Crips(from English "Cripps") - a street gang, a criminal community in the United States, consisting predominantly of African Americans. Included in the largest gangster system in the US - Folk Nation. As of 2007, the number of members Crips is estimated at about 40 thousand people. Known for antagonizing other gangs in the Bloods alliance, and although the Bloods currently have many more members than the Crips, the Blues are fighting back well against the Bloods. The Reds have not been able to take any territory from the Crips to this day. The Crips are made up of many gangs, most of which are located in Los Angeles.

A distinctive sign of gang members is wearing bandanas (and clothes in general) in blue shades, sometimes wearing canes. In order to join a gang, a guy needs to commit a crime in front of witnesses, and a girl needs to have sexual intercourse with older members of the gang. The famous c-walk dance (English) also arose among the gang. Developed own jargon and alphabet.

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See what "Crips" is in other dictionaries:

    Crips- Tatouages ​​d un membre des Crips Date de fondation 1969 Fondé par Stanley Tookie Williams et Raymond Washington Lieu South Central Los Angeles et ... Wikipédia en Français

    Crips- Crip gang member with tattoos. In Los Angeles, California, United States Founded by Raymond Washington … Wikipedia

    Crips- Die Bloods und die Crips sind zwei der drei großen amerikanischen Jugendbanden. Sie entstammen beide dem Gebiet von Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Die dritte und mutmaßlich größte von allen ist die Mara salvatrucha, diese steht jedoch weder zu Bloods… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    CRIPS Center régional d information et de prévention du sida

    Crips- This interesting and unusual name, with variant spellings Crispe, Chrisp, Crips, Chrippes and Scripps, derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century word crisp, cryps , from the Latin crispus , meaning curly or the curly haired one, or from the… …Surnames reference

    Crips- Gang Gang, n. 1. A going; a course. 2. A number going in company; hence, a company, or a number of persons… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

The most dangerous gangs in the USA (New York, Los Angeles)

Of course, there are many more dangerous gangs in the United States that deserve close attention, but we will focus on five of the very best.

(slang for "gang of wandering ants") or MS 13- by far the most powerful and dangerous street gang operating in the United States, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and a number of countries in Central America. In 2012, US authorities declared MS 13 the first international criminal organization in history.

Mara Salvatrucha was formed in Los Angeles in the early 1980s, when hundreds of thousands of emigrants from Central America poured into the United States. Initially, the backbone of the gang was formed from citizens of El Salvador, and then people from Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras began to replenish it.

At first, it was one of the many street gangs that operated on the streets of Los Angeles and spent much of their time in brutal wars with hostile groups, primarily blacks. Then the Salvadoran lively boys were swept up by respectable uncles from the Mexican mafia and offered a criminal alliance - Surenos (Surenos). According to the agreement, the task of supplying fighters for the dirty work that the Mexicans entrusted to them fell on the shoulders of the ants, and they, in turn, undertook to provide all support to the Salvadorans in street wars and in prisons. After that, the authority and power of Mara Salvatrucha grew by leaps and bounds.

To date, there are about 10-12 thousand members of this gang in the United States, while the total number of Mara Salvatrucha in all of America reaches 70 thousand people. The geography in the US of MS-13 is quite extensive, judge for yourself: California, Washington, Texas, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Oregon, Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Georgia, Oklahoma and even. The ants have branches in at least 40 American cities.

Tattoos: MS 13 member tattoos, often covering their wearer from head to toe, knowledgeable people can tell about a lot - who he is and what he is, for what and how long he was imprisoned, whom he killed, and so on.

Criminal activity: drug trafficking, control of prostitution (including children), racketeering, protection of criminal and semi-criminal business, extortion, arms trafficking, murders, organizing the delivery of illegal immigrants to the States, various dirty jobs on behalf of the allied Mexican mafia.

Also known as Barrio 18 or M-18- a large street gang from Los Angeles, whose brigades, in addition to the "city of angels", operate on the territory of 120 American cities in 37 states. For decades now, the main enemies of the M-18 have been Mara Salvatrucha and a number of African-American groups. The main ally is La Eme (Mexican mafia).

The gang appeared in the 60s of the last century in Los Angeles. Its backbone was made up of Mexicans and people from Central America. Today, the 18th Street Gang is considered the largest gang in Los Angeles - only in this city and adjacent territories there are about 10 thousand members of this group, in total, according to some reports, up to 30 thousand people are loyal to it.

The main income of M-18 is formed by street drug trafficking. Also, gang members are engaged in protection business, illegal immigration, forgery, extortion, underground gambling, kidnapping, murder, in general, everything that such gangs do.

The FBI began looking at the M-18 guys back in the 1990s, but it wasn't until the mid-2000s that they really got down to business with a series of large-scale raids against its members.

The M-18 consider the famous Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) to be their main enemy, with whom she had bloody showdowns for many years, and this despite the fact that these two gangs have the same main ally - La Eme(Mexican mafia).

One of the most famous and violent prison gangs in the US. Initially, having originated in 1964 as an ordinary racist group, over time, AB has transformed into a full-fledged criminal syndicate, where today money comes first and only ideology comes second.

The Aryan Brotherhood accounts for approximately 20% of all murders committed in federal prisons in the country. Despite the racist ideology, one of the main allies of the gang is the Mexican mafia, for which at times the "Aryans" carry out contract killings. AB also has contacts with some Asian groups that deliver drugs to the United States, but it is believed that the "Aryans" will never have anything to do with blacks. By the way, the main enemy of AB is the Negro group "Black Partisan Family".

To date, the ranks of the Aryan Brotherhood have more than 10,000 people. To join a gang, a white prisoner must kill another prisoner, preferably black or Hispanic. For leaving the gang - death.

ABs are involved in drug trafficking, racially motivated and hired killings, racketeering, arms trafficking, and so on. As mentioned above, it is impossible to leave the ranks of the gang - AB members released from prison must supply their brothers with money, drugs and other contraband.

Characteristic tattoos: abbreviations SS and AB, swastika, zig runes, 666.


Crips- one of the oldest criminal alliances in the United States. The Crips are made up of many African American gangs, with no central control. The gang was founded in 1969 by teenagers Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams, in Los Angeles. Today, there are up to 40 thousand fighters in the ranks of the "cripples".

For many years now, another African-American group, bloods (z), has been considered the sworn enemies of the "cripples". In addition to the "bloody", crips feud with such well-known gangs as the Neighborhood Pirus, Mara Salvatrucha, the Nazis from the Aryan Brotherhood and Nazi Lowriders, as well as the Surenos. Often the gangs that are part of the crips alliance are at war with each other.

Criminal activities: murder, drug trafficking, robbery, theft, car theft, document forgery, arms trafficking, extortion.

Gang attributes: Blue color, blue bandanas, British Knights sneakers, specific tattoos, gangster graffiti. Has its own slang.

Initiation: A Crips candidate must commit a crime in front of a member of the gang. Girls are accepted after intercourse with several older "cripples".

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)- an alliance of African American street gangs, formed in South Los Angeles. Distinctive feature The gang is wearing red clothes, which is supposed to symbolize blood. The Bloody Alliance is predominantly composed of African-American groups (sets), although it also includes Hispanics and white fighters. The ranks of the bloods number about 15-20 thousand fighters.

The Bloods formed in 1972 in the famed South Central Los Angeles. The main reason that some street gangs had to urgently organize an alliance was another, no less famous Crips group (cripples), whose power and appetite grew by leaps and bounds. All the gangs that were attacked by the "crips" received an offer to enter a new alliance, and thereby become much more competitive in relation to the crips. For decades now, Bloods and Crips have been implacable enemies for each other.

Crime activities: drug trafficking, robbery, murder, extortion.

While the hippies were preaching peace and love, sunbathing on sunny beaches Los Angeles in the early 70s, dramatic events took place in the bowels of the black ghettos. There were also young people who wanted change. They loved drugs and freedom, but they weren't pacifists. The children of the black quarters are accustomed to taking everything by force. Their society split into reds and blues, creating a feud that lasted for decades.

In order to understand the causes of this war, one must turn to the origins of street crime in the United States. Black Americans, driven into the ghetto, lived on bread and water and passionately tried to get out of this impasse. The youth earned money for their daily bread by hook or by crook. Mostly uneducated black youths were engaged in robbery, theft, selling drugs and weapons.
At the bottom of society, tensions grew, which reached its climax in 1969. It is he who is the turning point in criminal history City of Angels. Children who did not get the lead of the Second World War wanted to live easily and carefree. They were inspired by their older brothers, who became famous in the ranks of the Black Panthers terrorist group. But the old ideals gradually faded into the background. There was a typical substitution of concepts, and money became synonymous with freedom. Blood money. A young man, Ray Washington, from a poor neighborhood in Los Angeles, along with his bosom friend Stanley "Tookie" Williams, decided to put together his own gang, which he called the Avenues Cribs (after the name of the habitat). Suddenly, the small street punks felt real power. Inspired by the ideas of the Black Panthers, they reshaped the concept of control over the streets, adjusting it to modern realities. The result was the first organized crime group, nicknamed the Cribs after an incident involving elderly Japanese tourists. Since the guys had a fashion to walk with canes, the Japanese mistook them for cripples (cripple - disabled). The group grew and gained strength. In the absence of real competitors, many criminal "generals" finally lost their conscience and began to terrorize members of small gangs who could not offer real resistance. For the time being, for the time being. Everything changed in 1973, when the limit of patience was exhausted. The guys from the Piru Street Boys did not share something with one of the leaders of the Crips, and were not afraid to come into conflict with such a powerful opponent. Suddenly, there were many supporters who were also tired of the lawlessness of presumptuous cripples. Dozens of small gangs sent their truce to the legendary meeting in Compton, where it was decided to create an "anti-Cribs" alliance, which they dubbed the Bloods (translated from English as "bloody"). The band's color is red. The guys wore red bandanas around their necks and heads in order to distinguish their own from others. But there was no fundamental difference between the Bloody and the Crippled. All of them were ordinary thugs and robbers. They traded drugs, sold stolen goods, ran a racket on the scale of their own neighborhoods, killed each other and opposed the police. Soon the gangs acquired their own subculture, which included a whole range of complex rituals. In order to join a gang, one had to endure beatings from several active members. Girls were taken only after they passed through the hands of all the bosses. The "bloody" marked their territory with special graffiti, which was a mixture of English and African dialects, which were spoken by their ancestors. Soon, a new product was thrown into the US drug market. Crack has become a cheap and highly sought-after potion. Both gangs enthusiastically began to sell it. But, as in any business, in the drug trade you have to expand the market sooner or later. And the first Bloods were drawn to the east coast to establish a network for the sale of poison there. They recruited subordinates even from among the Latinos, successfully competing with the "blue". The first agents were sent to state federal prisons. There they set up the system of prison branches, which was supposed to "protect" the brothers serving their sentences. In 1972, there were 11 gangster groups in Los Angeles. Another 4 operated in Compton, one each in Athens and Inglewood. After 25 years, there were already 138 of them in Los Angeles, 36 in Compton, 14 in Inglewood, 10 in Long Beach. In total, there are over 300 gangs in Los Angeles and its environs. The number of groups grew exponentially. Soon the first gangsters appeared who were able to "get out into the people." For example, the famous Snoop Dogg was a member of the Bloody. The gangs have been at war for three decades. No one will undertake to count the number of victims of this confrontation. But in 2004 they had to conclude a truce, because hard times require radical solutions. Due to the fact that the American government has tightened laws and introduced entire programs to combat street banditry, the guys from the ghetto felt the breath of the law on their necks. Over the years, the gang war has subsided. Territories are divided. The market too. Former kids have grown up and prefer to do business rather than brandish guns in the streets. The younger generation is brought up in a different way. Yes, clashes still happen, but even gangsters understand that bloodshed will not leave them a chance to survive in this world. However, if any Cribs accidentally wander into the Bloods area, then you will not envy him.

Among other things, he promised, if not to put an end to street banditry, then to deal a serious blow to it. As the Republican candidate explained, many groups are made up of illegal migrants, and it is enough to tighten immigration policy and give more powers to the police, and the problem will be solved by itself. There is some doubt that this plan will work. Many gangs have been around for decades and seem serious about outliving Trump, as they have outlived many presidents. Among these groups are the famous Bloods and Crips, black gangs whose feud has already become part of American culture.

For freedom with brass knuckles

The Crips came first.

Los Angeles in the 1960s was a place where a black teenager from a poor family could hardly succeed. Mass unemployment, the inability to get a quality education, discrimination pushed young people of color into the streets, forcing them to fight for a place in the sun.

On a spring evening in 1969 (according to other sources, 1971), 16-year-old high school student Stanley Williams, nicknamed Tuki, an aspiring bodybuilder, an experienced street fighter and the leader of a small gang, who had recently been released from prison after a short term for stealing a car, came to unusual guests. The leader of a local youth gang, Raymond Washington, and his friends offered Williams and his guys an alliance in the fight against other groups. Washington and Williams took an immediate liking to each other. Everyone was satisfied with the results of the conversation: Raymond enlisted the support of Tuka, and he got a chance to realize his old dream - to become the leader of the largest and most powerful gang in the world. The new alliance was named Crips.

From the very beginning, the "creeps" were surrounded by a romantic halo, which they carefully maintained, creating for themselves the image of Robin Hoods - fighters for the rights of oppressed blacks. The mysterious abbreviation was as soon as not deciphered: "Resources of the society for an independent people", "Common revolution in progress" and even "Public revolutionary inter-party service". Williams later claimed that the Crips were conceived as the heirs of the famous Black Panthers.

In fact, everything was much easier. The name came either from the erroneously transcribed name of the gang of Washington, Avenue Cribs, or from the nickname cripples - "cripples", which was awarded to members of the group by local residents for their characteristic shuffling waddle.

The struggle against the regime did not work out. If the Black Panthers pursued political goals, then the main goal of the Crips was to establish control over the streets of Los Angeles. Of course, romantics who dreamed of a black revolution and the fight against discrimination also turned out to be in the ranks of the group, but it was not they who determined the face of the gang, but the realists Washington and Williams, who went through the harsh street school of life.

Blood for blood

Crips, clearing their habitat from competitors, acted extremely harshly, often going too far. So, student Robert Bellow was beaten to death by a gang just because he refused to take off a leather jacket, which, as the "creeps" believed, only they had the right to wear. They managed to intimidate many, but it only embittered others.

Small gangs, fleeing from destruction, created their own alliance, which they called the Bloods. The "creeps" treated the new opponents with contempt. Soon, as part of a demonstration of who was boss in the city, a group of Crips members in June 1972 killed one of the Bloods. Those in response shot the killers' friends. This was the beginning of the war.

The Crips initially outnumbered the Bloods three to one, and they didn't seem to stand a chance. Only drastic measures could save them. The “Bloods” proclaimed the slogan “take no prisoners” and based their tactics on aggressiveness, brutally attacking the enemy at every opportunity.

Blue and red

On February 27, 1973, Tuki Williams' right-hand man, 16-year-old Curtiss Morrow, nicknamed Buddha, got into a small brawl on the street. It was a trap: the opponent turned out to be from the “bloods”, there was a support group nearby, and the Buddha eventually bled to death on the pavement. Morrow was not loved and feared even by the "creeps" themselves (he was cruel, bloodthirsty, unpredictable and obeyed only Tuki), but he was his own. A crowd of thousands gathered at his funeral, and each "creep" put on a blue bandana on his head - the same as the Buddha wore.

Since then, blue bandanas, along with blue Levi's jeans and leather jackets, have become a distinctive symbol of the Crips, and blue has become their heraldic color. In turn, the Bloods chose red (the color of the college where their founding fathers, Sylvester Scott and Benson Owens, originally attended), harmonizing so well with the group's name.

Both gangs have their own set of specific traditions. So, the "creeps" prefer not to use the letter combination "ck" in the letter, associating it with Creep Killer, and replace it with "cc", and also, if possible, avoid using the letter "b", changing it to "bk" - Blood Killer. In turn, the “bloods” try to exclude from their vocabulary words that begin with the letter “s”, thus turning, for example, “coffee” into “bofe”. The "creeps" traditionally refer to each other as "kazz" and "blood killaz", their opponents, in turn, simply refer to each other as "blood". On the streets of American cities, you can see graffiti with the letter "b" with a cross inside or a crossed out "c" - this is how members of warring factions try to offend rivals.

Otherwise, the two gangs are an example from the field of dialectical materialism, embodying the law of unity and struggle of opposites. Both are built on the same principle, representing umbrella structures, which include numerous "sets", often not united by anything other than belonging to an alliance. "Sets" are often at enmity with each other, making peace only when it is necessary to confront the enemy group.

Members of both gangs put specific tattoos on their bodies, feud with Latin American criminal structures in Los Angeles, practice initiation rites: a girl must sleep with any of the older members of the gang, a guy must demonstrate courage and loyalty by attacking a member of a rival gang. Both groups actively use Swahili words to emphasize the belief in the superiority of the black race. And, finally, both are engaged in crime: they kill, rob, pimp, sell stolen goods and trade in the main wealth of the underground world - drugs.

Powder, come!

Drugs play in gang life special role. Until the early 1980s, neither the Bloods nor the Crips got into the business, preferring to stay away from the white powder. However, by 1983, the "bloods", who, thanks to their cruelty, lasted more than 10 years, but were pressed on all fronts, turned to the cocaine trade in search of salvation. And they didn't fail.

Crack was truly a lifesaver for them. The flow of money was such that the Bloods instantly won back all the lost positions, recruiting new supporters, entering into alliances with previously hesitant groups and massively bribing officials and policemen. The "creeps", although they entered the drug business later, eventually managed to win back market share.

The struggle between the two groups, which until then had been fought on the streets of Los Angeles, spilled over beyond its borders. "Bloods" and "creeps" in search of markets traveled around the country, all new gangs from all over the United States declared their loyalty to one or another group, adding CRIPS or BLOOD to their name and entering into a great war. The feud has also reached the East Coast, with two major black criminal alliances, the People's Nation and the Folk Nation, forging alliances with warring Los Angeles gangs. Drugs promised a lot of money, which means that the showdown was conducted in an adult way - with machine guns and grenade launchers.

Need more cocaine

The market stabilized in the 1990s when both gangs made an agreement with the Mexican. For Mexicans, this meant a guaranteed distribution network, and for "bloods" and "creeps" - a reliable supplier. The cartel takes over the purchase of coca from Colombian farmers at a price of about two thousand dollars per kilogram and transportation to the American border. In Mexico, they give 10 thousand per kilogram, in the States - 30 thousand. For wholesale consumers, such as "creeps" and "bloods", the price ranges from 17 to 25 thousand. According to the most rough estimates, the sale of this kilogram at retail brings them up to 100 thousand dollars. Given that we are talking about tons and tens of tons, we can imagine the level of income.

In America, of course, morals are softer than south of the border. Showdowns between rival drug dealers rarely end in dozens of corpses - a mere trifle compared to what happens in Mexico, where people are shot by entire villages and the heads of overzealous drug cops are beheaded. Therefore, the indignation of the Mexican drug lords, which was caused by the excessively harsh methods of American gangs, leaked onto the pages of the press, looks rather strange.

"El Chapo (Shorty - leader of the Sinaloa cartel, recently arrested by the police - approx.) respects street gangs, but believes that they are unnecessarily violent and themselves harm business: too much violence attracts the attention of the police, former Sinaloa militant Pedro Guerrero told American crime journalist Kevin Deutsch. “Don't forget, El Chapo orders an average of six murders a day before even drinking a cup of coffee. And this person thinks that the "bloods" and "creeps" are too addicted to killing each other.

Recently, Sinaloa's position has been shaken, and there have been reports that the warring factions have begun to look for new suppliers. However, things did not go far: faced with competitors in the person of Mara Salvatrucha, Barrio-18 and other similar groups, the black gangs retreated, preferring a bird in the hand to a crane in the sky and the likelihood of receiving the severed heads of their couriers as a gift.

Wrote). Both have become part of American gangsta rap culture: their exploits are sung by the Bloods & Crips, which includes current members of both groups (the composition is often updated due to the fact that one or the other artist of the ensemble is behind bars or sent to the cemetery ) and which performs songs in the general style of "Brotherhood, do not shoot each other." And it seems that both the "bloods" and the "creeps" do not care who will be in power in the United States: both under Obama and under Trump, they will feel like masters of the streets.