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Make a bun with a bagel for medium hair. Beautiful hairstyles with a bagel for long hair step by step. How to choose the right bagel

Owners of medium or long hair are often looking for quick hairstyles that can be braided in 5 minutes. Many people need the strands to be collected all day long, not to interfere and not to be confused in the face. One example of such an easy styling is a bagel bun. It looks beautiful, retains its shape for a long time, and is also suitable for study and work. We will tell in the article how to make a bundle using a donut and other devices.

Before you make a bun on your head with a donut (donut) gum, you should prepare styling tools and tools. You will need:

  • comb or massage brush;
  • invisible;
  • to choose from: a bagel, a roller, a sock, a sophist-twist device;
  • varnish for fixing;
  • hairpins;
  • any decorations at will: ribbons, scarf, hairpins with decor, headband, clips.

Some people like to braid thin braids around the beam, others like to curl long bangs, pre-bouffant for volume. Such actions will allow you to transform a simple hairstyle every time in 3-4 minutes, without bothering yourself with complex manipulations with your hair.

Hair bundles with a donut or a sock for long hair can be supplemented with unusual weaving from plaits, braids.

The easiest way is to make a bundle from a purchased bagel and a sock. In the first case, you need to purchase such an elastic band, fix it on your head and twist the curls.

If nothing was at hand, the tip of a tight sock is simply cut off, the resulting segment is twisted in the manner of a donut. Some craftswomen even twist curls onto socks, replacing curlers or curling irons with them, so the device is in demand.

A few simple styling methods

There are several ways to make a bunch with a donut or a sock. The hairstyle, depending on the length of the hair, will look voluminous, smooth or high. Consider the most original variants how to make a bun of hair in 5 minutes.

1 way - for a strand of medium length

Knowing how to make a bun of socks, even a girl with shoulder-length curls can twist her hair, remove protruding strands under the elastic band. All you need is a mousse, a comb, a donut made from a sock.

A step-by-step analysis of the method with a photo will help you understand the technology:

Such a simple styling with a donut on medium hair looks original and stylish. You can add a bundle from a sock with a hairpin or a beautiful elastic band.

2 way - with two pigtails

Many girls know how to wind their hair on a roller, decorating it with a rim of thin braids. For those who do not yet understand the styling technology, step-by-step instructions on how to make a bundle will help.

  1. We collect a long tail at the crown, put a bagel or a twisted sock on top.
  2. We distribute the curls evenly around the entire circumference of the roller, put on a thin elastic band.
  3. We collect hanging strands on the sides in two tails, weave pigtails from them.
  4. We twist the braids, hiding the ends inside. We fix with pins.

To make the volumetric beam smooth with any device, spray it with varnish. For those who love light negligence, you can slightly stretch a few strands from the bun to the sides with a pencil. In any case, the hairstyle will look collected and beautiful.

3 way - a festive option with braids

A ceremonial bun with a sock or a donut can be made using braids. You just need to know how to make a hair bagel, have 15 minutes of free time.

Step-by-step instruction with a photo will help to understand all the steps:

  • We comb long curls, collect in a high tail, put on a tight donut.

4 way - for every day

The option is suitable for those who are constantly thinking about how to do it. You can make a bun without a donut using a sock, or you can buy a donut of the right size.

Step by step instructions:

  1. We collect combed curls in a high tail, lift it up.
  2. We put the bagel through the tip, carefully twist the device until it reaches the base of the head.
  3. We fix the strands, fix them with invisible hairpins.

Such a quick hairstyle will last all day, will look collected in any weather.

We often see bagel hairstyles on the net, they look very fashionable, stylish and even elegant. Of course, many people scroll through them, thinking that it is difficult and long, and long hair is needed. In fact, making a bun with a donut for a child is easy, and the length of the hair is not important here. I also have a girl growing up and I want to be able to make her bright unusual hairstyles. So let's learn originality together!

So, main secret such a hairstyle is an uncomplicated device - BAGEL. What does he look like? It is a foam ring with a small hole inside.

By the way, if such an accessory is not at hand, do not worry. We will teach you how to make it from a sock. Yes, yes, it is from the sock) We cut off the end of the product, it turns out a roll. Then we tamp the sock itself into a ring and fix it with threads. For clarity, watch the video:

How convenient is a bagel hairstyle?

We have already said that the length of the hair is not important, we want to note other advantages of this hairstyle:

- does not take much time

- the length of the hair is not important - you can do it at medium length, shifting the bagel to the back of the head,

- the volume of the hair is not important - the hairstyle is also done on sparse hair, on the contrary, creating volume,

- the structure of the hair is not important - curly people just need to straighten the hair with an iron,

- the hairstyle is practical - it is firmly fixed and does not fray throughout the day,

- Can be worn with or without bangs

Suitable for all ages from toddlers to teenagers.

Hair preparation

Of course, it sounds loudly “Preparation”, in fact, it’s a common thing) Wash your hair, treat it with conditioner for their softness and obedience. If the ends split, do not worry - they will still not be visible, the tips are hidden under the bagel.

What do you need for the hairstyle itself? Bagel, two hair ties and hairpins. It is advisable to buy a bagel according to the color of your hair. If the hair density is not enough to hide this accessory, it will not look nice from the hairstyle. To better fix the beam, you can use varnish / mousse. But do not strongly "lacquer" the hairstyle, it will look rough, unnatural and not youthful.

To begin with, we will decide where we will make our bagel - at the top or closer to the back of the head. And it all depends on the length of the hair. Long hair can be twisted anywhere, the length allows. A short one can be twisted only at the back of the head.

Let's start creating:

  • Gather your hair into a tight ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  • we put a bagel on the tail, on the base,
  • we straighten the strands over the donut, evenly so that the donut is not visible, and fix it with another rubber band.
  • We hide the ends of the hair under the donut, with the help of hairpins.

  • if the hair is long, then we do not advance the donut to the base of the tail, but put it on the tip, fasten the strands with hairpins and then wind the entire tail onto the donut, heading towards the base. Then we fasten the hairstyle to the head with hairpins.

As you can see, it's not difficult at all. However, there are many variations of this hairstyle, for example: it can be complicated with pigtails. Both along the head itself and along the tail, wrapping the finished bagel in the future with this pigtail. See for yourself what elegant hairstyles you can make for a child with a donut:

Every woman dreams of creating an ordinary and universal image. To do this, she definitely needs to choose the right hairstyle. Among the wide variety of styling, hairstyles with a bun are in great demand. This styling option is great for going to work or to a special event. In addition to versatility, the beam has another advantage - ease of implementation.

To create a retro bun hairstyle, you must adhere to the following action plan:

Bagel with pigtails

This version of the original styling is suitable for a festive event when a woman wants to stand out from the crowd. When creating a hairstyle, you need to pay attention to where the bagel will be located.

To create a styling, you must adhere to the following plan of action:

  1. In the course of winding the hair onto the base, it is necessary to highlight the main thick strand. You should get a donut with a tail hanging from its center.
  2. Select a small strand from the main one and braid it. It should be laid on one of the sides of the donut, secured with invisibility. The remaining tip should be wrapped around the bun.
  3. Run a pigtail from the remaining main strand. Spread evenly throughout the bun.

On a video hairstyle with a do-it-yourself bagel for hair:

With twister hairpin

the twister hairpin should be familiar to everyone. Its base is made of fabric, and the frame is made of wire. It has a small hole in the middle.

To perform a hairstyle, you must adhere to the following action plan:

  1. First, tie the tail, and then, using a hairpin, thread the tip of the tail into its hole. Fix with fingers.
  2. Gradually perform rotating movements, wind the spun onto the hairpin.
  3. When you get to the end of the tail, connect the ends of the hairpin to form a donut.
  4. Gently distribute the hair evenly over the entire hairpin, fixing with invisibility.

How it is done, as well as how good it looks, is detailed here in the article.

But how to make a bump out of hair without a donut, as well as how easy it can be done, is described in detail in this

Which is the most beautiful, is described in detail in this article.

With harnesses

This version of the hairstyle is distinguished by its originality and complexity. To make the styling attractive, you must carefully follow the instructions and beautifully lay the bundles. Otherwise, you may get the effect of broken hair. Of course, such styling will take more time than the classic one, but the effect will simply amaze you.

To perform the installation, you will need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Run a high tail, put on a foam rubber base, placing it at the base of the tail.
  2. From the tail, take a strand of small thickness and hide it in a tourniquet. Wrap this tourniquet near the base so that its end is fastened to the main tail. Supplement the tip with a thin strand, twist again and thread under the base.
  3. Lay the bundles so that on the basis they are closely to each other. Disguise the entire base of the bun with strands - bundles. But how to do it yourself is indicated in this article.

Bundle of sock

When there is no special elastic band to create a spectacular beam, then you can use a tool such as a sock. It turns out that with its help you can get no less beautiful styling. Another advantage of the hairstyle is very simple, which is important for today's business woman.

You can create a hairstyle using the following action plan:

  1. Carefully walk through the hair with a comb. Tie a high ponytail with an elastic band. Now you have to put the prepared bagel on the base of the tail. Evenly distribute the strands around it.
  2. Select a thin strand and make a pigtail out of it, the most common. Wrap it around the tail. And you need to do it very tightly.
  3. The tail that remains from the braid should be attached to the next strand. Weave the second braid and wrap it around the toe again.
  4. The actions described above should be done with the remaining hair, when the weaving of the last braid is finished, then it should be tied with an elastic band and wrapped around the sock as many times as it is lost to mask it.
  5. Stretch the pigtails so that they completely disguise the homemade bagel from the sock. Studs are required to fasten them. Decorate the styling with a ribbon, bow or decorative hairstyle. This completes the setup. It can be used to create an image for every day or for a meeting with friends. But how to do it yourself, is detailed in this article.

hairstyle bump

If a girl wants to get a voluminous bumpy hairstyle, then this can be done with the help of a donut. Beforehand, the hair should be corrugated. If there is no special tool for this, then you can use a simpler method. It is necessary to braid the pigtails at night, and in the morning undo them.

The following tools are needed to create a cone stack:

  • bagel,
  • scrunchy,
  • invisible,
  • Polish for hair. But what it is, you can understand if you read the contents of this article.

A beautiful bump can be obtained if you adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Comb all of your hair and create a high ponytail. Pick up the bagel at the ends and twist the strands towards the head.
  2. Using your fingers, you need to smooth the hair so that you can mask the base of the hairstyle.
  3. In order for the hairstyle to please you during the day, you need to fix it with invisibility and fixing varnish. Styling is suitable not only for every day. It can be used to create an elegant look for a date.

On the video - how to make a hairstyle with a donut:

You can decorate the cone in various ways. If you need to go to a party, then you should use hairpins with flowers, but brides can choose an elegant diadem. If it is worth creating a hairstyle for a photo shoot, then a scarf or bandana can become an ornament.

The bun has long been considered the perfect hairstyle for a stylish look for every day or for a holiday. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but the image will turn out to be simply stunning. Choose any of the presented options to always be fashionable and original.

An original and stylish bagel hairstyle is a great solution for fashionistas who want to always look stylish and irresistible. This hairstyle is ideal for a business outing and for a simple outing.

  • firstly, the hair is beautifully collected and securely fixed;
  • secondly, during the whole evening you don’t have to worry about your own hairstyle, because you can forget about strands that have fallen out or curls that fall out;
  • thirdly, with the help of a donut that is correctly matched in color, you can add volume to your hair.

On sale are bagels of various sizes and colors, so every woman can easily choose the shade that she needs. On sale are also bagels coated with artificial strands, which will look great on both long and short hair.

Often women do not have time to look for a bagel in stores or they cannot find it at all, but do not despair, because instead of it you can use a simple sock or a very thick elastic band and simply order them in the form of a bagel.

How to make a bun with a donut?

It should be noted that such a hairstyle attracts women not only with its incredible beauty and practicality, but also with the fact that to create it you do not need to buy any special hairdressing accessories that cost fabulous money, on the contrary, to create it you will need things that almost everyone has. women.

To create a hairstyle you will need:

  • a pair of thin rubber bands;
  • invisible;
  • decorative elements;
  • "bagel"

Before you make a bun with a donut, you need to wash your hair and dry your hair. You can use special styling products, such as mousse, gel or wax. Some experts recommend even doing such a hairstyle on the second day after washing them, since in this case the hair lies flat, does not break out and does not require additional fixation. Owners of luxurious curls, before creating a hairstyle, you need to straighten them with an iron, otherwise they will lie unevenly and constantly knock out.

There are several ways, following which you can make an incredibly light, beautiful and lush bun. To understand each in detail, you can watch videos and photos on the Internet, of which there are a huge number.

Step-by-step instruction, which will allow you to make a beautiful beam, requires special attention, because it is important to comply with it completely and then you will be able to make an incredible hairstyle.

Way 1.

First of all, you need to collect your hair in a ponytail, while removing the "roosters", because otherwise it will not look so beautiful. Hair must be collected carefully, and if there are strands that fall out, then they should be removed by combing with a comb. The location of the donut will depend on the height of the assembled tail. Next, the tail must be tied with a thin elastic band and then a bagel should be put on the tip of the tail.

Next, gently twist the hair around the base, and holding the ends with your hands, gently wind them onto the base, gradually turning it from the outside to the inside. The base should be brought to the end of the tail and then simply fixed with invisibility.

Way 2

There is another way that will allow you to make a beautiful beam. It is necessary to make a tail, the tip, which is threaded inside, but do not let go of it, but evenly wind the hair. The finished bundle should be fixed with hairpins. The method itself takes 2-3 minutes, but its implementation requires some skill.

Way 3

You can make a bunch of braids on your head. This hairstyle is perfect for long hair, because the length of the braids plays an important role. To create, you need to divide the collected tail into a couple of three strands and weave a neat and beautiful pigtail from each, thinly fastening the base with an elastic band. Wrap each pigtail around, securing with a hairpin and hiding the ends.

Way 4

The spikelet-based hairstyle looks very nice. You need to weave a beautiful spikelet, and the method of weaving it does not matter, but the spikelet should end where the bunch will be. Further, the method is no different from the previous ones. By the way, you can also braid pigtails and twist them into a bun with other strands.

To all the beauty that you made with my own hands, lasted all day, it must be fixed with varnish, which will not allow the hair to fall out of the hairstyle.

How to make a voluminous beam with a donut?

The voluminous bun is becoming popular among the stars, because this hairstyle is simple, elegant and perfect for any style.

If the hair is not too thick, then you can first make a bouffant, which will give it the long-awaited volume. If you can't make a bouffant bun with a simple donut, get one that has a faux strand coating.

To create a hairstyle, you must first comb the curls, twist them into a voluminous bundle or braid them into a loose braid, collect in a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band, passing it through the hole. The head must be tilted so that it turns out to distribute the strands evenly along the entire length. To fix the position, you need to take another elastic band.

The ends of the strands that remain free must be hidden under the bundle so that they are not visible. If the tips are too long, then they can be wrapped around the base.

The hairstyle must be fixed with hairpins and invisible.

How to make a bun without a donut?

Many women are interested how to make a bun on your head with an elastic band without a donut, because it is not always possible to find it in a store or even find time to buy it.

Making a bun without a donut is, of course, more difficult, but if you show patience, you can make quite a beautiful hairstyle. First you need to prepare the base and then form a bunch of curls.

First of all, it is important to determine the location of a large beam on the head, because it can be located on the crown, back of the head or on the side. It is at this place that it is worth collecting the ponytail and fixing it with an elastic band.

The first option is perfect for medium hair. You need to put on a thick elastic band at the base of the tail and comb the hair and distribute it over the base (you can take a sock or a thick foam rubber band) in such a way as to completely cover it. It is important to hide the tips under the base and stab them in such a way that they do not break out from under the elastic. One strand, if desired, can be pulled out and wrapped around. Next, you should fix all this magnificence.

The second option can be done using an ordinary elastic band, but only if you make such a bun for long hair, then you won’t be able to hide a large length under the foam base.

In this case, you should pass the tip of the tail under the elastic band and wind the strands, moving towards the base of the tail. The base must be fixed with hairpins, although if the hairstyle is tight, then this procedure can be neglected.

How to decorate your hair?

A bun made with a donut is beautiful in itself, but if you add decorative elements to it, the hairstyle will look amazing. As decorative elements you can choose elastic bands, hairpins, tiaras with pearls, rhinestones or with artificial or even fresh flowers.

In the hectic pace of life, you want to spend a minimum of time on styling and at the same time look good. A donut bun is a great way out in many situations. This hairstyle is ideal for everyday life (school, work), relaxing on the shore of a reservoir, and even a solemn event. Hairstyles can be done differently and look different every day. In addition, in the evening, removing the hairdressing roller, you will get beautiful curls.

Hair accessories

To create a neat styling, you will need the following hairdressing accessories:

  • comb;
  • two thin elastic bands that stretch well;
  • invisible or hairpins;
  • bagel round or with a button.

A masterpiece can be fixed with varnish if the curls are smooth and naughty. But subject to technology, this hairstyle usually lasts well and for a long time. It is permissible to braid the bundle with a sock if there is no hairdresser's donut on hand. To decorate a masterpiece, it is recommended to use flowers, ribbons, bows, decorative hairpins, scarves.

Smooth bun in different designs

Creating a bun on your head with a faithful assistant, giving your hair extra volume, you can experiment. For example, braid the remaining ends into braids and style them nicely around the bun. From the strands, form pigtails that will be on top of the beam. Leave loose curls near the face and beautifully decorate the hair with them. We will reveal to you the secrets of how to make a bunch of hair with a variety of options.

Standard bundle with a roller or a sock

This hairstyle is basic, so we will analyze in detail how to braid a regular bun on the head. The rules for creating hairstyles are as follows:

Girls with medium length hair will not be able to fix the remaining ends in this way, as they will be of small length. In this case, it is recommended to use hairpins, alternately pinning the tails in a circle.

If you admired the simplicity and beauty of this hairstyle and were upset because of the lack of a donut, we hasten to please you that it is possible to build a bun from a sock. To do this, take the one that was left without a pair, cut off the place where the toes should be and roll the workpiece into a roller. A bagel from a sock is ready, it will perform exactly the same functions as a professional one.

wrapped bundle

This hairstyle looks the same as the first option, but it is created a little differently. Perhaps someone will like this method more, describing how to make a bun of hair:

Bundle with weaving

IN this option There is room for fantasy to roam. We offer you several types so that you can choose which head bun is ideal for you.

Option 1 - Framing with braids

A standard hairstyle is done, as described above, up to and including the fourth stage. Next, the remaining ends of the tail are braided into one or two braids, which are circled around the hairstyle and pinned with hairpins.

Option 2 - French braid

How to make a bun of hair if a spikelet is braided? Very simple. Do weaving in a non-standard way starting at the bottom and ending at the crown. Fix the braid. Put a bagel on the remaining tail and form a standard or wrapped version.

Option 3 - Decorated with a side spikelet

A beautiful hairstyle for an evening walk or a date will turn out if, before creating a bun, braid the side spikelet inside out.

To do this, you need to do the following:

Option 4 - From braids

A beautiful way to decorate the head for the holiday. Do step 1 and 2 to create a standard beam. Next, do the following:

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This is not the first season that the bagel hairpin has been victoriously walking around the planet, replenishing the army of its long-haired fans. And this is quite fair. After all, what could be more beautiful than flowing long hair? Just a neat, perfectly smooth beam. And to create this very beam, the donut hairpin is the best suited. Today we will teach you how to use a bagel hair clip.

Despite its simplicity, a hair bun is suitable for any situation. If you add hairpins with rhinestones, and curl the side strands, you get a solemn styling, for example, for a prom. For a fun weekend, you can mess up your hair a little, and only then make a bun - quickly and stylishly. For the office, it is enough to assemble the beam itself, without adding anything to it.

With its help create magnificent bunches. Worn on hair collected in a ponytail, such a bagel becomes the basis around which the strands are laid. They are fixed with pins. The bagel hair clip is made from dense nylon mesh. A common option is a roller with synthetic fibers simulating hair. The hairpin is selected to match the hair.

This accessory is referred to as invisible hairpins - it always hides behind a mass of hair, almost matching them in color.

This option is an undoubted hit of the last two seasons. How to use the "bagel" correctly? Everything is very simple.

  1. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail. Low or high? It all depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.
  2. We place the "donut" at the base of the tail over the elastic.
  3. We straighten the hair exactly so that the bagel is covered with hair around the entire circumference.
  4. We fix the bundle with a thin elastic band.
  5. From the free ends we weave two pigtails - to your taste, they can be tight or careless.
  6. We wrap each pigtail around our bundle and fasten with hairpins or stealth.
  7. Carefully correct all flaws.
  8. at the end, you can sprinkle the resulting hairstyle with hairspray.

Another option is how to make a bundle using a "donut" - video

Bunches with a donut hairpin can be perfectly diversified with pigtails, flagella, beaten with other accessories: bows, hairpins and pearls or crystals. A strict bun looks great with decorative elastic bands and ribbons wrapped around it.

A variant of a beam with a scythe using a donut hairpin

How to choose a bagel hairpin

Choose a bagel that matches or is close to your hair color. If you are the owner of curls, and you want to make a bun, then you just have to straighten your hair before styling, for example, using an iron. For thick and long hair, braids are suitable; due to tight weaving, unnecessary volume is removed. If the hair is not very thick, you can use large bagels for a bun, or you just need to comb part of the hair, and then close it with top strands. You can decorate the finished hairstyle with flowers, rhinestones, wrap a satin or lace ribbon around the bun, add a bow or headband. The bun of hair can be different every day, just add other accessories, this is a hairstyle that looks appropriate in any situation. Thanks to all sorts of variations, any girl will be able to choose the beam that suits her.

Star style

745 10/08/2019 7 min.

A hair bagel is a wonderful device that allows you to easily and quickly create a great hairstyle on hair of any length. It is easy to pick up a bagel in the store to match the color of your hair - this way it will be securely disguised, it gives a wonderful volume, and is able to make chic styling out of any hair.

With the help of a donut, you can create both everyday and festive hairstyles on your own. In the article, we will consider what styling can be done using a donut on hair of different lengths.

Possible Pros of Using a Hair Bagel to Create Hairstyles

A bagel is, in fact, a large voluminous foam rubber band. It is able to stretch a little, which makes it suitable for hair of any thickness. Consider the main advantages that are characteristic of beautiful and stylish donut-based hairstyles:

On the video - hairstyles with a bagel for hair:


For short hair

Of course, for a very short haircut, you won’t be able to make a hairstyle with a donut with all your desire. It is necessary that the length of the hair reaches at least 15 cm.

Plain bun with elastic


The hairstyle is ready. If there is a bang, then put it in order - curl it, lay it down. A few side-released side strands curled onto a curling iron will help make the look more feminine.

Tip: if the hair is short, the use of styling products is recommended without fail. Without mousse, gel, hairspray, strands will fly apart.

But how to make a bagel for hair out of a sock will help you understand the video from the article:

But how the hairstyles of a bun with a donut look like and how difficult it is to perform such a hairstyle at home, in great detail, with a photo is described in this

side beam

In addition to a low-lying beam, you can diversify the styling by placing a bagel on the side. This version looks much more original. If you decorate it beautiful flower or other large bright decoration, perfect for an evening look.

To do this styling, you need to divide all the hair into a side parting - one part of the hair should be much larger than the other. From the larger part, form a low bun with a donut or voluminous elastic band. Smoothly comb the smaller part onto the formed structure, wrapping the base of the bundle with this strand. Secure the ends with rubber bands. If there are strands that stand out, you can “pacify” them with invisibility. But how to collect medium-length hair in a bun, what would be best result, it's worth going

If the hairstyle is done for a solemn look, before performing it, apply a little gel to the hair.

For girls medium length

Girls who have medium hair are the majority. Hairstyles are suitable for them, since the average length allows them to be done. The hairstyle will turn out not too voluminous, neat and stylish. Ideal Solution for weekdays and special evenings. Low buns look especially good on medium hair.

Low beam with a donut - step by step


This hairstyle can be done in a casual version. It is more suitable for everyday work images. In order to do it, do not use gel during styling and do not try to smooth the hair too gently. In this case, the hair should lie freely and naturally. All other steps are the same.

Medium-length hair looks great if the bun is fixed with scarves, ribbons, and retro styling. If you want to look like a fashionista from the 60s, choose the color of accessories to match your purse or shoes.

Bundle of braids


For long hair

Consider optionssuitable for long hair. Of course, there are much more options for such a length - almost all of the above are also possible for long hair. But some options will look especially beautiful and stylish with long strands. Let's consider them.

Classic bagel bun

This hairstyle is good because it can be used as a casual option for work, and as an elegant option for going to a restaurant or corporate party. It is quite suitable for a friendly cocktail, and for a romantic date.


  • Prepare your hair: if necessary, wash, dry, be sure to comb.
  • Where you plan to place the bun, fasten your hair into a tight ponytail.
  • Fix the tail with a voluminous wide elastic band and put such a device on top of it. Attention: do not wear a bagel too close to the base of the hair, it is better to step back a few centimeters - so the hairstyle will turn out to be more lush and voluminous.
  • Twist the tail into a bundle and wrap it around the donut, trying to completely hide it from view. In the course of work, straighten the strands along the foam structure and fix where necessary with hairpins.
  • Hide the ends of the tail inside the donut, inserting it into the hole, fix it with a hairpin.
  • Straighten the strands, try to do it more carefully.
  • Spray your hair with hairspray. If necessary, beautifully decorate with suitable accessories. But how to make a bump without a donut and hairpins will help you understand the photo from this

high beam

Such an option is perfect solution for long hair. And only on long hair, such a hairstyle will look the most neat and beautiful. Perform the beam in the same way as the classic one. But place it at the very top. Try to do your hair more carefully - any negligence will be very noticeable. However, a casual option is also possible, suitable for informal looks. In this case, don't try too hard. And for those who want to know about it, you should look at the contents of this article.

Fix the hairstyle securely, use more hairpins and invisibles. If the design is loose, it will not look very presentable.

Stylists advise to perform such hairstyles on the second or third day after washing your hair. Perfectly clean strands are naughty and usually crumble, which can interfere with the neat execution of the hairstyle.

The bagel is not very well suited when a multi-layered haircut is made, and the length of the hair is short.

It is advisable to use styling products when laying. Modeling mousse or foam will make the strands softer and more manageable, and hairspray will firmly fix the hairstyle, and you do not have to worry about it.

On video simple hairstyles with a bagel for hair:

If the hair is very thin or sparse, then comb the strands a little before creating the hairstyle - this way you will give the styling the necessary volume.

To make the hairstyle look beautiful in combination with a triangular-shaped face, equip it with a small bang.

For an oval face shape, any hairstyle options are suitable. Lucky women with this shape can only be envied - their choice is limited only by the length of their hair. Short girls fit a bunch at the top. But if the growth is already rather big, then a high voluminous hairstyle can add a few more unnecessary centimeters.

If you have wide cheekbones - and this feature is common among Russian women - then the side bun is not very suitable. In this case, it is better to place the hair on the back of the head. Wear long earrings - they visually lengthen the face.

We looked at a variety of donut-based hairstyles. Now you know how to make a beautiful and simple hairstyle, having any hair length. Therefore, there is no doubt that following our tips, you will look charming every day.