Well      01/05/2022

Morning mood for a good day. Positive attitude for the day. How to cheer yourself up

We all know that the mood for the whole day is set in the morning. That is why you should spend your first hours after waking up as productive and positive as possible in order to fill yourself with strength and energy for subsequent work. And if for you the morning usually passes in a hurry and grumbling, then it’s time to radically change your approach.

Everyone has their own tricks on how to wake up and start the day in a good mood. Let's try to offer you something new.

Why is morning mood so important?

Each of us makes our own choice on how to greet a new day. When we wake up, we can smile at the world around us, or we can suffer from a deliberately spoiled mood.

But the fact is that a good morning is the foundation for a successful day. The week depends on each such day, and the month depends on it. Well, successful and unsuccessful months add up to years.

It seems to us that we have allowed ourselves to be in just a little bad mood. But, if you take a closer look, it turns out that most of our lives pass in sadness and despondency.

That's why it's so important to be positive in the morning. And if possible, share your good mood with your family and friends.

10 ways to start your day well

How to stay positive throughout the day

Of course, a productive morning does not guarantee that your day will go as smoothly and efficiently. That is why the morning hours should be perceived solely as a start, setting a certain pace that you will have to adhere to. It will probably be difficult at first, but over time you will eventually develop a strategy that will allow you to remain in a good mood from the very morning until the end of the day.

Psychologists believe that the main key to a successful day is a competent alternation of work and rest. If you want to achieve significant results at work, then include mandatory breaks in your schedule. If you are engaged exclusively in mental activity, then periodically find time for physical exercise.

In addition, do not forget about communicating with your colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. Sometimes just a minute of sincere conversation can relieve fatigue and lift a low mood.

Thus, starting your day in a good mood is not at all difficult. With just a little effort at first, a perfect morning will soon become an enjoyable norm.

Good morning and good mood!

Video: Song “The Morning Begins” (from the film “The Scarecrow-Meow”)

You have the power to change the world in an instant.
To do this, you just need to make a simple choice.
Do you choose a world illuminated by love...
or a world full of suffering, failure and squalor?
(Masaru Emoto. The Message of Water)

Popular wisdom says that how you start your day is how you will spend it.

And indeed, from personal experience, everyone knows that MOOD in the morning often determines the whole day.

Sometimes you get up on the wrong foot and it all goes down the drain. No matter what I undertake, not a single thing succeeds.

And sometimes it’s as if everything works out by itself. And the right people suddenly find themselves in the right place, and opportunities open up, and the work in hand goes well. And the mood is energetic and upbeat.

It turns out that the version of a “lucky day” can be created for yourself consciously. To do this, it is enough to SET UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL DAY.

This is especially useful to do on days when there are important and significant events that cause anxiety, fears, and concerns.

For example, on the day of exams, an important report or meeting, before a public speech, concluding a contract for a large sum, meeting new people, a long trip to an unfamiliar place, before a date - and before a thousand different reasons...

In this case, setting yourself up for a successful day turns anxiety and fear into pleasant excitement.

I like to tell my clients and training groups one simple thing. Man is a single integral system in which the body, emotions, thoughts and Soul are closely connected and mutually influence.

In order to set ourselves up for a successful day, it is important for us to engage all levels of our being, all levels of the system.

Just as we do (or don’t do) exercises for the body in the morning, we can do mental (mental) and emotional attunement, and also highlight the priorities of the day from the level of our Soul.

Let's try to learn this. The algorithm is quite simple.


  1. Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier the time when you need to get up. Allow your body to wake up in a natural rhythm, stretch, feel the muscles and breathing. Isn't it nice to lie in bed on a day off? Why not allow your body to wake up slowly and comfortably on other days too?
  2. Accompany your awakening with pleasant sensations- the aroma of coffee or freshly brewed tea, your favorite music, a pleasant shower. It is important to use as many modalities as possible - vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. It is also important to allow access to morning air. Open the window - let the freshness, cleanliness and coolness add vigor at the very beginning of the day.
  3. Give your body some movement. This could be a morning jog, a couple of stretches from the yoga arsenal, or a little exercise for 15 minutes. It is important for your body to feel that you are awake and ready for active action. And therefore energy is required for movement and action. As you know, energy is produced only by our body. It is precisely this “charging station” and “battery”. Therefore, physical exercise helps him tune in to produce the vital force necessary for an active day. At trainings I am often asked: what to do if you are sick and don’t have the energy to exercise at all? Then you can do exercises for your feet or hands while lying down.
  4. Do an activating breath. You probably know that there is both relaxing (relaxing breathing) and activating (helping to recharge your batteries and feel a surge of energy).

Let me give you an example of such breathing.

Exhale vigorously.
Close your right nostril with your thumb, your index finger pressed to the point in the middle of your forehead.INHALE (for 4 heartbeats).
Hold your breath while inhaling (for 16 heart beats or until you feel comfortable).
Close your left nostril with your middle finger. EXHALE (for 8 heart beats).
Without holding your breath - a new INHALE (for 4 heartbeats).
The cycle can be repeated from 3 to 12 times.
The rhythm of the cycle of such breathing can be different - depending on your goal and depending on your personal preparedness.

Draw your attention that learning to work with breathing practices is necessary under the guidance of a trainer (!). It is also important to take into account your personal health characteristics when selecting exercises. For example, it is necessary to use activating breathing practices with caution for people with hypertension, after strokes, or in a weakened state.


Any thought inevitably strives to become reality.

Thought constantly strives to take shape, gravitates towards external manifestation, trying to find its expression. The desire and ability to materialize in the form of its physical equivalent is inherent in its nature,
- John Kehoe wrote in his book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything.”

That’s why it’s so important to realize what your first thoughts are about in the morning.

  • What fills the consciousness in the first moments after waking up?
  • Is there anxiety, apprehension, irritation, disappointment?
  • Or - joy, smile and anticipation of a new day?

Your mental attitude will determine your entire day and will cause a corresponding emotional wave and shape your mood. Therefore, be attentive and aware of your thoughts in the first minutes of the morning.

I often quote Shri Rajneesh's famous quote to clients:

Every morning I ask myself:
“What do you choose for yourself today: suffering or happiness?”
And every time I choose HAPPINESS for myself...

Mentally setting yourself up for a successful day is just such an internal choice. Our consciousness, from the million bits of information that we receive daily from the world around us, selects only what corresponds to the internal filter. And this selection is structured very simply - consciousness attracts what is emotionally important and significant, what has the mental mark “I need it.”

Sometimes we place such marks unconsciously, and they do not always attract the best events and people... But when we make a conscious choice, it better meets our inner needs.

It is much easier to create a mental attitude for a successful day when the mind is already accustomed to positive attitudes. Robert Stone, in his book Heavenly 911, offers the following affirmation for developing a positive attitude towards life. It can also be used to set yourself up for a good day:

My attitude towards life is always positive.
I am one with the energy of life.
I allow good events and luck to fill my life.

Allow yourself to open up to a new day, as if you opened a window towards the sun, light, joy and grace.

The rays of the Sun will definitely illuminate your room, face, hands...
Your unmade bed and an overturned book...
In the end, they will light up your life!
If you open the window towards them...
(Pauline Ray)

3. SETTING EMOTIONS for a successful day.

Renowned psychology professor Carol Izard states that “...it is emotions that determine lifestyle and set programs for cognition and behavior.” And to set ourselves up for a successful day, we can use this property of them.

It often seems that emotions are like tidal waves - you can only observe them and cannot influence either their frequency, their strength, or their quality. Actually this is not true. During trainings on emotional competence, my groups and I go through the tools in detail, how you can turn one emotion into another, how to increase or decrease the intensity of the experience of emotions. In the context of setting yourself up for a successful day, you can use one very simple exercise.

Tell yourself how you want to FEEL today...
And your consciousness will be tuned precisely to this spectrum of feelings.

  • Today my day will bring me JOY...
  • Today my day will bring me COMFORT AND PEACE...
  • Today my day will be CALM AND PEACEFUL
  • Today my day will be filled with DRIVE AND PLEASURE

You can choose any palette of emotions.

I will give you an example of two settings options for the day.

Option 1. Let us express it with the famous lines of V. Vysotsky:

It's white daylight again outside the windows.
The day challenges me to battle.
I feel, closing my eyes, -
The whole world is going to war against me...

Option 2. And a completely different mood sounds in the lines of Vitaly Stepanenko.

I feel the pulsation of the universe
The light of billions of droplets of love.

Different settings can be useful in different situations - both readiness to fight and readiness to radiate love. The most important thing is to always remember that each of us can CHOOSE what emotions we would like to experience.

In addition, emotional adjustment will be much more successful if you learn to smile with every cell of your body.

There is such a simple and very powerful inner smile technique.

All you have to do is smile, and then send a smile throughout your body and imagine how your lips, your eyes, your heart, your skin, your lungs - all the cells of your body - begin to smile. And such an inner smile turns you into a radiant being - after all, the energy of a smile literally makes your whole body glow.

Both techniques can be used simultaneously: smile with an inner smile and set yourself an emotional mood through the I FEEL formula... They complement each other perfectly.

4. IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR SOUL - create your new day.

Working with clients and groups in trainings, I address different levels of consciousness. To set up for a successful day, we just need to use a very simple model, in which we conditionally distinguish two levels of consciousness.

The first level is everyday consciousness, which is busy solving pressing issues. It stores all the tasks and plans for the day. (“don’t forget to buy bread in the evening, throw out the trash in the morning, call a friend and not be late for work”).

The second level is consciousness from the level of the Soul. Here we can place our key meanings and values ​​that determine life in general. Who am I? Why do I live? What is the meaning of my life and every day? What lessons am I learning along my life's journey? What is right for me and developing me right now?

And thensetting up the day from the level of the Soul will mean readiness:

  • live here and now, vividly and clearly perceive every moment of life, realizing its uniqueness and originality;
  • fill your day with truly significant, important and valuable events that the Soul will preserve;
  • live in accordance with your destiny, give place and time to all the best that is in your Soul.

We often forget about the most important things, plunging into the routine of small matters and familiar everyday life. And life resembles a wheel in which the days merge into a gray amorphous mass, indistinguishable from one another... The transition to the level of the Soul allows you to go beyond the limits of this wheel and create, day after day, your life - the one you deserve.

You can slow down the rotation of the grind wheel with a simple exercise.

Ask yourself:

  • What from today will I remember in 10 years?
  • What will I take into my memories 20 years later?
  • What will I remember with warmth and peace at the moment of my death?

I know this sounds a little harsh. But - dare to try. These simple questions help you prioritize what's important.
Perhaps you don’t have enough time to tell your loved ones and close people that you love them...
Perhaps you don't have enough time to spend with your children...
Or there is no time to call your old parents
Or you have again postponed your vacation indefinitely...
Or they decided that there was still enough time ahead to start a family, give birth to a child, build a house, realize their dream...

Sometimes we habitually put off the most important things,
naively believing that time is endless.
What if this is not the case?

What if we accept the idea that everything in this world - and you and I - is finite?
And one day death will come and cancel all postponed matters.

What undone, unsaid and put off will you regret?
Perhaps right now, at this moment or at the moment of morning setup for a successful day - the time has come for the most important thing in your life. For what gives it meaning and value. Just do it.

Set your day for what matters most.

You are not here just to live life.
You are here to fill your life with abundance,
a vision of perspective, a spirit of hope and accomplishment.
You are here to enrich the world.
And you are robbing yourself if you neglect this.
Woodrow Wilson)

Live here and now! Enjoy every day!

After all, TOMORROW will be different than TODAY...

Positive attitudes can work real miracles. This is a simple way to create a good mood and attract happiness and success into your life.

Positive attitudes, or affirmations, require consistency. Make it a habit to start each day by repeating positive affirmations. This simple method will help program your energy for happiness, success and fulfillment of what you want. By programming yourself on a subconscious level, you can improve your life.

The effectiveness of affirmations

A conscious attitude towards your own life, the desire to be happy here and now are the basis of success. The main thing is to focus on each intention and drive away negative thoughts about injustice, fears, resentments and envy. Remember that every person is capable of attracting happiness into their life.

Free yourself from heavy energy, replacing it with the energy of well-being. Any fall is a step forward. Be grateful to the Creator for life lessons. Everything that was given to you was necessary for further development. Try to take advantage of any situation and see only the positive in it. It doesn’t matter if bad thoughts pop into your head: this is a chance to rethink possible omissions.

With the help of affirmations you can change your own energy. Not only people, but also favorable opportunities will begin to gravitate towards you, because you radiate goodness, abundance, and pleasure. This is one of the most important tasks of every person - to move from an existence filled with negativity to a positive, active and sympathetic attitude towards life.

Positive attitudes for every day

Repeating positive attitudes over and over again will help you attract happiness, abundance and success into your life. It’s enough to choose a few statements you like that best reflect your desires, and repeat them for 10-15 minutes.

Affirmations for attracting success:

  • my life is a cradle of successful events;
  • I believe only in the best that the Universe can provide me;
  • I let successful endeavors into my life;
  • I am confidently moving towards success;
  • my wishes always come true;
  • I believe that I will succeed;
  • luck and I are one;
  • success is always with me;
  • I get everything I dream of and strive for;
  • everything I want comes to me easily and quickly.

Affirmations to attract happiness:

  • I accept my personal happiness as a gift from the Higher Powers;
  • I deserve happiness and a happy life;
  • I look at my life through the prism of positivity, joy and happiness;
  • I am grateful (grateful) to the Creator for my happy life;
  • my life is happiness;
  • I believe that my immediate future is bright;
  • everything around me is saturated with happiness, kindness and joy;
  • I am the happiest person on Earth;
  • I feel happiness, joy and abundance around me;
  • all my achievements are marked by happiness and joy.

It's time to fill your destiny with bright opportunities and happiness. Positive attitudes will help you overcome internal uncertainty and gain luck to fulfill your plans. The power of thought can radically change your life for the better. Be happy, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.06.2017 02:53

Inner development is the first step towards a happy life. Turning to spiritual practices, a person...

Below I offer an exercise for planning your day. But this is no ordinary planning. This is a change in your usual daily routine and habitual stereotypes that will help you move from the state of a biorobot to the position of the master of your life.

Morning. Wake up five minutes before your alarm rings (the alarm should ring quietly). To do this, give your subconscious an instruction before going to bed. Something like this: “Now I am falling into deep sleep. During sleep, my body rests. All organs and systems of the body work clearly and harmoniously. Every cell is filled with energy. My willpower is strengthened. And I wake up five minutes before the alarm clock rings, full of strength and energy, in a great mood."

When you wake up, don’t rush to get up. Walk with your mind's eye through all parts of your body, through all the cells. This will wake up your body and put it in a state of readiness. Think about something good, greet the new day.

After that, set a program for the day. Say to yourself (you can lie in bed) your intentions. They should sound positive. For example: “Today I am taking the necessary and desirable actions to submit a report to the tax office on time. And all the forces of the Universe are helping me with this.” Or: “Today I can easily realize my intention to see my husband sober and healthy.”

Create an image of realizing your intentions. Visualize the day ahead from the moment you wake up until the moment you find yourself back in bed. Let the whole day pass before your mind's eye. Don't try to plan too many things at once. And under no circumstances write them down in a notebook. Try to do only what you can easily remember. Don't overload yourself.

After this you can easily get up. Greet your loved ones and the Universe. Give them a smile.

Next I give a meditation thatcan tune in and live your day in joy and harmony. For the best effect, you need to perform it immediately after waking up, before your consciousness plunges into the bustle of the day. The power of this meditation is in the mood for the desired result.. Perhaps this meditation will become an alarm clock of happiness for you, when instead of the usual ringing you will hear the singing of birds and words of harmony.

After that, getting out of bed, pour yourself a glass of water, place it between your palms and say words of love to this glass that you love it, that it will bring you happiness, health, well-being, etc. The word "love" has a very harmonious, positive vibration and you thus charge the water with these vibrations. A glass in the morning and a glass in the evening. This habit can lead to amazing health results.

In the morning, when you brush your teeth in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and give compliments, positive attitudes or any other pleasant things that increase self-esteem and positively influence life. In order not to forget, stick a “reminder” on the mirror.

It is very useful to eat daily (especially for breakfast) porridge from sprouted wheat. This will charge you with strength and energy for the whole day, increase your performance and stress resistance. Moreover, if you add honey and dried fruits, it will also be very tasty.

The long weekend has just ended and it’s time to go to work again. How to tune into the work process after a long weekend and become an even more effective employee? This question worries many, so I have made a selection of tips on this topic.

The longer the weekend lasts, the harder it is usually to go back to work after it. For the body, this is even a kind of stress that must be avoided. What needs to be done to avoid succumbing to laziness and negative thinking? These tips will help you start your work process more productively and efficiently and quickly get involved in your work.

Try getting up early.

Most people try to extend their weekend by all sorts of methods, including lying in bed a little longer after the alarm clock rings. But is it worth doing this? This is of course a paradox, but you will make life much easier when you come to work early after the weekend. Try to arrive at work earlier than your colleagues and enjoy moments of peace and quiet. This perfectly sets the mood for the working day and even inspires. A cup of strong coffee or tea will relieve you of physiological dependence and give you the opportunity to start your day vigorously. Of course, don't overuse it.

Drawing up tasks for the working day.

It is recommended to do several useful things in the morning. To start, for example, make a to-do list for the day. This will help you follow the plan and not miss anything important. When your head still refuses to tune in to work, you can unload it at least a little. Use various reminder apps or note management services, there are plenty of them now.

Practical self-motivation.

Do you need a psychological attitude to work? You can try watching motivational videos. There are quite a lot of such videos on the Internet; perhaps you will like some of them the most and you will want to watch them several times a month. This is purely individual and can be a good motivation at the beginning of the working day, especially after a long weekend.

Another fun option that will keep you busy is challenging yourself. For example, you usually write 10 texts, but today set a goal to write 20 texts. Even if you do not achieve this goal, you will achieve the point that you will start working, and this is already good. This first step will get you back on track.

It's time to clean up your inbox.

Another way to get ready for work is to sort your mail. After the weekend, there are often a lot of incoming letters, which at first glance are difficult to deal with. These are not only letters from clients, but also a lot of unnecessary spam. In order not to get confused in such a volume of information, it is worth sorting the letters, marking the most important ones, and immediately deleting everything unnecessary. This will help not only to start the working day, but also to concentrate well.

Interacting with colleagues will help you get involved in your work.

Remember that it is not only difficult for you to get yourself to work, but also for your colleagues. To ensure that your actions and theirs are productive, discuss upcoming projects, agree on solutions and individual tasks. How to manage everything and make your day productive? More details.

There is no need to rush anywhere and try to do everything in one day.

This will not bring the desired result, but on the contrary, it will exhaust you and make you think about the negative. Why start the work week like that? Oddly enough, to get involved in work, psychologists advise... playing computer games, especially those requiring concentration and quick reactions. The fact is that during vacation our brain reduces the speed of its work by almost 25%. He needs to be “awakened” and computer games are what he needs. Very soon you will feel that you are ready to move mountains again. Now is the time to start planning things for the next week and month.

In addition to these tips, there are many other useful ones that you should definitely use in order to maintain a positive attitude and fresh thinking after going back to work. If you adhere to them, then such a situation will not become a tragedy and will be perceived as it should be - with ease and joy :)


  1. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule . This is important not only during the start of the work process, but also on other days. Before going to work, be sure to get a good night's sleep to recharge your batteries.
  2. Healthy eating also plays an important role . A proper diet will give you the strength and energy to work all day. Therefore, do not forget about the obligatory breakfast and a hearty lunch.
  3. Clean up your work area after arriving at work. . This will help put your thoughts in order in your head.
  4. Time management helps you concentrate on your main tasks and goals. By the way, aboutI wrote an article earlier.
  5. The load should be done gradually , starting with simple tasks, only then perform more complex ones. This technique helps to get involved in work.
  6. If on the first day you immediately start with hard things, it may end in failure.There is no need to plan an overwhelming amount of work for yourself. and try to have time to redo everything in 24 hours. This may negatively affect your well-being and health.
  7. Small breaks help you recuperate and this applies not only to the first working day after the holidays. Such breaks generally increase overall tone.
  8. Chat with colleagues during breaks on non-work topics, this will allow you to get distracted and get pleasant emotions.
  9. On the first day, you should not stay late at work.

What do psychologists advise to acquire the right attitude towards work?

Try meditation. Close your eyes, try to relax and remember those moments when you were in an active working state and could literally move mountains. Remember the most successful work episodes of recent months, when you were in complete control of the situation and the success of the overall work depended on you. The more small details you remember, the easier it will be for you to merge with this state of rising energy. Train like this for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the first few days of work, and this state will become familiar to you again.

The main rule that you should always adhere to: do not let yourself be discouraged and remember that although these holidays have already passed, the next ones will soon come and you will have a good rest again, and maybe even better.

These tips will help you get in the right mood after your vacation. The right attitude and good mood will make your work productive and will not affect your general condition. In any case, if you like your work and you know what you are doing and why, then all problems are easily solvable and perhaps these tips will not be useful. Why are we constantly distracted and how to fix it? About it.

Good luck!

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