Mixer      07/02/2020

What do tattoos look like on old people? What tattoos look like in old age: photos and advice from older people. Is it so important what happens to a tattoo in old age?

What will happen to the tattoo in old age? A question that is often heard not only by tattoo artists, but also by all wearers of body art.

There are things in our world that cannot be changed. For example, the irreversible passage of time. Therefore, the obvious question that concerns many tattoo owners or those simply interested is: what will happen to the tattoo in old age? It can even make someone give up the idea of ​​getting a tattoo altogether!

Indeed, over the years our body will definitely change. And, unfortunately, rarely better side. Therefore, many people think that tattoos are guaranteed to deteriorate over time.

This opinion is partly justified. On the other hand, there are ways to preserve the beauty of your tattoo after decades. Or just start looking at this situation differently.

Avoid the sun to preserve your tattoo as you age

Everyone has seen these gray, blue or green tattoos on older people at least once. But initially these tattoos were of a normal, rich color! Such consequences occurred due to the characteristics of the coloring pigment used, skin type and the frequency of exposure to sunlight on the tattoo.

To be sure of the quality of the paint used for tattooing, do not skimp on the cost of the work. The high-quality ink that is used now is much more durable than ten to twenty years ago. But at the same time they cannot be cheap.

Our skin type is a parameter with which nothing can be done. But protecting your tattoo from the harmful effects of the sun is realistic for any tattoo owner. Drawings on the skin can be hidden under clothing or accessories. It is also worth using sunscreen.

Think in advance what will happen to the tattoo in old age?

No matter what you do, sooner or later you will get old. Some parts of the body will remain virtually unchanged, while others may become significantly distorted. It’s worth considering this at the stage of choosing a tattoo, although you shouldn’t get hung up on it.

Just understand that the inscription on the stomach in an elegant font will sooner or later “float”, and the skin will stretch. Fading colors, distortion of lines, loss of clarity - this is absolutely normal and natural. Like gray hair on an old man's head.

Also, do not forget about the semantic content. For example, a character from The Simpsons might be a fun idea in your 20s. But will you still enjoy looking at this tattoo at 40?

Take care of your skin so you don't have to worry about the fate of your tattoo in old age.

This advice is universal and applies not only to tattoos. The aging process of our body largely depends on genes. But also from our lifestyle. Accordingly, some habits can influence the course of this process.

Giving up bad habits, playing sports, eating healthy foods, and limiting your time on beaches and in the solarium will help slow down the aging of your skin and body as a whole. And enjoy life more often! On a strong, beautiful body, any tattoo will look good even after years.

How often can tattoos be adjusted as you get older?

Why keep your skin moisturized and hide it from the sun when you can just adjust your tattoo over and over again? It is a big misconception to believe that a tattoo can be corrected as often as you want.

Essentially, a tattoo is a wound. Each time this area of ​​the skin is subjected to stress during the session, and after a long time it takes a long time to return to normal from the effects of the tattoo machine. Each time, the top healed layer of skin looks different from the last time. Even if you don’t see much of a difference with an untrained eye, believe me: by damaging the skin again and again, the tattoo artist will spoil the original version.

So it’s better to take care of your tattoo from the very beginning.

Is it so important what happens to a tattoo in old age?

Should you even worry about the appearance of tattoos in old age? After all, in fact, older people who have drawings on their bodies look very cool! Even if these images have faded and are no longer as clear. Having tattoos is Short story life in pictures right on your body! This fact also indicates that you were quite a risky person at one time.

Like antiques, body tattoos become more significant over the years. So, don't worry about the appearance of your tattoos as you get older. Just take utmost care to keep them safe. And take it for granted what the tattoo will end up like decades later.

And those who have not yet gotten a tattoo - maybe this is what stops a person from getting a tattoo, fears about what the tattoo will look like in the future. And those who have already “gotten” themselves, as they say, to the fullest. So, what does a tattoo look like in old age?

In general, everyone is thinking about what will happen to their tattoos. Tell me, isn’t it nice if the tattoo turns into a shapeless mass? It will become stretched and ugly. And so on. But, guys and girls (well, guys and girls), although your fears have a basis, don’t be afraid to stuff yourself. And now we’ll tell you why this is so.

The thing is that in old age, a person’s skin really undergoes strong changes. You can practically forget about some kind of elasticity and aesthetics if you are about 80 years old. But friends, look at the photographs of older people with tattoos - and such photographs are not difficult to find on the Internet. Do these people look somehow ugly? No. They look cool. And their old tattoos, and some also have new ones, are also filled by older people, and some really look cool. Especially when the tattoo is something particularly sexy or aggressive - it looks really cool!

That being said, there are generally positive arguments for tattoos. The fact is that some tattoo supporters say that tattoos will even play a positive role in your old age. Because they will be able, if the tattoos are, of course, very dense, to hide some of the imperfections of the old skin.

For example, a dense colored tattoo will “cover up” itself and camouflage sagging skin

And the body of a man or woman will look more aesthetically pleasing. Well, okay, maybe not the whole body, but at least the arms. In short, in unison - what do tattoos look like in old age? Cool!

What else can you say about tattoos in old age? Yes, you will still need to restore the tattoo, because if the tattoo is colored, then it will simply lose a little color and fade a little. Although, perhaps in the near future, more durable paints will be invented that will not fade even with age.

Will the fashion for tattoos change radically?

But let’s say a few more words about whether it’s worth getting tattoos today at all, won’t they be somehow strange in old age - not even in the sense of appearance, but won’t the fashion for tattoos change radically? Quite, it could happen. But if you are concerned about this issue, we recommend that you conduct an experiment yourself. Here's what it is. Close your eyes, now open and look around - how many people your age do you see with tattoos on their arms, legs, necks and other places? A lot of? That's right, quite a lot. Now think about it - all these people in old age will also have tattoos. Well, of course, some of them will not live, and some may go for tattoo removal using some kind of laser.

In other words, our generation will turn into grandparents over the years. And all these guys and girls who are now flaunting tattoos will also grow old. So if you have a tattoo or would like to get a tattoo, then you probably don't need to worry anymore about what the tattoo will look like in the future. It will look good, not bad.

Although, you’ll probably just have to pay more attention to your physical fitness. For example, fight against aging skin. And what? Not a bad incentive. You will end up looking better than those around you. And the tattoo will even decorate your elderly body. In general, guys and girls, don’t be afraid of tattoos in old age!

Just, we repeat again, look at the photographs of older people with tattoos. This is how you will be. Do you agree that old people with tattoos look very cool? So, tattoos in old age are great!

The question of what a tattoo will look like in old age worries everyone who is planning a trip to a tattoo parlor. The body pattern remains for life, so the decision must be made carefully and thoughtfully. What happens to tattoos as you age? What do older people with tattoos look like? Correct recommendations will help you get answers to these questions and make your choice.

Down with prejudices

In Soviet times, tattoos were banned due to their widespread use in prison circles and the criminal world. Tattoos were considered a distinctive sign of criminals or former prisoners, so the attitude towards those with body tattoos was sharply negative. Lack of professional Supplies and tools led to the fact that people began to use improvised means and made tattoo machines themselves. Of course, all this affected the quality of the image: the tattoos turned out to be amateurish and primitive.

Today, the art of tattooing is constantly developing and acquiring universal proportions. Almost every second person has a tattoo, and this does not mean at all that he is connected with crime. The prejudice that the owner of a tattoo will look ridiculous in old age is no longer relevant. In a few decades, the entire current generation of young people will turn into grandparents, and many of them will be decorated with tattoos. Fear of old age is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of looking stylish and fashionable now!

Incentive for self-improvement

A tattoo is a great reminder that you need to stay in shape. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, skin care and healthy image life will provide an attractive appearance even at the end of life. The presence of tattoos on the body will not allow you to relax and will help keep your body in good shape. By the way, large body designs hide visible skin defects, and colored dense tattoos “camouflage” loose skin and prevent it from sagging. This option is suitable for both women and men.

Proper care

It is necessary to think about what a tattoo will look like in old age from the first day of application, because in old age it is no longer possible to correct the result. After your visit to the specialist, follow the care recommendations and use professional products. In summer, try to apply a special sunscreen to avoid burnout. Correct your tattoo in a timely manner, especially a colored one. This way the image will not fade and will remain bright and saturated even in old age. The black drawing also needs updating, because the lines become less clear, and the contours may become blurred over time. A timely visit to a tattoo artist will ensure the longevity of the tattoo.

Place of application

Tattoos in old age cannot help but completely lose their shape and therefore do not look as perfect as we would like. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity, the image becomes dull. You can hide tattooed skin under clothing, but to do this you must choose the right place for application. For example, chest, stomach, buttocks, thighs or back. In any case, a small tattoo will not spoil the overall image and will be unnoticeable to others. Correct selection sketch and place of application will protect you from unpleasant consequences and feelings of discomfort.

Fashion and relevance

Many people are scared by the fact that tomorrow the fashion for tattoos will pass, but the designs will remain. Of course, they can be removed with a laser, although this process is quite labor-intensive and not entirely effective (especially in old age). The answer to the question is simple: a tattoo lasts as long as the human race exists. It is unlikely that they will ever disappear forever, they just become more or less popular from time to time.

Examples of what a tattoo looks like on women and men in old age can be seen in our photo gallery. The Internet is replete with photos of tattooed elderly people who look fashionable and stylish even in old age. The most important thing is the inner attitude and self-acceptance. A tattoo is just one way to express individuality and show yourself to others.

What will I be like in my old age? -I'll be awesome!!! Be yourself and away with prejudices!

Watch the video on the topic:

Photos of tattoos

The Ink Hunter app will allow you to evaluate how the chosen tattoo will look on your body. It looks quite realistic and works very simply.

It all starts with applying a reference marker, which is needed so that the image changes in perspective as it moves. We draw a square smiley face on our hand or other part of the body (preferably with a felt-tip pen to make it thicker), choose a tattoo and we can wave our hand - the tattoo will look almost like a real one.

The built-in gallery has several dozen author's sketches on various topics: skulls, ornaments, characters and much more. You can also upload your own by selecting them from the Photos app.

Having found the right angle, we take a photo and can quickly switch between different tattoos and customize their appearance so that they look even more realistic. There are several display options for this, including transparency, contrast, and filters. By moving a couple of sliders, you can see what your tattoo will look like in a few years.

The Ink Hunter application was created by students of one of the Kharkov universities as part of a 48-hour hackathon and is distributed free of charge.