Well      12/31/2021

Rune magic where to start. Runes for beginners: definition, concept, description and appearance, where to start, rules of operation, features and nuances when using runes. Where to start studying

Angular, slightly elongated unusual letters - runes, arouse the interest of many people. What is this anyway? The alphabet of the ancestors of modern Germans, English, Swedes and Norwegians or magical symbols for rituals? In this article we will answer these questions and find out how to use runes for beginners.

Excursion into history

Most northern European tribes used it for two purposes:

  • as phonetic signs,
  • as a system of pictograms.

In the first case, runes were used to write words and read notes. But in the second, these symbols served as a means of communication with the other world. With the help of runes they influenced the weather, treated the sick and even improved their financial condition. These symbols were written on weapons, tables, houses, and in general, wherever possible. But not everyone possessed this secret knowledge.

Nowadays get necessary information is not difficult. And therefore, fortune tellers and sorcerers are so eager to learn rune magic. For beginner esotericists, this is a wonderful way to replenish their knowledge. They seem to open a window into a new, interesting and unusual world. Those who begin to study runes note that miracles begin to happen in their lives. Their intuition works better. In addition, having learned this skill, you can help not only yourself, but also your family and friends.

There are two absolutely different ways use these unusual symbols. Firstly, with their help you can improve your health, remove damage, and resolve family issues. And, in addition, there are fortune telling using runes. They allow you to remember the past, look at the present and lift the curtain of the future. But learning runes for beginners does not begin with this. First you need to get to know them better.

Types of runes

There is an incredible number of different magic symbols:

  • Scandinavian,
  • Danish,
  • gothic,
  • Germanic,
  • Swedish-Norwegian.

In ancient times, each tribe used its own runes. But nowadays the Scandinavian ones are the most popular. Runes for beginners can be found in the following image.

You can make them yourself or purchase them in a store. In addition, unlike Tarot cards, runes can be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends who are interested in esotericism.

Activation of runes

In order for the phonetic signs of our ancestors to acquire magical power, you first need to get to know them. In addition, you need to activate the runes. For beginners this is not at all difficult. It is necessary to take each rune, carefully examine it, feel what kind of energy it emits and read what it means. This should be done with each symbol. At the same time, you should not rush. Experienced esotericists say that every day should be dedicated to one rune.

It's another matter if you make a magical instrument yourself. In this case, activation occurs automatically. It’s just that when you make each rune, you should say its name and read its meaning.

Man and magical symbols must create one whole. Only in this case will the runes be able to answer all your questions and help in solving them.

Rune meanings (1-12)

So, almost all esotericists use Scandinavian symbols. These are 24 completely different runes. They differ in appearance, meaning and energy. Some of them are more aggressive, they seem to blow cold. Such runes have negative interpretations. Others are warm or even hot. Let's look at the first 12 runes.

  1. Feu is one of the most famous symbols. This is the rune of wealth, protection and achievement. In love matters, it symbolizes former partners and relationships.
  2. Uruz is a symbol that denotes strength and victory. This is the rune of health, power, it allows you to realize all your plans and dreams.
  3. Turisaz - critical situation, problems, destruction. This symbol means that you should carefully consider the current circumstances.
  4. Ansuz is a rune that means expectation, wisdom, and is literally translated as “mouth.” Can be interpreted as an exam, interview, important negotiations, in love - a heartfelt conversation.
  5. The Raido symbol symbolizes the road, travel. But besides this, the rune can also mean spiritual movement and self-improvement.
  6. Kano - fire or torch. The rune symbolizes energy, power, strength. The interpretation has some similarities with Uruz. But at the same time, this symbol indicates that a favorable period will soon come, and this will happen without any effort on the part of the person. In love fortune telling, it symbolizes a man.
  7. Gebo is a fairly common rune. It originates in the meaning of “gift”. This is one of the most favorable signs, meaning happiness, luck, joy. This rune is very often used in the preparation of special formulas for well-being and wealth.
  8. Quite often compared to the Wheel of Fate Tarot card. Indeed, their meanings are almost identical. This symbol can have both a positive and negative interpretation. As a rule, the rune indicates that everything is going in the right direction and the person has nothing to worry about. With negative runes nearby, Vunyo can be interpreted as stagnation in business, impossibility of advancement.
  9. Hagalaz (Hagall) - literally translated “hail”. This is a symbol of spontaneous destruction, the collapse of hopes and plans. It warns that the person is no longer in full control of the situation.
  10. Nautiz is a rune that not only shows the situation, but also explains what to do. The literal translation is “take your time.” Most often, the rune falls out when a person has many problems in life. The symbol gives advice: “You need to be patient.” Indeed, everything that happens in life is not accidental, and one must humbly accept the trials of fate.
  11. Isa - depicted as a vertical stick. And this is no coincidence. It seems to show that a period of stagnation has arrived. You should put all matters aside and look at them from a different perspective. At this time, you will not be able to achieve success, but at the same time nothing threatens you.
  12. Yer translates as "harvest". The rune symbolizes receiving finance, but not just winning the lottery. This is a well-deserved reward. Although, the rune does not always indicate material values. Let's say a guy spent a very long time trying to win a girl's favor. If Yer falls out, it means he succeeded and she will finally pay attention to him.

Rune meanings (12-24)

Among the next 12 runes you can also find both positive and negative ones. But you need to understand that in each specific case the value may change and depend on various factors. If you are wondering where to start studying runes, then you should study these interpretations first:

  1. Eyvaz is a rune that means that any obstacle can be overcome. The time has come to gather strength and act decisively.
  2. Perth is a symbol of grief and disappointment. Probably, some events will make a person very worried. In love fortune telling, it can mean a breakup. Sometimes it shows that some secret will soon be revealed to a person.
  3. Algiz is the rune of change. An event will occur in a person’s life that will completely change his life. This is most likely something good and kind, perhaps the appearance of a new person in your life. In addition, it has the meaning of protection and amulet.
  4. Soulu is a fairly positive rune. It means an energy boost, the ability to overcome any obstacles. It can also be used for cleansing with runes. For beginners, this will be a great way to strengthen your spiritual strength.
  5. Teyvaz - rivalry, competition. May mean competition. In some cases, it is interpreted as the need to deal with difficulties.
  6. Berkana is a symbol of family, birth. May represent a mother or children. IN professional field means career growth. And in love - improving relationships.
  7. Evaz is another rune of change. But in this case it still concerns moving to a new home and changing jobs.
  8. Mannaz - symbolizes secrecy and modesty. If a person is planning some kind of business, then these are the qualities he will need. The rune also means that you cannot cope alone, and more influential patrons will be required to successfully complete the matter.
  9. Laguz is a symbol of intuitive knowledge, hidden abilities. Only his own intuition can help a person solve a problem.
  10. Inguz - successful resolution of cases, gifts. It can mean meeting your soulmate, new feelings and emotions. Soon one stage of life will end and another will begin.
  11. Otal - prosperity, family wealth, buying new things or furniture. It can simply mean money (their presence).
  12. Dagaz - overcoming obstacles, the possibility of career growth, successful endeavors. The rune reveals to a person that great potential is hidden in him. Even if he has a lot of problems now, he can solve them by resorting to his internal reserve of strength.

Odin - the power of rock

In some fortune telling there are 25 runes. And the last of them is Odin. This is an empty rune with no graphic image on it. It is believed that she is personified with fate and fate. If it appears in fortune telling, it means that everything that is destined for a person will definitely happen. The rune indicates that the current situation is under the control of higher powers and cannot be changed.

In addition, there is another meaning. Odin can be interpreted as a big change. For better or for worse? Everything will depend on the symbols that appear nearby. Cleaning with runes for beginners is carried out with the help of Odin, because the absence of symbols is the easiest to imagine. But it should be understood that this is not just emptiness - it is a transition to another dimension, to something that is beyond the understanding of many people.

Principle of operation

When learning everything about runes for beginners, a logical question arises: how do they work? Although this information is not important for most practices, it is advisable to become familiar with it. It should be understood that if you do not understand the principle of operation of runes, this does not mean that they will not work. Despite the fact that many people do not know how televisions work, this does not stop them from enjoying their favorite TV shows. The same principle applies to esotericism.

In the material world, we often encounter objects about which we know practically nothing. It turns out that each of them has special energy (vibrations). Any object interacts with space and it does not matter at all whether it is animate or not. Any pebble or twig carries a charge of energy (positive or negative).

By the same principle, people choose their jewelry. Some are favorable for them, while others, on the contrary, have destructive power. So, on each rune (except Odin) a certain symbol is drawn. He creates a certain field around himself. At the same time, the rune interacts with cosmic forces and gives a person the necessary predictions.

While learning everything about runes for beginners, you should also understand that the pictogram system is not ideal. It takes time to adapt to it.

As for runic formulas for improving health, removing damage and the like, the principle of operation of runes is the same. A set of certain symbols triggers energetic changes in a person’s surrounding world. But at the same time, a lot depends on a person’s abilities, his aura, and the power of thought. It is for this reason that before you start working with runes, you should make sure that you have certain magical knowledge and successfully apply it in practice.

As we have already found out, there are two main types of working with Scandinavian symbols:

  1. Drawing up formulas for healing, wealth, removing damage, attracting the opposite sex, etc.
  2. Fortune telling with runes.

Where to start studying depends only on what goals a person is pursuing. Nevertheless, many experienced esotericists recommend starting with drawing up formulas. If within a month you see that they really work, fortune telling with runes will be as easy as shelling pears.

So, in general, you can create a runic formula to fulfill any desire. And, of course, there are certain rules for this. For beginners, the magic of runes has not yet been revealed so much that experienced esotericists recommend that they use ready-made formulas.

As can be seen in the image, in some cases the use of other runes is allowed. For example, in the formula “Universal protective shield” the first and third symbols are Thurisaz, and in the center, previously unknown to us, Tivaz. This is one of the runes of the Germanic alphabet, meaning warrior, god. So, extreme symbols destroy, dispel everything bad in a person’s life with the help of the middle rune. This formula is a good amulet against magical attacks, gives strength of spirit, and allows you to withstand any test.

Where to wear amulets

Now you know where to start studying runes. But besides this, you should also learn how to use them correctly. Runic formulas are amulets that can be worn on the body or clothing, and also written on objects and photographs. It all depends on the symbols themselves, as well as the person’s intentions. If something hurts, you can write the formula on an adhesive plaster and stick it in the right place.

In addition, amulets on the wrist, shoulder and neck showed high effectiveness. In this case, the choice is limited only by personal preferences and comfort. It is advisable that the runes are not visible to strangers. In addition, you cannot talk about your goals while the symbols are working. If, after all, someone notices runic symbols on you, say that it’s just like that.

Fortune telling with runes

This is a great way to look into the future, find out what worries a person, and what dangers warn him. There are quite a few different fortune telling, but beginners should start working with runes with the simplest ones. Before doing this, you should tune in to the question that worries you and discard all extraneous thoughts. It is advisable that there are no unnecessary objects on the table where the layout will be performed. The runes should be spread out on a red cloth and mixed well. You can read prayers over them. Mentally ask a question that interests you and take one rune. Its meaning will be the answer to your question. In addition, in some fortune telling, the inverted meaning is used. That is, if in the direct form, for example, the rune means happiness, in the inverted form it means grief.


There is another area in which runes can be used. So, meditation is another great way to improve your health or achieve the desired result. For example, your goal is to lose weight. To do this, take a photo of yourself (it’s best if it’s a photo before you gained extra pounds, not after). Draw a circle in the center and place the desired formula.

Now you should lie down or sit comfortably so that the image is constantly before your eyes. Look at the photo for a while and think about how your body will soon transform. Then you should close your eyes and imagine how the energy of these symbols envelops you. They seem to penetrate your body and mind. These runes should always be before your eyes.

Just starting a meditation does not mean that at the end of it a few extra pounds will be gone. In fact, runes change consciousness, give willpower, and inspire. You'll feel energized and energized, and you'll likely change your eating habits or join a gym. Cleaning from negativity with runes for beginners occurs in the same way.

Runes cannot simply take away extra pounds or remove damage, but they can help you move in the right direction. Simply meditating and waiting for a miracle will not bring any results. At the same time, one cannot ignore the sensations that arise after such meditations. For example, a person uses a runic formula to find a job. At a certain moment, the thought occurs to him that he needs to check the vacancies on the site again. Most likely, this feeling appeared for a reason. If a person listens to his inner feelings, within a couple of days he will get the job he dreams of.

When using this method, you must believe in its power. Do not ask the runes how to start acting, but feel their strength and energy, which will definitely help you. Now you will definitely gather your strength and act.

Sometimes runes for beginners cause fear - after all, these are essentially magical instruments. The desire to unravel them and understand their work is interrupted at the first stage of training. Many people find working with symbols too complicated and incomprehensible, but you need to realize that before you dive into fascinating world runes, you need to have an energy reserve. After all, all magic requires costs.

Do not think that learning runes for beginners ends with the names of the symbols. It is important to understand all the intricacies of working with them. You must understand the difference between the upright and inverted positions of the sign, how it combines with other runes, and what areas of life it influences.

The main thing you should stock up on is diligence and patience. And then the ancient secrets themselves will begin to reveal themselves to you.

Where to start studying

So: getting to know runes - where to start? There are a few rules to keep in mind. They are not at all complicated, but they play very well. important role throughout the learning process.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Never neglect theory

It’s not for nothing that all sciences begin with books. Only after careful work with the theoretical part does the student have a chance to penetrate the mysteries of practice. To make it easier for you, use a notebook. It is important to know all the symbols of the rune series - their features, subtleties of meaning, pronunciation, all variants of names. Don't rush: wisdom and experience come with time.

  • Training with runescripts

It turns out that understanding individual symbols does not yet give the right to use rune magic. Interpretation of formulas is an equally important part of the learning process. Don't hesitate to ask for advice knowledgeable people, seek help from literary sources. Runic magic for beginners is described in accessible language.

Don't try to study new information selectively - gradually move towards your goal. And soon the runes will open up new horizons for you.

  • Listen to your inner voice

Each rune affects different people differently. It all depends on many factors: character, temperament, willpower. There is no clear line on this issue. Therefore, when starting to study the runic alphabet, get ready to work with the creative aspect. The result of your hard work will be the ability to predict fate and future events.

  • Use non-standard techniques

Very effective way knowledge of rune magic - application to the body. By depicting sacred signs on yourself, you begin not only to see them, but also to feel them. The symbols merge with you into one whole.

How runic formulas work

A runic stave can even consist of one rune - it all depends on the ritual. If there are more symbols in the formula, the emphasis is on the combination of energies of different signs and the subtleties of their interaction.

Usually the runic formula is aimed at a specific result: money, personal happiness, career.

It can be applied to paper, wood, or even the body. The energy of the stav begins to act after the activation procedure.

How to choose correctly

There is no consensus on choosing a personal rune set. The first thing you should pay attention to is your gut feeling. Intuition will tell you which set is compatible with your personal energy.

Runes love order, so they must be stored carefully and handled very carefully. Always put them in a special bag.

You can make the set yourself, but it will take time to select the materials to make it. Carefully examine every pebble that falls under your feet. Listen to your intuition and collect minerals.

When you find the right amount, release them from negative energy. Hold for ten minutes under running water. Then place them on a dry cloth and let them dry thoroughly. Runic signs are applied with special paint.

Wooden runes will also serve well. Go into the forest and ask the trees for help. If you come across a broken branch on the way, use it. When you get a twig, place a few coins under the root. This is a fee for services rendered.

Carving wooden dies, make them flat. Dip each one in drying oil to extend their life. When drawing images, say them out loud - runes love when their names are praised.

How to activate correctly

The activation procedure is mandatory - this is a special process that tunes the symbols to a specific person. This is the launch of the mechanism: only after it can we say that the magical creature of the rune has begun its work.


Quite often I receive letters in personal messages asking me to tell me where and from whom I can learn rune magic. The question arises so often that it is easier to describe the entire system of education and training directly on the blog.

So. I’ll start by repeating the hackneyed truth for the hundredth time: . This is a rather serious technique that requires preliminary preparation, development of perception, strengthening and transformation of the student’s energy. It's like a huge barbell, weighing a hundred kilos. What will happen to a green beginner who has just arrived at the gym if he tries to lift such a weight right away in his first workout? - The answer is obvious: in the best case, a person simply won’t succeed, in the worst case, he will be injured or overstrain himself. A lot of hard training with lighter equipment must take place before the conversation about the coveted hundred-kilogram barbell makes any sense at all. It's the same with runes. Before you begin runic attunements, you should gain experience in mastering simpler and softer energies, strengthen your energy with their help and develop your energy “muscles”. Then subsequent training will go easily and smoothly, there will be no difficulties or unpleasant sensations, and practical results will exceed your wildest expectations. What happens if you try to teach someone without preparation? - There are two options: either he will not be able to do absolutely ANYTHING (there simply aren’t enough energy “muscles” to conduct and direct the energies of the runic circle somewhere), or the energy of an unprepared person may not be able to withstand it and fail during the attunement process or after. This is fraught with a lot of different problems both with health and in other areas of life.

What is good preparation before mastering rune magic and what is not? In the schools I know, they recommend starting with a technique called cosmoenergetics (CEN). In its origin, it is quite far from the northern magical tradition and this causes bewilderment among many who want to touch the runes: why, they say, does the teacher impose some healing channels on me and encourage me to practice with them when I want to go into magic, into the tradition of the North. Although the reason “why” here is clear and obvious to everyone except a beginner rushing to his treasured barbell weighing one hundred kilos. Initiation into cosmoenergetics and intensive practice with channels is a simple and quick way development and strengthening of energy, accessible to any person. Successful practice experience with KEN channels is practically a guarantee that there will be no problems with mastering runes in the future, or at least that a person will be able to accept initiations normally and start working. We can say that the KEN channels are those very small weights, lifting and working with which prepares a person’s energy to work with heavier projectiles (rune magic).

But various experiences of attending runic webinars, meditation on rune icons, and attempts to independently prepare, alas, are not. Also, your experience in bioenergetics, various manipulations with your own energy and stories about how great you feel all the energies of the runic circle (which you simply do not have before initiation) cannot be considered sufficient preparation. Because, again, I repeat, the purpose of preparation is to develop and strengthen the energy body, build up “muscles,” and not at all to worry about the head and develop the imagination of the future practitioner.

Yes, it may seem unfair, offensive and wrong, but such is life. Learning runes does not begin with overwhelming your brain by studying information, not with independent experiments, but with mastering a completely different technique. And this technique, just like runes, is not mastered in two days. Usually, in order to receive initiations into the first, “Buddhist” block of KEN, it takes a couple of weeks and this requires going to the master and meeting him in person. And then further develop, practice for some time with the received energies... And this is actually the simplest, fastest and safest way to mastering rune magic in some future.

Are there exceptions to general rule? Of course there are, where would we be without them. Sometimes preparation begins not with cosmoenergetics, but with some other external energy, technology, for example, and the KEN channels follow. Sometimes mentors decide that a person should wait with runic attunements and learn something else instead. But no serious teacher will allow an unprepared person who has no experience working with other energies and has not put his energy in order to the runes. Unless, of course, he has REAL rune energies, and not some kind of fiddling literacy.

And no, you can’t do it online. This is impossible in principle, no matter how those who make money through online manipulation assure you of it. They will confidently promise this, but we are not children, right? You can't do it from a book either. Why, why... Because the same reason why the water is wet. The authors and publishers of such books also often promise almost self-initiation into runes as they read. Or, at worst, gaining strength through meditations/exercises described in the book. You can understand them - otherwise no one will read it, and the circulation will not be completed. But understanding this and believing it are completely different things.

Dear seekers of the power of the Northern Tradition. Throw away illusions, advertising promises and fairy tales. Real runes are serious. It won't be fast. It won't be free. This will not happen without physical contact with the Rune Master. If you are not ready to make efforts, endure inconvenience, travel somewhere, complete tasks and incur significant expenses, abandon the idea of ​​​​runes. Master Reiki - they probably teach it in your city, and it’s quite possible to get it online. And leave the runes to the persistent and selfless. Only such people have a chance to learn this someday.

Yes, I can give you some advice. But only to those for whom this is really important, who wants, can and will act, and not just share their dreams about runes and faint at the first obstacle on the way. Decide for yourself whether it's worth asking.



Quote from velesovdom
Let's talk about how to learn runic art, where beginners should start. Such a small instruction for dummies.

This topic just keeps popping up. Therefore, I decided that such an article on this topic was necessary.

In addition, many beginners get the wrong impression that runes are very simple and completely safe. Well, how to brush your teeth.

That you can draw a few signs that are completely incomprehensible to you and expect that right now everything in your life will change dramatically.

And so these people write asking for a magic formula that will solve all their problems without any participation or labor on their part.

This does not mean that a person who does not even know the names of the runes will be able to achieve at least something in runic magic. And you must understand this. That runes are a serious and ancient magical tradition. That first you need to get acquainted with this tradition and delve into it, immerse yourself headlong, and only after that, perhaps, something will begin to work out with magic. Or maybe, having delved into it, you will decide that this is not your thing, and will go to seek happiness in other places.

I studied runes for 2 years before I decided to make my first runescript. I'm not saying that you need to wait that long. No, everything here is different for everyone. But I, really, sincerely don’t understand how it occurs to people that after spending 2 days on the forums, they can already practice runic magic. That’s why, for some reason, it never occurs to anyone to get behind the wheel of a car without learning. And here all the time. Although the consequences can be no less sad.

Do you know, my friends, that human sacrifices used to be made to the northern gods? Or that midwives cut out runes for women in labor right on their hands? Of course, a modern runologist should treat human sacrifices symbolically; this is an image of sacrificing the human to the divine. Well, as an echo of ancient terrible rituals - the use of one’s own blood in runic magic.

And besides, the northern gods are very stern, they are by no means kind old men and women who sit on the clouds and play harps. Even though they are strong, and wise and brave. They fight with each other, intrigue, take revenge, kill. Suffice it to remember that one of Odin’s names is the God of Storms and Madness. And it’s easy to anger them. Especially with such blatant disrespect as the desire to get results from runic magic without studying the runes and without delving into the tradition.

Those. you must become strong enough and be knowledgeable enough in the runic tradition to feel almost on an equal footing with the Northern Gods. You must, of course, treat them with respect, but without reverence or fear. Only in this case can you count on their help.

So runes are not toys at all, believe me. And it is very, very easy for an inept person to harm himself with runes.

I don’t think that runes are only available to a select few, no. But I believe that before you start practicing runic magic, you should undergo at least minimal theoretical training. First, you must know the names of all the runes and their meanings. You, of course, should easily recognize them in runescripts, be able to pronounce and write runes without hesitation.

To do this, I advise beginners to read something on runes. It’s better to start with my dearly beloved Freya Asvinn, with her book “Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples”, sometimes on the Internet for some reason it is called “Runes and Feminine Power”, although the text is the same, and it’s not written about feminine power too much. Probably some kind of translation intrigue. I consider this guide to be the best on runes, and I am very grateful to fate that I came across this book about runes first.

Also, beginners can read Aditi’s book “Runes”; the basics are laid out very clearly there, and most importantly, briefly, i.e. there will be no confusion in your head. You can download it here. Well, read Batyushkov too, his book “Runic Amulet Practice”, there is also a lot of practically useful information.

I also once mentioned the book by V. Katyshkov and E. Krasnova “Rune Lagus or the path of shamanic dreams in the interpretation of futhark.” A very good and interesting book, but not for beginners. It’s just that there are very broad interpretations of the runes, you will get confused and your head will start to smoke. So you will read this book later, when you have mastered the basics.

Also be sure to study something on Norse mythology. This way you will better understand the archetypes of the northern gods and tradition. I would recommend you 2 books: 1st – Helen Gerber “Myths of Northern Europe”, download it, it is on the Internet, and 2nd: Vladimir Petrukhin “Myths of Ancient Scandinavia”, an excellent book, I didn’t find it on the Internet, I bought it on Ozone.

The Elder and Younger Eddas can also, of course, be read, but there is little that beginners can understand. The rest of the books on runes somehow didn’t impress me, so I won’t recommend anything else to you.

But a theory is a theory. Runes are symbolic signs, images, and each person sees something different in each rune. This is similar to interpreting dream images. The same symbols can mean different things to different people.

And you should also have your own images and concepts regarding each rune. They will be different from the books and from mine. This is what it is main reason that are the same runic formulas may affect different people differently, but may not affect others at all. Runes are always an individual path.

To understand your personal rune meanings, I recommend starting with fortune telling. Buy or make your own fortune-telling set of runes, consecrate it and start telling fortunes. Make readings for yourself and your friends, guess for the day, for the month, for the year, guess for the situation.

Be sure to keep a notebook where you will write down your interpretations, so that after some time you can see which runes fell out and what happened as a result. Don’t rely on your memory, you will definitely forget what happened then, I know from myself.

In fact, the meanings of runes in fortune telling and magic are very similar, I am absolutely convinced of this, although some authors do not think so. In addition, if you learn to guess well, the need for many magical actions will disappear by itself. You will simply know the causes of problems and ways to solve them.

Also, to understand the energy and meaning of each rune, there is the practice of living the runes. Freya Asvinn recommends this method (quote from her book):

“The method I used turned out to be very effective, and I am ready to recommend it to anyone who wants to get in touch with the runes. I baked twenty-four square cakes and decorated each one with a rune in Futhark order. Every evening I called on Odin and Freya with a request to bless the next rune, and then ate a flatbread. Then I simply focused on this rune and wrote down all the associations that came to my mind in connection with it. I still keep these notes. From them my book was born.”

That's what I did. I didn't live every rune. I did this for those runes that were difficult for me to get in touch with. I simply drew this rune on myself with a red marker, sometimes adding Sovulo or Vunyo, and asked the rune to manifest itself. And then I watched what happened. How my well-being changed, what events began to happen (and they definitely began to happen), what thoughts came to me regarding this rune. As a rule, I did not wash off the rune until I began to understand its energy.

In general, you can choose one of the above methods and use it. Unless, I would not recommend that you use the living method for potentially dangerous runes: Thurisaz and Hagalaz. But it's up to you to decide.

I probably won’t write anything about the compilation of runescripts. Just when you understand the meanings of individual runes, you can easily create your own formulas. Or use someone else’s, but in this case you must internally agree with this specific formula and understand what this or that rune is for.

Well, forums on runic magic and fortune telling are also very useful to read. People there share their personal experience, and this is, so to speak, a living immersion in the runes.

And I would like to separately touch on the issue of people from other traditions who want to study runes.
Very often people write to me that they are Christians or Muslims and want, for example, to use some kind of runic formula.

Now I will probably disappoint everyone very much. My friends, you cannot use runic magic if you live in Christianity or Islam. You must solve your problems within the framework of your tradition. And runic magic is strictly contraindicated for you, if only because your traditions prohibit it. And you will have a strong subconscious conflict, which can result in very unfavorable things. You will cut yourself, injure yourself, you may become dangerously ill, get hit by a car, and something else bad may happen to you.

The runic tradition is paganism in essence, and we bring gifts to our pagan Gods - Thor, Odin, Freya, Frigg. And you believe in one of your gods.

It’s easier for those people who believe that there is a single divine energy, and it can take different forms, and different Gods are archetypes that reflect parts of our psyche. Or that God is love and people are the physical expression of the divine. And who know that the goal of all official religions is not your approach to the Divine and the realization of the best in you, but mainly the struggle for power and influence. And in this regard, many important things in official religions are distorted. For people with such a worldview, everything will definitely work out with runes.

And a few final words about runic magic. Runes are very powerful tool to change reality. Those who have tried it have already been able to verify this. I want to warn you about just one thing. Beware, my friends, of getting carried away by fantasies of how things should be and not finding your own path and living your own life. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

In general, go for it. Good luck and wisdom to you on this path.

I welcome you, friends, to the portal of learning and self-development, today we will give some tips on handling runes for beginners, since runes are a very well-known thing nowadays, but few people really know what they are and why they are really needed.

Well, first of all, I would like to note that runes are not a newfangled esoteric toy, as many people think, and not even a simple tool for fortune telling; moreover, in the hands of an unwise person, they can cause harm to himself, since this is rather a very, very long time ago a developed objective mechanism for controlling the energies of the universe. And the sages of the past and the most advanced runicologists of our time say that “what is written in runes, even God cannot change.”

Therefore, the first and most main advice to novice runologists (and this is what specialists who study the action of runes are called): remember once and for all - as soon as you use any rune separately or a bunch of formulas (for yourself), you yourself change in one way or another...

Depending on what runes are used, there are several options for this change:

  1. You change and at the same time (because of this), you change the situation.
  2. You change the situation and because of this, you change yourself.

But the main thing is that this is always the case, the first two points are always interconnected.
Regardless of exactly how this happens, you yourself will change unambiguously and irrevocably...

Ethics in working with runes

If you cut runic symbols for someone else, it changes. Before you cut anyone's formula, remember this.

Ethics professional work with runes and just safety precautions, it would be very nice for you and others to understand the person himself in order to understand what he will become after the work you have done... After all, one thing will be superimposed on the other... One rune on another...
Remember that you can reach the same result in different ways... And it’s up to you to choose this path too...

Also, you should be asked to do something for another person. After all, you are interfering with his fate. Not so do this only because you think it will be better for him.

It’s none of your business, even if it’s the person closest to you. Another thing is that you can offer your help and explain what kind of help and what will come of it. But ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide.

How runic amulets and runes work

One more thing - after making a bunch of people, tell them what can happen and how... Explain that the talisman you made must be obeyed. And then...
You have made a protective amulet, and the person believes that by definition nothing bad will happen to him...

Everything in him and around him protests against him going to the meeting place... And the lock breaks, and the phone distracts, and he twisted his ankle. But he will still gallop on one leg, headlong. And then a brick will fall on his head... Ahh. The amulet does not work!!!

But I hope it is clear to a beginner that the wise action of the runic amulet in this case was to cause these troubles so that the person would not attend the meeting.

Therefore, the owner of such “magical” things must have the wisdom to notice in which direction they change situations and not prevent them from changing with their rash and chaotic actions. And if you already know everything, why do you need runes? So if you decide to work with them, trust them.
And even more so, you need to understand that the amulet for protection against fire “does not work” in the case when a person is flooded with water...

How rune bundles are built

Typically, rune bundles consist of 3 parts. In any case - (what) - (how) - (result).

Now I’ll explain in more detail

How– by what force, from what place, under what circumstances, where we start, etc.

How– the path itself is prescribed. There may be one rune here, there may be several...

The result is what we will come to or want to come to using this link. There may also be one rune or several. Several are intermediate results.

As an example, we will earn money and be happy about it. Here, as you can see, there are two runes. Or two groups of runes...

Because if we, as beginners in working with runes, don’t write down the second part, then the money that comes in can cause even more trouble than before, so here we definitely need to “formulate our desires correctly” so that later we don’t regret that they didn’t come true how we thought and expected it in our heads.

Runic formulas

Now, literally in a nutshell, how to compose runic formulas

The rune formula itself can consist of one rune, two, etc. If there are more than nine, we separate this nine with a dot. The more runes in the formula, the less opportunities you have for improvisation, the more clearly the path is spelled out, and for beginners even more less mistakes they can allow...

Therefore, if something can be solved with one rune, don’t cut two, if you can with two, don’t cut three, etc. The recommended number is no more than five. And even better, no more than three... But even here, it all depends on what you exactly want to achieve. Sometimes the best option there will be only one rune.

If you just need to get out of depression, just add strength to yourself, just find knowledge or insight, you cut one rune. Why do you need more? In this one rune there is already both the path and the result.

But the mantle of runes is a completely different topic and very serious, and requires a separate presentation... At the starting point of the path, turn on your senses and go ahead.

Proven formulas are naturally average for everyone and will not give an ideal result in your specific situation, keep this in mind.

Therefore, I recommend that even beginners, for learning purposes, try to calculate, decompose, think through these formulas and understand how they work, how they work, what will change in the situation and in the person who uses this formula, etc.

That is, I offer you a kind of research work with these formulas, and build your own. But sometimes, it is useful not to reinvent the wheel, but to use what has already been invented, at the same time understanding how to ride it. It works and gives real results, but what else do you need?

Runes can be cut and charged, drawn in front of you in the air, “implanted” into a person, drawn on a hand, drawn on a piece of paper, used as streams of energy, etc. In general, whatever your imagination is enough for... But it’s up to you depends on how they will work, for how long, in what cases, etc.

According to the classics, they cut an amulet (talisman) and perform a ritual so that the bunch of runes works. And it depends on the ritual itself how long this talisman will work.

Diagnostics with runes for beginners

Now let's talk about diagnostics with runes, sometimes, for example, when you are being attacked or you need to stop the bleeding, relieve pain, it is clearly not needed. You know exactly what is happening and immediately take adequate measures. But, if you are making a specific talisman, doing specific work, it is necessary.

“The patient always lies” (“Doctor House”) The client (and often you yourself) will never (almost) tell you the truth and what is really happening. He (or you) is always white and fluffy and not “guilty” of anything. If he knew what was going on, he would have managed it without your help... This is such a strange habit, we either say it all wrong or we don’t tell it to anyone, neither to ourselves nor to others.

Therefore, in order to avoid beginner mistakes in working and diagnosing with runes, before doing anything to someone, spread the runes and read what is really happening... Why is the “patient” poor, sick and the girl doesn’t love him... And only then will you understand what you can do about it.

Sometimes, in order for his girlfriend to fall in love with him, you just need to get him out of depression. And in order for him to earn a million, he needs to deal with his wife or his children, or his parents... Here is the right Path for you. These are the forces with which we will work.

Should I trust runes?

Sometimes when diagnosing situations, runes, from your point of view, give out complete nonsense. You don’t need to immediately think that you are an idiot, or your runes, and stop trusting them. Write down the layout, meditate, think, compare all available information, ask questions.

The answer will definitely come... In this case, it is very good to change the question, break one big question into several small ones. To the point where the runes need to clarify what was meant.

You understood what was going on and quickly came up with a formula... Don’t rush. Let this formula “settle down” with you. Calculate in advance how the situation, the person himself and, accordingly, his character, health, etc. will change. To what extent does this formula correspond to this particular person... Sort it out different variants, perhaps you will find a better alternative.

Double check everything before use

If a person has a diseased heart, are you sure that you need to force him to actively rush forward... Maybe softer, thinner... If this is an old grandmother, does she need to cut the same formula as a healthy person? young man? If a person is a cynic and a callous cracker, is it necessary to aggravate these qualities?

To be 100% sure that you will not harm yourself and others, it is very useful to ask the runes what will happen, how the situation will change if you make this combination and use it, and what will happen if you DO NOT do it.

You'll probably get a lot of food for thought. Especially at first, if you don’t have enough experience yet. Yes, it will naturally take longer and be more difficult, but you will be able to work with runes like a professional, and not like a drunken monkey with a grenade in his hand.

In general, before you joyfully benefit a person by solving his problems, think about how you are going to do this...

And one more very important point– sometimes the runes will tell you that this person cannot do anything. In this case, calmly refuse to help him. Just don't do anything.

Most likely, this is his working out of something, or something that he is definitely destined to go through on his own... His is what they like to call a beautiful word"karma". You have no right to interfere. Neither you nor him will benefit from this intervention.


So the last piece of advice for today on working with runes for beginners is to have the wisdom to change those situations that are necessary, and not to influence situations that should not be influenced. Then your practice will be successful and long, and your advice will be the most effective and effective, which is what I wish for you. And in the next article or video, see others and much more related to this ancient esoteric system.