Mixer      07/02/2020

Postcards from July 8, Family Love Day. Beautiful cards and pictures on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - congratulations on Peter and Fevronya Day. The most beautiful and touching cards Happy Family Day, love and fidelity with congratulatory inscriptions

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a relatively young and very touching holiday, which is gaining more and more popularity among Russians every year. First of all, it is relevant for married couples, as well as lovers who are just planning to tie the knot. Officially, the patrons of the holiday are the Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia, whose example true love and a strong marriage still inspires today. On this day, it is customary to congratulate loved ones (husband, wife), mom and dad, friends and just acquaintances. For this purpose, a variety of congratulations are used in poetry and prose, including graphic options. For example, in in social networks and messengers, most often they choose beautiful cards and pictures for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with inscriptions for congratulations. Moreover, these can be either funny wishes or very touching postcards with romantic inscriptions. Next you will find a selection of the best postcards and pictures (photos), which are ideal for congratulating family and friends on a wonderful holiday - the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity.

The most beautiful and touching cards Happy Family Day, love and fidelity with congratulatory inscriptions

For the first time, the initiative to celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia on July 8 was taken by residents of the city of Murom, where the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia are kept. The date was not chosen by chance - this particular day in Orthodoxy is celebrated under the auspices of the holy married couple. In this way, the residents of Murom wanted to connect Christian rituals with modern values ​​of the institution of marriage. They succeeded and for 10 years now, all of Russia has been celebrating the wonderful and very spiritual holiday- Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. One of the main traditions of this day was thematic congratulations and wishes addressed to the most dear and beloved people. Including with the help of beautiful and touching postcards with congratulatory inscriptions on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Next, you will find a universal selection of very beautiful and touching postcards with inscriptions that are suitable for congratulating Happy Family Day, love and fidelity to all your friends and relatives.

Themed cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with the image of Saints Peter and Fevronia

As mentioned above, one of the main symbols of Family Day in Russia are images of Saints Peter and Fevronia. The wonderful love story of the Murom prince and his wife, who after their death were canonized by the Orthodox Church, is well known in Orthodox Church. Even during their secular life, Peter and Fevronia showed real miracles of love, loyalty and respect for family canons. In old age, the couple took monastic vows and continued to convey their views on the sanctity of marriage through the prism of the church. Today, the beautiful married couple is remembered not only by icons, but also by themed cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with the image of Saints Peter and Fevronia. They are very popular for congratulating spouses, including family relatives and friends. Best options You will find themed cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with Saints Peter and Fevronia below.

The best pictures of Happy Family Day, love and fidelity with congratulations to your beloved husband

Among the greeting pictures and cards for Family Day, love and fidelity, options for your beloved husband deserve special attention. This is a great way to creatively congratulate your closest and dearest person on a wonderful holiday. Next you will find a selection best pictures on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with beautiful congratulations for your beloved husband.

Beautiful pictures and cards Happy Family Day, love and fidelity to your beloved man with inscriptions

More minimalist options for beautiful congratulations to your beloved man on Family Day, love and fidelity are touching cards with simple inscriptions. This is a great way for those men who do not particularly like long and touching wishes in poetry or prose. They are much more impressed by short and succinct congratulations prepared by women dear to their hearts. You will find the best options for the most beautiful pictures and cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with inscriptions for your beloved man below.

Congratulations in verse and prose on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - funny pictures for friends

Pictures and cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with congratulations in poetry and prose are relevant not only for loved ones and relatives, but also for friends. At the same time, you can choose not only touching and beautiful options wishes, but also pictures with cool and funny congratulations. You will find examples of just such funny congratulations in poetry and prose on Family Day, love and fidelity in funny pictures to friends in the following collection.

Beautiful cards and pictures of Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day are a great way to show attention and express good wishes to the most beloved and dear people. For example, for your beloved mom and dad, you can choose postcard options with images of Saints Peter and Fevronia. And for my dear husband, touching pictures with congratulations in poetry or prose are more suitable. Funny cards with humorous inscriptions for Family Day will become excellent option for married friends. We hope that among the best pictures (photos) with thematic wishes from our selections you will be able to choose relevant ones and adequately congratulate people dear to your heart on a wonderful holiday.

You can download “Happy Family Day” cards and animations and funny pictures for free from the catalog on our website to send to the people dearest to your heart: parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children.

Happy Family Day!

Our family is the people who surround us from the moment of birth and throughout our lives. They are real guardian angels with whom you can share joys and hardships. We are connected to them by roots, blood, spiritually.

A person is not given the choice of which family to be born into. Having already matured, he independently chooses his spouse and creates his own “unit of society.” As a rule, he loves his relatives by blood and by right equally strongly, with all his soul.

Once a year is very little to let your family know how valuable and loved they are. But it is on July 8, on the international day of family, love and fidelity, that you need to forget about everything and please them, if not with gifts, then at least with touching postcards from those that we offer you.

On a wonderful family holiday, do not skimp on emotions, kind, sincere words and hugs. Let your loved ones feel how dear they are to you.

Pictures-postcards with inscriptions

There are people who know that the family holiday is actually celebrated twice a year! July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the history and traditions of which you will learn a little later. And May 15, International Family Day. This day was declared a holiday back in 1993 by the UN General Assembly.

The international organization emphasizes the importance of the family as the original unit of society in which a person socializes, learns to interact with others, learns what love, support, affection is, and most importantly, universal values.

For more than 20 years in a row, on May 15, many countries have held official and entertainment events dedicated to Family Day. Relatives gather under one roof to chat and dine on home-cooked food.

If you do not have the opportunity to organize such a meeting, take just a few minutes to select from the catalog on our website, download and send beautiful postcards with inscriptions in Russian, Ukrainian and English to your family and dear people on social networks.

Wishes of love and fidelity

On International Family Day or the Holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity, send to moms, dads, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and children beautiful congratulations in pictures with wishes for health, prosperity, tender and trusting relationships with family, mutual respect, comfort in the home and a huge amount warm moments together. It doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry or prose, the main thing is that it’s from the heart!

Beautiful animated pictures

The most effective and funniest Greeting Cards for family holidays - animated. The animation comes to life, the pictures move, the images change each other, sparkles, sparkles, twinkling stars, and butterflies flapping their wings appear on them.

Holiday - Family Day: when it is celebrated, history

Why is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated? July 8? The holiday is quite young. In Russia it has been celebrated since 2008, in Ukraine - since 2012. The date of celebration coincides with Memorial Day Peter and Fevronia. Saints are considered patrons of family and marriage.

Their story is amazing. Back in the 13th century, young Prince Peter, who was suffering from terrible incurable leprosy, saw the commoner Fevronia in a dream, who sat down to communicate with animals and save people from illnesses with the help of herbs. The prince found her and promised to marry her in exchange for a cure. Fevroia managed to overcome leprosy; Peter kept his promise, which aroused the wrath of the nobility. Then he exchanged title, power and money for love, and began to live a simple life with his wife. The couple ended their days in the monastery; the couple died on the same day and were buried in the same coffin.

The symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity is the chamomile. You can most often find an image of this flower on animated postcards and photos with congratulations. In addition to daisies, they depict people holding hands, lion families - prides, swans intertwining their necks, doves, etc.

Cool video congratulations

In addition to animated congratulations and picture postcards, send your loved ones videos with in beautiful words accompanied by gentle musical accompaniment.

Your child will love the cartoon video in which the cute bee Maya congratulates him on Family Day.

Family is real wealth for every person. After all, it is the beloved father and mother, husband and children who are able to express the best support. Our readers can choose beautiful congratulations for their loved ones using the most best cards and pictures of Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day. It is celebrated on July 8 and is considered the holiday of Peter and Fevronya. We have selected congratulations in pictures, photos with inscriptions, poems and prose for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. All relatives will definitely like funny cards. You can send pictures to social media. networks, messengers. You can also send greeting cards via mms. If desired, they can be supplemented with your own words. Pictures and postcards with sincere and kind congratulations will delight every recipient.

The most beautiful cards for Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day 2018 - a selection of pictures

Readers will find beautiful congratulations in pictures and postcards for their family in the selection we have created. Touching words will appeal to dad, mom, sisters and brothers. Forward beautiful pictures You can send congratulations, cute inscriptions and cards Happy Family Day, love and fidelity to grandparents. They will certainly be delighted with such attention. Congratulations in funny and cute cards and pictures are suitable for sending to best friends on Peter and Fevronya Day.

The best cards for Happy Family Day, love and fidelity of Peter and Fevronia - for mom and dad

The closest and dearest people - mom and dad - should certainly be congratulated on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with beautiful cards or pictures. We recommend choosing funny and cute photos and drawings. For our readers, we have found the best cards on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity for Peter and Fevronia with kind congratulations. They will help show parents attention and respect. We recommend sending postcards with personal congratulations.

Funny pictures of Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day 2018 with congratulations - in poetry and prose

Each person considers different people to be family. It may include just a couple of spouses or it may include all of the relatives. In order to congratulate family and friends on the family holiday in an original way, we have selected different pictures and cards for readers. Beautiful congratulations and wishes will help to express respect and attention to the recipients. Send funny cards with inscriptions, poetry and prose can be used in messengers, social media. networks. If desired, postcards and pictures with congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity can be supplemented with stickers. The originality of wishes and colorful emoticons are emphasized. Or you can simply send beautiful cards with congratulations: without any additions or inscriptions.

Original pictures of Happy Family Day, love and fidelity to your beloved husband, boyfriend - with inscriptions

Our readers can choose beautiful cards and pictures for their beloved boyfriend or husband for the family holiday from the examples given below. Cool photos, images can be supplemented with declarations of love. Or you can come up with personal congratulations in prose that will complement the chosen postcard or picture. All this will indicate that you are family and made for each other. Also, in addition to virtual pictures and cards for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, you can prepare beautiful gifts for your loved one or prepare a delicious romantic dinner.

Cute pictures of Happy Family Day, love and fidelity to your beloved husband - cards with congratulations for 2018

Bright and beautiful pictures and cards are perfect for congratulating your beloved husband on a family holiday. They can be supplemented with declarations of love. At the same time, you can send cards and pictures with the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity to your beloved husband in mms, messengers with stickers or emoticons. Wives can also send them with good personal wishes and congratulations. Or you can send simple drawings along with animated postcards we have selected, including colorful pictures and melodious music.