Toilet      09/26/2020

Have a nice day, how could I wish you more? Wishes for a good working day in your own words. Original, funny and beautiful wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

This section contains the most original and beautiful wishes. Good night and good morning, Have a good day and moods. And also in this section, you can choose the right words for a declaration of love and a marriage proposal.

Wishes for a good day in poetry and prose via SMS

If you want to wish a good day to your loved one, send a beautiful SMS wishing a good day with romantic words of love. If you are not good at poetry or prose, then this section will help you with that! Here you will find universal and targeted, beautiful and sometimes funny wishes for a good day, written in poetry and prose. Wish your loved one a good day!

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. Let it be fruitful and rich. May all your plans and desires be realized. May this day bring only joy, luck and good emotions.

I wish you a happy start to the day, may everything be successful and harmonious today.

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

I would like to wish my loved one a good day! So that today you are surrounded only by pleasant people. So that there is a lot of joy, successful deeds, good events and interesting news. I love you, my golden one!

My beloved person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and let the sunbeams lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I would like to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you be able to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

My joy, I wish you the most wonderful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, cheerful day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. I kiss you warmly, hug you and send you a breath of inspiration!

To my beloved little man, I wish you a good morning, a sweet awakening and a great positive charge for the whole day. May it be fruitful and successful, may your mood remain great, may luck await you at every step.

My dear, I wish you a great day! Let everything work out, let your energy and strength increase. Be full of enthusiasm creative ideas that are heading towards implementation.

Here are beautiful and original wishes for a good mood for the whole day for a friend, mother, girlfriend, husband, wife. Choose a poem that reflects everything you want to wish a person and send it via SMS. After all, desiring good things, we get returns like a boomerang. The poems and prose presented below reflect everything you can think of. Your friend will be delighted!


I wish you a wonderful mood,
Let this day bring positivity!
I wish that every moment
The flow brought you only joy!

May you be surrounded all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!


Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck,
Everything will come out everywhere.
Have a good mood!


Sun, I wish you a good and excellent mood, excellent health and incredible optimism of the soul. May the smile never disappear from your face, may your heart beat in time with fun and joy, may your every day be successful and happy.


I wish you a good day,
And have a great mood.
Let the new day bring
Only the best, happiness, luck.


I am sending you the news of the day:
Let the positivity blow in the morning,
Luck, fortune will love you.
You get one answer to everything - “yes”!

Let everyone in the world wish you well -
Traffic light, weather, friends.
May the warm sun always warm you,
Your eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your cheerfulness not fade today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!


Let the mood be great
Let your eyes burn
I want to swim all day
In success, joy, love.

I wish you to be positive
Joking, laughing, smiling,
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
Never give up.


Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And they pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck follows
Early in the morning
Good mood,
Will never leave.


Smile with all your heart, with all your heart,
Let the positivity wash over you!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, agree,
Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
Give rays to all those who are close to you!
Don’t you dare be sad or bored,
Fill your world with a positive charge!


May your smile be brighter than the sun
It shines on your face,
May your day be today
It's just a pleasant surprise
Think only positively
To the degree of mood
Rising, adding
Joy and inspiration!


May your mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
May you be lucky
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with goodness
A smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I want to wish you
Nice mood,
Smile and not see
Obvious negativity.

Let nothing darken
Have a good mood.
I wish on this day
Happiness and peace.


Don't be sad, don't even think about it,
Sadness is not our friend,
Drive them away
So that they don't snoop around.

Smile wider, more often,
Be patient in everything
May your life be sweeter
Naughty mood!


More positive
And good mood
To have enough strength for everything,
And luck continued!


I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.


Good morning my sunshine,
Let it be a wonderful day
Be in a good mood
Expect happy changes.

Don’t lose your cheerful mood,
Smile, have fun,
After all, since the days of such avid
Our whole life consists of.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


The Key to Eternal Luck
It's a good mood
So that joy walks nearby,
You need to smile more often.

Don't build any obstacles
Develop, achieve goals,
Appreciate every minute in life,
After all, living in the world is very cool.


May the sun be clear
And the new day is beautiful,
May everything you wish
Comes true immediately!

In a good mood,
With great inspiration,
You will overcome everything
Striving for your dreams!


All the joy in life should be
Unexpected, uninvited.
And therefore I wish you
All the best!

And if you smile
Wake up in the morning
Everything that happens in a day
Everything will only be good!


May your mood be
Good, cheerful. And always
Let it not depend on the weather
Even in the sun, even in the cold.

Let people give you happiness
Smiles, joy, warmth,
After all, they will decorate your life,
They will bring goodness and beauty.

And with irritation, negativity
Let no one meet.
I wish you positivity in everything
And the mood is one hundred percent.


May it be a great day
And in a good mood,
Drive away laziness
And good luck to all of you in your business!

I wish you, dear ones,
More strength and patience,
And let the smile burn
Warm, joyful moments!

Poems of good mood


Let every moment carry
You're in a colorful mood
And my pure love
Will give you happiness again and again!

Fill the whole world with a smile,
How ladybug, sai,
After all, this is a colorful day
Will bring a stream of goodness!


What will cheer you up?
The opinion that Sunday is coming,
It will be possible from the heart
Relax and take your time!

Enjoy the long day
With the one who is dear, just the two of us,
You can gather friends too,
Or just eat and sleep.

The main thing is that in the soul
It was clear, not rainy.
And I always wish:
“So that you don’t feel sad!”


Good mood
Joyful emotions
Sunny smile -
Mega portions only.

Let the message be love
Will give you a little inspiration,
The sun will smile
Only through your window.


I wish you a nice day
And have a great mood.
Let success lead you
Gives joy and inspiration.

May you be able to realize
All thoughts, ideas and plans.
May my love be great
It will be your faithful talisman.


My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood. Remember, you can do anything, you are a person of incredible strength and charisma, great dreams and good luck. And may all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds be supplemented by an excellent mood that will invigorate and inspire you. Whole.

Wishes for a great mood in verses for the whole day


My beloved man,
Throw your sadness away
Better yet, smile
And I got distracted for a minute.

It’s not easy for me to write to you like this,
I assure you, it’s not a small thing,
I will wish for the mood,
And to have inspiration.

So that happiness fills the day,
I'm not too lazy to wish for this,
So that everything turns out well,
And everything came true!


May you be in a good mood
Today you will have
And may good luck, happiness, joy
Boredom and boredom will be overcome,
I love you very much
Don't forget about this
Come on, smile soon
And never be sad!


Let the mood be great
There is no reason for sadness and sadness!
May every moment give you
A chance to achieve all sorts of heights!

Let your soul be filled with bright light,
And the light will light up in the glasses!
Let your wish come true
Today, on this joyful day!


Let this day sound a cheerful note,
And let your soul sing in the morning,
Both in personal matters and at work
Let everything go beautifully and easily,

Let the mischievous breeze be a naughty
Mixes bright colors in fate,
Let there be light in your soul, a good holiday,
And in my heart - may my love be for you!


Don't be sad and don't be sad
Under any circumstances,
Better smile more often
As a sign of goodwill.

And then it will come back to you
The light that comes from the soul
Even the sun will smile
And he winks persistently.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I wish you a good mood,
I kiss you, I adore you!
Let passers-by smile
They admire you!

Let the day pass playfully
Will add a lot of positivity.
Luck is waiting for you around the corner,
And now, unexpectedly you will be lucky!


With nice mood
Celebrate today!
Let there be inspiration
And forget about laziness!

Let the plans come true
Dreams come true,
And new ones are born
And they are all hits!


Let the mood be bright
Like a rainbow - a child of rain -
And let it be like a lark in the sky
A carefree soul sings.


Smile, beloved sun,
And luck will smile on you!
Only optimistic thoughts
May everything work out perfectly!

I wish you a colorful mood,
There is a lot of positivity and joy,
May love give you strength
May this day be successful!


I wish you well
I want the mood
May it give a new day
Happy moments.

Sunshine to you, beloved ones,
Let the sky smile
Every day one step
Let the dream come closer.

With nice mood
I wish not to part
And dreams towards
Walk the path of happiness.

Have a nice day. Good mood poems for the whole day


Charge of good mood
A new day will bring you.
Give me your confident look
Cast your shadow to the world.

Decorate it with a burst of emotions,
Add some color to it now.
You'll see, everyone will definitely have to
Go through this day having fun.


I will gather the rays of dawn into a bouquet,
I will breathe into him great love for you,
I will hold the light of the sun in my palms
And I’ll draw your image dear to them,

I will give you joy, lovingly,
Having driven away your worries and doubts!
May you have a great day
I wish you a good mood!


May it be a beautiful day
And an evening with romance,
Let there be only happiness
In beautiful bright candy wrappers.

Let there be a mood
Beautiful, like a holiday.
Love you! I want to say -
Smile more often.


Let the mood be colorful
Walks around all day long
And let luck accompany you,
Even the shadow of sadness will go away!

I wish that your plans
It came true so simply, without difficulty!
Let my love be a talisman
Will always be yours!


Let the mood be bright
On such a bright, joyful day!
I only wish you luck,
Colorful emotions flow!

Today in the world all the peaks
They will be conquered by you!
There are definitely reasons for happiness,
After all, all “taboos” are allowed!


To have a great mood,
Smile, I beg you, quickly!
Throw away all your fears, all your doubts,
And your soul will instantly become more cheerful!

Let everything go according to plan today,
Let every moment make you happy!
And there will be pockets full of money,
It is even necessary to catch a cold from sadness!

Words of wishes for a good mood


My beloved, may on this bright day
Everything around will be beautiful and beautiful,
Let all the problems go into the shadows,
And the whole world will become joyful and clear.

Let the mood, dear, be yours
Sparkles with happiness and fun.
Let endless warmth surround you
And insanely immense luck.


Laugh, sing and smile,
Rejoice, my love!
Charge yourself with positivity
And share it again and again.


I wish you well
Now the mood
So as not to be tormented by sorrows,
Fears and doubts.

Let the smile decorate
Favorite face,
And the heart will be passion,
Tormented by tenderness.


Let life give you a smile
A random passerby
I wish it to my loved ones
Good mood.

So that in every moment of life
Happiness smiled at you
And a small miracle
It happened every day.

For positivity and joy
Were fellow travelers
And so that each other more often
We gave love.

I wish you good mood
Good, beautiful,
So that every new day
Could be a holiday for you.

The main theme of the meeting: Wishing you a good day and good mood in your own words, only cool parting words from a pure soul and heart!

May your heart be filled with the melody of a kind and loving universe this morning!

If you suddenly feel sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and will always come to the rescue. WITH Good morning!

Good morning everyone!!! May your day be filled with positivity!

Good mood and well-being, great ideas and plans!

May luck smile on you from the very morning, may your mood wake up and things improve!

May all your plans come true miraculously. You will receive a charge of amazing mood and will begin to love me even more! Good morning!

My most beloved and kind person, good morning to you!

Let your goals be worthy, your plans talented, the tasks you set be solvable, your dreams come true, and your desires come true.

I wish you the best morning and a joyful awakening. May the dawn bring many victories and optimism!

I wish you to become richer every day, and most importantly, to share with friends!

Good morning to you - may your day be successful and easy, may your mood be great and your well-being cheerful!

May luck follow you on this day with a long tail, and luck throw a red carpet at your feet!

Good morning! May your efforts and endeavors be accompanied by a significant amount of luck and luck.

Your love is my alarm clock, and mine is yours! Good morning! The kisses of my lips are already kissing you from head to toe!

I congratulate you on the beginning of a new cool day! Everything will be cool and everything will work out!

Get up, things can't wait, the time to relax is over along with sleep! Morning brings something new today!

Wake up quickly, my love! I agreed with the rain, today is his day off. I warmed up the sun, today it will shine with double strength

This morning will charge you for the whole day, because I want it that way. Show me yours strengths, everything will be just great!!!

Wish have a good day, and remember me! And miss me a little on this beautiful day.

A new day has arrived. And new is always unexpected, but let this unexpected be only positive.

I wish you morning vigor, a feeling of happiness and love, great plans for the day and their successful implementation.

The night is over and I wish you a good and delightful morning! Let my love warm your heart, your sweetest dreams will surely come true, and this morning will be followed by a wonderful day!

Wake up soon, I missed you madly during this long night!

I wish that the new morning brings many new ideas, achievements and victories.

Good afternoon my dear! I feel so good with you. Know that I adore you, I always miss you...

I wish that on this day you have only advantages, and all the disadvantages pass by!

Good morning! Let the dawn take away the dull shadow, greet the new day with a happy smile.

Open your eyes quickly! Good morning - I whisper, I want to kiss you!

Enjoy the luxurious aroma of your morning coffee and let your day start magically!

With the first rays of the sun, my love and tenderness woke up, thinking about you!

The sun has already risen. It knocks on your window with its warm rays. Wake up!

Clear skies, a cheerful smile and a pleasant awakening to you! Let this morning be one of thousands of the kindest and most joyful!

Beloved, have a nice day, you are in my heart and thoughts forever! I love and miss you now!

It’s so good to just open your eyes and know that you exist! Good morning!

I wish you a good and gentle morning, I wish you bright rays of sun and sincere smiles for the whole day!

May the day fulfill everything you have planned, may your heart love, may your soul believe, and may your beautiful smile glow with happiness.

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Good morning! May luck smile on you and a good mood accompany you.

I wish you success today and always! Have a great day and new achievements!

I wish you to be in a good mood all day today! React to everything with a smile, look at all problems through rose-colored glasses. Love you! May your day be bright and amazing!

I hope you got enough sleep today and feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic! Well, if not, then I still wish you to be in an excellent mood today and successfully solve all your problems.

May prosperity, harmony and love flourish in your home.

Good morning and have a nice day, everything will be fine for you, because you have me!

Good morning! I wish you a wonderful mood, a delicious breakfast and incredible inspiration for the whole day!

Good morning! Let the day be clear, and the mood be only wonderful!

I wish that the morning becomes a happy pass to all your upcoming affairs: may everything end successfully and bring tremendous success!

Dear, I’m sending you a ton of good mood and the same amount of luck for the whole day via SMS!

May you always have someone to wake up for, may only attractive and joyful emotions constantly await you around the corner.

Be surprised at the new day, my treasure, the bright sun has been knocking on your windows for a long time. Good morning, may everything be wonderful for you today.

May this day give you a lot of strength and energy! Kiss you! Waiting for our meeting!

Congratulations on good morning! Let this morning begin with positive thoughts and gratitude for everything that you and I are together!

Today the sun shone in the sky especially for you and to save electricity! Wake up quickly and get up before this “light bulb” burns out!

I wish you new successes and solutions to old problems on the new day. Good luck!

Let the gentle singing of birds fill your soul with inspiration and joy and help you achieve and create!

May the day start well and everything turn out well. Move forward joyfully. A successful day awaits you!

May this coming day bring you something new and fill you with positivity and discoveries!

Let only selected positive things fill your day and certainly make you happy, giving you an excellent mood!

Good morning! I wish you a cheerful sunbeam to jump through the expanses of happiness, love and success from morning to evening.

Beloved, I wish you a good day, so that no one upsets you today, so that there is success in business, and you are head and shoulders above everyone else!

Every day when you get out of bed, don’t forget to awaken your good mood.

I wish you that your affairs will be in order all day long, and that nothing will upset your plans!

Wake up, get dressed, get ready! The sun is already knocking on your window! A new day is in a hurry to begin, and it beckons you to new achievements.

To avoid worrying about which foot to get up in the morning, just fall out of bed...

Good morning, be positive. Today is your day!

I wish you to start your morning with a smile and a great mood, high goals and incredible inspiration!

The singing of birds outside the window is a wonderful accompaniment to the beginning of this wonderful day. Good morning!

Have a great day, have a wonderful week! Don't get tired of working days! May life invigorate you and give you wonderful moments!

Good morning, and may the coming day be unforgettable!

I wish you a good morning, say goodbye to the blanket, leave your sweet dreams!

The new day will be bright, like the shine of diamonds, it will bring as many pleasant things as the leaves on a lush tree, it will make our love stronger than a hurricane wind! This is what I wish for you this morning, my loved one!

Good morning! May luck give you confidence in your actions, in your decisions - wisdom, joy in life, may your luck and happiness be constant!

The morning has come, go ahead and do noble deeds and good deeds!

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity. In general, you understand me - have a wonderful day!

Good morning! I wish that luck smiles tenderly at you, that fate presents as many chances as you ask of it.

Good morning, my cat! How do you sleep without me? I have nightmares and dream of meeting the next dawn in the protective cocoon of your arms!

Good morning! Let your joyful laughter be a magic iron, smoothing out not only all the wrinkles on your face, but also any conflicts.

Wishing you a good day and good mood in your own words - Good morning, look - life is striped, but we choose the colors ourselves.

Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today! 17

Today I wish you a smile and beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans! 25

May the day be great, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today! 22

May this day be good! Let it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance! 23

Smile! Happiness is near! It's just a stone's throw away! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself! 33

Let there be only wonderful moments today, let compliments ring out non-stop, and let every new turn in life lead you to success! 14

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me! 17

May today bring good luck and fill your life with happiness! 9

Dear, let today be joyful and cool, wonderful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable! 20

Let the sun smile on you! I wish that everything you want and can do today! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away! 9

May your work be a joy, may your day be a sweet one. Let them go home early, because this is how your hero is waiting for you! 14

Have a nice day, may everything go well! Let the impossible become possible! I’m putting a talisman in these lines for your luck! 14

Hello! Have a good day! I wish you a mood with honey, or maybe jam, in a word, I wish you this day with a wonderful mood! 16

May you be lucky in everything! You will meet good luck today, I say, without a doubt!) 9

I wish you the most wonderful and have a nice day, and of course, hello from me! 13

Have a good day! Have a good time! Great achievements, and my compliments! 13

May the day undoubtedly bring you good luck, and let everyone around you bring a smile and happiness to boot! 15

Let the weather be clear, the mood be wonderful, the sun share its warmth, the world responds with kindness, all problems disappear,
pleasure increases, and slowly, without worries, a new day leads to happiness! 9

So that you don’t get bored all day without me, let me at least kiss you in a letter! 17

Let it be a fantastic day! And simple, and harmonious, laconic and uncomplicated! 10

Smile at the sun, my love, and let this be a good day! Let it please you with its unique warmth and give you many bright, bright feelings! 12

May this day be the kindest, most cheerful and successful in the series of your happy days! 10

May this day be wonderful and all your dreams come true. May the sun shine everywhere and flowers smile on you! 12

Very important. Fortunately, this tradition is becoming more and more popular in our society every year. In the West, this is generally considered a rule of good manners, and there everyone - colleagues and family members - wishes each other a successful day before starting work or study. Let's figure out why we need to do this and what impact these simple words have on our lives.

Wishes who says, when and to whom

You can wish a good day to your parents, children, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, sisters and brothers. It doesn’t matter to whom the wish is addressed - the main thing is how it is pronounced. Sincerity plays a big role here. It’s no secret that very often we throw out phrases automatically, without even thinking about their meaning. Therefore, wishes for a good day should sound sincere, and then they will bring real benefits to people.

Wishes are usually made in the morning. Moreover, you can talk in person or over the phone. By the way, many people do this when it was not possible to do this in the morning. It is enough to dial the number of a loved one and voice your wishes for a good day.

How to wish a good working day

You can wish a good day in the broad sense of this concept, but you can also wish it in the narrow sense. For example, when they wish you a good school or work day. Wishes for a good working day can be heard more often. Colleagues, spouses, friends say this to each other. Also, very often we are encouraged by the hosts of various morning shows, whose words we hear from TV screens or from radios.

Experts in the field of psychology have proven that positive and good words, said to a person in the morning, can “program” him (in the good sense of the word) for a truly successful and easy day. How does this work? Having heard good words, a person is charged with optimism and carries out all his affairs in this state. And when a person is in such a mood, he does not think about bad things, he is confident in his abilities, and he will definitely succeed. That is why it is so important to say parting words to your loved ones before a difficult day at work. After all, these phrases are an expression of care and love.

How to wish a man a good day

A man can be wished a good day by his lover, wife, colleague, or friends and like-minded people. It doesn’t matter who, the main thing is how it should be done. In principle, there should be no differences between the wishes of a man and a woman, because they are addressed primarily to a person, and not to a representative of one gender or another. Besides, everyone wants to have a good day - both men and girls.

However, if the wish comes from the woman you love, then it should contain more emotions, feelings and sincerity. For example, before work you can say to a man: “Have a good day, my love! May all your affairs today end in success! May you be lucky everywhere and in everything today! I love you.” These simple sentences can significantly lift even the worst mood of a man in the morning.

Wishing a good day to a girl

Her lover can wish a girl a good day. Perhaps she is studying or already working, then she needs the support of a loved one. After all, it is much easier to plunge into the ocean of everyday worries and worries if you have been encouraged before and given a feeling of care and love.

What words can you convey to a girl to wish her a good day? If a lover says this, then it may sound like this: “Beloved, have a nice day! May it pass easily, and may all your planned affairs end successfully and successfully! My love will help you with this! I look forward to seeing you again...” This is how you can express your love, care, and desire to protect and protect your loved one from all the hardships of the world around you.

How to wish a good day to colleagues

To wish your colleagues a good day is to show your level of culture and civilization. It always captivates and leaves no one indifferent. The tradition of saying such words has already developed in many teams, where before the start of the working day they can be said by a director or boss to his subordinates and colleagues.

Employees can say the same thing to each other, thereby raising the level of ability to work, which will definitely affect labor productivity. In addition, if a new employee wishes everyone else a great day at work, then he will definitely endear himself to the team.

This is what seemingly such simple and insignificant words mean. They can inspire a person, set him up for success and optimism, so let's wish all our significant people a good day before work or study.