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Program 1s 8 zoom version 2.5. Publications. Initial program setup

To replace "1C: Salaries and HR Management 8", ed. 2.5, “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” came, ed. 3, and someone has already managed to switch to the new edition without avoiding difficulties. If you are also planning a transition, then this article is for you: we will tell you about other people’s mistakes so that you can use the new edition as comfortably as possible.

What you will learn about in the article:

Stages of transition to a new edition

The most common and most main mistake, which users of “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” 2.5 who decide to switch to edition 3.1 admit, is a frivolous attitude towards the transition procedure itself.

Important! The transition to “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”, third edition, is made not by updating “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” 2.5, but by transferring data from it to a completely new program. Essentially, this is the introduction of a new program. And you need to take it seriously.

Like any implementation, the transition to “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8” 3.1 consists of several stages:

  1. preparation for transition;
  2. transferring data and setting up a new program;
  3. checking the transferred data.

Let's take a closer look at these stages.

What data will be transferred

Let's consider options for transferring data from "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8", ed. 2.5.

On the 1C:ITS website, in the “Technological support for application solutions” section, on February 16, 2016, an article was published entitled “Transfer of data from “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” edition 2.5 to edition 3.0.” It contains information about what and how is transferred from the old program to the new one:

“By default, the minimum amount of information sufficient to begin accounting in the new edition is transferred. In this case, information that obviously cannot be transferred qualitatively due to differences in accounting methods or in the structure of programs is not transferred.

After the transfer, you need to perform the initial setup of the program, taking into account its new capabilities compared to the previous edition.

Currently, the default transfer of the following data is provided:

  1. directories: organizations, divisions, positions, employees and the main ones related to them reference Information;
  2. accruals and deductions with a regulated method of calculation (salary, bonus, writs of execution, etc.);
  3. the list of staffing positions is not transferred, but, if necessary, can be formed according to the staffing arrangement;
  4. staffing for the month of commencement of operation;
  5. personnel history of employees to fill out their personal cards (T-2);
  6. data for calculating average earnings: for Social Insurance Fund benefits - for the previous three years, for vacations and other cases - for the previous 15 months;
  7. accounting data for personal income tax and insurance premiums in the year of transfer (if operation does not begin from the beginning of the year);
  8. balances of mutual settlements for the month of start of operation.

Data such as:

  1. information about current employees-contractors of the GPC;
  2. accruals and deductions with arbitrary formulas;
  3. personnel history of employees for the generation of analytical reporting;
  4. actual accruals and payments for the generation of analytical reporting;
  5. information about employee loans;
  6. valid at the time of transfer of leave, including for child care.

The program also provides the possibility of a “full” transfer. It attempts to migrate data that is not migrated by default. The disadvantages of this transfer option should be taken into account:

  • the methodology for calculating wages and personnel records is inherited from the previous program, despite the improvements of the new one;
  • Unused or rarely used information is transferred, which unnecessarily increases both the transfer time and the likelihood of transfer with errors.

Therefore, this opportunity may be in demand, for example, for organizations with a simple remuneration system, a small number of employees and a small amount of accumulated data.”

As practice has shown, enterprises that wished to transfer “everything acquired through back-breaking labor” to the new program, in addition to the huge volume of transferred information (and the heavier database), received ongoing headache due to the fact that data is often transferred incorrectly, and this manifests itself at the most inopportune moment in an unpredictable way.

This leads to the first important conclusion: If you are not an organization “with a simple wage system, with a small number of employees and a volume of accumulated data”, do not select the “per period” transfer option, select the “per date” option.

You will not have hiring documents or personnel transfers in your database for employees working on the transfer date. This is not scary: the personnel history of such employees is recorded in a special information register, from where it safely ends up in the employee’s personal card (T-2). But you won’t have to waste time searching for the document responsible for the incorrect accrual or the recalculation that has arisen out of nowhere.

When is the best time to move

Unfortunately, the big plus of the “to date” transfer option (lack of history) turns into a minus if the transfer is not made from the beginning of the calendar year. The fact is that due to the lack of transferred accrual/payment documents, you will not be able to create reports for the months from the beginning of the year to the transition date.

There is one more unpleasant moment that you need to be prepared for: the preferred transfer of data “to date”, performed in the middle of the year, will not protect you from incorrect-+ (sometimes) program behavior and recalculations of an unclear nature.

You can protect yourself from such troubles if you transfer data in January-February as of January 1. Yes, January-February is a busy time for the entire accounting department. But you will get the opportunity to see the full picture for the whole year. All movements will be formed by newly created documents, and you will be able not only to receive reports, but also to control (and, if necessary, change) your data from the beginning of the year.

Hence the second important conclusion: If nothing and no one is rushing you, don’t rush. Plan the transition to a new program for the beginning of next year and calmly prepare for it.

Preparing for the transition

Preparing for the transition includes two points, one of which is desirable (especially if you will be transitioning on January 1), and the other is mandatory.

It is advisable, if possible, to pay off all arrears of wages, personal income tax and contributions at the time of transition. This is important because in this way we minimize subsequent errors when preparing regulated reporting. This year the whole country is participating in the game “pass 6-NDFL and not die,” and next year we can expect a new form of 6-NDFL. It's better to prepare in advance.

What you need to do is: find time and undergo training on the new edition of the program. Don't be overconfident!

When you first change from a bicycle to driving a car, without training and practice you will not be able to drive a car, even if you know the rules of the road by heart. So it is here: even if you are the god of personnel accounting and a guru in calculating salaries, you will not be able to work efficiently in the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.1 and use all its rich functionality unless you prepare accordingly.

In my practice, I had the experience of an unsuccessful transition to “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.0, when everything was done on time (in January) and correctly (as of the date), but nevertheless neither personnel officers nor accountants began working in the program - users, having refused preliminary training, simply did not know how to reflect in program for one operation or another, and the volume of current affairs was such that they simply did not have time to learn on the fly.

We will help you learn how to work in the new edition of the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program.

So perfect order The transition from “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8” 2.5 to “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8” 3.1 looks like this:

  • we undergo training;
  • in December we pay off all debts - we pay salaries, vacation pay, sick leave in such a way that the deadline for transferring personal income tax does not go into the next tax period, i.e. for another year;
  • we move into January, maximum in February;
  • we select the option of transferring data “as of” - we get the initial staffing arrangement at the beginning of the year. There are no personnel and payroll documents for previous years, i.e. We start the calculations from scratch.

This option for switching to a new edition will make life much easier for all organizations that decide to make the transition. But it is especially relevant for large organizations with a large number of employees, complex system wages, the ramified structure of the enterprise, active personnel movement.

Transferring data and program settings

Before the transition, you must close month 2.5 in “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” - reflect all accruals and all payments in the program, otherwise the balances on mutual settlements will be transferred incorrectly.

And you should definitely make a backup copy - just in case. It will help in the future if a question arises about the state of accounting at the time of transition.

The data transfer procedure itself takes very little time and does not cause any difficulties:

  1. updating “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8”, ed. 2.5 until the latest release;
  2. install “1C: Salary and HR Management 8”, ed. 3.1, the latest release and create an empty database;
  3. launching “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8”, ed. 3.1, indicate the database “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 2.5, from which we will transfer data, and connection parameters to it (user with password);
  4. select the data transfer option – “as of date” (default) or “per period”;
  5. We start the transfer and wait for it to finish.

After the data from “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 2.5, will be transferred to “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.1, the program will prompt you to perform further configuration. You can cancel the setting and perform it later (not the best option– then you’ll have to look for different settings in different places program), you can thoughtlessly agree with everything that the program suggests, and click all the checkboxes, as they say, for the future (also not optimal - there is a risk of cluttering up the accrual and deduction directories).

Both options are not critical, they will simply require more effort from the user in the future to restore order in the database. It’s better to immediately calmly and slowly go through all the settings pages and confirm only those features that are currently inherent in your organization, without any “in reserve” flags.

After setting up the program is completed, it is worth printing a report “ Setting up payroll and personnel records"("Settings" - " Settings report") and check yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you forgot something or didn’t take it into account - the settings of the program, organization, personnel records and payroll calculations are available for adjustment at any time.

Next, you need to make sure that there are no duplicate individuals in the new program - this is very important for further accounting for personal income tax and contributions. You can check for duplicates (and get rid of them) using special processingPersonnel» – « Service» – « Merging personal cards»).

Next, you need to check the directories of accruals and deductions - dependencies, composition of the database. Today, the transfer of accruals with an unregulated calculation method has already been implemented, but for them it is mandatory to check the calculation formulas.

Most information transferred from “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 2.5, documents, can be found in two places:

  1. « Administration» – « see also» – « Data transfers»;
  2. « Main» – « see also» – « ».

Documents " Data transfers» the following information is transferred (for the “to date” transition option):

  1. « ZP_SZO», « ZP_SZFSS» – documents with such numbers contain the data necessary to calculate average earnings;
  2. « IL» – all deductions under existing writs of execution. The executive documents themselves, of course, are also transferred;
  3. « Personal income tax» – data on income, deductions provided, personal income tax calculations, if the transition was not made from the beginning of the year. Documents confirming the right to deduction are transferred to the journal " Applications for deductions»;
  4. « PSS» – social insurance benefits from the beginning of the year;
  5. « NE» – insurance premiums year to date;
  6. « RKD» – register of personnel orders for the formation of personal cards of employees;
  7. « ROTP» – register of vacations for working employees;
  8. « TDK» – data of employment contracts.

To the magazine " Data at the beginning of operation» documents are recorded:

  • « Initial staffing“—as many departments, so many documents. Here are all employees working on the date of transfer, with their planned accruals, advance payments, work schedules, and vacation balances. Generate several personnel reports (“ Staffing arrangement», « Staff members") and check that all employees are in their places. Report " History of changes in wages» will help you check the assignment of planned accruals to employees;
  • « Periods paid before the start of operation» – here are recorded, for example, vacations that continue after the transfer date, but were paid before it;
  • « Initial salary arrears» – one document for the entire organization.

In “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 2.5, wage arrears are maintained by individuals, and in version 3.1 - by employees and departments.

In “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.1 balances for mutual settlements are formed not absolute, but relative. That is, if the salary for April is 100,000 rubles. paid in full next month, and we are moving to “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8”, ed. 3.1, from May 1, then in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 2.5, the balance as of 01.05 will be 100,000 rubles, and in the new program - 0 rubles. Thus, there is no need to reflect in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” 3.1 the payment of salaries in May for April.

To check the initial salary balance, generate, for example, the report “ A complete set of charges, deductions and payments» with grouping by department and make sure that you have correctly transferred not only the total debt, but also the debt by department.

It should be noted that as of today, the transfer of information on contractual employees of civil servants and parental leave has already been implemented, but this data should also be clarified.

It's also worth checking employee work schedules.

Note: in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” 2.5, night hours were included in the duration of the work shift. In “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, third edition, night hours are planned separately from daytime hours. For example, “Y6 N2” means 8 working hours, of which 6 are daytime and 2 are night.

After performing the main checks (the main ones, because it is unlikely that you will be able to check everything at once, especially if you have a large organization), make a backup copy of the new program. If you are just mastering “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.1, then in the future you will need a backup copy of the data when you experiment with the accrual settings.

This is an article from the Progressive Accountant newspaper for commercial organizations, No. 5, 2017. Subscribe to the free newspaper to receive useful articles and learn about changes in legislation on time!

12.04.2018 17:46:01 1C:Servistrend ru

Termination of support for 1C ZUP 2.5

Since April 2018, 1C has stopped releasing updates for the following programs:

  • 1C Salary and Personnel budgetary institution 1.0
  • 1C Medicine. Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions 1.0

Official information from the 1C website:

Users of 1C Salary and Personnel Management 2.5 (1C ZUP 2.5) to continue maintaining accounting and tax accounting, consistent with current legislation, it is recommended to switch to (3.1) as soon as possible. Now version 3 of 1C ZUP will be the main one, and regular updates will be released for it. 1C ZUP 2.5 will no longer be updated, which makes it pointless to use the program to calculate and pay salaries, deductions and contributions, since it will generate reports using outdated forms. The latest releases of 1C ZUP 2.5 will contain current versions of report forms for submission for 2017. Reporting for the first quarter of 2018 will need to be generated in version 3.1.

Switch from ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1 in 2018– is to receive many benefits affecting all aspects of the accountant’s work and personnel service. Technical innovations, a convenient and intuitive interface, an improved system of personnel cards, accrual and settlement documents, and the very capabilities of the 1C 8.3 platform will pleasantly surprise users of 1C ZUP 2.5.

Commit transfer of ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1 You can in our company, for which we have developed a special regulatory procedure for the transition from 1C ZUP 2.5 to 1C ZUP 3.1, thanks to which this process occurs quickly and efficiently. All information accumulated in the old database will be transferred to the new database, version 3.1, without any problems.

Cost of transition from ZUP 2.5 to 3.1 consists only of the volume of transition services provided. You don’t need to buy any additional licenses to switch to 3.1 - only the 1C programmer’s working hours are paid for.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can transfer to ZUP 3.1 today! With the end of support for ZUP 2.5, there will be quite a lot of people interested in the transition, and therefore the transition date will need to be agreed upon in advance so that the relevant specialists are free. Switch to ZUP 3.1 now to avoid problems and unpleasant delays in the future.

For detailed information about the advantages and reasons for switching from 1C ZUP 2.5 to 1C ZUP 3.1, you can read ours dedicated to this procedure. You can also leave a request to receive free instructions for self-transfer from ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1.

Advantages of edition 3 of the “Salaries and HR Management” configuration compared to edition 2.5

Edition 3 of the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration is a development of edition 2.5. It is developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new features, such as:

    support for the new "Taxi" interface, distinctive features which is modern design interface, maximizing workspace on monitors with different resolutions, large font, ease of navigation, the ability to independently design your own workspace

    support for thin and web clients, development of cloud technologies

    support for remote online work in thin client and web client modes

    transfer of the main "computing" load to the server and economical use of client resources

    work via the Internet in a service model

Innovations such as "Favorites", a history of recently edited documents, short description of all reports, as well as detailed program prompts in case of incorrect actions will make the work easy and interesting.

Control over the correctness of data at the stage of data entry (into an employee’s card, organization, etc.) has been improved, which simplifies the generation and submission of various reports in the future.

The table provides a brief description of the main differences between the new edition and edition 2.5.

"Salaries and personnel management"
edition 3

"Salaries and personnel management", edition 2.5

Initial program setup

Full customization of the program to the specifics of the enterprise, right down to adding the accruals used

Ability to specify a minimum set of information

Ability to download basic employee data from reporting files previously submitted to regulatory authorities (PFR, Federal Tax Service)

Not provided

Specialized documents for the initial entry of staffing arrangements, initial salary arrears, etc.

Not provided

Automated transition from the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration

Not provided

You can add several positions to the department’s staffing table with the same positions, differing in working conditions (for example, work schedule)

Not provided

Approval, change and indexing of the staffing table with special documents make it possible to save history and return to the previous version of the staffing table

Documents for changes are not provided; all changes are made directly to the staffing table

Outdated departments and positions are not displayed in the lists

Not provided

Planned payroll (payroll fund) according to the staffing table, analysis of the compliance of the planned and actual payroll

Not provided

Possibility of “reserving” staffing positions before applying for a job or personnel transfer

Not provided

Changing the type of employment (main position, part-time job) is possible during personnel transfer

A change in type of employment is reflected only by the dismissal of an employee and the hiring of a new one

It is possible to register two personnel events on one day (for example, hiring and parental leave, or personnel transfer of an employee with a simultaneous change in accruals for the entire department)

Not provided

The ability to issue an order to combine (fulfill the duties of an employee) and assign the appropriate additional payment using a special document. It allows you to select the employee whose duties are performed and the method of additional payment: the difference or a percentage of the payroll of the replaced employee

Not provided

Registration of additional leave for citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Not provided

Time tracking

It is possible to create several production calendars if necessary

Not provided

For time and attendance documents, you can enter a correction document

Changes are made to an existing document, history is not saved

The ability to simultaneously assign several charges calculated according to the tariff rate and enter several corresponding types of time into a schedule or time sheet. For example, work “on the line” and “repair” (for drivers)

Not provided

Duplication of “personnel” and “settlement” documents has been eliminated. For example, one document was implemented Vacation, with whom an employee of both the personnel and settlement services is expected to work

Various documents for registering personnel changes and calculating accruals

Calculation of insurance premiums in the document Payroll

Insurance premiums are calculated only in a separate document Calculation of insurance premiums

The concept of a paying agent has been introduced for writs of execution

Payment of alimony is possible only through the mail or bank

Possibility of registering payments former employees and third parties

Not provided

Confirmation of work performed under the GPC agreement can be done by entering Certificate of completed work

The need for accrual under the GPC agreement is registered only by document GPC agreement

Additional payment up to average earnings when transferring to a low-paid job

Not provided

When booking a vacation, the following options are available:

  • calculation of several types of additional vacations along with the main one;
  • calculation of compensation for both main and additional vacations;
  • salary calculation for the period preceding the vacation;
  • accrual of financial assistance for vacation

Monetary compensation for additional leave, salary calculation and financial assistance when applying for leave are not provided. Payroll for the period preceding the vacation must be carried out in a separate document

Full execution of the final payment is possible in one document Dismissal

The final calculation is carried out by entering several documents: dismissal, calculation upon dismissal, payroll

The ability to reflect the issuance of a loan in tranches, and its repayment in differentiated or annuity payments. Ability to enter data on previously issued loans when starting to use the program

Not provided

When recalculating the tariff rate (for calculating night, overtime, etc.), it is possible to take into account not only the main accrual (salary, etc.), but also any others (allowances, additional payments, etc.)

The rate was recalculated only based on the employee’s salary

You can keep records by financing items

Not provided

Possibility of paying several interpayment accruals (vacations, sick leave, etc.) in one statement

Not provided

You can specify the place of payment of wages, both for the organization or division as a whole, and for a specific employee

Not provided

The advance may be paid as a percentage of the tariff

Not provided

The rights to a tax deduction and its termination are registered with special documents

No special documents are provided

Storing information about changes in registration with the tax authority (for example, during reorganization). Simplified generation of personal income tax reporting when late entry of registration data into the Federal Tax Service

Not provided

Development of personnel records and payroll

Staffing table

The staffing table has become a full-fledged tool for planning and (or) personnel departments.

A significant advantage is the ability to describe positions with the same positions and departments, but with different conditions labor (payment, work schedules, etc.).

The ability to approve new versions of the staffing table with a special document and store the history of approvals of the staffing table has been implemented.

According to the staffing table, the planned wage fund (payroll) is calculated for reflection in the reports. If necessary, the payroll can be edited manually.

For departments, you can indicate the dates of formation and disbandment, for positions - the dates of inclusion in the staffing table and exclusion from it, which simplifies the work with the corresponding lists.

Payroll fund

To analyze the planned payroll fund for the entire organization, the program now includes tools for determining an employee’s payroll based on his planned accruals. The contribution to the payroll of time-based, piece-rate, percentage accruals, accruals depending on the employee’s length of service, etc. is taken into account. The payroll size is calculated and available for editing in all documents assigning and changing planned employee accruals.

The planned payroll allows you to use the following program features:

  • carry out various types of analyzes using specialized analytical reports: for example, build a report comparing the planned and actual payroll of employees

    pay employees an advance with a percentage of the tariff

    used to determine the amount of additional payment assigned to an employee for combining positions, performing duties

Personnel accounting

The convenience of working with an employee card has been increased - it allows you to quickly receive all information related to an employee and reflect its changes.

To change the type of employment of an employee, just enter the Personnel Transfer document: there is no need to fire and rehire.

Two personnel events can now be registered on the same day: for example, a personnel transfer and a change in accruals for the entire department.

Combination of positions

The document is provided specifically for issuing an order to combine (performing the duties of an employee, expanding service areas) and assigning the appropriate additional payment.

Performing employee duties allows you to select an employee whose duties will be performed and assign the amount of additional payment: a percentage of the employee’s payroll or the difference in payroll.

Combination of positions (professions) allows you to select a combined position, as well as assign an additional payment as a percentage of the payroll for this position according to the staffing table or the difference in payroll.

Expansion of service areas allows you to set a surcharge amount for expanding the service area.

Military registration

Additional reports and printed forms necessary for maintaining military records, including employee reservations, have been implemented.

Payroll preparation

Here are the main changes related to payroll calculation.

First of all, we note that now there is no need to duplicate personnel documents with settlement ones: the corresponding accruals (for example, for vacation) are made along with the registration of the personnel fact. The accountant can only check and approve the document entered by the personnel officer.

And the document Dismissal will allow you to perform the final calculation.

Insurance premiums are calculated immediately in the document Payroll, and any changes lead to automatic recalculation.

The average earnings are adjusted automatically by the program depending on the purpose of the accrual. If the user needs to enter amounts to calculate the average manually, the program will save this data for later use.

The problem with taking into account payments to employees who are not employees under an employment contract (former employees, shareholders) has been resolved - the program will allow them to be accrued and taken into account in reporting.

Documents have been developed for assigning common types of deductions (trade union dues, voluntary insurance contributions, etc.). The work with deductions based on writs of execution has been improved - the amount of deduction can be assigned as a share (for example, 1/3) of earnings. The concept of a payment agent has been introduced - it is possible to reflect the transfer of funds not only through mail or bank.

It has become more convenient to work with GPC - it is possible to confirm the completion of work under civil contracts with acts of completed work, printed forms of contracts and acts have been implemented.

Accounting can be carried out in the context of financing items, which can be useful for unitary enterprises and non-profit organizations.

The possibilities for setting up arbitrary accruals and deductions and the order of their application have been expanded, and new categories of calculation indicators have been implemented. For example, to automatically fill out and calculate an accrual, it is no longer necessary to designate it as planned; it is enough to enter the values ​​of the calculation indicators used in it. Or the accrual can be scheduled only for certain months.

Payment of wages

If it is necessary to make several payments for sick leave or vacations during interpayment, then this can be done in one statement. You just need to select the necessary documents into it.

The list of supported places for salary payment has been expanded: in addition to payment through the cash register, payment through a distributor has been implemented, and payment through a bank can be made both to a personal account within the framework of a salary project, and to an arbitrary bank account specified by the employee. For each payment method (cashier, distributor, salary project, an account in another bank) there is a separate statement.

The payment location can be configured for the organization as a whole, for a division, and also for an individual employee.


All reports in ZUP 3 are provided with a brief description, which allows the user to quickly navigate their purpose.

Improved workplace on the preparation of personalized accounting data in the Pension Fund. Automated filling out correction forms in some common situations.

Statistical reporting forms have been implemented: P-4 (with the possibility of automatic completion), P-4 (NZ), 3-F, MP (micro), PM.

Due to the fact that in 2018 the 1C company will stop supporting the “1C: Salary and HR Management” configuration version 2.5, it is highly desirable, without delay, to plan and organize the transition to ZUP 3.0 (3.1).

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management” 3.1 is a completely new program, with a new architecture for storing and processing data*, which does not allow you to switch to a new configuration release in the usual way - by installing an update. It will be necessary to transfer data from 1C ZUP 2.5 to new system, that is, download and unload data.

*In addition to differences in the architecture, ZUP 3.0 is distinguished by a new design, support for a Web client, and improved usability, in particular due to the ability to use the modern Taxi interface, so updating ZUP 2.5 is quite justified.

You can switch to version 1C ZUP 3.1 from the new month, without waiting for the beginning of the year. We closed the month and switched to a new edition.

It is optimal to make the transition to 3.0 using a simplified transfer option, since all accruals and deductions are transferred not by documents, but by register entries.

Recommended optimal and safe way transition: parallel payroll calculation simultaneously in 2 versions (old and new) of the 1C ZUP program during one (or several) reporting periods. Parallel payroll calculation in both databases will allow users to learn and get used to the new program, comparing it with the previous version, and will eliminate work stoppages if something goes wrong in the new program.

Instructions for migrating from ZUP 2.5 to 3.1

In order to correctly transfer credentials from one program to another, you will need preliminary preparation ZUP base 2.5. It consists of closing the reporting period (month) in ZUP 2.5, making a copy of the working information security of this version, and using the configurator to test and correct (if necessary, which is most likely) the database.

  • Create a clean information base with the latest release of 1C:ZUP 3.1;
  • Launch it in an empty database, indicating in the first step of the starting step-by-step assistant that you want to transfer data from edition 2.5; Load data;
  • Perform a complete data check after the transfer.

In detail: the procedure for switching from ZUP 2.5 to 3.0 / ZUP 3.1

  • Preparing for the transition to a new program

In the old information database version 2.5, complete all documents on calculating salaries, sick leave, vacations, salary payments, calculation and transfer of taxes and contributions, etc. Make a copy of the working ZUP 2.5 database and deploy it in a separate directory. Enter the program in the “Configurator” operating mode, select the “Testing and Correction” command in the “Administration” menu. If the ZUP has not been updated for a long time, update to the latest release.

  • Creation of a new information base ZUP 3.1

The latest latest release of 1C ZUP 3.1 can be downloaded from the 1C update site. In addition, you may need to install a newer version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, updates of which can also be downloaded from the website.

To create a clean information base, you need to launch the 1C shortcut and click “Add”, indicating the creation of a new database. Next, select the latest release “1C: Salary and Human Resources Management” 3.1 from the template.

Figure 1. Creation of a clean database 1C ZUP 3

  • Setting up the start assistant and choosing a data transfer option

When you initially launch ZUP 3.1, you must select the item about transferring data from “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8,” edition 2.5, and then select one of two options for transferring data:

Figure 2. Transferring data to ZUP

From the list of databases, you must select the appropriate database version 2.5 from which you want to transfer data:

Figure 3. Transferring data to ZUP

Figure 4. Selecting an option for transferring data to ZUP

Transferring data from 1C ZUP 2.5 to 3.1

  • When choosing this option It is not the documents of previous years themselves that are transferred, but register data and directories.
  • This option will allow you to use new opportunities in personnel records and payroll calculations.
  • Only balances will be transferred for mutual settlements.
  • Transfer of personnel history (T-2), data for calculating average earnings.*
  • The fastest transfer option.

*However, data on employees under GPC agreements, as well as data on loans, will not be transferred.

  • When you select this option, documents are transferred.
  • New features of the program will not be used; documents from the previous edition will be used.
  • In terms of personnel data, all documents will be moved: dismissal, relocation, etc.
  • Planned accruals will be transferred in the form of register entries, whereas with the simplified method, only the slice was transferred.
  • According to mutual settlements, all documents are transferred.
  • With a complete transfer, it is necessary to correct all accounting errors that most likely occurred in previous periods, otherwise it will have to be corrected in the new database. After this, all documents and data must be verified in both databases.
  • Because the amount of data being transferred is large, the process will be slow.*

*All data will be saved in the old database, which you can access at any time and find the necessary data.

Figure 5. Load data

    Checking data after transfer

Before starting work with new program 1C ZUP 3.1, as already mentioned, you should check the completeness and correctness of the transferred data from old version– 2.5. To do this, feel free to use reports to reconcile data.

Need to check:

  • Organizational structure of the enterprise, directories “Organizations”, “Divisions”, “Territories”;
  • Personal data of employees;
  • Initial staffing;
  • Accruals and deductions, correctness of formulas;
  • Balances on mutual settlements.

As a result of the transition to the new version of 1C:ZUP and the preliminary steps taken, after transferring the data, we will receive two separate databases: the old information base of the ZUP 2.5 program with documents and the new one - version 3.1 of the program with initial balances. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out payroll calculations in parallel in both programs for some time, and after you are completely familiar with the new configuration, you can switch to accounting only in it. To use the widest possible functionality and tools, it is also recommended to switch to ZUP KORP.

Edition 3 of the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration is a development of edition 2.5. It is developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new features, such as:

  • support for the new “Taxi” interface, the distinctive features of which are modern interface design, maximizing workspace on monitors with different resolutions, large font, ease of navigation, the ability to independently design your own workspace;
  • support for thin and web clients, development of cloud technologies;
  • support for remote online work in thin client and web client modes;
  • transfer of the main “computing” load to the server and economical use of client resources;
  • work via the Internet in a service model (including https://1cfresh.com/solutions/hrm).

Innovations such as “Favorites”, a history of the last edited documents, a brief description of all reports, as well as detailed program prompts for incorrect actions will make the work easy and interesting.

Control over the correctness of data at the stage of data entry (into an employee’s card, organization, etc.) has been improved, which simplifies the generation and submission of various reports in the future.

Development of personnel records and payroll

Staffing table

The staffing table has become a full-fledged tool for planning and (or) personnel departments.

A significant advantage is the ability to describe positions with the same positions and departments, but with different working conditions (pay, work schedules, etc.).

The ability to approve new versions of the staffing table with a special document and store the history of approvals of the staffing table has been implemented.

According to the staffing table, the planned wage fund (payroll) is calculated for reflection in the reports. If necessary, the payroll can be edited manually.

For departments, you can indicate the dates of formation and disbandment, for positions - the dates of inclusion in the staffing table and exclusion from it, which simplifies the work with the corresponding lists.

Payroll fund

To analyze the planned payroll fund for the entire organization, the program now includes tools for determining an employee’s payroll based on his planned accruals. The contribution to the payroll of time-based, piece-rate, percentage accruals, accruals depending on the employee’s length of service, etc. is taken into account. The payroll size is calculated and available for editing in all documents assigning and changing planned employee accruals.

The planned payroll allows you to use the following program features:

Personnel accounting

The convenience of working with an employee card has been increased - it allows you to quickly receive all information related to an employee and reflect its changes.

To change the type of employment of an employee, simply enter a document Personnel transfer: no need to fire and rehire.

Two personnel events can now be registered on the same day: for example, a personnel transfer and a change in accruals for the entire department.

Combination of positions

The document is provided specifically for issuing an order to combine (performing the duties of an employee, expanding service areas) and assigning the appropriate additional payment.

Performing employee duties allows you to select an employee whose duties will be performed and assign the amount of additional payment: a percentage of the employee’s payroll or the difference in payroll.

Combination of positions (professions) allows you to select a combined position, as well as assign an additional payment as a percentage of the payroll for this position according to the staffing table or the difference in payroll.

Expansion of service areas allows you to set a surcharge amount for expanding the service area.

Military registration

Additional reports and printed forms necessary for maintaining military records, including employee reservations, have been implemented.

Payroll preparation

Here are the main changes related to payroll calculation.

First of all, we note that now there is no need to duplicate personnel documents with settlement ones: the corresponding accruals (for example, for vacation) are made along with the registration of the personnel fact. The accountant can only check and approve the document entered by the personnel officer.

And the document Dismissal will allow you to perform the final calculation.

Insurance premiums are calculated immediately in the document Payroll, and any changes lead to automatic recalculation.

The average earnings are adjusted automatically by the program depending on the purpose of the accrual. If the user needs to enter amounts to calculate the average manually, the program will save this data for later use.

The problem with taking into account payments to employees who are not employees under an employment contract (former employees, shareholders) has been resolved - the program will allow them to be accrued and taken into account in reporting.

Documents have been developed for assigning common types of deductions (trade union dues, voluntary insurance contributions, etc.). The work with deductions based on writs of execution has been improved - the amount of deduction can be assigned as a share (for example, 1/3) of earnings. The concept of a payment agent has been introduced - it is possible to reflect the transfer of funds not only through mail or bank.

It has become more convenient to work with GPC - it is possible to confirm the completion of work under civil contracts with acts of completed work, printed forms of contracts and acts have been implemented.

Accounting can be carried out in the context of financing items, which can be useful for unitary enterprises and non-profit organizations.

The possibilities for setting up arbitrary accruals and deductions and the order of their application have been expanded, and new categories of calculation indicators have been implemented. For example, to automatically fill out and calculate an accrual, it is no longer necessary to designate it as planned; it is enough to enter the values ​​of the calculation indicators used in it. Or the accrual can be scheduled only for certain months.

Payment of wages

If it is necessary to make several payments for sick leave or vacations during interpayment, then this can be done in one statement. You just need to select the necessary documents into it.

The list of supported places for salary payment has been expanded: in addition to payment through the cash register, payment through a distributor has been implemented, and payment through a bank can be made both to a personal account within the framework of a salary project, and to an arbitrary bank account specified by the employee. For each payment method (cash register, distributor, salary project, account in another bank) there is a separate statement.

The payment location can be configured for the organization as a whole, for a division, and also for an individual employee.


All reports in ZUP 3 are provided with a brief description, which allows the user to quickly navigate their purpose.

The workplace for preparing personalized accounting data in the Pension Fund has been improved. Automated filling out correction forms in some common situations.

Statistical reporting forms have been implemented: P-4 (with the possibility of automatic completion), P-4 (NZ), 3-F, MP (micro), PM.

The table provides a brief description of the main differences between the new edition and edition 2.5.

"Salaries and personnel management"
edition 3

"Salaries and personnel management", edition 2.5

Initial program setup

Full customization of the program to the specifics of the enterprise, right down to adding the accruals used

Ability to specify a minimum set of information

Ability to download basic employee data from reporting files previously submitted to regulatory authorities (PFR, Federal Tax Service)

Not provided

Specialized documents for the initial entry of staffing arrangements, initial salary arrears, etc.

Not provided

Automated transition from the Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration

Not provided

Staffing table

You can add several positions to the department’s staffing table with the same positions, differing in working conditions (for example, work schedule)

Not provided

Approval, change and indexing of the staffing table with special documents make it possible to save history and return to the previous version of the staffing table

Documents for changes are not provided; all changes are made directly to the staffing table

Outdated departments and positions are not displayed in the lists

Not provided

Planned payroll (payroll fund) according to the staffing table, analysis of the compliance of the planned and actual payroll

Not provided

Possibility of “reserving” staffing positions before applying for a job or personnel transfer

Not provided

Personnel accounting

Changing the type of employment (main position, part-time job) is possible during personnel transfer

A change in type of employment is reflected only by the dismissal of an employee and the hiring of a new one

It is possible to register two personnel events on one day (for example, hiring and parental leave, or personnel transfer of an employee with a simultaneous change in accruals for the entire department)

Not provided

The ability to issue an order to combine (fulfill the duties of an employee) and assign the appropriate additional payment using a special document. It allows you to select the employee whose duties are performed and the method of additional payment: the difference or a percentage of the payroll of the replaced employee

Not provided

Registration of additional leave for citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Not provided

Time tracking

It is possible to create several production calendars if necessary

Not provided

For time and attendance documents, you can enter a correction document

Changes are made to an existing document, history is not saved

The ability to simultaneously assign several charges calculated according to the tariff rate and enter several corresponding types of time into a schedule or time sheet. For example, work “on the line” and “repair” (for drivers)

Not provided

Payroll preparation

Duplication of “personnel” and “settlement” documents has been eliminated. For example, one document was implemented Vacation, with whom an employee of both the personnel and settlement services is expected to work

Various documents for registering personnel changes and calculating accruals

Calculation of insurance premiums in the document Payroll

Insurance premiums are calculated only in a separate document Calculation of insurance premiums

The concept of a paying agent has been introduced for writs of execution

Payment of alimony is possible only through the mail or bank

Possibility of registering payments to former employees and third parties

Not provided

Confirmation of work performed under the GPC agreement can be done by entering Certificate of completed work

The need for accrual under the GPC agreement is registered only by document GPC agreement

Additional payment up to average earnings when transferring to a low-paid job

Not provided

When booking a vacation, the following options are available:

  • calculation of several types of additional vacations along with the main one;
  • calculation of compensation for both main and additional vacations;
  • salary calculation for the period preceding the vacation;
  • accrual of financial assistance for vacation

Monetary compensation for additional leave, salary calculation and financial assistance when applying for leave are not provided. Payroll for the period preceding the vacation must be carried out in a separate document

Full execution of the final payment is possible in one document Dismissal

The final calculation is carried out by entering several documents: dismissal, calculation upon dismissal, payroll

The ability to reflect the issuance of a loan in tranches, and its repayment in differentiated or annuity payments. Ability to enter data on previously issued loans when starting to use the program

Not provided

When recalculating the tariff rate (for calculating night, overtime, etc.), it is possible to take into account not only the main accrual (salary, etc.), but also any others (allowances, additional payments, etc.)

The rate was recalculated only based on the employee’s salary

You can keep records by financing items

Not provided

Payment of wages

Possibility of paying several interpayment accruals (vacations, sick leave, etc.) in one statement

Not provided

You can specify the place of payment of wages, both for the organization or division as a whole, and for a specific employee

Not provided

The advance may be paid as a percentage of the tariff

Not provided

Taxes and reporting

The rights to a tax deduction and its termination are registered with special documents

No special documents are provided

Storing information about changes in registration with the tax authority (for example, during reorganization). Simplified generation of personal income tax reporting when late entry of registration data into the Federal Tax Service

Not provided