Well      10/27/2021

Creating an atmosphere of drive in the team. Psychological climate in a team: what is it. Formation of a favorable climate. Be loyal to your employees


Pay special attention to personnel selection. It is easier to prevent conflict than to try to resolve it later. Of course, professional qualities are important, but character traits must also be taken into account. If, even during the interview, the applicant gives the impression of an arrogant, arrogant, aggressive person, then he should be denied the job. Also, you should not hire someone who openly states that at his previous job he constantly came into conflict with the team.

Try to provide employees comfortable conditions labor. If a person is irritated due to constant troubles at work, inconvenient vacation times, low wages, etc., he is unlikely to be inclined to communicate friendly with the rest of the team. Special attention Pay attention to setting up your workplace. The table and chair should be comfortable so that employees do not suffer from back pain at the end of the working day. Allow staff to bring things close to their hearts from home and design their own workspaces. This way, the office will become a second place for employees, and the team will be perceived as a family.

Set up an office kitchen and break room where employees can socialize in an informal setting. Let the interior of these premises be cozy and even homely, so that employees can relax and talk not as colleagues, but as friends. Chatting over coffee during your lunch break strengthens relationships and helps people bond.

Be sure to hold common events: celebrate with your team New Year, employee birthdays and other holidays, go on hikes or picnics together from time to time. Such events should not be turned into boring meetings to which it is forbidden not to attend. Let the holidays be fun, and let employees attend them with pleasure and of their own free will, and not by order. Set up a stand and display on it the names of employees who will have a birthday in a few days. Colleagues will be able to see this information, prepare gifts and congratulations, which will also help improve the psychological climate in the team.

Tip 2: How to create a friendly atmosphere in a team

Every independent person sooner or later has a job. She may or may not be loved. And relationships with colleagues are different. But in any case, spending working time in a friendly team is much more pleasant than in an unfriendly one.


Host a corporate party. If you hold a position, then of course you need to save “face” and carry yourself seriously. But no one will stop you from hinting to one of the activists that it’s been a while since you celebrated the holidays. And if you are not a leader, then you yourself can act as an initiator. Finding a reason is usually not difficult - it could be one of the employees, the approaching New Year, International Women's Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day... In general, there are a lot of “red days” on the calendar. Involve as many people as possible in the organization, the joint unites and even the most closed people become more open. By the date of the event itself, the team will already have a friendly atmosphere. But for this you will have to spend some time in trouble and spend a lot of effort.

Try to communicate more with colleagues. During your lunch break, you can have a snack or drink tea together and discuss some topics distracted from work. In a women's group, it's not a sin to gossip sometimes - it will defuse the situation. Give someone advice, just listen to someone. Of course, you should never impose your opinion. It is better to express it in a casual conversation. Constant communication will bring you closer to your colleagues. This means it will create a friendly atmosphere.

Avoid conflicts. Probably, everyone at work has people who are capable of creating a scandal out of the blue. The company of such originals cannot be avoided, but trying to find a compromise is quite possible. In general, should be avoided" sharp corners"in relations with colleagues, otherwise it will not be possible to create a “warm” atmosphere. If you manage to create a peaceful reputation for yourself, then you can become the very “center” around which the team will unite. And you will go to work with joy, knowing that you Friendliness and understanding await there.

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For any manager, the interests of his organization come first, its ability to effectively occupy its “niche” in the market, maintaining and expanding its client base. In other words, his main responsibility is to make the company work “like a clock.” And to do this, he needs to ensure that all employees of the company feel that they belong to the same “ common house" to ensure that they perform their duties with the utmost diligence and integrity, exercising reasonable initiative when necessary. How to do it?


It is pointless to achieve a good attitude towards work by order. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “You can’t be nice by force.” In order for subordinates to truly value their work, in addition to purely material incentives (good salary, benefits package, bonuses), the moral and psychological climate in the team is very important. After all, if a person literally “forces himself” to go to work, if he knows that hassle, humiliation, scandals, and “support” await him there, then he is unlikely to devote himself to work with all his heart.

Creating and maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the team is one of the main concerns of managers and personnel services. Features of corporate culture, non-material motivation and relationships between employees directly affect labor productivity.

An unfavorable organizational climate has a negative impact on business processes and leads to high level staff turnover. Security favorable conditions work is beneficial for both the company and its employees.

How to create a favorable climate in a team?

The manager should not isolate himself from the employees; it is important to understand the mood in the team in a timely manner. Rewarding employees is a great way to create a positive atmosphere and maintain healthy competition.

If employees know they will be rewarded for effective work, they will make every effort to perform their duties perfectly. Employees should also have the opportunity to discuss important work issues with their manager.

There are many definitions of the concept “work environment,” but in general it can be characterized as the set of conditions in which an employee performs professional duties. The environment in the office, the existing corporate culture, the characteristics of the temperament and character of employees and management affect not only labor productivity, but also the loyalty of employees in the company.

Most employees Russian companies The concept of “favorable climate in the team” means the opportunity to realize knowledge and skills, respect and goodwill of colleagues, as well as encouragement for a job well done by management.

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It is important to create such an atmosphere so that each employee understands the significance of his contribution to the work of the entire team. The manager should hold meetings at least once every two weeks where any employee can express his personal opinion on solving a problematic issue or improving the production process.

From time to time an employee personnel service, an in-house psychologist or an externally hired expert should conduct an anonymous survey of employees to determine job satisfaction.

The manager should encourage respectful, trusting, and fair attitude of employees towards each other. It is also necessary to ensure that conflicts and problems are resolved constructively. When people feel recognized and rewarded for their accomplishments within a company, it creates a positive attitude toward the organization, their work, and their colleagues.

For builders of special climatic zones dedicated...

The sight of a preoccupied manager coming to work evokes nothing but nausea among employees.

It sucks if in the morning you have nothing to talk about with your employees except about work or you are trying to figure out topics for such a conversation.

Is it possible to walk like a wheel in front of employees? Tell jokes?

You can't motivate people without communicating with them CONSTANTLY.

“Why should I love my employees? That's why I have a family."

For seven years I managed a St. Petersburg company "House-Laverne". This is one of the leaders in the retail trade of goods for renovation and interior decoration. The company's stores operate in the premium price segment, presenting their customers with wallpaper and decorative fabrics, sanitary ware and bathroom furniture, ceramic tiles and mosaic, floor coverings and lamps.

In seven years I managed to do a lot, but I consider my most important achievement to be that I managed to create something in the company that is most invisible, something that managers, as a rule, do not pay attention to at all, but without which the effect of the most extreme managerial “ toys” is significantly lower than planned. I'm talking about ATMOSPHERE. About that very atmosphere, the presence of which makes a person go to work with a smile and work without losing a good mood.

The presence of such an atmosphere several years after the start of my vigorous activity was noted by all the people who came to our office. Our colleagues even called it (the office) a sanatorium, although we worked no less than them. So what is a positive atmosphere, why create it and what to do for it - I tried to write about this here.

So you go to work. What's your mood? If you enjoy your job, your mood is usually high. And the closer you get to your place of work, the better your mood. Moreover, this does not depend on how you left the house. Perhaps something there (at home) upset you or caused your irritation, but the closer you are to your place of work, the better your mood. This is the case, of course, if you like your job (if you don’t like it, quit, because there is nothing more regrettable and dangerous for the business than a manager, especially a top manager, who does not like his job).

So, you like your job, and you're happy to go to... Well, I don't know what you're going to, let's call it the weird word "office." You open the door, walk in and... see your employees who arrived at work before you. Your mood improves even more because you see faces you like: the faces of people who work shoulder to shoulder with you every day (even if they are not your direct subordinates), the faces of people, most (if not all) of whom you personally were hired. Dear faces.

...how don’t you know?

Do you know that this girl was going to the theater yesterday, and the guy went to meet his mother?

You ask: how could you know this, because these are not your direct subordinates...You left work so late yesterday...You had such a difficult day yesterday that you simply had neither the opportunity nor the time to get information about the plans of your employees, who (you emphasize again) and are not your direct subordinates.


It really sucks if in the morning you have nothing to talk about with your employees except about work or you are trying to figure out topics for such a conversation. It really sucks if you don't know the interests of your fellow workers. Oh, you know what hobby your financial director has! You know that the logistics director is great at bowling, and the commercial director collects stamps! Well, my friend, if you didn’t know it...

I insist that a top manager MUST know the interests of his employees. Preferably everyone, and not just those closest to you. How are you going to create an ATMOSPHERE in the office without such knowledge? I address only those who intend to create it. Is it possible to walk like a wheel in front of employees? Tell jokes? Even if you really walk and poison, this is not enough to create an ATMOSPHERE.

More than 40 people worked at the Dom-Laverna central office. I responsibly declare that I knew about everyone’s attachments. Naturally, about those attachments that people thought it necessary to tell me about. But no one demands total delving into the heads of employees. If a person shares information with you about his hobby, that’s already good. But not enough for complete happiness. It is necessary to remember this information and carefully use it to create a feeling of comfort at work for each individual person. After all, if you know that the management is not indifferent to you, if you know that the management is not indifferent to your interests, you will want to work more in this particular company with this particular manager.

It’s even better if you share the interests of your employees (groups of employees) or, moreover, share your interests with them, not only by talking about them, but also by inviting them to participate.

For example, I am very interested in ceramics. Not collecting, but making. With my own hands. I love coming to Oranienbaum to the House of Anjou to my good friends Karlykhanov and sculpting something out of clay together with the same “ceramic artists” like myself. It seemed to me that such a pastime might be interesting for my employees, and I invited them to go together one weekend. The result exceeded all expectations. People really liked both the process and the result. And it didn’t hurt to look at each other in an informal creative atmosphere. In such unusual circumstances, you always notice something new in your comrades, something very good, which you did not see and, perhaps, could not see in a routine work environment. And they notice something new in you...

I am proud that some Dom-Laverna employees still have products made by them on their desks. with my own hands in the wonderful House of Anjou.

Another example. Despite my not at all volleyball height, I really love playing volleyball. And I managed to infect almost half of the office with this game. Moreover, everything was professional, with a coach, in an adult way. After a couple of years of general lessons, of course, the majority stopped going: the gap in the playing class began to form too large. But the fact remains: both during the total passion for volleyball and after it, all the people participating in this process felt unity not only because they are employees of the same company.

When you understand what a thrill it is to create an ATMOSPHERE in your home office, when you yourself begin to get a thrill simply from the very fact of being in such an atmosphere, you will definitely want to expand your “zone of influence.” After all, for many of you, your business does not end only with the central office. There are also remote units. In my case, these are stores dear to my heart. Stores that still employ wonderful people, the most wonderful of whom are the directors. These are 100% “my people”. Each of these charming women (and Dom-Laverne stores are now run exclusively by women) brilliantly knows how to create a wonderful climate in their store. And I am proud that I myself played a significant role in creating this climate, especially in the early days (2002-2004). I went to stores as if I were on the front line. After all, this is where the mystery of turning our goods into customers’ money takes place. It is there that our product becomes the property of the buyer, and the buyer’s money goes to the company’s cash desk. This is the quintessence of the work of the entire company. Of course, I'm not belittling both roles preliminary preparation(search for a product, its selection, negotiations with the manufacturer, etc., etc.), and subsequent activities to deliver the product to the buyer and install it (if necessary). I in no way belittle the role of the so-called “service departments” that are not involved in either the product distribution process or the sales process (for example, accounting or financial and analytical departments). But it is in the stores that the main event takes place: the exchange of goods for money.

Therefore, a large amount of time myself and my more advanced colleagues in the field of personnel management, Nina Kiryukhantseva And Oksana Servatovich, paid attention to creating ATMOSPHERE in stores. Our efforts were rewarded handsomely.

We really, together with the directors, managed to create TEAMS. Teams of like-minded people aimed at achieving a COMMON result, which is extremely difficult in a trading system where, in fact, each seller works for himself.

I know a large number of stores in various retail industries where salespeople treat each other solely as competitors. I know of networks where top management specifically, purposefully pursues a policy of “divide and conquer” in relation to the sales staff. Where competition between sellers is cultivated and enforced, if you like. In D-L stores there was and is an element of competition between sales managers. Anything else is impossible in such a sales system, when the manager “manages” the client’s order from the moment he gets acquainted with him until the moment the goods are actually transferred. They are together: the buyer and the sales manager go through long and sometimes painful stages:

1. the actual selection of a product or group of products, often selecting them from catalogues, which imposes increased responsibility on the seller, since in this case the buyer does not see the actual product, but only its image;

2. ordering the selected product at the manufacturer’s factory or supplier’s warehouse (of course, specialists from the commercial department who are in contact with manufacturers and suppliers take an active part in this process, but the sales manager and only he is responsible for the result to the buyer);

3. delivery of goods to the company’s warehouse, checking its quality and completeness;

4. delivery of goods to the store for transfer to the buyer or directly to the latter’s address.

All this time, it is the sales manager who is responsible for ensuring that the buyer is satisfied with the quality of the selected product, the delivery time, and the communication process itself. Since the sales manager for the buyer is the extraordinary and authorized representative of the entire Dom-Laverna company. He is the face of the company. By him, by his professionalism, accuracy, clarity, responsibility, goodwill, the buyer will judge the company as a whole. That is why I think it is absolutely fair that the sellers at Dom-Laverna are called MANAGERS. But it is absolutely clear that such an “individual” sales system itself gives rise to a number of conflicts. Someone “got” a rich buyer, one complex order of which allows the manager to fulfill the monthly plan. For some, such a buyer simply cannot meet, and he is forced to process hundreds of orders in order to fulfill this notorious plan. Someone is “lucky”, and an expensive product ordered by the buyer is in the supplier’s warehouse in St. Petersburg or can even be sold at the exhibition. And someone will wait for the product of “their” customer for three months, sometimes receiving conflicting information from different authorities regarding the status quo of this product, while remaining obliged to keep the buyer informed of where and in what condition his item is. There are still plenty of reasons for conflicts and envy, which ultimately can lead (and in most retail structures I know leads) to, to put it mildly, an unfriendly relationship between sellers.

This ill will was avoided. On the contrary, we managed to create teams of professionals aimed both at fulfilling their own plans and (and this is above all!) and at fulfilling the plan of the entire store. What did it cost?


I think Nina Kiryukhantseva and Oksana Servatovich will someday write their books about how we did it. I don’t know of any company that would mess around like this (sorry for this word, but it very accurately reflects the process) with staff. In which such a number of trainings would be conducted both for ordinary sales managers and for middle management (trade floor administrators, merchandise experts). And, in my opinion, Nina and Oksana never parted with the store directors at all.

Perhaps many of you reading this article will say that it’s all about the motivation system for store employees. Like, it all depends on the weighting coefficients: if you set them up, the seller will focus on the implementation of the individual plan; if you set it up differently, they will bend over backwards to ensure that the entire store fulfills the plan (helping those lagging behind, for example). In fact, the motivation system is truly extremely important. But I warn you against overestimating its significance. Essentially, all of these retail weightings boil down to one simple truth: the better EACH salesperson performs, the better results the store achieves. Everything is simple and there is nothing special to fence around the garden. The subject of my pride is the creation of TEAMS in each store. Teams led by directors and consisting of all team members. Each trading floor had both star managers and trainees. But they were all part of the TEAM. The stars became mentors to the trainees and were sincerely happy (it's true!) when the trainees turned into even brighter stars than their teachers. Moreover, we managed to build a system in which the stars demanded (!) that an intern be “attached” to them. It was possible to build a coherent system for transferring the experience of successful sales. We took full advantage of the fact that the stores were not isolated retail outlets. We had a SYSTEM of stores, so the transfer of best practices, seminars, and training were carried out at the system level. That is, the positive experience gained, say, in a store on Veterans Avenue, almost immediately became the property of employees of all other stores.

In addition to the variable part of the salary, which depended on the implementation of the plan, all managers had salaries. Salaries, in turn, depended on the category. The highest salaries were for sales managers of the 1st category, the lowest for managers of the 3rd category (not counting trainees, of course). The manager received the 3rd category if he successfully completed the probationary period and passed the appropriate tests on knowledge of products, the ability to communicate with visitors, and demonstrated sales skills. To obtain the 2nd category, it was necessary to carry out an individual plan for at least 6 months plus perform several more feats. The first category was awarded to those who were not just real sales stars, but also trained trainees into successful managers.

Categories were assigned by the certification commission during an interview with the applicant. I know that a similar rating system exists in many networks. I know that general directors of networks are often mandatory members of such commissions. I also know that not all top officials of companies and not always take part in the work of such commissions.

In seven years of working at Dom-Laverna, I have not missed a single one.

First, work (not just presence) general director in the certification commission emphasizes the importance of the event. Importance for everyone: both for applicants and for other members of the commission. Our mandatory members of the commission, along with the general one, were: the director of the “certified” store, the director of another store, a representative of the personnel service and the head of the product line that the certified one represented (sales managers were divided by product lines, because it is impossible to know the entire assortment by heart “House-Laverna” and be able to equally successfully sell wallpaper, plumbing fixtures, lamps, floors, and tiles).

Secondly, I was interested in assessing whether the level of this or that sales manager had really increased or whether it only seemed to him (I could assess this because I knew almost all of my salespeople personally).

Thirdly, I was interested to see how a person behaves during certification, that is, in a stressful situation, because he must work in a similar mode every day (imagine choosing a product with a buyer for several hours, and sometimes several days - this crazy stress!).

Fourthly, everything was interesting to me! I loved my job and my employees. And I didn’t think that by certifying “ordinary sellers” I was wasting my precious time, which I could spend more profitably, dealing with issues of intergalactic importance. I believed and still believe that the most important issues for a top manager are issues related to motivating people. And you can’t motivate people without constantly communicating with them.

So, there were often certifications in which sales superstars did not receive the first category only because they did not care about the team. Less frequently, however, events occurred when a sales manager of the first category lost his star category and returned to the second because he began to focus only on himself, only on his own sales, without giving a damn about helping the team or educating newcomers. And this is not socialism, not the imposition of equality. This is support for team spirit, the cultivation of which we paid great attention to. That is why it was possible to create an atmosphere in the stores in which people worked smiling.

I do not overestimate my personal participation in creating such an atmosphere and in working with store staff in general, but once Ekaterina Stankevich, who at that time worked as the director of two Dom-Laverna stores on Nevsky Prospekt, jokingly called her team “Fan- Tsivina club. And this assessment is worth a lot.

I know that many managers are somewhat wary of friendships between employees. I have never been against such friendship. If someone thinks that friendship creates the preconditions for possible abuses (collusions, etc.), then I affirm that it is exactly the opposite. I affirm not on empty space. I began my career at Uniland, a well-known talent forge, as vice president of loss prevention. Therefore, I know first-hand what fraud is and what paths lead to it. So friendship (friendship) is the longest path to fraud. Especially the friendship of employees working in the same TEAM. I suppose it's not hard to guess why. And if it’s difficult, ask me, I’ll explain in a personal meeting.

Conclusion: we create a warm, bright, friendly atmosphere not only because we ourselves find it more comfortable to work in such a unique microclimate. And let's create it:

As a guarantee of business security (the atmosphere of cooperation creates obstacles to fraud);

As a guarantee of high efficiency of employee actions;

As a guarantee of creativity. Such an atmosphere encourages courage in decision making. Without courage, creativity is unthinkable. And without everyone’s creative approach, it is extremely difficult to achieve a high overall result.

The main internal “driver” of a leader who creates a friendly microclimate in his team, however, is always not common sense and sober calculation, but love for people. In conversations about work with my wife, I very often called my younger workmates “my children.” Not in the sense that I equated them mental capacity children, but in the fact that he treated them as his own children. And according to my wife, it’s even better than with my own child.

I know one manager who says: “Why should I love my employees? That's why I have a family." I know how his employees treat this man. I wouldn't like to be treated like that. Love people. Don’t close yourself off in your top management group. Be interested in the lives of those around you and then

  1. You will discover a lot of interesting, sometimes unexpected things,
  2. You yourself will become more interesting to others.

So, ATMOSPHERE is created by a leader if and only if he:

  • He himself is in a good mood, and willingly shares it with others;
  • Knows about interests large quantity(ideally all) ordinary employees;
  • He himself “lives an interesting life”, has one or more hobbies;
  • Shares his interests with employees (not only with his closest subordinates, but with maximum number ordinary employees);
  • Involves them in his hobbies, and allows himself to be involved in their hobbies;
  • He takes an active part in organizing and conducting corporate events from a banal trip out of town to New Year's Eve parties;
  • Something else? Add yours.

At the conclusion of this article, I must warn atmosphere builders: attention! Do not overdo it! A sense of proportion must be observed in everything. You create the climate in the team, and you must precisely regulate it. Everything I said above does not negate subordination, discipline, exactingness and firmness. Don't forget that shareholders pay you money not for creating a friendly atmosphere at work, but for achieving specific results. The atmosphere is not a goal, but another means to achieve such results.

It must not be allowed to a good relationship with employees they became familiar and familiar. Under no circumstances should you curry favor with your subordinates, seeking their favor. This is even more dangerous than constantly yelling at them.

At work, an adult spends most of his active time and constantly increases the number of working hours. According to the annual report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on labor and employment, in 2017, each working resident of our country spent an average of 1,980 hours at work - this is 6 hours more than in 2016. Imagine, a third of the almost 6 thousand hours a year that are not spent sleeping are spent working. The task of any employer interested in attracting and retaining professional employees is to create a working atmosphere in which the team will work comfortably and effectively, achieving business goals. How to do this - Natalya Fefilova, development director of 404 Group, told and shared her experience

One of the main principles that guides us in the company is that everyone should be satisfied with themselves and their work. We don't just want to see excellent professionals in the company - this goes without saying, we strive to ensure that people are satisfied and happy in their jobs. By implementing this principle, we strive to create a comfortable atmosphere, providing conditions for growth, development and self-realization. We use four main ways to improve the team environment.

1. Lead by example

The atmosphere is created by people, first of all, by leaders. If you want to see lightness and optimism in the team, but you yourself walk around gloomy and downcast, then nothing will work out. Ideally, a leader should set an example in everything from public behavior and professional competencies to solving non-standard situations. It’s not for nothing that they say that a good leader shows how to do it, while a bad leader only tells. Thus, the first step towards creating a comfortable environment should be taken by the boss himself. The manager’s actions will not go unnoticed by the team - his goodwill will have a positive impact on their behavior. Of course, we all different style manuals we use different instruments in working with employees and different ways we achieve solutions to the assigned tasks, but our openness, our willingness to make contact, our ability to give feedback and high emotional intelligence allow us to create an environment in which each of our employees feels comfortable.

2. Know the needs

The basic law of marketing says: find a customer need and satisfy it in the best possible way with your product or service. The same law applies to employees.

Listen to what people want, understand what is important to them, analyze their requests. An employee whose needs are met will always be satisfied and will work for your company for as long as possible. Get frequent feedback from your team.

In our case, the team consists mostly of young IT specialists. One important need is professional development. You can offer them interesting tasks, provide mentors, use an adaptation system, and offer training. That is, do everything to make it interesting for them to develop and apply their knowledge in practice.

If a person wants to move to another department and try his hand at something else, then we need to help him change his specialization. This way, low staff turnover is achieved, and the employer receives an established team in which everyone is comfortable with each other.

3. Make rules

Another essential attribute of a good environment is transparent work rules. Every person should know them and understand them correctly. When we work in a single information space, when we understand exactly what is possible and what is not, this creates internal comfort and allows us to avoid difficult situations. These can be verbal rules that are passed on to new employees from managers and mentors, or formalized rules, for example, in the form of a memo. When an employee knows what is expected of him, it is easier for him to work.

Practice shows that well-established communications are one of the indicators of a truly comfortable environment. Everyone knows each other and understands work processes. One of good tools for improvement is the regular release of a corporate publication, this is especially true for large teams.

4. Improve conditions

And the last item on the list of creating a comfortable environment at work, but by no means the last in meaning, is the office space, which should be advanced, modern and comfortable. Plus additions to the office in the form of a kicker, game consoles, fruit, coffee and tea, gyms with showers and other “amenities” that were not previously associated with business, but in just a few years have taken their rightful place in offices. Startup culture is increasingly permeating big businesses, which strive to create the most home-like environment in their offices, providing employees with everything they need in one place: from lunches and breakfasts to yoga trainers.