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Latest Command & Conquer news. Latest news Command & Conquer Release command conquer generals 2

Continuation of the famous military strategy with some innovations from famous computer game developers. This time you will find yourself in a very near future, where the rulers of powerful powers have decided to put an end to senseless wars once and for all. Having gathered at the negotiating table, the leaders of the major powers decided to sign a peace pact in order to prevent and once and for all stop bloody wars. Everything seems to be going fine, but during the signing of the peace agreement, unpreventable events occur, which we will talk about later in the review of the game. In the game Command Conquer Generals 2, the mechanics of which can be downloaded by every visitor to our game server, you must save humanity from various terrorist groups that want to create chaos on all continents and major world powers.


The peace pact is about to be signed by world leaders. But terrorists have their own plans and as a result of a global terrorist attack, all politicians die. All that remains are the commanders-in-chief with whom you will have to play hand in hand. Your top marshals and generals must now unite to confront the major terrorist organizations. During the game you will have to take command not only of infantrymen, you will also need to enlist the support of air forces. And powerful artillery will not hurt you. In the game you must become a real military tactician and strategist, because you will have a huge amount of military equipment and brave soldiers at your disposal. Being the commander-in-chief and exterminating the terrorists is the main task for your commander and commander-in-chief. You will need to complete a lot of strategic military operations in this version of the popular futuristic strategy.

Game mechanics

As the game takes place in the future, you will be able to master high-tech weapons. But first, you will have to choose a commander who can skillfully lead the actions of his army. On the game map you can see the locations of your opponents. Terrorists skillfully hide in locations, so it is important for you to think through everything in the game the smallest details. Leading an entire army without the support of politicians and world leaders is not easy. Therefore, you must now learn to give orders yourself. In the game Command and Conquer Generals 2, the torrent of which can be downloaded for free on our game server, you will become a legendary commander.


At each stage of the game you will be able to develop your army. Send only brave and courageous subordinates into battle. Only now you will need to give orders yourself. Now there is no need to wait for a response from the government. All the leaders of the powers have died, and you, as a general, will take on such a heavy gaming burden.

Features Command Conquer Generals 2 Mechanics

  • Think globally. Becoming the commander-in-chief of an army and clearly giving orders to your subordinates is not easy as you have to learn tactics and new game strategy. In this version, it is possible to go through the training mode.
  • Air attacks. In the game, you will be able to bomb terrorist territories using a new air military equipment. Fighters can destroy entire enemy bases.
  • Infantrymen. In the game you must constantly replenish the ranks of your ground forces. The more foot soldiers you can lure to your side, the sooner you can destroy the terrorists' lair.
  • Game card. On the map you will be able to see the new movements of your opponents. Study carefully the enemy's cartographic dislocations.

On this page, using the button below, you can download Command Conquer Generals 2 Mechanics via torrent for free.

A modern and more optimized strategy with the well-known name Generals 2 was supposed to be published back in 2013, but the process of implementing the computer strategy was frozen and the entire human division was disbanded. Today, you can only look at this game in the form of matches downloaded in those years. Today, it will not be possible to play this game, at least because the servers are not working and the game has not even been released into demo mode.

Remember the old strategies with names like:

  • Rise of Nations
  • Age of Mythology
  • Age of Empires II

All three of these games have been re-released in HD versions, which work without errors on modern operating systems, and are also compatible with a large number of large screen resolutions, and the picture is more vibrant and attractive. Some of these games have support from the Steam community, meaning all kinds of improvements and additions can be created, but most often new maps are created in the Steam Workshop. The most important thing is considered to be, first of all, the available opportunity to play online with friends or with any other opponent via the Internet.

Why did you write the previous paragraph? Moreover, it is necessary to create petitions on all well-known sites, where it is necessary to vote for the re-release of the game Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, which is played by more than tens of thousands of players around the world, of which there are about 50 thousand CIS users of this game. The official servers have not been working for a long time; you can play this game on new operating systems, but many errors and crashes, as well as the speed of the game over the network, leave much to be desired.

And so, what we have is an incompletely completed Generals 2 game, although the developers introduced a very good musical accompaniment taken from the original source, and then tried to recreate as much as possible all the units from the first generals in modern part. The further fate of the project was as follows - the number of complaints and critics showed that the game still needed to be completed specifically, but there was not enough finance, the project was considered not successful by the main investor corporation EA.

Below are spoilers containing videos from the game Generals 2 (Alfa Version)

Watch GLA play in Generals II

Video from the game Generals 2 with Russian interface

Almost an hour review of the game "Generals 2"

Another video from the 2013 Generals game

Mission from the closed alpha version of C&C Generals II

Review from a fan of the game on Generals: F2P

Full version of the match Bulldog(EU) vs Red Arrow(APA) - Generals free to play

Full version of the match APA Taskmaster vs GLA Thrax (Toxin) - Generals free to play

We cannot compile the entire list of problems that prevented the release of the game, but we can say for sure that this project should be restored at least in the form of a re-release of the original Zero Hour add-on “Hour of Reckoning” and the launch of official servers for this game. After all, many players spend their time in this cult military strategy, but this lost time could have gone to the championships and the large population of such an RTS.

On this page of the site, you can watch the most popular videos from the game Generals II and draw a conclusion why the game did not officially go on sale. Still more main reason was that it was supposed to become a free online strategy with donation (that is, in the end, we would get Generals Free2Play). Computer game with the name Generals Free to Play would have been a failed project, so it was decided to close it.

Not long ago, one of the petitions was already sent to EA,

On October 29, 2013, C&C community manager Eric “CIRE” Krause published a message on his Facebook that the Victory Games studio was ceasing its work and Command & Conquer: Free to Play project closed.

The reason why this decision was made lies, according to Eric, in unflattering reviews from Alphe testers. “We couldn't make the game you wanted. This is why we are stopping development of the new C&C...” Eric said.

But these are all official messages! The popular foreign website believes that the real reason for the closure of the new C&C is financial in nature, that the company's politics and corporate machinations are to blame. As proof, provides some unofficial messages from the forum (for obvious reasons, all names have been removed):

Hi all! I wanted to say that we had a lot of fun working on this game and I hope everyone enjoyed the closed alpha.

Speaking off the record, you may have heard that our entire team has been disbanded. I hope you all understand that we at Victory Games have made every effort to make a truly worthwhile game. The reason for the closure of Command & Conquer Free2Play is not at all due to bad reviews from players, but solely due to the company’s bureaucracy.

We were all shocked to hear that our studio was closed (that we were all out of work), but I'm glad to see that the game is still running and many people are playing it right now. Please enjoy the game until the politicians figure out how to shut down the server!

Command & Conquer (2013)

Previously known as Generals 2

In the near future, world leaders will come together to sign a global peace treaty that will end wars, but a terrible terrorist attack will destroy all participants in this conference. In a world devoid of politicians, diplomats and social activists, only Generals will remain. It is up to you to take responsibility, put yourself at the head of the armed forces and do everything to put an end to global terrorism once and for all.

  • Large scale war– lead one of three unique factions, fight for resources, build bases and lead huge armies of tanks, soldiers and air vehicles into battle.
  • Stunning realism– Frostbite 2 technology allows you to bring to life a grandiose confrontation with an unprecedented level of visualization. Detailed combat units and landscapes, dynamic physics and stunning effects - combat has never been so close to reality. You will be able to wage a real war without worrying about the consequences.
  • New ways to dominate and team up with friends– in addition to the classics of the genre, you will find a number of new multiplayer modes designed with an eye to both cooperative and competitive play.
  • Exciting campaign– wage a war against terror in an exciting single-player campaign. Feel the full drama of the plot from different points of view - from the heroic General to the insane terrorist, bringing to life your most daring tactical moves.
  • Endless evolution of impressions– diversify the game with a wide range of downloadable content. From maps and units to factions, campaigns and more. Join the fight against terrorism on all fronts.

Which I would like to see updated, using modern technologies. Many immediately began to remember the series Command & Conquer, including the one expected by many Generals 2, presented to the public in 2011.

True, fate played a cruel joke, and we never saw the continuation of the popular offshoot. First the game lost its subtitle Generals 2 and switched to shareware, and at the end of 2013 they decided to close down the development and dissolve the development studio. What went wrong? This is precisely what an anonymous employee of the canceled team was able to explain. Command & Conquer on Reddit. Please note that the employee cannot be identified, so all the information below is rumor.

The main problem, according to user phpdevster, is finding a middle ground between the shareware distribution model and content monetization.

Either you incentivize people with constant improvements like levels, power-ups, and unit equipment, or you have a fair and competitive game. It is impossible to succeed at everything. Naturally, money became the cornerstone, and development veered towards monetization, moving away from competition (except that this was exactly what should have interested players in the long term). By competitive play, I don't mean just eSports, I mean the usual confrontation between players in PvP. phpdevster

Second a big problem followed from the first - monetization implied the constant expansion of content.

We added two new generals every month to increase the amount of unlockable content. Two weeks to produce a full-fledged general is simply not enough. It is necessary to create new units, develop the abilities of generals, their improvements, and so on. And these two weeks are probably a tenth of the time required to develop assets, not to mention balance. phpdevster

As a result, it was decided to divide the finished units between generals and make the main mode similar to a MOBA. Each player in a team of three had to choose a general before the start of the match. Ideally, the choice would be based on the interests of the team, not the individual. Each general had his own strengths and weak sides- and only when making the right choice deficiencies could be compensated for.

I don't like depending on random players or even those I trust to coordinate our actions. I just want to play a classic one-on-one match. However, the game was not made for this. phpdevster

And these are not all the problems. The lead gameplay designer was a big fan StarCraft, and this is directly reflected in Generals 2. Fans who personally tried out the preview build Generals 2, were dissatisfied, they did not have the feeling of continuing the cult Command & Conquer: Generals. Because of this, the studio began to change the original concept even more.

The abilities of the generals also did not stand out: point, click, they were instantly used. “Not interesting at all”, recalls the anonymous employee. Moreover, if in Generals you earned points for your generals by destroying the enemy army and their buildings, then Generals 2 their unlocking depended on time or level of development. You didn't earn them, they simply became available, even if you didn't leave your base the entire game.

Action Command & Conquer will take place in the near future, after all the leaders who came together to sign a peace treaty that would end the wars were destroyed by a terrorist attack. There are no more politicians or diplomats. But there are generals left, playing for whom you will try to destroy terrorism that has spread throughout the world once and for all.

Command & Conquer, unlike previous games in the series, there will be a free-to-play distribution model. And the main emphasis is on multiplayer battles. It is worth noting that the game engine is Frostbite 2.

Command & Conquer takes place in the near future, after all the leaders who came together to sign a peace treaty that would end the wars were destroyed by a terrorist attack. There are no more politicians or diplomats. But there are generals left, playing for whom you will try to destroy terrorism that has spread throughout the world once and for all. Command & Conquer, unlike previous games in the series, will...


Latest Command & Conquer news

    E.A. stopped the development of f2p strategy Command & Conquer and disbanded the team Victory Games. As stated in a statement on the official website, the reason was the reaction of participants in closed alpha testing.

    In one of the interviews during the exhibition gamescom 2013 developers from Victory Games they said that the series Command & Conquer waits exclusively free-to-play the future, and its days of “boxed releases” are over.

    During his press conference Electronic Arts spoke about the campaign for free2play strategies Command & Conquer.

    Starting next year, campaign missions will be released as regular episodes. Their passage is designed for both single and co-op.

    The game itself is currently in alpha testing, however, its release is scheduled for 2013.

    In this video Command & Conquer the developers talk about the stages of creating one unit - a truck with a nuclear bomb. The game is expected to be released in 2013.

    Company E.A. announced that the closed beta test of the strategy Command & Conquer starts this summer. Registration for it is now open. An explosion-filled trailer is unveiled, also featuring some of the generals. The release is planned for 2013.

    Company E.A. presented the first in a series of video interviews with developers Command & Conquer with Russian subtitles. New gameplay footage has been shown. Registration for the beta test is currently underway. The game is expected to be released this year.

    In the new video Command & Conquer senior director of project development Tim Orton talks about the features of the game, and also demonstrates game process and arts.

    New Command & Conquer will use a free-to-play model, so expect additional content and improvements at a cost. The game will be launched based on the world Command & Conquer Generals, and then the developers plan to add new factions, mini-campaigns, and modes. Later, the developers are going to add universes to the project Tiberium And Red Alert in some form.

    Closed beta Command & Conquer expected in the spring and opening later this year. The project is being prepared for PC.

    Several new screenshots and art have appeared free-to-play real time strategy Command & Conquer. The game runs on the engine Frostbite 2, this allows you to display an excellent picture with high-quality effects. Previously, the project was called Command & Conquer: Generals 2. The game is slated for release this year. PC.