Shower      23.12.2020

Sounds during the pronunciation of which are exhaled. consonant sounds. a) when pronouncing different types of vowel sounds

labial consonants are consonants formed by closing both lips.

Labiodental consonants- these are consonants formed by the convergence of the lower lip with the upper teeth: [f], [f], [c], [c].

labial consonants- these are consonants formed by complete or incomplete convergence of the lower lip with the upper lip or upper teeth: [p], [p], [b], [b], [f], [f]; [in], [in], [m], [m].

dental consonants (lat. dens- tooth) consonants formed between the tongue and the upper row of teeth, for example: /t/, /d/, /n/. Dental consonants should not be confused with alveolar and postalveolar consonants, which form between the tongue and palate.

Dorsal consonants- these are (from Latin dorsum - back) front-lingual or middle-lingual consonants, during the pronunciation of which the front part of the back of the tongue rises with a hump to the palate.

Trembling consonants (vibrants)- these are consonant sounds, during the formation of which the bow sequentially and periodically opens and closes again, and the active organs of speech tremble (vibrate).

Back language is a phonological feature.

Back lingual consonants(velar [from lat. velaris, from velum - veil], posterior palate) - consonants formed by raising the back of the back of the tongue to the back (soft) palate or to the back of the hard palate.

Voiced consonants- these are consonants formed by noise accompanied by a voice: [b], [b], [c], 1c], [g], [g], [d], [d], [g], [g], [ h], [h], [j].

Voicing is an articulatory feature that distinguishes sounds.

Dental consonants are consonants formed by pressing the tip of the tongue together with the frontmost part against the back of the upper front teeth.

Yot Yot is a medium lingual voiced fricative consonant [j], adjacent to the subsequent vowel, with which it forms an iotated sound. Apple, spruce, district, view [vj + y].

classification of speech sounds

Summing up sounds under the general basis that in all languages ​​of the world there are two types of speech sounds - vowels and consonants.

consonantism- this is (from lat. consoiians, consonantis - consonant sound) a system of consonant sounds of the language, their properties and relationships.

Labialized consonants are the same as labial consonants.

lateral consonant- this (Latin lateralisor latus, lateris - side, side) is the same as the lateral consonant.

Place of education consonant sound - a sign showing where in the oral cavity the air stream meets an obstacle.

When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Softness of consonants- this is the quality of consonants, due to the presence of an additional mid-palatal (iot) articulation, which is connected to the main articulation of consonants, which sharply increases the characteristic tone and noise.

Epiglottal consonants or epiglottis - consonants, the articulation of which is made by scoop-epiglottic folds (see larynx) and epiglottis.

tense (strong) consonants- consonants, articulated with a high degree of muscular tension.

Unlabialized consonants???????? - not rounded

Weak (relaxed) consonants- consonants, articulated with weak muscle tension

Non-labialized consonants are consonants without palatalization.

Palatalization(from Lat palatum - palate), or softening of consonants.

Palatalized consonants- these are consonant sounds, during the formation of which the main articulation is connected with an additional middle language (iot) articulation.

Palatal is the sound produced by raising the back of the tongue to the hard palate. Palatal consonant [j], for which the middle lingual articulation is the main one.

Anterior lingualism is one of the signs of consonants.

Front lingual consonants are dental and palatine-dental consonants.

Whistling consonants (sibilants)- these are the anterior lingual dental fricative [h], [h`] and [s], [s`].

Bow (shutter)- this is a complete barrier to the air jet leaving the lungs when pronouncing speech sounds (occlusive consonants).

Stop-plosive consonants are the same as explosive consonants.

Closing - laryngeal consonants - consonants, during the formation of which there is an additional compression and rise of the larynx, as a result of which the air is ejected with a sharp push, producing the effect of a laryngeal stop.

Stop consonants- these are consonants, during the formation of which there is an obstacle created by the complete closure of the organs of pronunciation, while part of the air passes through the nasal cavity or oral cavity. Nasal [m], [m], [n], [n], lateral [l], [l].

Stop-fricative consonants(from lat. frico"true") (also fricative consonants, spirants, fricatives) - consonants, during the articulation of which the articulators come close to each other, but do not close completely, as a result of which turbulent air vibrations occur in the oral cavity, creating a noticeable noise. Or affricates (stop-fricatives), when the bow itself opens for the passage of a jet of air into the gap and the air passes through this gap with friction, but unlike fricatives, it does not last long, but instantly; it is [pf], [c], [dz], [h], [j];

Stop consonants(occlusives) - consonants sounds, during the articulation of which the organs of speech are in such a position that the flow of air from the lungs is completely blocked with the help of a bow created in the oral cavity or in the larynx.

Consonants- these are speech sounds, consisting either of one noise, or of a voice and noise that is formed in the oral cavity, where a stream of air exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles.

Sonorant consonants- see consonant sounds. Sonorant-L, M, N, R. These sounds can be soft and hard R *, L *, M *, N * in terms of softness and hardness, but they are not deaf, they are only VOICED.

sonorous consonants are sounds produced without the participation of turbulent airflow in the vocal tract (such as /m/ and /l/). Also sonorants include approximants, nasal consonants, single-stressed and trembling


(lat. Spirans = "breathing" from spiro = I breathe) - in modern phonetics, consonants are called so, which are formed as a result of friction of the air leaving the lungs against the edges of the gap or narrowing formed by certain organs of speech.

The method of formation is defined as the nature of the passage for a jet of air during the formation of a speech sound (free, narrowed, closed).

Mid-palatal consonants - consonants formed by raising the middle part of the back of the tongue to the anterior (hard) palate.

Middle language consonant is a voiced fricative consonant [j].

Consonant hardness- this is a lower, compared with soft consonants, voice timbre, due to the lack of palatalization (See softness of consonants).

Hard consonants are consonants that are not soft. Soft consonants are consonants formed when the middle part of the back of the tongue approaches the hard palate and the entire mass of the tongue moves forward.

fricative consonants- this (from lat. fricatio - friction) is the same as fricative consonants. fricative consonants- these are (long, flow, spirants, fricative, flint) noisy consonants formed by the friction of exhaled air against the walls of the gap with incomplete convergence of the active and passive organs of speech: [c], [c], [f], [f], [s ], [s|, [s], [s], [g], |g], [w], [w], [j], [x], [x].

The main elements of the phonetic structure of the language, its simplest units are sounds that function as phonemes. A phoneme is the smallest sound unit that helps to distinguish pairs of words by meaning:


or by their grammatical meaning:




In speech, phonemes are realized in the form of concrete-sounding options - allophones. All variants of the same phoneme are characterized by the presence of some basic, common to them one or more properties, features. At the same time, all variants of the phoneme differ from each other, as they find themselves in different phonetic conditions and are due to different positional, combinatorial and accent circumstances.

So, the phoneme [d] in the word do acquires a feature unusual for her - rounding of the lips, which is caused by the influence of a vowel. In a word dry it becomes transalveolar under the influence of the transalveolar sonant [r]. In combination saidtheman the phoneme [d] loses its apical character and becomes interdental, acquiring a feature unusual for it under the influence of the neighboring consonant [ð]. In a word middle[d] is pronounced with an explosion articulated by the lateral edges of the tongue. However, all these allophones retain the main characteristics of the phoneme [d] - it remains a stop noisy plosive.

Replacing one phoneme with another leads to a change in the meaning of the word or to a distortion of the sound of the word. Replacing one phoneme variant with another does not lead to a change in the meaning of the word, but is perceived as an accent - dialectal or foreign.


Vowels English sounds- Sounds of pure musical tone. When they are pronounced, the vocal cords are tense and vibrate, the exhaled air freely exits through the oral cavity, without encountering any obstacles in its path. The air passage is wide, muscle tension is distributed throughout the speech apparatus.


When pronouncing consonants, the exhaled air meets a complete or incomplete barrier. The resulting friction of the air jet against the walls of the barrier creates noise, the presence of which is the fundamental difference between consonants and vowels.

The vocal cords vibrate when pronouncing voiced consonants and sonants; when pronouncing voiceless consonants, they are passive and do not participate in articulation. Muscle tension is concentrated at the site of the obstruction. The strength of the noise of consonants depends on the width of the passage: the narrower the gap, the stronger the noise. Voiced consonants, during the pronunciation of which the musical tone prevails over the noise, are called sonants (sonorous), other consonants - noisy.

Palatalization- softening of consonants resulting from raising the front or middle part of the back of the tongue to the hard palate (bit -; meet -)

Velarization- additional articulation, as a result of which the back of the back of the tongue moves towards the soft palate (the opposite of palatalization)

Aspiration- acoustic noise (effect) during the pronunciation of a sound that occurs when a jet of air passes in the interval between the explosion of a consonant and the beginning of a subsequent vowel sound

Glottalization- a form of articulation in which sounds are produced mainly by constriction or closure of the glottis

Nasalization– sound acquisition of nasal timbre, voice output through nose and mouth

10. The structure of the speech apparatus

Speech apparatus (in the narrow sense)- these are organs that are directly involved in the process of speech breathing and voice formation; in a broad sense- organs of speech, respiration, central nervous system, organs of hearing and vision (for oral and written speech). The organs of speech, or the speech apparatus in the narrow sense, include:

    small uvula (uvula)


    nasal cavity

According to the role in the pronunciation of sounds, the organs of speech are divided into active And passive. The active organs of speech produce those or other movements necessary for the formation of sounds, and are thus of particular importance for their formation. The active organs of speech are:

    soft sky

  • back of the pharynx (pharynx)

    lower jaw

Passive organs do not perform independent work during sound production and perform only an auxiliary role. The passive organs of speech are:


    solid sky

    upper jaw

For the formation of each sound of speech, a complex of works of the organs of speech in a certain sequence is necessary, that is, a well-defined articulation is needed. Articulation called the work of the organs of speech, necessary for the pronunciation of sounds.

respiratory organs These are the lungs, bronchi and windpipe (trachea). The lungs and bronchi are the source and conductor of the air stream, forcing the exhaled air by the tension of the muscles of the diaphragm (abdominal obstruction).

1 - thyroid cartilage; 2 - cricoid cartilage; 3 - windpipe (trachea); 4 - bronchi; 5 - terminal branches of bronchial branches; 6 - tops of the lungs; 7 - bases of the lungs

In a broader sense, DO is:

    nasal cavity

  • diaphragm

Larynx (larynx)- the upper part of the trachea, consisting of the following three types of cartilage, connected to each other:

    cricoid cartilage

    thyroid cartilage

    paired arytenoid cartilage

OR work:

a) when pronouncing different types of vowel sounds:

The vocal cords oscillate, and a free, unhindered passage through the oral cavity is provided for the air stream. Lips can also: stretch, curl into a tube, rounded, or not be involved at all. The tongue can be in the front of the oral cavity (front vowels [i], [e]). When articulating back vowels ([y], [o]) - in the back. Middle vowels ([ы], [а]) occupy an intermediate position. The lift sign describes the position of the tongue as it moves up or down. High vowels ([i], [s], [y]) are characterized by a high position of the tongue in the oral cavity. The articulation of the low vowel ([a]) is associated with the low position of the tongue. Vowels of the middle rise ([e], [o]) are given a place between the named extreme groups.

b) when pronouncing different types of consonants:

The pronunciation of consonants is necessarily associated with overcoming the obstacle created in the oral cavity on the path of the air stream. This obstacle arises as a result of the convergence of the organs of speech to the boundaries of the gap ([f], [c], [h], [w]) or a complete closure ([p], [m], [d], [k]). Various organs can be close or closed: the lower lip with the upper lip ([p], [m]) or upper teeth ([f], [c]), certain parts of the tongue with hard and soft palate ([h], [d ], [w], [k]). The organs involved in the creation of the barrier are divided into passive and active. The former remain motionless, the latter make certain movements. The air jet overcomes the gap or bow, resulting in a specific noise. The latter is an obligatory component of the consonant sound. In the voiced, the noise is combined with the tone; in the deaf, it turns out to be the only component of the sound. The work of the vocal cords is to close them at the moment of speaking, as a result of which the air pressure increases rapidly, which creates additional tension under the vocal cords.

Pronunciation of consonants

P B Tightly closed lips from the pressure of the exhaled air are torn along

Horizontals. In this case, the lower jaw drops slightly. The tongue lies flat. Sound "P" -

The pronunciation vibrate. When pronouncing soft "P '" and "B '" the back of the tongue rises to

Hard palate. These sounds require an energetic opening of the lips, just do not "wrap" the lips inward!

V F Lower lip inner edge lightly touches the upper front teeth, the palate is raised, the tongue lies freely - the tip is at the lower front teeth. The air blown between the teeth and the lip forms the sounds "B" and "F". With the sound "B", the vocal cords vibrate. Do not try to bite your lower lip - the upper teeth are in contact with its inner side.

T D N The tongue is slightly raised to the palate and its front part is firmly pressed against the upper front teeth - the blow of the tongue should be strong and clean. the curtain is up; at the sound "H" the palatine curtain is lowered. When pronouncing soft "T" and "D", the main articulation is added: the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate. The tip of the tongue descends to the lower front teeth. Pay Special attention on the difference in pronunciation of hard and soft T and D.

KGH At the sounds "K" and "G" the strongly arched back of the tongue touches the hard palate. The palatine curtain is up. The exhaled stream of air breaks between the back of the tongue and the palate, from which explosive sounds "K" and "G" are formed. If there is a gap between the palate and the back of the tongue, then a long “X” sound is obtained. The sounds "K" and "G" are short, without a noisy overtone, for this the root of the tongue must work actively. On "X" - exhale soft, warm.

SZTs Lips are in the position of a light grin. The wide tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth and partly the lower gums, and the front part of the back of the tongue with a small longitudinal groove on it rises to the upper gums and forms a narrow gap with them. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The blown air passes through the groove of the tongue between the teeth and forms the sounds C and Z. With the sound Z, the vocal cords vibrate. The sound Ts consists of the sounds T and C. The sound T smoothly turns into the sound C.

ШЖ The tongue has the shape of a ladle. The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli and forms a gap between the hard palate and the tongue. The lips are oval and slightly pushed forward. The distance between the teeth is about 2mm. When pronouncing the sound "Zh", the ligaments vibrate.

P The formation of the sounds "P" and "P '" is caused by frequent vibrations of the tip of the tongue under the influence of an exhaled stream of air. With a hard "P" vibration occurs in the alveoli of the upper front teeth. With "P'" soft, the tip of the tongue oscillates at the front upper teeth. The vocal cords vibrate.

CHS The sound "Ch" consists of the sounds "t '" and "sh '" which are pronounced without a noticeable explosion. The sound "Sch" is an elongated soft sound "sh'sh". The tip of the tongue when pronouncing "Sch" is slightly more pushed to the front teeth than when "Sh".

L Teeth are bare, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth; the back of the tongue descends along with the edges; the root of the tongue rises to the soft palate and is somewhat pulled back. Air passes along the sides of the tongue. The vocal cords vibrate. The palatine curtain is up. When pronouncing a soft l ', the tip of the tongue rests on the hard palate.

M Lips are closed. Tongue at lower anterior teeth. The pharynx is open. The sound vibrates on the lips. A stream of air breaks the lips on the vowel following the "m".

In the classroom for the development of phonemic representations in senior group for children with mental retardation, a speech therapist introduces children to a large number of terms: speech and non-speech sounds, vowels and consonants, hard, soft, voiced, deaf. Children learn to give an acoustic characterization of sounds, master the skills of phonemic analysis.

It is sometimes difficult for a child with a mental retardation to learn such a number of terms, but parents can do little to help their baby. According to the survey we conducted, only about 20% of parents accurately orient themselves in these concepts and are able to help the child perform a sound analysis of a word or give an acoustic characteristic of a single sound.

In order to bring the necessary concepts to parents, at the beginning school year at the parent meeting, we hold round table, on which we talk about how to do the tasks of a speech therapist at home, what is the procedure for studying sound, what it means to characterize sound, what sound, syllabic and sound-letter analysis of a word is, we introduce all the necessary terminology. To help parents, the "Cheat Sheet for Parents" presented below is issued, which contains all the necessary information in a concise and accessible form. If such work is not enough and parents, together with their children, continue to make mistakes when completing tasks, then work with parents is already carried out individually.

Cheat Sheet for Parents "Speech Sounds"

Our speech consists of sentences.

A proposal is a complete thought.

Sentences are made up of words.

Words are made up of sounds.

The sound of speech is what we hear and pronounce.

A letter is a sign denoting a sound or several sounds. Letters we see, write and read.

The sound in the letter is indicated by the letter.

Speech sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.

There are six vowels in Russian: [A, U, O, I, E, Y].

When pronouncing vowels, the air coming out of the mouth does not encounter obstacles, it comes out freely. With a vowel sound, we can call someone who is far from us.

In the diagrams, vowel sounds are indicated in red.

Vowels - ten

A, U, O, I, E, S - correspond to the sounds, I, Yu, E, E (iotated), which denote two sounds: (I - [YA], Yu - [YU], E - [YE], Yo - [YO])

At the beginning of a word (pit, spruce, hedgehog, spinning top);

After a vowel sound (lighthouse, cabin, sings, melts);

After soft and hard signs (family, entrance).

In other cases (after consonants), iotated vowels indicate the softness of the consonant in front and the vowel in the letter:

I am [A]. Yu - [U], E - [E], Yo - [O] (the key - the letter u denotes the sound [y] and the softness of the consonant sound [l "], the ball - the letter i denotes the sound [a] and the softness of the consonant sound [ m"]).

Consonant sounds - sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air coming out of the mouth meets an obstacle (lips, tongue, teeth).

The deafness and sonority of consonant sounds are determined by the work of the vocal cords and is checked with a palm attached to the neck:

  • deaf consonants - the vocal cords do not work ("the neck does not tremble") consist of noise: K, P, C, T, F, X and their soft pairs, C, Ch, W, W;
  • voiced consonants - vocal cords work ("throat trembles") consist of voice and noise: B, C, D, D, L, M, N, R, 3 and their soft pairs, F, Y.

The hardness and softness of consonants are determined by ear:

consonants that can be hard and soft: B, B, C, B, G, G, D, D, 3, Z, K, K, L, L, M, M, N, N, P, P, P, Pb, C, Cb, T, Th, F, Fb, X, Xb;

  • always hard consonants: Zh, Sh, Ts
  • always soft consonants: Y, Ch, SH

Hard consonants in the diagrams are indicated in blue, soft consonants in green.

When determining the presence or absence of a sound in a word, the place of a sound in a word, one should use reception of intonation selection by voice of a given sound.

For example: "Is there a sound O in the word" dream "? Listen carefully as I pronounce this word: with OOO n. What is the first sound in the word sleep? Listen as I pronounce this word: CCC He. Now listen to the sound of the last sound in the word "sleep" and call it: SONN. Now name all the sounds in the word "dream" in order: s, o, n. How many sounds are in this word?

Dear parents! During classes with a child, be patient, tactful and attentive! Do not show excessive perseverance, but teach the child to complete the work begun. Praise and encourage him for the correct answers, and in case of errors, encourage him, and believe that you will succeed!