Mixer      07/02/2020

Makeup in style 80 90. Stylist's advice: eyeliner on the inner edge of the eyelid is appropriate only as a last resort, for example, when creating evening makeup. Do not forget to carefully blend the shadows so as not to look like a “painted nesting doll”

I already wrote a long article about how and with what my mother did her makeup in the 80s - early 90s, but this is a slightly different story. Her youth and the time of experiments fell on the 70s, and in the 80s she already “settled down” a little, worked at the Wedding Palace, was married to my dad for several years, and in 85, when she was almost the same age as me today , I arrived in time) So my mom's style can be taken as a kind of example of how her peers looked +, but it does not quite reflect the spirit of the youth, for whom the 80s became the same as the late 90s and early 2000s - for me. And this time was unique - when Soviet morality was “bursting at the seams”, the foundations that had previously seemed unshakable could no longer restrain the thirst for freedom and everything “Western” (which, finally, almost ceased to be “hostile”), and in the USSR sex was finally discovered.

The image of the 80s - in my opinion, almost the most recognizable of the entire 20th century, one has only to think, and then a clear portrait appears before my eyes. Almost all articles about the style of those years either implicitly mock wild fashion, or delicately say something like: "This period is rather controversial from an aesthetic point of view, but, despite this, interesting and original." But the fashionable images of the 80s are, in fact, not just a tribute to trends, but, no matter how pathetic it may sound, in a sense, the birth from the ashes of the USSR New Woman, with new attitudes and values.

It was in the 80s that the "boom" of aerobics fell, the first beauty contest was held in the country, and our compatriots learned about the magic formula "90-60-90". Women begin to go in for sports not only "for health", but they understand that a figure can be "sculpted". The attitude to work is changing: if earlier the word "career" in relation to a female person was used mainly ironically or incriminatingly, magazines begin to openly write about the "efficiency" of contemporaries who strive to do everything. The unisex style that defines the 80s emphasizes the independence and strength of women.

At the dawn of the decade, romantic style and "natural beauty" were still in favor - gray-blue shadows, lipstick of muted brownish shades, black mascara, approximately like the actress Alexandra Yakovleva, popular in those years.

Such an image was encouraged by magazines, but how could articles about good tone and moderation compare with the powerful brightness of the images of the young Madonna?

feel the difference)

Clips of Western stars gradually began to “leak” onto Soviet television, and young girls enthusiastically noticed the details. The image of the city girl of the 80s is everything at once, no half measures.

Bright colored shadows with mother-of-pearl and sparkles - they were applied “to the eyebrows”, shaded with wide strokes to the temples for a “fox” look (when I look at photos from my ballroom childhood, I understand that my mother used a very similar technique - the eyes really could be seen from space). Contrasting and non-standard combinations were in fashion - for example, blue and yellow. The domestic industry pleased with such creamy "pencils":

But much cooler were the Ruby Rose color sets, which could only be bought at a flea market. They were of dubious quality, but the shades were amazing!

Eyeliner and mascara, ideally, should also be bright, but black was also suitable, the main thing is as much as possible, thicker and more noticeable. Lips, in comparison with all this color splendor, can be called neutral - light (often pink or lilac) and copper mother-of-pearl.

Blush was applied generously and high to bring the face closer to the then ideal of beauty - women with high cheekbones and pronounced chins were considered attractive. In fact, sculpting was done with blush. The most popular shades were in the tone of lipstick - pink and pink-lilac, as well as terracotta. The ultimate dream in the late 80s were branded Estee Lauder, which could only be bought in special stores:

The rest managed with Soviet ones, or, like mom, with lipstick in general.

Bouffant and puffy hairstyles are back in fashion, but compared to the 60s, it was a completely different story! The girl of these years has turned from a flirtatious "kitty" into an aggressive predator, not afraid of her desires, and styling only emphasized this.

"Chemistry" was in fashion, hair was combed and "put" with varnish "Charm". The squeak was the contrast highlighting with "feathers" and the ashy shade, which fashionistas often achieved ... silver, reserved by the older generation for painting fences!

Makeup in the style of the 80s is always a riot of colors and an excess of shine. This is courage, complete freedom from stereotypes and an unbridled desire for self-expression.


The trend of that time is matte tanned skin. Bright makeup inevitably drew attention to the face, so it must necessarily shine with health and freshness. Over the decades, this rule has not lost its relevance.


Despite the fact that it was then customary to place several accents on the face at once, the eyes were the center of the image. Makeup gave a look required depth, languor and sexuality. The trend of the 80s is perfect shading and the absence of clear contours, which creates the effect of “smoky eyes”.

Among the actual colors of the shadows, blue, turquoise, blue, pink, purple, green, silver should be highlighted. Pearly texture was preferred. For eye makeup, two or more shades of shadows were used at once. Cosmetics were applied not only to the upper eyelid, often the entire area under the eyebrows was painted over. Even more defiantly looked shadows shaded to the very temples. To make the color of cosmetics look even richer, they acted with a wet applicator. This little trick is well known to modern girls.

Without black, makeup in the style of the 80s is generally unthinkable. For this, shadows and eyeliner served. The latter was confidently applied along the edge of both the upper and lower eyelids.

  • Stylist tip: eyeliner on the inner edge of the eyelid is appropriate only as a last resort, for example, when creating evening makeup. Do not forget to carefully shade the shadows so as not to look like a “decorated nesting doll”.

Mascara was applied thickly - in two layers, at least. However, she was not always chosen in the classic black color. Bright and extraordinary styles, such as disco and punk, required girls to have blue, purple, and green mascara in their cosmetic bags. Fashionistas of the 80s curled their eyelashes to achieve the perfect curl, or used false ones.


In those days, the beautiful half of humanity, looking at photographs of Hollywood celebrities in fashion magazines, realized that eyebrows should be as natural as possible. The trend for straight, wide and dark eyebrows has reached our days.

  • Stylist tip: to correct too thin hairline, use eye and eyebrow pencils. Bushiness in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose does not apply to naturalness; it should be disposed of with the help of tweezers or special creams.

Cheeks and cheekbones

There were no rules for makeup in the style of the 80s, so the cheeks of the girls and women of that time, even in the daytime, glowed with blush of red and pink shades. Emphasized cheekbones brought the face closer to the ideal shape and added to its attractiveness.

  • Stylist tip: when creating makeup inspired by the 80s, leave the cheeks and cheekbones intact so as not to detract from the bright shining eyes. The maximum that is acceptable for facial contours is the use of a bronzer or foundation 1-2 tones darker than the natural skin color.


In the 80s, fashionistas created an accent on the lips using cosmetics. rich shades - red, coral, orange, brown, fuchsia and even purple. Pearlescent lipstick was welcomed. To give the lips volume and sensuality, a contour was drawn with a pencil. Bright nail polish was chosen to match the lipstick.

    Stylist tip: in make-up in the style of the 80s, modern fashion makes its own adjustments. Try to use no more than 5 colors in makeup and focus on one part of the face, otherwise you will simply be “misunderstood”. So, if you decide to highlight the eyes, then use mother-of-pearl gloss for the lips. And complement the metallic eye makeup with bright lipstick.

The eighties were a time of bold experiments and grandiose changes, a time of rebels and romantics, which especially affected the appearance of every beauty of the last century and helped create a new make-up, or make-up in the style of the 80s.

At that time, the streets of cities were filled with people dressed in disco style, in glamorous sports outfits and clothes - military, bikers and rockers. Then no one was embarrassed by the combination of bright clothes with massive chains and jewelry, huge heels with a patent leather bag. The innovation of the make up of the 80s was extravagant, flashy tones. Often, you could meet a fashionista in a sweater or a hoodie on the street a la bat, in addition to a bell skirt below the knees. The waist was necessarily intercepted by a wide belt, and the crown of all such an amazing and shocking image was, of course, a lush hair with a fleece. The unspoken motto of girls and women, of any age, of that time was - down with false modesty, give me a mike-up in the style of ABBA and Boni-M.

Makeup of the 80s - there can never be too much cosmetics. Basic Rules

If you want to do do-it-yourself makeup like in the 80s, then this will require patience, time and additional cosmetical tools, since the make up of that time required careful preparation and the use of a significant amount of cosmetics.

Before applying makeup in the style of the 80s at home, first moisturize and cleanse the face. For this purpose, we select special means that are right for your skin. Next, we act in stages: we mask redness and all irregularities with a corrective agent and apply a tonal foundation on the face. We choose a foundation, preferably the same shade as the skin. It is better to take a transparent, fortified, crumbly powder, which will be easiest to apply on your own with a special sponge or brush.

Makeup in the 80s - a riot of colors

An important element of the make up of the 80s are the eyes. Today you can safely pick up any shades and tones you love, but basically makeup in the 80s contained a set of 2 or 3 colors. Cosmetics were applied to the upper eyelids in such a way that they often painted over the entire area above the eyes, and to make the color look even more defiant, they used a wet applicator. This technique is well known to modern fashionistas. Make up of the 80s was unthinkable without black shadows and eyeliners, the latter was confidently applied along the edge of both the lower and upper eyelids.

Tip from the stylist: today, black eyeliner on the inner edges of the eyelids is not appropriate, only in extreme cases, for example, to create. And do not forget about careful shading, otherwise you will look like a decorated nesting doll.

Makeup like in the 80s - the brightness of the look

In those distant times, the beautiful half of humanity had to be content only with photographs of Hollywood celebrities from fashion magazines, and they were well aware that natural eyebrows, slightly retouched, were their trend. They remain in the same actual, natural form to this day.

Tips from the stylist: To prevent the makeup of the 80s from turning you into a silly one, use pencils or shadows to correct thin eyebrows that will match their natural color. Eyebrows should emphasize the look, make it clear and open.

Makeup like in the 80s - the final touches

The makeup of the 80s did not adhere to any basic rules, so the cheeks of women and girls of that time, even during the day, glowed with pink, and even red hues. Today, blush can be chosen not only in warm tones, like brown or light brown, but also in cold ones - pink, scarlet. The texture of the blush can be crumbly, and possibly creamy. The first option is applied with a brush, while shaking off the excess. Mainly on the convex parts of the cheekbones. The second option - the cream is applied with fingers, stroking movements.

Lips in the 80s were painted mainly in saturated shades - red, coral, brown and even purple, and they also could not do without mother-of-pearl gloss. To give volume and sensuality, draw a contour with a pencil. Under the tone of bright lipstick, we choose juicy, matching lipstick nail polish.

Tips from a stylist: today, as in the 80s, modern fashion has made its own adjustments to makeup - the use of more than 5 colors, and most importantly, it is to focus on only one part of the face, otherwise you may not be understood correctly. So, let's say you want to highlight only the eyes, then apply a mother-of-pearl gloss on the lips, thereby bright, shining eyes will not go unnoticed by others.

Makeup in the 80s - step by step

  1. Highlight the eyes. To do this, along the eyelash growth line of the movable upper eyelid with any dark color: black, brown, green, blue, purple.
  2. We display the corner of the arrow a little up, as if creating an impression.
  3. We choose several colors with which we will do makeup. We apply them all over the upper eyelid and carefully shade, erasing clear boundaries.
  4. On inner corner, at the bridge of the nose, apply light tone, and on the outside - darker. Under the eyebrows, at the very border, you can place and white tone. It depends on what kind of makeup you want - everyday or for a party.
  5. We emphasize the lower fixed eyelid with shading movements, only slightly shading the bottom of the eyes with a dark pencil.
  6. Eyelashes must be painted over in the most accurate way, pre-twisting up. You can buy false eyelashes, then you do not have to paint your own.
  7. Lips are brought down one tone darker than lipstick, but always juicy and bright tones.

The scheme of how to do makeup in the style of the 80s is presented in the photo. See below.

Video: makeup technique in the style of the 80s, creating the image of Madonna

Bracelets made of transparent plastic and voluminous careless bows in the hair. Puffy bangs, eyebrow shadows in the most unnatural shades imaginable, and haircuts that make it easier to shave your head and start growing it all over again if you decide to change your image. Who caught the fashion of the 80s, he probably dreamed at least once in his life to forget this quiet horror that reigned in the fashion for hairstyles and makeup.


If you play sports and really need a bandage to protect your eyes and face from sweat, then it is better to wear one. But please avoid the 1980s acid color headbands. Gaiters are also best left to the dancers.

Huge combed hair

Voluminous curls can look great, but not when they are combed half to death and sprayed with varnish to the state of hardened concrete.

Dark lip liner

A neat lip contour a la Marilyn Monroe will add attractiveness to the image. But a contrasting lip liner, like Madonna's early 80s, is ugly even now, when the fashion for the 80s and 90s has been established.


He's a perm. Who would turn down the great idea of ​​having curly hair without having to curl it for hours every day with a hot curling iron? However, any permanent would eventually end up looking like poodle hair on its head.

Ponytails on the side

Stephanie Tanner from the popular 80s series Full House is adorable. The side ponytail she and countless 80s kids and teens wore on their heads is not great.

Shadows up to the eyebrows

In the 80s, no one bothered to smudge makeup, especially when it came to eye shadow. As you can see from this photo of the popular 80s singer Cyndi Lauper, bright colors up to the eyebrows were at the height of fashion.

Hair bands, fabric-covered

It's good that this not very useful accessory is a thing of the past. The tails were constantly falling apart, and the hair was terribly sloppy. What was the meaning of the hair bands, covered with an impressive amount of fabric, is unknown to science.

Hairstyle mullet

John Stamos was one of the hottest hotties of the decade, but it's important to remember that he, too, sported a horrendous haircut called a mullet.

Whipped mullet

The mullet didn't impress anyone or make anyone more attractive, but by some strange coincidence, it remained popular throughout the 80s and early 90s.

crimped hair

Clearly, textured hair can look cool. But this ubiquitous trend of the 80s (in the photo - on the head of the American singer Taylor Dane) looks just shaggy and is unlikely to add charm to anyone.

Acid plastic earrings

Bright colors (the brighter the better) were considered terribly cool in the 80s. And that extended to jewelry and accessories. In the photo - Lisa Turtle from the series "Saved by the Bell" (Saved by the Bell), popular in the 80s.

Hot pink blush

A light trace of blush gives the face a healthy shade. If you plaster with a bright pink tint, as in the 80s, then you can just scare everyone around.

Rat tails

This extraordinary hairstyle was especially popular among men, but women, unfortunately, also sometimes wore it.

1980s style- a style that reproduces the style of clothing, makeup, hairstyles of the 1980s. Main characteristic direction is excessive: representatives of the generation in clothes preferred catchy models, very short lengths, too narrow or too voluminous cut. Also, excessiveness was manifested in makeup and choice. The most typical images of the 80s. - business woman, aggressive sexuality, romantic beauty, ideal athletic figure.

The main signs of the style of the 80s

General characteristics of the style of the 80s

The style of the 80s was formed under the influence of the cult of the beautiful and healthy body, subcultures, as well as the fashion industry and screen images. Fashion is intertwined with rethought retro images, trends born of youth subcultures, music and dance trends, and a boom in sports. The determining factor in the choice of clothing was the name of the brand. Since the 80s were characterized by excess, it was considered the pinnacle of style.

Clothing and accessories from brands such as Armani Jeans, Vivienne Westwood, Azzedine Alaia, Salvatore Ferragamo, Jean Paul Gaultier, Claude Montana and others were successful in different sectors of society.

The main directions of the style of the 80s

  • aggressive sexuality

In the 80s. the image of a sexy girl was associated with frank, aggressive and provocative outfits. In the US, some representatives of the generation ripped off the tags with the names of famous people from the inside and altered them on the front side.

Colors- green, yellow, lemon, red, fuchsia.

Prints- leopard, cage, floral patterns.

fabrics- denim, lurex, knitwear, lace, lycra, leather, stretch.

Cloth- mini, shorts, sweaters with, and jackets with broad shoulders, windbreakers, bustiers, fishnet, tops, including those with sequins or rhinestones.

bags- volumetric models and .

Accessories- lace - mitts, neck, ribbons, hair bands, clips, earrings and plastic, wide belts and belts tied at the waist or hips.

Hairstyle- perm, bleached hair or highlights, bouffants fixed with varnish.

Makeup- bright shadows, eyeliner, blush, lipstick with mother of pearl.

Brands- Yves Saint Laurent, Nike, Adidas, Vivienne Westwood, Azzedine Alaia, Moschino, Versace, Jean Paul Gaultier, Claude Montana, etc.

  • Romance

Romantic direction in the 80s. was associated with the style of Princess Diana, a fashion icon of the time, including her wedding in 1981. and made this outfit from 40 meters of silk fabric. The dress consisted of a bodice with Empire style sleeves, a fluffy skirt trimmed with antique English lace and a 7.5-meter train. Princess Diana's outfit has inspired many designers to create romantic collections.

Colors- saturated or pastel colors.

Prints- peas, cage, floral motifs.

fabrics- lace, guipure, tulle, silk, crepe, crepe de chine, boucle, cashmere, cotton, chiffon, satin.

Cloth- pencil skirts, fluffy skirts, sheath dresses, evening dresses, dresses with flounces and ruffles, jackets with a high waist.

bags- shoppers, weekenders, sportsmen.

Accessories- plastic jewelry, hairbands, wide belts and belts tied at the waist or hips.

Hairstyle- perm, spikelet.

Makeup- red, hot pink, brown lipstick, eyeliner.

Brands- Armani Jeans, Nike, Adidas, Moncler, Moncler R, Moncler Grenoble, Juicy Couture, etc.

Styles of youth subcultures

Popular subcultures and trends of the 80s. were , and .

  • Hip Hop 80s

Colors– black, grey, white, yellow.

Prints– labels famous brands, geometric patterns, techno-landscapes, aggressive animalistic, letter and portrait images.

fabrics- jersey, denim, polyester.

Cloth- hoodies, wide leg pants, trumpet jeans, wide .

Shoes- sneakers, sandals.

bags- backpacks.

Accessories- massive jewelry, bandanas, wristbands, headbands, belts.

Hairstyle- perm, bouffant.

Makeup- hot pink, red or brown lipstick, eyeliner.

Brands– Reebok, Nike, Adidas, Moschino, Jean Paul Gaultier, etc.

  • Gothic 80s

Colors- black, sometimes combined with dark red or blue.

Prints- images of crosses, skulls, pentagrams.

fabrics- vinyl, mesh, leather, knitwear, silk, .

Cloth- sweatshirts in a small or large mesh, raincoats, leather jackets. The women's wardrobe also included torn tights, floor-length dresses, corsets, and miniskirts.

bags- hobo, postmen.

Shoes- martens, platform boots.

Accessories- collars and bracelets with spikes, Celtic crosses, metallized jewelry with the image of skulls or an eight-pointed star, torn mitts, sometimes piercings, by the end of the 80s -,.

Hairstyle- in the early 80s, the Goths wore combed hair of medium length, wide mohawks, dyed strands of hair in blue, red or purple. By the end of the 80s, long straight hair became popular.

Makeup(for men and women) - black or blueberry lipstick, dark shadows, eyeliner, black nail polish, by the end of the 80s marble complexion became popular among the Goths, which was achieved using theatrical makeup.

Brands— Vivienne Westwood, Dr. Martens, Jean Paul Gaultier.

  • Preppy 80s

Colors- deep blue, red, bright yellow, sand, gray, white, khaki, beige. Perhaps their combination with pastel colors.

Prints- a cage, a rhombus, a strip, as well as a combination of these patterns.

fabrics- tweed, cotton, wool, cashmere, viscose, mohair.

Cloth- jackets with wide shoulders, knitted, blazers, sweatshirts, coats, polo shirts, polo shirts, classic cut trousers, banana trousers. Girls also wore shirt-cut blouses, pencil skirts, pleated skirts, A-line skirts and dresses.

bags- satchels, backpacks, postmen, totes, weekenders, briefcases.

Shoes-, ballet shoes, oxfords, derbies, brogues, low-heeled shoes.

Accessories- headbands, bows and ribbons for decorating hairstyles, ties, bow ties, neckerchiefs and pocket squares, belts, bright stockings and socks, university and college logo patches.

Hairstyle- chemical perm.

Makeup- blush and lipstick in natural shades.

Brands—, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Filson, Alden, Sperry Top-Sider, Quoddy.

Influence of the film industry and show business

  • Men's fashion

Men's clothing style in the 80s was influenced by Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Boy George, Thomas Andersen and Dieter Bohlen.

Michael Jackson preferred hats, jackets and jackets with wide shoulders, leather jackets, scarves, loafers, loose trousers, belts, classic cut, gloves, white socks. The clothes and accessories of the king of pop were decorated with numerous sequins and rhinestones.

David Bowie and Boy George chose jeans, T-shirts, jackets with stripes, bright jackets, leather jackets, platform boots, neckerchiefs. On stage and in life, they used makeup, dyed their hair. The image of Boy George was more extravagant. He wore bright hats, jackets with metallic elements and rhinestones, used more makeup, experimented with hair.

Thomas Andersen and Dieter Bohlen performed on stage in shirts, jeans, loose-fitting leather pants and leather jackets, often worn over their naked bodies.

From 1984 to 1990 on television, the series Miami Vice: Vice was broadcast. The style icon was recognized as the character James Crockett, whose role was played by Don Johnson. IN Everyday life the hero of the series wore plain T-shirts for club jackets from Giorgio Armani, linen trousers and moccasins on a bare leg, Ray-Ban sunglasses. James preferred pastel colors. For one series main character could change up to five sets of clothes. The series' fashion consultants were Werner Baldessarini, and. Costume designer Bambi Brickstone stated that "the concept of the series is to be on top of all the latest fashion trends Europe".

During the show's five years of airing, demand for club coats, cardigans, Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses, and light pastel-colored outfits has increased significantly. AfterSix created the Miami Vice line of jackets, Macy's opened the Vice Department clothing section.

  • Women's fashion

Women's style was most influenced by Madonna, Grace Jones and Princess Diana.

Princess Diana kept business and romantic styles. She chose sheath dresses from Christian Lacroix, dresses with voluminous shoulder pads from Bruce Oldfield, suits from Chanel, shoes from Salvatore Ferragamo, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, hats with moderately wide brim, neckerchiefs, etc.

On stage and in everyday life, the singer wore Jean Paul Gaultier corsets, leather shorts, loose-cut one-shoulder tops, embroidered jackets, mini-skirts, belts and belts tied at the waist or hips, mitt gloves, sunglasses, massive jewelry. , torn colored tights, cross chains, bright makeup, headbands and bows for hair, bouffant, perm.

Grace Jones adhered to styles in their aggressive direction. The style icon wore Yves Saint-Laurent tuxedos worn over underwear, leather dresses and jackets, leggings, uniforms, over the knee boots, high-heeled or platform shoes, outrageous hats, and a men's haircut.

Influence of the fashion industry

In 1979, he released the James Bond spring-summer 1980 collection, in which he presented mini-skirts, leather shorts and vests. The following year, the designer created a high-tech collection in a hooligan style. In 1981, Giorgio Armani launched the Emporio Armani and Armani Jeans youth lines. In 1983, Jean-Paul Gaultier introduced the women's collection "Dadaism" with numerous corsets, and founded the brand of the same name. The collections, created under the slogan "If you can not be elegant, become extravagant", were distinguished by bright colors, the use of logos as prints, a combination of different materials in one outfit. In 1984, Jean-Louis Dumas, the head of the Fashion House, released the first bag model, and Jean-Paul Gaultier created a men's collection called "Male Object" with striped sweaters and skirts. At the women's show "Dolls" spring-summer 1986, the models of Jean-Paul Gaultier took to the catwalk in black satin underwear and stockings. In the mid-1980s, he created Grace Jones' famous bodycon dress with a cape over her head.

In the 80s, Japanese designers such as Yoshi Yamamoto and became popular in Europe and the USA. offered clothes of geometric shapes, kimono sleeves, sharp color combinations. When creating collections, the priority was a feeling of comfort and freedom.