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Aries zodiac horoscope. Aries zodiac sign. Aries horoscopes. Symbol of the zodiac sign Aries: what does the image of Aries mean

The zodiac sign Aries (lat. Aries) is the first in the zodiac circle. People born from March 21 to April 20 are purposeful, assertive, impulsive, ambitious, independent, have childlike sincerity and straightforwardness.

General characteristics of the sign


The designation of the first sign is a ram's head, carrying the desire to show initiative, courage. Such qualities help to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

The first place in the list of signs of the zodiac gives the stubborn leader the quality of a leader, the desire to overtake everyone. Often, having taken up any business, Aries can leave it if patience and painstaking work are required. He needs a quick job, otherwise the person will get bored.

The patron Mars gives confidence, courage, the ability to inspire people to overcome obstacles, becoming an example. If an obstacle is encountered that Aries cannot overcome, then he enters into a senseless struggle, trying to prove his superiority and strength. The fiery element, together with the first place in the horoscope, makes you constantly compete with the rest of the signs.

Representatives of the sign do not learn from their mistakes, nor do they engage in spiritual development. For them, the most important thing is actions, not thoughts. Aries are extroverts, which means they love public speaking, but only in the lead role. When they fail to capture the status of a leader, which almost never happens, they lose interest in the activities taking place and the people around them.

Aries in love and marriage

In sex, Aries are passionate, frantic. An ardent disposition allows you not to hide your feelings, they are not embarrassed by groans, screams. Passion makes them forget about decorum.


In marriage, the Aries woman is a leader, an idealist. Everything will be according to her desire, nothing else. Self-respect will not allow her to cheat on her husband. She longs for the absolute trust of the chosen one, just as he should trust his partner.

The Aries woman is the owner, she will not allow anyone to encroach on her possessions. There should be no signs of attention, smiles, glances towards other girls. Otherwise, she will become cold to her partner. Due to stubbornness, it is not always possible to completely melt this iceberg; a woman will harbor a grudge deep in her heart.

In sex, Aries women are proactive and, succumbing to an assertive disposition, they choose a place for this at random.


A man loves sincerely, passionately, passionately. He is the head of the family, the leader. Quickly flares up to the partner, but also cools down quickly. When parting, he should be the initiator, otherwise he will bring down all the negativity on the girl who hurt his pride. True, the aggression will not last long and soon he will find a new love for himself.

For an Aries husband, cheating is in the order of things. In search of new sensations, he can easily repeatedly betray the feelings of the chosen one. But he makes the opposite demands on his companion. Any hint of flirting or attraction to other men can drive him crazy.

A man of this sign in bed can be rude and unpredictable. Everything is aimed at surprising and making your partner admire you. Remarks about sexual ability that hurt pride can provoke aggression.

But even having such a sexual characteristic, for the leader of the zodiac, sex and love are two different concepts. The choice of partners in both cases is a matter of principle.


Aries are too active and assertive for boring and routine work. They will not fit the job of a politician or a teacher. Although thanks to the talents, they could advance in all possible directions.

It is best for a sign whose patron is named after the God of War to work in the army or in law enforcement agencies. These people need a job where it's required quick result. They will also look for every opportunity to get into the top ranks. This is due to the desire of Aries to always be in the first place.


This sign is one of the healthiest in the horoscope, rarely exposed to disease. Basically, health is determined by the location of the planets at the time of his birth. The part of the body that Aries rules is the head. They are prone to frequent headaches, dizziness, dermatological diseases of the face and scalp.

Aries men

Freedom-loving, independent, brave, stubborn. Never give up, overcoming difficulties, obstacles. They want to try everything in life. Defiantly trying to make a positive impression on people.

In the soul they remain big children, they do not want to grow up for a long time. They are easy to communicate, what they think about, they talk about. They are mediocre in manipulating people, they do not perceive authorities. They often make enemies, but do not notice this until the last.

Not created for long courtship, romantic walks. Men expect women to instantly respond to their signs of attention.

Men of this sign are selfish, are owners, recognizing only the personal "I".

Aries women

Energetic, independent, independent. It is easy to do without men. From childhood, they are accustomed to do everything on their own, even surpass men. Despite this, deep down they dream of a courageous and independent partner, such as themselves. Having found the ideal, Aries women act decisively. Do not hesitate to be the first to call on a date if the chosen one is indecisive.

Good housewives, know how to cook, keep the house clean. But they do not like to do household chores, considering such work unworthy of their status.

Aries Child

The qualities inherent in Aries are manifested from childhood. Children are energetic and purposeful. Always in the spotlight, it's hard not to notice them. They do not follow the manners and cleanliness of clothes.

Such a child must be raised with care. He is aggressive, but in his heart he is afraid of losing the love of his parents. Excessive negativity will make him a rude, tough person.

The Aries child does not study well in childhood and often resolves conflicts with his fists. In education, one must take into account and encourage the manifestation of one's "I", direct it to the path to which it is drawn. At the same time, show firmness and affection, while maintaining a thin line between them.

Compatibility with other signs

It is difficult for stubborn horoscope leaders to find a suitable pair. Zodiac Compatibility with Aries:

  1. . Together with Aries, things will not work out very well. Because of the desire of everyone to be the best, constant quarrels cannot be avoided. If the Aries woman finds the strength in herself and refuses the championship, then an idyll sets in. They are sexually compatible, therefore, when quarreling, they make up quickly and intensively.
  2. . The next sign after Aries. Aries suit Taurus, create strong marriages. They are different, but complement each other, and in bed they will bring the relationship to perfection.
  3. . With Gemini Good friends, no more. Gemini will not give Aries peace of mind and trust. Too different characters. But Aries will never be bored in the company of Gemini.
  4. . Together with Cancer they form a difficult union that has no prospects for both signs. They live in different worlds incapable of living together. Sensitive Cancer will suffer from the rough pressure of Aries. Only sex can connect them. But such an alliance will quickly fall apart.
  5. . Aries and Leo have an amazing relationship. They constantly compete with each other. But Aries in many cases concedes, afraid of losing his soul mate. Leo defuses the heat with humor and jokes. Thanks to these actions, such a marriage is able to last a long time.
  6. . Marriage with Virgo is successful if both parties have common goals. Virgos are conservatives who live by reason. Aries, living in the heart, cannot stand constancy and stagnation. By suppressing selfishness, showing whose interest is more important, they can give each other a lot.
  7. . With Libra they have a unique compatibility. Their relationship is filled with reciprocity. Libra's lack of emotion will stabilize the impulsiveness of Aries. Aries, on the other hand, will instill confidence and optimism in a partner with inner fire.
  8. . The perfect union awaits with Scorpio. As representatives of emotional signs, they will live in abundance of feelings, satisfaction of desires in relationships and in sex.
  9. . Despite the hot temper of the signs, they get along well. They are united by love for life, optimism, mutual understanding. This will be the basis of their relationship.
  10. . With Capricorn, they will build a strong alliance based on mutual understanding. Disagreements, quarrels will not last long, interest in each other will not disappear after many years. Capricorns will bring stability and perseverance to the relationship, Aries - inspiration and enthusiasm.
  11. . Aquarius is not the best partner in terms of starting a family. Aries will show the rights of the owner, in every possible way controlling the freedom-loving Aquarius, who does not allow himself to be limited. Such a union is better formed as friends or lovers, rather than in the status of a couple.
  12. . Aries and Pisces rarely meet together. Pisces are subtle, sensual natures that the mundane Aries cannot understand. But if this couple fell in love with each other, the union will be long and strong. Aries are able to give the care and confidence that Pisces need.

The characteristics of each union also depend on the location of the planets at the time of birth.

People born under the sign of Aries

Under the auspices of this sign, great actors, writers, philosophers were born. All of them have achieved success in life. Among them:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach;
  • Wilhelm Roentgen;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • Vincent van Gogh;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Michael Fassbender;
  • Keira Knightley;
  • Thomas Jefferson;
  • Hans Christian Andersen.

Aries is a rough and stubborn zodiac sign. He is selfish in the struggle for leadership. He may seem harsh, but at heart he is kind, sympathetic, noble. Ready to help, overcome obstacles, lead. Inspires confidence and inspires. Aries has exactly those qualities that other signs do not have. Due to his assertiveness, he will always achieve success and recognition of people.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac after the spring equinox. This is the main initiator, starting a huge number of projects, but he does not always have enough strength to complete things. Aries stones are able to rationally distribute energy in all areas of life. Talisman stones by date of birth When choosing a talisman, you need to focus on the date of birth, the dominant planet. The first decade (21.03-31.03) The period passes under ...

The Aries man is incredibly charismatic, energetic and purposeful. He knows how to interest others in a new idea, and he himself can give up halfway. Sports appearance and youthfulness are characteristic of representatives of the constellation. Aries do not like routine, monotony and a clear sequence of actions. They are creative and smart, which makes them attractive in the eyes of women. general characteristics Influential Mars endowed the representatives of the sign with incredible activity....

Ruler planet:♂ Mars. Element: Fire.

Aries character

Aries is a born leader, and there's nothing you can do about it. Already at the first acquaintance with Aries, you can literally feel with your skin the main feature of this zodiac sign - inescapable self-confidence and that you are right. Even when Aries is silent, in his every gesture one can read inner firmness and inflexibility. And if he speaks ... Believe me, arguing with Aries is not a very promising business.

Well, the reason for this is simple: Aries is the first sign of the entire zodiac circle, symbolizing the birth of Life, the beginning of all beginnings. That is why all the astrologers of the world inevitably compared the character of Aries with the character of a newborn baby. In the first place in the Universe for Aries is his "I". The whole world, according to his firm conviction, revolves around him and must adapt to him. It is not surprising that Aries may simply not notice other people's desires and needs, but he is so reverent about his own.

Just as a baby, having wanted something, immediately notifies the whole world about it with its insistent cry, Aries also considers it necessary to declare his desires, demanding from others and even from Fate itself what, in his opinion, belongs to him by right. His style is not to look for difficult paths, but to achieve what you want with the most simple ways. Oddly enough, but such self-confidence often bears fruit: both those around them and Fate really go towards the selfish Aries, helping him achieve his goal.

However, the selfishness and even narcissism of Aries is largely smoothed out by his other "childish" features. Indeed, it is difficult to be offended by a person who, with such unflagging interest, is able to learn the world, recklessly rush to protect the weak or take at face value all the words of his interlocutor. Aries is sincere and truthful, and always expects the same from others.

In general, in relations with Aries, you can be sure of one of his invaluable qualities: he does not hold a stone in his bosom and does not weave ingenious intrigues behind your back. He is all in front of you, at a glance: if something does not suit him in you, he will tell you about it with all frankness. If it comes to conflict, Aries is easy to piss off - get ready for his violent and sudden outbursts of anger, which, however, pass as quickly as a May thunderstorm.

Not embarrassed to express in the eyes of others everything that he thinks about them (and these are far from always pleasant things), Aries himself, like any child, in his soul always longs for recognition, approval and praise. For all his confidence, sometimes excessive, he can react very painfully to criticism addressed to him, and praise and even rude flattery can inspire him.

In work, Aries always strives for leadership and the goal, and ideally for recognition and glory, and often achieves his goal. He is independent, energetic, knows how to take responsibility, and during periods of failure, his optimism and incredible self-confidence do not allow him to give up for a long time. In other words, Aries is a born leader, and he has every chance to reach the very heights.

The element of Aries - Fire - gives him optimism and passion. His ruling planet - warlike Mars - gives his character decisiveness and vigor.

Sincere and truthful, active and persistent, brave and generous, with a heightened sense of justice, Aries is a true leader. Despite the obstacles, he is ready to move forward, paving the way for those who follow him. His energy is boundless, as well as self-confidence, and he does not get tired of taking everything from life in order to generously share with others.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. His symbol is a ram's head. This sign denotes a meek lamb that was sacrificed for the common good. At the same time, it symbolizes a powerful driving force, initiative and desire for life.

Element: fire

Planet: Mars

Stone: heliotrope, amethyst

Mascot: golden fleece hammer

Color: crimson, purple and crimson

Characteristics of the sign

Aries is a fire person. He is constantly in action and strives for his goals with enviable perseverance and enthusiasm. At the same time, he tends to ignore the desires and opinions of others, acting only in his own interests. He "goes ahead", so he often acts tactlessly and is too straightforward. But such behavior is forgiven him thanks to his dedication and extraordinary charge of energy.

Aries has such positive traits as decisiveness, a heightened sense of justice, optimism, passion. Its main disadvantages include irritability and incontinence. He is ready to flare up for any reason, believing that the truth is on his side. However, he quickly cools down and is ready to go put up first.

Aries Woman

The Aries woman is self-confident, independent, energetic and purposeful. Strives to always look perfect. She is an amorous nature. Knows how to impress a man. Plays the role of leader in the family. There should be a strong man next to her. She values ​​her family. In bed, she is passionate and sensual, often dominating her partner.

Aries man

The Aries man is active and purposeful. Failure doesn't scare him. He stubbornly moves forward to achieve what he wants. He does not tolerate power over himself. His characteristic weaknesses are excessive self-confidence, selfishness. In relationships, he is sincere and faithful to his other half. At the same time, his woman should always look well-groomed. In sex, he is passionate, likes to dominate.

Love and family

Aries is an amorous sign. He is capable of strong and passionate feelings. The object of his love should be not only interesting to him, but also inaccessible. It is important for him to overcome obstacles - this makes the "prize" more valuable. The representative of this sign is inclined to idealize a partner. Therefore, the revealed shortcomings of the second half quickly cool his love ardor.

In sex, Aries is an experimenter, conservatism is boring for him. He prefers sexual experimentation and unexpected places for intimacy. Passionate and tireless in bed.

His family life becomes happy if there is a partner nearby with whom it is never boring. Aries needs to be constantly inspired and surprised. Then he will adore his soul mate and literally wear it in his arms.


Ideal partners for Aries are Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius. With Virgo, Capricorn, low compatibility.

Career and profession

Aries is a born leader. He becomes a great leader or director. If he is captured by the idea, he will do everything for its implementation and inspire the work of his subordinates. However, his enthusiasm is quickly fading. Therefore, it is important that he loves his work and is genuinely interested in current projects.

Aries subordinate "burns" in the workplace and tries to be the first in everything. He believes that he performs his duties better than others, therefore he does not accept criticism and guidance "from above".

Due to straightforwardness, it is undesirable for a representative of this zodiac sign to make a career in areas that require cunning and diplomacy - international relationships, jurisprudence. A good idea is to open your own business, where he will be his own boss.


Aries is not inclined to take care of their health. Due to the crazy pace of life, he sleeps little, eats poorly and experiences a lot of stress. Therefore, the nervous and immune systems are “under attack”. He needs to take a break sometimes.

Aries is committed to tasty, but unhealthy food. Therefore, he often suffers from gastrointestinal diseases and skin rashes. To replenish irrepressible energy and good brain function, he needs animal products, nuts and red fish.

Aries often puts off going to the doctor "until later." This results in serious health problems. It is important for him to understand that it is more convenient to deal with the ailment that has appeared immediately, not to bring it to complications.

Aries Element

The element of the zodiac sign Aries is Fire. Fire endows Aries nearby distinctive properties such as activity, energy, purposefulness, flexibility, independence, impatience, inability to multitask.

Aries planet

The ruling planet of the zodiac sign Aries is Mars. Mars influences the fate of Aries and endows him with a number of strong and weaknesses such as enterprise, cheerfulness, courage, riskiness, ambition, determination, vigor, determination, uncompromisingness, infantilism, capriciousness, stubbornness, impatience, arrogance, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness, the ability to manipulate people.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aries

Adolf Hitler, Alexander Tsekalo, Alla Pugacheva, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Basta, Valentina Matvienko, Victoria Beckham, Vincent Van Gogh, Vladimir Klitschko, Gary Oldman, Harry Houdini, James Franco, Jackie Chan, Jeremy Clarkson, Dmitry Nagiev, Elena Temnikova, Ivan Urgant , Igor Akinfeev, Irina Khakamada, Quentin Tarantino, Keira Knightley, Lavrenty Beria, Laima Vaikule, Lady Gaga, Leonardo da Vinci, Maxim Gorky, Maria Sharapova, Marlon Brando, Nikita Khrushchev, Nikolai Gogol, Otto von Bismarck, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Daney Jr., Sarah Jessica Parker, Celine Dion, Sergei Lazarev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sergei Shnurov, Steven Seagal, Heath Ledger, Charlie Chaplin, Elton John, Ewan McGregor.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries by year of animals

Aries Rat

People who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Rat are distinguished by external attractiveness and outstanding intelligence. Combining openness, honesty and cunning, they easily find contact with others. For the sake of the implementation of the plan, they can go over their heads. They are drawn to everything new and often say what they think.

Aries Bull

Aries born in the year of the Ox have a strong character. With their temperament, they skillfully control emotions and do not allow spontaneity in decisions and actions. Thanks to independence, responsibility and perseverance, these people always bring what they started to the end. Leadership inclinations make them advisers and mentors for many people.


A person who was born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Tiger is optimistic about the world around him. She loves to be the center of attention and meet new people. This active and energetic person is drawn to everything new and often sets super-difficult tasks for himself. They know how to earn money and do not spare them for relatives and friends.


Aries, who were born in the year of the Rabbit, are distinguished by a calm character. They are endowed with an excellent sense of taste and erudition, which allows them to achieve success in any field of knowledge. With their isolation and modesty, they often find themselves at the center of high-profile scandals. These people value family values ​​and willingly help those who are in trouble.

Aries Dragon

People who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon are strong personalities. Thanks to their determination and energy, they persistently go to success, which inspires others to be active. Good organizational skills and freedom-loving disposition often leads them to leadership positions.


Nature endowed people who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake with good external data, a sense of style and intelligence. A skeptical pragmatist and a dreamy idealist easily coexist in them, which makes them the soul of any company. These people highly value comfort, for the sake of which they are able to donate any money.

Aries Horse

Those born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Horse have a cheerful disposition. They rarely sit idle and do not tolerate boredom and monotony. The source of vivid emotions and fresh impressions is found in extreme entertainment. These men and women love to challenge adversity and try their luck. For fear of losing their freedom, they are reluctant to marry.

Aries Sheep

Aries, who were born in the year of the Sheep, are unpredictable. They rarely stick to a plan and always find something to surprise the world with. These people do not know how to hide emotions, lie and obey someone else's will. For the sake of protecting their interests, they are able to manipulate people. Thanks to the ability to present themselves in society, they do not know the end of the fans.

Aries Monkey

Aries born in the Year of the Monkey radiate energy and optimism. These are scholars, fighters for justice, innovators whose ideas are ahead of their time. They cannot imagine themselves without society, which gives them the strength to move forward. Thanks to the ability to avoid conflicts, a subtle sense of humor and outstanding oratory skills, they become the soul of any company.

Aries Rooster

Aries born in the year of the Rooster are endowed with charisma and charm. They like to bathe in the rays of social recognition and live on full power. When faced with difficulties, they rarely ask for help. When their interests are infringed, they become quick-tempered and uncompromising. True happiness is seen in serving the ideals of truth and goodness.


These people go through life with their heads held high. They are devoid of fears, prejudices and laziness, thanks to which their undertakings are doomed to success. In stressful situations tend to go to extremes. Aries-Dogs react painfully to criticism and remember grievances for a long time. They make good leaders who do not deprive subordinates of the right to vote.

Aries Pig

People who were born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Pig perceive the world through the prism of their emotions and inner feelings. By nature, they have good health, inexhaustible energy potential and overt sexuality. They deeply experience failures, but do not allow themselves to fall into despondency. They have many friends for whom they can give their last.

Characteristics of the sign

The English name for the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, comes from the Latin aries, "ram," which the ancients believed the outlines of the constellation to resemble.
In Greek mythology, Aries was the ram that carried away the royal children of Frix and Hell from their stepmother, Ino, who planned to destroy them. Hella fell into the sea, and since then it has been called the Helespont. Once safe, Phrixus sacrificed this ram to Zeus, who placed the ram in the sky. The skin of a ram, known as the "Golden Fleece", was the goal of the Argonauts' journey.
The sign is the curved horns of a ram, but some astrologers claim that the sign depicts the eyebrows and nose, which, along with the rest of the face and head, are influenced by Aries.
Initiative, activity, enterprise. The sign of the beginning of action means a new cycle in personal development, aggressiveness, straightforwardness. It shimmers with seething energy, enthusiasm. Being a cardinal sign, he sets himself all the time new tasks that interest him, until the charm of novelty has disappeared.

Aries people have an inner need to be active, to actively defend themselves in life. It is not enough for them to talk about needs, they satisfy them. Aries can achieve a lot if they learn to reason. Impulsivity and inability to listen to others lead Aries to difficult situations. Because of impatience, he does not bring the matter to the end, leaving it to do other, subordinate signs.
Being ambitious, he wants to be the first and the best everywhere. Aries is a born leader. Fame and recognition are more important to him than money and convenience. Striving for authority and domination, it becomes aggressive and resorts to violence. Always looking for new ways and opportunities. He needs to learn courtesy, friendliness, the ability to analyze his actions. Many Aries have great strength will, self-confident, have extraordinary spiritual abilities.
Credo of Aries - "I am".
Most Pairs With: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius
Average compatibility with: Libra, Virgo, Taurus
Least Pairs With: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Born under this sign: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Bach, Descartes, Zola, Van Gogh, Haydn, Hitler, Charlie Chaplin.

Were you born under the sign of Aries?
Then be sure to watch this video

Aries planet

Aries is ruled by Mars. According to ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war. Therefore, he rewards his wards with fearlessness and determination.

These are brave and aggressive people. They are able to mobilize all internal forces and adequately meet any opponent, while having good chances of winning.

Unfortunately, they rarely bring things to a victorious end. Most likely, by the time they can reap the laurels, they will plunge headlong into solving a new problem.

Aries Element

Aries is a sign of Fire. The influence of Mars and the Sun gives a spark, relentless movement and a tendency to exaggeration. Aries will do anything to avoid boredom and depression. They feel more than they think. Aries lead a mobile lifestyle, so they do not get stuck on the sidelines of life for a long time, if they ever find themselves there. They are not afraid to step into new territory, decisively enter the fight and make a significant contribution to victory. Of course, some of the decisions they make may seem too hasty later on, but you will never meet an Aries who regrets what they have done. The motto of this fiery sign is: "Always forward!" Aries enthusiastically make plans, although they do not always translate them into reality.

The zodiac is compared to the path of life. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and therefore it symbolizes birth. This is the baby of the zodiac and, like any baby, he is completely absorbed in himself and his feelings. His needs are paramount, he does not care about others, so it is not surprising that the main distinguishing feature of Aries is obvious egocentrism. He thinks first of all about himself.

However, they are very friendly people, usually with energetic manners. They fight against any injustice without hesitation in expressions, can be hot and furious and always express their point of view directly. There is nothing hidden and complicated in this sign.

Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado, window dressing. He does not feel that he can cause any inconvenience to others. Such innocent narcissism softens the impression of the aggressiveness of Aries, it is just as difficult to be offended by him as by a child.

Aries are not afraid of new things. Those born under this sign are often called the pioneers of the zodiac, and it is this ability to step into the unknown without fear that often brings them success. But Aries does not like to plan, because plans bring order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide the imperfection. Doing things spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will finish.

As a rule, Aries achieve success in their careers.

From Aries come out excellent salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful surgeons, sculptors. They are good with fire and metal. But regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best.

However, they are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts, feelings and intentions, and they have very peculiar ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice.

Aries is sure that no one else will do the job as well as he does. This can lead to nervous exhaustion, so Aries cannot be accused of laziness. Aries never sit back and wait for success to come to them without their help. If you give them the opportunity to show organizational skills and initiative and give them some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is.

Aries boss can not stand loafers and hacks. When working under Aries, be prepared to stay up late, and sometimes come to the service on Sunday. But he will look through his fingers if you are late for work, return half an hour after lunch break, or ask for a day off in the middle of the week.

The energy of Aries infuriates many, but in principle they can be calm when they want. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you should not interfere with him. Despite the neglect of trifles, he will do his job to perfection. Money as an incentive plays a secondary role. If Aries has to choose between fame and money, he will choose the former.

Aries will never admit they are wrong. Under the auspices of Mars, Aries are generally not able to admit defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in pursuit of good luck. And most Aries are really lucky - both in art and in business.

Despite being too direct, which shocks many, Aries, if he wants, can be a model of secular treatment and spend hours excitingly interesting about things that he has only a superficial understanding of.

Aries speech can be ironic, it is exceptionally easy to provoke anger in him, which quickly passes. They forget grievances quickly. If possible, they can even apologize to their enemy if they feel that they offended him. Aries hate gossip, if only because they are too busy himself in order to waste time on someone else's behavior, secret plans and deeds.

As a rule, Aries does not have semitones in assessing people and events: there are enemies and friends; there is black and white, but there is no gray; something can be good or bad, but not average. He is only interested in today, rather, the present moment. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles.

Despite external self-confidence, Aries needs approval and support from employees, his wife and even passers-by. He is terribly happy when someone recognizes his merits, and, conversely, may become discouraged if he learns that subordinates do not approve of his leadership methods or underestimate his abilities.

Although Aries are desperately brave, daring, determined, they absolutely cannot stand physical pain. Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed until the last. It is difficult to put them to bed when they do not feel well, but if they lie down, then they are really sick. Aries is an impatient patient. His attitude towards illness: don't go to bed, move, don't give up. The true cause of their illness lies in impatience.

When is carnival in 2020

Crafts with the symbol of the year of the Mouse (Rat) 2020 you can see