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Virgo fiery rooster is a characteristic of the male sign. Virgo-boy. General characteristic. Virgo born in the year of the rooster in bed

Anna Lyubimova

Personalities born under this zodiac combination are quite interesting and extraordinary. Virgo-Rooster strives to achieve the ideal in everything: both work and relationships. As a result, he (or she) tends to constantly criticize, improve, bring everything to an exemplary state in his understanding.

These people are punctual, honest, know how to value trusting relationships, are open and easy to communicate with. These are not just good storytellers, but also listeners. They true friends and comrades.

Maidens of the Year of the Rooster sometimes carry themselves somewhat arrogantly, emphasizing personal significance.

At the same time, they are quite observant and receptive to the feelings and emotions of others, able to subtly feel the mood and atmosphere in communication.

They cannot stand a dismissive or indifferent attitude towards their person and are able to quickly put an opponent in their place. With a sharp tongue and eloquence, Virgos of the Year of the Rooster are capable of sharp, precise statements.. Thus, the Virgo-Rooster covers up her inner vulnerability, since she is very sensitive to criticism.

The ability for abstract and logical thinking, erudition and ease of assimilation of new information allow the Virgo-Rooster to achieve significant success in achieving their goals. They know how to win people over, convince and infect with their idea, enthusiasm, therefore they are known as good motivators and organizers.

Virgo-Roosters cannot stand neglect of their person

Maiden of the Year of the Rooster often subject to the "excellent student syndrome": they want to achieve the ideal in everything, and since this is often impossible, they are disappointed and dissatisfied with themselves, those around them and the work done.

These are sociable and very talkative people who simply cannot stand silence. With their exorbitant eloquence, they sometimes frankly annoy others. At the same time, having a bright temperament, they attract people to themselves.

These people reach solid heights in the economic and financial areas because the Virgo-Rooster is practical and persistent. He sets realistic goals for himself, "recruits" assistants in achieving them, stubbornly moves towards the result and does not accept failures. Such a person knows many ways to win over a person who is useful to him, turn the situation in the right direction, and if he fails, he will not stop and will try again and again.

In general, these are cheerful and colorful characters, combining the recklessness of the Rooster with the organization of the Virgo.

The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Rooster, is distinguished by charisma and charm. He always looks impeccable, tuned in to positive correct communication, sociable and friendly. Despite the openness in communication, he considers it unacceptable to expose his emotions and experiences to the public.

Watching your speech and behavior, such guys can still be sharp and sharp on the tongue, expressing his judgment about something or expressing dissatisfaction with the situation.

These are energetic and active individuals who set specific real goals and achieve them on their own. They do not wait for the right moment, but are able to quickly think things through and make a decision. They have a high potential of a leader and strong-willed qualities. Possessing intuition and insight, they are able to give a correct assessment of the situation and find a reasonable way out.

Possessing intuition and insight, Virgo-Roosters are able to give a correct assessment of the situation.

In work, the male Virgo-Rooster shows enviable determination and diligence. He is a reliable partner, a responsible worker who is used to taking things seriously and thoroughly. His character is characterized by a craving for self-realization and disclosure of abilities.

These are, as a rule, erudite and well-read individuals who, having the ability to concentrate their forces and work for results, achieve great success in their careers and financial security.

Virgo-Roosters are very intolerant of criticism in their address. A significant weakness and vulnerability of the character of the Virgo-Rooster man is the manifestation of arrogance and sometimes arrogance. Demonstrating his significance, he shows a certain isolation from others, placing himself above others.

He likes to command, but absolutely does not like to obey. And this applies not only to work, but to all areas of his life.

But it is worth noting that the Virgo-Rooster man is still trying to deal with his shortcomings.

Characteristics of women Dev-Roosters

The Virgo girl, born in the year of the Rooster, has an attractive and bright appearance, prefers to dress stylishly and tastefully, while being critical of the appearance of others. She spends hours leads marafet, improving its appearance, is ready to spontaneously spend a decent amount and buy the outfit she likes, but is not prone to thoughtless waste in other areas.

Virgo-Rooster is open in communication, does not dissemble and does not cunning, which disposes people to her. They like to communicate with her, but her excessive self-confidence sometimes leads to problems. Such a woman is too direct. Possessing intuition and the ability to capture the mood and general atmosphere, she does not know how to diplomatically and subtly get around the situation.

Virgo-Rooster is open in communication, does not dissemble and does not cunning

The Virgo woman of the year of the Rooster is an organized and focused person who takes a responsible and serious approach to everything she undertakes. This is an energetic and purposeful person, educated and well-read, able to skillfully master speech, giving the conversation the right direction. She has a masculine mindset, and in life she is a very emancipated nature. She is completely relies on his opinion, can behave proudly and condescendingly with others, argue, believing that only she sees the only correct way out of the situation.

Her character is often contradictory: she can be sociable and sociable, and sometimes an arrogant and internally tense nature “gets up” in front of others

Virgo-Rooster woman is very value their independence and in many cases used to rely only on themselves. However, this approach determines weak character traits - authoritativeness and a desire to command, as well as the arrogance and rejection of any objections shown at the same time.

The Virgo of the Year of the Rooster is too honest, which in certain situations is a minus. She can speak quite sharply on any occasion, without thinking that it might offend someone. Therefore, if you do not want to hear the "bitter" truth, do not be interested in her opinion.

Disadvantages of the Virgo-Rooster - authoritativeness, desire to command and arrogance

Love Compatibility Virgo in the Year of the Rooster

The man of this zodiac combination is very picky and tends to idealize his partner. He will look for the princess, which must fully correspond to his ideas about ideal love.

In a relationship, the Virgo-Rooster man shows romance, knows how to look after beautifully, and is prone to conservative signs of attention.

However, in marriage, getting along with such a man can be quite difficult, because he, feeling like a complete master and head of the family, does not tolerate criticism, believing that his decision. He can find compatibility in love and harmony in marriage only with a woman who will recognize his primacy and fully rely on him. If the chosen one of the Virgin-Rooster can show softness and compliance, then he will become the most affectionate and caring life partner.

The Virgo-Rooster woman is endowed with natural sophistication and an attractive force for the opposite sex. Her charm and magical sexuality attracts a fairly large army of fans to her. She knows her own worth and always keeps a proper distance until she is sure that a man suits her.

However, in the family and love relationships of such a woman, everything does not always go smoothly. Virgo-Rooster is a domineering nature and often tries to turn her husband into a "henpecked". In addition, she very emotional and jealous and may well throw a scandal. But if on her way she comes across not a weak, but a strong-willed person who is able to “tame” her, it will be a wonderful couple and a strong family.

Maximum Compatibility Medium
Minimum Compatibility
Eastern calendar Monkey, Horse, Rat, TigerGoat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig, RoosterDragon, Snake, Dog, Bull
according to the western calendar Virgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Full characteristics of the child of the Virgin, born in the year of the Rooster

The young representatives of this iconic combination are very sociable and talkative. They always talk about something, share emotions and impressions. At the same time, they also know how to listen carefully.

These are kind and sociable kids who get along well with their peers, and also treat adults with respect and obedience.

girl in early age shows the features of a hostess and the desire to help in the kitchen and around the house. This is a sweet, charming, direct child. She is meticulous and takes care of her appearance and loves to be nicely dressed.

These are kind and sociable kids who get along well with their peers.

The Virgo boy, born in the year of the Rooster, is very inquisitive. He methodically and responsibly approaches the implementation of tasks. He especially shows a penchant for exact and analytical sciences. Such a child will be a good helper in the workshop or garage, treating assignments with full dedication, while showing importance and pride, as well as a desire to show off his successes.

Children of the Maiden-Roosters observant, attentive, intelligent, are able to quickly grasp and remember information, which contributes to success in learning and creativity. However, their excessive desire to do the job as best as possible leads to irritability if it is not possible to achieve the ideal.

October 28, 2017, 02:06

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Virgo rooster male characteristic - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

These Roosters are especially punctual; they are perfectionists, they like to argue and criticize - and always to the point! Internally, they often experience self-doubt and doubt everything. In Chinese astrology, the Rooster is considered a bright, confident and diverse personality. Virgo-Rooster men and women are people who have a colorful mixture of characteristics that make them likable characters. They are extremely observant, very attractive and insightful. These people are attentive to the emotions and feelings of other people, get along well with everyone, they will make excellent politicians, organizers and motivators.

Rooster-Virgo absorbs any information like a sponge. They easily acquire knowledge and therefore often learn well. Their love of learning helps them not get stuck when they need to say something. They do not like silence, because of it they feel lonely. They can be annoying with their constant patter, but their bright and interesting temperament compensates for this talkativeness.

Honesty is one of the strengths of these men and women. They are trustworthy, appreciate an honest approach to relationships and partners who are not afraid to show their feelings. They are demonstrative, romantic and easy to communicate, like soul mates, but at times they can show jealousy.

They can talk a lot, but they are good listeners and can be fantastic friends. Their habit of collecting and remembering information is very useful in friendships. They get real pleasure from helping people by passing on their array of acquired knowledge.

The weakness in the personality of such people is that these people are constantly striving to achieve perfection and suffer extremely from disappointments. Failure is not a word they want to hear and will try again and again. They should learn to be less fussy.

Rooster under the zodiac sign Virgo knows what he needs from life. And he knows how to achieve it. He is not inclined to act alone, but recruits supporters whom he can convince and original way thinking, and extensive knowledge, and excellent analytical skills. Virgo rooster is observant, and everyone around him is visible at a glance - he knows how to achieve location right person playing on his weaknesses.

Rooster Virgo is strong in matters relating to economics and finance, and can also prove himself as a pure mathematician - he has a penchant for abstract thinking, but at the same time there is a practical streak. He is capable of both philosophical constructions and puzzles for the mind - this is a real Sherlock Holmes.

Neither a man nor a woman, a rooster maiden, can stand a dismissive tone and indifference to themselves. If they have to deal with similar manifestations in the address own person, they will give a decent answer without hesitation. The sexual potential of the rooster maiden, especially the male, is sufficient to win a number of high-profile victories.

Rooster Combination

Virgo Rooster Man

Out-of-the-box thinking, talent and energy - these are the qualities that are distinguished by the characteristics and compatibility of the Virgo-Rooster man.

He loves all kinds of entertainment, but at the same time he strictly controls the dose of fun and knows how to stop in time.


With his charisma and unusualness, the Virgo-Rooster man attracts many people. They always rely on own forces and try not to ask for help. They do not wait for fortune to smile on them, acting quickly, but deliberately. In the work of the Virgo-Rooster, you can entrust the most important and serious projects: he will successfully cope with this just in time. Most men, in whose horoscope this combination of signs appears, strive for self-realization, trying to fully reveal their talents and skills in their chosen profession. Almost constantly, the male Virgo-Rooster is in the spotlight. He really likes to be surrounded by pleasant and interesting interlocutors.

communication, friendliness and positive attitude allow them to establish strong friendships with many people, regardless of age, gender and even social status. dark spot in the characteristic of the male Virgo-Rooster are his negative qualities - this is, first of all, arrogance and pride. But, fortunately, they appear extremely rarely. In addition, a man, despite these significant shortcomings, tries to objectively assess each situation. Depressive state is new to him, because this happens to him only in very rare cases. Meanwhile, in an unfortunate set of circumstances, the Virgo-Rooster may feel weakened and abandoned.

Misses, both in his personal life and in his career, he is experiencing extremely hard. The pronounced enterprise and efficiency of this man do not give him a minute to rest. He is constantly busy with something, an active mind and practical interests constantly drive him forward, not giving him the opportunity to relax both in soul and body. Therefore, it is not surprising that this man is literally obsessed with his work and affairs. It is difficult to call him an overly ambitious person or a careerist, he is rather a workaholic who is capable of everyday and monotonous work. Virgo-Rooster gets real pleasure from her work, even if there is a lot of routine in it. From year to year, he is ready to methodically do the same thing, not noticing what is happening around him.

Compatibility in love

Love life for this man, most likely, will always be a secondary part. In any case, you should not expect selflessness and beautiful courtship from this person. But this does not prevent the Virgo-Rooster from captivating the fair sex. In relationships, these natures are very demanding, they strive to be an unshakable authority and leader. Sometimes they find fault with trifles, but in general they are ready for family life. Virgo-Rooster is always kind to her loved ones, takes care of their well-being, knows how to surprise and delight them.

In addition, such a man subtly feels the mood of the chosen one. And although marriage and family often take second place in his life, he takes these components of life very seriously. In love, such individuals show special selectivity. Perhaps for this reason, the compatibility of the male Virgo-Rooster is not achieved immediately. For many years he has been looking for a princess for the role of his beloved, who will ideally fit the image he invented. With all this, a man is in no hurry to descend from heaven to earth, preferring to dream of an ideal companion.

He determines the choice of a partner, based only on the external data of a woman. Therefore, a girl who wants to start a relationship with the Virgo-Rooster and make a good impression on him should pay close attention to her own appearance. A man of such a symbolic combination is happy to create a reliable and stable alliance with a woman, but he does not always succeed. There is only one reason for this - the excessive temper of the Virgin-Rooster. In the heat of emotion, he can say a lot of unnecessary things, although his words will be accurate, which will greatly offend his beloved. And she, in turn, will not tolerate such an attitude towards herself and will quickly part with the man.

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Characteristic Virgo-Rooster Man

Such people are radiant, charming, energetic and active. They are prone to fun, love all kinds of entertainment, but at the same time they know the measure and know how to stop in time. Representatives of this type attract people around them, attract them with their charisma and unusualness.

Personality traits of the Virgo sign of the Rooster

Men who have this combination in their horoscope rely only on their own strengths in everything. They do not wait for a good chance or the right moment, they act quickly, but deliberately. Virgo-Roosters are able to successfully lead serious projects, engage in an important mission. They strive for self-realization, they want to fully reveal their abilities in the chosen business.

The character of the Rooster-Male of the sign of Virgo

Such people often find themselves in the center of attention, they like to communicate with interesting interlocutors. They are sociable, friendly, set in a positive way. Sometimes Virgo-Roosters behave arrogantly and proudly, selfishly. Nevertheless, they try to fairly assess what is happening. They rarely experience depression, but at these moments they feel very weakened and have a hard time experiencing failures.

Personal life of Dev-Roosters Men

They are romantic and loving, they know how to charm women. Virgo-Roosters are demanding in relation to their chosen one, they want to be an unconditional authority for her. They can find fault with trifles, but in general they are good-natured and ready for family life. Virgo-Roosters take care of their relatives, know how to pleasantly surprise them, subtly feel the mood of their spouse. They are responsible for marriage and relationships.

Virgo - Rooster: Characteristic

Virgo Man - Rooster

The Virgo Rooster man is very stubborn, serious and self-sufficient. He is distinguished by great responsibility and is not inclined to throw words to the wind, however, by his nature, he is sociable and can easily make friends.

Virgo Woman - Rooster

The Virgo Rooster woman is smart, practical and sociable. She easily finds mutual language with others and is distinguished by attentiveness and sociability. It is for this reason that the Virgin Rooster often becomes a wise team leader.

Male Virgo-Rooster: characteristics and personality traits

A very interesting zodiac combination is the male Virgo-Rooster. The characterization of such a person is very interesting. And it is worth considering it in more detail, as well as touching upon the topic of compatibility.

Zodiac characteristic

A Virgo man can be easily recognized by appearance. He always tries to look perfect. And, besides, this person is very attentive to his speech and behavior. Perhaps correctness and literacy are the "trump cards" of his character.

This is not all that can be said about such a person as the male Virgo-Rooster. Its characterization is very detailed. And one more key moment concerning this person lies in his minimal emotionality. Such people can laugh, smile, conduct an active lively dialogue. But never allow yourself to show strong or too personal emotions in public. Therefore, a girl who goes to get closer to this person will puzzle herself for a long time on the topic of whether this man likes her or not.

In humans, they do not tolerate negligence and illegibility. But they themselves are very obligatory and reliable personalities.

Eastern horoscope

It is also worth contacting him, talking about what the Virgo-Rooster man is. The characteristic of the eastern patron is also interesting. In many ways, it is similar to the qualities that Virgo possesses. Rooster guys carefully monitor themselves, they like to be in the spotlight. They are witty, and are often the soul of the company. Bright, imposing and charming personalities - everyone likes them!

The negative qualities include the Rooster's love for command. And this is a fundamental factor. They do not like to obey, and it does not matter what it concerns - work, business, friendship or family.

But these people at least know how to command and lead. They are great at playing the role of leader. After all, they are well-read, educated, obligatory, attentive and quick-witted. That is why all friends and comrades go to him for advice.

double strength

And now - about what a unique symbiosis of human qualities is the male Virgo-Rooster. Its characteristic consists of features that are distinguished by double strength. After all, they are inherent in both the zodiac and the eastern patron.

This man is charismatic, unusual and attractive. Those people who are familiar with him will declare with confidence that they seem to breathe from him with some kind of magnetism.

They are sociable, positive and friendly. But their negative qualities are pride and arrogance. Such is he, the Virgo-Rooster (man). His characterization, however, is also different in that he tries to fight his negative qualities.

These guys also rarely get depressed. But if this happens to them, then it takes a long time to “depart”. Since these strong and strong-willed personalities are instantly overcome by a feeling of weakness and loneliness.

What about relationships? In this area they are strict. They try to find the perfect partner for themselves. They can even pick on the little things. But if they choose a life partner, they will make every effort to make her happy.

Prospects in relationships

Above, the features of such a person as the male Virgo-Rooster were briefly noted. Characteristics, compatibility - it's really interesting topics. And it is also worth saying a few words about the latter.

A Taurus girl will be a good couple for this man. She is balanced, economic, calm. And he will definitely appreciate the hard work, honesty and hard work of the Virgin-Rooster. And if she is born in the year of the Ox, then the relationship can already be considered ideal. This girl is exactly the one whose image the Rooster built for himself in his fantasies. By the way, the qualities of the Ox and Taurus also double each other. Only in the case of a girl they are psychological stability and rationality. Thanks to these qualities, she is able to skillfully balance and calm the sometimes harsh Rooster-Virgo.

Horoscope Virgo-Rooster

According to the horoscope, Virgo-Rooster loves accuracy and punctuality in everything. Such people prefer to criticize and enter into an argument. Sometimes they doubt themselves and their actions.

Virgo Rooster does not tolerate being treated rudely and ignorantly. But, if you have to face such an attitude in life, then the Virgo-Rooster always knows how to fight back or what to fend off a person.

These people are not only smart and original in appearance. They are amazingly sexy. A large number of novels on the love front are connected with these.

Horoscope of combining Virgo with others oriental signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Characteristics of the Virgo-Rooster woman and her compatibility

Astrologers say that women who appeared in the year of the Rooster are unusual, bright and self-confident people. Virgo's doubts are dispelled under the pressure of the temperamental Rooster. The combination of such signs is suitable for a harmonious material and spiritual existence. The characteristic of the Virgo-Rooster woman is very favorable.


The woman who appeared under the sign of Virgo and in the year of the Rooster is an erudite, bright and multifaceted personality. She is sharply observant and analytical. Such women are emotional, inquisitive and fair. They always have many friends and they are in the center of attention. Such women are impressionable, responsive and affectionate.

A woman with such a combination of signs is a reliable comrade who will not leave and always support in difficult times. Vulnerable and sensitive, women under the sign of Virgo - Rooster take human indifference and neglect very close to their hearts. But be afraid to hurt or offend such a person, because in anger he can say a lot of hurtful words. True, women with such a combination of signs are unforgiving and quickly go to reconciliation.

Love and marriage

Women with this combination of signs are great housewives.. They have everything clearly planned out, not a single trifle escapes their observation. They love children very much and dedicate themselves to their upbringing.

Such women are monogamous. They meticulously choose their companion once and for all life. Exchanging for casual acquaintances and novels is not about them. Calm, self-sufficient and intelligent men become life companions of such women.

Work and career

Women with this combination are sociable and will easily find a common language with any team. They like to carefully organize working moments. They are not afraid of hard mental and physical work. They perform their work duties meticulously, down to the smallest details.

Women with this astrological combination can become successful business owners.. Their purposefulness and determination will help to pass with brilliance through life and work ups and downs. They are realists. They know the value of finances and know how to manage them properly.

Such people are open to communication. Eloquence and high intellectual level make them interesting interlocutors.. Most of all, they value sincerity in those around them. It is enough to lie to such a woman once, and she will no longer treat you with due respect.

Virgo-Rooster women can talk a lot, but they can also listen like no other person. IN difficult situation you can always get from such women helpful advice. A secret entrusted to a woman with such a sign will be known only to her. These people can keep secrets. The observation and insight of women under the sign of the Virgo-Rooster has others around them.

Women with such an astrological combination are always willing to share their knowledge and life experience with others. It can be concluded that it is impossible to find a more reliable comrade.


  • Fabulous suitable for Virgo woman Cancer man. Harmony in relations with such a man is built on mutual love for home comfort and family values.
  • Taurus can also give Virgo family happiness and comfort. A reasonable attitude towards money will help create a financially stable union. Virgo's vital wisdom will help smooth out conflicts with Taurus and make their union harmonious and calm.
  • A pair of Scorpio + Virgo can get along together. The Virgo character is able to accept the Scorpio man with all the complexities of his character.
  • Virgo and Aquarius able to overcome all obstacles together, despite their different characters.

Compatibility of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope:

  • Most a successful union with a Virgo-Rooster woman will develop with a Bull. The Ox will be subdued by the showiness of his chosen one and her ability to build harmonious relationships. It is a stable and financially independent union.
  • Good understanding between the Rooster and the Snake. This couple looks amazing together. The wisdom of the snake will be able to support the Rooster in various troubles.
  • The Virgo-Rooster woman will also be happy in a relationship with the Dragon, the Pig and the Rooster.

What awaits the Virgo woman in the year of the fiery Rooster?

  • Single women will find their half and get rid of annoying loneliness. Family Virgos do not expect variety in everyday worries. Disagreements in the family are possible, so it is better to use all worldly ingenuity to prevent them.
  • Potential career changes. They will be positive. Do not neglect interesting offers and professional acquaintances, because they will contribute to the career growth of a Virgo woman. Devs will also have an exciting vacation with many unforgettable emotions. In general, the year of the Rooster for Virgo is positive in every sense.
  • Virgos believe in luck and it does not leave them.. Purposefulness, prudence and sanity help Virgos to overcome life's ups and downs with brilliance. We can recommend such a sign not to take everything to heart, because it is impossible for absolutely all people to like it. Astrologers advise such women to get a fluffy pet. He will be able to cheer you up on gloomy and bad days.

The character of male Roosters - Dev: These men have a strong intuition that helps them make the right decisions, do all things, build relationships. They are talented, and can choose the field of activity that will help them to be fully realized. They are romantic and passive, but at the same time they perfectly understand what they need from life. By choosing the right path, they can make their life pleasant and prosperous.

They are dreamers by nature. They fluctuate between the romantic and the real all the time. However, they still manage to realize many dreams, thanks to their strong will, determination and hard work. Upon reaching the result, they begin to evaluate their qualities and successes, often overestimate them and again plunge into the world of dreams. This is their main mistake, since a high score for them is a big stop in development.

Rooster Men - Virgos in Love and Relationships: In love, they value sincerity and affection. If they feel a lie, they are unlikely to continue the relationship. Often these feelings are far-fetched, but be that as it may, they become the initiators of a break. They should learn to build relationships differently. Being faithful, they should trust their partner more, as this will be the basis of their well-being. Also, they should be more delicate, more attentive.

Rooster Men - Virgo in Finance and Career: Their career plans are realized with incredible speed. The main thing is that they can choose the path once and irrevocably. After that, they move towards the target. If the goal is achieved, they are ready for new achievements. Financial side life also does not cause them problems. They achieve stability with minimal effort. And once having reached a stable position, they do not stop, but move forward.

Rooster men - Virgo in family and marriage: Family relationships these men are always full of disappointments. The problem is that they idealize men, partners, relationships in marriage. They should lower the bar and then life will be better, more interesting and easier. You need to appreciate a partner for his care and affection, and not for some unexpressed emotions. In this case, they will be just happy, like the most ordinary men. And for this they need to make a little effort.

Advice for men Roosters - Virgos: These men are encouraged to find a middle ground between reality and dreams. You should not completely give up on dreams, because they give them unforgettable experiences that they can translate into real life. There is no need to remake what already exists, it is enough to change your character and only in better side. It is important to love yourself, then other men will be drawn to them, good events will come into life.

The Virgo-Rooster sign includes people born from August 24 to September 23 in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The Virgo-Rooster combination gives birth to a very bright, extraordinary and attractive personality. He is charming, attentive, insightful and very observant. In addition, the Virgo-Rooster is very sensitive and attentive to the emotions and feelings of other people. He is also the owner of a wonderful intuition, which helps him find an approach to any person.

Virgo-Rooster loves to learn and instantly grasps new information, and thanks to his gift of eloquence, he knows how to competently and beautifully present anything. Of course, such a trait can easily develop into talkativeness, but a bright and interesting temperament somewhat compensates for this.

In the business sphere, Virgo-Rooster can reach great heights. And thanks to a quick mind, oratory, the ability to convince and even manipulate, the career of a politician, organizer, motivator will be especially successful. Virgo-Rooster really evaluates his capabilities, does not have the habit of "hovering in the clouds", is businesslike and purposeful. He confidently goes to his goal, is not afraid of failure.

In a love relationship, the Virgo-Rooster is very selective, capricious and demanding. In a partner, the most important thing for him is a bright and spectacular appearance. It can take a very long time to find a suitable candidate. In romantic relationships, he loves the candy-bouquet period, in which he tries to make everything beautiful and elegant.

A person born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Rooster attracts with friendliness, sociability and innovative thinking. Thanks to the Rooster and relaxed, interesting in communication and actions. And Virgo to order, analysis and observation. Also, the distinctive features of this combination include accuracy, punctuality and fairness. Everyone trusts him - colleagues, friends and relatives.

Virgo-Rooster is an intellectual, a thinker who is capable of both mathematics and philosophy. His brain constantly throws him various intellectual problems that he seeks to solve. Virgo-Rooster is a walking encyclopedia, however, often his knowledge is very superficial. For people born with this combination of signs, it is very important to prove their importance in this world.

Negative character traits include excessive criticality towards others, but at the same time the Virgo-Rooster himself is very sensitive to criticism and will “peck” anyone. He has a very sharp tongue and knows no mercy. Outwardly self-confident, but internally he often experiences self-doubt and doubts everything.

Virgo-Rooster is a realist and practitioner with an analytical mindset. He is focused on the result, sets realistic goals for himself and methodically, step by step, achieves them. very strong in financial matters and the economy. He can also prove himself as a pure mathematician - he has a penchant for abstract thinking, but, at the same time, there is also a practical streak. He is capable of both philosophical constructions and puzzles for the mind - this is a real Sherlock Holmes.

It is worth noting that he does not like to work alone and is always looking for comrades of interest. He easily succeeds thanks to the ability to manipulate, see people through and play on their weaknesses. As a partner, the Virgo-Rooster is quite reliable, but only if he himself has determined who is his friend and who is his enemy. The downside is his perfectionism and idealism. He always strives for the best, but this is not always possible and he may be disappointed in life.

In personal relationships, the Virgo-Rooster is a very bright personality, full of expression, charm and romance. It is always interesting and pleasant to communicate with him and one gets the feeling that kindred spirits have met. Virgo-Rooster loves honesty and is not afraid to show his feelings. As life companions, he is looking for an outwardly spectacular partner with whom he can show off in society. In his affections, he is constant, but he is overly jealous and will never tolerate an indifferent or neglectful attitude towards himself. It can also be quick-tempered, very demanding and overly critical of a partner.

Virgo Rooster Woman

A woman born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Rooster is bright, self-confident, intelligent, smart and practical. She is shrewd, observant and always attentive to the feelings and desires of the people around her. The Virgo-Rooster woman does not like to sit in silence and loneliness, therefore she is always surrounded by friends. Incidentally, she good friend and is devoted to the team, family, and loved ones. She will help anyone who asks her about it.

This is an ideal hostess, who always has order: everything is laid out on the shelves, everything is calculated, planned, and the household is economically and “correctly” to the smallest detail, and ... especially to the smallest detail. Maybe she lacks the breadth of her eyes, but in fact everything is in its place!

In the business sphere, the Virgo-Rooster woman is determined and purposeful, stubborn and persistent in achieving goals. Smart and cold-blooded, she easily copes with a wide variety of life's difficulties. In any team, she is valued as good specialist, she is respected and her opinion is carefully listened to. She does not like to be sprayed on several things at once and plunges headlong into work.

Born in the year of the Rooster, she finds an approach to anyone and is not afraid of complex mental work. She is easily trained, adapts to new conditions and this helps her to succeed both when moving through career ladder as well as running your own business.

In a love relationship, the Virgo-Rooster woman strives for stability and avoids short-term relationships, resort and office romances. Vivid emotions are shown only in case of strong love. He always chooses a smart, self-sufficient, balanced man as a life partner. But a prerequisite is that he must be socially reliable, capable of providing her with a good material base and suitable for her intellectual level.

The Virgo-Rooster woman can perfectly combine career and management household. She is devoted to her family, taking care of her husband and children with pleasure.

Virgo-Rooster man

Born in the year of the Rooster, smart and serious, determined and self-sufficient. He attracts those around him with his charisma and unusualness.

As a rule, the Virgo-Rooster man achieves a lot in life, as he uses not only his strengths, but also his weaknesses. He is always busy with something, always collected and does not lose his presence of mind in any circumstances. He questions and checks everything, does not wait for manna from heaven and relies only on his own strength.

The Virgo-Rooster man gives the impression of a confident person, he thoroughly approaches everything, and his whole life is scheduled for years to come. This is a materialist, pragmatist and intellectual. At the same time, he has a strong intuition that helps him make the right decisions.

In business, the Virgo-Rooster man is honest and reliable. It is always a pleasure to do business with him and you can be calm when entrusting him with serious projects. Despite his sociability and talkativeness, he is very responsible and never throws words to the wind.

A man born with this combination of signs cannot be called ambitious, but rather a workaholic capable of daily monotonous work. He enjoys work and day after day, year after year, he is able to methodically do the same thing, not paying attention to everything that is happening around. The financial side also does not cause problems for him, since he is able to achieve stability under minimal conditions and never rests on his laurels.

The Virgo-Rooster man is a subtle connoisseur of beauty and is very romantic and gentle in relationships with women. He has a subtle soul and knows how to beautifully express his feelings, does not spare money for entertainment and gifts, tries to do everything spectacularly and elegantly, but at the same time conservatively. Negative manifestations include jealousy, suspicion, a tendency to dictate their own rules. Also big problems in family life, excessive idealization of his companion can cause.

As a partner, the Virgo-Rooster man is very reliable and responsible. He makes high demands on the chosen one, but, having decided, remains faithful for life, of course, only if he does not feel a lie in the relationship. He will not be able to forgive this and he himself will initiate the break.