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Star Wars is all Sith and Jedi. STAR WARS: who are the "Sith". New Sith Wars

But, unlike the Jedi swords, its blade is most often red, and is created, in the vast majority of cases, based on a synthetic rather than a natural (like the Jedi) crystal (although the red color of the blade does not at all make the owner of such a sword a Sith by default , because according to the history of the expanded universe, some Jedi also used swords with red blades).

The Sith Code

Like the Jedi Order, the Sith have their own Code, it goes like this:

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains will be broken.
The power will set me free.

Original text(English)

Dark Lord of the Sith

Dark Lord of the Sith (Dark Lord of the Sith) or Dark Lady of the Sith (Dark Lady of the Sith) is the title of head of the Sith Order. Dark Lord of the Sith / Dark Lady of the Sith ).

This title signifies recognition of its bearer as the strongest of the Sith. It is known that the first bearer of this title was the Sith Lord Darth Andeddu. Before the time of Lord Kaan, only one dark lord of the Sith could exist at a time, but Kaan appointed all the leaders of the Brotherhood of Darkness as Lords. After the death of the Sith in the Battle of Ruusan, the order was revived by Darth Bane, who established the "rule of two", according to which there could not be more than two Sith Lords in the universe at the same time. Both of them, despite the difference in rank (teacher and student, as a rule) and strength, bore the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. In the expanded universe Star Wars“This “rule of two” was sometimes revised and sometimes violated.

The Dark Lords of the Sith often used the titular title Dart(English) Darth) as the first part of the new name he adopts upon his transition to the dark side. This word first appears in the original script for the film Star Wars. Episode IV. A New Hope", which had little in common with the final version. There, "Darth Vader" appears as an Imperial official who later became known as Wilhuff Tarkin, and the name Darth Vader passed on to the black-armored Sith (Anakin Skywalker).

The Sith Lord Sker Kaan abolished the title "Darth" in order to avoid civil strife among the Sith, so that all forces were directed to fight the Jedi, since the title "Darth" was usually taken by the Sith, who considered himself the most powerful. In addition, if a Sith took this title for himself, then it was like a message to all other Sith, which read: "Submit or die." While still a student at the Sith Academy on Korriban, Darth Bane studied ancient Sith manuscripts and came to the conclusion that the Sith of Kaan "perverted the very essence of the teachings of the dark side and became only a shadow of what they were before", and therefore weakened. To show his rejection of the new traditions introduced by Kaan, Darth Bane defiantly assumed the title "Darth" for himself and left the Academy permanently. With the death of Kaan, who destroyed himself and all his students with the use of an ancient Force technique known as the "Psychic Bomb" during the 7th Battle of Ruusan (Darth Bane tricked Kaan into believing that the technique only works on the Jedi), Darth Bane's position as the new Sith Lord was solidified, and his audacious claiming of the title "Darth" was fully justified.

Long before this - about 4000 years before the events of the films (expanded universe) - during the days of the old Sith Empire, the title of "Darth" was awarded to the strongest Sith. In this way, their abilities in the field of the dark arts were recognized and respect was shown. It should be noted that Darth Bane established his "Rule of Two" under the influence of the teachings laid down in the holocron of Darth Revan, found by him on the planet Lehon, and whom Darth Bane himself greatly revered, considering him one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time. Once, in a conversation with his student, Darth Bane admitted that Darth Revan's holocron contained more useful information than in the entire library of the Sith Academy on Korriban.


According to the books in the Star Wars expanded universe, the Sith Order was founded after the Great Hyperspace War by renegade Jedi who believed that "true" power could only be achieved through emotion, and not through thoughtful meditation, as they were taught. Tensions within the Jedi Order worsened until they erupted into open conflict seven thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. This conflict, called the Hundred Years' Darkness or the Second Great Schism, resulted in the Dark Jedi being driven out of the Republic. These outcasts (including Ajanta Poll, XoXaan, Sorzus Sin, Karness Muur and Remulus Dreypa) settled on the distant planet Korriban, a desert world inhabited by the Sith - a race of red-skinned humanoids who had a close connection with the Force (and with its dark side). They began to reverence the exiled Dark Jedi who flew to them as gods, since they were far superior to the Sith themselves in their use of the Force. For thousands of years, the Dark Jedi lived among the Sith and gradually intermixed with them. By the time the race itself had practically died out, the Dark Jedi who ruled them began to call themselves the Sith Order.

Sith leaders in chronological order (before Kaan's reign, only one person could hold the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, also after Darth Bane, only one person could hold the title of Dark Lord):

Basic Galactic, Huttian, Aqualish, Bokke, Lasatnian, Ithorian, Ubesian, Ewokian, etc.

Prince Andrei stayed in Brünn with his friend, the Russian diplomat Bilibin.
“Ah, dear prince, there is no nicer guest,” said Bilibin, going out to meet Prince Andrei. - Franz, the prince’s things are in my bedroom! - he turned to the servant who was seeing Bolkonsky off. - What, a harbinger of victory? Wonderful. And I’m sitting sick, as you can see.
Prince Andrei, having washed and dressed, went out to the diplomat’s luxurious office and sat down to the prepared dinner. Bilibin calmly sat down by the fireplace.
Prince Andrei, not only after his journey, but also after the entire campaign, during which he was deprived of all the comforts of cleanliness and grace of life, experienced a pleasant feeling of relaxation among those luxurious living conditions to which he had become accustomed since childhood. In addition, after the Austrian reception, he was pleased to talk, at least not in Russian (they spoke French), but with a Russian person who, he assumed, shared the general Russian disgust (now especially vividly felt) for the Austrians.
Bilibin was a man of about thirty-five, single, in the same company as Prince Andrei. They knew each other back in St. Petersburg, but they became even closer on Prince Andrei’s last visit to Vienna together with Kutuzov. Just as Prince Andrei was a young man who promised to go far in the military field, so, and even more, did Bilibin promise in the diplomatic field. He was still a young man, but no longer a young diplomat, since he began serving at the age of sixteen, was in Paris, in Copenhagen, and now occupied a rather significant position in Vienna. Both the Chancellor and our envoy in Vienna knew him and valued him. He was not one of that large number of diplomats who are required to have only negative merits, not do well-known things and speak French in order to be very good diplomats; he was one of those diplomats who love and know how to work, and, despite his laziness, he sometimes spent his nights desk. He worked equally well, no matter what the nature of the work was. He was not interested in the question “why?”, but in the question “how?”. What the diplomatic matter was, he didn’t care; but to draw up a circular, memorandum or report skillfully, accurately and gracefully - he found great pleasure in this. Bilibin's merits were valued, in addition to his written works, also by his art of addressing and speaking in higher spheres.
Bilibin loved conversation just as he loved work, only when the conversation could be elegantly witty. In society, he constantly waited for an opportunity to say something remarkable and entered into conversation only under these conditions. Bilibin's conversation was constantly peppered with original witty, complete phrases of general interest.
These phrases were produced in Bilibin’s internal laboratory, as if on purpose, of a portable nature, so that insignificant secular people could conveniently remember them and transfer them from living rooms to living rooms. And indeed, les mots de Bilibine se colportaient dans les salons de Vienne, [Bilibin’s reviews were distributed throughout Viennese living rooms] and often had an influence on so-called important matters.
His thin, emaciated, yellowish face was all covered with large wrinkles, which always seemed as cleanly and diligently washed, like fingertips after a bath. The movements of these wrinkles constituted the main play of his physiognomy. Now his forehead wrinkled in wide folds, his eyebrows rose upward, now his eyebrows went down, and large wrinkles formed on his cheeks. Deep set small eyes always looked straight and cheerful.
“Well, now tell us your exploits,” he said.
Bolkonsky, in the most modest way, without ever mentioning himself, told the story and the reception of the Minister of War.
“Ils m"ont recu avec ma nouvelle, comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles, [They accepted me with this news, as they accept a dog when it interferes with a game of skittles,] he concluded.
Bilibin grinned and loosened the folds of his skin.
“Cependant, mon cher,” he said, examining his nail from afar and picking up the skin above his left eye, “malgre la haute estime que je professe pour le Orthodox Russian army, j"avoue que votre victoire n"est pas des plus victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all due respect to the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not the most brilliant.]
He continued the same way French, pronouncing in Russian only those words that he contemptuously wanted to emphasize.
- How? You with all your weight fell upon the unfortunate Mortier with one division, and this Mortier leaves between your hands? Where is the victory?
“However, seriously speaking,” answered Prince Andrei, “we can still say without boasting that this is a little better than Ulm...
- Why didn’t you take us one, at least one marshal?
– Because not everything is done as expected, and not as regularly as at the parade. We expected, as I told you, to reach the rear by seven o'clock in the morning, but did not arrive at five in the evening.
- Why didn’t you come at seven o’clock in the morning? “You should have come at seven o’clock in the morning,” Bilibin said smiling, “you should have come at seven o’clock in the morning.”
– Why didn’t you convince Bonaparte through diplomatic means that it was better for him to leave Genoa? – Prince Andrei said in the same tone.
“I know,” Bilibin interrupted, “you think it’s very easy to take marshals while sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace.” This is true, but still, why didn’t you take it? And do not be surprised that not only the Minister of War, but also the August Emperor and King Franz will not be very happy with your victory; and I, the unfortunate secretary of the Russian embassy, ​​do not feel any need to give my Franz a thaler as a sign of joy and let him go with his Liebchen [sweetheart] to the Prater... True, there is no Prater here.
He looked straight at Prince Andrei and suddenly pulled the collected skin off his forehead.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you why, my dear,” said Bolkonsky. “I confess to you that I don’t understand, maybe there are diplomatic subtleties here that are beyond my weak mind, but I don’t understand: Mack is losing an entire army, Archduke Ferdinand and Archduke Charles do not show any signs of life and make mistakes after mistakes, finally, alone Kutuzov wins a real victory, destroys the charme [charm] of the French, and the Minister of War is not even interested in knowing the details.

With the release of the first part of the Star Wars film epic in 1977, the whole world learned a new word - “Jedi”. Thanks to the fantastic success of the film, these knights, their status and culture became incredibly popular. However, it was only with the release of The Phantom Menace in 1999 that everyone learned that there were antipodes of the Jedi - the Sith. What kind of knights are these, how do they differ and what role did they play in Star universe Wars?

Star Wars Universe

To better understand who the Sith are, you should learn more about the world in which they exist.

All the actions of the Star Wars epic take place in a fictional galaxy, which is called “Galaxy”. It consists of hundreds of people inhabited by various intelligent races.

During different periods of its existence, the Galaxy was governed in different ways. Initially, according to its rules, for a millennium, all star systems were governed by the Senate. However, thanks to the machinations of Darth Sidious, the Republic was destroyed (the events of the film "Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith"), and in its place the Empire arose, which existed for 20 years (the events of the original "A New Hope", as well as the films "The Empire Strikes Back", " Return of the Jedi").

Thanks to the rebels and the Skywalker family, the Empire was destroyed, and a republican system of government was once again established in the Galaxy. But it didn’t last long - 30 years later the First Order appeared, whose members advocated for the return of the Empire.

Sith - who are they? How are they different from the Jedi?

Despite the huge number of races and star systems, constantly taking part in wars for power in the Galaxy, the main battles that decided the fate of the whole world took place between the adherents of the Force - the Jedi and the Sith.

Force in the Galaxy is an energy field that is connected to all living beings. Individuals with special abilities to sense and use the Force can use it to do great things that are impossible for ordinary creatures.

Although there were more than ten cults in the Galaxy who practiced the use of the Force, only two were the most powerful and influential among them. and the Sith. The Jedi considered it their mission to maintain peace in the Universe and help the weak. To do this, they used the Light side of the Universal energy.

But the Sith are the direct opposite of the Jedi. They believed that their goal was to strengthen their power and become rulers of the Galaxy. To achieve these goals, they used the Dark Side of Energy. Both of these knightly orders were constantly at war with each other.

History of the Sith

The Sith Order was an offshoot of the Jedi. It is generally accepted that at a certain point in the existence of the Order of supporters of the Light Side of the Force, discontent began to grow among its members. In particular, they wanted to use forbidden practices, and also believed that it was necessary to use the Dark Side of the Force.

Such Jedi were called renegades. There were probably quite a few of them, and they tried to rebel, but were defeated and expelled.

Origin of the name "Sith"

After their exile, the renegade Jedi found refuge on the remote planet Korriban. Its humanoid inhabitants were called Sith (Sith) and worshiped the Dark Side of the Force. They considered the newcomers to be gods and welcomed them with cordiality.

For almost a millennium, the apostates lived more or less peacefully on the planet they enslaved. Gradually, the race of the indigenous inhabitants of Korriban took a name for themselves, calling themselves the Order of the Sith, with their own statute and rules.

Sith Ideals

Unlike the Jedi, their opponents did not seek to maintain peace in the Republic, but to seize power over it into their own hands, which they managed to do by organizing the Empire (the events of the film “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith”).

Like their ancestors, the Sith Order had its own code.

Honoring passion, greed and hatred - the main driving emotions for mastering the Dark Side of the Force - the Sith welcomed these qualities and aspirations in their followers.

However, disregard for morality and the desire to achieve their own benefit by any means, on the one hand, made them invincible, and on the other, weakened them. After all, having mastered the Force, each member of the Order strove for sole power, fighting against his own comrades. Due to this destructiveness, the renegades did not pose a serious threat to the galaxy for many centuries.

Dualistic system of government

In ancient times, there was only one Dark Ruler at the head of the Order. Later there were several of them, sometimes much more than two.

Over time, the control system became dualistic. The Order was now always headed by two Sith: a mentor and a student. So, in the case of Darth Sidious (aka Palpatine), he had several students at different times: Tyranus and the last (starting with the film “Star Wars. Episode: Revenge of the Sith”) Darth Vader.

With the deaths of Palpatine and Vader, the reign of the Sith was destroyed, as was the Empire they had created. But later they managed to be reborn under the name "First Order".

Features of Sith lightsabers

Both the Jedi and the renegades had their main weapon. In the canonical version, the blade glowed green for adherents of the Light Side of the Force, while for their opponents it glowed red.

The main reason for this difference was the crystal used to produce lightsaber. So, the Jedi made it from materials of natural origin. But the apostates are made of artificial crystals.

The Sith in the film epic "Star Wars"

In the original film trilogy, the term "Sith" was only mentioned as part of Darth Vader's title, and then only in the script. At the same time, the character himself was positioned not as a Sith, but as a renegade Jedi, or Dark Jedi.

Later, it became necessary to give a name to the Renegade Order, especially since they played a key role in the destruction of the Republic and the emergence of the Empire. And in 1999, with the release of the film “The Phantom Menace,” the term “Sith” was used for the first time.

They later appeared in the animated series of the franchise, as well as the following parts of the trilogy: Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

"Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace"

Having considered the history of the appearance of the Sith, as well as the features of their philosophy, it is worth paying attention to the role they played in the epic Star Wars. To do this, it is advisable to recall the events preceding the fall of the Republic and the emergence of the Empire.

10 years before the start of the Clone Wars, during a period called "Rise of the Empire", the Republic is in crisis. The indecision and corruption of many members of the Senate, as well as the growing power of the Trade Federation - all this greatly weakened the Republic and provoked the outbreak of various wars between different planets and entire systems.

The Jedi, trying with all their might to maintain peace in the Galaxy, suspected that the revived Sith Order was behind the events. They turn out to be right, since the actions of the representatives of the Trade Federation are cleverly manipulated by the new Dark Lord - Darth Sidious - and his student - Darth Maul.

Almost the entire plot of The Phantom Menace is focused on the attempts of the Sith to seize the quite influential planet Naboo in the Galaxy through the hands of the Federation. To prevent this, the Jedi Obi-Wan and his mentor Qui-Gon rescue the planet's queen, Padmé Amidala, and attempt to escape.

Due to a ship breakdown, they land on the neutral (relative to the confrontation between the Republic and the Federation) planet Tatooine, where they meet young Anakin Skywalker. The boy helps them fix the ship. The Jedi feel that he has great potential for mastery of the Force. So they take Anakin with them and, despite the disapproval of many members of the order, decide to make him a Jedi.

There, on Tatooine, the Jedi encounter Darth Maul. A little later, during the battle for Naboo, they have to fight this Sith. Qui-Gon kills him at the cost of his life.

Having liberated Naboo and dealt with the invaders, members of the Senate and the Jedi celebrate their victory and bury Qui-Gon. At the same time, they doubt that the murdered Sith was the real Dark Lord and realize that the main battle is still ahead.

"Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones"

Ten years after the Battle of Naboo, civil war is brewing in the Republic. The Jedi, not without reason, believe that the Sith are to blame. Star Wars in the Galaxy is provoked by the new disciple of the Dark Lord - Darth Tyranus. At his suggestion, many planets are trying to secede from the Republic.

In addition, Padmé is in danger. To protect her, the matured Anakin is sent to her. Spending a lot of time together, young people fall in love with each other. Together with Obi-Wan, they find themselves in the very center of an uprising organized by the Sith. Only an army of clones sent by the Senate saves them.

This is how the Clone Wars begin (an armed confrontation between the Galactic Republic and provoked by the Renegade Order).

"Star Wars. Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith"

This episode begins with the fact that it is already the 3rd year from the beginning of the Clone Wars. Padme becomes a senator, secretly marries Anakin and is already pregnant with his child.

Meanwhile, the grown-up Jedi suffers from nightmares in which he sees the death of his wife. The entire plot of the film “Revenge of the Sith” is centered around his attempts to save her.

Through intrigue, Skywalker is won over to his side by the Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who is successfully hiding under the guise of the Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine. It is he who provokes the young man to kill Darth Tyranus. Having used this action, Anakin gradually succumbs to his fears and betrays the Jedi, participating in their extermination.

With the help of deft manipulation, as well as the use of a secret code to activate the program of subordination to Sidious, the army of the Republic went over to the side of the Sith. Without the support of the Jedi, the Senate and all its members fell into the hands of the rebels.

Obi-Wan and Padmé find Anakin and try to bring him back to the Light Side. But their efforts are in vain.

Having entered into battle with Obi-Wan, Anakin was disfigured and in despair became Sidious's apprentice - Darth Vader. Together they led the newly formed Empire. At the same time, Anakin continued to consider himself responsible for the death of Padme.

Meanwhile, she was saved by Obi-Wan. But yearning for Anakin, she died in childbirth. Newborn twins Luke and Leia were separated and hidden in different parts Empire. And the surviving Obi-Wan and Yoda were forced to hide, because all the Jedi and their teachings were outlawed by the Empire. The third episode of Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith, ended on this sad note.

Other paintings of the Sith epic

In the original trilogy, which takes place chronologically after Revenge of the Sith, the renegade Jedi are not mentioned. But they appear in The Force Awakens.

According to the plot of this film, the organization of renegade Jedi is again gaining strength in the Galaxy under the name of the First Order. Its new leader, a creature of an unknown race named Snoke, becomes the teacher of Leia's son, Kylo Ren. This young man, like his grandfather, chose the path of the Sith and is now hunting for Luke Skywalker in order to destroy all the Jedi forever.

Sith fanfiction

How the fate of the First Order will develop in the future will become known in the new films of the epic.

But already now fans can read many books from this series. By the way, after the release of each film, separate novels were published based on the script.

There are also countless fan fictions written by fans of the Star Wars film epic.

“War of the Sith”, “Gray Sith”, “Their Secrets”, “Choice”, “Renegade: The Third Side of the Force”, “I Beg” - this is just a small list of Russian-language amateur works in which the main characters are Siths.

Jedi and Sith are also people (and non-humans) and the topic of carnal pleasures was not alien to them. And even more so at a young age. But do not expect from this article a depiction of the Sith-Jedi Kama Sutra and all sorts of perversions. The article will focus on such an important thing in the life of any society as family, marriage and what is commonly understood by the word “love”.


If the Sith, as it sometimes seems, needed only strength and power to be happy, and their favorite pastime was to cut, kill, destroy and take curko, milk, eggs from the inhabitants, they would have died out long before the first war with the Jedi.

Among the true followers of the “dark side” of the Force, love and marriage were not only not forbidden, but were even encouraged. The reason is obvious. Love and sexual attraction are the strongest emotions of any intelligent being. And, as you know, the Sith did not hesitate to use their emotions to control the “dark side” of the Force.

Already in the early days of the Sith Order, shortly after the arrival of the eleven Dark Jedi on Korriban, marriages often occurred between human exiles and the local Sith population. The possibility of healthy offspring from such relationships was scientifically proven by Sorzus Sin, the famous Sith scientist and a true legend of the order. Several hundred years later, half-breeds became commonplace in Sith society, and many of them rose to the heights of power in the first Sith Empire. You don’t have to look far for examples - Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh... Apparently, even during this period, extramarital affairs were not considered immoral for the Sith. At least it was not forbidden to have a harem and concubines.

After the Great Hyperspace War, two Sith societies survived. One of them settled on Kesh, and the second - on Dromund Kaas.

First, let's say a few words about the Sith of Kesha. On this planet, the citizens of the Sith Empire (forcers and "mere mortals") were forced. Their ship was shipwrecked during a hyperspace war. A handful of three hundred survivors had to adapt to their new surroundings. Entertainment of a carnal nature not only brightened up the difficult life of the first decades, but was also the key to the survival of society.

Over the next five thousand years, the Sith of Kesha created a full-fledged state with a population of many millions and... “this very thing” was in the order of things for them. Marriage was just as important to the local Sith as it is to us in the real world. The only difference was that the partners were selected in such a way that the children were most likely to be born force users. But, as they say, you cannot order your heart, and unequal marriages were also not uncommon. In this matter, the fate of the Kai family is indicative. Gavar Kai was a Sith sword (a title similar to a Jedi knight - approx.), and his wife, Laka Kai, did not even have sensitivity to the Force and did not occupy any significant place in society. Fortunately for the family, their daughter - the famous Vestara Kai - was born with the gift of the Force. And with what a gift!

Vestara Kai

In Visheit's Sith Empire, carnal pleasures and marriages between Sith were also encouraged. For the first hundreds of years, they had the same meaning as for the Sith of Kesh - ensuring the survival of society. In other words, being a virgin in those days (especially for a Sith) was not only unfashionable, but also smacked of anti-state activity. And homosexuality was tantamount to betrayal. After the Empire grew, carnal pleasures and amorous relationships between force users became commonplace.

Moreover, in the Sith Empire, issues of family and marriage of members of the order were approached with all seriousness, not even disdaining eugenics. Members of the order were selected the most promising partners in terms of health and heredity.

Several centuries after the formation of the Sith Empire, the Sith Order's recruitment department created an extensive database that recorded information about everyone who had ever entered the Sith Academy. Personal files contained data on origin, pedigree, service history, potential, health, etc. Using data from the card index, the Sith from the recruitment department and other related services selected marriage pairs and predicted the potential of the offspring. Sometimes even the Dark Council, the highest legislative and executive body of the Empire (after the Emperor, of course), was involved in the selection of a couple. This approach was not only due to concern for the happiness of Sith families. The well-being of the entire Empire depended on this, since it was the Sith force-users who were its core. You can find out more about this in the novel “Fatal Alliance” and the MMO “The Old Republic”.

Lord Tetsu

But don’t think that Sith men were turned into an analogue of an inseminating bull. The Sith were given the right to choose with whom, when, how and where. However, it also happened that the Sith “repaid his debt to his homeland” with one lady, and married another.

Thanks to such a serious approach to the formation of families as the basic unit of society, within a few generations many Sith dynasties appeared, most of whose members served in the Sith Order. As an example, we can cite the Sith clans to which the Sith Lords Praven and Tetsu belonged. Tetsu's clan numbered ten generations, and Praven's clan was even older.

Among the Sith of this Empire there were both outright libertines and womanizers, and decent family men who cared about the upbringing and well-being of their children. Examples of the latter are Darth Angral, Darth Jaedus and Lord Gratan.

Angral had a son, Tarnis. Angral treasured him, often providing opportunities to prove his usefulness to the Sith Empire. The Sith whom Angral trusted most was chosen as Tarnis' teacher. He became Lord Praven, a former student of Angral.

The example of Jadus is even more illustrative. Jaedus's only student and most valuable treasure was his daughter, Darth Zorrid (her birth name is unknown). After the death of Jadus (in reality it was a staged act), Zorrid, according to ancient Sith traditions, took her father's chair on the Dark Council.

And finally, the third example presented is the Gratan family. Selventa Gratan and her husband lived in a happy marriage for many years. Although Selventa married not only for love, but also because of the high position Gratan occupied in Sith society. Their son, Bilzlit Gratan, like Jadus's daughter, was educated at home. His only mentors in learning the ways of the dark side of the Force were his father and mother. By the way, using the example of this family, one can trace the attitude of the Sith towards children. When Bilzlit was in danger, the mother was ready to give her life and even betray her husband, if only her child would survive.

The Sith of this period did not disdain extramarital sex. Perhaps the most famous outdoor enthusiast was the well-known Darth Malgus. His love was Elina Daru, who was formally considered a slave. There were also rumors among the Sith and ordinary citizens that Malgus had a lover on the side. Moreover, this mistress was one of the high-ranking Sith in the Empire. Her name was Darth Khadra. However, these were just rumors.

Elina Daru

You can also remember the Sith Lord Shaa, who in her youth had a long-term relationship with Lord Raxus. The ever-sullen Lord Scourge also showed up in amorous affairs. This assistant to Revan and Mithra in the murder of Vitiate, and then a useful companion to the Hero of Tython, managed to enjoy the company and love of at least two women before taking his place next to the emperor.

Going back a little, I would like to note that in the history of the Sith Order there were strong dynasties that ruled states for centuries. An example of such a dynasty is the royal family of Onderon, descended from Freedon Nadd himself. In the famous period (comics of the Tales of the Jedi series), Onderon was ruled by two strong forsusers: King Ommin and Queen Amanoa. And so they would have continued to rule if the Jedi with light democratizers had not descended on the planet without asking or knocking and contributed to the speedy departure of another royal couple to the world. Only their daughter Galia was left alive, who was not studying the dark side of the Force and therefore was not a target for axes in the name of goodness, light and other pathos.

Vilia Kalimondra

Little is known about the family life of the Sith in the next well-developed time period in the franchise, the New Sith Wars. We can only say with certainty that marriage and sexual relations were not condemned and, just like in the old days, were in the order of things. The ban simply did not make sense, because any Sith ruler of those times needed heirs to preserve the integrity of the state.

Only one Sith dynasty from this period is well known. Kalimondra dynasty. A successful military leader and politician, Viliya Kalimondra for his long life managed to get married several times and give birth to seven children. Alas, each of her offspring believed that he was the true heir to her empire. The sons' struggle for their mother's inheritance led to another feudal fragmentation of the Sith state and a long Sith civil war. The main confrontation was between her son Chargas and her daughter Zelian.

In addition to impressive military and political achievements, Chargas Kalimondra also made his mark on the personal front, becoming the father of three children, a son, Quillian, and two daughters, Arcadia and Dromika.

For Zelian, the word family was also not an empty phrase. Having married an unknown Sith, she gave birth to two children - Dayman and Odion. Subsequently, her sons also “added fuel to the fire” of the civil war, starting to squabble with each other. The narcissistic Dayman could not come to terms with the fact that his mother was preparing her eldest son Odion to be his heir. You can read about how this couple, in the name of the struggle for power, sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths in the comic book series “Knight Errant” and the novel of the same name.

In total, Vilia Kalimondra had seven children and at least six grandchildren: Arcadia, Dromika, Quillian, Malakit, Dayman and Odion. Such a “friendly” Sith family.

Zelian holds young Dayman in his arms

After the destruction of the Sith order (Brotherhood of Darkness) by Darth Bane and the Jedi "Army of Light", the expected final collapse of Sith traditions began. Including family and marriage traditions. Over the next centuries, until the death of the Jedi Order and the transformation of the Sith Order, the Rule of Two Sith did not start families or fall in love, rarely living a full life. The teacher-student couple had completely different goals in life.

Against this background, one exception looks surprising. His name is Darth Vectivus. Instead of destroying the Jedi - the idea of ​​fixing all the Sith "Rule of Two" - Vectivus devoted most of his life to the unhurried knowledge of the Force, commerce, entertainment, collecting art ... In general, he had fun as best he could. Unlike all Sith before and after him, who were killed by their own apprentices at the first opportunity, Vectivus died a natural death surrounded by friends and loving family. Luckily for the "Rule of Two", Vectivus's somewhat trained apprentice, after the death of the Sith, continued the one-teacher-one-student tradition.

At the same time, while the followers of the "Rule of Two" hid in fear from the Jedi, another self-proclaimed Sith lived and flourished. His name was Seth Hart. Immortal Hart adored entertainment, wearing out his temporary body at numerous revels, sexual orgies and other decent amusements of high society. Unlike the Sith of the "Rule of Two", he did not hide from anyone and ... also went unnoticed by the Jedi.

Seth Hart

The destruction of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY and the transformation of the Republic into the Empire did not lead to a fundamental revision of the views of the then Sith regarding family and marriage. IN Galactic Empire love relationships between members of Darth Sidious's Sith order were rare, and marriages were even rarer.

Let me give you a couple of examples. The result of Cronal's relationship (one of the strongest GI force-users) with an unknown woman was the birth of a daughter, Sariss. True, there was no talk of any happy family life. Cronal often traveled the galaxy, carrying out secret orders for Sidious, led part of the Ubictorate (Imperial intelligence) and was engaged in other government affairs. He completely entrusted the upbringing and training of his daughter in the art of the “dark side” of the Force to the “Prophets”. Sariss never found out that one of the Empire's most powerful force-users was her father.

Another example is the married couple Hethrir and Rillao. They were Imperial forces (Vader's students) and for the time being faithfully served Palpatine. The result of their cohabitation was the birth of a son, Tigris.

And Emperor Palpatine himself loved to enjoy female company. His lover was Roganda Ismaren, one of the Emperor's Hands. Obviously, the ruler of the entire galaxy had other concubines, but their names are unknown.

Roganda Ismaren

Another well-known character who had great influence in the Galactic Empire should be mentioned. Hand of the Emperor Sarkev Quest, after the formation of the Empire, became one of the most influential members of the Imperial Sith Order. Sarkev was officially listed as an employee of Imperial intelligence. But he did not hide from anyone among the shadows, like Cronal, and did not rush headlong across the galaxy, exterminating the emperor’s enemies, like Mara Jade. Sarkev openly appeared at court in luxurious attire and led a typical social life, secretly spying on his master's political opponents. Feasts, balls and beautiful ladies - this is his field of activity. In imperial secular society, Sarkev had a reputation as a reveler and womanizer. But there was also love in his life. The aforementioned Roganda Ismaren shared the bed with him. The result of their union was the birth, in 4 BBY, of Irek Ismaren.

Fortunately for Sarkev, Emperor Palpatine was not jealous. Moreover, for his good service, he granted Sarkev a place on the Imperial Ruling Council - the highest advisory and executive body of the Galactic Empire. It is worth noting that Sarkev was the second adept of the Dark Side to sit on the Council. His predecessor (Sly Moore) had by then retired from the Council and was engaged in other activities.

After the repeated and final death of Emperor Palpatine in 10 ABY, the surviving followers of the "dark side" were no longer up to family life.

Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker.

Go ahead. During the time of Darth Krayt's Sith order, inter-Sith marriages sometimes occurred. Darth Talon spoke. that she was "born a Sith", like some other members of the Order of Krayt. They were all Sith from birth, meaning their parents were Sith too.

But members of the order did not disdain extramarital affairs. For example, the well-known Darth Talon, whom people love to look at with unambiguous glances, happily shared a bed with anyone school age, causing the well-known itching in the lower abdomen. In general, Talon was that damn girl of easy virtue. One of her temporary lovers even managed to become Cade Skywalker, Luke's great-grandson.

The Sith dynasties also existed during this period. The most striking example is the Wyrlok dynasty. It’s not for nothing that Darth Krayt’s trusted assistant, Wyrlok-III, is called the third. Three generations of his family were members of the Sith order. In total, four generations of this family are known. Wyrlok III had a daughter, Saarai (Wyrlok IV).


The well-known aphorism is well suited to describe the carnal pleasures of the Jedi: “ If you can’t, but really want to, then you can».

Views on this topic in different periods of the existence of the Jedi Order changed from the prohibition of any relationship with sexual overtones, to complete freedom.

Let's start in order.

As you know, the Jedi Order is the successor of an older order known as the Je'daii. Members of the order were not prohibited from starting families. Even entire generations of adherents of the order often met. An example of a hereditary Je'daii is Sek'nos, a member of the Sith race. At least three generations of his family were members of the order. His grandmother was the skilled healer Mjartha Sek, and his grandfather Tok Rath was an outstanding warrior of his time and a sage. Or you can remember Tasha Ryo - the daughter of the Je'daii master Cora Ryo and the lord of the criminal world of the Chicago system, Volnos Ryo.

The Jedi Order, formed after the Force Wars (25,783 BBY), did not change its attitude towards issues of amorous relationships of its members and did not even try to encroach on traditions associated with marriage and family life. This continued for many thousands of years, until the Great Sith War, also known as the First Sith War, also known as the war with Exar Kun (3996 BBY).

Nomi Sunrider and newborn Vima

During this period, several Jedi families are known to have existed, all of whose members were part of the Jedi order. For example, the Sunrider and Dray families. Many generations of the Drey family - a wealthy family of Jedi and businessmen - were Jedi. And members of the Sunrider family have served the order for hundreds of generations. Many of them were truly outstanding personalities, inscribing their names in the annals of the history of the order. As in some Sith dynasties, children of Jedi families were often taught the basics of using the Force at home. It is worth noting that in those days there was no obligatory teacher-student connection. A young Jedi was often taught by several teachers at the same time.

You can also recall another contemporary - Jolie Bindo. This gray Jedi, who lived by the principle “as the Force dictates,” once fell in love and married his own student. At first, the Jedi Order did not interfere with their relationship, intervening only when his missus turned to the dark side and arranged artistic carving with a lightsaber on the carcasses of several Jedi. Not appreciating her "creative impulse", the Jedi Council ordered Jolie to kill his wife. Like, he taught himself, now you can figure it out yourself. Jolie defeated his lover in a lightsaber fight, but love prevented him from finishing what he started. Soon, Jolie's wife and student were hacked to death by the Jedi.

Little Lucien Drey

The attitude of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order towards family and marriage was turned upside down in just a few years, without objective reasons. This happened when the Council, in order to consolidate the order, began to “tighten the screws” by introducing uniform rules for all enclaves. Although marriage was not strictly prohibited, relations of this kind were now undesirable. It was believed that love and family brought one closer to the “dark side” of the Force.

By the way, such views of the leadership of the order were one of the reasons why the Jedi looked crookedly at the marriage of Bastila Shan and Revan. And Bastila’s pregnancy couldn’t make them happy at all. The Jedi calmed down only after an unspoken peace was concluded between the council and the rebellious family - Revan stops expressing his “heretical thoughts” about the Force aloud to the Jedi, and the Jedi stop grumbling publicly about their family relationships.

Revan watches the holotape of his wife and son

The situation changed again after the Great Purge, carefully arranged for the Jedi order by the Sith Triumvirate. Darth Sion was especially successful at that time in reducing the Jedi population.

After the death of the entire Council and most of the knights and masters, the new generation of Jedi had to quickly restore the order. In this situation, prohibiting marriage and having children was tantamount to sabotage. New Jedi dynasties arose, bearing the names of Ovair, Shan, and Zavros. But during this period, old dynasties such as Sunrider and Diath also continued to exist.

Although the Ovair weren't exactly a Jedi family. Or rather, not Jedi at all. At least four generations of the family secretly worked for the Sith Empire, being the most valuable agents of Emperor Vitiate on the territory of the Republic.

By the way, it is worth saying that in subsequent eras, when the attitude of the Jedi Order towards personal affections finally changed from approval to condemnation and strict prohibition, people from the Sunrider and Diath families were allowed to marry.

Nima-Da-Boda is the last known representative of this line and the direct great-great-great-great... (and many times "great") great-great-granddaughter of the Sunriders on her mother's side served in the Jedi Order several decades before the Clone Wars. And another representative of the family, Vima-Da-Boda, born in 190 BBY, lived for more than two hundred and fifty years, having served in both the old and new Jedi orders of Luke Skywalker.

master Niko Diat with a baby

The Diat clan has existed for more than four thousand years. The last known representatives of the Diath dynasty - Padawan Te Diath and Master Nico Diath - served in the order during the Clone Wars. Tae died fighting Separatist droids on Jabiim in 21 BBY, and his uncle Niko had died seven months earlier in the battle for Keith.

However, let's go back to ancient times. After an unspecified period of time during which the Jedi were free to marry and love each other as they pleased, where they wished, the Order's Council reintroduced strict prohibitions. An exception was made only for some families.

But even here there are double standards. The well-known Jedi Master Satil Shan, hero of the Great Galactic War, Grand Master of the Order, strict defender of the rules of the Order, unbreakable champion of traditions, and so on and so forth... was not against sharing a bed with a man. In her case, it was Jace Malcom, a decorated warrior and commander of the renowned special forces unit "Ravagers". The result of their closeness was the birth of Taron Shan, the future legend of SIS (Republican Intelligence). Such were the immaculate grandmasters of the order, who preached one thing but in practice... were engaged in “this very thing” with some martinet. However, most members of the order did not even know about Satil’s pregnancy. For the time being, even Jace did not know that for twenty years now he had been the father of a boy carrying out deadly missions behind enemy lines.

Newborn Theron and his mother Satil Shan

But Satil wasn’t the only one with a bad conscience. During this period, several more Jedi were known to love each other and were forced to hide their feelings. For example, the knights Likha Narezz (Nautolan) and Jomar Chul (Zabrac).

Love arose not only between adult knights. Among young people, unequivocal views on the genitals of the opposite sex were much more common. One famous example was the relationship between Padawans Moracen and Spanios.

In search of “hazing,” Jedi masters of this period did not hesitate to secretly spy on students and force other students to spy on their classmates. In particular, Jedi Master Yollo resorted to the services of informers.

Sometimes the Jedi prohibition on marriage led to very unpleasant consequences and even bloodshed. As proof of this statement, I would like to cite one interesting couple - Nomar Organa and Reanna Rist. Nomar and Reanna loved each other and were going to get married. An engagement was announced. The leaders of the noble houses of Rist and Organa did not interfere with their relationship, because marriage could put an end to the long-term feud between the houses. It would seem that everything was going as well as possible - a happy family and a long-awaited peace. But when news of Nomar's intentions reached the Jedi Council, the masters forbade the young Padawan to marry. Forced to choose between the order and his beloved, Nomar still chose the order. House Rist took Nomar's decision as a personal affront. The bloodshed continued.

After the events described above, celibacy was an unbreakable tradition of the Jedi Order for more than one and a half thousand years. But then the traditions had to be changed again, adapting to changing circumstances. These circumstances marked the beginning of the New Sith Wars (NSW), which followed the Fourth Great Schism. For nearly a thousand years, in a series of long, bloody wars, the Jedi and Sith enthusiastically cut each other's throats across the galaxy.

During the NSV, some rules were conveniently consigned to oblivion or temporarily abolished as not corresponding to the spirit of the times. Now the Jedi often became supreme chancellors, commanders-in-chief of the armed forces, they were given the titles of lords, kings and barons, they owned property and finally received the legal right to marry. Jedi Lords married freely, and their titles were typically hereditary, passed down from generation to generation.

By the way, the very fact of the existence of hereditary Jedi, who, despite the massive bloodshed of the New Sith Wars, rarely turned to the dark side, was sometimes considered proof of the fallacy of traditional Jedi views about the inadmissibility of affection, love and marriage. Hereditary Jedi Lords included such prominent figures in the history of the order as Valentin Farfalla and Roland Hoth.

Quinlan Vos and Khaliin Hentz

Shortly after the end of the New Age, which culminated in the decisive victory of the Army of Light at the Battle of Ruusan, the Jedi returned to their old ways, prohibiting marriage. As they say, our song is good, start over.

Although this time the matter was not limited to marriages. The Jedi Council invited members of the order to voluntarily renounce titles and hereditary estates, castles and other material wealth that constituted family property. As expected, not all Jedi liked this “offer”, which was more like an ultimatum. Many have become accustomed to their high status. In response to the demands, some Jedi lords and barons openly suggested that the Jedi Council follow the very well-known sexual route, wanting to see those who invented the Jedi vow of celibacy, at least in a coffin in intimate positions.

With celibacy and a few exceptions to this rule, the Jedi Order survived until its demise at the end of the Clone Wars.

T'ra Saa and Tholm

But the nature of living beings cannot be abolished by artificial rules and regulations. Many Jedi of this period had romantic relationships, from light infatuation to long-term love and even a wedding played away from the eyes of the members of the Order Council.

One of the most famous examples is the love affair between Tholm and T'ra Saa. I must say, it was a very, ahem, interesting relationship, because Tholm was a man, and T’ra Saa was an almost immortal tree (or rather, a race of intelligent tree-like plants). In this light, the potential continuation of communication between Malvina and Buratino in bed does not seem something strange in the fantasy genre. In their relation, the phrase “he was passionate and hot, and she was a log in bed” has a slightly different meaning.

At one time, a lot of controversy and bewilderment among fans was caused by the fact that this tree had a voluminous chest, which some earthly ladies could only envy. It would seem, why does a tree need sis... mammary glands or something very similar to them? But there is a reasonable explanation for this: T'ra Saa was just trying to give her body a more feminine look. It was not difficult for her to "inflate" the desired part of the body to pleasant, for Tholme, volumes. It’s a completely understandable and reasonable step for a woman, even one made of wood.

The relationship between the Nautolan Kit Fisto and the Twi'lek Aayla Secura is also worth mentioning. True, in their case, things didn’t go beyond a light affair and kisses.

But not only members of the order secretly loved each other. There were also relationships between the Jedi and, so to speak, “mere mortals.” The most striking example of such a relationship is the love between Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and Separatist agent Khaliin Hentz. Another secret alliance that led to the birth of a child is the love between Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan and a clone commando named Darman.

Etain Tur-Mukan and Venku (fanart)

But there are no rules without exceptions, just as there is no person without vulgar thoughts. In addition to the aforementioned families, representatives of several other Jedi families served in the order in the last decades of the Old Republic. The most famous examples are the characters Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Directly during the Clone Wars, Plo Koon, his brother (name unknown) and Plo's niece named Sha Koon served in the order.

An exception was made for Ki-Adi-Mundi based on the characteristics of his race. The fact is that the Cereans valued men very much, since much fewer of them were born than women. The average ratio was 1:20, making a typical Cerean village sometimes resemble a chicken coop in terms of sex ratio. This feature of the race determined the absence of a monogamous family in Cerean society. Polygamous marriages were considered the norm.

At first, Ki-Adi-Mundi's father did not want to give his son to the Jedi. The Jedi Order, who wanted to get a promising student, had to compromise by allowing Ki-Adi-Mundi to marry after puberty and continue the family line. At the time of his death in 19 BBY, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi had five wives and eight children. Now imagine the envy of the other Jedi, who could only dream about it.

Ki-Adi-Mundi and his wives

In listing Jedi of varying degrees of eccentricity, it would be a mistake not to mention Tracia Cho Lim. This petite woman was a contemporary of Mace Windu and one of his few close friends. Their friendship was not hampered even by Trasia’s unorthodox views, her fashionable way of dressing and her complete disregard for the strict rules of the order. Trasia had amazing healing abilities with the Force, was a good diplomat and an inquisitive researcher.

Trasia accepted only girls as students, which predictably provoked the emergence of vulgar rumors and unpleasant mutterings behind her back. She could teach several students at the same time. Her favorite student was Vergere, another very outlandish madam. Although this is not surprising: the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Thrasia had other quirks as well. For example, she openly violated the trademark Jedi vow of celibacy. The Jedi entered into intimate relationships many times during missions in various parts of the galaxy. The number of those who shared her bed cannot be counted. The result of “friendly sex, Jedi style” was the birth of several sons and daughters. But that’s not all, Tracia married several times.

The Jedi in general, and the council in particular, looked sideways and bewildered at the whole affair, grumbling angrily, but doing nothing. Fortunately for them, the loving healer rarely visited the capital, preferring to seek adventure in her soft spot far beyond Coruscant. This circumstance could not but please the Council of the Order. As you know, a bad example is contagious. The further Thrace was from the temple, the less influence she had on the fledgling Padawan minds.

In 29 BBY, her beloved student went missing. Even Obi-Wan and Anakin, known lovers of sticking their noses into all unlocked cracks, failed to find Vergere. When both returned to Coruscant and revealed that Vergere had been kidnapped by an unknown race, Thrace packed her things and quietly left without explanation. History is silent about how the Order’s council responded to this. But perhaps their collective opinion was: “What a shame she finally left.” No one saw her again.

Tracia Cho Lim

It would be a mistake not to mention another loving character. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes, yes, this great Jedi did not miss a single skirt in his youth. However, I am exaggerating somewhat.

Obi-Wan's first love, while still his Padawan, was a red-haired girl named Serasi, whom he met during a mission on Melida Daan. His love interest in the girl was one of the reasons that prompted Obi-Wan to temporarily leave the order and even draw his sword against his teacher. Alas, their relationship did not last long. Serasi died in 44 BBY.

Then there was the blonde Siri Tachi. Although their romantic relationship never went far, it left an indelible mark on Obi-Wan's soul. Only the order's rules prevented their relationship from developing into something more.

Next in line was another blonde - Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze. But this time it didn’t work out either. Although during the Clone Wars, the relationship with Satine still benefited the order in general and Obi-Wan in particular when it came to Mandalore's non-intervention in the Clone Wars. Particularly undesirable then was the accession of the entire Mandalorian people to the CIS.

Siri Tachi

Sometimes celibacy led to sad consequences. In addition to the well-known Anakin-Padmé couple, there were several other cases when the ban on love relationships came back to haunt the order in the most unpleasant way.

One of the most interesting examples was the fate of Padawan Ryke Muun. In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, this girl studied at the Alma Academy of the Jedi Order. For the time being, her fate was cloudless - good potential in the Force, a diligent attitude to study, excellent skills with a lightsaber... But, alas, order taboos and feelings for another student of the academy stood in the way of her becoming a Jedi knight. One day she fell in love with a young Zabrak named Nek Lawsirk. But Nek, relying on the rules of the order, decisively rejected all her claims. Nek told his teacher about what had happened and, as if a broken heart wasn’t enough, Raik was kicked out of the order in disgrace.

Raik Muun, angry at the whole world and wanting revenge on the Jedi, soon turned to the "dark side". Although the target of her retribution should not have been Nek, for whom she probably still had warm feelings, but Master Kirlokka, the head of the academy. It was this Wookiee who made the final decision to expel her. The opportunity presented itself during a peace conference held on a luxury liner hovering in orbit around the planet Rennock. Ryke launched T'salak onto the ship, which she managed to find on Cularin and force them to bend to her will. The creatures killed Kirlokka and seriously wounded several knights.

Talent and perseverance allowed Raik to complete his training on his own, becoming a powerful force user, although he did not really know how to control his gift. When Raik heard that the Jedi had been outlawed and the Purge had begun, she hurried to Coruscant to get her revenge on her offenders before others did. But instead of the long-awaited battle with the Jedi, Ryke encountered Valin Dreyko. He, too, was once a Jedi, was also offended by the order and also wanted revenge. But unlike the girl, Valin served the Empire, being one of its inquisitors.

Ryke was enrolled in the Inquisitorium, becoming Drayko's student. The couple turned out to be perfect. Raik was very talented, but unrestrained, insecure and poorly in control of her gift. Draco, on the other hand, was a skilled and determined warrior, with a consistent approach to solving any problem. He sometimes lacked the emotionality inherent in Rike. Thus, the advantages of one compensated for the disadvantages of the other. Ex-Jedi-turned-pair of Inquisitors, Valin and Raik faithfully served the Galactic Empire, hunting down fugitive Jedi across the galaxy.

Remember! You shouldn't break a girl's heart. This could end badly.

Callista Ming

However, it is worth noting that among the Jedi of this period there was a group who strongly rejected the restrictions of the order, following the ancient Jedi traditions. These members of the order were called Altisian Jedi, named after their leader, Jedi Master Jinn Altis. Master Altis said that the Jedi Order was now more like a corporation than a spiritual association. Solid rules, taboos, rigid hierarchy, infrastructure, commissions... The rest of the Jedi looked at the Altisians the same way as in our history they looked at the Old Believers. They seem to be Jedi, but they also seem to be some kind of near-Jedi sect. The Order Council still hasn’t really decided what to do with the Altisians.

Followers of the Altisian branch of the Jedi Order ignored many of the order's prohibitions that limited the personal freedom of the Jedi, including training Padawans in a teacher-student relationship (instead, one teacher could have several students) and, of course, love and family. The most famous (for us) couple in love among the Altisian Jedi were the knights Callista Ming and Gate Eris.

Luke and Mara's wedding

With the death of the Jedi Order during Order 66, all existing rules and taboos also died. There was nothing stopping Jedi who survived the Purge from marrying. However, they practically did not use the sexual freedom that fell upon them.

In creating the New Jedi Order (NOD), Luke Skywalker did not shackle his followers with the unreasonable restrictions of the old order. “Warlike virgins” with the light side of the Force are completely a thing of the past. Their place was taken by a younger generation who were not afraid to experiment in everything, from methods of using the Force to marriage.

Many NOD Jedi, even before the Vong invasion, started families and children. Among them was Luke himself. Although it is worth noting that Luke often doubted the correctness of his relationship with Mara. At times, Luke thought that marriage might lead him to the dark side. You can read about Luke’s moral torment in this regard in the novel “Survivor’s Quest” (in the Russian translation “The Path of the Survivor”).

Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider

According to the author of this article, the ban on establishing relationships beyond friendship between members of the order and strict celibacy were the greatest mistake of the Jedi. Indeed, in addition to mental and physical rest, which prevented the emergence of bad (and dark) thoughts, celibacy led to the removal of gifted people and non-humans from the gene pool of society and thus weakened future generations of force users. After all, it is known that as a result of the connection between a force user and a non-force user, children with the gift of the Force were born much more often than without it.

Although at the same time it is worth admitting that the Jedi were right in some ways. It remains to be seen what would have happened to Revan's mind had he continued to cohabit with Bastila. It is quite possible that Bastila, as befits a typical wife, would thoroughly “rape” his brain and everyday problems returned the poor fellow to the “dark side”.

Star wars. Jedi and Sith


Jed A And(eng. Jedi) characters from the Star Wars universe, adherents of the order of peacekeeping knights who wield the Force. They have a certain way of life, military traditions and a code of honor. The main attribute of a Jedi is a lightsaber.

Jedi Code

The key message of the Code is expressed by a five-line mantra. There are several versions of it, but the original one is:

  • Not emotions, but peace.
  • Not ignorance, but knowledge.
  • Not passion, but serenity.
  • Not chaos, but harmony.
  • Not death, but Power.

The updated version proposed by Odan-Urr is the best known:

  • There are no emotions - there is peace.
  • There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.
  • There are no passions - there is clarity of thoughts.
  • There is no chaos - there is harmony.
  • There is no death - there is Great Power.

The Jedi Code was rewritten by Grand Master Luke Skywalker during the restoration of the Jedi Order:

  • The Jedi is the guardian of peace in the galaxy.
  • A Jedi uses his knowledge for protection.
  • A Jedi respects all forms of life.
  • A Jedi serves others, rather than rules them, for the good of the galaxy.
  • A Jedi strives for self-improvement through knowledge and training.

Expanded understanding of the Jedi code

  • Calmness is stronger than emotions.
  • Knowledge is stronger than ignorance.
  • Clarity is stronger than passion.
  • Harmony is stronger than chaos.
  • There is no death, there is Power.
  • The Jedi are the guardians of peace in the Galaxy.
  • Jedi use their power only to protect themselves and others, never to attack.
  • Jedi respect Life in all forms.
  • Jedi do not rule, but serve others, for the good of the entire Galaxy.
  • Jedi constantly improve themselves through new knowledge and training.
  • Jedi do not use the Force or lightsaber unless necessary, except for training.
  • The Jedi always try to resolve conflicts peacefully; only a hopeless situation allows the use of weapons.
  • Jedi must avoid the influence and temptations of the Dark Side of the Force.
  • The Jedi do not participate in political games and intrigues; they always remain neutral, except for an obvious threat to the Galaxy.
  • Jedi do not get involved in extraneous local conflicts unless there are compelling reasons.
  • Jedi are always careful and prudent in their actions and deeds.
  • When using the Force, a Jedi must remain in harmony with it. Disharmony reduces its power.
  • Strength is created by Life. The Jedi guards Life. Murder is evil. Often murder is necessary and inevitable. A Jedi can kill in defense of himself and others, and can kill if it saves life. But a Jedi must always know that killing is evil, and in killing he is committing a crime against the Force. Even though he thinks that he kills in the name of a greater good and this justifies him, he must know that death remains a stain on his soul.
  • A Jedi does not use the Force for his own gain, wealth, and power. He acts for the sake of knowledge, the support of freedom, Life and education, for the sake of victory over tyranny, death and ignorance. The Jedi uses money to pay for needed supplies and services, and power to get help. Money and power do not interest the Jedi in terms of material gain and advantage, he refuses them after achieving the goal.
  • A Jedi never acts in a state of hatred, anger, fear or aggression.
  • A Jedi acts calmly at peace with the Force.

Balance of Force

The balance of the Force is viewed by the Jedi not as a balance between the light and dark sides, but as an analogue of the Buddhist “moon in water” - if the water is calm and in balance, then the moon is reflected without distortion. The Sith, subject to their passions, upset this balance, since passions create ripples and waves on the “water,” distorting the reflection of the “moon in the water.” But this performance is perfect. The balance of the Force also depends on the interaction of its parties, which is why the emperor felt “strong fluctuations in the Force” after Luke Skywalker began mastering the Force.

Jedi Force levels

Yunling In the Republic, children with Force abilities (large numbers of midi-chlorians) were taken from their consenting parents by the Order and raised by the Jedi in small groups as younglings. Padawan A Jedi Master could take one youngling into his training as a Padawan - an apprentice who everywhere follows his teacher and comprehends the intricacies of his science by living example. When the teacher deems it necessary, the padawan becomes a knight. Knight A Padawan becomes a knight when he becomes more proficient in strength and in the use of a lightsaber. But he is still learning from his master before the test of the council. Master After the test of the Council, the knight becomes a Master. He is a full member of the Jedi Order. master The most respected and disciplined Masters are elected to the Council and become Masters. Anakin was the first knight (not even a Master) appointed to the Council by the Chancellor, but not elected to it and therefore not given the title of Master.

Also, the Jedi are distributed according to directions

  1. Jedi Guardian
    A Jedi who devotes more time to lightsaber training.
  2. Jedi Guardian
    A Jedi who spends more time training his skills.
  3. Jedi Consular (Advisor)
    A Jedi who masters the Force more than any other ability.
  4. Jedi adept
    A Jedi with excellent use of a lightsaber and the Force.

Enemies of the Jedi Sith

Forms of lightsaber fencing

Since the founding of the Jedi Order, seven forms of lightsaber combat have been developed. Each represents a different approach or philosophy, and each has its own unique strengths.

First Form (Shii-Cho)- the simplest and most ancient form of swordsmanship. Within this form, all basic attack and defense methods, attack zones and basic exercises are defined.

Second form (Makashi) combines fluidity of movement and anticipation of where the blow will be struck, which allows you to attack and defend with minimal effort. It is practiced by Count Dooku.

Third Form (Soresu) emphasizes good reflexes and rapid movement in space of both the sword and the body. The most effective form for deflecting and protecting against blaster fire. At its core, it is a defensive technique that expresses the Jedi philosophy of "non-aggression." It is practiced by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Fourth Form (Ataro)- One of the newest techniques for wielding a lightsaber. It relies on the potential for acrobatics and the power inherent in the blade itself. Yoda practices it.

Fifth Form (Shien or Djem So)– more powerful and aggressive than the first four. The Jedi believe that she places undue emphasis on harming others. It is practiced by Anakin Skywalker.

Sixth form (Niman)– one of the most advanced sword techniques, based on the use of forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Seventh – Special form lightsaber wielding is Vaapad, which was created by Mace Windu. In order to defeat an opponent, a fighter of this style opens himself to the Force so completely that he absorbs power from both the light and dark sides. Vaapad uses the anticipation of battle, a battle rage that runs very close to the dark side. This technique requires enormous concentration within the light side of the Force, which keeps its follower on a fine line.


WITH And thi/Sith (eng. Sith) Adepts of the dark side of the Force, playing the role of opponents of the established regime in the fictional universe of Star Wars; most Sith are the direct opposite of the Jedi. The name comes from a humanoid race from the planet Korriban, once enslaved by the Dark Jedi. Like the Jedi, the main attribute of the Sith is the lightsaber.

The Sith Code

  • Calmness is a lie, there is only passion.
  • Passion gives me strength.
  • Strength gives me power.
  • Power gives me victory.
  • Victory breaks my chains.
  • And the Great Power frees me.

Another version of the Code

  • The world is a lie, there is only Passion;
  • With Passion I gain Strength;
  • With Strength I gain Power;
  • With Power I gain Victory;
  • With Victory I will break my chains;
  • And the Great Power will free me.

The first and most important source of strength for a Sith is their own emotions. Each adept of the dark side must be able to perfectly handle this inner fire, cultivating and nurturing the power that comes from the emotions of the dark side - primarily anger, rage, hatred. Other emotions, such as fear, envy, doom, should only serve as fuel to kindle this dark flame within - a flame that is the source of life itself for the dark adept. Boundless hatred for one's own and other people's weaknesses is a colossal and inexhaustible resource of strength and power. By drawing power from these resources, each Sith achieves self-sufficiency; like a sacred fire, cleanses itself of unnecessary feelings and attachments, melting and forging own strength and power, through absolute ruthlessness to oneself and others, through rage and hatred, breaking the shackles and gaining true freedom.


According to the books in the Star Wars expanded universe, the Sith Order was founded by renegade Jedi who believed that "true" power could only be achieved through emotion, and not through thoughtful meditation, as they were taught. Tensions within the order grew until, seven thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, they erupted into open conflict. This conflict, called the Hundred Years' Darkness or the second Great Schism, resulted in the Dark Jedi being driven out of the Old Republic. These outcasts settled on the distant planet Korriban, a desert world inhabited by the Sith, a race of red-skinned humanoids with a close connection to the Force. They began to reverence the exiled Dark Jedi who flew to them as gods, since they were far superior to the Sith themselves in their use of the Force. For thousands of years, the Dark Jedi lived among the Sith and gradually intermixed with them. By the time the race itself died out, the Dark Jedi who enslaved them began to call themselves the Sith Order, although they were not Sith by race.


May 4th is Star Wars Day not because someone was born on that day. Not the director, not the actors, not even any of the characters. It's all about the play on words. Let's go back to the very beginning of this post: "May the Force be with you". In the film the phrase is pronounced as "May the force be with you". It's almost indistinguishable from "May the fourth be with you". As you know, fourth is translated as “fourth”. And the word may means both “may” and “let it be,” which results in the literary “may it be.”

Some fans of the saga prefer to celebrate Star Wars Day on May 25, because Episode 4 premiered on this day in 1977. However, this, in our opinion, is too simple and trivial an approach. We are for May 4th, and may the Force be with you!

By the way, about lightsabers. Here are 13 facts that even many Star Wars fans don't know:

    Lightsabers were created by adherents of the Dark Side. The first proto-sword was called forcesaber (sword of strength). It was a directed flow of dark energy (not to be confused with dark matter), formed into a blade using crystals and alchemy. Therefore, if a Jedi picked up such a sword, there was a great risk of his immediate transition to the Dark Side. So the Jedi created their own version of the lightsaber to counter the evil weapon.

    Lightsabers use compact energy sources. The first swords did not have a built-in power source. Owners were forced to carry a supply of batteries in backpacks or belts connected by a cable to the sword. The first to create a compact, built-in power source for lightsabers were the Sith.

    At first they were called “laser swords” (lazersword). In the first drafts of the script, George Lucas used this exact term.

    Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader's swords were made from camera flashes. And the hilt of Obi-Wan's sword was made from a part from a Rolls-Royce Derwent Mk.8/Mk.9 jet engine

    A lightsaber can be any color. The color of the blade is determined by the crystal that focuses the energy. The Sith's weapons were characterized by red colors, the Jedi's - blue and green, since they used crystals from the planet Ilum, where only these two colors are found in nature.

    The lightsaber can even be black. There is only one copy, Darksaber (Dark Sword). This is an ancient Jedi weapon that was stolen by Mandalore. The blade of the Dark Sword follows the shape of a steel weapon - it becomes thinner towards the edges. At the same time, the blade is slightly curved, like a checker, and its upper cutting edge has a serrated serrator (somehow...).

    Luke's green sword in Return of the Jedi was supposed to be blue. However, Lucas decided to make it green during filming because during the battle in the Sarlacc the blue blade was hard to see against the sky.

    In the Empire, lightsabers were illegal weapons. In addition to his desire to destroy the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine outlawed the possession of lightsabers. It was even forbidden to trade crystals for their manufacture. Darth Vader was given special permission to wield a lightsaber.

    The animation of lightsaber blades appeared due to the imperfections of special effects in the 70s. At first they tried to make swords from long triangular reflective rods. The rods were rotated by a motor around an axis, and their flickering should have merged into a long glow. In practice it looked disgusting, so I had to add animation. At the same time, Lucas decided that the blades should be of different colors, although it was originally intended to make them white.

    Lightsabers are not the only weapons that use this principle. Lightsabers can be made into pikes by attaching them to long shafts. Such weapons were used by the Jedi guards, and then the emperor's guards borrowed the idea. One of the assassins in the emperor's service, Lumiya, used a light whip, whose deadly beam had several degrees of freedom. There were also tonfa swords that had a special hilt. Double-sided swords could be separated into two separate swords connected by a cord, creating light-emitting nunchucks. There were even light clubs, which were simply huge swords.

    There are seven fighting styles using lightsabers.

    1. Shii-Cho, or "Way of the Sarlacc";

      Makashi, or "The Way of Ysalamiri":

      Soresu, or "Way of Mynock";

      Ataru, or "Way of Hawk-Bat";

      Shien/Djem So, or "Way of the Krayt Dragon";

      Niman, or "Way of the Rancor";

      Juyo/Vaapad, or "The Way of Vornskr."

    A lightsaber can't cut everything. There are several materials that resist a lightsaber blade. They are often used to create protective armor. The most popular material is cortosis. Unfortunately, natural cortosis is deadly to humans and requires preliminary purification. Also, the skin of some creatures, such as the lava dragon, is not susceptible to destruction by a lightsaber. Well, how can we not remember the Goblin with his “body armor made from the skin of… a dragon.”

    Cutting off someone's arm with a lightsaber is a fighting technique. It's called Cho Mai, and it involves cutting off a large portion of an opponent's limb, usually the arm holding the sword. The Mou Kei technique is designed to cut off multiple limbs of an opponent in one attack.

Star wars. Reflections

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