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Minecraft servers where griefing is not allowed. Paid promotion services

Griefing is an act in which the user of the minecraft game servers is inflicted with material and even moral damage. To put it in other words, this is simply vandalism.

In the game Minecraft, acts of griefing are mainly committed through various types of destruction of other people's in-game buildings, or by making malicious and unauthorized changes to them.

Also, griefing is the wanton killing of another user. Unfortunately, this act has become a very widespread phenomenon; there are even so-called teams of “professional” griefers. They become a huge problem for users - builders, and for the administration and moderators of game servers.

Griefing is a very harmful and serious threat to the gaming community.

The main reasons for griefing:

Not very law-abiding players get pleasure from causing damage to other users.

The presence of such a selfish desire as appropriating someone else’s game property: blocks or valuable things that other players have (that is, simple envy).

An attempt to make money and get rich through robbery in order to quickly settle down and advance in development on the game server.

The desire, so to speak, to change the surrounding landscape, at your own discretion and “taste”.

Blackmail. Some griefers recruit honest players through intimidation. They demand the player to join, otherwise, otherwise they threaten to destroy their buildings, appropriate their property, or even ban them.

Not fully aware. That is, many simply ignore the server rules during registration. But, as we all know: ignorance of the requirements does not exempt anyone from responsibility.

Revenge. In the event that the player filed an unreasonable complaint, or he himself robbed you, or maybe annoyed you in some other way.

The most common methods of griefing are destruction, or vice versa – the creation of any unnecessary objects near the user’s territory. The methods can be very sophisticated. Often, a variety of provocative buildings are created. Such as swastikas, a variety of obscene buildings or pixel art, lava pits near your site, or long towers from which subsequently flood the entire user site with the same lava.

Minecraft servers with griefing are becoming less and less common. In order to make the game as comfortable as possible for users, moderators are actively fighting this phenomenon.

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Griefing (or griefing) - the act of causing moral and material damage to people in computer games. In Minecraft, griefing is mainly done by destroying other people's buildings or making harmful and/or unauthorized changes to them. Griefing in Minecraft has become a massive phenomenon, leading to the formation of so-called "professional" griefer teams such as Team Avolition, which have become big problem server administrators who strive to support builder players. Griefing is a serious threat to the game community.


  • Getting pleasure from destroying other people's buildings.
  • An attempt to get rich by robbery.
  • The desire to appropriate blocks, things that others have (most often caused by envy).
  • The desire to change the landscape “to suit your taste.”
  • Lack of awareness of rules of conduct.
  • Blackmail. When griefers force players to join them, saying that otherwise they will destroy their homes, property, or even ban them.
  • Revenge for being banned or griefed by other players.

Classic methods of grilling and their prevention

Method Description How to prevent
Destruction The most obvious way. Most griefers strive to destroy as many as possible, with the goal of making the server as crippled as possible. In Creative mode, this can become a "total clear" as users can destroy blocks instantly. Or it could be a “torch cleanup,” in which griefers destroy all torches (many griefer clients have this feature). A more costly way to destroy the landscape is to use cannons, which allow you to destroy everything around from a safe distance. This can be avoided by using plugins to protect chunks or blocks. Plugins that create backup copies of the game world can completely eliminate the damage by rolling back. A ban on the use of TNT will render guns useless.
Creation A technique as common as destruction. Griefers try to create provocative structures: swastikas, phallic structures, obscene pixel art, lava pits - or simply place blocks at random. In this case, plugins for rolling back to a previously recorded version of the game world will be effective.
Chat littering (flood) Chat littering consists of actively writing a lot of meaningless characters and then sending them to the chat. The result of this may be a server failure, which makes this problem as pressing as vandalism. You can stop chat clogging using special server plugins.
Fake nickname This happens on servers without checking account status, where players can choose their own nickname. The essence of the method is that the participant chooses a nickname that is almost no different from another player (for example, replacing the Latin letter O with Russian or “zero”: instead of DOM666 - DOM666 or D0M666). Then he begins to conduct griefing activities, and subsequently the server administration can easily block an innocent player by mistake. This can also be used for other purposes: for example, a griefer can impersonate an operator. Pay attention to player nicknames. When blocking, check to see if there are any players with similar nicknames. When playing, do not make hasty conclusions when noticing uncharacteristic behavior of the player.
Mass mob spawning A type of griefing that consists of mass spawning of mobs until the server freezes. If the mobs created are hostile, it can greatly harm other players on the server when PvP is enabled. Creepers and Enders are especially destructive as they can destroy blocks. Spawn eggs made this problem more pressing. You can also build a wither. Console command/kill @e will help you easily kill all mobs on the server (however, this method has a number of disadvantages). There are also plugins that are designed to combat this.
Lava/water flooding If possible, active griefers will try to flood everything around with as much lava (due to its deadly properties) and/or water as possible to make the game world ugly and dangerous. In rarer cases, they may use these liquids to mass create cobblestone or obsidian. The best way to prevent this is to create a ban system (using plugins) that restricts the use of liquids for some players. In case the damage has already been done, world editing programs (such as WorldEdit) can help.
Murder after Rebirth (Spawn Killing) On servers with PvP enabled, some players get an advantage over others, since they can kill those right at the spawn point (since it is always determined on the terrain). Using special client modifications allows the griefer to kill other players very quickly. Thus, two griefers can completely stop life on the server. Most effective method The way to combat this is to eliminate the possibility of causing damage to other players at the spawn point using plugins, including players at the spawn in a special team (using /scoreboard and command blocks) and expelling them from the team when leaving the spawn zone or by applying Damage Resistance to players at spawn using an edited beacon or command blocks. It will also be useful to build a structure at the spawn that will allow emerging players to quickly leave it through multiple exits.
Griefing with trees For a long time, plugins for rollback of the server game world could not affect trees artificially grown by players. Therefore, after the rollback, such trees still remained. Because of this, many griefers, using seedlings and bone meal, planted trees in the griefing areas, so that after the rollback this area would still remain spoiled. Previously, server administrators prohibited the use of seedlings and bone meal, but this caused many problems for ordinary players. Fortunately, latest versions plugins can roll back trees planted by players, which made this problem easily solvable.
Griefing with fire Most players use flammable materials for construction, and if the ability to spread fire is enabled on the server, this makes this type of griefing relevant. Griefers, armed with a flint, set fire to everything that can catch fire, thus starting massive fires that almost instantly destroy the property of other players and can kill the players themselves. The spread of fire has been significantly reduced in Beta 1.6, and fire is currently not as destructive as before. However, this does not exclude the possibility of fire of entire chunks, which consist of flammable objects.

The addition of fireballs to the game made it possible for griefers to attack from a distance. The griefer can calculate the flight path of the ball, thus setting fire to a block that was previously difficult to reach for close contact. Such fireballs cannot be reflected.

Disabling the fire propagation mechanism using the /gamerule doFireTick false command.
Social engineering Social engineering is a technique that griefers sometimes resort to in order to gain the trust of other players. Most often this is expressed in creating situations that force the “victim” to trust the griefer. After gaining trust, the griefer begins the massacre or destruction of the property of the selected “victim”. The same strategy is used to gain the privileges of the server operator, which in the future can lead to a total pogrom on it. You should be wary of overly intrusive or suspicious players, especially if you are the server operator and are authorized to grant these privileges to other players.
Home burglary The method consists of griefers using pistons to “push” the structures of other players who are located in private territory. What this means is that there are server plugins that allow the player to create areas in the game world whose blocks can only be modified by the owner. Griefers install rows of pistons behind the private area and push them in the opposite direction. Eventually these blocks go beyond private territory and griefers steal/destroy them. This happens more often when the house consists of precious blocks (diamond, iron, etc.). Therefore, try not to use precious blocks in your buildings. It is also recommended to make the private area larger, since the pistons can only push 12 blocks in a row. Houses in the mountains are harder to rob this way due to the limitation of pushed blocks. Remember that many blocks cannot be pushed with a piston, for example, a chest, a tablet, obsidian, etc. Using some plugins, you can disable the operation of pistons in a selected area.
Privatization of someone else's house Possible on servers with plugins that allow you to privatize the territory. The griefer establishes a private zone on the site of someone else’s building, where there is none. He can also set up these zones in places where players want to build. If you have the WorldGuard mod on the server and the rights to exit flags, you can create a trap from which you cannot exit without a teleport (although, if you have sufficient authority, you can block Ender pearls, as well as teleportation and suicide commands in the trapped territory). Before starting construction, the first thing you should do is create a private zone. You should not tell everyone where you are going to live or build.
Death bed Can only be found in the Nether or the End. The property of beds to explode when activated in these dimensions is used. The bed explosion is much stronger than TNT and creates fire around the edges of the affected area. Griefing consists of a player setting up a bed in another player's house and lying down on it. The explosion destroys most the buildings. A griefer can also create a bed in someone else's house as a sign of helping another player. If he is not aware of the properties of the bed, then when he tries to sleep, the explosion will kill him and destroy his property. On servers with the privatization plugin, this method of griefing is excluded. Remember that beds explode when you try to use them in the Nether and the End.
Map expansion Enough rare view griefing. The goal is to expand the generated game world as much as possible by exploring new areas of it. This can cause multiple lags on the server, since the huge size of the map will cause “brakes” when loading it. Some plugins allow you to limit the size of the game world, as well as roll back content to the desired point in time. There is also software that can trim unnecessary parts of the world.
Scattering objects There is a technique in which griefers scatter a lot of objects around the game world, which can cause server lags. There are plugins that limit the lifetime or the number of dropped items in the game world.
Griefing on rails On servers with large player populations, long train tracks are often built. This may prompt the griefer to take a number of actions related to this. It can cause a traffic jam on the tracks, destroying part of the rails. Worse is to install TNT under the pressure rail. They can change the direction of paths (for example, lead them into lava). If the subway is under a layer of water, then it can try to punch a hole so that the water floods as much space as possible. You can also place a trolley with TNT on the rails, after making one of the rails activating and activating it. Periodically check integrity and security railway tracks,private paths.
Changing Redstone Circuits Griefers may try to change redstone schemes built by another player in their favor. This is especially effective since players often don't check their own created schemas for changes. A griefer can simply ruin the chain by removing/changing one small fragment. Or he can build TNT, pistons, etc. into it. In the first case, than more complicated scheme, the more difficult it will be for its builder to determine the cause of the malfunction. Periodically check your diagrams for changes and treat them with caution. If there is a possibility of territory privatization on the server, make sure that the scheme is protected.
Misrepresentation There are several ways to mislead the player. You can use an anvil, for example, to rename a poisonous potato to a regular one. It is also possible to give a beginner a pufferfish, and also, under the guise of a “promotion”, force players to enter the suicide command (/kill) Have a good understanding of the game, check items for renaming (if the name is written in italics, it means it has been renamed). However, some plugins allow you to enter the § sign anywhere, and the griefer can write §r at the beginning to remove the italics. You can also write §r at the beginning of the language file and when renaming it will give a name with this combination. Do not use objects whose properties you do not know, do not enter unfamiliar commands.
Killing Golems and Pets Griefer begins killing iron and snow golems, tamed wolves, ocelots and horses. Protect pets through WorldGuard, iron golems also fight back.
Fraudulent ban Griefers love this method, although it is not always successful: they simply complain about players, and the administrator, without wasting time on investigations, bans innocent people. Advice to admins - before a ban, demand to provide screenshots (although they can be faked) or other “physical evidence”, and then figure out what to do. The LogBlock plugin also helps.
Using Potions This method involves inflicting negative effects on the player using exploding potions. Disabling PVP does not solve the problem, because only damage potions released by players stop causing damage, and the same poison potions will still work. Using special plugins.
Summon Wither Consists of building a wither spawn. Immediately after activation, the wither will begin to kill all players, residents, golems, wolves, peaceful and some hostile mobs. It is extremely difficult to kill a wither in the wild. Using special plugins to disable the wither summoning, if the wither is already summoned, you can use /kill @e .

There are many other forms of griefing, but they are most likely variations of those listed in the table above. Essentially, if the server is maintained by attentive moderators, and it is equipped with the right plugins, this allows you to completely protect yourself from possible griefing.

Griefer clients

While changes to the game client are popular through "legal" mods, griefers often use "cheat" mods that allow them to easily carry out their intentions.

The most common hacked clients include:

  • Flight: Not necessarily used for griefing. This allows the player to fly, similar to Creative mode. However, this client modification can be used to explore potential griefing locations.
  • Scanner (X-ray or Wallhack): makes certain blocks transparent to the griefer. This is used to find hidden chests as well as useful ores beneath the surface.
  • Maximum brightness or Night vision: This modification creates a full lighting effect for each block. Thus, the player sees everything even in a completely dark cave or other place closed from light sources. Easily detected by the absence of torches.
  • Anti-fall: This cheat removes damage received when falling from a great height.
  • Stealth: This cheat gives the player walking effects while sitting. That is, the nickname above the head is more transparent, and the player walks at normal speed.
  • Fast mining: Allows the griefer to mine blocks much faster than standard.
  • Aura or Force field: Automatically deals damage to everyone around (mobs and players) if they are within the affected radius.
  • Demoman: Destroys all blocks within the player's hand reach.
  • God: Makes the player completely immortal. Almost all versions of these cheats have been exposed and blocked.
  • Spider: This modification allows the griefer to climb vertical full-size blocks like a spider.
  • Building: These cheats allow you to instantly install blocks in a predefined pattern, for example, cubes, pipes, platforms.
  • Quick placement: The modification removes the time interval between successive installations of blocks.
  • Free camera: The cheat allows the camera to fly out of the player's body and fly around the game world, without the ability to interact with it. In later versions of the cheat, Free Camera allows you to visually break blocks and allow a griefer to pass through them before he dies. A distinctive feature of this cheat from “Flight” is that the possibility of visual detection of a cheater flying through the air is excluded.
  • Spam or flood: Allows the client to flood the chat with many randomly generated messages.
  • Free watch/compass: Shows the player a clock and/or compass icon.
  • Walking on liquids: Allows you to walk on liquids (lava still deals damage).
  • Speedhack: Speeds up the player.

Countering griefing

How to avoid griefing

There are methods to prevent griefing. The list below contains techniques that can help server owners prevent griefing:

  • Install the appropriate anti-grief plugins on the server.
  • Enable whitelisting on the server (whitelist), which is the primary “filter” of player adequacy.
  • Do not allow operators to abuse their power (this may encourage users to grief). Also choose your operators carefully.
  • Choose player powers carefully. Owners can do this using plugins (for example, PermissionsEX).
  • Choose your server advertising locations carefully. More popularity means more griefers. The controlling composition must correspond to the popularity of the server.
  • Check out what griefers can do. There are no cheats for "gaining operator privileges" or "delete server". To study the tactics of griefers, you can watch relevant videos or read their forums.

For a more in-depth analysis of griefing, you can visit Crayboff's thread (English) .

How to deal with griefing with standard powers

A situation often arises when the management staff of the server does not carefully monitor its improvement and does not take action. necessary measures to counteract griefing. In such cases, players should take the initiative into their own hands to change the situation.

The main task of the players is to identify acts of griefing and specific violating players. However, unconfirmed information about a griefer most often cannot be used as a reason to block it or blacklist the server, since the administration requires physical evidence. Here are some tips that can help with gathering the required evidence when trying to accuse a player of griefing:

  • Universal accessible remedy- creating screenshots (by pressing F2). If you notice an act of griefing in the game, you need to create as many larger number screenshots If a player destroys a structure, create a detailed slideshow of the action. If a player litters the chat, record it in screenshots. However, at the same time, try to take care of your invisibility - hide in an inconspicuous place if you are observing the act of griefing. The crouch function can help, which will make your nickname less noticeable. An invisibility potion can also help (it makes you completely invisible). It is best not to try to engage in battle with a griefer, as they are always ready for this. Your secrecy will allow you to avoid possible griefing of your property, since a standard griefer who notices you will try to kill you.
  • Remember the nickname of the player who committed the act of griefing, as well as the approximate sequence of his actions.
  • If you find that the act of griefing has been caused directly to you, take screenshots of the damaged property. In this case, it is best to open the chat window to confirm the time the screenshot was taken and eliminate claims of possible forgery. Plugins can also be installed on the server to report on player actions. Have an authorized person review these plugins and identify the items that the griefer destroyed or stole.
  • Remember the coordinates where you saw the griefing and the time. If plugins are installed on the server that report on the actions of players, then knowing the coordinates and time, the administration will quickly find a record of the griefer’s actions in the logs.
  • While playing, it is best to keep a program to capture video from the game running in the background. If you manage to properly film the act of griefing, this will be a decisive argument in your application for blocking.
  • It is advisable to place an iron golem near or inside the house. It will protect you in case of an attack by a griefer or if a griefer lures zombies to your house.

Having collected the necessary information about the act of griefing, you need to try to find a way to contact the administrator or any other person responsible for the improvement of the server. If the server doesn't have its own website, you can try contacting that person directly while playing.

There are also servers where privacy is limited in some way or is paid, and griefing of unprivileged places is, in principle, allowed. If your property does not have a private territory, all the above recommendations are useless, but any player should know how to secure their property in this case. List of things that should not be done in such a situation:

  • It is best not to engage in battle with a griefer - he is prepared for this, and can also be “armed” with griefer plugins.
  • Do not start a conversation with the griefer, and especially do not respond with aggression to the harm he causes, even if it is directed at your property or yourself. Remain calm and reasonable.
  • Creating special traps for griefers is risky because if a griefer gets caught in them, it won't stop them. On the contrary, in this case his plans can only become more destructive.
  • Carefully and correctly store your property, which may cause an act of griefer or theft. Do not place chests with valuable property and blocks in a visible place if safety from griefing is more important to you than architectural beauty. Try not to put all your most valuable things in one place and in one house. Create backup shelters with essential items that can help you recover more quickly from vandalism. Surround the chests with valuables coal ore - this may prevent the griefer from seeing them using the X-Ray cheat.
  • You shouldn’t show your house to everyone, or put it on display. Anonymity and inconspicuousness - best ways hide from griefers, if this does not contradict your principles of the game.
  • Try to be as protected and armed as possible at all times. If you are attacked by a griefer, this may turn the situation in your favor.
  • Be careful while playing. Follow mining safety guidelines as griefers like to set up subtle traps, such as placing a lava block under a tree, placing TNT in your house, etc.
  • If possible, build a house from obsidian: it is explosion-resistant, does not move with pistons, and does not burn.
  • You can use the End chest even if it is not private; the griefer will not be able to take your things because he will only see his own.

Server modifications against griefing

While many people create griefer client modifications, others are trying to create server software to prevent it. Using the popular and extensible server modification Bukkit and other modifications, programmers have created many plugins that increase the degree of server protection from griefing attacks by detecting proper operation client. These plugins allow administrators to record and activate temporary copies of the game world, create prisons for griefers, and even protect certain types of blocks or chunks from changes.

  • Griefing - Wikipedia article on griefing on Wikipedia (English) .
  • Griefer - Wikipedia article about griefers (English) .