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How to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse - the best ways and tools. How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse: advantages, methods, materials, photos

Gardeners always grow different varieties tomatoes, which differ among themselves in the height of the bush. So that long stems and branches do not break, you need to know how to tie tomatoes in open ground. There are several ways to carry out such a procedure with their own characteristics.

Do I need to tie up the tomatoes?

Not all varieties need to be fixed to a support, so early and low plants can do without a garter. Many gardeners argue about the importance of carrying out such a procedure, so before you figure out how to tie up tomatoes in the open field, you should indicate its existing advantages:

  1. One of the mandatory procedures to prevent the growth of a bush is it. It is more convenient to carry it out when the plant is fixed.
  2. By raising the branches above the ground, damage to the crop can be avoided, since the tomatoes will not rot and be attacked by pests.
  3. When watering, it is important that moisture does not get on the leaves and ovaries, and if the bush lies on the ground, then it will be difficult to implement.
  4. Tying tall tomatoes outdoors is important to prevent the stem from breaking due to the weight of the fruit.
  5. Thanks to vertical arrangement bush, it becomes open to the sun and air, which contributes to better development. Spraying in this case is also easier, and the procedure will be more efficient.

How to tie up tomatoes in the open field - devices

It is a mistake to believe that for the procedure you can use different materials because they need to be safe and reliable. In most cases, a support made of wood or metal rods, rope, mesh, and so on is used. Sold in stores special loop for the tomato garter, which is reusable. Please note that when using fixing materials next season, disinfection must be carried out. For this purpose, you can use boiling water or chlorine solution.

Garter stakes tomato

Most gardeners use wooden stakes to fix shrubs, which should be approximately the same length. You can also use pipes made of metal and plastic, as well as thick rods. Tomato garter sticks are installed next to the bushes, and they should be 25-30 cm higher than the plants, since they deepen at this distance. They need to be placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the trunk, so as not to damage the root system.

Rope for garter tomato

To fix the bushes to the support, a rope is more often used, but it is important to pay attention to its thickness. It is not recommended to take thin ropes, as they can cut the stems. In garden stores, you can buy special twine for gartering a tomato, which is easy to use and safe. It is best to cut it into equal pieces so that the rope does not get tangled during the garter.

Racks for garter tomato

For fixing vegetable crops are used different designs, which can be bought in the store already in ready-made or do it yourself. It is important that it is compact and does not take up much space, but at the same time it is easy to tie tomatoes to it. The design for the tomato garter can be straight, like a wall, have the shape of a circle or a triangle. There are racks designed for each bush individually and large supports for entire rows.

Wire for garter tomato

Often people use improvised materials to fix bushes, for example, different variants wire. All methods of tying a tomato exclude the use of wire, which often leads to damage to the soft trunk and branches. Because of this, it is not recommended to use threads, fishing line and other thin garter materials. If there is nothing else, then it is better to take a cotton fabric and cut it into strips, 4-5 cm wide. affordable option- old tights or stockings that are soft and stretch well.

How to tie tomatoes

Many gardeners have a favorite garter method, so you can try several options to find the most suitable for yourself. It is worth recommending to purchase capital structures that will last a single year. There is some instruction on how to properly tie up tomatoes in the open field, which you can focus on:

  1. First, it is recommended to carry out pinching and prepare everything necessary materials for the selected fixation method.
  2. At the next stage, the preparatory work for the construction of the support system.
  3. After that, a garter is carried out and the procedure is completed by watering the plant.

How to tie tall tomatoes on a net?

A common option, thanks to which you can tie several bushes at once. It is necessary to drive in supports at the end and beginning of the row, for example, wooden beams or iron pipes. A mesh made of metal or plastic is stretched between them. Such methods of tying tomatoes in the open field are also suitable for other vegetable crops, such as cucumbers.

Experienced gardeners recommend using a large mesh net to make it easier to attach the stems and branches of the plant. Describing how to tie tomatoes in the open field on a net, it is worth noting important advantage- as the tomatoes grow, you can fix the branches at a more convenient level. When using a metal mesh, it can not be removed for the winter, but plastic options it is preferable to twist before the onset of cold weather.

Garter tomato on a horizontal trellis

One of the most convenient options, thanks to which you can tie up the entire row of bushes at once. There are recommendations on how best to tie up tomatoes on a horizontal trellis:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two powerful beams or pipes and dig them into the ground at the beginning and end of the row.
  2. Between the prepared supports, the twine is pulled in one or more rows, given that the frequency should be 30-40 cm.
  3. For horizontal stretches, buy steel U-shaped studs that will hold the trellis.
  4. For those who are interested in how to tie outdoor tomatoes to a horizontal trellis, it is important to point out that there are two options for fixing bushes. If several rows of twine are stretched, then with the selected garter material it is necessary to attach the central stem to the horizontal trellis. You can fix the stem using several parallel stretches, directing the plants to one side of the trellis, then to the other, creating an interlacing.

Garter tomato on a vertical trellis

Novice gardeners are sure that the presented method of fixation can only be used when growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

  1. Tying a tomato in the open field on a vertical trellis is possible when constructing high supports, since the bushes are attached to a horizontal crossbar.
  2. The garter material is chosen so that its length is equal to the height from the ground to the transverse twine plus 30 cm.
  3. Tie it at the bottom of the plant under the bottom leaf, but keep in mind that the stem will thicken, so there should be a margin.
  4. After that, circle the plant in a spiral with a garter material and fix it with a transverse twine.

Figure eight tomato garter

This method involves the use of regular stakes and is considered the simplest and most affordable. The support should be driven in to a depth of 25-3 cm. The correct garter of tomatoes in the open field indicates the need to use individual stakes for each bush. The trunk of the plant is wrapped with the selected garter material and its ends must be crossed with a figure eight, twisted and tied to a support. The instructions on how to properly tie tomatoes in the open field to a support indicate that similar manipulations are also carried out with heavy brushes.

Garter tomato in the open field on a wire frame

In this case, the use of blanks in the form of circles made of thick wire is implied. When describing how to tie up tomatoes in the open field, it is worth pointing out that the circles must be attached to several metal supports at different levels in order to get a strong cylinder-shaped cage as a result. In garden stores you can buy ready-made designs.

Similar and tomatoes imply individual fixation of each bush, which for many is a costly action. The finished cells are dug in to a depth of 15-20 cm, and then the seedling is tied to it. Instead of a wire frame, you can make it from wooden beams, but then they will have a square shape.

Growing tomatoes has its own characteristics. Just plant seeds and wait for tomatoes to grow, hardly good idea. They are very demanding in their care. One of the rules is a tomato garter, but not all varieties need a tomato garter. Most often, tall varieties are grown this way. You should know how to tie tomatoes correctly, which pegs to choose for a tomato. Indeed, for undersized and tall tomatoes, completely different pegs are needed. So let's figure out how to tie up tomatoes.

To prevent excessive growth of tomatoes, stepchildren should be removed from time to time. You can also often find ovaries and fruits on them, but they almost do not have time to ripen, they suck out the juices from tomatoes more than they need. And it is more convenient to stepchild a tied tomato, and not one that practically lies on the ground.

Tall tomatoes may not support the weight of the fruit and simply break. Tying the fruits is vital, otherwise they can be easily attacked by pests. Also, unbound tomatoes are much more likely to get late blight. Tomatoes hate water on leaves - you need to water the plant carefully. However, this is almost impossible when it is on the ground.

Bad weather can't break your tomato if it's attached. Excessive moisture in the soil will not harm the tomatoes if they are tied up. But if they are in free flight, then most likely they will rot.

As you may have noticed, without a garter, you can forget about tomatoes, no matter how powerful the roots are. Yes, and you yourself will be easier and easier to care for tomatoes.

Video “How to tie up tomatoes”

From this video you will learn how to correctly perform this strategically important act for good harvest.


You can tie the tomatoes the way you want. All methods are good in their own way. Yes, the materials are the same.

We will need stakes or metal rods, twine and dressing material, which must be strong and wide. Fishing line and thread - this is not it! They will crash, and eventually the bush will die!

It is best to use pieces of cloth. These can be T-shirts, blankets, pillowcases, etc. Some people like to use old tights - this is also an option, as they will not rot in a season. But remember that they will need to be disinfected in boiling water or laundry soap to protect the tomatoes themselves.

Also now you can find various reusable plastic things both for tying up and for supporting tassels with fruits. They are cheap, so you can buy them. If you are growing for sale and you have a huge amount of tomatoes, then buy a garter. This is a special device, something like a vegetable stapler. It is very popular with those who grow grapes. Therefore, if you have a winemaker friend, then he is guaranteed to have this thing that will make your life a hundred times easier!

Garter pluses:

  • Vegetables do not spoil because they are all raised high above the ground.
  • Air circulates freely between the bushes.
  • Watering tomatoes will become much easier.
  • You can easily carry out pinching.
  • Tomatoes will begin to bear fruit better and hurt less.


Most easy way- use pegs for each tomato. It can be both fittings and a wooden lath. Their length must be half a meter longer than the final growth of the plant. After all, the pegs are driven in so hard. However, if you have tall tomatoes, then use longer stakes - up to 2.5-3 m in length. When installing the pegs, step back from the stems by about 15 cm so that the roots are not accidentally damaged.

After you have installed the pegs, the stem of the plant is processed with a garter, its ends are crossed with a figure of eight or simply crossed and tied to the pegs. Just don't overdo it with tightness! The same is done with huge brushes so that they do not break due to the weight of the fruit.

Remember that this method is only suitable for medium-sized varieties, if the tomato is heavy, then the support can break and screw up along with the tomato.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will need to repeat this procedure a couple of times a season.

On the trellis

If you have a tomato plantation because you have a large family or you grow tomatoes for sale, then this method will suit you.

Long spears are driven into the ground, on average, their length can reach up to 3 m. A wire is pulled between them with a step of half a meter. The stems and twigs of tomatoes, as they grow, are tucked behind the wire from different sides. From the outside, it all looks like a braid. Remember that the rope must not be tightened too much, otherwise the tomatoes will die quickly. If you have a large garden bed, then you can drive in intermediate stakes so that the trellis is stable.

The good thing is that you can leave a couple of stepchildren in tomatoes to increase the yield. This can be done in hot greenhouses, where tomatoes can grow in autumn and winter.

Another subspecies of such a garter is linear. In this case, between the pegs, the wire is pulled not only over but also over each tomato. You will not need to think about how to tie them up, you will only need to wrap them around as the tomato grows.


The checkered method is similar to the trellis. Prepare pieces of iron and wire instead of the trellis and then install the structure in the same way. If you do not have them, then you can build the same wooden frame. It will be like a high chair without a seat and back. If you make the structure quite wide, then it will easily cover 4 bushes - one for each "leg".

887 02/13/2019 5 min.

The process of growing tomatoes in open areas is somewhat different from growing under film cover. But despite this, it is necessary to tie up both greenhouse and outdoor plants. This procedure is especially important when tall crops are used. Under the weight of the fruit, their branches will bend and lean towards the ground, and in some cases break. All this has a detrimental effect on productivity.

Garter methods

With the right garter, you can get a soft and reliable support. Since there are many options for the garter, you can choose best option, which will not damage plants grown outdoors.

On pegs

This method has been in high demand for a long time. Thanks to him, reliable support is achieved for weak stems of tomatoes. To tie the bushes to pegs, you need to choose stakes with dimensions that will correspond to the height of the plants. Then, using a rope, cut the material for the garter.

On pegs

Place pegs near each bush. It can be metal or wood products. Before tying the plant, it is necessary to destroy harmful microorganisms from the garter material. To do this, it must be boiled in water. Tie the stem of the bush near the top. Wrap the plant with a rope not tightly, but several times, then tie it into a knot. As soon as the bush begins to grow, the rope will need to be lifted up or another garter performed, and the old one dismantled. But what kind of tomato garter in the greenhouse is the most correct, and how it looks can be seen in the photo.

To the trellis

This version of the garter must be used by growing tall plants in open areas. vegetable crops. Then the chosen method of fastening will not allow them to fall. You can make a tapestry with your own hands. To do this, you will need to use wooden pegs, nails, slats and wire. For support, you can use a column made of metal or wood. You will need 3 in total.

To the trellis

The height of the support element should be 3.5 m. After the installation of the trellis, its height will reach 3 m. The supports are installed in one row at a distance of 4 m. Install slats in the upper part of the pillars, securing them with nails. Now stretch the wire along the supports in 3 rows, observing a distance of 1 m. And here is how the cucumbers are tied in a polycarbonate greenhouse, indicated

As a result of the manipulations done, a horizontal fence consisting of 3 wires should be obtained.

The installation of the lowest wire should be carried out 20 cm from the ground level. After mounting the frame, using a nylon rope, make a mesh with cells. For these purposes, it is necessary to wind the rope in increments of 20 cm. It will be necessary to manufacture the trellis even before planting the seedlings. And her landing takes place to the trellis, but as the bushes grow, they are directed upwards.

On the video - a tomato garter in the open field:

Line fixation

This version of the garter is also very effective, but only simpler. By analogy with the previous option, it is necessary to mount supports. The wire is stretched in one row.

Linear fixation

Cell Application

To fix tall tomatoes grown in open areas, you can use a method that allows you to make a separate grid for each bush. It must be rigid, and wire and metal arcs are suitable for its creation. The arcs are to be bent and installed over the planted plants. After that, connect them with a wire. The planted culture must be secured with a rope to the crate of the cage.

Using cells

There is another option - this is planting plants in pyramidal caps. They are made from 4 twigs. Such a cap can accommodate 4 bushes. Dig it in when planting seedlings, fix it with wire at the top of the rods.

Hook fastening

This version of the garter has general similarities with fastening to a trellis. Along the edges of the beds it is necessary to install high poles. Attach a wire between them. Tie a fishing line to it with an interval of 30 cm. In this case, the fishing line must be equipped with rings and hooks.

Hook fastening

It is the last elements that are necessary to fix the stems of the bushes. This method of garter is very effective, but laborious and inconvenient to use, so it is rarely used.

On the video - a tomato garter device:

Another option for fixing the stems to the supports will be nylon tights. They can last more than one season, as they do not rot.

If you are going to use the garter next year, then before re-use it should be disinfected by treating it with boiling water or laundry soap. So you can destroy various pathogens that affect tomatoes.

It will also be useful to learn about how to use for outdoor tomatoes.

Now on sale you can see various reusable adapted, made of plastic. They can be used to support individual branches with fruits, as well as for garters. Their cost is low, but they will last for many years.

If you grow tomatoes for sale and plant them on a large area of ​​​​land, then you should purchase special devices - garters. It acts like a stapler, wraps around the stem of the plant and the support with the help of special tape. Such a product, very popular among those involved in the cultivation of grapes.

For getting high yield tomato grown in the open field, you must definitely take care of the garter bushes. This can be done by different ways. Choose suitable option necessary, taking into account the growth of the plant and the number of fruits on it.

Ways to tie tomatoes in the open field

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Ways to tie tomatoes when grown outdoors

Growing vegetables - an exciting activity. Amateur vegetable growers place a wide variety of crops on their plots. But none of them is complete without juicy and tasty tomatoes. A variety of varieties of tomatoes will require when growing individual approach to each of them. Low-growing tomato species are compact bushes that do not require special agricultural practices. But is it possible to resist the temptation of growing large-fruited varieties of tomatoes? They have incomparable palatability. But at the same time, such vegetable crops will require more attention than undersized relatives.

There are many varieties of tall tomatoes. They differ in color and size of fruits, which are distinguished by excellent taste. However, growing them is a rather troublesome business. But for the sake of getting large-fruited tomatoes, it is worth working hard. As a rule, vegetable growers grow seedlings of tall tomatoes on their own. For its landing, the land has been prepared since autumn. For tomatoes, well-lit areas with fertile soil will be required. The beds are planned in such a way that it is possible to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures, during which one cannot do without tying tomatoes. Novice amateur vegetable growers make mistakes when fixing plants.

What is the correct garter tomato? Tall plants, depending on the variety, will require pinching and regular stem fixation. The tomato garter procedure is performed 3 to 6 times per season. At the same time, this agrotechnical technique is performed for each plant individually.

Spring planting of seedlings of tall tomatoes differ from undersized varieties. Bushes of individual species can reach 1.5 meters in height. Therefore, plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After planting tomatoes, they select material for tying tomatoes.

This will require, first of all, twine, which should be sufficiently soft and elastic. Wire or fishing line should not be used for this purpose. They can damage plants. Tomato garter pegs should be of sufficient height, fairly strong. Usually these are wooden or metal pegs that can be used for several seasons in a row. The material for the garter of tomatoes is ready. As the plants grow, they begin to fix them. You shouldn't be late with this. Bushes that touch the ground are prone to diseases and, as a result, lag behind in development and bear fruit poorly. This will lead to crop loss and a decrease in the quality of vegetable products. The garter is made immediately to permanent pegs that will serve the plant all season. Fixing a tomato bush is easy. A support is installed near each bush. It must be strong enough. The fixation of the plant should not be rigid, and take into account the fact that as the tomato stalk grows, it will thicken. Tomatoes are tied with a soft rope or fabric ribbons. Twine several times (in the form of a figure eight) wrap the stem of the plant and the peg. Then it is fixed on a peg. A free loop is formed between the plant and the peg, which does not interfere with the growth of the plant. As they grow, carry out repeated garters of tomatoes.

No less effective is the trellis method of growing tall varieties of tomatoes. To do this, a trellis is built along a row with planted seedlings. Metal stakes are installed on both sides of the row. Several rows of twine are fixed on them at different heights. Growing plants will be securely fixed on such a trellis.

The tomato tying procedure is a crucial moment in growing tomatoes, which should not be ignored. Caring vegetable growers use it not only for tall varieties. Low-growing tomatoes with this method of growing get sick less and give excellent yields.

The main ways to strengthen tomato bushes

For many lovers horticultural work holiday season opens much earlier than others. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you live in a big city, a medium-sized settlement, or in a small village. All these activities are connected at first exclusively with sowing work, which is carried out exclusively at home. After all in early spring there is still a fairly large snow cover over most of our country. But this should in no way affect the timing of planting certain heat-loving crops.

A key role in the growth of fruits is played by top dressing of the soil when planting tomatoes.

That is why even when it is cold, damp and slushy outside, many have real gardens of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and all kinds of flower beds on their balconies and window sills. After the seedlings reach a certain size, it is time to plant them in the ground. You can do this in a greenhouse, greenhouse or outdoors. It all depends on the specific conditions, the quality of the soil and the prevailing weather conditions.

But even on this work, concerning the implementation favorable conditions Plant content does not end there. You will have to constantly monitor the plants throughout the season, feed them and protect them from harmful effects.

The scheme of planting a tomato in the ground.

No less important is the tying of tomatoes. All gardeners and gardeners know that tomatoes are one of the most heat-loving crops, therefore, no matter how warm weather forecasters transmit for the summer, you should not plant plants immediately in open ground in spring.

In order for the plants not to die during a sharp change in environmental conditions (after all, not only the air, but also the earth must warm up sufficiently), it is best to place the seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The second option is used when you are not going to install a large greenhouse on the site. The greenhouse is perfect for temporarily placing seedlings in it, and when the weather is really suitable for growing tomatoes, you can simply remove the film from the greenhouse and remove the temporary frame (which is usually constructed from thick metal wire).

How to create the necessary conditions for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse?

So, the greenhouse becomes the minimum prerequisite for tomatoes to survive well during transportation from warm room conditions outside. But beyond that, some more labor-intensive work is needed over the remainder of the period. They largely depend on the varieties of tomatoes. So, for example, there are those varieties that do not stepchild, respectively, you will spend much less time and effort on them than on stepson varieties.

For planting in a greenhouse, it is better to choose varieties of tomatoes with limited growth, determinant and semi-determinant.

Do not lose sight of the fact that self-pollinated seeds are always on sale. In this case, you will definitely harvest tomatoes, despite the fact that insects that pollinate flowers and other plants may not fly in your area. And one more an important factor becomes the size of both future fruits and tomato bushes. There are tall, thin plants, tomato trees, dwarfs, and simply short, strong varieties. With the last two options, there is no need to tie up the plants, but if a large harvest is expected on them, then this event cannot be dispensed with.

Tying up tomatoes is necessary, firstly, in order to help the bush hold the fruits that grow on it. In addition, one should not forget that the fruits held at a certain height are protected from dirt and from some harmful insects and garden animals. Thus, if you decide to grow tomatoes on your site, do not neglect all of the above steps for caring for this crop.

The main ways to garter tomatoes

Depending on where the garter is carried out, it can be very diverse. For this, respectively, you will need various tools and materials.

Ways to tie tomatoes in a large greenhouse

The scheme of the formation of tomatoes in the greenhouse.

One of the most common ways to secure tomato bushes in the desired position is to tie them to pegs that are driven into the ground beforehand. In order to carry out this event, you will need:

  1. Pegs (wooden, metal or plastic).
  2. Axe.
  3. Sledgehammer.

An ax will be needed when you intend to independently build props for tomatoes. For proper construction, it will be necessary to measure the bush and, according to the description of the variety, determine how tall the mature plant will be.

Depending on the last indicator, you will need to saw off the slats corresponding to this value.

In this case, it is necessary to make the pegs about 20-25 cm longer, since all of them will go deep into the ground exactly at this distance. Those ends of the stakes that will be inserted into the ground must be pointed, so they will need to be processed with an ax. As for the height that the plant had reached by the time you decided to tie it up, it must be measured on pegs from below and a nail should be driven into the piece of wood in the marked place. It is for him that the plant will become attached.

Scheme proper watering tomatoes.

After all the stakes have been processed, they will only have to be driven into the ground. At the same time, at least 10 cm must be retreated from the tomato trunk so as not to damage the roots of the plant with a stake. You can hammer wooden stakes into the ground with a sledgehammer if the ground is hard, or simply press on it when the ground is lush and loose. Plastic pegs are most often sold in specialized stores with elements ready for garter. They cannot be hammered into the ground with a hammer, an ax or a sledgehammer, since this material is too fragile for such a serious impact from the outside. Metal, unlike it, calmly reacts to impacts, while it is better to choose those reinforcement elements that have narrowed or sharp tips that will easily enter the ground to the desired depth.

After a support for it is installed next to the tomato bush, you can proceed to the direct garter. This requires a rope. In most cases, experts themselves use and advise everyone else to use sisal. In order to carefully tie up the plant, it is necessary to hook 2-3 large branches and the main trunk with a rope. A bush is tied to a peg for several knots. This rope is convenient because it is very dense and it is not afraid of any external influences.

In addition to driving in pegs, tying tomatoes can be done in a greenhouse in another way. It should take place at best even during the construction of the greenhouse. So, if it is wooden, then it is worth nailing to the upper trim wooden slats, to which tomato bushes will be tied at a certain time. To do this, it is necessary to wrap the bush with a rope almost completely and stretch it to the top so that it does not bend or break. This is done with each bush in those places where the garter rail will pass.

Fruits with firm flesh are most vulnerable to cracking.

Thanks to this method, once you have spent your time, then you will not turn to the process of preparing the stakes and driving them into the ground. In the greenhouse, you can tie bushes with ordinary twine, because here it will not be so serious and bad influence. In the process of plant growth, it will be possible to simply wind a weakened rope around it in several layers. At the end of the season, you do not need to cut the ropes, you can simply twist the twine and attach it to the carnations nailed to the rails until the next summer season.

These 2 options for decorating tomatoes in the garden are equally well suited for tall plants and medium height bushes. It should be noted separately that, in addition to watering and harvesting, you do not have to take any additional steps to care for tomato bushes.

How to tie up tomatoes in low greenhouses and in the open field?

Although your plans may be to build only a temporary greenhouse, which will then be dismantled and give the tomatoes freedom to grow, there is no guarantee that the appropriate climatic conditions will be established even before the plant needs to be tied up. So, for example, tomato bushes that are limited in height will either fall to the ground, which will lead to the germination of the entire trunk into the ground, or to the fact that the bush will break. Therefore, even for a temporary construction, it is necessary to calculate all the options for the garter.

For a wooden greenhouse, tying tomatoes to nailed nails remains relevant, while it is necessary to direct the bush so that it is convenient for you to straighten it later (when the greenhouse is removed). As for greenhouses made of metal wire, it is better not to resort to tying, but simply wrap the bush with a rope and tie it along the frame. After you remove the cover of the greenhouse completely, it will be possible to straighten the bush and tie each of them either to stakes or to slats that you can easily build with your own hands. Thus, the garter of tomatoes of any length in the greenhouse, and in the low greenhouse, and even in the open field is made with twine, pegs or sisal.

Garter cucumbers in the open field - increase productivity

We tie cucumbers - why is it necessary?

The cucumber belongs to the gourd family, so it is not advisable to use a plot of land on which pumpkin crops or beets were previously grown for planting it. The average length of an adult plant is 2 meters. As it grows, it clings to any support and strives upward towards the sun's rays.

  • Planting cucumbers in open ground
  • Watering cucumbers in open ground
  • Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground

True, many gardeners prefer not to tie up cucumbers, motivating this more simple care behind the plant. They claim that in this way the cucumber receives more moisture from the ground. Such an opinion is not without meaning, but nevertheless there are much more disadvantages with this option:

  • cucumber stalks are always trying to find support for themselves, while they can quite easily damage themselves;
  • very often, the cucumber uses neighboring plants as a support, thereby oppressing them;
  • if you do not tie up the stems, the plant will receive much less sunlight, and this will significantly reduce the yield. There are also difficulties in harvesting fruits, and some of them remain unharvested at all, which further reduces the yield.

In addition, the garter makes it easier to observe the plant, which makes it possible to identify "sick" stems and leaves.

What are the ways to garter cucumbers?

You can grow cucumbers in greenhouses, hotbeds, in the open air, and even in an apartment on the balcony. For each individual case, you need to choose a more suitable variant of the plant garter. However, the garter of cucumbers in the open field involves two main methods: horizontal and vertical.

  • Horizontal tying method. To implement this method, you will need to build two supports: for this, metal pipes or wooden poles. After installation, several rows are stretched between the two supports strong rope, with an interval of 25–30 cm from one another. Thus, the stem will be able to braid new threads as it grows. The method can be successfully applied both on open ground and in low greenhouses.
  • Vertical tying method. With this method, you will also need two supports that are driven into the ground. But in this case, only one horizontally stretched rope is needed, which will serve as the basis for tying other threads (their number should correspond to the number of plants). Each thread is very carefully (so as not to damage the stem) tied to a separate plant. This method is also relevant for growing cucumbers in greenhouses.

Some gardeners use another variation of the vertical method: they drive a sufficiently long support peg into the ground and tie the stem to it. Tomatoes are also tied up in this way. However, there is much more fuss in this case, especially if at least a dozen bushes were planted.

With the vertical garter method, the cucumber receives maximum amount sunlight, and the likelihood of damage to the plant is greatly reduced.

The plant should be tied up only after it reaches a length of about 30-35 cm - until this moment, the procedure is simply not necessary. By this time, the cucumber should already have about 4-6 large leaves. If you tighten it with a garter, then nothing terrible will happen, but the likelihood of damage to the plant increases.

Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for this process in advance: determine how to tie cucumbers, drive in support posts and pull the rope. Thin ropes easily dig into the cucumber stem, so it is better to use wide strips of fabric(2–4 cm). Strong rope tension and tight knots around the stem should be avoided.

How to tie up tomatoes in the open field

Why do you need a tomato garter and what supports are used for this?

Timely garter of tomatoes- one of the components of a good harvest: the bushes will not break under their own weight, ripened "on a support" (unlike relatives ripening on the ground) tomatoes will be inaccessible to slugs, in the rainy season the height will protect them from decay. Tied plants are better warmed up and ventilated, and it is also convenient to spray them (phytophthora does not sleep).


For this, wooden sticks or metal fittings. The peg is dug into the ground (depth 20-30 cm) at a distance of 5-10 cm from the shoots, immediately upon planting. The height of the stakes depends on the variety - 1 m is enough for short ones, a 2-3-meter support is also possible for tall ones.

The rope is wrapped around the tomato trunk crosswise and tied to a support.


Along the edges of the beds you need to put stakes or tubes (height 2-3 m). A wire is stretched between them or a rigid crossbar is fixed. Ropes are tied to it - each seedling has its own, around which it will twist as it grows. Tie the lower end of the rope to the stem.


The garter material should not cut into the stem and pull it. Old sheets or tights (cut into 3 cm strips) will come in handy! Do not use last year's garters - there is a risk of infecting shoots with various diseases.

Advice! For tying multi-stemmed bushes, it is very convenient to use a plastic coarse mesh. It is easily stretched, removed and serves 2-3 years.

Based on the materials of the magazine "House, cottage and garden in addition", 2013

Three options for how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse and in the open field

Why is it necessary to tie up tomatoes?

Now it's hard to imagine without tomatoes dining tables. Skillful housewives not only serve them for dinner during the ripening period, but also roll them up for the winter in jars whole or in the form of juice. Despite the fact that the birthplace of this culture is the neighboring mainland, without them it is impossible to imagine many National dishes, just remember adjika or borscht.

Growing homemade tomatoes is very simple, but without proper care the plant will bear fruit sluggishly. Very important point in the cultivation of this vegetable in temperate climates, fruit garter is considered.

If this is not done, the harvest will not be very good:

  • tomatoes can rot when lying on damp ground after rain or watering;
  • slugs and other insects will happily eat fruits that come into contact with the ground;
  • it is necessary to strengthen the plant, otherwise the stem will not withstand the weight of ripening tomatoes and will break.

Therefore, before planting tomatoes, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Greenhouse vegetables are good because they ripen faster than tomatoes on the open ground, and their yield is 2.5 times higher. However, regardless of where the bush grows, on the open ground, in a polycarbonate or film greenhouse, it must be tied up. Garter methods are different, they are suitable for different types cultivation.

Tying with pegs

This method is one of the most common and perhaps the easiest. In order to tie a tomato, you will need wooden pegs. Their number should correspond to the number of bushes. As for the length, it should be calculated depending on the height of the plant. For example, the average height of a tied plant is 50 cm. In addition, it is necessary to drive the peg into the ground by about 20 cm so that it is not broken by the weight of the bush. Also, do not forget that the tomato will continue to grow. Therefore, the peg must be at least 90 cm long.

In addition to stakes, it is also necessary to prepare ties. It is better to use tape synthetic material, for example, nylon tights, cut into strips. Synthetics do not rot as much as natural fabrics and are less likely to attract insects. It is better not to use ropes and wire, they crash into the stem of the plant, which may disappear as a result.

The peg must be driven in at a distance of 20 cm from the bush and tie the tomato with several loops at a height as close as possible to the top of the head.

So it is necessary to do with each plant. Over time, the tomato will stretch, so you will have to tie it again with an additional ribbon to the same peg. Thus, the pegs play the role of a support, and the fruits will not lie on the ground. Since it is easier to tie up growing tomatoes outdoors than in a greenhouse, this method is not as convenient for indoor cultivation.

Garter trellis method

The tapestry method is also known as the linear method. It is intended for those who are interested in how to tie up tomatoes without pegs in a greenhouse.

The method is as follows:

  • IN different ends beds are driven into the ground with large stable stakes, ideal option there will be cuts of reinforcement or other profiles with a length of one and a half meters;
  • A trellis is installed between them, strong enough to withstand the weight of the bushes located throughout the garden. Plants must be tied to this trellis;
  • To do this, pinch the top with a rope and lift them up. As the bush grows, it will weave around the rope, so you won’t have to tie the tomatoes up again.

Lattice tie

The method is very similar to the previous one. This great option, for those who want to know how to tie tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouse or film. Here you also need to prepare cuts of reinforcement for support and a coil of wire instead of a trellis. The wire must be stretched between the reinforcement in several rows at different heights. The plane of location of the resulting incomplete grating should be perpendicular to the ground.

The plant simply lies on the lower wire and, as it grows, clings to the upper part, only from the other side. As a result, it turns out that it is held in a vertical position, sandwiched between two wires.

As soon as its growth reaches the next line, the top is shifted in the opposite direction to the third row of wire. And so on, in a checkerboard pattern.

This method is good for strengthening tall varieties; for lower species, it is enough to use individual pegs.

For those summer residents who want to know how tall tomatoes are tied up in the open field, you should take a closer look at this method.

Benefits of garter tomato

How to tie up tomatoes in a polycarbonate or film greenhouse has already been written above, but what practical benefit do these methods provide, besides the fact that the fruits do not deteriorate, lying directly on the ground?

The benefits include:

  • good air ventilation between the bushes;
  • convenient watering of plants;
  • timely pinching.

As a result, the plant will bear fruit well, which means there will be no more disappointments at the sight of a green fruit with rot.

It is worth noting that the garter of this culture is carried out only in temperate and northern latitudes.

In the southern regions, this is not required to be done, where tomatoes creep right on the ground. Interestingly, the fruits have small processes, with the help of which they are fed directly from the ground. Proper and timely garter in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or a film that protects fruits from frost and disease, or on open ground, guarantees a good harvest that will delight the whole family at the dinner table for a long time.

Therefore, it is imperative to tie up tomatoes, ensuring a bountiful harvest.

After planting tomato seedlings in open ground, one of the points of plant care is tying. Tomatoes tie up both tall and short varieties. How to do it right and what material to use for this are questions that concern many summer residents.

A garter of tomatoes gives a lot: the fruits will not break the bush from their weight, the plant will not waste vitality to support their bush, at a height they will not be able to rot from touching wet ground (from watering or rain), they will not be dirty, they will not have to. Tomatoes will grow well, warm up, ventilate, it will become much more convenient, hilling and spraying.

You can tie tomatoes different ways and various handy materials. Use metal or wooden stakes, fittings. For gartering tomatoes, it is better to use twine, fabric or unnecessary nylon tights, such material will not damage the stem. The width of the strips is not less than 3 cm. The dressing material must be new every year so that the plants cannot become infected with last year's diseases. Of course, you can remove the material annually and boil it to disinfect it, but do you want to do this? Do not use fishing line, thin rope or wire, they can damage the stem.

How to tie tomatoes

  • Stakes, which are deepened by 20-30 cm, moving away from the shoots by 10 cm. The height of the stakes is 1-3 m, depending on the variety of tomatoes. With a thick rope (twine) they tie the trunk of each plant to its support.
  • When planting, make a trellis with a vertical support of 2 or 3 m. Deepen the stakes along the edges of the beds and pull the wire between them in the middle and at the top. Ropes are tied to the top line, along which the plants will curl. The lower end of each rope should correspond to a separate bush, securing it to the trunk. You can make several rows of wire horizontally () and tie the bushes to them.

  • It is very convenient to use specially made cells for gartering tomatoes. Metal circles are made, which are connected by reinforcement (2-3 pieces are enough). Thus, they planted a bush of tomatoes, dug a cage around the bush to a depth of 20-30 cm, and then just tie it up as it grows.

  • From metal stakes (reinforcement) they make caps like a wigwam, like a pyramid, which are also installed when plants are planted. To do this, they dig in a stake and make 3-4 tension wires around. Tomato bushes are planted between the corners of this design. Thus, one such design becomes a support for several plants at once. The distance between such pyramids should be 1-1.2 m.

Having connected the stalk of tomatoes (upper part) with a support, they tie it 2-3 times and only then tie it.

If the strapping is done with twine, then in the form of a figure eight.

When tying tomatoes, do not overtighten the stem, as it develops it becomes thicker, and it can be damaged at the tying point.

There should be some free space between the stem and the support.

As the bush grows, make additional garters, in total they will need 3-6 per season.

The proposed methods of tying tomatoes can be used when grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.