Mixer      03/25/2019

Turned off hot water that we don't have. What to do if the water is turned off. Overview of storage water heaters

10 ways to shower without hot water

Summer in Russia is not summer without planned shutdowns of hot water. The housing department says that it is simply necessary to wash with cold water three weeks a year. You itch, and at this time they carry out prophylaxis in the boiler room.

And here you don’t have to itch - Pics will tell you ten ways to live this time without conflicts with hygiene.

The most obvious way

The easiest and most obvious way to wash your body in the absence of hot water is to heat it in a large pot or bucket. There seems to be nothing to explain here. You heat the water harder, and then dilute it in another container to get more. You sit in the bathroom and carefully water yourself with a large mug or ladle. Lathered, washed off. Lathered, washed off. The method is quite effective, but for some reason it evokes terrible melancholy and decay.

Technical progress

Until your electricity is also turned off, you can heat water using electric kettle. This is much faster than waiting for a large pot to boil on the stove. Of course, one teapot is not enough. You have to put it in a few times. While you wash your head with one portion, the second one is ready for the body. If you don’t have a Bruce Willis haircut, then the same amount of water, or even more, will go on your head than on the rest of your body.

For the desperate

Do you remember what a boiler is? Yes, this is the thing that sometimes shocks. But, if it is serviceable, then there is no danger, of course. The key is to triple check. There are large, powerful boilers that our ancestors used to boil water in buckets. You lower such a device into a filled bath and wait until the water is heated to the desired temperature. After that, you climb into it and rinse. We recommend pouring rinse water into a saucepan or bucket in advance. Otherwise, there will be no great sense from such washing.
Life hack for those who have long hair To save water when washing long hair, wash the hair at the roots and, in fact, the head itself with warm water, and wash the rest of the length of the hair under the tap. Hair does not care about the cold, it's only the skull freezes.

Like an astronaut

Have you ever wondered how astronauts wash in orbit? The answer is simple, they are not washable. They just haven't figured out how to do it in zero gravity yet. They are wiped with special wet wipes. In one pack - for soaping, in the second - for wiping. You can also do the same. A pack of wet wipes is enough for the whole body. Or wet a towel with warm water (you can take it in a kettle) and wipe yourself as much as you like.

Like an athlete

Have you been to a fitness club or pool for a long time? Summer is the perfect time to get in shape. Moreover, in such establishments there is always a shower. Hooray! You can put yourself in order in every sense of the word. Continuing the logical series, you can go to visit your parents or friends. Don't forget to casually check with them about hot water at the tap. If people are good, they will not refuse to wash.

emergency rescue

Turned off the water as always unexpectedly. So, it's time to take emergency action. Go to the hardware store and buy flow heater. This is such a thing that is put on a crane and connected to the network. Turn on the water, then the heater and enjoy a thin stream warm water. It will not work to wash with pleasure under such a jet, but, nevertheless, on lack of fish and cancer is a fish. If you know that turning off the water cannot be avoided in the summer, then install a large flow heater in advance. This is such a tank for 40-80 liters. It is usually hung in the bathroom or carefully embedded in the shaft with pipes in the toilet. Excellent thing! With it, it will be possible to safely wash in the normal mode, without looking at the time and without fear that you will have to rinse under cold water.

For the desperate

There is something called dry shampoo. It is a spray to be sprayed on dirty hair. Then you massage your head and smear it all through your hair. Then carefully comb your hair with a fine comb. In theory, now they should look better. "Dry shampoo" exfoliates fat from the hair, and loose scales from the scalp. In fact, the cleaner the head is before starting the “wash”, the better the result will be, because this remedy works so-so.

For inventive

Do you have a home washing machine? So, with its help you can not only wash clothes, but also successfully heat water. You choose the fastest mode with boiling, but do not throw laundry and powder. You direct the drain into a pre-plugged bath. The machine draws water, heats it up, simulates washing and pours it into the bath. That's what it means, people's ingenuity. What to do with water in the bath, we have already said. And don't worry about its quality. It will be as clean as a faucet.

The escape

If you are disgusted by all these schemes for obtaining hot water in your apartment, then you can simply go on vacation for the duration of the shutdown. Find out at the housing office in advance when they are planning Operation Dirty Harry and get yourself tickets for this time. Go to the place where all the amenities and rest from the daily hustle and bustle will be waiting for you. Relax and wash at the same time.

Disabled hot water, and you do not have enough hardening to wash in cold? Then we read the article and find out what needs to be done.

Types of domestic electric water heaters

But the pipe with which Leonardo surrounded the flame was not made of glass, but of metal. Another three centuries passed before the idea of ​​replacing a metal tube with a transparent one was thought of. glass cylinder. Thus, the glass of lamps is an invention in which dozens of generations have taken part. But what is the use of this tube? Most likely, not everyone can give the correct answer to this natural question. Because protecting the flame from the wind is only a secondary function of the tube. Its main purpose is to increase the brightness of the flame by accelerating combustion.

Tip 1. The easiest

Find a basin in your old closet or under the bathroom, then go to the kitchen and boil water in the largest pot. At this time, in the bathroom, spread a towel on the floor so as not to fill everything with water, you will not water yourself with a shower, but with a glass or a ladle. When the water boils, take it to the bathroom, just don't spill it on the way, the pan is hot. When everything is ready, you can climb into the bathroom and, cursing the public utilities, start pouring yourself, soaping up and pouring yourself again.

The role of tube lamps is similar to the role of factory or chimneys, i.e. to increase the flow of air reaching the flame or, as they say, "shot". The flame heats up the column of air inside the tube much faster than the air around the lamp. This air, once warmed, becomes lighter and, according to the principle of Archimedes, pushes up air, colder and heavier, which enters from below through the openings of the lighter. The longer the tube, the more difference in weight between hot and cold air, the more intense the flow of fresh air, and therefore the combustion will be faster.

Tip 2. Friendly

Come home. Dial the phone numbers of all your friends and ask if anyone has water. If such a person is found, then you can safely take a couple of bottles of beer and go to him. The main thing here is not to miscalculate with the timing. If you go in the morning, then your friend will have nothing to do until the evening. If in the evening, then, after drinking a beer, you can also rush somewhere. The main thing is that you will be clean and you will smell good.

Summer in Russia is not summer without planned shutdowns of hot water. The housing department says that it is simply necessary to wash with cold water three weeks a year. You itch, and at this time they carry out prophylaxis in the boiler room

It is for this reason that the chimneys of factories are so high. Leonardo de Vinci was well aware of this phenomenon. Between his manuscripts there is a note that says: "When a fire occurs, a stream of air forms around it, which supports and strengthens it."

If one has rethought the problem of combustion, the following question inevitably arises: why does the flame not go out? The products of combustion, carbon dioxide and water vapor, are non-combustible and therefore unable to sustain combustion. Therefore, the flame is surrounded from the first moment by non-combustible substances that prevent the entry of air, and since airless combustion is not possible, it must be switched off. Why isn't this happening? Why does combustion continue as long as fuel remains?

Tip 3. The most pleasant

Instead of calling your friends, call your girlfriends. If there is a girl, then first to her, suddenly the malicious guys who turn off the water have not yet managed to get to her. If the girl is at home, and the water is in her tap, then you go to her. Once again it never hurts to meet. If there is no girl, or the girl does not have water in the tap, then call her friends. By calling everyone, I think you will find someone to go to. Before you go to visit, go to the store and buy a bottle of white wine. Now you are complete, oh no, more sweets or a chocolate bar, or maybe tangerines. All dressed up, let's go. We wash. And then, you see, even if the girl was not there, she may appear. Well, if there is a beloved, then, mmm, ... decide for yourself.

Because gases expand when heated and therefore become lighter. Only by this the combustion products do not remain close to the flame in which they were formed, but that they are immediately fed with fresh air. If the principle of Archimedes were not extended to gases, all fires would be extinguished in a short time to start burning. It is easy to verify the fatal effect of combustion of combustion products. We usually use this effect, unconsciously, when we turn off the lamp. What do we do to turn off the oil lamp?

We explode, that is, we cause the non-combustible products of combustion to descend to the flame; the latter stops receiving air and goes outside. A chapter that lacks a Jules Verne novel. Jules Verne tells us in detail in his novel "From the Earth to the Moon" when his fearless heroes spent time inside a projectile thrown at the Moon. But he doesn't tell us how Michel Ardant fulfilled his duties as a cook in this unusual situation. Apparently, the novelist believed that cooking inside the projectile in flight presented no difficulty.

And the last. Now it's summer. So? Therefore, there is another option: go to sunbathe on the beach. And there, you see, aside from everyone, you can soap yourself. And oh, how much water, you will definitely find where to rinse. And if a shower is also installed on the beach, then you can wash yourself under it. I don't think anyone will mind. But if you don’t like souls on the beach, then there is an alternative, however, without white sand - a bathhouse or a sauna. There is always water there, and everyone can go there, only you need to pay a little money for a ticket.

Sign up for a self-service car wash

Jules Verne forgot about it. Nevertheless, the ups and downs that took place in the weightless kitchen while cooking are worthy of a novelist's pen. It is a pity that a writer of such talent as Jules Verne does not pay attention to such a subject. Feeding in Space The preparation of long-term space flights required a serious study of the problem of nutrition in space. Special food baking has been developed and packaged in test tubes similar to toothpaste. Spaceships they carry water in special tanks equipped with flexible pipes.

Therefore, if you do not find hot water at home, do not be discouraged. You can find quite a few solutions to this worldly problem. The main thing is not to lose heart and not be upset. Everything happens in this life, and in everything you need to find a positive. Good luck!