Well      08.03.2020

How to insulate a chimney on a roof. Reliable chimney insulation. Plastering a pipe made of bricks

The operation of the bath must be absolutely safe for humans. To prevent fire from contact with a hot stove or chimney pipe, walls and ceilings, as well as hot surfaces, should be carefully insulated. We will describe in detail how to insulate the chimney pipe in the sauna in this article.

According to sad statistics, during 2014, up to 70% of fires in private baths arose due to incorrect thermal insulation of metal pipes. Therefore, in order to help our readers to protect themselves and their guests, we will talk about the materials, as well as the technology for performing pipe insulation in the bath.

A variety of insulating materials for baths

The favorite material for baths in Russia is wood. However, it tends to be very flammable. To avoid this, people have long learned to insulate the chimney in the bath, as well as the stove and all surfaces - walls, ceilings. For this purpose, any available funds- clay, asbestos or any other non-combustible materials with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

Another argument in favor of thermal insulation of the chimney is that in this case the pipe will cool much more slowly, and condensate will not accumulate in it.

It is wrong to assume that good decision regarding how to insulate the pipe in the bath, there will be a sheet metal mount on the ceiling. The metal is able to heat up very quickly, which in no way prevents ignition, so it is not suitable for thermal insulation.

As an option, than to overlay the pipe in the bath, you can use red refractory bricks. However, for such a design, it is required to foresee the size of the room in advance, strengthen the foundation and choose a design.

Among modern materials that decide how to wrap metal pipe chimney in the bath, the market offers the following:

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


It is a two-layer material consisting of a heat-insulating component and foil. Thanks to the reflective layer, the room does not cool down so quickly, because up to 90% of the heat is retained inside the bath, so this is a very high-quality insulator.

Folgoizol is highly environmentally friendly, because food thick foil is used as a raw material. Such material is not afraid of ultraviolet and strong temperature fluctuations - the operating range is from -65 ºС to +175 ºС. Therefore, it will be a completely worthy choice for wrapping a pipe in a bath.

Note that foil isol is often mounted not only around chimney, but also on the walls and on the ceiling of the steam room. It serves for high-quality steam and waterproofing, and also warms the bath room well.

A sauna upholstered from the inside with foil insulation can be compared with a thermos according to the principle of operation. It heats up quickly and cools down very slowly.

One of the options for wrapping a pipe in a bath is thermal insulation. For the production of thermal insulation, foamed polyethylene is used, hidden between two layers of foil, and the top layer of foil in the material is designed to protect the chimney from overheating.

Thermal insulation has appeared on the building materials market relatively recently. The thickness of such material ranges from 2-10 mm.

It is easy to manipulate with thermal insulation - you just need to wrap it around the chimney and secure it with metallic tape.

Sandwich pipe as a chimney

IN Lately various manufacturers began to produce new safe sandwich pipes for baths and saunas. With such a design, there is no longer any need to worry about how to secure the pipe in the bath (for more details: “The advantages of a pipe for a sandwich bath in the construction of a chimney”). The design of such pipes provides for quick and convenient assembly of sections inserted into each other. Moreover, it is optimal to use such pipes with an iron furnace.

Sandwich pipe is a multilayer structure, inside of which there is a frame made of of stainless steel, then a mineral or basalt wool insulation is laid, and a galvanized casing is put on top. Thanks to this structure, soot does not accumulate inside the chimney, the outer layer of metal does not experience overheating, and the whole structure looks beautiful and concise.

However, we note that it is advisable to install sandwich pipes in dry saunas. But for traditional Russian baths with high humidity, you should choose slightly different options for thermal insulation.

The method of isolating the chimney in a Russian bath

If a heater is installed in the bath, then refractory bricks are used to build the chimney. It is able to stay warm for a long time.

When building a brick chimney, it is not worth saving, but it is advisable to approach this issue very responsibly, because its durability depends on the quality of the work performed.

In this case the best way how to isolate the pipe in the bath from the ceiling, roof and other roof elements, there will be a mount on these surfaces sheet metal.

In places where the chimney comes into contact with the roof and ceiling, the surfaces should be protected with asbestos sheets. On the walls near the pipe, you need to fix sheets of galvanized steel. Iron in this case is not advisable to use, since it is subject to corrosion.

Alternatively, around the chimney can be installed protective screen in which expanded clay is poured. He will serve as additional protection from the fire of all wooden surfaces baths, and also become a heat accumulator.

However, by insulating pipes alone, complete safety in the bath cannot be achieved. Similar actions must be performed with the oven, walls and ceiling.

Sauna stove insulation

Currently, baths often use simple metal stoves, which are sheathed with sheet metal on the sides and in the back, and are installed directly on the foundation. In order to keep the heat in the bath at long time and to give it presentability, the stove can be overlaid with red refractory bricks.

Currently, asbestos sheets are no longer used to insulate the stove, since when heated, it releases toxic substances.

It is advisable to use natural felt to insulate the oven. Although this material is quite expensive, it is an excellent insulator. In addition, when a spark hits, the felt does not flare up, but begins to smolder, so you will immediately notice the problem by the characteristic pungent odor.

When installing the stove on a wooden floor, you should first lay the felt in two layers, and then lay the brick in three rows. Sheet metal is mounted on the walls and floor around the furnace in pieces 50-70 cm high.

We hope that this article was able to answer the most common questions that beginner builders have. Recall that high-quality thermal insulation of the chimney, stove, as well as all surfaces of the bath will allow not only to keep warm longer, but also to protect yourself and your loved ones.

How to insulate a pipe in a bath: how to wrap and secure a metal chimney pipe, insulation from the ceiling, how to do it in a sauna, how to wrap or overlay, photo and video

How to insulate a pipe in a bath: how to wrap and secure a metal chimney pipe, insulation from the ceiling, how to do it in a sauna, how to wrap or overlay, photo and video

Sauna chimney insulation: what material to insulate a metal chimney pipe

In any private house there is a stove or a fireplace, as well as its own bathhouse. The chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. Its durability, as well as fire safety, directly depends on the correct and reliable insulation of the chimney. For this reason, the question arises, how to insulate a chimney and what material to use to insulate a metal pipe? How to do it right with your own hands?

Sauna chimney insulation

The issue of chimney pipe insulation often arises among owners of private houses. Such work must be carried out in order to protect the structure from fire and destructive factors:

Experts recommend carry out such work in a complex, applying hydro- and fire-prevention thermal insulation. When choosing material for insulation, first of all, you need to think about the safety of the family. A live fire in an enclosed space always carries a danger to people's lives. If you do not perform high-quality and reliable protection overlap, it can easily ignite.

Traditionally, wood is used to build a bath. It is easily flammable. Most people naively think that the paneling on the ceiling metal sheets can serve as protection against fire and therefore the chimney is not insulated. Metal sheets heat up and do not save from overheating and ignition. Sometimes the chimney is insulated with red brick, but this material is not the most suitable design for a wood bath.

A large selection of modern materials allows you to choose the most suitable and securely insulate the chimney. Some of the most sought after and popular include:

foil insulator - such material will create the effect of a thermos, since heat always remains in the room, it heats up quickly and cools slowly;

  • thermal insulation - this material is wrapped around the surface of the chimney pipe and fixed with a special metallized adhesive tape or wire;
  • sandwich pipes are another find for bath insulation, they are highly safe, so they do not need additional insulation. They have several designed sections, they are put one into one. The finished design is great for a bath with a metal stove.

Also for the bath red brick used. It withstands high temperatures well and retains heat for a long time. When using red brick, the laying must be done correctly. The duration of the operation of the structure will depend on its quality. It is inappropriate to save here, since the cost of repairs will cost several times more.

What to use for winding a metal chimney?

In the old days, to isolate the chimney in the bath, people used clay and asbestos, as well as other improvised natural materials. The main thing in any material for insulation is poor thermal conductivity, so that ignition does not occur from high temperatures. The chimney and stove heat up very quickly and it is therefore important to properly insulate the chimney pipe in order to fire safety.

Inside the structure with insulation at the time of heating condensation will not accumulate, which is very important. It will cool slowly, not break down so quickly, and its service life will be longer.


The article mentioned the material Teploizol and now we will dwell on its description in more detail. It's comparatively the new kind insulating material. It is made from polyethylene foam. It is hidden between two layers of foil. It perfectly withstands elevated temperatures and is suitable for insulating chimneys. Manufacturers produce Teploizol thickness from 2 to 10 mm. The thicker the thermal insulation, the higher temperatures it can withstand:

  • 2-5 mm - withstands temperatures from -30°C to +100°C;
  • 5-10 mm - permissible operating temperature from -60°C to +150°C.

The upper foil layer protects the pipe from strong heating. The material is easy to work with. It is easy to work with it on your own. The pipe is wrapped with Teploizol using wire or metallized tape.


Folgoizol is also an excellent choice for chimney insulation. It consists of a foil in two layers and a heat insulator. Due to the reflective properties of the foil, the material can keep up to 90% of the heat in the bath. In the list of similar materials, he takes first place. For its manufacture, thick food foil is used. In addition to excellent insulating properties, it has other effective properties, such as UV resistance, high temperatures. Folgoizol withstands temperatures from -65 ° C to + 175 ° C.

Folgoizol is harmless to health, since food foil is used for its production. Often it is used not only for insulating chimneys, it is also used to cover the walls and ceiling of the bath. It is considered an ideal insulation, hydro and vapor barrier for saunas and baths.

Sandwich pipes

Sandwich pipes can serve as a good solution for insulating a metal chimney. Manufacturers claim that such insulation will be reliable and safe. By setting this design, you can not think about isolation. It will consist of several sections, which are easily and quickly assembled into a single whole. With your own hands, you can quickly assemble the entire structure and install it. It is suitable for a metal pipe in a bath or sauna with an iron stove.

By their design, sandwich pipes resemble a pie with several layers. Inside there is a layer of stainless steel, and after it a layer of mineral wool or basalt insulation. Outside, the pipe is covered with a layer of galvanized steel. Such a design is modern method built-in chimney insulation ready-made. It will perform two important functions at once:

Such designs great for saunas, but for baths with brick oven need to look for another option.

Insulation for a traditional Russian bath

Wooden roof structure in contact with hot pipe may ignite. To avoid a fire in the bath, it is isolated. Most often used for this purpose mineral wool fixed with wire. From above, the pipe is plastered with a clay-sand mortar and covered with a layer of galvanized steel roofing. Fix it with self-tapping screws and then carry out the installation. Insulation helps the roof and hardwood floor to protection against overheating and fire. With proper insulation of the pipe and its sealing, moisture will not enter the attic.

It is recommended to insulate the pipe outlet in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and roof with asbestos sheets. They have good protection against high temperatures. The walls near the inside of the pipe are upholstered with galvanized metal sheets. Ordinary iron ones are not suitable for such work, as they are susceptible to corrosion. It is desirable to make a box around the pipe in the place where it passes through the ceiling. Expanded clay is poured inside the box, which will serve as a good fire protection for the wooden floor. Expanded clay will also contain heat. Experts recommend, in addition to chimney insulation, not to forget about the ceiling, walls and stove in the bath.

It is recommended before starting work on insulating a metal chimney pipe, its outer part treat with heat-resistant sealant. Special sealant withstands temperatures up to +1000°C. The applied agent will not allow insulating materials to slide on the outer surface of the metal pipe.

Sauna chimney insulation: what material to insulate a metal chimney pipe

In any private house there is a stove or a fireplace, as well as its own bathhouse. The chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. Its durability as well as fire

Chimney insulation in a bath - how to wrap and insulate a metal pipe

One of the most important stages in the construction of a bath is the installation of a chimney. And the insulation of the chimney of the bath is a mandatory process during its construction, which has two goals: fire safety and corrosion protection.

If you do not make thermal insulation, then under the influence of temperature changes, condensate will form, gradually flowing inward and contributing to the destruction of the structure itself.

Insulated smoke ducts warm up faster, making the sauna stove work much more efficiently.

Depending on what the chimney of the bath is made of, various materials are used for its thermal insulation.

There are several varieties of already insulated chimneys for sauna stove, the most common of which are stainless steel sandwich pipes.

There are also ceramic sections that are already installed in expanded clay concrete modules.

And now about everything in more detail.

Why insulate a chimney

During the operation of the sauna stove, its chimney becomes hot, and its inevitable proximity to combustible materials can lead to a fire.

If the chimney is made of brick, it heats up less, and if the chimney is made of metal, then much more.

Metal pipes are heated above 600 ° C, and their proximity to wooden paneling steam rooms are very dangerous, especially if the bath is directly adjacent to residential buildings.

Second, no less important problem- This is the appearance of condensate in the chimney. Condensation is the main enemy of all smoke exhaust systems.

This is not easy moisture that forms on the walls of the chimney, but an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, which can destroy almost any material. It appears as a result of the passage of heated air through a still cold chimney.

As a result of the effect of condensate on the uninsulated brick chimney the masonry is destroyed, since it has the ability to penetrate into the microcracks of the brick, and when it freezes, it expands. Smoke exhaust paths made of metal also suffer greatly from condensate.

Metal of ordinary grades is not resistant to acids, therefore, from exposure to condensate, it very quickly becomes unusable.

The only way to combat the appearance of condensate is to isolate the smoke paths, in which the pipe will cool less, and the sauna stove will quickly enter the operating mode of combustion.

Materials for insulation

Chimneys can be insulated various methods using non-combustible materials.

The most common are:

  1. Thermal insulation of the chimney with basalt and glass wool. Heaters used for both large surfaces of brick chimneys and pipes of relatively small diameter. Available as a filler, in rolls or in the form of mats. For its use, the manufacture of an additional casing is recommended.
  2. The method of backfilling the space around the chimney with heat-insulating material: expanded clay, slag, broken bricks, special heat-insulating granules. This method involves the manufacture of an additional chimney casing.
  3. Plastering. This is the most common, until recently, method of insulating brick chimneys. For this, a slag-lime mortar was used, applied with a layer of 5-7 cm on a reinforcing mesh. After drying, it was applied sand-cement mortar, the same thickness. But when heating and cooling the smoke exhaust system, such a heater cracked and required annual repairs, so this method is considered unjustified in terms of labor costs and efficiency.
  4. Chimney insulation modern materials from expanded polyethylene. "Teploizol" or "Folgoizol" is available in rolls, has a low weight and good elasticity, it is well cut, which makes it accessible even to non-professionals to work with it. This is the most simple and inexpensive way chimney insulation, commonly used today.

The choice of insulation for the chimney

The choice of insulation, for insulating the chimney with your own hands, must be approached carefully and seriously.

You should not buy the cheapest one, because it must have good thermal insulation properties, be convenient in work, do not require additional reinforcement of the supporting structures of the roof and floors, be non-toxic and non-combustible.

Stone or basalt wool is a wonderful thermal insulation made from basalt rocks.

This insulation withstands prolonged exposure to sufficiently high temperatures and does not burn, even when in contact with an open fire. In addition, when heated, it does not emit any toxic or unpleasant odors. Such a heater can be safely called an environmentally friendly material.

Glass wool is a type of mineral wool insulation made on the basis of glass industry waste. Between its fibers is contained a large number of voids, so it retains heat well.

Glass wool does not burn and does not absorb moisture, and, moreover, is not subject to decay and rodents. It is not expensive and easy to use. Most often produced in slabs and rolls.

Teploizol or foilizol are multifunctional types of insulation made of polyethylene foam and covered with a sheet aluminum foil. It is produced in rolls and has a thickness of 2 to 10 mm. They can perfectly isolate the chimney of the bath, as these heaters can withstand heating up to 150C ° -170C °.

We make insulation with our own hands

Chimney insulation using mineral, basalt or glass wool can be done in two ways: insulation under the casing or insulation of the chimney without a casing.

In order to isolate the chimney with mineral wool mats, you need to cut out several pieces of the slab from them, which will correspond to the sides of the pipe from the outside.

Then, with the help of wire firmware, fix them on the chimney.

Important! There should be no voids between the thermal insulation layer, otherwise the insulation will lose its effectiveness.

To insulate a metal pipe, you need to wrap it with basalt wool and secure it with wire around the entire perimeter. After that, put a second pipe of a larger diameter on the chimney to make a kind of sandwich.

This method of thermal insulation of chimneys is the most effective and simple, but it allows to reduce heat loss by more than two times, as well as significantly reduce the fire hazard and the formation of condensate in smoke exhaust systems and protect them from destruction.

Thus, thermal insulation contributes to an increase in thermal efficiency and safe use of furnaces. At the same time, it gives the building and the structure itself a more aesthetic appearance.

Chimney insulation

How to isolate a metal pipe in a bath. Chimney insulation materials, fire safety and do-it-yourself insulation installation.

How to insulate a metal chimney pipe?

Having your own country house, you need to take care of warming up the rooms in the cold season. A stove or other heating system needs a chimney to be installed. The smoke exhaust pipe is the main element of the heat supply communications. For its effective functioning, it is necessary to insulate the chimney from the outside.

The relevance of thermal insulation

Moisture and smoke generated during the combustion of fuel are aggressive factors affecting the brick chimney. drop temperature regime in the cold season, and accumulated moisture, settling on the walls, fills microcracks with water, and the stone structure collapses from the inside. Small ice crystals press from the inside and destroy it. An insulated chimney allows this to be excluded.

During combustion, condensate is formed on the surface of the flue, which includes a chemical series of oxides. Interacting, the elements form weak acids (carbonic, sulfuric, etc.) that can destroy metal surface. It is for this reason that chimney insulation is necessary.

Proper installation of thermal insulation helps prevent fires inside the premises and will not allow the roof to ignite. Well-heated chimney pipes improve draft in the fireplace, boiler and stove, there is less tar and burning deposits in it. The efficiency of the heating unit is significantly increased.

Positive factors of an insulated chimney

Before answering the question - how to insulate the pipe, it is necessary to highlight the advantages of an insulated chimney.

An insulated gas outlet provides protection for the heating system from the effects of the external environment and combustion products. Of course, thermal insulation cannot completely protect the structure from destruction, but it will extend its service life. This happens due to the following factors:

  1. Pipe insulation allows maintaining thermal balance in the middle of the structure, excluding the possibility of aggressive acids and condensate falling onto the walls. The products of combustion are completely volatilized together with the smoke stream.
  2. Chimney insulation minimizes the possibility of a temperature difference between the cooled flue and hot steam.
  3. Increased energy-saving properties that contribute to fuel economy.
  4. The strength of the steam outlet structure increases due to the reinforcing frame.

Properly selected chimney insulation increases the frost-resistant properties of the system, ensures long-term preservation of the appearance and increases the service life, which is very important.

The choice of material for thermal insulation

The main question of the hosts country houses having autonomous heating system- how to insulate the chimney. In order to reliably insulate the outlets for the furnace or boiler, materials with a high degree of thermal insulation are used to ensure the thermal balance of the chimney on the roof.

Basalt insulation

Relevant for the insulation of the chimney mineral wool or basalt. Insulation is obtained from a melt of volcanic rock - gabbo-basalt. It is converted into fibers, due to which the insulating material has the advantages of:

  • retains up to 95% of heat;
  • characterized by good permeability of the outgoing steam;
  • different chemical and corrosion resistance;
  • prevents the growth of fungus and mold on the surface of the chimney on the roof;
  • vibration and heat resistant;
  • made of ecological materials;
  • not subject to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Stainless steel casing

Metal "armor" in the form of a pipe made of stainless steel is used as an option for insulation. It can provide complete protection against mechanical damage, moisture and other aggressive factors.

The casing for the chimney is mounted on a pipe on the roof. The annular space is filled with basalt wool, covered with insulation from the outside, 5 cm thick. An asbestos chimney can be wrapped with this insulation.

Wooden shields

Wooden shields are considered one of the simple options chimney pipe insulation. Thermal insulation is made in the form of a wooden frame from plates of the appropriate size. On top of it, slate or other flooring is fixed, from which the roof of the dwelling is made.

After the pipe is completely covered with wood, the empty cavity is filled with felt, slag, sand, mineral wool. Frame seams are necessarily covered with a waterproofing compound.

Slag-reinforced concrete insulation slabs

Insulation of the chimney in a private house using iron and cinder concrete slabs provides the smallest distance between the joints on the structure. The space inside and the corners are reinforced with mesh or wire, gypsum, clay and sand are poured in the form of a solution. Plaster is applied over the tiled insulation.

The specifics of insulation work

When insulating the chimney with your own hands, we take into account that during the operation of the heating boiler, the temperature in the smoke exhaust duct can reach 200 -300 degrees.

As insulation, it is better to choose a material with high heat-resistant properties: glass wool, mineral wool, basalt.

In the building materials market, thermal insulation is sold in the form of finished cylinders with a special foil screen. With their help, they make out the gas duct and adjacent roof elements - protecting them from fire and cold air. Tubular structures are sold in different diameters, which allows you to wrap different-sized smoke outlets.

Regulatory requirements for the installation of thermal insulation

Before insulating the chimney pipe, you must make sure that it is installed correctly.

The flue is carried out in accordance with the technological standards specified in GOST 52953-2008

  1. The combustion products outlet pipe must be 5 m high. This indicator ensures optimal draft in the heating system.
  2. A distance of at least 250 mm is required between the roof slab and the outer element of the boiler room.
  3. If the building is covered with combustible materials, in particular, slate, roofing material, ondulin, then the insulated smoke exhaust structure must be equipped with a spark arrester.

After making sure that the system is installed correctly, you can proceed to subsequent work on winding with thermal insulation.

The main methods of insulation

The metal chimney pipe is insulated using various methods.

Steel chimney insulation technique

The chimney is insulated using a special solution. The composition is prepared from a dry mixture and water. The solution is applied with a spatula to the surface, spreading over the entire area. Then a fiberglass reinforcing frame is fixed on it, on which plaster is applied.

Gas boiler chimney insulation

Insulation for pipes of a gas boiler must have a number of increased heat-insulating and heat-resistant qualities.

Sandwich structures block condensate from settling on the surface, saving energy at the same time.

Sandwich chimney consists of a layer of mineral wool and two metal pipes. Top element, with large diameter is the main sleeve, the smaller one is part of the steam outlet channel.

How to isolate such a chimney pipe with your own hands? You must follow the recommendations:

  1. In the roof of the roof and ceilings, holes are made with a diameter of 25 cm larger than the chimney channel.
  2. At this stage, it is necessary to insulate the chimney pipe with a layer of basalt wool. The thickness of the winding must be at least 5 cm.
  3. The insulation around the pipe is fixed with steel wire.
  4. A larger casing is put on top.

Upon completion of the work, the chimney is connected to a heating source and the surrounding riser is filled with expanded clay, clay or asbestos.

Sauna chimneys

Insulation of the chimney in the bath is aimed at improving the heat transfer of the heating source, which is a stone stove.

You can isolate the chimney in the steam room using the following options:

  • thermal insulation - a material made of foamed polyethylene, hidden between sheets of foil. Insulation rolls with a thickness of 2 - 10 mm are offered on the market. The foil surface reduces overheating of the pipe. The insulation is wrapped around the chimney, fixed with wire or metallized tape;
  • Filgoizol consists of two balls: a foil that saves more than 90% of the heat in the room and a heat insulator. The material is used to cover the walls and ceilings of the sauna, providing the effect of a thermos;
  • sandwich pipe, consisting of several sections. This option is suitable for saunas and baths with an iron stove.

To insulate a metal pipe means to ensure the optimal functioning of the heating system. Correct installation do-it-yourself chimney insulation allows you to increase the operational life of the structure and the heat generator, and also prevents fire.

Chimney pipe insulation: possible ways

Chimney pipe insulation: the relevance of thermal insulation, positive factors insulated chimney, choice of material, basic methods of insulation
  • Pipe height to ensure good traction and allowable temperature flue gas outlet should be 5 meters or more;
  • If the roofing refers to combustible materials - slate, ondulin, roofing material - a spark arrestor - a fine-meshed metal mesh - must be placed on top of the pipe;
  • The distance between the chimney pipe and combustible structures - floors, walls, truss system - must be at least 250 mm;
  • A fire-prevention distance must be maintained between the upper ceiling of the furnace and the ceiling. For metal stoves, it is at least 1.5 meters, for brick stoves with a two-row overlap - 0.5 meters, with a three-row ceiling - 0.25 meters, provided that the ceiling above the stove is finished with non-combustible materials;
  • In places where a brick chimney passes through the ceiling, fluffing is performed - thickening the pipe. Fluff thickness - 1-1.5 bricks.

Plastering a brick pipe

The brick pipe does not heat up much from the outside, so it must be insulated as soon as possible in order to improve operating conditions and extend the service life. The most affordable way to isolate a brick chimney is plastering cement mortar or mortar based on cement and lime. Instead of sand, you can add sifted slag chips to it.

The composition of the solution:

  • 1 bag of cement (25 kg);
  • 2 buckets of slaked lime;
  • 10 buckets of sand or a mixture of sand with slag chips;
  • 5 buckets of water.
  1. To prepare the solution, 3.5-4 buckets of water are mixed with a bag of cement and 2 buckets of slaked news - fluff. After thorough mixing, sand and slag chips are added in parts, as well as the remaining rate of water. The resulting composition should be used in cool weather for 5 hours, and in hot weather - for 1-2 hours, so you can cook it in parts.
  2. With large irregularities in the pipe, the plaster layer turns out to be quite thick, therefore it is recommended to first close up all the cracks and differences with the indicated solution, and then cover the pipe with a reinforcing mesh.
  3. Plastering is carried out in two layers. For the first layer, the solution is diluted somewhat stronger, to a creamy state, and applied by spraying: a certain amount of mortar is taken on a trowel or spatula and sprinkled on a dust-free and slightly moistened brick surface. The first layer is not leveled.
  4. For the second layer, a thicker solution is needed. It is applied with a trowel and rubbed to smooth surface. It is necessary to plaster the entire pipe from the floor to the ceiling or roof.

Sheathing of brick pipes with asbestos-cement sheets

This method exceeds plastering in terms of heat saving by 2-2.5 times and consists in gluing asbestos-cement boards on cement-lime mortar on the outer walls of the pipe.

  1. According to the above technology, a plastering solution is prepared.
  2. The pipe is reinforced with mesh and the first layer of mortar is sprayed on. Dry it out.
  3. Cut asbestos-cement sheets to the size of the pipe. A second layer of mortar is applied to asbestos cement sheets and glued to the surface of the chimney.

The disadvantages of this method include the low environmental friendliness of asbestos - it releases carcinogens, so use this method of isolation in living rooms it is forbidden. In a non-residential attic, thermal insulation of the chimney with asbestos will reduce the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the chimney and significantly reduce the formation of condensate, as well as improve its fire protection.

In addition, a brick pipe can be sewn up with sheet iron using a layer of insulation. How to do this, you can learn from the video.

Video - pipe sheathing with sheet metal

Insulation of metal single pipes

The most dangerous version of the chimney in terms of fire protection is a metal pipe that is not protected by a heat insulator. The distance from such pipes to wooden and plastic structures should not be less than 0.6 meters. But even observing this distance will not protect you from burns if accidentally touched, so it is better to insulate the pipe without waiting for problems.

The easiest way to insulate a single pipe is to wrap it with a layer of non-combustible insulation, such as basalt wool, and protect it from above with metal or plaster. The melting point of this material approaches 1000 degrees, which is much higher than the temperature of the smoke.

  1. Basalt wool mats with a thickness of at least 5 cm are wrapped around the pipe with an overlap and fastened by wrapping it over with steel wire.
  2. They wrap the heat-insulated pipe with a reinforcing mesh, fix it, and plaster it according to the technology described above in two layers with a cement-lime composition.
  3. Plaster can be replaced with thin sheet iron by rolling it along the diameter of the insulated pipe and riveting it at the junction of the edges.

Insulation of passages through floors and roofs

The most critical sections of the chimney insulation are passages through the floors, so they are given special attention. It is necessary to isolate the passages when using any chimney: both a sandwich pipe, and brick, and metal in isolation.

Passes are carried out subject to the following conditions:

  • In the ceilings and roof, holes are made for the passage of the pipe in such a way that there is a distance of at least 25-35 cm from its edges to the walls of the pipe.
  • The edges of the hole are treated with asbestos-cement or metal sheets, a box is arranged for thermal insulation.
  • The space around the pipe is filled with stone or basalt wool without the formation of voids and gaps.
  • Wooden structures located in the immediate vicinity of the chimney passages are treated with flame retardant compounds.

Insulation of passages through floors with basalt wool

Having figured out how to insulate the chimney pipe, you can easily do this work, but remember that even an insulated chimney must be properly operated: clean soot at least three times a year, remove ash from the furnace in a timely manner, do not burn in it not intended for furnace materials and objects. All this is the key to a long and safe service of the chimney.

  • Stove heating is not at all uncommon in private construction, because the gas pipeline does not always reach places quite remote from the city, not to mention centralized heating. But even with a heating system with a gas or solid fuel boiler, many homeowners do not deny themselves the pleasure of making a fireplace in their home. These works are associated with the need to bring the chimney through the roof and install a pipe.

    In order for the stove or fireplace not to create problems during operation, it is necessary to insulate the chimney (chimney).

    Why is chimney insulation necessary?

    The flue system is constantly exposed to high temperatures. It is also affected by chemically active substances and various external factors. As a result, the integrity of the chimney is threatened, the efficiency of its operation is reduced, and prerequisites for shrinkage of the walls of the house appear.

    Cracks or gaps formed on the surface can cause poor traction and, as a result, cases of poisoning are possible. carbon monoxide. Not uncommon and cases of fires due to ignition of soot.

    In order to safely and efficiently operate the chimney, as well as extend its service life, several operations must be performed. One of them is the insulation of the chimney.

    What you need to know before insulating a chimney pipe

    • To begin with, it is important to determine the optimal outlet location and the height of the chimney - two important conditions good traction.
    • For roofs made of combustible materials such as ondulin or roofing felt, it is necessary to take care of a spark arrester made of fine-mesh metal mesh.
    • In places where a brick chimney passes through the ceiling, when installing it, it is necessary to fluff with a thickness of one or one and a half bricks.
    • In order to avoid fire hazard situations between the rafter system, ceiling or other combustible structures and the chimney, leave a gap of at least 25 cm.
    • The ceiling and the upper ceiling of the fireplace or stove for fire fighting purposes are also separated by space:
    • for metal - the minimum clearance is 1.5 m;
    • brick, having a two-row overlap - keep a distance of at least 0.5 m;
    • for products equipped with a three-row overlap, the minimum distance is 0.25 m if the ceiling above the heating equipment is finished with non-combustible chimney materials.

    Isolation methods

    Chimney insulation allows you to protect it from two main damaging effects:

    • overheating of structures;
    • leaks through joints.

    That is why we will focus on

    • isolation of the chimney on the roof from water;
    • fireproof thermal insulation of the chimney.

    As a rule, carry out complex isolation. At the same time, in fact, in addition to solving only the main problems, the operating conditions of the smoke exhaust system are also improved. Eg,

    • protecting the chimney from rain will prevent rotting wooden elements roof structure, overlappings, to avoid damage when wet;
    • non-combustible chimney materials used in the thermal insulation of the smoke channel that runs through the cold attic, not only reduce the likelihood of overheating of fire hazardous wood elements, but also minimize the risk of condensation. And this is fraught with many complications: excessive soot deposition, corrosion or even its destruction.

    IN modern construction most often install brick or metal chimneys. The choice of insulation method is mainly determined by the material of the chimneys.

    How to insulate chimneys

    Fire insulation

    • The most effective and simple, although perhaps not exactly the cheapest option is to install a ceramic or steel sandwich chimney. The internal channel of this design, through which smoke is removed, is made of heat-resistant material and insulated with basalt, stone or mineral wool, completely providing non-combustible insulation for pipes. For the device of the outer layer of the prefabricated structure, a heat-resistant material was also used - steel or ready-made expanded clay concrete blocks. It is equipped with additional elements necessary for installation, revision and maintenance of the chimney.
    • Another option for thermal insulation is a brick chimney. This material has low thermal conductivity, so the walls lined with it do not overheat to a dangerous state. For such a channel, there is no need for additional warming measures. It is enough to competently perform fire-prevention cutting of the chimney, as well as ceilings.

    On a note

    The design of the chimney can be lightened if you finish the brick structure with a metal or ceramic pipe. Then, for their thermal insulation, a technology is used, which will be described below. This approach also saves money.


    The waterproofing technology is mainly chosen depending on the shape of the chimney and the material roofing. For example, for products with a round section, a roof cut made of metal or polymers is required, with a rectangular section, a metal apron is used, as well as adjoining strips.

    It should be borne in mind that the larger the pipe section and the distance to the ridge beam, the more difficult the operating conditions will be. The greater volume of water from precipitation and the excessive load from accumulated snow in winter create an increased risk of leaks. Accordingly, increased requirements are placed on waterproofing in this case.

    How to properly insulate chimneys

    Let's analyze various options insulation for chimneys, how and with what to isolate.

    Plastering a brick pipe

    Most affordable option pipe insulation through the roof , say, in the bath - plastering. To do this, use solutions of cement or cement with the addition of lime. As an option for a solution from 1 bag (25 kg) of cement, take the following materials(in buckets):

    • water (5),
    • slaked lime (2),
    • sand, it can also be mixed with slag chips (10).

    The resulting composition at high outside temperature seizes within one to two hours, in cool weather - in 5 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a solution for plastering in parts.

    To make the layer of plaster not too thick, you first need to close up the cracks. Then, after leveling the differences on the surface of the wall, they are covered with a reinforcing mesh.

    The plaster is applied in 2 layers.

    • For the first, the solution is more liquid and resembles sour cream in consistency. The first layer is applied by spraying:
  1. The surface of the wall is cleaned of dust, then slightly moistened.
  2. The solution is taken on a trowel (trowel), then thrown onto the prepared surface. The resulting layer is uneven, and this is exactly what is needed for better adhesion between layers.
  • The second layer is thicker. It is applied with a trowel over the entire surface of the channel, from the very beginning to the end.

Sheathing with asbestos-cement sheets

This method allows you to save twice as much heat. Its essence is in the decoration of the brick walls of the channel with asbestos-cement slabs. Sticking is performed on a plastering solution, which is prepared according to the above technology.

  • After reinforcing the surface with a metal mesh, the first layer of plaster is applied by spraying.
  • A second layer is applied to the dried first layer and asbestos-cement sheets, cut to the appropriate sizes, are glued onto it.

On a note

Given the lack of environmental friendliness of asbestos, this method of chimney thermal insulation is more suitable for cold attics. It allows you to partially balance the thermal regime inside and outside the pipe, which significantly reduces the formation of condensate, as well as improves fire protection.

Sheet iron can be used to finish brick structures. Such sheathing is performed on a layer of insulation.

Creating an insulating casing

A single metal pipe not protected by insulation is the most dangerous option in terms of fire. In addition, it does not retain heat well, given the high thermal conductivity of the metal. Between it and structures made of wood and plastic, you need to keep a distance of at least 60 cm. But even then you can get burned if you accidentally touch it. Therefore, the issue of isolation still remains relevant.

The simplest method of isolation in such a case is the creation of a multilayer sandwich structure.

  • The overlapping chimney is wrapped with mats of basalt non-combustible wool, which are thinner than 50 mm. The melting point of this insulation is close to 1000˚, which is much higher than the temperature of the smoke.
  • A knitting steel wire is laid over the thermal insulation and fixed.

  • Then plaster is applied according to the technology described above, using a cement-lime or clay-sand mortar.
  • Instead of plaster, you can use a casing made of sheet iron. The sheet must have a width of at least 1 m. The metal blank is rolled up along the diameter of the pipe with a layer of insulation and riveted along the line connecting the edges. The corners are rounded by hand or rolled rollers are used for this.

On a note

The isolation process is continued by repeating the procedure as many times as required. In this case, the next sheet is laid with an overlap, securing its lower edge.

Chimney insulation in the ceiling

The sections of smoke channels at the point of passage through the ceiling are perhaps the most critical, and therefore require special attention. This event is mandatory when installing any type of chimney. It involves the device box.

When performing passes, the following conditions are observed:

  • The edges of the holes made on the roof and in the ceiling must be at least 0.25–0.35 m further than the edges of the chimneys.
  • This space is densely filled with non-combustible heat-insulating material. As a rule, it is stone or basalt wool.
  • Wooden structures located near the aisles are treated with flame retardants.

Even though insulated, the chimney also needs correct operation. In particular, it must be cleaned of soot at least three times during the year, the furnace furnace must be freed from ash in a timely manner, and materials intended exclusively for these purposes should be used for the furnace.

  • Choosing a place for a chimney
  • Arrangement fire insulation
  • Waterproofing device

Fireplaces and stoves are quite common in country houses and at cottages.

The method of insulating the chimney depends on the design of the chimney.

The installation of these devices is associated with the solution of a number of issues. One of the most important is the insulation of the chimney on the roof after installation.

Its correct implementation is a guarantee of safe and comfortable use of the stove or fireplace.

Choosing a place for a chimney

Work on the installation and insulation of the chimney can be divided into two main stages: making a passage for the chimney through the roof and its high-quality waterproofing. The roof cake must be well protected from combustible materials passing through the chimney, and the outlet must not cause leaks on the roof.

Choosing the right place for the outlet of the chimney is half the success in installing the chimney. This issue should be resolved at the stage of building a house. Proper placement greatly simplifies the isolation device. Years of experience suggests that the best place for mounting - this is a ramp next to the ridge. This technique allows you to reduce the likelihood of precipitation getting inside and does not add problems during the installation of the truss system.

Schematic diagram of the chimney.

When building a chimney, you should be guided by the standards fire safety, according to which the place of contact between the pipe and the roof should not heat up to a temperature above 50 degrees. This problem is easily solved if the pipe is built of brick. The wall of the chimney at the point of contact with the roof (according to the regulations) is laid out in one and a half bricks. Thus, a thickness of 35-40 cm is achieved. However, it is not always convenient to prepare a hole in the ceiling for such a chimney. For this reason, a metal pipe is most often used for its manufacture. To protect the roof structure from fire, insulation of the chimney on the roof is carried out.

These measures also help to improve the quality of heating. Condensate does not accumulate and does not drain on the chimney, the evaporation of which leads to an increase in pressure and a decrease in draft. If a large amount of condensate accumulates, smoke may occur. Poor insulation of the pipe leads to the fact that the heat transfer of the heating system is reduced and it is necessary to organize additional insulation of the house.

Arrangement of fire insulation

Scheme of insulation of chimney pipes.

According to fire safety requirements, a special box is constructed for the chimney, inside of which it is placed. The box should not fit snugly against the pipe walls. The distance between them must be at least 150 mm. The resulting space is filled with non-combustible materials, which are characterized by low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is ideal for this. The box can be made of wood or galvanized steel.

To install a chimney, you need to cut the roofing cake at the place of its passage. Each layer is cut separately and fixed to the rafters. The insulation is fixed along the diameter of the passage. For this, a special frame or crate is used. Reliable fire insulation of the chimney is ready.

Waterproofing device

The chimney must not cause the roof to leak. For this, reliable waterproofing must be arranged. The option for arranging insulation is selected depending on the materials from which the pipe and roof are made.

The bars must be at least 130 mm from the pipe.

First, an internal apron must be built in the place where the chimney is adjacent to the roof. For its construction, the lower junction bars are used. Start laying them from the bottom wall of the chimney. If the pipe is made of brick, then in the place where the upper edge of the bar adjoins, a recess is made into which the top of the bar is inserted and sealed. The bottom edge must be secured with self-tapping screws. The junction strips are laid out along the perimeter of the entire pipe with an overlap of at least 150 mm.

Then you should mount the so-called tie. For this, flat roofing material is used. The main purpose of the tie is to drain water, so its top is fixed under the bottom apron, and the bottom is displayed on the ledge. In order for the water flow to be directed, it is better to bend the edges in the form of a side.

Tie and apron covered top layer roofs. After carrying out all these works, you can mount an external decorative apron. Its fastening is carried out in the same way as the internal one with the difference that it is not necessary to make a notch.

Roofers advise not to fix the apron rigidly to the pipe. This will protect the structure from damage during thermal expansion.

Modern manufacturers offer to use a ready-made roof passage to ensure reliable sealing of the hole in the roof. This will greatly facilitate the work on the device of the chimney. The finished structure is a base and an apron made of stainless or galvanized steel or other materials, such as silicone or heat-resistant rubber. Due to their flexibility, these materials provide reliable waterproofing on roofs of any shape, with different angles of inclination, made of various materials. In addition, various color solutions make it possible to choose the passage for the pipe according to the color of the roofing.

Traditional metal roof passages do not always provide a high-quality connection to a roof made of tiles, slate or ondulin and other profiled materials.

All work must be carried out in accordance with existing building codes and comply with fire safety. Properly executed hydro and thermal insulation of the chimney will provide reliable warmth and comfort in the house.

Roof chimney insulation for safe use

Insulation of the chimney on the roof is the passage through the roof and its high-quality waterproofing. These measures help to improve the quality of heating.

How to insulate a chimney on a roof with your own hands

Chimney insulation performs two main functions: it protects the structure from overheating, possible fires and fires (fire insulation) and prevents moisture from entering the house (waterproofing).

It is recommended to carry out a comprehensive insulation of the chimney - in this way you will not only solve the main problems, but also improve the working conditions of the furnace. For example, good thermal insulation of a chimney running through an unheated attic prevents wood roofing from overheating, which reduces the risk of condensation that can lead to excessive soot formation, corrosion, and chimney collapse. Waterproofing will prevent the process of rotting of the floors and the truss system. Chimney insulation with certain knowledge in the field of repair and construction can be done by hand.

Do-it-yourself fire insulation of a chimney

Fire safety prescribes that in places where the chimney and roofing elements made of combustible materials come into contact, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

The perimeter of the hole prepared for the exit of the chimney should be 150 mm. exceed the perimeter of the pipe on each side, in the case of combustible materials, and by 100 mm. on each side, if we are talking about non-combustible. If the pipe will pass through the finished roof cake, the passage should be protected with a box, each side of which should be 150 mm. more of the corresponding sides of the chimney. The resulting distance between the pipe and the duct must be filled with non-combustible heat-insulating material that is not afraid of moisture.

The insulating films of the roof pie must be cut with an “envelope”, then tightened to cross beam or rafters and fix securely. The waterproofing, which is already in the roofing cake, should be additionally pressed against the box with a crate, and the vapor barrier should be fixed with frames made of plastic or wooden slats.

To achieve the maximum thermal insulation effect, it is necessary to additionally wrap the joints of the box and insulating films with special non-combustible tapes.

Chimney waterproofing

Chimney waterproofing can be done using various materials, but if you decide to do it yourself, we recommend that you choose rolled ones for this. waterproofing materials. The process of waterproofing is quite simple, the main thing is to steadily follow the sequence of work steps:

  1. Preparatory work consists in cleaning the pipe and roof from dirt and dust and treating the surface with mastic or primer.
  2. A diffusion membrane must be glued over the mastic/primer layer. It is necessary to glue on the surface of the roof, wrapping the edges (15-20 cm) of the membrane onto the pipe so that moisture cannot penetrate under it;
  3. From a sheet of metal, it is necessary to make the lower and upper "ties", and fix the bars on top of the crate, on which the corners should be fixed with dowels.
  4. The waterproofing material is laid in overlapping sheets so that the water drains properly. The joints are insulated with mastic, the cracks are treated with heat-resistant sealants.
  5. On top of the resulting structure, the material from which the roof is made is laid out, and then a special plastic apron. The joints are also insulated.

The effectiveness of the complex insulation of the chimney and the durability of its service depend on how accurately you follow the above instructions.

Do-it-yourself chimney insulation on the roof, how to do it right

Do-it-yourself fire insulation of a chimney. Chimney waterproofing.

How to insulate a chimney pipe - proven and reliable options

When building your own home ownership, as a rule, they equip a fireplace or stove. Therefore, the problem of chimney outlet is so relevant. Properly and reliably made insulation is important for a chimney, otherwise it is impossible to be sure about the fire safety and comfortable stay of family members in the house.

If the stove has already been laid out, and the smoke exhaust structure rises above the roof of the building, this does not mean that the work on its arrangement has been successfully completed. Before using the heating unit, you still need to decide how to insulate the chimney pipe on the roof and, as a result, protect your home from leaks and fire.

It is advisable to think about this problem before the furnace design is drawn up and then the insulation will turn out to be more reliable. As for the previously built chimney, such work is almost always associated with changes made to the design of floors and roofs. Regardless of the decision how to insulate the chimney on the roof, all the expenses incurred will be offset by a sense of security, and hence comfort.

Types of insulation of chimney structures

To insulate the pipe for the furnace should be from negative factors:

  • from possible overheating of the chimney structure;
  • from leaks that occur at the joints.

Therefore, when deciding how to wrap the chimney pipe, increased attention should be paid to fireproof thermal insulation and waterproofing. Experts recommend to carry out isolation measures in a complex manner. This will help solve not only the above problems, but also improve the operating conditions of the furnace unit.

For example, if a chimney is thermally insulated through an unheated attic, the possibility of overheating is reduced. roofing elements made of wood and reduces the risk of condensation, which leads to corrosion, increased soot deposits or pipe failure. The waterproofing of the smoke exhaust structure will protect truss system and rotting covers.

Options for fire insulation of smoke extraction systems

The simplest and most reliable, but expensive way to insulate a chimney is to install a sandwich chimney made of metal or ceramic.

In such structures, the inner pipe, designed to remove smoke, is made of heat-resistant steel or ceramics, while non-combustible materials are used for its thermal insulation - mineral, stone or basalt wool. The outer part of the chimney sandwich is made of steel or expanded clay concrete blocks.

Kits for prefabricated chimneys include elements for fixing the structure, revision, maintenance and for connecting heating units. Their installation is simple, but you still need to follow the instructions so that safety is fully ensured.

There is another option used when installing a furnace unit - the construction of a brick chimney. Due to the low degree of thermal conductivity of bricks, its walls will not heat up to extremely high temperatures and, as a result, will not require additional measures associated with its insulation. It will only be necessary to correctly carry out the fire-prevention cutting of floors and roofs.

In order to save money and reduce weight, sometimes the construction of a brick chimney is completed with the installation of a ceramic or metal pipe. In this case, thermal insulation is produced according to the technology described below.

When such work is performed for single pipes, boxes made of non-combustible materials can be used. Chimneys of this type are allowed to operate without thermal insulation, but fire-prevention cutting is required in accordance with the rules.

Chimney waterproofing methods

Waterproofing of chimneys should be created in the place where they are displayed on the roof. The further they are located from the ridge, and the larger the pipe, the more difficult the operating conditions will be.

Atmospheric precipitation in the case when the insulation of the chimney pipe is insufficient, begins to penetrate inside the building. As a result, leaks occur, rot and the floors are destroyed.

The method of waterproofing, as a rule, depends on the shape of the pipe and the material from which the roofing is made. For round products, either metal or polymer cuts are used, and for pipes having a rectangular cross section, aprons and abutments made of metal are used.

Chimney pipe insulation

Before insulating the pipe on the roof, you should make sure that the requirements prescribed in SNiP 2.04.05-91 are met, and if any shortcomings are found, eliminate them:

  1. To ensure the required traction force and prevent the furnace gases from exceeding the temperature, the height of the pipe should start from 5 meters.
  2. When the roofing is made of roofing material, slate or other combustible material, a spark arrester is installed on top of the pipe, which is a metal mesh with small cells.
  3. Between combustible elements, such as ceilings, rafters and walls, and the chimney, a gap of at least 25 centimeters must be left.
  4. From the upper ceiling of the stove to the ceiling, a fire-prevention distance is maintained. For metal units, it is at least 150 centimeters, for brick ovens with a two-row overlap -50 centimeters, with a three-row overlap -25 centimeters, provided that the ceiling surface above the heater is finished with non-combustible materials.

In the place where the brick chimney crosses the ceiling, fluff is arranged with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 bricks.

Insulating materials for bath pipes

Since bath buildings are often built of wood, these objects need to be insulated from chimneys, stoves, ceilings, walls, as given material flammable. It is necessary to think about how to secure the pipe in the bath by making the thermal insulation of the smoke exhaust structure so that it cools more slowly and condensate does not collect on it.

It will be a mistake to decide to isolate the pipe in the bath by attaching a sheet of iron to the ceiling, since it gets very hot. As an option, how to overlay the chimney, use refractory red brick, but in this case, you need to strengthen the foundation.

When solving the problem of how to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bath, experts distinguish foil and thermal insulation.

Plastering a pipe made of bricks

The outer surface of brick pipes heats up slightly, so they are plastered to improve operating conditions and extend their service life. The most affordable option for insulating chimneys made of bricks is plastering with mortar using lime and cement. In its composition, instead of sand, you can add slag crumb, previously sifted.

The layer of plaster, when there are a lot of irregularities on the pipe, turns out to be quite thick, therefore, at first it is better to repair all the existing differences and cracks on the surface with a solution, and then cover it with a reinforcing mesh.

Plastering is performed in two layers, using the entire pipe. The first time the solution is brought to the density of sour cream and applied by spraying and not leveled. For the next layer, the composition is made thicker. It is applied with a trowel and then rubbed until a smooth surface is obtained.

The use of asbestos-cement sheets

Such a method of insulation for chimney pipes made of bricks, such as lining pipes with asbestos-cement materials, is several times superior to plastering in terms of heat saving. Asbestos cement boards are glued on outer surface with cement-lime mortar.

After preparing the composition, the smoke-removing structure is reinforced with a mesh, and the first layer is applied by spraying. When it dries, asbestos-cement slabs are cut according to the size of the pipe. The next layer of the mixture is applied to the pieces of insulation and attached to the surface of the chimney.

But this method has a big drawback - asbestos contains carcinogens and therefore it cannot be used in residential areas.

Insulation of single metal pipes

The most dangerous option for arranging a chimney in terms of fire safety is a pipe made of metal products, which is not protected by a heat insulator. The distance between it and wooden or plastic elements should be at least 60 centimeters.

But even the presence of such a gap is not able to protect against burns in case of accidental contact - for this reason, it is advisable to insulate the pipe until problems arise.

When deciding how to wrap a pipe in a bath or house, if it is single, it is the use of non-combustible insulation, for example, basalt wool, which is protected from above with metal or plaster. This heat insulator has a melting point of 1000 degrees.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Mats of 5 cm thickness, consisting of basalt wool, are overlapped around the pipe and fixed with steel wire.
  2. They wrap the heat-insulated chimney with a reinforcing mesh, fix it and apply plaster on top in two layers.
  3. Instead of plastering, you can use sheet iron, which is rolled up and riveted at the point where the edges meet.

Floor insulation

There is a certain procedure for insulating the chimney pipe in the ceiling:

  1. In the ceilings and the roof, holes are made for laying a smoke exhaust structure so that a distance of at least 25-35 centimeters remains from their edge to the pipe walls.
  2. The edges of the holes are covered with metal or asbestos-cement sheets or equip a thermally insulating box.
  3. The space near the pipes is densely filled with heat-insulating wool.
  4. Wooden structures located near the chimney passages are covered with special flame retardant compounds.

Having figured out how to insulate and how to wrap a pipe in a bath or house, you can do this work without much effort.

But even a well-insulated chimney should be operated correctly:

  • clean soot at least 3 times a year;
  • remove ashes from the stove in a timely manner;
  • do not burn foreign objects and materials in the unit.

Chimney pipe insulation: how to insulate a chimney, ceiling, how to wrap a metal pipe, how to secure, how to wrap and insulate a chimney on the roof

Chimney pipe insulation: how to insulate a chimney, ceiling, how to wrap a metal pipe, how to secure, how to wrap and insulate a chimney on the roof

We make the insulation of the chimney on the roof

The need to insulate the chimney consists of two important points: protecting the house from fire and preventing leaks through the junction of the chimney and the roof. With a competent approach to this issue, it is also possible to improve the operation of the furnace by increasing traction, to keep the roof truss system intact, avoiding the formation of condensate.

All these points can be solved without the involvement of specialists with their own hands. Today we will consider how a brick chimney on a roof should be insulated.

Chimney outlet through the roof

For the competent implementation of this stage of work, we recommend that you follow simple recommendations:

  • the pipe must be planned in advance. An exit location must be identified to avoid contact with wooden rafters and determine the height of the structure required for high-quality draft in the furnace.
  • To choose a place, remember that the draft in the furnace is better if the pipe is properly blown by the wind. Therefore, chimneys are placed closer to the roof ridge. The height of the pipe will depend on its location relative to the ridge.
  • Any chimney must be cut and insulated. Of course, brick does not heat up as much as metal, but when working with it, this rule must be strictly observed.

Compliance with fire safety

Fire regulations say that in areas where the chimney comes into contact with flammable roofing materials, its temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. In the case of a brick pipe, this moment is solved by increasing the thickness of the masonry in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits passage through the attic and roof. In this case, the recommended thickness is at least 38 cm. This value allows you to keep the heat inside the structure and prevents strong heating of the outer walls.

The basic rules for cutting a chimney are as follows:

  • It is necessary to observe the gap between the rafters and the roof for any roof covering in the range of 25-30 cm. When using combustible materials, such as wood or roofing material, this value is 15-30 cm, for non-combustible - 10-25 cm.
  • Particular attention is paid to the passage of the chimney structure through the roofing cake, which includes flammable materials. In this case, the pipe is placed in a special box that separates it and roofing materials. It is made of wooden elements and filled with non-combustible insulation inside, for example stone wool. In the resulting opening of the roof, the insulating films are cut in the form of an envelope and fastened in expanded form to the rafters. The joints of the roofing pie and the chimney box are isolated to avoid leaks.

The passage of various types of chimneys through the roof

Roof chimney insulation and bypass for different types pipes are different:

Chimney insulation

Waterproofing can be done by various means, but if you decide to isolate the chimney on your own, we recommend that you pay attention to roll waterproofing. Finishing with these materials is simple and allows you to get a high-quality result.

Follow this sequence of work, which involves insulating the pipe before laying the roofing:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to clean the chimney and the roof adjacent to it from dust and dirt and treat all surfaces with a primer.
  2. A diffusion membrane is glued onto the primer with an overlap of material on the pipe by 15-20 cm, which will not allow moisture to penetrate into the roof.
  3. The upper and lower ties are made from sheet metal. Corners with the help of dowels are attached to the bars stuffed over the crate.
  4. The waterproofing is spread in sheets with overlapping joints, which are additionally smeared with mastic.
  5. Further, the roof is laid on top and a special plastic apron is laid on top of it, all joints are again insulated.

Furnace chimney lining

The finishing touch can be the finish of the chimney. It can be overlaid with facing bricks, which will give it a finished and stylish look. appearance reminiscent of a classic chimney.

It is important to note that if you plan to finish the chimney, then you need to worry about more solid foundation under the pipe. Ideally, it should come from under the roofing and rest on bearing walls or floor slabs.

Summing up

Chimney insulation is associated with two important points:

It is quite possible to make a chimney outlet through the roof on their own without the involvement of experts. It is only necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements and carefully seal all pipe and roof connections so that liquid from the outside cannot penetrate under the roof.

A well-made chimney is not only the safety of the house, but also the excellent operation of the stove and the absence of unwanted roof leaks.

Do-it-yourself chimney insulation on the roof

The technology of bringing the chimney through the roof is described in compliance with the main fire and insulating moments. Step-by-step algorithms for performing

Almost every private house has a stove or fireplace, which are necessarily equipped with a chimney to remove combustion products. The temperature of this element can reach several hundred degrees, and the only thing that separates it from the room is the wall of the chimney.

During construction important aspect work is to comply with the rules of fire safety at home. The most vulnerable areas from the point of view of ignition and overheating are considered. Therefore, special insulation techniques depending on the type of chimney, floor and roof material.

Fire insulation

Chimney insulation carried out in order to resist the heating of materials adjacent to it. Passing part of the chimney through the ceiling or roof, the distance to it must be more than 10 cm. This free space is filled with refractory material with low thermal conductivity ( basalt wool or fabric, asbestos fiber).

The box is made from steel or wood. in places of overlapping and junction with the roof they have fluff (over 40 cm) with a large number of layers of bricks, but even with this it is necessary to additionally isolate the adjacent parts. For this use asbestos or basalt slabs, which are attached to the walls of the chimney.

If the chimney has a prefabricated structure (steel, ceramic), then the kit must necessarily contain special elements that already have increased fire performance. Such modules are attached to the pipe, may have an additional reinforcing frame and a waterproofing apron for the roof. Sometimes round pipes isolate brickwork, for this, a window is cut in the ceiling, lined with bricks in one or more layers, the distance to the pipe is clogged mineral wool.

Roof chimney waterproofing

Chimney insulation from moisture infiltration into the room- Very milestone construction works. The roof of the house can be made of different materials, but the chimney in any of them is a vulnerable place for moisture to penetrate. For this reason, it is necessary to properly waterproofing measures, in addition to thermal insulation work.

Read also: How to deal with condensate in the chimney

Increasingly, corrugated board is used as a roof in houses, as it reliable material, which is easy to install and does not require repair for a long time.

Elastic apron

It is best if the chimney is insulated before the roof is covered with corrugated board. Chimney opening in the roof make a few centimeters wider, the joint is filled with heat-insulating and preferably hygroscopic material. Next, the chimney is placed in a steel box. Heat-resistant material is laid between the pipe and the box and the first layer of waterproofing is made of a film sheet and it is tightly fixed.

When the corrugated board is already in place, external waterproofing work is carried out. For this use finished sealed elements, Or everything is done manually. The sealed material is adjusted to the size of the pipe and put on from above, its upper edge rises to the walls of the chimney and fastened with a clamp and adhesives, and the lower one is pressed against the roof with the help of hard sealant.

metal apron

Brick pipes passing through the roof have expanded masonry ( fluff) and ledges ( overlap), which act as a heat and moisture insulator. The insulation of a brick chimney from moisture is carried out using a steel, lead apron, which is worn on roof section. Previously, a layer of roofing material with an edge raised to the wall is laid on the space in front of the pipe. Creeps