Toilet      06/29/2020

Jabba the Hutt and Leia 18. Princess Leia was not Luke's sister and was filmed without underwear. Why princess

Jabba the Hutt did a couple of things to Princess Leia that seem quite unusual for the giant worm-like creature that he is, namely:

  1. Make her wear a metallic bikini.
  2. Kiss her

Given these two things, what was the full nature of the relationship between them? In particular, Jabba forced Leia perform some sexual acts with him or was something else going on?

From Do Hutts Find Humanoid Women Attractive, and If So, Why? "We know that the reason for the way Leia was shown may have something to do with a) status and b) Jabba being considered a pervert by some of his fellow Hutts. But this won't answer if gone further than that.


Also, hasn't this question already been asked on this site? I vaguely remember deciding on Leia's bikini outfit, with the assumption that it looked like us humans dressing our pets...

Kevin ♦

@MPelletier She came incognito as a bounty hunter but was captured while trying to take Han out. I'm sure this part wasn't planned.



One of the Boba Fett comics featured a story in which three Hutts competed against each other to prove who was the "best". Jabba, of course, had Fett and considered himself the boss.

Given this state of thought (i.e. Field commanders, criminal rulers and the like), Golden Rule"He who dies with the largest number toys...", is fully effective. Jabba was said to have several palatial mansions, with many speeders, ships, slaves, bodyguards and the like. Seriously, he could afford smuggling operations (like Han and Lando) and Boba Fett, considered by many to be the best Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy, as a bodyguard.

So, to your question...

Jabba, although a depraved pervert among depraved perverts, was unable to physically have sex with a human due to biological limitations and physical limitations. While they didn't reproduce asexually (the Boba Fett comics again), they could only do so with other Hutts. Now this doesn't mean he couldn't, say, that pig-faced guard who ordered the deed to be done and just watch; Jabba definitely strikes me as such a slug (pun intended). After all, Leia is Princess Leia Organa, princess (formerly) of Alderaan. The metallic bikini was a choice of degradation and submission; he put her in her place. The chain was supposed to show everyone that she was his favorite slave. Seriously, he fed Oola, the cutie Twi'lek, Rancora (wastefully). If he wanted to make an example or make an impression, there would be no limit to Don Don in the Star Wars Galaxy.

IMHO this would raise Jabba's status as he is now the proud owner of a royal member of some form of nobility. Picture Al Capone with Sarah Fergeson on a chain in a cute little number, sitting on the floor next to his throne. Jabba is the pinnacle of crime lords, as even Republic entities tend to be wary around him, and Jabba is well known even outside of Hutt space. Jabba was Noriega and Escobar wrapped in a Castro cigar.

Jabba the Hutt; Innovative designer of women's loungewear since 3 ABY (1983).

Keir Bourne

Nothing is certain, so it is possible that Jabba used her sexually, but it is very unlikely.

Hutts are gastropods, so they reproduce asexually, meaning they don't have the right genitalia to do so. Any “sexual activity” should be limited to simple touching. I also think that he is unlikely to take himself to the level of sexual interaction with slave when he is a criminal. It wouldn't do his image any favors.

As for why he kept her in a bikini - he may have wanted to humiliate her (most likely), or he may have had her there for his viewing pleasure.


Well, maybe he was a voyeur and liked to watch. He would likely have had access to other (male or female) slaves.


@bitmask - not "probably". Definitely. This was discussed in the Han Solo trilogy (e.g. Hutt Gambit) and in Tales of Jabba's Palace.


@DVK: I suspected so. However, reconsidering the argument that Jabba would not have reproductive organs physically compatible with humanoids... he would not need those to actively engage in "sexual activity" in a broad enough sense. Ugh, now I need to bleach my brain.


@bitmask - he was the first celebrity to bring public attention to the fact that you can define "sex" in many different ways.


@lunchmeat317 - No. Jabba was a Hutt. All he cared about was what the other Hutts thought. And they thought that his fascination with humanoids was very unnatural. Link: EU


For biological reasons, it is unlikely that he did anything to her himself.

The reason he held her like that:

  • Like a decoration that's nice to look at
  • As a demonstration of his power over the princess
  • Humiliate her
  • Offer it to others in negotiations or as a reward

Today the seventh episode of the Star Wars saga was released worldwide. On this occasion, Ruposters Life remembered the 10 sexiest heroines of the cult film.

10. Aunt Beru

Beru is Luke Skywalker's adoptive aunt, who previously led a peaceful life as farmers on Tatooine with her husband.

Fans of “Star Wars” most often remember this heroine as already old and not very attractive, but in the prequel of the franchise this role is played by the young and pretty Australian Bonnie Piece, known in her homeland as a singer. In the film's plot, Beru is killed by imperial stormtroopers who were on the trail of the droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

9. Shaak Ti

The famous Togruta and respected Jedi Master appears in the second episode of Star Wars wearing a completely wild costume and red skin. However, just realizing the fact that the role of Shaak Ti is played by the insanely sexy Orly Shoshan from Israel made her character quite attractive in the eyes of many fans of the film.

According to rumors, Shaak Ti's fighting skills that we see in the film are the real hand-to-hand fighting skills of Orly Shoshan, which she learned in the Israeli army.

8. Ula

This character is one of the most popular in the original trilogy. famous representatives Twi'lek people with tentacles on their heads. In the story, she is a slave dancer in the palace of Jabba the Hutt, who chains her by the neck, treating her as a sex toy.

Ulu is dressed in a transparent mesh suit, decorated with leather stripes. Unfortunately, in the film she was eaten by a rancor after she rebelled against her master. The heroine was played by a dancer of Nigerian origin, Femi Taylor. To see that her character is a fetish for many Star Wars fans, just look for images of her on the Internet, where Ula can be found frozen in a wide variety of poses.

7. Ray

Even before the premiere of the new episode of Star Wars, it became known about a new female character with whom the viewer will meet at the film show. The role of Ray in the new film is played by 23-year-old British actress Daisy Ridley, and she is quite pretty.

6. Dorme

The role of Dormé, who is the maid of Senator Padmé Amidala, in “Attack of the Clones” was performed by Australian actress Rose Byrne. We will be able to see this actress in the new “X-Men” next year. Despite her unnoticeable role in Star Wars, this beauty is definitely worth mentioning separately.

5. Koyi Matail

Another sexy Twi'lek, Koya Mateil, appears in Star Wars during her visit to the opera house, where she enjoys the ballet Squid Lake. Seduced by Duke Teta's wealth, she seduced him with her beauty and later married him. However, her hope for the quick death of her husband was not justified - the latter was able to live to be 300 years old.

4. Ann and Tann Gella

In the story, these twins are Sebulba's sex slaves who gave him a massage before the races. The roles of the Gella sisters were performed by British models Nifa and Nishan Hindes, who have repeatedly been included in the lists of the most sexy women in the world.

3. Aela Secura

This character comes up in any discussion about the hottest Star Wars characters, not least because of her impressive breasts. Lucas decided to include the character in the film after seeing him on the cover of a comic book. star Wars: Republic".

One of the most memorable episodes with Aela’s participation was the scene under water, when the Nautolan Fisto performed artificial respiration on the heroine, thereby saving her from inexorable death. Aayla Secura was played by actress Amy Allen in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

2. Padmé Amidala

According to the plot, this heroine is the queen of the planet Naboo. She defends the rights and freedoms of local residents, which has made her the most respected politician in the Galaxy. Amidala was the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker and they had two children - Luke and Leia. Natalie Portman, who plays this character, became sexier from episode to episode of the epic.

1. Princess Leia Organa

Leia Organa in a golden bikini was the heroine of the erotic dreams of many teenagers around the world. In the famous TV series “Friends,” Ross Geller persuades Jennifer Aniston, in the role of Rachel, to dress up as Leia for sexual pleasure. In addition to all her physical advantages, the princess presented the image of a “strong woman” on the big screen, far ahead of her time. In the original trilogy, the role of Leia is played by actress Carrie Fisher - and in many ways we have her to thank for the appearance of a mysterious and sexy aura around Princess Leia.

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The two bounty hunters slowly moved through the halls of Jabba the Hutt's palace. One of them was holding a Wookiee named Chewbacca by the collar. - We came for a reward for this Wookiee. - One spoke. - Oh, no, Chewbacca. – Said C-3PO, standing near Jabba the Hutt. The Wookiee growled something sadly. “The Great Jabba welcomes you and will gladly pay you a reward of twenty-five thousand.” – The droid translated the Hutt’s speech. - Fifty thousand, no less. – The second hunter objected. - The Great Jabba asks why he should pay fifty thousand. – The droid translated again. The first one pulled something out of his pocket and said something. 3PO translated with horror: “Because he has a detonator in his hand!” - the droid exclaimed. Everyone in the room ran away or covered their eyes with their hands, but Jabba just laughed and said something. Jaba offers thirty-five thousand, and I advise you to accept. The bounty hunter turned off the detonator and nodded. - He agrees! – the droid said with relief, and two guards dragged the Wookiee into the dungeon. *** At night, darkness reigned in Jabba's palace. Both bounty hunters who had brought the Wookiees during the day carefully made their way to the end of the hall. Having reached Han Solo frozen in carbonite, they turned on the heater and after a couple of minutes Solo fell to the floor. Both hunters lifted him to his feet, and when Khan came to his senses a little, one of them said carefully: “Relax a little, you are free of carbonite.” You have suspended animation. - W-where am I? – Solo squeezed out. - In Jabba's palace. – The second one answered. - Who are you? One of the hunters took off his helmet and said tenderly: “She who loves you.” - Leia! - Khan exclaimed. - We need to leave quickly. – The princess responded, but then laughter was heard from behind the curtain. - What is this? Oh, I recognize that laugh. – Khan said in fear. The curtain behind Leia, Han and the second hunter opened, revealing Jabba. - Jabba, I was going to pay you back, but I was frozen. I am not guilty. Jabba, without listening to him, said something to the guards, and Han was dragged into the dungeon, after which Leia was brought to Jabba. The princess said in a trembling voice: “We have powerful friends.” You'll regret it. Then, turning sharply, Leia shouted: “Bella, run!” And the second bounty hunter, running past the stunned guards, slipped out of the palace. *** At the back of Jabba's palace stood a man wrapped in a black hooded cloak. The former bounty hunter ran up to him and yanked off his helmet. Strands of brown hair immediately fell onto his shoulders, and Luke Skywalker saw his girlfriend, Bella Evans. - How's it going? – he asked, hugging the girl. - Leia, Han and Chewie are captured by Jabba, and Lando successfully fits into the ranks of the Hutt guard. - Everything goes according to plan. – The Jedi nodded. – Soon you and I will go on stage. Jabba did not want to listen to my warning, which I sent from R-2, which means he will have to die. *** A couple of hours later, the door to Jabba's palace opened, and two figures in cloaks with hoods slipped through. Both guards who covered the entrance for them immediately fell, putting their hands to their mouths. Luke and Isabella continued on their way to Jabba, one of his assistants approached the Jedi and stated that he was ordered not to let them in. But Luke, pointing his hand at him, said: “We must talk to Jabba.” The assistant immediately nodded and led them into the hall, to Jabba. Lying on the Hutt's stomach was Princess Leia with a collar around her neck, the chain from which was held by Jabba. Seeing her friends, she stood up slightly. The guards woke Jabba, telling him that he must speak with the Jedi. Jabba flew into a rage and shouted in his own language: “I told you not to let him in, you weak-minded fool.” He's using an old Jedi trick! “We need to talk to you,” Luke said, and he and Bella took off their hoods. – Bring Captain Solo and Chewie to us. Jabba said something, and the friends realized that there would be no deal. - Mister Luke, Miss Bella, you are standing on... But before the droid could finish speaking, the hatch under the friends’ feet opened, and Luke and Bela fell into the lair of Rancor, Jabba’s monster. Both Jedi tore off their cloaks and saw the Iron door, and a huge monster comes out from behind her. The rancor looked around and grabbed the guard with his hand, who accidentally fell into the trap with the Jedi. The monster tore him off the ground and bit off his head. Bella and Luke ran away from the monster, hiding in the shadows.

Carrie Fisher turned 60. Someone, seeing her on the big screen in “Episode VII” in the role of an unhappy mother and widow, will remember with nostalgic longing the times when she, dressed in a golden bikini, strangled a huge monster with chains and quarreled with young Harrison Ford. We decided to remember everything that we like about Princess Leia - and what the one who embodied her image on the screen thinks about it.

Leia is the youngest senator of the Empire

At eighteen, she became the youngest imperial senator in history. Princess Leia studied diplomacy, government and languages ​​with the best court tutors. An excellent education, strategic thinking and genuine pain for the oppressed galactic people made her a passionate and persuasive politician.

During the Galactic Civil War she has proven that she can be a strong leader. Her toughness and irresistible desire to restore freedom to the galaxy helped the Rebel Alliance through its most difficult battles. Leia always put duty before personal needs. She became the ideal leader for the new Republic.

She is excellent at martial arts

During her first senatorial term, Leia was trained in self-defense and martial arts by Giles Durane, an armorer and friend of her stepfather, Bail Organa. Leia is an excellent shot with a blaster, rarely missing. In addition, the princess is an excellent starship pilot. She piloted the Y-wing on numerous missions for the Alliance. Princess Leia was a skilled tactician and took part in planning important operations in various galactic conflicts.

Leia is the most atypical Disney princess

After The Walt Disney Company bought Lucasfilm and released Episode VII in 2015, many began to call Leia a Disney princess. Well, judging by this video, she did not at all like the company of Cinderella, Snow White and Ariel.

Indeed, as a child, Leia was a real tomboy in a skirt, and she was more often mistaken for a maid than a princess. She hated her hair and etiquette lessons, and loved it much more martial arts, politics and languages.

She has a killer bikini

Actually, Carrie Fisher hates the metallic bikini she had to wear in Episode VI, which George Lucas designed especially for her. First, she was advised to tone up her abs before filming the scene where Princess Leia ends up as Jabba's slave, which isn't exactly a flattering remark. Secondly, the actor who played Boba Fett saw more than planned. At least Fisher is sure of this. Despite the fact that in this scene she had to change several versions of the costume made from various materials(including rubber ones for performing stunts), the actress spent most of the filming time in a metal swimsuit that did not fit tightly to her body, especially when she was lying down.

“I never told him this, but I always thought that if Fett really wanted to see something, he would have seen all the way to Florida,” Carrie recalls.

Harrison Ford also didn't appreciate his co-star's costume.

“I didn’t think it would appear in the film at all. Why the hell does a princess have to wear a bikini? For me, Leia is a person of royal blood,” the actor was indignant.

Once upon a time, fan stores sold figurines of Princess Leia in the form of a slave, and they were bought more readily than others. However, Disney and Lucasfilm recently stopped producing them. Carrie Fisher breathed a sigh of relief. She was never flattered by such attention

“What will I tell my child if he asks why I’m wearing this outfit? “Tell them all that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear this stupid outfit. And then I killed him because I didn't like it. And then I took off this suit. Behind the scenes,” said the actress.

In May 2015, a Princess Leia costume was sold at the online auction “Profiles of History” for $96 thousand. So if you meet a cosplayer girl in a gold swimsuit, don’t rush to gloat: what if it’s real?

She can kill a huge monster

Even though Carrie Fisher has reasons to hate the golden swimsuit scene, she's definitely proud of Princess Leia killing Jabba the Hutti. Princess Leia strangles the disgusting monster with the chains in which she is shackled - and this scene became one of the symbols of victory over the oppressor and was very popular with feminists.

She can out-argue the most inveterate bully in the Universe

Of course, we shouldn't value Leia just for her romance with Han Solo. But this relationship is too explosive to remain silent about. What really attracts Han Sol to Leia is the fire of their passionate arguments. If Leia was just a beautiful doormat, it is unlikely that she would be able to quarrel with the most inveterate bully in the Universe. By the way, Carrie Fisher admits that her favorite scenes were the ones where Princess Leia argues with Han Solo. But to do this she had to stand on a stool: Harrison Ford was too tall for her.

She always has perfect hair - even in the middle of battle

Carrie Fisher hated Princess Leia's donut hairstyle, but she never told George Lucas about it for fear that the role would be taken away from her. However, no matter how the actress feels about the image of her heroine, for us Leia Organa is a person with perfect hair. Her hair is always shiny and styled in complex knots: be it the Battle of Endor or torture by Darth Vader.

No underwear in space!

As you may have noticed, Carrie Fisher had terrible luck with her stage clothes and hairstyles in Star Wars. The fact that the stylists forbade her to wear a bra on the set of the saga must have caused her righteous anger. But there was a rule on the set: “No underwear in space!”, so the actress had to come to terms with it. To compensate for the absence important detail wardrobe, Fisher had to cover her chest with duct tape.

Princess Leia is far from daddy's girl

In truth, being Darth Vader's daughter is like being the daughter of cosmic Hitler. Few girls would dare to rebel on such a large scale against her father. But Leia becomes a spy for the Rebel Alliance and fearlessly endures torture and humiliation, without betraying her ideals of freedom and equality for all inhabitants of the galaxy.

Marijuana was named after her

Fisher’s daughter’s boyfriend, trying to please his potential “mother-in-law,” said that one type of marijuana was called “Princess Leia.” Carrie Fisher herself took cocaine during the filming of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. She overdosed once.

“Over time, I realized that I was taking more drugs than others, and I was starting to lose control,” the actress admitted in an interview.

Leia has supernatural powers

Leia has demonstrated latent powers of telepathy, despite having no training in the use of the Force. She was able to sense the call of Luke hanging from the weathervane after losing his fight with Darth Vader, and piloted the Falcon back to rescue him.

In fact, she's Carrie Fisher

Leia may be a princess, but Carrie Fisher is definitely a queen. We congratulate her on her anniversary, and may the Force be with her!

On December 27, 2016, 2 months after her birthday, Carrie Fisher passed away. She was 60 years old. On December 23, she was admitted to the intensive care unit after suffering a heart attack.

Jabba the Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tire

One of the most notorious crime bosses in the galaxy, who controlled a vast criminal empire from his palace in the Tatooine desert. An ugly, slug-like creature, vindictive and with sadistic tendencies, Jabba pursued Han Solo for several years after a smuggler dropped a cargo of spice. With the help of Boba Fett, Jabba finally got Solo and then captured Princess Leia as a slave, who tried to rescue Han. However, the Hutt underestimated Leia, and she strangled him during the heroes' escape from Jabba's sailing barge.

Race: Hutt.

Height: 1.75 meters (3.9 meters long).

Planet: Nel Hatta.

Affiliation: No.

First appearance:"Return of the Jedi" ("A New Hope" special edition).

Full biography

The son of a major clan leader and member of a long line of criminal tycoons, Jabba aspired to become his father's equal. By the year 600, Jabba (whose Hutt name is Jabba Desiliyik Tiure) led a large criminal empire. Along with his enormous fortune, Jabba flew from the estate of his father Zorba the Hutt on Nel Hutt to Tatooine, where he settled in a palace built on the ruins of the ancient monastery of the monks of B'Ommar.

The seedy atmosphere of Jabba's palace soon attracted many unscrupulous scoundrels who flocked to the fortress to drink and eat, have fun and find work. There were always thieves, smugglers, assassins, spies and a variety of criminals around Jabba. He was soon involved in all kinds of criminal activities in the Outer Worlds, including smuggling, glitterstim trading, slave trading, assassination, debt collection, racketeering and piracy.

While pursuing his illegal activities, Jabba one day hired a smuggler named Han Solo to bring glitterstim spice from Kessel, where it was mined in the mines beneath the Imperial Correction Facility. After Solo dropped a load of glitterstim to get through the Imperial cordons, Jabba sent several bounty hunters to find the pilot. Solo killed Greedo, one of Jabba's close friends, but was unable to escape the Hutt. Jabba met with Solo on Tatooine, but allowed him and his co-pilot Chewbacca to fly passengers to Alderaan in exchange for proceeds from the flight. Solo didn't return. Enraged, Jabba placed a huge reward on the smuggler, living or dead.

After some time, Boba Fett delivered Jabba Solo, frozen in carbonite, but alive. Soon after, Han's friends infiltrated Jabba's palace to rescue the smuggler. Jabba captured Princess Leia and chained her up, then tried to feed Luke Skywalker first to his pet rancor and then to the Sarlacc. Standing on the edge of the Great Sinkhole of Carkoon, Luke used his Jedi skills to escape death, and a battle began between the rebels and Jabba's men. In the fight, Jabba met his death at the hands of Leia. Moments later, most of his henchmen were killed in a sailing barge explosion caused by Luke and Leia. The remainder of Jabba's fortune passed to his father Zorba, who swore revenge on Leia and her friends.

Behind the scenes

The filmmakers worked for a very long time on appearance Jabba before he could appear in the original Return of the Jedi in his final form. In his first incarnation, appearing in the novelization " New hope", the crime lord is described as "a moving hulk of muscle and fat, topped by a rough, scarred skull...” A New Hope also filmed a scene where the Hutt talks to Han Solo as he leaves Mos Eisley. In this scene, Jabba was played by a large man (Declan Mulholland) in fur. Lucas intended to cut the actor and replace him with some kind of mechanical creature, but required technology was unavailable. Therefore, the scene was completely cut.

Lucas collaborated with Ralph McQuarrie, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, and Phil Tippet to design Jabba's appearance for Return of the Jedi. They made more than 76 sketches before coming to the final decision. McQuarrie initially imagined Jabba as a monstrous and agile primate, similar to a giant ape, while Rodis-Jamero saw him as a sophisticated, sophisticated humanoid. Tippett came up with the idea of ​​a huge slug. He came up with eight looks for Jabba, with early versions having several pairs of hands.

English studio Stuart Freeborn needed two tons of clay and 600 pounds (270 kilograms) of latex to make Jabba the Hutt. It was a giant puppet, 18 feet (5.5 meters) long, controlled from the inside by three puppeteers. Two of them each moved one of Jabba's arms, and the third moved his tail. Two employees were responsible for moving Jabba's eyes (which were controlled by wires) and also inflating and deflating air bubbles under the Hutt's skin, giving his face a variety of expressions. In addition, during filming, Jabba constantly needed a make-up artist.

For the special edition of A New Hope, Lucas, armed with digital technology, returned to the scene of Jabba's first appearance in Mos Eisley. A fully CGI Jabba replaced Declan Mulholland in the "conversation" with Harrison Ford.