Well      07/02/2020

The use of health-saving technologies in music classes in kindergarten. Respiratory gymnastics at music lessons in dow methodical development on the topic. There are ten golden rules for health


Breath is life. The validity of such a statement is unlikely to raise any objection from anyone. Indeed, the body can do without solid food for several months, without water - for several days, then without air - only a few minutes.

The priority of the breathing process for life makes the ability to perfectly master this almost the main ability of a person to work miracles with his body, get rid of diseases, become healthy. Therefore, the problem of preserving the health of a preschooler and instilling a healthy lifestyle in them is very relevant today.
Goal: Preserve and strengthen the health of a preschooler, the formation of a habit of healthy lifestyle life.


To give children primary ideas about the respiratory system.

Develop and strengthen the health of children through a system of breathing exercises.

To bring to an understanding of the importance of careful attitude to the respiratory organs and proper care for them.

The system of musical and health-improving work involves the use of health-saving technologies in a music lesson, one of which is breathing exercises.

It has a positive effect on:

metabolic processes that play important role in the blood supply;

Promotes the restoration of the central nervous system;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi;

Restores the violation of nasal breathing.

Singing, melody recitation, special speech games contribute to the development of the voice (which is based on proper breathing). Before singing songs, we do breathing, articulatory gymnastics, phonopedic and health exercises for the throat and vocal cords, which affect the health of frequently ill children, as well as children with speech disorders.

The main objectives of breathing exercises for music lessons are:

Strengthening the physiological breathing of children (without speech).

Strength training for inhalation and exhalation.

Development of inspiratory time.

As a result of breathing exercises at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system and the development of the singing abilities of children increase. Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body. The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself. Slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability. When doing breathing exercises in class, we make sure that the child does not have symptoms of hyperventilation of the lungs (rapid breathing, a sharp change in complexion, trembling of the hands, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs). If your head starts to feel dizzy, put your palms together (with a scoop), bring them close to your face and breathe deeply into them several times (2-3 times).

Let us give as an example exercises for the formation of diaphragmatic breathing using music therapy.

Imagine that a small, small balloon has settled in your stomach. He really likes to be blown up and blown off. Try to puff it up. To inflate it big, air must be inhaled through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth. Let's see who gets the biggest ball.

Exercises for children with impaired nasal breathing to music:

Starting position standing. The mouth is closed. Close one half of the nose with your finger, breathe alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose.

While standing, inhale through one half of the nose, and exhale through the other up to 5-6 times.

Standing feet together, nose pinched toes. Slowly, count loudly to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose (5-6 times)

Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On an extended exhalation, pronounce the sound “mmm” (slowly up to 8 times).



IP: lying or sitting. The child puts his hand on the diaphragm and breathes deeply. Inhalation and exhalation is done through the nose.

The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and accompanied by rhyming:

The hippos sat down, touched their tummies.

Then the tummy rises (inhale),

Then the tummy drops (exhale).


“Zhu-u-u,” said the winged beetle,

I'll sit and buzz."


The children are given the installation: “Whose train will travel longer?”

It is suggested to take a deep breath through the nose. By the sign of the music the head of the engine goes: "Choo-choo-choo" - for as long as there is enough breath. That "train" will win. Who took longer to breathe.


Children are invited to "inflate balloons" (short breath through the nose). First, we inflate the balloon, then with the sound “ts-s-s” - we blow it off, making a complete release of air. For control, you need to keep your hand on your stomach.



It should be pronounced on one exhalation, without additional inhalation of air:

Like on a hill, on a hill

33 Egorki lived,

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas….

The more "Egorok" a child can name, the greater his lung capacity.

Several exercises that are advisable to use in the classroom theatrical activities.


Take a deep breath and slowly exhale say "puff .."


Inhale deeply, then, interrupted, exhale slowly and say "puff-puff-puff ..."


Take a deep breath and exhale sharply say “wow!”.

"Little Owl".

Inhale deeply, stopping abruptly. Exhale and say "uh-uh-uh-uh-uh .."


Take a deep breath and, while exhaling, make the sound “uuuu”. at the same time, as if raising the sound from the bottom up.


Take a deep breath and exhale loudly say "you-who-who-who-who .."

With each pronunciation of the word “who”, the voice must become quieter and quieter.


Inhale and exhale the sound “zh-zh-zh-zh”, lips should either fold into a tube, or stretch into a smile.


Inhale and as you exhale, on a high note, pronounce the sound “z-z-z”, then amplifying the sound, then weakening it.


Inhale and on the exhale say “ah-ah-ah-ah ..” The sound should be like when a baby is rocking.


On the exhale, pronounce the sound “i-i-i ..” At the same time, the lips stretch into a smile.

In order to create an emotional mood, motivate children to perform these exercises, as well as activate their attention, the teacher can combine such exercises with a single game plot. So, for example, a story about a "journey to grandma" can be the basis for a game training for the development of breathing and voice.


We came to my grandmother in the village. Grandmother seated the guests at the table, put the samovar. The samovar warmed up, warmed up and boiled: “puff-puff” (we exhale). And next to him is a small teapot: “puff-puff-puff-puff ..” (we exhale) Grandmother poured tea into mugs for the children, and it is hot. In order not to get burned, you need to blow into the mug: “fu-u!”. Mosquitoes fly in the house - "z-z-z-z." But we are not afraid of them and drink delicious tea: “wow!” (we inhale air). We drank tea and went for a walk.

It's warm outside, bees are flying around - "zh-zh-zh-zh". It smells delicious of flowers ... (we inhale the smell of flowers). They walked and walked and came to a big mountain. And on the mountain you can see an incomprehensible silhouette. We will shout out loud: "Who are you?" And the echo will answer us: "Who-who-who." Suddenly we heard the howl of wolves: "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... And we decided to go home as soon as possible. At home, grandma told us to go to sleep. And so that we fell asleep faster, my grandmother sang a lullaby for us: "Ah-ah-ah-ah."


Children can use breathing exercises not only in kindergarten throughout the day, but also at home with parents. The exercises below will teach you and your child respiratory self-defense.

"Big and small".

Standing straight. As you exhale, the child stands on tiptoe, reaches up with his hands, showing how big he is. Fix this position for a few seconds. On exhalation, the child should lower his hands down, then sit down, hugging his knees with his hands and at the same time say “wow”, hide his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.


Walk slowly and smoothly around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your hands while inhaling, lower them while exhaling, pronouncing "g-u-u". Repeat with your child 8-10 times.


Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and one leg, bending at the knee, bring forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, softly pronouncing “shhhh”. Repeat 6-7 times.


Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. As you exhale, fold your hands with an ax and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say bang. Repeat 6-8 times.


Stand with your feet together, hands up. Slowly rotate with straight arms, exhaling "zhrr". As the movements speed up, the sounds become louder. Repeat 7-8 times


Place your feet together, Imagine how the frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: crouching slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, "croak". Repeat 3-4 times.


Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. As you inhale, say “ay” as you exhale. Change intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat 5-6 times.

Using modern health-saving technologies in a playful way, you can protect children from off-season diseases. It must be remembered that positive results for the improvement of preschool children are possible only with the joint work of the entire kindergarten team and parents.


Musical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the creative and musical abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child. The system of health-saving musical and health-improving work involves the use of the following health-saving technologies in music classes: - valeological songs - chants, set a positive tone for the perception of the world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom:

Respiratory gymnastics, increases the diagnostics of the respiratory system, develops singing abilities

Articulatory gymnastics, develops high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, prepares for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

Game massage, increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

Finger games develop the child's speech, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for writing), connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking

Speech games, develop musical and speech hearing, expressiveness of speech, motor activity

Music therapy contributes to the correction of the psychophysical status of children in the process of their motor-playing activity. Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Everything is used taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child, his interests. All work is carried out jointly with speech therapists, a physical education leader, educators and always under the supervision of medical workers of the preschool educational institution.

The main form of musical activity in the preschool educational institution is music classes, during which a systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of the musical and creative abilities of each child is carried out.
Classes are held - individual, in subgroups and frontal. By content - typical, dominant, thematic, complex, integrated.
- Valeological songs - chants.
I start all my music lessons with them. Simple, kind texts "Hello" and the melody, consisting of the sounds of the major scale, cheer up, prepare the voice for singing.
For example:
Good morning!
Good morning! (turn to each other)
Smile soon! (spread arms out to sides)
And all day today
It will be more fun. (clap hands)
We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks. (perform movements in the text)
We will be beautiful, (gradually raise their hands up, "lanterns")
Like flowers in a garden!
Let's rub our palms (movements in the text)
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
We will now rub our ears (rub our ears)
And save your health. (spread arms out to sides)
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!

Breathing exercises.
positively affects metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;
- contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system;
- improves the drainage function of the bronchi;
- restores disturbed nasal breathing;
- corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that have developed in the course of diseases.
Peripheral organs of hearing, respiration, voice, articulation are inextricably linked and interact with each other under the control of the central nervous system. Violation of the function of speech breathing is considered: lifting the chest up and retracting the abdomen on inspiration; too much breath; shortness of breath; shortening of exhalation; inability to make imperceptible addition of air; wrong posture. The essence of the developed methods for the restoration and development of this function is the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through the training of the respiratory muscles and the regulation of the respiratory center. As a result of the respiratory gymnastics at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system diagnostics and the development of the singing abilities of children increase.
For example:
1. "Machine" (learning to gradually exhale air) I.P. - Children stand in one line, take a breath ("pouring gasoline") and begin to move forward, while making lips "brrr". Children, as usual, copy the work of the motor. The winner is the one who "left" the farthest in one breath.

2. "Flower". (the exercise is aimed at achieving respiratory relaxation due to a physiological reflex, as a result of which, when inhaling through the nose, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi occurs).
I.P. - standing. Hands down. The eyes are closed. A slow breath is taken, as if the aroma of a flower is inhaled. This exercise is recommended to be performed early in the morning, facing the sun.

3. "Doggy" (hardening of the pharynx)
I.P. - standing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Make quick breathing movements, achieving cooling of the pharynx (as a dog does).
The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons are:
- strengthening the physiological breathing of children,
- Strengthening of inhalation and exhalation
- Development of expiratory duration.
- Articulation gymnastics.
Exercises contribute to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus, orientation in space, and teach imitation of animal movements. As a result of this work, indicators of the level of development of children's speech, singing skills increase, musical memory and attention improve.
For example:
1. "Toad Kvaka" (a set of exercises for the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx)
Kvaka's toad has risen with the sun, (stretch, arms to the sides)
Yawned sweetly. (children yawn)
Chewed juicy grass (imitate chewing movements, swallow)
Yes, I ate some water.
She sat on a water lily
She sang a song:
2. "Kwa-ah-ah-ah! (pronounce sounds abruptly and loudly)
Que-e-e-! Qua-a-a-a!
Kwaki's life is good!
- Wellness and phonopedic exercises.
They are carried out to strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children, prepare them for singing, and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The developments of V. Emelyanov, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the larynx-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health exercises for the throat, intonation-phonetic (correct the pronunciation of sounds and activate phonation expiration) and voice signals of pre-verbal communication, games with sound.
For example:
Four dinosaurs, hooray, hooray, hooray!
We love to sing and dance, taram-pa-ra-ra-ra!
We are funny, good, we love to fool around!
And we are busy all the time, we have no time to be sad!
Children "draw" a dinosaur with their voice, using the sequence: "O-o-a-s-and-squeak!"

Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, tones the central nervous system. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole body, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is decreasing.
2.(Game massage)
1st point: "We came to visit the eyebrows, we found them with our fingers"
2nd point: "We found a footbridge with a finger, we jump-jump along it"
3rd point: "We sank a little lower and breathe on our fingers"
4th point: "Here we touched the neck and smiled wider"
5th point: "We need to rub the ears so as not to hurt anymore"
6th point: "Hands must be rubbed so as not to hurt anymore"
7th point: "And don't forget about the back, so that we can be slender"
Finishing the massage, the children say: We want to be cheerful, beautiful, healthy. These words are a kind of setting for them for the whole day.
- Finger games.
An important place in music lessons is occupied by finger games and fairy tales that are sung like songs or spoken to music. Games develop the child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for drawing, writing), combine finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking based on oral Russian folk art. The earlier children begin to actively and skillfully move their fingers, palms, show this or that action, the earlier they develop, begin to speak, speech becomes connected, emotional. Folk rhymes and songs have always accompanied the life of children. This genre is close, understandable, interesting to them.
For example:
We looked out the window (they make a "window" with the fingers of both hands)
A cat walks along the path ("run" with index and middle fingers right hand on the left hand)
With such a mustache! (showing "long mustache")
With such eyes! (show " big eyes")
The cat sings a song, (clapping hands)
Calls us for a walk! (called by right hand)
- Speech games.
Speech games allow children to strengthen the vocal apparatus and master all the expressive means of music. Speech games (speech music-making) are necessary, since musical ear develops in close connection with speech hearing. In speech games, children sing or recite rhythmically in chorus, solo or duet. The basis is children's folklore. You can add musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement to the sound. Plasticity introduces the possibility of pantomime and theatricalization into speech games. The use of speech games in music classes effectively affects the development of emotional expressiveness of children's speech, motor activity.
For example:
Rain, rain, rain in the morning. (claps alternate with slaps on the knees)
The kids are having fun! (light jumps in place)
Slap through the puddles, slap-slap. (stomps)
Clap your hands, clap, clap. (clapping)
Rain, don't water us, (they threaten with a finger)
And hurry up! (run away from the rain)
- Music therapy.
Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.
Music for the meeting of children and their free activities….
01. J.S. Bach. "Prelude in C Major".
02. J.S. Bach. "Joke".
03. I. Brahms. "Waltz".
04. A. Vivaldi "Seasons"
05. J. Haydn. "Serenade"
06. D.Kabalevsky "Clowns"
07. D.Kabalevsky "Peter and the Wolf"
08. W. A. ​​Mozart "Little Night Serenade"
09. W. A. ​​Mozart "Turkish Rondo"
10. I. Strauss "Polka" Backgammon "
Songs for children:
01. "Antoshka" V. Shainsky
02. "Bu-ra-ti-no" Y. Entin
03. "Please" A. Sanin
04. "Cheerful travelers" M. Starokadomsky
05. "We divide everything in half" V. Shainsky
06. "Long live the surprise" Y. Entin
07. "If you are kind" B. Saveliev
08. "Rays of hope and kindness" E. Voitenko
09. "A true friend" B. Savelyev
10. "A song about wizards" G. Gladkov
Music to wake up after a nap
01. L. Boccherini "Minuet"
02.E.Grieg "Morning"
03. A. Dvorak "Slavic dance"
04. Lute music of the 17th century
05.F.List "Consolation"
06. F. Mendelssohn "Song without words"
07. W. Mozart "Sonata"
08.M.Mussorgsky "Ballet of unhatched chicks"
09.M.Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"
10.K.Saint-Saens "Aquarium"
Music for relaxation
01. J.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"
02.L.Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
03.K. Gluck "Melody"
04.E.Grig "Song of Solveig"
05.K.Debussy "Moonlight"
01.N.Rimsky-Korsakov "Sea"
02.G.Sviridov "Romance"
03.K.Saint-Saens "Swan"

The success of classes is impossible without the joint activities of the music director and educator, who actively helps, organizes independent music-making of children in a group.
Thus, the results of musical and recreational work are:
- increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
- stability emotional well-being every child
- level up speech development
- decrease in morbidity
- stability of physical and mental performance

1. Arsenevskaya O.N. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" Volgograd, "Teacher", 2009.
2. Vetlugina N.A. "Methods of musical education". (M. "Enlightenment" 1976)
3. Campbell.D. "The Mozart Effect". (M.1999)
4. Kovalko V.I. Health saving technologies. (Moscow, WAKO, - 2004)
5. Sirotyuk A.L. "Development of the intellect of preschoolers" (creative center. M 2001)

Kindergarten music director experience

Description: work experience is provided for acquaintance to musical directors of preschool educational institutions.

The use of health-saving technologies in the musical activities of preschoolers

The system of musical and recreational work involves the use of the following health-saving technologies at each musical lesson:
valeological songs-chants

Songs-chants are held at the beginning of the lesson, cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the world around, improve the emotional climate in the lesson, prepare the voice for singing.
logarithmic chants and exercises

Logorhythmics is a complex technique that includes the means of speech therapy, musical-rhythmic and physical education - one of the sections of therapeutic rhythms, created on the basis of the method of musical-rhythmic education of E. Jacques-Dalcroze.
The complex of chants and exercises of speech therapy rhythm is aimed at overcoming speech disorders through the development and correction of the motor sphere in combination with the word, music, and movement.
Due to the fact that every year there is a tendency for children to reduce the level of speech development, and this is directly related to musical education (correct articulation), I have created a card file of logorhythmic chants, games, speech games. The materials of such authors as M. Kartushina, T. Ovchinnikova, K. Orff, E. Makshantseva are widely used.
For example, in middle group I use exercises based on folklore - these are nursery rhymes: "Sun", "Cucumber", "Bunny", "Mice", etc.
In the older group, speech exercises are used: “Autumn”, “There is silence in my house”, “Crow”, “Sun-bell”, “Gerasim is a rookery”, “Wider circle”, etc.
A number of other logarithmic exercises were created by me on the basis of dynamic pauses with the addition of melodies and are used as a kind of chants with movement. For example, "Garden", "Cat", "Cloud", "Gnomes in the Morning", etc. The card index was created on the basis of gymnastics in verses from the magazines "Preschool Education".
The preparatory group uses the games and exercises of M. Kartushina “We want to be healthy”, as well as exercises from the card index - “Winter entertainment”, “Sleep and dance”, “In the garden and on the branch”, “Gifts”, “Limes”, “ In the garden", "Cow", "Ding - Don", "Spinned, spun", etc.
breathing exercises

Very often there are violations of the respiratory function (lifting the chest up and drawing in the abdomen while inhaling, too much inhalation, rapid breathing, shortening of the exhalation, inability to make imperceptible intake of air). The essence of respiratory gymnastics is the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through the training of the respiratory muscles and the regulation of the work of the respiratory center. These are the exercises of Belyakova L.I. , Semenova N., Strelnikova A.N. and others, which are selected by me in a file cabinet and systematized for phased use. For example, senior group: September - exercise "Zoo", October - "Acquaintance", November - "Twig", December - "Singer", January - "Snowflake", February - "Candles", March - "Ball", April - "Stork", May - "Rocket".
psycho-gymnastics and theatrical studies

Starting from the second junior group, the above technologies are used in the classroom to create a positive emotional background, when, in addition to studying the emotions themselves, there is: the development of the emotional sphere, team building, the development of morality, responsibility, empathy for other people, a more subtle feeling inner peace other people, the development of creativity, attention, self-control, etc. For each age group, a card index was created based on the magazines "Preschool Education" by such authors as Chistyakova, Sorokina, etc. For example, preparatory group: September - "Round Eyes", "Carlson", October - "Thought", "Unexpected Joy", November - "Battle", "Dirt", December - "Weasel", "Hush", January - "Two Clowns", "Angry Bear", February - "Kryvlyak", "Different Moods", March - "Ugly Duckling", "Chunga-Changa", April - "Three Characters", "Surprise", May - "Fear", "Valerka" .
In each age group, communicative dances and games are learned to develop the appropriate quality, which is directly related to the development of the emotional sphere. For example, in the middle group - “Hello, friend!”, In the senior group - “Dance with me, friend!”, In the preparatory group - “Dance of friendship”, etc.
articulation gymnastics

The main goal of articulation gymnastics- development of high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, preparation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes. This also includes mimic gymnastics. In the classroom, exercises are used from the book by Abelyan L. “How Ryzhik learned to sing”, as well as from the collection of Arsenevskaya O. “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten”.
health and phonopedic exercises

The developments of V. Emelyanov, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the larynx-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health-improving exercises of the above authors. For example, such exercises as “Our Weapon”, “Spring Voices”, “Snowstorm”, “Rubber Toy”, “A Terrible Tale”, etc. a positive psychosomatic state, a value attitude to one's own and others' mental and physical capabilities, awareness of their significance and uniqueness. The most effective trainings are “I am a doctor”, “Overcoming difficulties”, “I can do anything”, “We mold a hand”.
play massage

Thousands of years ago, Tibetan healers established that it is pleasant for us to clap our hands, walk barefoot, because this unconsciously sends positive signals to the internal organs. By doing self-massage of a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole.
Learning the simplest massage techniques takes place in the game. In music classes, massage is performed to music, or a song, or a poem, or just a text. The most effective are massages of biologically active zones during periods of unfavorable natural conditions, especially autumn-spring. Children really like communicative massages, such as "Druzhok", "Your hands are good, but your neighbor's is better." children younger age massages "Rain", "Here they are, pens" are offered. And we smoothly move on to finger games, as one of the components of massage in general.
finger games

An important place in music lessons is occupied by finger games and exercises that are performed as poetry or to music. Games develop the child's speech, motor skills, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers. Development exercises fine motor skills- "Drummers", "Hammer and hatchet", "Flower", "Washing", "Lanterns", "Funny splashes" and many others (author E. Rogozhina) - performed without words, only to music. In the words of the German philosopher Kant: “The hand is the brain brought out.” The work of the small muscles of the hand is similar to the work of the higher parts of the cerebral cortex, which provide the work of thought and speech functions. The finger games used by me as physical culture pauses are also subordinated to this task, since children really like them, because they are attractive in text. For example, "For pancakes", "Morning" and many others from the created card file.
music therapy

Listening to the right music increases the child's immunity, reduces tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders, it helps to establish an emotional dialogue, often even in cases where other methods have been exhausted. Using my work experience, I allowed myself to select for practical use from the huge musical material offered by the programs only those musical works that meet the above tasks. It is preferable to perform the works "live", except, of course, for orchestral music.
The most successful in music therapy is listening to the following works - Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", "To Elise", Oginsky "Polonaise", Griboyedov "Waltz". It is this music that is used during relaxation in the classroom.
musical and recreational leisure

(held once a quarter for all groups)
This is also the practical application of health-saving technologies, but in the form of entertainment and as a kind of next stage in the musical and recreational work in kindergarten.
TO tasks These leisure activities include:
- to promote the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;
- to form in children a position of recognizing the value of health, a sense of responsibility for its strengthening, to expand knowledge and skills in hygiene culture;
- develop musical and creative abilities, physical qualities of children in accordance with age and individual characteristics;
- carry out in a game form the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, etc.;
- improve the emotional well-being of each child.
The plan of musical and recreational activities is a three-year project (for this kindergarten).
First year: "Visiting Uncle Au", "Kolobok's Winter Journey", "Winter Olympic Games", "Around the World".
Second year: "Turnip", "Seven kids", "About the doll", "Visiting the Vodyany".
Third year: Titus and Bartholomew, Journey into the Jungle,
"Sea kingdom", "Bird holiday".
When developing leisure scenarios, I use M.Yu. Kartushina. Naturally, each scenario is adapted, training is carried out for both children (each group learns a song on the topic of health, hygiene, sports, etc.), and adults (a fairy-tale character participates in every leisure). In conducting musical and health-improving leisure activities, all of the above health-saving technologies are used in one or another configuration. Many leisure activities are planned and carried out jointly with parents.

Musical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the creative and musical abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child. The system of health-saving musical and health-improving work involves the use of the following health-saving technologies in music classes: - valeological songs - chants, set a positive tone for the perception of the world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom,

Respiratory gymnastics, increases the diagnostics of the respiratory system, develops singing abilities

Articulatory gymnastics, develops high-quality, full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation, prepares for the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

Game massage, increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

Finger games develop the child's speech, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for writing), connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking

Speech games, develop musical and speech hearing, expressiveness of speech, motor activity

Music therapy contributes to the correction of the psychophysical status of children in the process of their motor-playing activity. Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Everything is used taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child, his interests. All work is carried out jointly with speech therapists, a physical education leader, educators and always under the supervision of medical workers of the preschool educational institution.

The main form of musical activity in the preschool educational institution is music classes, during which a systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of the musical and creative abilities of each child is carried out.
Classes are held - individual, in subgroups and frontal. By content - typical, dominant, thematic, complex, integrated.
- Valeological songs - chants.
I start all my music lessons with them. Simple, kind texts "Hello" and the melody, consisting of the sounds of the major scale, cheer up, prepare the voice for singing.
For example:
Good morning!
Good morning! (turn to each other)
Smile soon! (spread arms out to sides)
And all day today
It will be more fun. (clap hands)
We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks. (perform movements in the text)
We will be beautiful, (gradually raise their hands up, "lanterns")
Like flowers in a garden!
Let's rub our palms (movements in the text)
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
We will now rub our ears (rub our ears)
And save your health. (spread arms out to sides)
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!

Breathing exercises.
positively affects metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;
- contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system;
- improves the drainage function of the bronchi;
- restores disturbed nasal breathing;
- corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that have developed in the course of diseases.
Peripheral organs of hearing, respiration, voice, articulation are inextricably linked and interact with each other under the control of the central nervous system. Violation of the function of speech breathing is considered: lifting the chest up and retracting the abdomen on inspiration; too much breath; shortness of breath; shortening of exhalation; inability to make imperceptible addition of air; wrong posture. The essence of the developed methods for the restoration and development of this function is the conscious control of all phases of the act of breathing through the training of the respiratory muscles and the regulation of the respiratory center. As a result of the respiratory gymnastics at each lesson, the indicators of the respiratory system diagnostics and the development of the singing abilities of children increase.
For example:
1. "Machine" (learning to gradually exhale air) I.P. - Children stand in one line, take a breath ("pouring gasoline") and begin to move forward, while making lips "brrr". Children, as usual, copy the work of the motor. The winner is the one who "left" the farthest in one breath.

2. "Flower". (the exercise is aimed at achieving respiratory relaxation due to a physiological reflex, as a result of which, when inhaling through the nose, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi occurs).
I.P. - standing. Hands down. The eyes are closed. A slow breath is taken, as if the aroma of a flower is inhaled. This exercise is recommended to be performed early in the morning, facing the sun.

3. "Doggy" (hardening of the pharynx)
I.P. - standing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Make quick breathing movements, achieving cooling of the pharynx (as a dog does).
The main tasks of breathing exercises in music lessons are:
- strengthening the physiological breathing of children,
- Strengthening of inhalation and exhalation
- Development of expiratory duration.
- Articulation gymnastics.
Exercises contribute to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus, orientation in space, and teach imitation of animal movements. As a result of this work, indicators of the level of development of children's speech, singing skills increase, musical memory and attention improve.
For example:
1. "Toad Kvaka" (a set of exercises for the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx)
Kvaka's toad has risen with the sun, (stretch, arms to the sides)
Yawned sweetly. (children yawn)
Chewed juicy grass (imitate chewing movements, swallow)
Yes, I ate some water.
She sat on a water lily
She sang a song:
2. "Kwa-ah-ah-ah! (pronounce sounds abruptly and loudly)
Que-e-e-! Qua-a-a-a!
Kwaki's life is good!
- Wellness and phonopedic exercises.
They are carried out to strengthen the fragile vocal cords of children, prepare them for singing, and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The developments of V. Emelyanov, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing, stimulation of the larynx-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health-improving exercises for the throat, intonation-phonetic (correct the pronunciation of sounds and activate phonation expiration) and voice signals of pre-speech communication, games with sound.
For example:
Four dinosaurs, hooray, hooray, hooray!
We love to sing and dance, taram-pa-ra-ra-ra!
We are funny, good, we love to fool around!
And we are busy all the time, we have no time to be sad!
Children "draw" a dinosaur with their voice, using the sequence: "O-o-a-s-and-squeak!"

Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, and tones the central nervous system. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole body, normalizes the vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is decreasing.
2.(Game massage)
1st point: "We came to visit the eyebrows, we found them with our fingers"
2nd point: "We found a footbridge with a finger, we jump-jump along it"
3rd point: "We sank a little lower and breathe on our fingers"
4th point: "Here we touched the neck and smiled wider"
5th point: "We need to rub the ears so as not to hurt anymore"
6th point: "Hands must be rubbed so as not to hurt anymore"
7th point: "And don't forget about the back, so that we can be slender"
Finishing the massage, the children say: We want to be cheerful, beautiful, healthy. These words are a kind of setting for them for the whole day.
- Finger games.
An important place in music lessons is occupied by finger games and fairy tales, which are performed as songs or pronounced to music. Games develop the child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for drawing, writing), combine finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking based on oral Russian folk art. The earlier children begin to actively and skillfully move their fingers, palms, show this or that action, the earlier they develop, begin to speak, speech becomes connected, emotional. Folk rhymes and songs have always accompanied the life of children. This genre is close, understandable, interesting to them.
For example:
We looked out the window (they make a "window" with the fingers of both hands)
A cat walks along the path ("running" with the index and middle fingers of the right hand along the left hand)
With such a mustache! (showing "long mustache")
With such eyes! (show big eyes)
The cat sings a song, (clapping hands)
Calls us for a walk! (called by right hand)
- Speech games.
Speech games allow children to strengthen the vocal apparatus and master all the expressive means of music. Speech games (speech music-making) are necessary, since musical ear develops in close connection with speech hearing. In speech games, children sing or recite rhythmically in chorus, solo or duet. The basis is children's folklore. You can add musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement to the sound. Plasticity introduces the possibility of pantomime and theatricalization into speech games. The use of speech games in music classes effectively affects the development of emotional expressiveness of children's speech, motor activity.
For example:
Rain, rain, rain in the morning. (claps alternate with slaps on the knees)
The kids are having fun! (light jumps in place)
Slap through the puddles, slap-slap. (stomps)
Clap your hands, clap, clap. (clapping)
Rain, don't water us, (they threaten with a finger)
And hurry up! (run away from the rain)
- Music therapy.
Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.
Music for the meeting of children and their free activities….
01. J.S. Bach. "Prelude in C Major".
02. J.S. Bach. "Joke".
03. I. Brahms. "Waltz".
04. A. Vivaldi "Seasons"
05. J. Haydn. "Serenade"
06. D.Kabalevsky "Clowns"
07. D.Kabalevsky "Peter and the Wolf"
08. W. A. ​​Mozart "Little Night Serenade"
09. W. A. ​​Mozart "Turkish Rondo"
10. I. Strauss "Polka" Backgammon "
Songs for children:
01. "Antoshka" V. Shainsky
02. "Bu-ra-ti-no" Y. Entin
03. "Please" A. Sanin
04. "Cheerful travelers" M. Starokadomsky
05. "We divide everything in half" V. Shainsky
06. "Long live the surprise" Y. Entin
07. "If you are kind" B. Saveliev
08. "Rays of hope and kindness" E. Voitenko
09. "A true friend" B. Savelyev
10. "A song about wizards" G. Gladkov
Music to wake up after a nap
01. L. Boccherini "Minuet"
02.E.Grieg "Morning"
03. A. Dvorak "Slavic dance"
04. Lute music of the 17th century
05.F.List "Consolation"
06. F. Mendelssohn "Song without words"
07. W. Mozart "Sonata"
08.M.Mussorgsky "Ballet of unhatched chicks"
09.M.Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"
10.K.Saint-Saens "Aquarium"
Music for relaxation
01. J.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"
02.L.Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
03.K. Gluck "Melody"
04.E.Grig "Song of Solveig"
05.K.Debussy "Moonlight"
01.N.Rimsky-Korsakov "Sea"
02.G.Sviridov "Romance"
03.K.Saint-Saens "Swan"

The success of classes is impossible without the joint activities of the music director and educator, who actively helps, organizes independent music-making of children in a group.
Thus, the results of musical and recreational work are:
- increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
- the stability of the emotional well-being of each child
- increasing the level of speech development
- decrease in morbidity
- stability of physical and mental performance

1. Arsenevskaya O.N. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" Volgograd, "Teacher", 2009.
2. Vetlugina N.A. "Methods of musical education". (M. "Enlightenment" 1976)
3. Campbell.D. "The Mozart Effect". (M.1999)
4. Kovalko V.I. Health saving technologies. (Moscow, "VAKO", - 2004)
5. Sirotyuk A.L. "Development of the intellect of preschoolers" (creative center. M 2001)

This article contains recommendations for musical directors of preschool educational institutions on the use of music therapy - methods and techniques of working with children to preserve their emotional well-being in music classes: the use of psycho-gymnastics, valeological songs, speech communication games, playing music on children's musical instruments.



Use of health-saving technologies

At music lessons at the preschool

music director

MDOU "Pesyankovsky d / s" Sun "

Yasyreva Nadezhda Ivanovna

The upbringing of a healthy younger generation of Russian citizens is the state's top priority task, on the solution of which its future prosperity largely depends.

Health is a basic value and a necessary condition for the full mental, physical and social development of a child. Without creating the foundation of health in preschool childhood, it is difficult to form health in the future.

In all existing comprehensive programs of upbringing and education in preschool educational institutions, the leader declares the thesis about the priority of measures related to protecting the health of the child, increasing his functional capabilities, the level of physical, mental development and motor fitness.

However, modern tendencies in society testify to the opposite - the number of children with various health problems from birth, early or preschool age is growing.

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive growth and development of the body and its increased sensitivity to the influences of the natural and social environment, including preventive and recreational activities carried out in kindergarten.

Keep the child's health the main task standing in front of all kindergarten staff. Experience shows that only the joint work of teachers and medical workers to improve children's health can give the desired effect.

The essence (meaning) of experience: music is one of the means of physical development of children. Musical development is very important for any child. And this does not mean at all that it is necessary to raise a brilliant musician from a baby from the cradle, but it is in our power to teach him to listen, understand music, enjoy it. Music, perceived by the auditory receptor, affects not only the emotional, but also the general physical state of a person, causes reactions associated with changes in blood circulation and respiration.

This conclusion was the impetus for the creation of a work experience that connects traditional music classes with recreational activities.

The purpose of musical and recreational education in a preschool educational institution is to strengthen mental and physical health, develop musical and creative abilities, and form the need for a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of work on this problem, a system of musical and recreational work was created, combining traditional music classes with recreational activities. Within the framework of the system of musical and recreational work, forms of organizing musical and recreational activities have been developed.

Novelty: In music lessons, it is possible and necessary to use modern health-saving technologies in a playful way. Habitual types of musical activity can be diversified with health benefits.

Availability: The system of musical and recreational work can be used in the educational process of preschool institutions and institutions of additional education.

Efficiency: Increasing the indicators of physical development and development of the respiratory system of children. Improving motor skills and qualities (plasticity, coordination, orientation in space); improvement of vocal skills and abilities.

This experience is based onprograms and teaching aids:

on musical education: “Methods of musical education in kindergarten” by N. Vetlugina, “A holiday every day” by I. Kaplunova, “Musical education in kindergarten” by M. Zatsepina, “Musical education of preschoolers” by O. Radynova, Program “Elementary music playing with preschoolers” by T. Tyutyunnikova, “Rhythmic mosaic” program, “Top-clap, kids” by A. Burenina; technologies E. Zheleznova "Rhythm for kids", "Finger games", "Developing music games”, “Games for health”, T. Lobanova “educational games as a health-saving basis”, V.V. Emelyanov “Phonopedic development of the vocal apparatus”, E.A. Alyabyeva “ Correctional classes”, A.P. Zarina “Music and movements in correctional work”

A child's health is not only the absence of disease, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, the health of children in last years becomes a priority in the work of many preschool educational institutions. Teachers and doctors are looking for new ways to preserve and improve the health of children, create favorable conditions for their implementation, based on the results of diagnostics of the state of health and individual characteristics every child.

Musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution is a fairly new direction in the musical education of preschoolers.

The purpose of the work carried out: to organize musical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution, which provides each child with the strengthening of mental and physical health, the identification and development of musical and creative abilities, the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to educational and upbringing tasks, such work also sets health-improving tasks:
1. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.
2. Create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child.
3. With the help of health-saving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body (activate protective properties, resistance to diseases).

Musical and recreational work in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the musical and creative abilities of children, preserving and strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child.

The results of this work are:

1. The stability of the emotional well-being of each child
2. Decrease in the incidence rate (mostly colds)
3. Increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
4. Increasing the level of speech development
5. Stability of physical and mental performance.

For the full development of the musical and physical abilities of children, we have created all the necessary conditions. The music and sports hall, sports ground, music corners in groups are equipped with appropriate equipment for music and health work and meet hygienic requirements.

The system of musical and recreational work involves the use of various health-saving technologies. Among them are valeological chants, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, health-improving and phonopedic exercises, game massage, finger games, speech games, and music therapy. I would like to dwell on some technologies in more detail.

Valeological songs- a great start to any music lesson. They cheer up, set a positive tone for the perception of the surrounding world, and prepare the voice for singing.

Good morning!

Good morning! / turn to each other
Smile soon! / Stretch arms out to the sides
And all day today / Clap your hands
It will be more fun.

We will smooth the forehead / Text movements
Nose and cheeks
We will be beautiful / Gradually raise your hands up,
Like flowers in the garden / performing "lanterns"

Let's rub our palms / Move through the text
Stronger, stronger
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder.

We will now rub our ears
And save your health
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!

I use valeological songs both at the beginning of the lesson and instead of the usual physical minutes. Simple kind texts and a melody consisting of the sounds of a major scale have a positive effect on the mood of children, improve the emotional climate in the classroom.

Passing at the start school year monitoring, I always note for myself children with speech disorders and often ill children. After all, weakened breathing does not allow the child to fully pronounce phrases, build sentences correctly, even sing songs - you have to inhale the air more often. Therefore, in my work I pay special attention to breathing exercises.

Exercises for the development of breathingplay an important role in the system of health improvement of preschool children. Doctors have proven that breathing exercises have a psychotherapeutic, healing and even therapeutic effect on children. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply (including lung tissue), helps to restore the central nervous system, improves the drainage function of the bronchi, and restores disturbed nasal breathing.

The main objectives of breathing exercises are:

1. Strengthen the physiological breathing of children

2. Train the strength of inhalation and exhalation
3. Form the correct speech breathing (short breath - long breath)
4. Develop a long breath.

The work on the breath precedes the singing of songs, and it can also be independent view activities. In a playful way, with the help of simple exercises, I teach children to breathe correctly. Singing with breathing exercises preceding it has a psychotherapeutic, healing and even healing effect on children.

In working with preschoolers, I use the simple exercises of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, who developed the well-known method of breathing exercises for recovery. The principles of this technique are a short and sharp inhalation through the nose, combined with movement and passive exhalation.

Exercise "Palms"
(according to A.N. Strelnikova)

Ladushki-palms, sonorous crackers
We clench our hands, breathe in through our noses.
As we open our hands, we exhale calmly.

(On the count of “times” - grasping movements with the palms (we squeeze them into fists), simultaneously with the movement we inhale noisily with the nose. Immediately after a short breath, the palms open - exhale)

There, on the hills, sits an eccentric,
Sitting and blowing this way and that.
It blows up
It blows sideways
It blows up and down.

Then the teacher puts an autumn leaf cut out of paper (a snowflake, a cloud, a bird, a balloon) in his palm and brings it to the child's mouth. Calling the name of the child, he gently blows off the sheet. The child catches it and, blowing it off, calls the name of the next child.

When learning songs in music classes, I often observe that some children pronounce certain sounds incorrectly. This indicates the incomplete development of the speech apparatus. It is in our power to help each child cope with these difficulties with the help of special exercises.articulation gymnastics.It helps to train the movements necessary for correct pronunciation sounds, syllables, whole words. The exercises are carried out in conjunction with a speech therapist of the preschool educational institution, who helps to select the necessary exercises for articulation gymnastics and learn them with children. In this case, it is important to follow a certain sequence, to go from simple exercises to more complex ones. Regular use of articulation exercises improves the quality of children's speech and, accordingly, the quality of singing.

Monitoring, carried out at the end of the school year, allows you to observe the positive dynamics of the speech development of children. Children began to speak better, read poetry with pleasure, play roles in children's parties.

Another interesting element musical and recreational work in our kindergarten -game-rhythmic exercises. These are special exercises for coordinating movements with music, I use them in music classes. Play and movement are the most important components of children's life. Such exercises contribute to the development of the child's imagination, musical and creative abilities, the formation of the process of perception and the inclusion of both hemispheres of the brain in the work, relieves muscle stiffness, improves physical well-being, and increases the sociability of children. Through play-rhythmic exercises, the child expresses his feelings and releases the accumulated energy, turning it into an act of creativity.

Rain is weak, like this ... / quietly and rarely claps in
/ palms (half)
Come on, clap, guys, all with me! /children repeat the movement

And sometimes it rains hard, like this ... / claps his hands harder
Clap again, guys, all with me! /children repeat the movement

And there are miracles in the sky -
Thunder rumbles and a THUNDER begins! /stomp and clap
/simultaneously (eighths).
/Children pick up movements

Slap-slap-slap - /Children tap rhythmically
I'm going through the puddles. / palms on the legs.
Squish-squish-squish - / Rhythmically stamp their feet.
Water in boots.
Cap-cap-cap - / Raise your hands up and rit-
/ mimic snapping fingers -
I need an umbrella. with /simultaneous movement of hands from top to bottom.
Op-op-op - / Cross your arms over your chest and
Water on the back. / rhythmically pat on the forearms.

Bul-bul-bul - / Perform rhythmic pru-
The hat fell off. / Zhinka.
Oh-oh-oh, / Shake their head, hands to the head.
Around the water.
Yes, yes, yes, / Rhythmically nod their heads.
I feel so sorry for myself.
Always dress in the rain!

I use elements in my workplay massage. Why do we like to clap our hands, walk barefoot? Why does everyone - both adults and children - like massage? The thing is that by massaging certain points of the body, we unconsciously send positive signals to the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and other organs. Performing massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, and tones the central nervous system. In addition, it uplifts the mood and improves the well-being of a person. A child can easily learn this in the game. In music classes, play massage is performed to the music - the words are sung (or rhythmic declamation is used), or the music just sounds in the background.

The use of play massage by A. Umanskaya, M. Kartushina increases the protective properties of the whole organism. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is decreasing.

(children stand one after another "train")

Rain, rain, we need
Go home / clap hands on the back

Thunder, thunder like cannons
Today is a holiday at the frogs / beat with fists

Hail, hail, pour hail
Everyone is sitting under the roofs / tapping their fingers

Only my brother in a puddle
Catching fish for us for dinner / stroking the back with their palms

(children turn 180 degrees and repeat the massage again)

It's cold outside

It's cold outside! / stroking hands
Come on, rub your nose! / Rub the tip of the nose.
There is no need for us to beat the thumbs / They threaten with the right index finger.
Well, let's take everyone by the ears:
Twisted, turned
Here are the ears warmed up! / Forefinger and thumb / hold on to the lobes of the ears
/ and rotate them forward, then backward.
They knocked on the knees, / They knock on the knees with their palms.
They patted the shoulders, / Hands crossed at chest level, clapping their palms on the shoulders.
They stomped their feet! /Stomp their feet.

An important place in music lessonstake up finger games.There is a direct relationship between hand movements and the pronunciation of words. Researchers studying the mechanisms of speech argue that the speech areas of the brain in children are partly formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers. In addition, on the palms of people there are biologically active points that are important for the whole organism. In this regard, finger games are of particular interest, which allow you to knead, massage your fingers and palms in a playful way, having a beneficial effect on everything. internal organs. I use in my work finger games by E. Zheleznova, O. Uzorova, which are held to the music. A simple, easy to remember melody and accessible movements make it possible to include finger games in classes from the age of three (second junior group). The texts for these games should be quite simple - Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, short poems.

Finger games develop the child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers (preparation for writing, drawing), connect finger plasticity with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form figurative-associative thinking.


We looked out the window / make a “window” with the fingers of both hands
A cat walks along the path / “runs” with index and middle fingers
/ right hand on the left hand.
With such a mustache / show "long mustache"
With such eyes / show "big eyes"
The cat sings a song
He calls us to walk quickly / "they call" with his right hand

sand house

Here is a large sandbox / spread their arms to the sides
With a roof in polka dots / hands "house" over your head
From the sand we build a house / knock fist on fist
There are five windows in the house / show an open palm - "five"
The first is for a bunny / fingers are bent in turn
The second is for the owl
In the third, the chrysalis stands
In the fourth - two mushrooms.
In the fifth round window
We put the cat to sleep / palms “sleep” under the cheek
Only a cat has little space / they threaten with a finger
Jump! And they broke our house / they slap their knees with their hands.

speech games - one of the forms creative work with children not only in the work of a speech therapist and educator, but also in musical education. It is proved that musical ear develops together with speech ear. The means of musical expression - rhythm, tempo, timbre, dynamics - are also characteristic of speech. Thus, the use of speech games in music classes allows children from a young age to master the whole complex of expressive means of music. Working in this direction, I rely on the methodology of K. Orff. Speech games, accompanied by movements, sounding gestures (claps, clicks, slaps, etc.), the sounds of children's musical instruments, perfectly develop a sense of rhythm. The rhythm of music in combination with recitation is easier for children to assimilate, and the support of the tex by movements or playing music contributes to better memorization, more emotional reproduction. Gesticulation, plasticity, facial expressions in speech games encourage children to improvise, to reveal their creative potential. I use speech games in my classes with older preschoolers. According to the method of K. Orff, a cycle of thematic classes “Sounds around us” was held during the academic year.

leaf fall

Autumn, autumn! Falling leaves! (rhythmic clapping)

Forest autumn caulk (finger snaps)

Red leaves rustle (rub palm on palm)

And fly, fly, fly! (shaking hands)

Music therapy - one of the promising areas of health work in preschool educational institutions. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life. Listening to the right music with the performance of M. Chistyakova's psycho-gymnastic studies increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.
Modern information, superimposed on ancient knowledge, shows that the sounds of various musical instruments affect the human body in different ways: percussion instruments can give a feeling of stability, confidence, physically invigorate. Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. The intellectual sphere corresponds to music played by keyboard instruments, especially piano music. Stringed instruments directly affect the heart, while vocal music affects the entire body, but most of all the throat.

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously. Music should be listened to by children in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, even the mood of the children. In our kindergarten, we practice the use of music during the morning reception - after all, separation from home and parents is, albeit a small, but everyday trauma for a child. For relaxation, removal of emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, it is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial effects of classical and special relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature. Special attention we devote to the musical reflex awakening of children after a daytime sleep. This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children. Hearing the sound of familiar music, it is easier and calmer for kids to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity. In addition, to the music, you can carry out a set of simple exercises without lifting the kids from the bed.

(a set of exercises for awakening)

Here are fluffy bunnies sleeping peacefully in their beds
But the hares have enough sleep, it's time for the gray ones to get up.

Pull the right handle, pull the left handle.
Opens eyes, plays with legs.

Stretch your legs, straighten your legs
And now we run quickly along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side
And we'll be completely awake!

The use of health-saving technologies in the work on musical education has yielded results. The monitoring carried out at the end of the school year showed good dynamics in the musical development of preschoolers. Children got sick less often, missed classes less often and, accordingly, learned the program material better. Percentage of children who showed high level musical and creative development (according to the results of the final monitoring) has grown significantly.

It should be noted that the success of the ongoing musical and recreational work depends not only on the work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, but also on the attitude to this problem in the family. In order to educate parents on this issue, consultations are held, open classes, joint musical and sports holidays and entertainment. Parents willingly take part in such events. The use of health-saving technologies not only in the classroom, but also in family education helps to more effectively develop the musical abilities of preschoolers, maintain and strengthen their health. To help parents, sliding folders are made out containing articulation, finger, speech games and other material that can be used at home.

The improvement of children, the creation of emotional comfort is the most important task of the preschool educational institution. Organization of musical and recreational work in kindergarten using modern methods health protection provides a more careful attitude to the physical and spiritual health of children, helps to solve the problems of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child in a complex, actively introducing the most effective technologies of health saving into this process. After all, the well-being of society largely depends on the state of children's health.