Mixer      06/29/2020

Kyle Katarn and Jen Ors. Darkness Rising is a Star Wars fanfic. And new hopes

Kyle Katarn was an elite Rebel agent who was assigned the most important tasks. It was Katarn who personally destroyed the Imperial base on Danuta and discovered the technological designs for the Imperial battle station - the Death Star.

A former subject of the Empire, Katarn was born on the Sullustan moon colony of Sulon, and lived there as a farmer alongside his father, Morgan. Not sharing his father's sympathy for the Rebels, Kyle entered the Imperial Academy on Carida. He absorbed the ideology of the Academy and became a gallant imperial soldier.

While Kyle was at the Academy, his father was killed. According to official records, Katarn the Elder was killed by rebel rebels. However, from a Rebel agent named Jen Ors, Kyle learned the real truth. His father was killed by order of the Empire for treason. Disgusted with the institution of which he had become a member, Kyle renounced his stripes and regalia and threw away his Imperial decorations. He decided to join the Rebels.

Kyle eventually became a highly capable and trustworthy Rebel agent, vouched for by the respected Jen Ors. Kyle attracted no less attention than Mon Mothma herself, the leader of the Alliance. It was she who entrusted Katarn with that fateful mission on Danuta; and after the Battle of Yavin, Katarn took part in the liquidation of the Imperial Dark Trooper project.

Returning to Salon, Kyle learned that his father was helping refugees on the devastated planet Ruusan. On Ruusan, Morgan discovered ancient ruins that pointed the way to the Valley of the Jedi, the legendary battlefield between the ancient Jedi and the Sith. The valley was a center of great energy; by using it, it would be possible to forever change the situation in the eternal struggle between Darkness and Light. Kyle understood that information about the location of the Valley should not fall into the hands of the Empire.

However, his opponents were already close to discovering the Valley. The Dark Jedi Jerec and his six henchmen - Gorc, Pic, Maw, Sariss, Boc and Yun - intended to seize the source of power. Katarn defeated them, one by one, but, in the heat of his rage, came dangerously close to succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force.

In the heart of the Valley of the Jedi, Kyle met Jerec - the very man who killed Morgan Katarn. They engaged in battle, and when Kyle killed Jerec, an ancient prophecy was fulfilled. The spirits of long-dead Jedi, trapped in this Valley for a thousand years, were finally released. Once this energy was released, the Valley of the Jedi was no longer a formidable weapon.

Accustomed to working alone for long periods of time, Katarn initially refused Luke Skywalker's offer to become a Jedi apprentice. Instead, he continued to serve the Alliance - now the New Republic - on many important missions. After a serious skirmish with the Dark Side on the forgotten Sith world of Dromund Kaas, Katarn realized that he would benefit from training with Skywalker and joined the Jedi Master's newly created Jedi Academy.

Kyle is a man of somewhat stern appearance, but at the same time respectable. He has an athletic build. He uses a lightsaber with a green blade, although he has an arsenal of all kinds of weapons at his disposal. He often travels with Jan Ors aboard the battered starship Raven's Claw. (I wonder why the localizers translated Moldy Crow as “Raven’s Claw”? Try to make up a phrase yourself from these two words; it’s funny. And in general, where do all these falcons and crows come from in Star Wars? - Nexu).

Source: starwars.com/databank

Kyle was a farm boy as a child and grew up on Sulon, a satellite of Sullust. His parents were Morgan and Patricia Katarn; Kyle received a modest but good upbringing, and everything was fine until tragedy struck. The tracking sensor on the Katarn security droid VT-16 was programmed to destroy small pests of arable land; This sensor was of poor quality and malfunctioned one evening, mistaking Patricia Katarn, who was late at work, for the intended target. Patricia's death crippled the men in the Katarn family - both mentally and materially. Without extra hands on the farm they could not rely on loans.

For this reason, Kyle, just turning 18, decided to enroll in the academy on Carida. He hoped to take some of the burden off his father by receiving a first-class, free education. At the Academy, Kyle demonstrated excellent success in studying such disciplines as the theory of cybernetic systems and information development. However, he again had to endure tragedy when the Dark Jedi Jerec learned of Morgan Katarn's connections with the Rebels and executed him by beheading him. When Kyle discovered the betrayal of his Imperial mentors, he quit his service. He was a smuggler, a pirate, and a free Rebel, working in tandem with his close friend, Jen Ors, and pursuing one goal - to undermine the power of the imperial war machine.

Kyle's missions for the Alliance included capturing some of the Death Star plans and disrupting General Rom Mohc's deadly Dark Trooper project. Kyle also took part in a SpecForce mission, working alongside Rebel operative Corwin Shelvay. To complete the task, he joined forces with the Force-wielding Shira Bree and Erling Tredway to disable the superlaser of the second Death Star on the way to D'rinba IV.

A year after the destruction of this battle station during the Battle of Endor, Kyle fulfilled an ancient prophecy by freeing the souls of the Jedi on Ruusan - during the war between Light and Darkness, they were trapped by the Sith Lord Kaan. Kyle defeated no less than seven Dark Jedi in the process, but he had to pay a great price for it. To defeat his powerful opponents, Kyle too often resorted to the help of the Dark Side. Only the instructions of Jedi Master Rahn, Kyle's love for Jen and the memory of his father did not allow him to finally succumb to the Dark Side during the final battle with the Dark Jedi Jerec.

Kyle continued to carry out various missions with Jen on behalf of the New Republic. During a foray into Saijo, the Tof fortress planet, he worked alongside the living legend Bey and the smugglers Dash Rendar and Guri. He happened to be on the same team with a crazy little lagomorph (creature of the Lepi race - approx. Nexu); he nearly destroyed the Kwenn space station in an attempt to arrest Kettonian spy Derrida. Eventually, Kyle's ties to the New Republic grew stronger and he began working with Page's Marines, participating in missions from Kashyyyk to Boudolayz and Garos IV. At this very time, Luke Skywalker invited Kyle to continue his training in the Force, but Kyle did not dare to accept this offer, fearing that the Darkness still lived inside him. The only person who understood Kyle's refusal was Mara Jade - ex Ruka Emperor. She and Kyle had made a rarely practiced commitment to mutual apprenticeship, part of the Jedi act of Concordance of Fealty, rarely practiced since the Purge of the Nine Houses. When Kyle turned to the Dark Side on Drommund Kaas, Mara was able to bring him back - even if only temporarily.

Kyle realized that after his confrontation with Jerec, he still continued to carry particles of the Dark Side within himself. When Master Skywalker made him a second offer of training, Kyle immediately accepted, believing it would help him tame his dark passions. Kyle maintained a friendship with Jedi trainee Corran Horne, but when two of Luke's students fell to the Dark Side, Kyle became concerned that his longtime ties to the Darkness might deepen. Kyle gave his lightsaber to Luke, deciding to henceforth rely on Briar's proven pistol, and left the New Jedi Order.

Kyle went free again, carrying out unofficial missions for the New Republic with Jen. Nearly eight years after Kyle defeated Jerec on Ruusan, the valley is once again threatened - this time by a former student of Master Skywalker named Desann. To save the Galaxy, Kyle was forced to work with Luke. After defeating the Dark Jedi, Kyle returned to the Jedi Academy with renewed faith.

Kyle became the Academy's preeminent strategist, honing the skills of countless Jedi students such as Jaden Korr. He was able to stop the cruel madman Jeng Droga, an adept of the Dark Side. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Galaxy, Kyle helped develop strategies against the invaders, freed human captives on the Imperial Remnant planet Ord Sedra, and was aboard a living Sekotan starship during the final battle for the planet Zonama Sekot.

While in Imperial Remnant territory, Kyle heard rumors that a Sith was likely still alive all these years after the Battle of Endor. Having personal experience acquaintance with Sith magic on Dromound Cas, Kyle took it upon himself to investigate this problem after the end of the Vong expansion. He followed the signs, traveling from the planet Ord Sedra in the Klasik sector to Yaga Minor, and eventually ended up somewhere in an area called the Sith Cloak. Kyle has not been heard from or seen since, and it is feared that he suffered the same fate as Jedi Daye Azur-Jamin, who mysteriously disappeared during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong.

As the Imperial Shuttle flew towards Malachor V, Luke Skywalker on Yavin IV felt a disturbance in the force, despite the fact that he was distracted very far from the Massasi Temple. Kyle Katarn: Luke? Why did you stop classes so abruptly? Luke Skywalker: I feel a disturbance in the Force, and a very strong one. Stronger than when Tavion and the cultists drained the Dark Side Power from the Temple. Kyle Katarn: Hardly anything serious, probably the remnants of the cultists found a new toy and accidentally activated it. Luke Skywalker: Perhaps... Jaden Corr: Sorry Master Skywalker, I'm late. Kyle. Kyle Katarn: Jaden. Luke Skywalker: Jaden, try focusing on the Force. Do you feel anything? Jaden Corr: I think so. The Dark Side... And very strong, uhh... Kyle Katarn: Jaden! Jaden almost fainted from such a strong presence of the Dark Side of the Force. Luke was stronger than Jayden and was able to withstand such strong feeling. Kyle managed to catch Jayden before he hit the ground. Kyle Katarn: Yes Luke, apparently you were right. We need to drag Jayden to the infirmary. Uggrrh heavy... Maybe you can help? Luke silently, with a movement of his hand, with the help of force, helped Kyle carry Jaden to the infirmary. Meanwhile Darth felt a strange sensation as he approached Malachor. However, he understood everything only when he reached the planet, if you can call it that. Pieces of stone drifting in outer space. Darth Nikus: No... No, no! Can't be! Who?! Who did it?! The Dark Lord was furious. The place where he and the rest of the Sith held meetings, discussed plans to massacre the Jedi, where his student was... Everything was destroyed. Offtopic from the Author: (According to the plot, the hero of the game Knights of the Old Republic followed the path of Light, so the planet was destroyed) Darth Nikus: Then there remains the last place where the Sith could still be... Coruscant. Wasting no time, the Lord went into Hyperspace towards Coruscant, which was the capital of the New Republic. Rosh Penin and Marr Idi-Shael were on Coruscant. They were tasked with guarding the old Jedi temple and overseeing its restoration. Rosh Penin: You can’t imagine a more boring job! Even when I flew with Kyle on missions, even that was more interesting. Marr Idi-Shael: The teacher says that the main thing for a Jedi is calm and humility. Rosh Penin: Jaden always says that after that incident on Taspir. If it weren't for Jayden's humility, I would have died. I think you're right Marr. Marr Idi-Shael: I'm glad you realized that. Holophone: *sound* Rosh Penin: Someone is calling us on the holophone. Republic Soldier: We have an unclear situation. The Imperial Shuttle requires landing. Your presence is needed. Rosh Penin: We'll be there soon! Come on Marr! Let's hurry!

  • Name Kyle Katarn
  • Home planet Sulon
  • Date of Birth 22 years before the Battle of Yavin
  • Race Human
  • Occupation Imperial officer, Rebel terrorist, Jedi
  • Mentors Qu Ran, Luke Skywalker
  • Famous students Mara Jade, Jayden Corr, Roche Penin
  • Non-positive personality

    Come on guys, quickly throw up a barricade and watch the exits. Time for breakfast.

    Kyle Katarn

    In the distant times of the rise to the heights of power of Emperor Palpatine-Sidious, on the autumn-colored moon Sulon, the hero of our story was born into the family of Morgan and Patricia Katarn. However, he himself always winces at the word “hero” and prefers to be called simply by his name - Kyle.

    A holotape of Morgan saying goodbye to his son before he was sent to the Imperial Academy.

    So, Kyle grew up in the wilderness of the village, so his only friend, apart from his loving parents, was the droid Vi-Gi, assembled by his father, or, as the boy himself called him, Vig. True, he had to communicate with the robot in droid language - a set of squeaking and crackling signals - but for the sake of live communication with his “peer”, the boy put up with this too. Morgan Katarn was a loving, but stern and taciturn father, and his mother Patricia was always distinguished by a meek and quiet disposition, and it is not surprising that since childhood, Kyle acquired the habit of often and for a long time talking to himself. In these internal dialogues - still childish and naive - he spent hours and even days, floating in the flow of his thoughts and fantasies. Dreaming, rejoicing, sad... Thinking, reasoning...

    The end of his old life came in one day - at least that’s how it seemed to Kyle then. The mother was shot and killed by a malfunctioning Imperial patrol droid. To drown out the bitterness of loss, Kyle, at the insistence of his father, went to the cadet academy in order to in the future become an officer of the assault infantry, the elite of the imperial army. His father's motives will become known to him only many years later...

    Admission to the academy, as well as studying there, was incredibly easy for the young man. An analytical mindset, healthy cynicism, and the absence of the nonsense and arrogance characteristic of many youths - all this immediately won cadet Katarn the respect of instructors and teachers. The life lessons that his father gave him were not in vain - respect for his colleagues, coupled with considerable ingenuity and initiative, earned Kyle the unspoken title of one of the most promising students at the academy (and his loose tongue gave him the reputation of a joker and a shirtless guy). It seemed that Officer Katarn's future career was assured. Before the official initiation into the assault troops officer, the last test remained - baptism of fire.

    But during the raid on the rebel base, Katarn showed another side of his nature. He firmly forbade his stormtroopers to shoot rebels who had laid down their arms. And since the special operation was in full swing and it was absolutely impossible to escort the rebels, the prisoners had to be released. If some home-grown psychologist from among the inexperienced and self-confident Jedi had told Kyle many years later that this was an act of kindness, Katarn would have simply laughed and responded with a barb. No, there was no spineless pity or naive good nature in Kyle. There was what can be called nobility and humanity. There was a certain core that connected him, a calculating imperial cadet, with that boy from Sulon. There was a fear of forgetting your past, of losing the stingy warmth of your childhood, getting your hands dirty in blood.

    Cadet Katarn shortly before his failed graduation from the Imperial Academy.

    The cadet got away with mercy that was unnecessary for a combat officer. Firstly, Katarn was in good standing with his superiors, and secondly, during the same operation he demonstrated considerable competence, easily leading the detachment out of the trap without the slightest loss. And the imperial instructors knew how to combat manifestations of unnecessary humanity among the cadets. Katarn was shown a recording of the rebel attack on Sulon and, expressing condolences over the death of his father, left Kyle alone with grief and anger. The loss of the last person dear to him changed a lot in Katarn's soul. Devastated, Kyle was angry with himself for releasing those captured rebels, mentally shooting his father's killers over and over again...

    The smuggling duo is Kyle and his “love of life” Jen Ors.

    And there were only a few weeks left before he was ordained as an officer. Last exit“in civilian life” was supposed to be a cruise on the comfortable liner “Star of the Empire”. It was then that the most fateful meeting in Kyle Katarn’s life took place. In one of the passengers, Kyle recognized the girl he had captured and released in that ill-fated raid on the rebel base. Her name was Jen Ors, she was a smuggler and agent for the Rebel Alliance. If it had been anyone else in Jen's place, Katarn would not have missed the opportunity to break his head. But in Ors he felt something close, attractive - this vague feeling arose in him even then, at the rebel base, when he exchanged glances with her.

    Yes, to use the dry language of military intelligence, Kyle allowed himself to be recruited. Jen showed recordings and documents indicating that the attack on Sulon was an Imperial provocation intended to discredit the rebels. Katarn was hardly one of the people who easily believed the words of intelligence officers, but he had personal motives for leaving the service of the Empire - the fear of losing himself. This fear, coupled with sympathy for Jen, led him to the court of Lady Mon Mothma. And they had their own plans for the defector stormtrooper.

    Someone else's work

    Can a new type of attack aircraft easily take out any rebel base? Yes, we had to continue working for the Empire....

    Kyle Katarn

    It is difficult to describe in words how confused and defeated Kyle was, accustomed to carefully analyzing his every step, so as not to do something for which his conscience would gnaw later. And his sudden dash was just such a step - thoughtless, aimless, unfree. Just think, this girl Jen decided everything for him, easily taking him away with her! Kyle was more angry with himself than ever. However, as usually happens with such people, Katarn soon transferred his dissatisfaction with himself to an external enemy - it became the Empire. Having persuaded himself to believe the words of Jen Ors, he blamed the death of his father on the Imperials. As it turned out later, this was not entirely fair.

    A defector officer in the service of the rebels. Code nickname - Lifesaver.

    In the meantime... For now he was a trump card in the hands of the Alliance, brilliantly carrying out the most difficult sabotage missions. Not everyone knows that the rebels owe it to Katarn to steal the plans for the first Death Star. Anger at myself for such weak-willed adherence to other people’s instructions only grew and again transformed into hatred of the Empire.

    The opportunity to vent his anger presented itself very quickly. Rebel intelligence reported on the development of a project for the so-called “dark infantrymen”, physically modernized fighters, head and shoulders superior to even the famous imperial stormtroopers. The destruction of this development became a “lightning rod” for Katarn for the coming months. In truth, Mon Mothma was expecting Kyle to do some minor sabotage "under Jen's supervision" scientific work and with a lot of luck, he will even get some useful information. But Katarn, in turn, demonstrated what the former stormtrooper officer was capable of in a bad mood. Four stages of the project, developed by different scientific groups under reliable cover, were destroyed just one person. The rebels were shocked by such imperial training. Congratulations were heard all around, Katarn overnight became a hero of the Alliance. The image of a charming daredevil and a shirtless guy who meets any danger with caustic one-liners and blaster shots quickly became popular. Few people realized that it was only a mask.

    Kyle had a lot to think about. Memories of the destruction of the “dark foot soldier” project haunted him. He recalled the last months of his life - operation after operation, battle after battle. He remembered his thoughts, but not his feelings. He acted like perfect war machine: clearly, quickly, confidently. Without mistakes, without idle thoughts - that’s exactly how he was taught at the academy. He remembered himself yesterday and did not see a drop of life in this “ideal soldier”. Is there anything in common between him and that boy from Sulon?

    For a long time, Kyle remained in the same role of the “ideal soldier,” but the boiling point was already close.

    Old wounds...

    I'm not a Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions.

    Kyle Katarn

    Soon after the Battle of Endor, things changed dramatically. Kyle was visited by the spirit of the Jedi Qu Ran, a close friend of Katarn Sr. He visited for a reason - Ku Ran told Kyle about the cause of death of his father, Morgan.

    Blind Jerec at the moment of killing Morgan Katarn.

    Even in his youth, he discovered the so-called Valley of the Jedi on the planet Ruusan. Once upon a time, the decisive battle of the New Sith Wars took place in this valley, ending in a cataclysm that destroyed almost all Force adherents on the planet. And according to rumors, the Valley has since become a prison for thousands of spirits of Jedi and Sith, and at the same time perhaps the most powerful focus of the Force in the galaxy. Morgan refused initiation into the Jedi, tired of endless adventures and preferring the quiet life of a farmer on Sulon. The only one he told his secret to was Qu Ran.

    But rumors about the existence of the Valley of the Jedi still surfaced and were picked up by the ambitious imperial interrogator Jerec. It was he who organized the attack on Sulon, hoping to find a person who knew the location of the notorious valley. And now, when the map of the Valley, despite the efforts of Morgan, fell into the hands of Jerec, and the galaxy has not yet recovered from civil war, the former interrogator must be stopped.

    Kyle listened to the ghost's words, as if in a fog. Saving the galaxy, destroying the Sith threat - all these things were more suitable for propaganda posters, which Katarn never read. But... the reminder of his father’s death seemed to shake the sleep from Kyle’s soul. It turns out that all his “rebel games” are just a stupid comedy and the Empire is no more guilty of his father’s death than the Alliance. Meanwhile, the real killer walks free and enjoys life.

    Let's say a few words about this very killer. Jerec, a member of the Maraluca race (almost identical to humans, but lacking eyes), was once a Jedi archaeologist. The hunt for the Jedi, which accompanied Palpatine's accession to the Empire, began at a time when Jerec was on another expedition, so he was completely unprepared for interrogation. Fear for his future fate was enough to convert the former Jedi into an interrogator. But it would be a mistake to consider Jerec an agent of the Empire. He himself put it this way: “When entering the service of the Empire, I do not expect to serve it forever.”

    Don't be surprised by the fascinated look - it's Kyle's first time holding a lightsaber in his hands. By the way, it once belonged to Ku Ran.

    So, returning home was both poison and medicine for the soul for Kyle. My childhood memories contrasted strangely with the sight of the ruins of my native farm. And only old Vig, who miraculously survived that tragic day, was able to console Kyle and... give him a weapon of revenge - the lightsaber of Ku Ran.

    Gradually unlocking his Force-sensitive potential, Katarn pursued Jerec and his students all the way to Ruusan. Each time, one step behind the former interrogator, Katarn again and again challenged the Dark Jedi's students. The first was the aristocratic and charming Yun, whose life Kyle spared, the next were the “twins” Cammoreans Gork and Pieck (a giant and a dwarf). Already on the surface of the planet, Kyle, in a fit of dark rage, dealt with the mighty Mo... Soon the names and identities of the victims began to be forgotten.

    With each victory, the dark side showed itself more and more often. Merciful at the beginning of the journey, at the end Katarn could barely keep his dark side in chains. Kyle felt that by killing the Dark Jedi, he was fighting with himself - a strange and devastating feeling. The death of his enemies often seemed more tragic to him than the death of his former rebel comrades:

    Jerec's students, each of whom Kyle will encounter on his way to the Valley of the Jedi. Some will even feel sorry for it later.

    Kyle, coming to his senses, lay at the feet of the beautiful Sarissa, and she was about to finish off the “self-taught Jedi.” Katarn was saved by Yun, who himself owed his life to him. He parried the blow of his mistress, and she reflexively pierced the nobleman. The eternal thin grin on his face was replaced by surprise and fear of death. “He is a Jedi and he deserves to fight,” Yun said before falling dead. Sarissa's fear from what she had done soon gave way to hysterical rage at the Jedi, who had already picked up the sword of the dead Sith, preparing for a mortal duel...

    Wandering through the Valley of the Jedi was completely reminiscent of a nightmare - mysterious and familiar. The crazy Twi'lek Bok, who pretended to be one of the statues before attacking, was struck down by Katarn with the help of Jen. The road to revenge was clear

    The fight with Jerek added fuel to the fire. The victory did not bring joy, and the dark side, growing and filling the entire space of the soul, was already beginning to whisper its unintelligible little rhymes. Soon Kyle became friends with Palpatine's former confidant and Luke Skywalker's future wife, Mara Jade. Both were aspiring Jedi, feeling the awakening of the dark side within themselves, and it is not surprising that Mara soon offered Kyle the so-called "mutual mentoring". This practice was common in the early years of the New Republic and consisted of two Jedi becoming both students and mentors to each other. But the anxiety only grew. Trapped in Sith ruins during one of his missions, Kyle almost became possessed by the dark side, and only the efforts of Mara saved him. Desperate, Kyle trusted Luke Skywalker's persistent proposals and became his apprentice. But the cup of patience was filled with the uprising at the Jedi Academy of two Padawans who turned to the dark side.

    If Kyle were a less persistent and strong-willed person, the darkness would have taken over long ago. But in the end Katarn could not stand running away from himself. The fear of getting out of control, staining his hands with the blood of innocents, took over - Kyle returned the lightsaber to Skywalker and broke his connection with the Force.

    ...And new hopes

    Why can't you Jedi make everything simpler?

    Kyle Katarn

    The ensuing catharsis quickly gave way to a dirty routine. Trying to escape from himself and forget the shocks he had lived through, Kyle again delved into the work that he knew how to do best and which he was so afraid of. He became a free mercenary, the same “ideal soldier” that he was during the uprising.

    A tragic duel with Sarissa, one of Jerec's students.

    There are people who radiate humanity and kindness, and there are those whose warmth resembles a lonely candle in the night. Kyle kept his flame jealously and steadfastly, but now it seemed to him that everything was already over. His conscience no longer hurt because of the murders - he had seen and committed too many of them. Jen Ors, who again became his comrade and companion, saw that the daredevil was acting more and more imprudently and was literally climbing towards certain death. The jokes, presented under the usual guise of simple-minded irony, became more and more cynical. And she no longer hoped to see him the same.

    The next turning point in Katarn’s life was the mission on the planet Kizhik. An unknown force tried to seize the mines for the extraction of Force-sensitive crystals, and the goal of the task seemed, if not extremely simple, then not extremely complex. But the special operation resulted in the tragic death of Jen, and the duel with the enemy leader, Dark Jedi and Skywalker’s former student Desann ended in defeat for Kyle. However, Desann showed mercy so unusual for the Dark Jedi, leaving the wounded Katarn to suffer from impotent rage for the death of Jen, who had become almost a sister to him.

    The usual thirst for revenge again overwhelmed Kyle, tearing him out of everyday life. Overcoming his pride, Kyle headed to the Jedi Academy to regain his connection to the Force. Still afraid that Katarn would “break down,” Luke nevertheless agreed to reinitiate him as a Jedi in the legendary Valley on Ruusan. And while Luke was talking (who would doubt it) about saving the New Republic from a new wave of Sith, Kyle confidently followed his motives.

    Having tracked down Desann's closest student, Tavion Axmis, Kyle unleashed his anger. When Katarn, with the help of the Force, suspended Tavion over the abyss and was about to administer his justice, Axmis admitted that Jen’s death was only staged so that Kyle, who wanted revenge, would lead Desann’s agents to the Valley of the Jedi. Perhaps, in another situation, the reasonable Katarn would not have believed a single word of Tavion, but feelings for his friend suddenly flared up in him with renewed vigor. Kyle discovered that Jen Ors was much dearer to him than he had previously thought. She was the only person dear to him, and now he wanted to believe that she was alive. Having given Tavion life, the Jedi continued his search. Yes, hoping to leave Ors hostage, Desann clearly made a grave mistake. Kyle's quick death from the blade is clear confirmation of this.

    Love for the rescued Jen became the first thaw in the soul of one of the loneliest heroes of the Republic. For the first time in years, Kyle didn't feel the weight or fear of making a mistake in his heart.

    Mentor Katarn

    First of all, call me Kyle—titles give me goosebumps. Secondly, you are not “serving” me. I teach you, and you learn. Something like this.

    Kyle Katarn

    Having come to terms with himself, Kyle for the first time in many years did not feel the desire to seek new victories and difficult tasks. Having become a teacher at the Jedi Academy, he was no longer engaged in the feverish search for enemies, to which he had become so accustomed during his years of service in the armies of the Empire and the Republic. You can tell a lot about the fight with the followers of Ragnos (whose leader was the same Tavion, to whom he once gave life), which resulted in a confrontation between two students of Katarn - Jacen Core and Rosh Penin. But in this story, Kyle did not play the main role, and the time of life’s search had passed - for once, Katarn fulfilled his duty without coming into conflict with his conscience. The death of the naive Roche, who went over to Tavion’s side and managed to regret it, was an injection into the soul - but nothing more.

    Desann and Jerec are two of the exiled Jedi's worst and most worthy enemies.

    Soon, the war with the Yuuzhan Vong that befell the galaxy became for many of its inhabitants Judgment Day, the final threshold. The fear of imminent disaster forced Katarn to ask for the hand of his beloved Jen. She, however, turned out to be wiser. Realizing that Kyle was not created for family life, she chose to refuse, thereby keeping Love. Apparently, Jen intuitively felt that it was too early to wait for the end. And she guessed right.

    Once again, let's leave aside Kyle's many exploits in this war. Moreover, he doesn’t like listing merits...

    The times following the war with the Yuuzhan Vong became mournful for the Galactic Alliance. The devastation and growing separatist movement led to Jacen Solo being elected temporary dictator of the Alliance. And everything would have been fine, but Jacen’s methods clearly pulled him into the abyss of the dark side. Kyle Katarn was one of the few who was not blind to the rise of Solo Jr. (and even Jacen’s uncle Luke Skywalker overlooked the transformation of the Alliance into a dictatorship). Always standing out among the Jedi for his fair share of skepticism and bad character, Katarn literally shocked the council with his accusations: he accused Jacen, whom the Jedi treated with condescension (“young-green”), of striving for tyranny, and Leia Organa-Solo, who acted against interests of the state, called for ostracism. In truth, dissatisfied voices were heard from other lips, but Katarn's authority gave considerable weight to the protests. However, only the open aggression of the Galactic Alliance troops under the leadership of dictator Solo against the Jedi prompted the elder Skywalker to act. By agreement with him, Kyle and a group of Jedi loyal to him were to follow Jacen to check Solo Jr.'s connection with the dark side of the Force.

    A short fight with Jacen, trying to protect less experienced Jedi from a Sith, a lightsaber piercing a lung... These memories swirled in the head of the dying Katarn as he lay helpless in the stinking mud of the Lower City. There were no regrets, there was no fear. This day was supposed to be the last. So be it...

    Directors and writers have prepared a rather difficult and at the same time honorable fate for the Jedi of a galaxy far, far away. The Jedi appeared to embody the most creative and life-giving traits of human nature, to contain and store age-old wisdom. An honorable position? Perhaps yes. But they paid for the privileges with a piece of their humanity. To satisfy the role assigned to them, some turned into dispassionate sages, while others became ageless, ardent youths. And, alas, many of them are shown as too detached, wise or naive to be empathized with. The archetype obscures everything.

    Should we then be surprised at the popularity of Kyle Katarn among fans of the Star Wars universe? The unique charm of this character is that he is vulnerable and aware of it. It is “not positive”; No matter how strange it may sound, he is humane. Of course, this is the merit of the writers who were able to describe the uncontrived and deep inner world Kayla Katarna. Yes, do it in such a way that everything fits perfectly into the incredibly charming image of a daredevil and a cynic with a sense of humor created by the developers. Not all game characters are so lucky, yes...

    Oh yes, and finally... I hasten to reassure you that Kyle did not die. A through wound and acute poisoning from the miasma of the Lower City is a weak argument for a former stormtrooper, rebel and teacher at the Jedi Academy. The books dedicated to Jacen Solo's rise to power are still waiting to be completed, and Katarn will have to play a significant role in them. And who knows, maybe we'll see a Jedi with the face of a guy shirt in more than one computer game.

    Until then, Kyle, get well...