Toilet      06/17/2019

Chemical and folk remedies for crickets. How to get rid of crickets in a house or apartment: effective methods

Cricket! Interesting insect, loves a humid environment and a dark place; at night, “guests” sing a ringing trill, and only males have this ability. Getting rid of one cricket is not difficult, but when there are hordes of them, they can harm even plants. Crickets love to eat potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, tomatoes, beans, wheat and corn. The harvest is unlikely to become richer from this.

Crickets can settle not only in the garden, but even in private houses or apartments, especially the first floors. It’s easy to get rid of it in an apartment; it’s enough to create unfavorable living conditions - dryness, or treat it with Dichlorvos. At chemical treatment It is better to leave housing for a day, since the poisonous drug is very toxic. If there is only one cricket, then listen to where it sings, put gloves or a plastic bag on your hands and try to catch it. And with the help of a vacuum cleaner you can destroy possible egg laying.

But what to do when there are crickets in the garden beds? Here everything is not so simple and ordinary Dichlorvos will no longer help.

Prevention of pest occurrence

To avoid having to think about how to get rid of crickets, make a few in the garden, not forgetting. Clear the area of ​​wooden objects, then insects will not have a place to hibernate.

Ventilate your country house and keep it away from moisture.

How to get rid of crickets in the country

In the fight for the harvest, all means are good, so we prepare a solution of Karbofos (3-6 g per 5 liters of water) or Decis (3 ml per 10 liters of water) and spray our beds.
The drug "Lindane" is effective, it will help get rid of crickets and other insect pests, but it is very toxic and dangerous for humans and animals. Chemicals to kill crickets are used no more than 2 times, the last one should not be later than 15 days before harvest! From chemicals insects die very quickly.

The IVF drug “Nemabakt” helps against crickets. First, it is diluted with water according to the instructions, and then the soil is treated in the evening, preferably at the time of rain or watering, so that the drug penetrates well into the soil. Insects die within a month, but already 4-5 days after application there are significantly fewer of them. These biological products are good because they are environmentally friendly, i.e. harmless to humans. Treatment is carried out during the growing season. They also use “Delicia” baits, which are laid out garden paths and in places where pests accumulate.

2-3 titmouse or starling will save your crop even without the use of chemicals, these are active enemies of crickets. If you want to bring it for the summer, then temporarily refrain from this idea, as the predator will definitely get to the birdhouses. To keep the birds at your dacha, do not forget to feed them.

From folk remedies
Wormwood grass will help in the fight against crickets. Make a strong decoction (fill a metal bucket with grass, pour water and bring to a boil), then dilute with water 1: 4 and pour over the soil and minks. After 2 days, loosen and pour the broth again. You may not exterminate all the crickets, but you will reduce the number. This product is harmless to humans. In addition, wormwood is laid out between rows.

Red pepper powder is mixed with and sprinkled around plants and between rows.

In the summer, the soil is loosened, and in the fall it is dug up, removing all wood chips and a covering film.

The signs of many peoples of the world say that a cricket that settled in a house will warn of changes in the lives of its residents. But let’s try to figure it out about the good or the bad.

Good Omens about Crickets

  • Black cricket, and black cockroach, warns of unexpected wealth, prosperity, which will accompany people living in this room for a long time. Moreover, as long as he lives in your apartment or house, luck will accompany you.
  • Beliefs about marriage say that the appearance of an insect is a sign of an imminent wedding. But only if he settled in the room of an unmarried girl or an unmarried guy.
  • According to , for a woman to see or hear a cricket is a very positive sign. The birth will be easy and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Appears in a house where there is a sick person - the person will soon get better.
  • Sings at Christmas - wealth will come to the house.
  • Showing up at work means a bonus, salary increase or promotion up the career ladder.
  • Previously, insects were released into the house where devilry was happening - they cleared the room of negativity.
  • Roman is waiting for those who find him in their bed.
  • Jumped on you - expect to meet interesting people.
  • Appeared in the kitchen - wealth.
  • In conclusion, the Slavs believed that such insects were living amulets against evil forces, with their chirring they drive away evil spirits.

By the way, there is a legend - the soul of a deceased spouse can move into an insect. If a creature appears in a widow's house, it is hers ex-husband came to protect her peace.

Insect in the house - bad beliefs

Unfortunately, not all signs associated with crickets are positive:

  • he disappeared from the premises on his own, without your help - hard days will come;
  • flies around the house - a fire is possible, be careful (if the cat eats it, the negativity will be neutralized);
  • sings every night - you will get sick soon;
  • appeared in the house and disappeared after one or two nights - indicates troubles, troubles;
  • a white cricket prophesies illness;
  • If you stop singing at night and start doing it in the morning, this means that a close relative is seriously ill or about a huge quarrel in the family. Perhaps a child will leave home or a wife will leave her husband.

Why can't you kill crickets?

First, to kill the creature is to be left without an informant who will warn of future incidents.

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Secondly, to kill an insect is to push away good luck and happiness, because they could attract joy and wealth. To get rid of the cricket is disrespectful to the higher powers that sent it.

The Scandinavians have different beliefs. An insect flying through a window is a harbinger of trouble, since an evil spirit lives in it. If you kill him, then you can release the evil essence, which will settle in the house. Therefore, in the northern countries they try to catch him and throw him away. Take advantage of this recommendation.

foreign superstitions

There are many myths about insects that are relevant among representatives of different nations. Chinese sure that they contribute to the prolongation of life. Therefore, they believe that they need to be started at home.

Acheta domesticus

Indians used crickets to prepare a special tincture that helped a person become more resilient, faster, physically stronger.

Japanese They believed that musical insects could be tamed and settled them in their home. It was believed that sitting next to the house, crickets sing for their owners, thereby lulling them to sleep. But if someone unfamiliar approaches the house, the insects immediately fall silent, warning that a stranger is coming to the house.

IN Brazil They believe that the singing of an insect attracts death.

There are many superstitions associated with crickets - they can warn of both bad and good events, and attract happiness and good luck into the house. Therefore, do not rush to drive away such a little messenger, even if he disturbs sleep with his night trills.

In order to understand how to get rid of a cricket, you first need to recognize the “enemy in person.” So, a cricket is a jumping insect with two wings that lives mainly in humid climates. Crickets are often confused with grasshoppers due to the similarity of their “chirping” sounds. However, there are several ways to distinguish them:

  • By size (grasshoppers are larger);
  • By color (grasshoppers are often green or gray, crickets are light yellow and brown).

Crickets eat small insects and plants. They often “chirp” in the dark, but like grasshoppers - in the light. Crickets are divided into two types: field and house crickets. They live in meadows, fields, farms and industrial premises, basements, country houses respectively. Optimal temperature for these insects: 30-35 degrees, and at 20 degrees or less they fall into a lethargic state, stop eating and reproducing.

Why get rid of them?

Most big problems are associated specifically with house crickets, since they move to cold weather warm rooms and interfere with the owners with their chirping. Another reason why it is advisable to get rid of crickets is unsanitary conditions, which immediately appear due to insects in the house. They can also ruin the furniture and wallpaper in the house.

In addition to these reasons, there are certain signs associated with the appearance of these insects in the house. Although they vary, we can highlight the main “dangers” that cricket tenants may face:

  • A cricket flying around the house means a fire;
  • He flew away from home - to grief or illness;
  • Stopped chirping - to poverty or illness;
  • Started chirping during the day - to a quarrel;
  • Noticing a white insect means death.

All signs agree that a cricket can promise bad luck, but under no circumstances should you kill the insect, you can only catch it and take it outside, otherwise you will have to expect bad news.

Methods for getting rid of crickets

Insects are one of those creatures that are quite difficult to get rid of, because they are “tenacious” and never neglect the opportunity to have offspring. All methods of breeding crickets are divided into types depending on the habitat of the insects:

  1. in the house;
  2. greenhouse;
  3. apartment;
  4. bath;
  5. car;
  6. vegetable garden

How to get rid of crickets in a private house

In this case, there are two methods of control: chemicals and traps. Of course, the first one can be discarded if the owners are against the use of various harmful substances or there are children and pets in the house, and the second one is not suitable for those who want to do everything faster and less troublesome.

Chemical method

The method will not cause much trouble. First you need to choose a poison. In this case, you should take into account whether the crickets had time to lay eggs (there are special sprays that fight them as well).

The most popular substances are those based on dichlorvos, since it is both safe for humans and effective. You can also purchase poisons from insects in general, and not just from crickets. Exists specific features application of each product, however, a universal trajectory of actions after purchase can be identified:

  • Close doors and windows.
  • Shake the substance.
  • Spray 30-35 cm from the surface on all places where pests were noticed.
  • Ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

In this case, the use of protective glasses and a respirator is mandatory. Animals and children should be kept away from chemicals. Repeated treatment should be carried out after one and a half to two months in order to neutralize the crickets that appeared during this time from previously laid eggs. Special attention When processing, attention should be paid to baseboards and the spaces between the floor and walls. These places are inaccessible to humans, and, often, the inhabitants of these particular zones survive after all their efforts.


The method is more troublesome, but safe. All types of traps differ, perhaps, only in the complexity of their manufacture. The following options are effective:

  • Glue strips. Making them is simple: cut paper and cover it with any adhesive substance. It is better to place it on windows, near walls and doors, as well as in damp and warm places;
  • Bowl of water. Place a medium-deep bowl (or similar container) with water and molasses in a warm, damp place; The latter will attract the crickets, after which they will not drown in the container. The bait needs to be changed periodically and the bowl cleaned;
  • Trap pit. In a glass you need to mix milk, sugar, corn flakes and alcohol. The pleasant smell of food will lure insects, and the evaporation of alcohol will complete the job;
  • Animals. Pets eat not only special food, but also small insects. Therefore, a cat or bird can become reliable helpers in the fight against crickets😉;
  • Sealing wax (colored fusible mixture). It is enough just to light it, and the crickets themselves will leave the house, because they cannot stand this smoke;
  • If there are few crickets in the house, you can simply catch them in a jar and take them away from home.

How to get rid of crickets in an apartment

Most often, crickets appear on the first and second floors of high-rise buildings, forcing residents to frantically recognize , how to get rid of crickets in the house forever. It's not difficult - you can use both methods for a private house, as well as several others:

  • Create no comfortable conditions. Crickets prefer a warm and humid environment, but if you turn it into a dry and cold one, they will leave the apartment themselves or die;
  • If insects enter the room from the basement, all cracks must be eliminated. This also applies to windows and doors;
  • The simplest method is to invite exterminators.

How to get rid of crickets in a greenhouse, garden or plot

To the question “how to get rid of crickets in the garden or greenhouse?” the answer is clear: no by chemical means, as they will harm the harvest. It is better to use traps or traditional methods:

  • Pollinate the plants with a mixture of red pepper and tobacco dust;
  • Pour sugar syrup into the kettle at the bottom and leave in the greenhouse;
  • Bury a bottle of draft beer in a greenhouse or garden. The neck should stick out a little from the ground. The crickets will run into the bottle, after which they are easy to take out;
  • Make a strong decoction of wormwood, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and water the ground. After two days, loosen the soil and water again;
  • Spread the wormwood between the beds.

How to get rid of crickets in a bathhouse

A cricket in a bathhouse is a situation similar to the options already discussed, when a house cricket settled in a house or apartment. How to get rid of it is a simple question: you can use all of the above methods without exception.

How to get rid of crickets in a car

Crickets in a car are a rare occurrence, and most often there are only one or two insects in a car. The easiest way is to catch them one by one or simply open the windows and doors so that they fly away on their own. In this regard, the topic - how to get rid of crickets in a car - is quite simple. The only one possible problem- the living creatures laid eggs, which in itself is unlikely. But still: in this case, it is best to use chemicals, since driving with eggs is unpleasant, and cleaning absolutely everything is a difficult task.

Most often they start up in shades - where it's warm, here's a video on the topic

How to get rid of cricket eggs

There are three methods:

  1. Exterminate the eggs along with the crickets with chemicals;
  2. Do not destroy the eggs first, but re-treat them after a new “batch” of insects appears;
  3. Vacuum the apartment thoroughly, especially in hard to reach places by pre-installing a high capacity nozzle.


If insects appear in the house, they need to be exterminated immediately, since this will become more and more difficult every day. When choosing a method of struggle, you need to consider exactly where the crickets appeared. After the initial cleansing of the space, you must make sure that there are no eggs, otherwise they must also be destroyed immediately.

In ancient times, people spent a lot of time observing insects, their habits, behavior associated with certain weather phenomena or ongoing events. Even the smallest representatives of the fauna did not go unnoticed. Our wise ancestors passed on their knowledge to their descendants, and that is why so many signs associated with insects have come down to us. Flies, spiders, ants, all these creatures of God can predict upcoming events.

But a particularly popular insect, with which a lot of signs are associated, is the cricket. Many Christian peoples revere this creature, believing that a cricket in the house is a good omen. But if we turn, for example, to Scandinavian legends, then in them the cricket is presented as a “black” creature in which a demon has settled. There are plenty of beliefs associated with this insect, and many of them are very contradictory, because each culture interprets the same events and things differently.

Cricket in the house - a folk omen

To the good:

  1. If there is a cricket in the house, then this sign promises great joy, luck and wealth. Also, many cultures believe that this insect can only settle in the home of a good person and bring him as a reward for a righteous lifestyle.
  2. If a cricket decides to settle in a house where a pregnant woman lives, then according to ancient belief this is very good sign. The birth will be easy and quick, and the baby will be born absolutely healthy.
  3. If there is a cricket in the apartment where a sick person lives, then the sign promises a speedy recovery.
  4. If this insect has settled in the house where an unmarried girl lives, it means that she will soon meet her betrothed and get married, and she will have a very happy marriage and will live in abundance. This belief promises the same thing to unmarried men.
  5. If a cricket starts up in a widow's house, this is a good omen that predicts that peace will soon come. Our ancestors were sure that the cricket was the soul of the late husband, who returned from the kingdom of the dead to the world of the living to ease the suffering of his beloved woman.
  6. If this little “fiddler” begins to chirp loudly before Christmas, then unexpected wealth awaits the owner of the house.

To trouble:

Maybe you shouldn’t believe omens, because if there is a cricket in your house, there is nothing magical about it. People used to say: “If there was a hut, there would be crickets.” These creatures of God always lived next to man. The colder it is outside, the closer the crickets are to warmth, and they chirp not because they foreshadow some events, but because their wings rub against each other and make a sound, that’s how nature designed them.

It is very difficult to get rid of crickets, since there are practically no specialized means to combat these insects, while it is almost impossible to use crickets with compounds designed to combat domestic insects, such as ants and, for example. The fight against these insects can be made effective; there are several ways to get rid of them.

1. Catch a cricket

As you know, crickets cause the most disturbance to apartment residents due to the sounds they make at night. However, crickets not only sing, but also actively move. If there is only one cricket living in the house, the easiest way to get rid of it is to kill it in the dark.

2. Create conditions that are far from natural

Crickets live in high humidity, which is why they most often settle in bathrooms, since it is here that the conditions are as close as possible to the natural environment for crickets. If conditions change and it becomes very dry in, or in any other room in which the cricket has settled, the insect will have to find a habitat, or it will simply die due to lack of moisture. Fighting crickets using dryness is quite simple; in addition, this method allows you to get rid of the insect quickly enough without the risk of harming the health of humans or animals living in this apartment.

3. Chemical attack

Some insect control chemicals are known to be very effective and can be your best bet in controlling crickets. However, this method should be used only if a family of crickets has settled in the house and it is simply impossible to get rid of them by other methods. However, when using toxic products, for example, such as Dichlorvos, it is worth remembering that they are dangerous for people and animals, and are also very toxic. That is why, when using this method, you should take care not to stay in the treated apartment for at least 24 hours, and after that ensure the housing is thoroughly ventilated.

It is difficult to get rid of crickets, largely because even specialized pest control services do not clean your home of these insects. However, it is always worth remembering that the methods described above for combating crickets are very effective, although extremely simple, with their help you can even clear your house of crickets in a short time, as well as prevent their further appearance in your home.