Toilet      05/11/2021

Liza Adamenko with a new guy. Biography of Lisa Adamenko. Beating and reporting to the police

A simple girl from the Siberian city of Kansk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) went to a local modeling school and, unlike dozens of local girls, “made her way”: she flew away to live abroad, met an oligarch, “fell in love” with herself and recently, a little less than a year ago, married him.

The couple lives in Singapore. And all this is no secret. Lisa posts photos and comments on her social media pages every day. They live a truly luxurious life. And diamonds, and yachts, and cool parties. However, recent news shocked Liza’s subscribers: her husband brutally beat her. So much so that she spent a day in the hospital.

It happened on March 26 in New York, where the model and her husband flew to film a video. After work, the couple went to relax at a nightclub. And there the husband allegedly became so jealous of his wife that he raised his hand against her. She immediately wrote a statement to the local police... Translated from English, its essence sounds something like this: “Physical violence against me has lasted for two years. He shows aggression every time he is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The same thing happened with his ex-wives. I'm scared because he might kill me. Please stop him from coming close to me!”

Lisa posts dozens of photos on her page every day. Photo: social network

By the way, shortly before the incident, videos of dubious content appeared on the social network, in which Lisa spends time with a young man in a rather frivolous atmosphere. However, the model herself stated that her social media accounts and email were hacked by unknown people and are now using this to post incriminating evidence. All this, in her opinion, “was a long time ago and was not true” and has nothing to do with family life.

However, there is no official confirmation of all of the above yet. What if Lisa’s statement and her revelations are also internet fakes?

For now we can only guess. By the way, in her hometown of Kansk, the scandal of the famous countrywoman is not discussed. Either they don’t know anything yet, or they’ve already cooled down to the news about Liza Adamenko. Well, she left, got married, became a star... And you can read between the lines: she forgot those with whom she once communicated. In any case, Komsomolskaya Pravda-Krasnoyarsk was unable to find anyone who would say that they are currently communicating with Lisa, corresponding or calling back.

Tatiana Matyazh, director of the Kansk model school-studio “Fashion and Style” and the first mentor of the future top model, last year she spoke with pleasure about her pupil. At that time they were close, often communicated on Skype:

Lisa came to our modeling school herself when she was 11 years old. She was immediately promising. We “bet” on it and started working. The girls who come to us want to be models. Lisa wanted to be famous model. And she worked - she gave her all in hours-long photo shoots. This is very hard work - not everyone can handle it psychologically.

This time Tatyana Matyazh was not so verbose:

We haven’t talked to Lisa for a long time, to be honest. I don't even know where she is or how she is. I haven’t seen her parents for a long time either, apparently they are busy. Friends? I don’t even know if Lisa still has friends here.

Life at the Fashion and Style model school flows at the same rhythm. Girls also come here to dream of a career. For them, Liza Adamenko is a bar that needs to be reached, and beyond this bar, in their opinion, beautiful life, money, fame, rich men and no worries...

Model Date of birth March 20 (Pisces) 1999 (20) Place of birth Kansk Instagram @lizaadamenkoofficial

There is very little information about Elizata Adamenko. Even the exact date of her birth is unknown. When filling out forms, the girl always entered only the day and month, hiding the year of her birth. Now all her accounts have been thoroughly cleared: the girl married Valentin Ivanov, a famous and very rich man. The newly-made husband, the head of the Lukoil branch, could well become Elizabeth’s grandfather.

Biography of Lisa Adamenko

There is no reliable information about the family in which the girl grew up. Nothing is known about her school years. The veil of mystery was lifted by Tatyana Matazh, the director of the modeling school where the girl studied for three years. She said that Elizabeth’s parents are businessmen and quite wealthy people. The girl has an older brother who has his share in the family business.

Lisa was brought to modeling school when she turned eleven. The mentor considered her a very promising student. Already at this age, Adamenko had many orders and a busy schedule, but she studied well.

At the age of 13, Elizabeth left her native school. She moved to Singapore and studied for a year at English school and entered art college. The girl passed the exams so well that she was offered a grant allowing her to study for free. Parents supported their daughter’s endeavors, despite such a young age. For the first weeks, Lisa was accompanied by her mother, then the girl was left to her own devices.

Just fire! What would stars look like with red hair?

Former Lukoil top manager Valentin Ivanov and then 17-year-old model Lisa Adamenko, how their relationship showed a noticeable crack. Today, the 55-year-old oligarch is seriously talking about divorce, complaining about the inappropriate behavior of his young wife. His patience ran out after a scandal in New York, when Liza Adamenko accused Ivanov of beating him.

However, the story of the scandalous couple’s breakup began a little earlier, when unknown people hacked the young model’s Instagram account and published photos and videos in which Lisa was captured with another man.

However, the couple continued to go out together and on March 26 they were seen together at the New York nightclub 1 OAK. According to press reports, there the oligarch allegedly became jealous of his wife and beat her. The girl told reporters that she was forced to spend a whole day in the hospital recovering from the beating.

After that, she wrote a statement to the police: “Physical violence against me has been going on for two years. He shows aggression every time he is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The same thing happened with his ex-wives. I'm scared because he might kill me. I ask you to forbid him to come close to me!” - quotes the text of her statement

Later, Valentin Ivanov told his version of what happened. He called Lisa’s accusations a lie and explained that that night she was drunk and pestered men and women, and then left the club without him.

I didn't even find it! We didn’t have a fight or showdown, she just left in the company of dark boys and girls. The next morning I found it, it was a two-star hotel on the outskirts of the city. I came and asked to contact her, and 15 minutes later the police arrived, he said in an interview with Life, noting that he knew nothing about the statement.

The former top manager explained the accusations against him by saying that his young wife simply wants to “work for the public.” “But there is another aspect: doctors have diagnosed her with a severe mental illness, she takes psychotropic pills that suppress this feeling of rage in her,” the oligarch said.

“But I myself will gladly divorce her, because this cannot continue,” said Valentin Ivanov. He also said that before Lisa had already tried to leave for another man, but soon returned and asked for forgiveness with tears. “Then I forgave her, but now I intend to get a divorce, I even forgave her for her lover,” the oligarch admitted.

According to him, another reason for divorcing Lisa Adamenko was her addiction to drugs. This is confirmed in the video that was published by hackers on the page of the 18-year-old model.

At the end, Valentin Ivanov said that at the beginning of their relationship, Lisa behaved adequately and judiciously, but in November last year it was as if she had been replaced. “I think it has to do with changes in her brain. After all, she is being seen by a doctor,” he suggested.

In addition, in his opinion, “remnants of adolescence” took their toll: from the age of 13, Lisa worked as a model, most spent time without adult supervision, went to clubs and generally led a riotous lifestyle. But after marriage, much had to be left in the past, as a result of which Lisa began to rebel. In the end, the oligarch admitted that his initial opinion about his wife was a mistake.

The 19-year-old wife of former LUKoil top manager Valentin Ivanov had a ring worth 47 million rubles stolen. This happened in the entrance of a house on Rochdelskaya Street, where model Liza Adamenko fell asleep after relaxing with friends.

People started talking about Elizaveta Adamenko after she married 55-year-old oligarch Valentin Ivanov in 2016. The young bride standing at the altar with the now former top manager of LUKoil was only 16 years old. But a resident of the small town of Kansk has repeatedly stated that it is not about money at all, but about boundless love for each other. And after the wedding, she moved to her husband in Singapore.

The model willingly shared pictures of her luxurious life on Instagram. But soon sailing on a yacht, expensive cars, luxury brands and jewelry became a routine for Lisa, and two years later her marriage began to crack. It turned out that the girl spent most of her time outside the house, having fun with her friends. The last straw for her husband was her betrayal.

In March 2017, controversial photographs and videos featuring Elizabeth, as well as letters allegedly written by her husband, began to surface on the Internet. In particular, in one of the videos, the model inhaled smoke from a dubious can along with a young man, kissing him tenderly, and then they lay on the bed.

After such public disgrace, Lisa decided to take revenge on her husband and accused him of beatings and threats. Adamenko stated that at a club in New York, Valentin became jealous of her, after which he attacked the girl with his fists. As a result, the model spent a day in the hospital, after which she filed a police report. Later, Lisa admitted that she had long dreamed of leaving the businessman and could no longer endure the constant beatings.

“I experienced the worst 24 hours of my life. Suddenly he started kicking me with his boots, pushing me, hitting me on the legs. I'm almost crying even now. Security arrived in time and took him out.”

Lisa Adamenko

“I didn’t cheat on my husband. At that moment we had already separated, and I had a relationship with an American... God will forgive my husband, and I will forgive, but I didn’t do anything bad to anyone, and I don’t know why they had to betray me in this way.”

Lisa Adamenko

However, Valentin himself denied all accusations and warned Lisa’s parents that she had problems with drugs that required immediate intervention. According to the man, doctors diagnosed the model with a severe mental illness, and therefore she takes psychotropic pills, but sometimes she forgets about them.

It all ended with Lisa returning to her native Krasnoyarsk, and then moving again to Moscow. Now you can't recognize her anymore modest girl, which could be seen in wedding photographs. The model became addicted to club life, began to look vulgar and post lewd photographs.

Soon after the scandal at the end of 2017, rumors appeared about the reunion of the spouses. The reason for this was the photographs of Lisa in in social networks. One of them showed the leg of a man with a tattoo similar to the one Valentin gave himself. On the other, Lisa is relaxing on a yacht, on which she previously loved to be photographed during the years of family idyll.

Yachts and Ferraris in Singapore, a wedding in the ancient Chateau Saint-Jean on the Cote d'Azur, a honeymoon traveling around the world and gifts, gifts, gifts that 18-year-old Liza Adamenko, a famous model, is used to receiving from her 55-year-old husband -oligarch Valentin Ivanov...

It looks like she will soon have to live without all this. Or earn money yourself. Apparently, after a loud scandal that happened more than a month ago, this couple decided to break up forever. And the modern remake of the fairy tale “Cinderella” in fashion style ended in a breakup.

Let us remember that at the end of March this year in New York, the husband publicly beat the long-legged beauty. As Lisa herself assures, he was unreasonably jealous of her. She told reporters that she spent the night in the hospital. And when she left, she immediately wrote a statement to the local police with the following content: “Physical violence against me has been going on for two years. He shows aggression every time he is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The same thing happened with his ex-wives. I'm scared because he might kill me. Please stop him from coming close to me!”

After that, Ivanov packed up and flew overseas to their family nest in Singapore, alone. Apparently, to take revenge, he created trouble for Lisa: he tore up her foreign passport and tore out several pages. And without a document, you understand, you won’t be allowed on the plane. The girl had to contact the Russian embassy.

This was the young model at the beginning of her journey. Photo: Lisa Adamenko’s personal VKontakte page

After the incident, Komsomolskaya Pravda-Krasnoyarsk tried to contact Lisa’s parents, who live in Kansk. We managed to reach the father, Yuri Adamenko, who refused to make any comments. However, he said that he was abroad. It is not difficult to guess that all this time, while Lisa was in New York solving her problems with her passport, her father was next to her, abandoning all his affairs. But he is a deputy in his city, a businessman. Yuri Adamenko's acquaintances confirmed that he always takes care of his children, Lisa and her older brother.

And now Komsomolskaya Pravda learned that Lisa received a certificate and can now leave the United States. And first of all, she will go to Russia, specifically to her homeland in the city of Kansk, to restore documents. And then... we'll see further. In any case, the girl is not going to leave the modeling business, even despite the fact that her husband, in a fit of anger, promised to deprive her of her contract with the agency.

And at this time in Kansk...

In Lisa's hometown, Kansk, life goes on as usual. There is no talk here yet about the return of the famous countrywoman - now there are other problems here. Let us assume that Lisa will definitely visit her gymnasium where she studied. And my mentor at the local modeling school, Tatyana Matyazh.

The last time we spoke with Tatyana, she was just working with aspiring models, girls 8-10 years old. Adamenko always speaks about Lisa with warmth:

Lisa was 11 years old when she came to our school. Tall for her age, with graceful bearing and a stubborn spark in her big eyes. – This girl was immediately promising, right away. Before coming to the modeling agency, Lisa studied in a folk dance group. She knows how to present herself, strike a pose, and behave in front of the cameras. We bet on it and started working with it. You know, the girls who come to us want to be models. And Lisa wanted to become a famous model. She studied with such persistence that at the age of 13 she already went to a photo shoot in Japan. From there she went to Singapore, where she met Valentin Ivanov.

True, Tatiana Matyazh also doesn’t want to comment on her pupil’s relationship with her oligarch husband. He says that at first everything was beautiful: he looked after, cared for, took care of and pampered. Apparently the love has passed...