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Birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. The birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the greatest event in the entire history of the Universe. The story of the Prophet's mother Amina about his birth

In order to get acquainted with the customs of this holiday, as well as get information about how Muslim communities in Russia and the world will celebrate the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in 2018, we suggest taking a short information tour prepared by our spiritual guides.

How did the holiday of Mawlid an-Nabi appear?

According to Christian chronology, the date of birth of the prophet is considered to be the 570th year of our era. By analogy with most stories associated with the lives of the great spiritual teachers of the world, the birth of a “saint” is shrouded in amazing myths and legends. One of them says that an angel appeared to the mother of the future “lord of the worlds” (Amina) in a dream and said that she would soon give birth “ best creation Almighty" and call him Muhammad. Nine months later, this is exactly what happened. Amina gave birth to a boy who became the messenger of Allah and the founder of a new world religion.

What date is Mawlid celebrated?

According to Islamic tradition, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad or Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated on the 12th day of the 3rd month of the Muslim lunar calendar. As mentioned earlier, this date is also the day of death of the “heavenly messenger”. Oddly enough, this coincidence is by no means accidental, because in the Islamic world birthdays are not a solemn event, unlike the day of death, which is perceived by Muslims as a “birth” for eternal life. Thus, the next Mawlid-an-Nabi will be celebrated by the “believers” around the world on Wednesday, November 21, 2018.

Customs and traditions of the holiday

Currently, the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is celebrated in Syria, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and other countries where Islam is the state religion. Mawlid-an-Nabi is celebrated on a special scale in Pakistan, where it is an officially approved holiday. According to long-standing Islamic tradition, ceremonial events dedicated to the birthday of the great prophet last for three days.

At this time, services are held in all Islamic mosques in the world, accompanied by the reading of the Koran, prayers and glorification of Allah, who sent the holy prophet Muhammad to enlighten the faithful and guide them to the path of truth. In addition, during the holiday, seminars and lectures are organized in various institutions of Muslim communities, at which stories about the miraculous birth and life of “God’s last prophet” are heard.

Given the status of the holiday, it is forbidden to be sad during Mawlid al-Nabi. Therefore, all Muslims of the world, regardless of their location and material circumstances, express sincere joy at the birth of Muhammad. In gratitude to the Almighty for such a great gift, believers try to spend the days of Mawlid in fasting and reflection on this historical event. To confirm their faith, many believers give alms to the poor and organize charity dinners for them.

Special holiday traditions have developed in Egypt. In this Arab country, during the celebration of Mawlid, colorful pavilions appear on the streets and squares of cities, where you can buy a variety of souvenirs and treats. Particularly popular among Egyptians and tourists who arrived in the country during the celebration is a delicacy in the form of a sugar figurine of a horseman with a saber, symbolizing the Prophet Muhammad, who conquers human unbelief and fear.

How is the holiday celebrated in Russia?

On the territory of our country, the holiday of Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated in regions where the bulk of the population professes Islam. Ceremonial events in honor of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad are organized in Chechnya, Dagestan and Tatarstan. During the holiday, Muslim services are held in Grozny, Makhachkala and Ufa, the main message of which is to glorify Allah and his prophet Muhammad. Just like in the countries of the Islamic world, friendly family feasts are organized on this day, at which prayers and words of gratitude are heard for the mercy shown by the Almighty.

The main solemn event dedicated to the Prophet’s birthday is held annually in Moscow. Its venue is the capital's Crocus City Hall. It is here that on November 21, 2018, famous theologians and representatives of the Islamic religious community from Russia and many other countries of the world will gather to jointly celebrate this great event for all Muslims.

Basic information about Mawlid an-Nabi:

  • holiday date in 2018: November 21st;
  • status: Islamic (religious);
  • main symbol: Prophet Muhammad.

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Muhammad, prophet, founder of Islam (570–632)

Muhammad, prophet, founder of Islam


The founder of Islam, recognized by Muslims as a prophet, Muhammad was born into the family of Abdallah, who belonged to the poor Hashemite family of the Arab tribe of Quraish, who lived in the Mecca region. He was left an orphan early and was forced to earn his living as a shepherd and caravan driver. Because he meekly fulfilled all the demands of his masters, he was nicknamed Al-Amin - the Devotee. Since childhood, he had visions in which he was visited by people in white robes - angels. Only a successful marriage to a wealthy merchant widow, Khadija, significantly improved the financial situation of Muhammad, who engaged in large-scale caravan trade. In 610, when Muhammad turned 40, an event occurred in the month of Ramadan according to the Arab lunar calendar that laid the foundation for Islam. At night on Mount Hira near Mecca, as Muhammad claimed, the angel Jebrail (Christian Gabriel) appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to preach in the name of the One God - Allah. Allah, through Jebrail, inspired Muhammad with the text of the holy book - the Koran (from the Arabic “al-quran” - “reading out loud by heart”). Muhammad considered himself the last of the great prophets. The previous ones, according to his teachings, were: the first man Adam, who escaped from the flood Nuh (biblical Noah), the biblical prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail, Isaac (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), the Israeli kings Daud (David) and Suleiman (Solomon) , as well as Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ). Muhammad condemned the paganism of his fellow tribesmen, for whom Allah was only the supreme deity of the pagan pantheon. Muhammad rejected not only paganism, but also Judaism, since the Jews recognized only the Old Testament prophets, and Christianity, since Christians, according to Muhammad, deviated into polytheism, deifying Jesus Christ and the Divine Trinity. He proclaimed a new religion, Islam, which in Arabic means “submission” (meaning submission to the will of Allah). He called for the destruction of idols and a return to ancient monotheism - the faith preached by the prophet Abraham. These calls did not meet with a response among the Quraish, and in 622 on September 20, Muhammad was forced to flee from Mecca to Yathrib, which was later renamed Medinat al-Nabi (City of the Prophet), but is better known today by its abbreviated name Medina. This escape (“hijra” - migration) became the starting point of Muslim chronology. First, Muhammad managed to convince the inhabitants of Medina, who had long been at enmity with the Meccans, that he was right. The first inhabitants of Medina, who began to help Muhammad, began to be called Ansars (helpers). Their descendants retained this word in their surnames as an honorary title. Having been elected head of the Medina tribes, Muhammad began a holy war, ghazawat (jihad), for the establishment of Islam in Mecca, the traditional religious center of the Arabs. Members of the Muslim community, led by Muhammad, attacked caravans heading to Mecca. Long before he managed to take possession of Mecca, he sent messages demanding recognition of Allah and his prophet to the main sovereigns of the then world, including the Persian king, the Byzantine and Chinese emperors. The world rulers were surprised by the audacity of the unknown insolent. But twenty years later, when the state founded by Muhammad had become a powerful force in world politics, such letters no longer aroused surprise, and few would risk answering them impolitely. Muhammad undoubtedly had enormous charisma and was able to inspire his followers in the most unfavorable circumstances. Otherwise, he would never have united the Arabs and created a world religion, but would have remained a small preacher of one of the Arab tribes, whose name would have been known only to historians who studied the history of the Arabs in the early Middle Ages. The new faith was provided with a mass of adherents by the ideals of equality and brotherhood inherent in Islam for all who believe in Allah and his prophet. This was precisely not the case in neighboring Zoroastrian Iran and Christian Byzantium, and soon after the death of the prophet, Islam conquered Iran and the Byzantine possessions in Asia - with sword and word. And the Arabs, among whom there was already a significant stratification of property, turned out to be very receptive to the ideas of equality and justice preached by Muhammad.

At first, Muhammad suffered a number of serious setbacks in his struggle to unite the Arab tribes. In 625, in a battle near Mount Okhod, his detachment of 750 people was defeated by four times superior forces of the Meccans. In 629, the Byzantines supporting Mecca at the Battle of Muta destroyed an army of 3,000 under the command of Muhammad's nephew Zeid. It seems that Muhammad did not have particularly outstanding leadership qualities, and the forces of the enemies significantly exceeded the forces of the prophet. However, Muhammad had a tremendous gift of persuasion and managed to attract a number of Arab tribes to his side. In 628, Muhammad's army inflicted the first serious defeat on the Meccans, and two years later Mecca voluntarily opened its gates to Muhammad's followers. The Prophet finally managed to convince the Meccans to accept Islam - the true faith. Main temple Mecca Kaaba, where since ancient times a black stone was installed - a meteorite that fell from the sky, which was worshiped by the Arabs - was the main shrine of the surrounding Arab tribes. Muhammad's agreement with the Meccans was a kind of compromise. The leaders of the Meccan community, in exchange for the adoption of Islam, negotiated the recognition of Mecca as the main center of the new religion and the Kaaba as its main shrine. Muhammad won over to his side his worst opponents - the Meccan merchants - not only with the spiritual power of his preaching, but also with completely rational circumstances. It became obvious that Islam was popular among the Arabs primarily due to its message of equality and would help unite them into one state, which, of course, improved the terms of trade. Mecca was cleared of pagan idols and turned into the main holy city of the new religion. In the last month of the year of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims were required to make a pilgrimage to this shrine. The prophet's power extended to Arabia, Hijaz and Najd. The state created by Muhammad was an absolute theocracy. Every word spoken by the prophet was perceived as a law, both in spiritual and secular matters. Muhammad's supporters also began to raid Byzantine and Iranian lands. Muhammad died on June 8, 632 while preparing for a campaign against Yemen. His successor Abu Bekr became the first caliph - “deputy prophet” and head of the Arab Muslim state, which very soon extended its power far beyond the Arabian Peninsula.

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Are you Muslim?

Yes, Muslim, praise be to Allah Almighty.

What does the term “Muslim” mean?

Know that Allah is One. Follow the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Who is your Lord?

Allahu Ta'ala.

Who is your creator?

Allahu Ta'ala.

Whose slave are you?

I am a slave of Allahu Ta'ala.

How do you answer the question: how many Gods?

I will answer that Allah is One!

How can you confirm this?

The first verse of Surah “Ikhlas” (112th Surah of the Holy Quran).

What does this verse say?

It says: “Say: He is Allah alone.”

What is proof of the existence of Allah for you?

The existence of the universe and universal harmony.

Is it possible to speculate about the personality of Allah?

No! Because people cannot comprehend His personality with their minds. We can only talk about the qualities inherent in Allah Almighty.

What does the faith "Eis" mean?

This is similar to the faith of the famous Pharaoh, who believed just before his death.

Is this belief valid?

What does "tauba and eis" mean?

This is the repentance of a believer before death. Not only having faith, but also living by faith.

Is this really repentance?

Yes indeed.

What is your religion?

Religion Islam.

What's your book?

Holy Quran.

What is your Qibla?

Kaaba, the Honored One.

What kind are you?

I am from the line of Adam, peace be upon him.

Which community do you belong to?

The community of the Messenger of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Where was Prophet Muhammad born and where was he buried?

Born in Mecca. After 50 years, he made Hijra (migration) to Yathrib (now Medina). Buried in the Holy Medina. The burial place is called "Rauda-i Mutahhara".

How many names does Prophet Muhammad have?

He has many wonderful names, but we should know four of them: Muhammad, Mustafa, Ahmad, Mahmud.

What is its most common name?

Muhammad Mustafa.

What was his father's name?


What was his mother's name?

And his wet nurse?

What about grandma?

Shifa Khatun.

What was his grandfather's name?


At what age did the Prophet of Allah learn about his destiny?

He learned about his prophetic mission at the age of 40.

How many years did he carry out his prophetic mission?

He prophesied for 23 years.

How many years did he live?

His earthly life ended when he was 63 years old.

How many daughters did he have?

Four: Zainab, Ruqiyya, Ummi Kulthum and Fatima, may Allah be pleased with them.

How many sons were born?

Three: Qasim, Abdullah (another name is Tayyib) and Ibrahim, may Allah be pleased with them.

Can you list the names of the wives of the Prophet?

Yes, insha-al-Lahu. First of all, our holy mother Khatijah, may Allah be pleased with her. The Prophet of Allah lived with her for 25 years. She was 15 years older than the Prophet of Allah. Next come: Sauda, ​​Aisha, Hafsa, Zainab, Khuzaima, Ummu Salama, Zainab binti Jahsh, Juwayriyya, Ummu Habiba, Safiyya, Maimunah, Maria, may Allah subhana wa taala be pleased with them all.

Can you explain some reasons why the Prophet of Allah got married after 53 years of his life?

Yes. This is explained by the fact that the Prophet of Allah, taking as wives women from different tribes and clans, thereby invited these communities to Islam. The second goal of the Prophet was to spread the knowledge of Islam that women needed. In some cases, this was done to save them from poverty, to protect their honor. The main goal, of course, was the spread of Islam.

Which was the last wife of the Prophet to die?

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.

Who is the greatest man of all time?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

How many grandchildren does the Prophet have?

Two. Hassan and Husayin, may Allah be pleased with them.

Whose children are they?

They are the children of Ali bin Abu Talib and the daughter of the Prophet, Fatima, may Allah be pleased with them.

Who is called the Prophet?

A person chosen by Allah Almighty in order to convey His Precepts to people through him.

Do you know the number of Prophets?

According to various legends, their approximate count ranges from 124 thousand to 224 thousand. Only Allah subhana wa taala knows for sure.

The names of which prophets are mentioned in the Quran?

Only 28 of them are mentioned in the Noble Quran: 1) Adam, 2) Idris (Enoch), 3) Nuh (Noah), 4) Hud, 5) Salih, 6) Ibrahim (Abraham), 7) Lut (Lot), 8 ) Ismail, 9) Ishaq (Isaac), 10) Yaqub (Jacob), 11) Yusuf (Joseph), 12) Ayyub (Job), 13) Shuaib, 14) Musa (Moses), 15) Harun (Aaron), 16 ) Daud (David), 17) Sulayman (Solomon), 18) Yunus (Jonah), 19) Ilyas (Elijah), 20) Al-Yasa, 21) Zulkifl, 22) Zakariyya (Zechariah), 23) Yahya (John) , 24) Isa (Jesus), 25) Uzair, 26) Luqman, 27) Zulqarnain, 28) Muhammad Mustafa Habibullah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all.
Some scholars are of the opinion that Uzair, Luqman and Zulqarnain are not Prophets, but righteous people.

What are the years of birth and death of the Prophet of Allah?

He was born on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 571, and also died on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 632 (Gregorian calendar).

In what year did the Prophet migrate from Mecca to Medina?

Hijra - He migrated to Medina (the old name was Yathrib) in the year 622 (according to the Gregorian calendar). This year is the first year according to the Muslim calendar.

What is an Angel?

Sinless beings created by Allah from light. They have the ability to take on any image and are constantly in worship of Allah subhana wa taala.

Name the 4 main angels?

Jabrail, Mikail, Israfil and Azrael, peace be upon them all.

Name the four major scriptures and to which prophets they were revealed.

1) Taurat (Torah, Pentateuch) was revealed to the Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be upon him. 2) Zabur (Psalter) - to the Prophet Daud (David), peace be upon him. 3) Injil (Gospel) - Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him. 4) Noble Quran - to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

What is Suhuf, how many are there and to whom were they sent down?

Before the revelation of the 4 main Holy Books, Allah Almighty sent down scriptures small volume in the form of scrolls - Suhuf. 100 such pages were sent down. Including: 10 Suhuf - to Adam, peace be upon him; 50 Suhuf - Shitu, peace be upon him; 30 Suhuf - Idris, peace be upon him; 10 Suhuf - Ibrahim, peace be upon him.

What types of madhhabs are there?

There are two types of them: 1) Madhhabs on theology, clarifying the fundamentals of religious doctrine.
2) Madhhabs on religious and legal issues.

How many theological madhhabs are there and who are their Imams?

There are two madhhabs on theological issues. Their imams are: Imam Abu Mansur Muhammad Maturidi and Imam Abul Hasan-ul-Ashaari, may Allah have mercy on them.

Name the madhhabs of Islamic law.

There are four of these madhhabs. And they are named after their founders: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali.

Which community do you belong to?

I belong to the Ahl-as-Sunnah wa-l Jamaa community, which translated means: People of Sunnah and Harmony, or in short - Sunnis.

Which madhhab of Islamic law do you adhere to?

I follow the madhhab (school) of Imam Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i, may Allah subhana wa taala have mercy on him.

Can you name the original 32 fards?

Yes I can.

Conditions of faith - 6. Including:
1) - Faith in Allah.
2) - Faith in His Angels.
3) - Faith in His Books.
4) - Faith in His Messengers.
5) - Belief in Judgment Day and Resurrection.
6) - Belief in Predestination;

Conditions (fard) of small ablution (wudu; abdest) - 4:
1) - Washing your face.
2) — Washing hands up to the elbows inclusive.
3) - Wiping a fourth part of the head with wet hands.
4) — Washing feet up to the ankles inclusive.

Conditions of Islam - 5:
1) — Pronouncing the Testimony (Shahadah).
2) - Reading the daily fivefold prayer (namaz).
3) — Payment of Zakaat (tax for the benefit of the poor).
4) - Fasting in the month of Ramadan.
5) - Performing Hajj.

Conditions for complete ablution (ghusl) - 3:
1) - Rinse the mouth.
2) - Clean your nose.
3) - Wash your entire body.

Conditions for wiping with sand - 2:
1) — Accept the appropriate intention.
2) - Strike twice with both hands on clean sand or earth, or on any object consisting of them. After the first time, rub between your fingers and stroke your face with your palms. After the second hit on the sand, we wipe both hands one by one up to the elbows first right hand, and then left.

Conditions of prayer - 12:
1) - Ablution.
2) - External cleansing.
3) - Covering the body.
4) - Appeal to the Qibla.
5) - Time.
6) - Intention.
7) - Opening takbir.
8) - Standing.
9) - Reading the Koran.
10) - Bow from the waist.
11) - Bow to the ground.
12) - Sitting position at the end of the prayer.

How many rakats are these prayers read?

Morning prayer consists of 4 rakats: First, 2 rakats of sunnah are read, and then 2 rakats of fard.
The midday prayer is read in 10 rak'ahs. First there are 4 rakats of sunnah, then 4 rakats of fard and another 2 rakats of sunnah.
The afternoon prayer consists of 8 rak'ahs. 4 sunnahs and 4 fards.
Evening prayer - 5 rak'ahs. First, 3 rakats of fard are read, then 2 rakats of sunnah.
And the final prayer is the night prayer, which consists of 13 rakats. It starts with 4 rakats of sunnah, then 4 rakats of fard, then another 2 rakats of sunnah, and ends with 3 rakats of Witr prayer.
In total, adherents of the Sunnah read 40 rak'ahs per day. Including 20 rakats according to the sunnah; 17 rakats of fard and 3 rakats of Witr.

What needs to be done if, while reading the prayer, you forgot to read a short surah or 3 verses after Fatih?

After finishing the prayer, having given a greeting in one or both directions, it is necessary to make an additional 2 prostrations (sujud) without getting up. After this, we again read “at-Tahiyyat... Sally... Barik...” dua and greetings to the right and left.

In what other cases are 2 additional prostrations performed?

In case of error. For example, when in the Witr prayer in the 3rd rak'ah the recitation of Takbir is forgotten, or the recitation of the Qunut prayer is forgotten. Or when in the 4th rak'ah prayer at the first sitting after "at-Tahiyat" instead of getting up for the 3rd rak'ah, one reads "Sally

", "Barik" .

Name the most revered nights in Islam.

Laylat ul - Bara'a - Night of revelation. 15th night of the month of Sha'ban. In those time immemorial, when Allah Almighty had not yet created anything, but only predetermined and accepted the intention, on the night of Bara” He announced to the angels what exactly he intended to create during the coming year.
- Laylat ul-Qadr - Night of Power; Night of Destiny: One of the nights of the Holy month of Ramadan. The revelation of the Holy Quran begins.
- Laylat ur-Raga'ib - Night of Raga'ib - The first Friday night in the month of Rajab, when Saint Amina became pregnant with the future Prophet.
- Laylat ul-Mawlud - The night between the 11th and 12th days of the month Rabi'ul-Awwal. On this night, the Messenger Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was born - the greatest of the Prophets, chosen by Allah Almighty to show the True Path to all the people of the World.
- Laylat ul-Isra wal-Miraj - Night of Ascension and Journey - 27th night of the month of Rajab. On this Blessed Night, Allah Almighty ascended his Prophet to the unknown heavens.

What else is important to know?

Ten Important Commandments

1. Rise to prayer when you hear the call, under any circumstances.
2. Read or study or listen to the Qur'an or say the name of Allah and do not waste even a small part of your time without benefit.
3. Try to learn Arabic.
4. Do not argue a lot in any matter, no matter what it is; truly, arguing does not lead to good.
5. Don’t laugh a lot; a heart connected with Allah is calm and serious.
6. Don’t make a lot of noise, the fighting ummah (Muslim society) knows nothing but seriousness.
7. Do not raise your voice more than what your listeners need - this is stupid and harmful.
8. Avoid speaking ill of people, insulting individuals, and say nothing but kind things.
9. Get to know those of your brothers whom you date, even if you are not required to do so. The foundations of our calling are love and getting to know each other.
10. There are more responsibilities than time, so help others use their time, and if you have an important task, then try to complete it in a short time.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!

Mawlid al-Nabi, which in Arabic means the birth of the Prophet, is celebrated by the main movements in Islam on different days - Sunnis celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal, and Shiites on the 17th.

The month of Rabi al-Awwal, which means the beginning of spring, occupies a special place in the Muslim calendar, in which the Prophet Muhammad was born and then died.

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad began to be celebrated only 300 years after the advent of Islam.

Where and when was the Prophet born?

The Prophet Muhammad, according to tradition, was born around 570 (according to other sources in 571) AD according to the Gregorian calendar in the holy city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia) - interpreters of the Koran say that this event occurred on the 12th of the third month of the lunar calendar, in the year of the elephant , on Monday.

The exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad remained unknown, so in Islam the birthday celebration is actually timed to coincide with the date of his death - according to Islam, death is nothing more than birth to eternal life.

The Prophet Muhammad's father died a few months before his birth, and his mother, Amina, saw an angel in a dream who said that she was carrying a special child under her heart.

The very birth of the Prophet was accompanied by extraordinary events. He was born already circumcised and was immediately able to lean on his arms and raise his head.

The Prophet’s aunt Safiya told about his birth as follows: “At the birth of Muhammad, the whole world was flooded with light. As he appeared, he immediately made a soot (bow). And, raising his head, he clearly said: “There is no Deity but Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah.”

Orphan's share

Muhammad was orphaned when he was about six and his grandfather Abdul Mutalib, the head of the Hashemite clan, became his guardian. Two years later, after the death of his grandfather, the boy ended up in the house of his uncle Abu Talib, who began to teach him the art of trade.

The future prophet became a merchant, but questions of faith did not leave him. As a teenager, he became acquainted with the religious movements of Christianity, Judaism and other beliefs.

© photo: Sputnik / Radik Amirov

Among the rich people of Mecca was the twice-widowed Khadija, who, fascinated by Muhammad, despite the fact that she was 15 years older than him, invited the 25-year-old boy to marry her.

The marriage turned out to be happy, Muhammad loved and respected Khadija. Marriage brought prosperity to Muhammad - he devoted his free time to spiritual quests, to which he was drawn from a young age. Thus began the biography of the Prophet and preacher.

Prophetic mission

Muhammad turned 40 when his prophetic mission began.

The biography of the founder of the Islamic religion says that Muhammad often loved to retire from the bustle and world in the cave of Mount Hira, where he plunged into contemplation and thought.

The first sura of the Quran was revealed to the Prophet in the cave of Mount Hira on the Night of Power and Predestination or Laylat al-Qadr, in 610.

By order of Allah, one of the angels, Jebrail (Gabriel), appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and said to Him: “Read.” The word "read" means "Koran". With these words, the revelation of the Koran began - that night the angel Jebrail conveyed the first five verses (revelations) from Surah Clot.

© photo: Sputnik / Nataliya Seliverstova

But the mission lasted until the death of Muhammad, since the Great Quran was revealed to the Prophet over a period of 23 years.

After meeting the angel Jebrail, Muhammad began to preach and the number of his followers constantly grew. The Prophet said that Almighty Allah created man, and with him everything living and inanimate on earth, and called on his fellow tribesmen to live a righteous life, keep the commandments, and prepare for the coming divine judgment.

In Muhammad's sermons, influential residents of Mecca saw a threat to power and planned a conspiracy against him, and the Prophet's followers were subjected to bullying, violence and even torture.

Companions persuaded the Prophet to leave the dangerous region and move from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). The migration took place gradually and the last to migrate was the Prophet Muhammad, who left Mecca on the day corresponding to July 16 and arrived in Medina on September 22, 622.

© photo: Sputnik / Maksim Bogodvid

It is from this great event that the Muslim calendar begins its countdown. The New Year 1441 according to Hijri - Ras al-Sana (Hijri Day), came on the first day of the holy month of Muharram - according to the Gregorian calendar, this day in 2019 fell on August 31.

The resettlement made it possible to save many believers from the oppression of the pagans, to establish a safe life, and from that moment on, the spread of Islam began not only within the Arabian Peninsula, but throughout the world.

The Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca in 630, triumphantly entering the holy city 8 years after his exile, where the Prophet was greeted by crowds of admirers from all over Arabia.

After bloody wars, the surrounding tribes recognized the Prophet Muhammad and accepted the Koran. And soon he became the ruler of Arabia and created a powerful Arab state.

Death of the Prophet

The preacher's health was undermined by the sudden death of his son - he set off again to see the holy city and pray in the Kaaba before his death.

10 thousand pilgrims gathered in Mecca wanting to pray with the Prophet Muhammad - he rode around the Kaaba on a camel and sacrificed animals. With heavy hearts, the pilgrims listened to the words of Muhammad, realizing that they were listening to him for the last time.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Returning to Medina, he said goodbye to the people around him and asked for their forgiveness, set his slaves free, and ordered his money to be given to the poor. Prophet Muhammad died on the night of June 8, 632

The Prophet Muhammad was buried where he died, in the house of his wife Aisha. Subsequently, a beautiful mosque was erected over the ashes of the Prophet, which became one of the shrines of the Muslim world. For Muslims, bowing to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad is the same godly act as the pilgrimage to Mecca.

How to celebrate

The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is the third most important date for Muslims. The first two places are occupied by the holidays that the Prophet celebrated during his lifetime - Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram.

On the days of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the most pious thing can be to visit the grave of the Messenger of Allah in Medina and perform prayer in his mosque. Not everyone succeeds, but everyone should recite prayers dedicated to Muhammad, both in the mosque and at home.

On the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic countries traditionally hold mawlids - solemn events where Muslims praise the Prophet, talk about his life, his family and everything connected with him.

© photo: Sputnik / Michael Voskresenskiy

In some Muslim countries, the holiday is celebrated quite magnificently - posters with verses from the Holy Quran are hung in cities, people gather in mosques and sing religious chants (nasheeds).

There is disagreement among Islamic theologians regarding the permissibility of a holiday in honor of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. For example, Salafis consider Mawlid al-Nabi to be an innovation and note that the Prophet called “every innovation” an error, without making a distinction between “good” and “bad” innovations.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed), the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca around 570 (according to some versions - April 20 or 22, 571). Muhammad's father died shortly before his birth, and when the boy was 6 years old, he lost his mother. Two years later, Muhammad's grandfather, who cared for him like a father, died. Young Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib.

At the age of 12, Muhammad and his uncle went to Syria on trade business, and plunged into the atmosphere of spiritual quest associated with Judaism, Christianity, and other religions.

Muhammad was a camel driver and then a merchant. When he turned 21, he received a position as a clerk for the wealthy widow Khadija. While engaged in Khadija's trading affairs, he visited many places and everywhere showed interest in local customs and beliefs. At the age of 25 he married his mistress. The marriage was happy.

But Muhammad was drawn to spiritual quests. He went into deserted gorges and, alone, plunged into deep contemplation. In 610, in a cave on Mount Hira, Muhammad saw the luminous figure of God, who ordered him to remember the text of the revelation and called him “Messenger of Allah.”

Having begun to preach among his loved ones, Muhammad gradually expanded his circle of adherents. He called on his fellow tribesmen to monotheism, to a righteous life, to observance of the commandments in preparation for the coming divine judgment, and spoke about the omnipotence of Allah, who created man and all living and nonliving things on earth.

He perceived his mission as an order from Allah, and called biblical characters his predecessors: Musa (Moses), Yusuf (Joseph), Zakaria (Zechariah), Isa (Jesus). A special place in the sermons was given to Ibrahim (Abraham), who was recognized as the forefather of Arabs and Jews, and the first to preach monotheism. Muhammad stated that his mission was to restore the faith of Abraham.

The Mecca aristocracy saw his preaching as a threat to their power and organized a conspiracy against Muhammad. Having learned about this, the prophet's companions persuaded him to leave Mecca and move to the city of Yathrib (Medina) in 632. Some of his associates had already settled there. It was in Medina that the first Muslim community formed, strong enough to attack caravans coming from Mecca. These actions were perceived as punishment for the Meccans for the expulsion of Muhammad and his companions, and the funds received went to the needs of the community.

Subsequently, the ancient pagan sanctuary of the Kaaba in Mecca was declared a Muslim shrine, and from that time on, Muslims began to pray, turning their gaze to Mecca. The inhabitants of Mecca itself did not accept the new faith for a long time, but Muhammad managed to convince them that Mecca would retain its status as a major commercial and religious center.

Shortly before his death, the prophet visited Mecca, where he broke all the pagan idols that stood around the Kaaba.