Well      08.03.2020

Trees on the walls as decoration: masterpieces from improvised means. The best ideas for creating a tree on the wall with your own hands Drawing on a wooden wall with your own hands

For those owners of houses or apartments who want to make their home exclusive, unlike many other typical interiors, there are many ways to transform it. When purchasing, a person can never be completely sure that when he comes to visit his friends, he will not see exactly the same on their wall. Therefore, it makes sense to turn to one of the techniques for applying a wall picture.

Do-it-yourself drawings on the wall in an apartment can be done in different ways, however, in order to choose an option that is available for execution, you need to know how they are reproduced. Wall painting is a rather complicated undertaking, and not everyone has a predisposition to this, without exaggeration, art. Therefore, technological methods were developed, which do not require the presence of a talent for drawing - only accuracy, consistency and accuracy are needed.

A very important point in creating any type of pattern on the wall is the ideal smoothness of the wall, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. On the contrary, when applied to the surface of the paint, all its flaws will appear. That is why the work must begin with careful preparatory measures.

Aligning the wall for drawing

There are two ways - using drywall ("dry plaster") and applying ordinary wet plaster.

  • The first method is much simpler than the second, therefore it is available to anyone, even an inexperienced builder.
  • The second method of leveling the walls requires some experience, and it’s not a fact that it will turn out to put the surface in order the first time.

Therefore, it is better to use drywall for the walls of the apartment, especially since the alignment of the walls with it can be done in two different ways.

Leveling the wall with drywall

Drywall can be fixed to the wall by gluing to a gypsum mortar or by mechanically fixing it to a metal frame.

The walls in apartments are quite often uneven, but usually they do not have excessively large differences, as, for example, surfaces in an old private house. Therefore, to put them in order, you can use the method of gluing leveling drywall.

Gluing drywall

To work, you will need drywall sheets and gypsum-based mounting adhesive.

The alignment process is carried out in the following order:

  • A building level or plumb line checks the evenness of the wall to determine where to apply a thicker layer of adhesive on the drywall sheet.
  • Next, the wall primed composition of deep penetration and dried.
  • Sheets of drywall, if necessary, in the desired size.
  • After that, the solution is mixed - in strict accordance with the instructions attached to it.
  • Dotted glue is applied to a sheet of drywall - in the form of slides.
  • After that, the sheet is installed against the wall and pressed tightly. The horizontal position of its installation is controlled by the building level.

  • The entire wall is aligned in the same way. To maintain a single plane, it is recommended to pull the control cords from above and pull.
  • After all the sheets are glued and securely fixed with a solidified mortar, the joints between them are glued with sickle tape, and then sealed, at the beginning of the starting, and then a fine finish. After it dries, they are carefully cleaned.
Fixing drywall to the frame.

This leveling method can also be used to level the wall, and if it is required to insulate it or soundproof.

Actually, the alignment of the wall itself is not done with drywall sheets, but metal frame from galvanized profiles. It is he who is set according to the level and fixed on the wall.

After that, between the frame guides, if planned, one of the h vuko - and heat-insulating materials.

At the next stage, the frame is sheathed with sheets of drywall, which is fastened with self-tapping screws. The heads of self-tapping screws are recessed in sheets by 1 ÷ 1.5 mm.

The joints between the sheets are sealed in the same way as when they were glued to the wall. But besides that, be sure puttyed and holes in the places where the screws are screwed in, otherwise they will show up later with rusty spots.

With any method of installing GKL, after completing the main work, the entire surface must be puttied. The solution is applied with a wide spatula in a thin layer.

Then the wall is carefully cleaned grinder or hand grout to a perfectly even and smooth state.

The last step before applying the drawings, regardless of the chosen technique, the wall must be well primed - it is best to do this in two layers.

Only after the soil has completely dried can you proceed to decorative design wall surface.

If you have experience plastering works, then you can refuse to use drywall by applying the "classic" technology.

The traditional way to fix wall defects

One of the visitors of our portal shares his experience.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Existing wall painting techniques

There are a lot of ways to transfer a drawing to a wall, but not every one of them is available for reproduction in the absence of experience and talent in this art. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular technologies so that you can decide which one is most suitable for independent execution by a novice master.

Painting on the wall with paint

This method is used by experienced artists when drawing a picture on the wall that does not have clear contours and lines. To perform such work, you need to have a good spatial imagination and already imagine in advance the picture that should be the result.

Applying a colorful drawing right away is the lot of professional artists.

First of all, you need to decide on the base color that will be present in most of the mural elements. It is the base color that is used to create the so-called "skeletal pattern", that is, key, supporting parts.

For example, a landscape is supposed to be depicted on the wall, the center of the composition of which will be a tree, and auxiliary elements will be located around it. In this case, the base paint diluted to transparency reproduces the contours of the central and largest elements of the picture. Brown or green paint is well suited for applying a landscape scheme, as they are always present in any paintings with a natural theme.

This stage is a kind of markup and will become the basis for further work. Since the base and translucent paint is taken for paint, it can always be covered with a thicker layer when performing further actions and prescribing small details.

It is this method that is the most difficult, and, without experience and talent, it is better not to take it, since in order to correct the result of a failed experiment, you will have to completely repaint the surface of the wall.

To mark up a drawing with this approach, you only need paint, a brush and a container for paint thinner.

Video: painting on the wall - from sketches to drawing details

Prices acrylic paints for drawing

Acrylic paints for drawing

Drawing with a pencil

This method of drawing a picture on the wall is also not easy. The meaning of all her work is to transfer the image from a small sketch to a plane on a large scale and without distortion. The difficulty of transferring lies in observing the exact proportions of the elements of the future picture, and, of course, their shape and direction of movement.

The first thing to do is to determine the area on the wall where the picture will be placed - it can be marked with dots or crosses. Then, inside the selected plane, the selected pattern is reproduced with a pencil.

To apply the image in this way, you need to prepare a simple pencil, eraser and soft cloth.

Transferring the pattern by squares

Transferring an image from your own sketch, photograph or a picture printed on a printer to a wall by dividing it into squares seems to be a simpler and more affordable option than the two methods described above. This approach to drawing is available even for those who do not have artistic talent, but are ready for a fairly long, painstaking and accurate work.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • The prepared sketch is drawn into squares, usually having a size in multiples of 10, for example, 40 × 40 or 50 × 50 mm. Round numbers are taken in order to simplify their translation into proportions when transferred to the wall.
  • Further, an area equal to the proportionally lined drawing is determined on the wall. Let's say the sketch size is 200x250mm. If you apply a ratio of 1:10, then on the wall it will require an area of ​​​​2000 × 2500 mm. If you want the image to have a smaller size, then you can transfer it in a ratio of 1:5, in which case it will occupy an area of ​​1000 × 1250 mm on the wall.
  • The area on the wall reserved for the drawing is also divided into squares, in the same proportion as the entire image. The point of dividing the drawing into separate sections is to accurately transfer the image from a small sheet to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. They transfer it, focusing on each of the squares in which part of the overall image is located. In this case, the lines drawn will become excellent strongholds.
  • Further, from each square on the sketch, a part of the image is transferred to the corresponding square on the wall. Here it is very important to ensure that the line from one square has the desired continuation in the lower or another adjacent square. Only then will the image be transferred accurately and become a full-fledged likeness of a small drawing.

A similar method of drawing a drawing will require a lot of tools - this is a simple pencil, an eraser, rulers of different lengths, a building corner and a level (plumb line) for drawing even horizontal and vertical lines.

Transferring a picture to the wall with a shadow

Transferring a picture to a wall using a shadow is rarely practiced in wall painting, although this method is quite simple to perform. The main thing in it is to create the necessary lighting and set it so that the shadow from the selected object clearly falls on the wall where the painting will be done. Thus, a lacy or geometric pattern, tree branches that can turn into trunks on the shadow, a silhouette of a person or only the profile of his face, and much more can be transferred to the surface.

Original technique - transferring the contours of the future drawing along the cast shadow

The advantage of this method is that the shadow on the wall itself is able to enlarge objects.

For example, it is planned to depict a landscape with a house on the wall. To do this, you can cut a house small size from cardboard and install it against the light at such a distance from the wall that its desired size is displayed on it.

In addition, the shadow can also become an assistant in composing the composition of the landscape, since some objects can be rearranged and searched for their best. the best display on the wall with a shadow until a complete harmony of the distribution of elements is achieved.

Having fixed the object in the desired position, its shadow on the wall is circled with a simple pencil. The only thing that will have to be painted after the image layout is completed is the small details. By applying this method of transferring a picture, you can create a 100% exclusive panel for a room.

To transfer the drawing to the wall in this way, you will need a projector or a powerful lamp, a simple pencil and an eraser.

Screen drawing technique

A very simple way to transfer a picture to a wall is a stencil. Its disadvantage can only be called that it will be difficult to make a blank for large elements that will be present in the drawing, and the image will be quite monotonous, since using a stencil it is impossible to recreate full-fledged paintings with many details.

"Cat pack", depicted by stencil

Otherwise, the advantages of this method are undeniable - it gives clear lines of the image, and it is enough to make one or two templates to completely decorate the entire designated area for decoration with the desired ornament.

This approach is perfect for decorating a wall with an ornamental belt, or if you intend to display one or more individual objects or plant compositions.

You can make a stencil yourself by first printing the image on a printer, then sticking it on cardboard and cutting through the pattern with a sharp knife. You can find ready-made samples in any art or even hardware store, but in this case, they will not be exclusive.

Before applying the color, for the stencil element, it is necessary to determine the area where the selected pattern is located on the wall, then attach a template to it and circle the image with a pencil. Then, you should step aside and look from afar to see if the place is right. If it is supposed to make an ornamental border on the wall, then before starting work, you need to mark the line along which it will go.

When choosing this method, drawing and self-manufacturing stencil, from the tools you need to prepare a sharp clerical knife, an eraser and a simple pencil.

Stuffing a picture with paint through a stencil

A stencil is used not only for drawing the contours of a drawing - very often it is used immediately to reproduce the desired image. For such a pattern, usually only one or two paints are needed, which is used for stuffing. The main work of applying paint is carried out with a sponge or paint brush, but to adjust the contour of the shape, you will also need soft watercolor brushes of different thicknesses. If you need to work quickly, then instead of a sponge, a can of paint of the selected color is used.

In order for the adjustment work to be as less as possible, you need to observe two very important rules- this is to press the stencil tightly against the wall to the maximum, and during the application of paint, make sure that it does not move from the designated place until the entire template is filled with color. To keep the stencil well in one place, you can fix it on the wall with masking tape, which will not damage the base wall finish.

It should be noted that instead of paint for application through a stencil, putty can be used, which is applied with a spatula. In this case, an interesting effect is achieved - the drawing will turn out to be voluminous, protruding from the wall by about 1 ÷ 1.5 mm.

Drawing a relief pattern

A three-dimensional image can be applied to a pre-made pencil drawing, but many experienced craftsmen do it without pre-marking.

One of the most difficult techniques is exclusive plaster bas-reliefs.

The work is done with a plaster mixture, from which elements of various compositions are quickly formed - these can be landscapes, figures of birds and animals, as well as three-dimensional floral ornaments.

Such reliefs may be later covered with paint, or may remain in their natural form, and most often the latter option is chosen.

Read practical guide, in our new article.

"Revitalizing" a drawing with color and shape

Having figured out how the base of the picture is applied to the wall, you can proceed to the next, most interesting stage of work. It is necessary to “breathe life” into the created outlines, to give them that appearance, which will decorate not only a particular wall, but the entire room.

Applying paint with a roller

The simplest of all existing ways Applying paint is the use of a special roller with a textured pattern. This tool consists of roller cylinders rotating in opposite directions. The surface of one of them is made of foam rubber - paint is taken from the container with it. The second roller is made of rubber, and a relief pattern is applied to it. When rotated, the paint from the sponge falls on the relief of the neighboring roller, and from it is imprinted on the wall surface.

A technology available to everyone - applying patterns with a special embossed roller

On sale you can find nozzles for rollers with various patterns, from which you can choose the one suitable for a particular room. The advantage of this method of decorating walls can be considered that the work is done in one step, that is, the image is applied immediately with paint and does not require additional adjustment. The disadvantage is obvious - everything turns out too monotonous, and the factory production of rollers practically eliminates the possibility of exclusivity of the applied pattern.

Painting a pencil drawing

The revival of the drawing with paints occurs in the same way for both ordinary and relief drawings. To work, you need paints on water based and brushes, water containers and a palette for mixing different colors.

  • The first layer of paint applied to the drawing must be "transparent", since its function is to distribute the color over the future fresco painting.

  • Without drawing small elements, color spots are applied to the drawing, which should fill the entire canvas. For example, by mixing paints and achieving natural natural shades, the sky is covered blue color, the field - yellow-green, tree trunks - a transparent brown tone. You should not take saturated colors - they can be achieved later by applying subsequent layers that will form the "volume" of the various details of the picture.
  • We must not forget that distant elements should not be visible as clearly as those in the foreground. With this in mind, you can emphasize the depth of space in the image. Do not rush to immediately prescribe the foreground of the landscape - artists usually work on it last.
  • When the entire area of ​​the picture is covered with color, you need to move to the opposite wall in order to better see the distribution of colors.

  • After completing the first stage of work, you can pick up thinner brushes and begin to prescribe all the details in more detail, trying to shape the volumetric elements with the help of color and shadows. At the same time, they do not forget to observe the laws of perspective, that is, the further the depicted trees and houses are removed from the lower edge of the picture, the less clarity they should have.
  • The foreground of the picture is written more clearly, but the objects located on it should also have volume, which is created by different shades of colors. After completing work on the first plan, some areas of the painting can be further darkened, which will add depth to the space and make the image more voluminous.

Covering the color of a three-dimensional or single pattern

If a relief, three-dimensional or ordinary pattern is made on the wall without an environment additional elements, then the work on its transformation is carried out approximately according to the same scheme as the painting of a multifaceted picture. This category of images includes elements such as a large-sized flower, a flowering tree branch or a composition of several plants.

If you decompose the painting of such a drawing step by step, then the work will consist of the following steps.

  • Each of the elements of the picture is completely covered with the desired color. The first layer should be transparent, but the paint should not go beyond the lines of the contour applied to the wall. If we disassemble the presented illustration image, then the leaves on it are covered with pale green, the petals of the buds - with a transparent red and yellow color.
  • After the first stage of work, the painting will acquire color, but will look flat.

Therefore, the next layers of paint should work to create the volume of the petals, leaves and stems. To do this, more saturated tones are added to the basic colors already applied to the image, which can give the picture a picturesque look. For example, a little brown or even black paint is added to red, and the resulting color is applied to the shady areas of the buds. Reds and browns can be added for a richer yellow. All paints should be mixed on a palette that will allow you to see the transitions of color and tone.

  • To create a leaf color in harmony with all other elements of the composition, in this case, you will have to mix three colors on the palette - yellow, brown and green. They can be mixed in different proportions to apply to different areas of the image.
  • When each of the elements takes shape, it is necessary to emphasize the depth of the volume. To do this, more paint is added to the base color in shades close to it, as well as a little black. finished color applied to the shady areas of buds and leaves, which will give them a more noticeable volume and, as it were, visually “tear off” them from the wall.

Step-by-step creation of a three-dimensional drawing on the wall

This photo shows a room, the back wall of which is decorated with a three-dimensional floral pattern, made from start to finish by hand. To make sure that this design option is available for manufacturing to any apartment owner who wants to transform his housing drawings on the walls, you need to consider in detail the sequence and technique of doing the work.

To reproduce such a decor, you will need some materials and tools:

  • Material for creating a stencil - cardboard or having a high density insulation material. You will need a sheet about 1000 × 500 mm in size.
  • Gypsum putty to create a relief.
  • Primer to cover the wall before starting work and after creating a relief pattern.
  • selected color. If volumetric parts will also be covered with paint, you will need to choose two colors that will be in harmony with each other.
  • Construction or clerical sharp knife.
  • Spatula and stack.
  • Soft narrow and wide brushes.
  • Scraper.
  • Fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Spray.
  • Oil marker with gold or silver paint to highlight the relief.

The process of transforming the wall using this technology is carried out in the following order:

  • Work begins with the manufacture of a stencil, which will serve to create a thin three-dimensional pattern or even a relief that protrudes significantly from the wall. The material for the manufacture of the template should have such a thickness that it is planned to “raise” the relief parts from the wall. It is best to use a dense or even rigid material for these purposes, which adheres well to any surface. However, at the same time, the basis for the template should stay enough light, so that it can be glued to the wall with masking tape. Some use dense roll insulation(polyethylene foam) of the desired thickness.

The selected pattern is clearly applied to the panel prepared for the template, and then cut out along the contour with a sharp knife. The work must be carried out on a hard surface that it would not be a pity to damage, for example, a sheet of thick plywood can be placed on the table.

  • The next step is to fix the stencil with adhesive tape on a primed and well-dried wall,
  • Next, a gypsum-based stucco mixture is kneaded. Here you need to remember that gypsum quickly sets and hardens, so knead a large number of solution is not needed.
  • The next step is through a stencil fixed on the wall, on top of the cut out drawings, a gypsum mixture is applied with a spatula and compared with the surface of the template.

Since the plaster hardens quickly, the stencil can be carefully removed from the wall after 10-15 minutes, because for further work it is necessary that the relief pattern remains slightly damp.

After removing the stencil, the relief pattern remaining on the wall will not have a complete look. It can rather be called a blank, so you will have to work on it more.

  • To do this, a stack is taken in hand, the solution is kneaded and each of the elements is adjusted. On some of them, excess plaster is cut, and in other places, on the contrary, a small part of the solution is added, from which the missing elements of the pattern are formed.

Small parts are first adjusted with a stack...
  • Next, the stage of additional refinement of relief details with a brush and water is carried out. Wetting the brush, they level it, as far as possible, the surface of the relief, trying to round off its sharp sharp edges.

… and then finally leveled and smoothed with a damp brush

The solution smeared around the pattern must be carefully cleaned off or wiped off with a soft, damp cloth.

  • After that, the entire wall is best primed and allowed to dry.
  • Further, all decorative elements must be covered with paint in order to match their color with the general background of the wall. This operation is carried out with a soft brush, and in the process of work it is necessary to ensure that there are no streaks and streaks left on the surface from the bristles of the brush.
  • The relief covered with paint must be carefully cleaned sandpaper with fine grain. Sandpaper is passed not only over the surface of the elements, but also through all the recesses, removing excess mortar from them, highlighting the shape of the flower petals and giving a beautiful volume to the leaves and curls.

  • After that, it is best to cover the wall again with a primer.

  • The next stage - the entire wall is completely covered with paint, which will level the entire surface. You may have to paint the wall two or even three times - the number of cycles will depend on the quality of the paint and texture. finishing material walls. Some plaster mixtures absorb the paint material well, and it can dry out in spots - some areas of the wall will be matte, others glossy. To avoid such unevenness, the surface is primed before applying the paint.

Now it remains only to "raise" the right details relief pattern with some contrasting shade
  • The final stage of work will be the selection of relief elements on the wall with a darker or light tone base paint. Instead, another decor option can be used, for example, such as shown in this photo. Here the master decided to use the gilding of a floral pattern, which gave the wall style and a peculiar chic.

There is an opinion that an ever-expanding range of finishing materials should gradually replace and eliminate obsolete options, but in reality everything is not so. Traditional solutions are modified under the influence of modern requirements and appear before buyers in a completely different light. Wood is the most illustrative example. For what, it would seem, the usual material, however, over time, not only did not lose, but also strengthened its position.

To date, interior decoration using wood is considered extremely stylish option design, since wood is not only an aesthetic, but also an environmentally friendly material. Some people mistakenly believe that the only option available is clapboard wall decoration. In fact, there are a large number alternative ways, which will be discussed below.

Today, the construction market offers a large number of boards of different types: facade, deck,. The last option is the most popular. The demand is due to several reasons.

Material Advantages

  1. It is quite simple to manufacture, since a variety of different types of wood is used for production: from ash, maple, beech, larch to sweet cherry, cherry and pear.
  2. A wide range of shades allows you to choose suitable option for every interior. You can buy wood of a light shade, or you can find material of a deep dark color.
  3. Each of the mentioned types of wood belongs to high-quality species and has excellent performance characteristics.
  4. Parquet boards as a finishing material for walls look good in the interior.
  5. The affordability of parquet boards allows you to design a large room without significant financial costs.
  6. Additionally, you can “decorate” wood with the help of special stains and wax impregnations. They will not only extend the operational life of the material, but also change in better side appearance.

Prices for different types of parquet boards

parquet board

Proper surface cladding with solid wood boards allows you to get a spectacular interior that will be the envy of all friends. The use of special impregnations made on the basis of wax and oils gives the boards a look reminiscent of velvet. In addition, these products allow you to create a film on the surface of the boards that repels water, which prevents the development of fungus and mold.

Some apartment owners strive to make their homes original and somewhat extravagant. So if you are tired of boring solutions, then pay attention to the block house, that is, the board, the section of which imitates a rounded log known to everyone from rural landscapes. With the help of this material, you can achieve a real "rural" interior in your home.

In order to make the design look even more impressive, it is recommended to resort to such a method as artificial "aging" of the tree. For this, the most commonly used method is "brushing", that is, processing the material with a wire brush. During the processing of wood, fibers are removed from it, which creates an interesting relief. After that, the material is painted and, without allowing the paint to dry, it is removed.


  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • silicone;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • glue;
  • bar for knocking down a laminate;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • moldings;
  • sills.

Glue laminate

This method seems to be the simplest and does not require additional skills. To make your task easier, it is recommended to assemble shields from purchased panels in advance. It is necessary to thickly smear the "sides" of the panels with glue and glue the elements in such a way that full-fledged shields are obtained. It is them that we have to fix on the surface of the wall. It is important that it be prepared in advance. It will not be superfluous to carry out the markup.

The only thing to remember for a successful result: work must begin from the bottom left corner. In this case, it is recommended to remove the platbands, which are then installed in the old place.

Laminate on the crate

Stage 1. We carry out the necessary measurements, calculate the amount of laminate, as well as the number of moldings and other parts that will be needed for fastening.

Stage 2. Using a ruler and a pencil, we mark the wall surface.

Stage 3. Remove trim from doors and windows.

Stage 4. We mount the crate, that is, the frame. This is done quite simply - take wooden bars and are attached perpendicular to the floor, but parallel to each other at a distance of 40 cm.

Stage 5. We begin to carry out the installation of the material, as already mentioned above, from the lower corner of the left side of the room.

Stage 6. In the corners, we cut the wood with a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw
Stage 7. We arrange the planks in a checkerboard pattern.

Stage 8. We process the joints with silicone.

Stage 9. We snap the locks.

The technology of laying on the wall is really very simple and will not cause any difficulties.

Prices for different types of laminate

Wooden wallpapers are an alternative to real wood finishes. A paper base is used as a base, and a special wood veneer is applied to it. The material is sold in rolls.

The cost depends on many factors, but the main criterion is the price of raw materials.

The process of wooden wallpaper on the wall surface is slightly different from the application technology ordinary wallpaper. Only the result differs, because in the end we get a wall that looks like it was finished with wood.

One of the most unusual and popular interior design options today is considered to be a saw cut finish. The cross section of the trunk of small thickness is used as the main decorative element. This finishing method is so popular that by now, manufacturers have already begun to produce wallpapers and tiles that imitate such a pattern. Decorating the walls with a log house in a room is very simple.

First of all, you should decide what area you want to occupy with cross sections. Experts do not recommend zealous, because unusual view finishing on a large scale can only spoil the interior. The best option- one wall, best of all, the one that is located at the head of the bed.

It is necessary to paint it in a calm color, and then apply log cabins using a special high-quality glue. They can be attached close to each other or come up with an interesting fragmentary pattern. It all depends on the imagination of the performer.

The most popular type of wall surface finish using panels is the herringbone pattern. For its implementation, you will need tools such as a protractor, a hacksaw, duct tape (double-sided), trim and a pencil.

The finishing process consists of several key steps:

  • calculation;
  • markup;
  • cutting planks;
  • fastening.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Step 1. We draw up on a piece of paper a diagram of how the finished wall should look. It is very important to pay attention to the accuracy of measurements. This is an extremely important stage, so do not approach it carelessly.

Step 2. Clearly in the middle of the wall, draw a straight vertical line with a simple pencil. It will serve as a boundary for proper styling panels.

Step 3. Prepare the panels. This means that we take them and cut them at a 90 degree angle so that one edge is oblique. One half of the boards should be cut from the right corner, the other from the left side.

Step 4. We take double-sided adhesive tape and fix it on the panels. It is important that there are three longitudinal strips of tape on each plank.

Step 5. First of all, we fix the middle elements. This will require an assistant. We apply the strips with oblique corners, focusing on the drawn line. It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between them.

Step 6. We fix the panels on the wall. To do this, remove from the elements protective film and firmly press the strips to the surface.

Step 7

This option is most often used for bedrooms, but as an experiment, you can try it out in the kitchen. Do not be afraid to trust your taste and realize fantasies. In addition, wood is the material that will make it easy to realize creative ideas.

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Video - Do-it-yourself tree on the wall

Video - Wood wall decoration: a variety of options

Drawings on the walls have long been an art accessible to everyone. This is a simple and quite economical way to diversify the interior of the room. The drawing can be done by professional artists. The work will be excellent, but the price will leave a significant hole in the budget of the landlord. The cost of painting one square meter walls will cost at least 2-2.5 thousand rubles. And it is far from a fact that this space will be painted with a dense pattern. For 2 thousand, the artist will draw only simple patterns or monograms. A full wall painting can cost over $100,000. Nobody argues that such an option is obviously a win-win, but if you wish, a drawing on the wall, or a fresco, can be done with your own hands.

We create a drawing on the wall in the apartment with our own hands

A person’s lack of artist’s talent does not at all put an end to the idea of ​​decorating the wall of his apartment with an interesting image. Entrepreneurial people have developed several simple technologies that will make it possible to do without such enormous costs. The main thing is inspiration and the desire to create.

Projector to help the artist

Some creative people use tech gadgets to make life easier. You can simply display the image you like on the wall using a projector. Outline all the elements in the form of a sketch and then decorate with paints. A very handy technique to use.

Projection Drawing Technique

Variant of drawing in the nursery

How to draw with fingers

Children love to draw on the walls. And often it is drawing with paint with the help of hands. Some artists have taken this childish fun to a whole new level. With the help of finger painting on the wall of the apartment, you can draw real masterpiece. Of course, this requires a certain skill, but you can also train on a regular drawing paper. In addition, there are a huge number of video tutorials on the Internet in which simple and plain language explains all the subtleties of this work, as well as various technologies. Drawings created in this way are never repeated. They always have their own individual look. Paint can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it is not toxic and has a pungent odor. When drawing, do not draw a lot of paint on your finger at once, so that there are no streaks.

With this technique, you can make unusual drawings.

Wall painting with fingers

Unusual wall panel

In Romania, the use of special rollers with a convex pattern is no longer something out of the ordinary. But in the CIS countries, this innovation is just beginning to take root. Some designers even came up with their own ideas for the embossed rubber surface of a wonderful invention. All you need to do is prepare the surface and choose the paint. The pattern is applied with a simple movement, as when painting a wall.

Using a roller when painting

Decorative roller

Rusunki are no less interesting

Where to start painting the walls in the room

You have to prepare everything for work in advance. Buy the right paints, make or buy a ready-made stencil, prepare the wall. But first things first.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to decide which image on which of the walls will best fit into the design of the room itself. Then you need to clean the surface of the old coating, whether it be wallpaper or paint. Although, some types of paints can be safely applied plaster. It won't work with just oil paints. Most often, paintings or frescoes on the wall are made on plaster, which has been carefully applied and dried. Stencil technique is possible without this preparation: it can be done directly on the wallpaper. You can also do without cleaning the wall if the wallpaper for painting is glued in the room (special types of non-woven, paper or glass wallpaper).

Necessary materials and tools

You can apply a picture on the walls with your own hands using the most ordinary brushes. But you will need at least 3 with different pile thicknesses. For application using a stencil, a regular sponge or roller may be suitable.

Paints will suit almost any. You can buy ordinary gouache, acrylic or tempera paints are also suitable. It is advisable to take moisture-resistant paints so that the drawings are more durable. Their consistency should be medium. Beginners should not take on drawings that contain more than three shades. With proper use, even a few colors will create an elegant pattern. It must be remembered that even if you choose only black, you can get a beautiful abstract picture. Spray cans can also be used for painting if you have experience with them. By the way, graffiti is not like that bad way make your apartment bright and individual. But not everyone can handle it.

Tempera classes can be used for painting

To facilitate the work, you can purchase a palette. On it you can mix colors and make new shades. Also on the palette, you can make a few test strokes or work them out.

The drawing should fit the character of the room. In living rooms, you can draw abstract images in the form of geometric shapes. Children's room should convey the spirit of childhood: cartoon characters, funny animals or toys. In the bedroom, you can put pictures of the forest or the sea, something soothing and not annoying. Do not rush to redraw the first picture that comes across the Internet. To enliven a room, an elementary floral pattern or the application of butterflies, cats, stars, and so on may be enough.

The first step is to draw the background, if there is one in the selected image. It is applied, as on paper, on a damp surface. The wall needs to be slightly moistened with water. After the background is applied, you can start drawing a sketch. This can be done even with a simple pencil. Tracing paper or carbon paper is also suitable. Professional artists can try to transfer a large pattern to the wall using the enlargement of the pattern by cells. The drawing and the wall are drawn into cells and then painstakingly redrawn. Another way to transfer the image to the wall is powder. All lines in the figure are pierced with a needle. Then it is applied to the wall and all the holes are stuffed with coloring powder. You can use charcoal. On the wall there is a drawing in the form of dots, with which you can already work. To apply large paintings, it is necessary to mark the wall with a level so that the drawing does not warp. After that, the artist goes on a free voyage. The main thing is to let the already drawn elements dry before taking on the next ones. Drying can be done with a conventional hair dryer or even a fan. But just do not bring them too close, otherwise the paint will spread. If the work is not urgent, it is better to let the paint dry on its own. It won't take that long.

For those who are not so confident in their abilities, great option will be drawing a picture on the wall with your own hands using a stencil.

Stencil making

Stencils can be found on the Internet, printed and cut on hard cardboard. Not any cardboard is suitable, you need to take something that does not get wet from the slightest drop of water. You can also use a plastic folder to make a stencil.

For advanced ones, an option using a plotter may be suitable. First you need to find a picture in eps format, and then just send it for cutting on a plotter. For this, thin plastic or oracal film is suitable. The stencil will be completely ready as soon as you remove the cut out elements that are not included in your drawing.

If there is no time for this, in specialized stores you can buy Gfinished stencils. Some printing studios can make a stencil according to your drawing. It will only need to be pasted on the wall in the chosen place.

Drawing a wall picture

The main rule for applying a pattern to a wall in this way is that after applying each element, you must carefully wipe the stencil itself. Otherwise, multi-colored spots will spoil your masterpiece.

Use a spatula to spread the paint

Your cardboard or plastic assistant must be firmly attached to the wall using special glue, or better than ordinary adhesive tape. But make sure that you do not remove a piece of primer or wallpaper along with the mount.

Using a brush to paint

Easy Stencil Ideas

It is advantageous to highlight some parts of the apartment with the help of butterflies or flowers. A very popular pattern is a tree. The variety of drawings is amazing: cherry blossoms and apple trees, family trees, black silhouettes and trees of life. Cats are also a popular pattern: they are easy to make, everyone likes them, they enliven the apartment with their presence. In the children's room you can arrange a real starry sky. Especially if you use glowing paints.

What is needed to create unique interior? Desire, time and inspiration. Nothing is impossible. Pick up brushes, paints and create drawings, create. But everything that is created with your own hands pleases even more.

Tree on the wall. Original interior ideas

February 25, 2016

Today, there is a huge selection of modern, latest finishing materials designed to update and improve interior design, however, wood still tops this list and remains the most sought after and close to a person. And this is not surprising, because a resident of a metropolis, deprived of the opportunity to enjoy fresh air and the beauty of nature, will try to bring organic matter into his home. And it doesn't matter whether it's a full wood finish on the walls or the use of applications, vinyl stickers with the image of a tree. The main thing is that the tree on the wall is original, rich and stylish.

Vinyl stickers in the form of a tree

Are you tired of the interior, bored with plain wallpaper, do you want something unusual? Do you need costly and time-consuming repairs? The best solution would be a vinyl wall sticker: a tree of an interesting shape or a branch with birds, flowers will refresh your interior in an original way.

Vinyl stickers are easy to apply and easy to remove. Thanks to their adhesive backing, they can be securely placed on any wallpaper. Stickers are inexpensive, so if you wish, you can update the room at least every month.

Create a harmonious composition. Pick up suitable color stickers that will easily fit into the style and color scheme your premises. Choose a pattern so that the branches stretch between the bookshelves and visually place lamps or photo frames on them. A sprawling tree on the wall has long been considered a symbol of harmony, warmth and well-being in the family. In addition, it will bring a sense of style and exclusivity to your home.

Of course, a bright tree wall sticker will become an excellent decoration in a children's room. The picture can be played with cute little animals or characters from your favorite cartoons.

wood wallpaper

Wooden wall cladding is always a spectacular interior, a wonderful opportunity to hide wall irregularities, excellent thermal and sound insulation. However, this pleasure for many will not be affordable, because natural wood is one of the most expensive building materials.

The most budgetary way to bring organics into your home is to use wood-look wallpaper for the walls. The advantages of this finishing method are obvious. The color of the tree is brown, and it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a calming, calming effect, creates a feeling of security and comfort. This color is ideal for a bedroom where you want to relax after a hard day's work, or for a living room where you want to spend an evening with your family in a cozy warm atmosphere. It should be noted that many people associate the wooden texture with elegance, luxury, and an excellent sense of style.

The tree on the wall is universal, it is suitable for the kitchen, and for the bedroom, and for the living room. It is in harmony with different styles: country, classic, even high-tech.

Wood-effect wallpaper for walls is made from various types of wood, which means that they do not fade in the sun, they are absolutely environmentally friendly, which allows them to be used in the room of children, allergy sufferers or people with respiratory diseases. They are easy to glue, they are easy to care for, durable. And the choice of textures and colors opens up almost limitless possibilities for imagination.

The only thing that such wallpapers are afraid of is moisture, but in this they are not too different from, for example, paper or vinyl wallpapers.

In Soviet times, wallpapers with photographs of a flowering meadow or a birch grove were at the height of fashion. It would seem that today such photo wallpapers are unpopular, but no. WITH modern possibilities digital photography and printing, a huge selection of images (flowering meadow, forest road, pond shore, forest and mountains), photo wallpapers and photo panels will become a bright, unusual and juicy decoration for your home.

Tree stencils

It is easy to imitate a plant theme in the interior using a tree stencil on the wall. It can be purchased. If your drawing skills are good, you should do it yourself from cardboard or thick paper and paint with a can of paint. The advantages of this design method are low cost and the fact that the pattern can be chosen independently and adapted to the shelves, lamps, frames, paintings, etc. located on the wall.

There are also disadvantages. If the vinyl sticker can be simply replaced, then the tree stencil on the wall can only be changed along with the wallpaper.

Shelf tree

Is there some more original way how to make a tree on the wall - use the shelves as branches. There are two options for this layout. The first is to create a rack in the form of a tree with wooden base structures and shelves attached to it under different bias imitating branches. The second is to use a drawn tree and a few simple wooden shelves to be attached to the wall where the branches are drawn. These options are original, practical, as you can use shelves for storage.

Family tree

A great option to beat the tree on the wall is to create your own family tree with framed photographs. To decorate the tree trunk and branches, you can purchase a ready-made designer sticker or make it yourself. How to draw a tree on the wall was discussed in the "Tree Stencils" section.

The main thing is to preliminarily mark on a piece of paper in what order the frames with photographs will be located and how many of them should be. You can make the branches longer, for the future. After all, the number of family members will increase, and the collection of happy family pictures will only grow. So you get a cozy wall with the brightest moments in the life of your family and your loved ones.

DIY Christmas tree

There are several reasons to create this stylish, unusual decorative wall tree instead of the classic Christmas tree:

  • safety: small children will not be able to knock down the Christmas tree or get to the electric garland;
  • cleanliness in the apartment: if you buy a real tree, and not an artificial one, it will quickly sprinkle, needles will be all over the house, but this will not happen with a decorative Christmas tree;
  • originality: stylish and unusual decoration will shock all your friends with creativity;
  • budget savings: an artificial Christmas tree is expensive, and a do-it-yourself option is cheap.

How to do Christmas tree on the wall with your own hands? To do this, you need branches of different lengths, several nails, led garland and decorations according to your taste.

Using nails or other fasteners, we mount the branches parallel to each other in ascending order: from the longest closer to the floor to the shortest to the ceiling. We decorate each branch with a garland and flat toys, you can attach a star on top.

Volumetric tree on the wall

For those who are not looking simple options, like voluminous trees on the wall in the interior. They can be done:

  • carving the contours and texture of real wood;
  • from thin (1-2 cm) wooden cuts;
  • from plaster;
  • using soaked paper and glue;
  • using parts cut out of paper (application);
  • from artificial flowers and leaves;
  • from cardboard butterflies and birds;
  • from LED flashlights;
  • from fabric.

Use all the materials that you associate with the forest. It can be cones, acorns, beautiful branches, dried leaves and much more.

Instead of a conclusion

Wood is an element of nature, a symbol of life. Wherever we are, we want to see a piece of nature near us. The tree in the interior creates the feeling of security that we are looking for in the house, comfort, warmth, harmony. The tree is a symbol of wealth, style, beauty and luxury. Therefore, this design is extremely common and has so many variations.

You can use wood in the interior in different ways. You can resort to expensive materials and decorate the walls with elite rocks. And you can use budget options, for example, decorating with wood-look wallpaper, photo panels or creating a creative vinyl or painted tree. You can use all the materials at hand, as, for example, when creating christmas tree. Be sure to include other decor elements in the composition - candles, paintings, photos, frames, shelves, etc. Use non-standard materials - fabrics, flowers and leaves, plaster and paper.

Create with your soul, and your interior will definitely become unique, individual, stylish and cozy.

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Decorative tree on the wall

In the last decade, people are increasingly giving preference to natural motifs in the design of residential premises. A tree on the wall is a modern touch in the decor of a room in an apartment or house. It gives the room not only originality, but also brings it closer to nature.

Planning is half the battle

Before creating original decor indoors, namely a tree on the wall in the interior of the room, you should solve the following tasks for yourself:

  • what should be the tree;
  • determine its size and location;
  • choose and prepare suitable materials to make it.

A tree can be made from anything. It can be a simple pencil drawing or appliqué, a 3D image or decorative craft, created as a tree outline.

A decorative idea is done as a small modest image on the wall, and it can be done on a grand scale, making the most of the space in the room. If a decor such as wood is supposed to be made on the entire wall, capturing even part of the ceiling, you should decide on which wall to place the image.

It will look original on the wall where the door is located. Especially if the tree trunk is wide. By placing it at the level of the door, you get a fabulous hole, as in the fairy tales of Lewis Carroll. If you make a tree on the entire wall near the bed or sofa, this resting place will appear as a cozy nest. Such decor will emphasize the elegance of this piece of furniture, the richness of its design.

A decorative tree in the hallway, even the simplest one, will make the hallway a special room in the apartment. A group of such images gives the impression that the apartment is located in the forest.

For the tree itself, you can use a variety of materials:

  • foil;
  • color film;
  • improvised materials (wooden planks, tubes, glass pieces and much more).

It can be the most ordinary drawing, and a whole artistic painting.

3D image

A real masterpiece is a 3D tree. Making such a tree on the wall with your own hands is not at all difficult. No special skills of an artist or sculptor are required.

Such decor requires space.

It can be done not only on the wall, but also to capture part of the ceiling.

To create a 3D image of a tree, you will need the following materials:

  • a bag of dry gypsum;
  • bucket;
  • scotch;
  • a large sheet of cellophane film;
  • scissors and marker;
  • Master OK;
  • acrylic paints and brushes.

The 3D tree itself is done like this:

  • On a cellophane film, draw a mirror contour image with a marker so that when cutting out the traced middle, a stencil is obtained.
  • Glue the resulting stencil from a cellophane film onto the wall using adhesive tape.
  • Dilute gypsum in a bucket of water.
  • Using a trowel, carefully fill in the empty space of the stencil.
  • When the plaster dries, remove the film.
  • Apply a few more layers of plaster. Make the last layer rounded.
  • When the plaster is completely dry, paint the resulting sculptural image with acrylic paints.
  • As for the palette, it can be very diverse. For the living room, a “real life” image is suitable, on the wall in the nursery there is a fabulous tree, fantastically painted.

    Fashion trends

    Along with natural motifs, stylization is now in vogue. Therefore, a tree, as a decor, can be made in the form of a black or colored contour from a colored acrylic film.

    Modern people are not alien to the brilliance and pretentiousness of the situation. Therefore, glass or ceramic mosaic-image will also appeal to many.

    Many small furniture workshops offer their services for the production of furniture to order, including from natural wood. You can use their services and order a bookcase in the shape of a tree. Also, with a little ingenuity and imagination, it is not difficult to make it yourself.

    It is easy to create a non-standard decor in a living room from diode tubes or multi-colored light bulbs. It is enough just to give them the outlines of a tree.

    Having picked up a large branch in a park or forest, it can be polished and attached to the wall. From above, an impromptu tree is varnished or painted, leaves are added.

    Having imagination and artistic taste, it is easy to make a whole composition on the wall. It does not matter whether it is one tree or a whole grove, they can be drawn on the wall with a simple pencil. Color with bright juicy colors.

    On the tree, you can place decorative flowers or fruits, draw birds. A sika deer peeking out from behind the trunk, or a fluffy squirrel on a branch will give the picture more naturalness.

    Floral motifs in the interior of an apartment or house do not just decorate. They help to reverently relate to nature: to enjoy the first leaves in spring, raindrops on the grass, bewitching butterflies.

    In addition, the creation of the very corner of nature develops the creative streak that everyone has. Interesting solutions that are put into practice make such decor in an apartment or house unique.

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    Imitation wood on the wall: an unusual element of inventive design

    Those who believe that trees have a place in a garden or forest are simply deprived of imagination and creative thought, because a tree on a wall is no less appropriate. This design option is still quite rare, although something similar can be found in old kindergartens. But who said that beauty should only be available to children? Adults also have the right to please themselves a little, especially since you can create a decorative tree on the wall with your own hands. In addition to aesthetic and design purposes, such a solution can also serve as a camouflage function if the wall is too crooked or has been damaged by the hands of a small, but great future designer. The family tree is generally an eternal hit in interior design. In the end, such an element of decor is capable without extra effort bring something new to the old environment.

    How and from what?

    Anyone who is at least a little friendly with drawing and applique is able to create a tree on the wall with their own hands. At the same time, it is advisable to remember that it will be difficult to remove the result you don’t like from the wall without damaging the base underlying it, so it’s better to first sketch all thoughts on paper - in the form of a sketch. When there is no longer any doubt about the correctness of the chosen path, you can try to implement the following ideas:

    • Who said that it is precisely the drawing of a tree on the wall that is meant? It is clear that the outline will be drawn, but no one bothers to add dry branches to the application for greater naturalness! It is better not to take fresh branches, as they can rot and ruin all the work.

    The effect of naturalness will give dry branches natural wood with which you can add a picture

  • A tree on the wall can be cut even from ordinary colored paper. True, here you are faced with a choice - either the result will be small in size, or it will have to be assembled from many sheets. In general, you can use any cardboard or paper products - say, the same old wallpaper.
  • To create a composition, you can use cut branches or trunks. The material sawn off in the country should simply be cut into thin circles, and sticking them on the wall along the intended contour will allow you to get the most natural wood of all possible.
  • Do not discard fabric options. We are not talking about expensive material, but multi-colored burlap or any other inexpensive textile can be cut and folded accordingly to make it bright and voluminous.

    Such a voluminous tree on the wall can be created using colored paper or fabric.

  • The "office" option offers to use pushpins and different types thread. The buttons are stuck into the wall in such a way that the threads of different colors and textures stretched between them create the outline of the intended image.
  • For lovers of modeling there is great idea- sculpt a tree on a plaster wall over the drawn outline. It will be impressive and very effective!
  • Naturally, this is only a small part of the possible materials. True virtuosos of thought are not limited by anything - they invent completely original ideas, like scratching out a contour on a wall repeatedly painted in different shades.

    Tricks to improve results

    A DIY tree on the wall can be made even more attractive with some simple tips.

  • Don't stop at the tree! Keep creating around it! Since the decoration touched on the theme of nature, why not add birds or butterflies, flowers or fruits?
  • Many beginners try to achieve perfect symmetry from created tree than make it worse. There is no such thing in nature, and asymmetry, even serious, only emphasizes the creative genius of the author.
  • If there is not so much space on the wall, you can not draw the whole tree - let there be only some part of it - half, a branch, and so on. The main thing is to think over why this particular part, and not some other, and competently fit it into the surrounding interior.
  • Simple and fast solutions

    Someone may sincerely wish for a tree on the wall as a decor. but not be able to implement the plan. Some do not have enough elementary artistic skills for this, others are not ready to overcome their own laziness, because creating a masterpiece will require a lot of time and effort. In the modern world, it is customary to take care of consumers, and this case is no exception.

    The first option is vinyl stickers. They are sold in large hardware stores, they allow you to choose for every taste and color, and most importantly, they are glued literally instantly. It should also be noted that they can be wiped with a damp cloth without harm to the image, and if the tree gets tired, the sticker is simply removed and the wall takes on its original appearance.

    Vinyl stickers are the most simple and practical option creation decorative tree in the interior

    Another option is a stencil. It is sold in combination with a special paint that is applied to the carved outline of the tree, causing the dye to stain original finish walls. As an addition or alternative to paint, you can also use acrylic putty - then the image will also be voluminous.

    The third option is wallpaper. Back in Soviet times, almost every house had photo wallpapers with a view of nature on the walls, thanks to which, without leaving your home, you could feel yourself in a birch forest or a willow grove. Today, the variety of textures and patterns allows you to choose any landscape with trees: from sea coasts with exotic palm trees to mysterious Japanese gardens with beautiful sakura.

    Thanks to photo wallpaper, you can bring a sense of nature into your home.

    Not only aesthetics, but also functionality

    Actually, the branches do not have to be just a decor - with the right approach, they can be used, without any exaggeration! Let's say you need to hang a few shelves - so let them become branches in overall structure tree! And they do not have to be strictly horizontal - at least if they have side walls. There you can store various little things, such as books, toys or women's accessories. Very unusual decision there will be a family tree, where portraits of family members, arranged in the appropriate order, will be placed on shelves, or simply fixed on top of the picture.

    Use a family tree to decorate a wall

    If real tree branches were used during creation, they can be used as a hanger for a variety of small things. Please note! If the branches themselves are small and fragile, then they will not withstand weighty objects, however, say, small jewelry can be hung on them. This is especially true for ladies who have a lot of different rings, pendants, chains and other small jewelry.

    Do not limit the flight of your own creativity - try to create something unusual, and let your tree on the wall be unique!

    Photo gallery: creative tree wall ideas

    Marble plaster is a type of finishing material, which contains natural marble chips. After drying.

    Most people think that plastering wooden walls is not the best idea as it is now.

    Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper affordable alternative expensive finishes. For their manufacture, materials will be needed.

    The sages once said that even the walls of the house heal. But, indeed, only in your home, your "world" you feel comfort, warmth, peace and security.

    Do you want your home interior evoked admiring exclamations not only of the inhabitants of the dwelling, but also of close friends?

    We offer to bring a kind of zest to the design of a living space, namely, to depict a tree on the wall.

    The uniqueness of this method of decoration lies not only in the unusual decoration of unsightly walls, but can also become a “lifesaver” for those who want to “disguise” some interior flaws, for example, painted walls or wallpaper by “young artists”, without resorting to cosmetic repairs.

    And even if the repair is not scheduled soon, but still you want something new: the image of a tree on the wall will bring a touch of novelty to the familiar interior.

    Trees on the walls as decoration: improvised masterpieces

    Before starting “wall sculptures”, first of all, it is worth entrusting your dreams and thoughts to paper, that is, creating a sketch of a tree that will be combined with the current situation. Worth considering color solution walls, the location of lighting, the presence of furniture. When in doubt, you can turn to the advice of designers. But, nevertheless, it is much more pleasant to create a tree on the wall with your own hands. We hope our advice will help you make your choice and create an unusual creation, spending a minimum of money.

    Here are a few options on how and from what you can make a decorative tree on the wall:

    1. Glue real dry branches onto the tree outline drawn on the wall, using larger specimens for the trunk and large branches. Or attach round timbers of small, but various diameters.
    2. Using the prepared template, cut a tree out of paper of the desired color and glue it to the wall.
    3. From multi-colored paper, pieces of the remaining wallpaper, shreds, foam balls, you will also get an unusual application of a tree on the wall.
    4. scraps toilet paper impregnated with glue and warm water in equal parts, can be attached to a wall sketch of a tree, and after complete drying, paint.
    5. The gypsum tree looks elegant on the wall.
    6. The created image of a tree with the help of dense materials of various colors is distinguished by originality. In this case, you can use burlap, linen, cotton or furniture fabric.
    7. Yarn, harsh threads, thick threads, twine and pushpins with a long stem will help in creating a wonderful tree. To do this, wrap the threads around the buttons in different directions, following the contour of the tree.
    8. Small pieces of foam, glued to the wall with high-quality glue and masterfully “filled” mounting foam, will create a three-dimensional tree on your wall.
    9. Carved wood details from self-adhesive film will easily decorate the selected wall.
    10. A very interesting technique is sgraffito, which involves scratching the outline of trees through several layers of wall paint.
    11. An impromptu tree made from electric New Year's garlands will enhance the festive mood.

    And here are a few more little tricks that will help improve the masterpiece you create:

    • created wall tree perfectly "make friends" with such neighbors as birds, butterflies, flowers, fruits, so find a place for them too;
    • try to create an asymmetric pattern of a tree on the wall, because in nature trees have a clumsy structure;
    • it is not necessary to draw the whole tree, you can use only a fragment of it in the interior decor.

    A tree on the wall in a couple of minutes: one, two and you're done!

    The examples given will, of course, require a significant investment of time. Construction stores offer an alternative to long handmade- Vinyl wall stickers with a picture of a tree, presented in a huge assortment. Their big plus is instant gluing, the possibility of wet cleaning in case of contamination and traceless removal from the walls.

    Also, in a matter of minutes, a decorative tree stencil on the wall will transform the room. To do this, it is worth fixing the attached stencil on the wall and blotting its cut parts with special paint. To achieve a volumetric effect, it is necessary to use acrylic putty.

    Trees on the wall in the interior: not only an aesthetic appearance

    The image on the wall of trees, branches, trunks, small twigs can not only transform the interior, but also perform various functions. So, a tree on the wall in the children's room will please the baby with a wall picture, and will also become the basis for placing several shelves for toys or books.

    An attached tree made of natural branches will be an excellent hanging storage for women's jewelry: beads, chains, and necklaces will “forget” about confusion.

    A real decoration of the living room, bedroom, nursery will be a family tree. Photos in various frames will "tell" about the pleasant moments of life.

    Don't be afraid to make creative changes to a cohesive home interior. Experiment, transform your home. We hope that your interest in the decor of the room will allow you to realize the idea of ​​depicting a tree on the wall and add brightness to your life.
