Well      01/16/2021

He who believes in the Son has eternal life; and he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. Kenneth Hagin - welcome to the family of God John 5:13 - “This I wrote to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you, believing in the Son of God, will

He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him

"Believe in the Son to have eternal life." Not simply and not without searching, the wise Baptist testifies, life is offered to those who believe in Christ as a reward, but from the very quality of the work, so to speak, it presents us with evidence, since the Only Begotten is life by nature, “in Him we live and move, and we are”(Acts 17:28) . He dwells in us, of course, through faith and dwells through the Holy Spirit. Blessed John the Evangelist testifies to this in his Epistles: “We understand this, as it is in us, as though He gave us from His Spirit”(1 John 4:13) . Thus, Christ gives life to those who believe in Him, both being Himself life by nature, and then already dwelling in them. And that the Son dwells in us through faith, of this Paul will testify, saying thus: “For this reason I bow my knee to the Father, from Him every family in heaven and on earth is named, may He give you according to the riches of glory” you just “Your own, be affirmed by His Spirit by power, Christ dwell in your hearts by faith”(Eph. 3:14-17) . When, therefore, life by nature, through faith, penetrates into us, how is it not true who says: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life"? Obviously, the Son Himself, and not any other life, must be understood besides Him.

"Do not believe the Son, he will not see life." But is it possible, perhaps someone will say, that the Baptist preaches to us about another glory and destroys the doctrine of the resurrection, arguing that the believer will be made alive, and the unbeliever "does not see life" at all? Let us resurrect, apparently, not all, to which difference this saying indicates. And in this case, what will become of the words spoken unconditionally and to all: "the dead shall rise"(1 Corinthians 15:52) ? Why would Paul say: “For it is fitting for all of us to appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, so that everyone will receive even with the body of the done, either good or evil”(2 Corinthians 5:10) ?

Although I feel it my duty to commend such an inquisitive person, yet he needs to do a more accurate study of the scriptures. Notice, then, the clear difference in expression which I will point out to you. Of the believer he says that he will have eternal life, but in the saying about the unbeliever he uses another expression. He did not say that he would not have life, for he would rise according to the general law of resurrection, but he says that "life will not see”, that is, it will not even reach the mere contemplation of the life of the saints, will not touch their bliss, will not taste their joy. 'Cause that's all there is real life. Breathing in the midst of punishments is more painful than any death, and the soul is kept in the body for the sole purpose of feeling evil. This is the difference between life and Paul makes. Hear what he says to those who have died in sin for Christ's sake: “For you are dead, and your life is hidden in God with Christ: when Christ appears, your life, then you will appear with Him in glory”(Col. 3:3-4) . You see that the life of the saints is called their appearance in glory with Christ. The Psalmist sings the same to us: “Who is a man, even if he wants his stomach, love to see good days? Keep your tongue from evil"(Ps. 33:13-14) . Is not the life of the saints depicted here? But I think it's clear to everyone. Not for this, of course, he commands someone to refrain from evil in order to receive the revival of the flesh again, for they will be resurrected even if they had not stopped evil, but it encourages them to that life in which one can see good days, spending in glory and blissful eternal life.

"But the wrath of God abides on him." In this addition, the blessed Baptist showed us more clearly the purpose of what was said. Let the inquisitive turn his attention again to the meaning of this saying. "Unbelieving", speaks, "The Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." But if it were really possible to understand this saying in the sense that the unbeliever would be deprived of life in the body, then, probably, the Baptist would immediately add: "but "death" abides on him." Because he calls "the wrath of God", then obviously contrasts the punishment of the wicked with the blessedness of the saints and calls life the true life in glory with Christ, and the punishment of the wicked - the wrath of God. What in Holy Scriptures punishment is often called wrath, I will present two witnesses to this - Paul and John (the Baptist). One said to the Gentiles: “and the behem of the child of anger by nature, like the rest”

JOHN 6:37
37 ...and whoever comes to Me I will not cast out.

Oh, what a foundation of faith! It cannot be that - a man came to Him and was expelled. Jesus said: Whoever comes to Me I will not cast out!”

14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
15 that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
18 He who believes in Him is not judged, but the unbeliever is already condemned, because he did not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the judgment, that light has come into the world; but the people loved the darkness more than the light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For everyone who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works be convicted, because they are evil,
21 But he who does what is right comes to the light, that his works may be manifest, because they are done in God.

36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death unto life.
ACTS 3:19,20
19 Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out,
20 Let the times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord.

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God:
9 not of works, so that no one can boast.
You have the mind to understand for yourself what the Bible says. I warn you again: do not listen to the explanations of people who tear out certain passages from Scripture and confuse you.
They don't care about your soul or they wouldn't be trying to deprive you of an authentic Christian experience. If they had any love for you, they would at least let you believe the Bible as it is. And they would encourage you to have a biblical experience.
When they fight so hard, trying to take away your advantage, it would be foolish of you not to "wake up" and see that they are agents of the devil, sending people to hell. It doesn't matter that they are the most sophisticated and religious people you have ever met - if they steal God's blessings from you, they are not serving God.
The Bible says: “And no wonder: for Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light, and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also take the form of servants of righteousness: but their end will be according to their deeds” (2 Cor. 11:14,15).

Water of the New Birth
We read that Jesus said, "Don't be surprised that I said to you, You must be born again" (John 3:7). Just before saying this, He said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5).

Does anger belong to God?

Anger, as a feeling, is born as a result of the fall. In other words, anger is provoked by sin.

Of course, anger itself often becomes a sin, but not necessarily. For example, the wrath of God is a necessary attribute of His Judgment, and one cannot do without the element of anger in the defense of justice.

So, if anger as a feeling is born as a result of the fall, then God was not angry in eternity. He was unaware of this state until the occasion appeared. In eternity, He experienced nothing but love. Love between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But today He is angry. He is angry at every injustice that occurs in the world.

Even though the Pope is angry, He still holds back His basic anger. Although episodic and manifests somewhere in history. For example, He showed His wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Although the Pope has so far given no vent to his collected anger, this anger literally hangs over anyone who consciously rejects faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus:

He who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36)

It is important to understand that anger is not inherent in God. Because the unnatural cause of anger is sin.

Since God did not create anyone to sin, the manifestation of His wrath is causal. The original purpose of creation is life in harmony, love and obedience to the Creator, and the creation that deviated from this purpose deviated not through the fault and not by the will of the Creator. Because just the Pope God created everyone for love.

Because anger is not inherent in God, He:

Anger is in the nature of God, but it is not in the nature of God. The nature of God is love, and the manifestation of anger always requires an external cause. You don't need a reason to show love. The Father's love is unconditional and never fails. While His anger is only causal and temporary.

Rise of the Angels

The first time the Pope had to experience anger was when the devil, then an anointed cherub, sinned.

Before the advent of sin, creation did not know God to be angry. Devil too. Otherwise, he would hardly have gone into open rebellion.

Let us ask ourselves the question: did the Creator have the right to immediately pour out anger in response to the open rebellion of the angels? Undoubtedly. For He is the Judge.

We do not know for sure what was the law that the rebellious creation probably transgressed, (Is.45:12) however, it is safe to assume that such a law was to regulate life in heaven and forbid the sin that the devil committed. And that's why:

Here we see 2 key principles:

1) violation of the law automatically causes anger in the author of the law.
2) As long as there is no pre-established law, there is no violation of it

The second statement clearly explains the first:
violation of the law automatically causes anger in the author of the law, because If there were no pre-established law, there would be no violation of it.

For example, when a radiologist hangs a “do not enter” sign on the door to the office, otherwise there is a threat to the health of those in the corridor, then entering without a call will automatically cause the doctor to get angry. And if the doctor did not hang such a sign, then why be angry?

Similarly, the rebels could not have been charged, had it not been for a predetermined law.

We see here that God imputed two things to the cherub: iniquity and sin. Although in reality it was one thing.

Lawlessness can be called breaking the law in another way.

Violation is imputed only in the territory where the law is in force. You can't break what doesn't exist. And where there is a violation, there is inevitable anger for it.

When the plan of the rebels was finally revealed, the Pope did not pour out His wrath on them. Otherwise, they would have been at least in the abyss long ago. And as a maximum in the lake of fire.

The fact that the punishment is postponed, the demons are well aware. When they encountered Jesus in the Gadara country, they appealed to him with this understanding.

It is possible that the Pope delayed the execution of the punishment, so that the creation that remained faithful to Him could see the final corruption of the backsliders and be convinced of the justice of the final sentence for them, no matter how exaggerated it may seem at first.

Other possible reason: so that the creation would never again venture on such things later; so that it learns to serve God out of love for God, and not out of fear of a superior force that is supposedly ready to instantly destroy those who disagree.

But mostly Daddy God delayed the show of final wrath, because He still spares unbelievers living on earth, read rebellious people, for whom there is still a chance to be saved.

Although God did not deprive the rebellious angels of their freedom, He separated them from His presence, banishing them beyond the outer boundaries of heaven, into the territory that came to be called the Kingdom of Satan or the heavenly places. It all happened during a lightning-fast military operation:

The Lord Jesus is so reminiscent of this important event To 70 disciples upon their return from the encounter (mass exorcism): “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18).

“I saw” is in the past tense, that is, we are talking about an event in the past. The Lord remarks:

“You say the demons obey you? This is something else. I saw how at once all the demons were thrown into the heavens. It happened before my very eyes, and it happened as fast as lightning.”

After the expulsion of Satan and his angels to the region of the skies, the Pope God judged them in heaven. This event is also mentioned in Scripture.

Since Satan has not yet been captured, the case had to be dealt with in the absence of a defendant on him. The following place indirectly testifies to the fact that such cases are started in heaven: (Numbers 16:49)

During the trial of Lucifer, he and his accomplices were charged and a final verdict was issued. A fiery lake was prepared for its execution. (Done (Mat. 25:41) -hetoimazo- make it ready for use).

The judgment was announced on earth through the Son of God, who was the first to inform those living on earth that he is the prince of this world, that is, the devil is condemned (John 16:11), -and that the devil and his angels are prepared for eternal fire (Mat. 25:41).

At the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ on Earth, which will end with judgment at the white throne, the expression of the Pope's wrath will cease and never resume.

There will be no reason for anger. No one else will give him a reason. All will remember the horrific consequences of the Fall and will have, as an eternal reminder, the opportunity to watch the panoramic view that opens up to the place where worms and fire will be seen tormenting the condemned.

That is why we will always fear and at the same time infinitely love God, remembering how once, incarnated as a man, He redeemed us at the cost of incredible suffering on the cross.

The difference between the wrath of God and man.

Compare the wrath of God and the wrath of man.
What is there in the wrath of God that is not in the wrath of man?

First, the Pope is just in His anger and never goes beyond the limits of satisfied justice. In his anger he not_goes_about_emotions . In other words, God controls His anger and releases it when and how much is needed. At the same time, He alone knows when and how much is needed.

A person angry, inevitably boils. He knows no boundaries and does not set them. He wants to immediately throw out his anger and loses the measure in this. Emotions control him, not he emotions.

Human anger is inevitably biased, biased, and prejudiced. It only seems to a person that it is fair. It does not take into account all the nuances that the Holy Spirit sees. For example, it does not take into account the measure of pressure experienced by the person who committed the offense and thereby caused our indignation.

Feeling angry, God at the same time mourns for the lost state of man, looking for a chance to acquire it for Himself. He alone can combine these two feelings:

When and why does God need wrath? God's wrath is needed as an instrument of judgment. We see this from the following verse:

If God is the Judge, then as the Judge He can and must express His wrath. The wrath of God is righteous, that is, it always results in justice restored. The wrath of the Pope is to protect the righteous.

Unlike human anger. Because:

In other words: the anger of a person does not lead to justice restored in the right way, as it happens with God, and therefore demons of anger are usually involved in the manifestation of human anger.

Someone will ask: does it mean that God can show anger, but man cannot?

Having faith and a good conscience, which some, having rejected, have been shipwrecked in the faith; such are Imenaeus and Alexander, whom I betrayed to Satan so that they would learn not to blaspheme.

Although such anger is inspired by the Holy Spirit, it still has strict limits beyond which a person of authority has no right to go. This is fraught with extremely undesirable consequences for him.

Anger - powerful tool court; high risk of abuse. When Moses stopped controlling or restraining his anger just once, it cost him entry into the promised land.

If Saul, king of Israel, won his first battle by being filled with righteous anger at his enemies, and this was a direct action of the Holy Spirit (1 Samuel 11:6), then later he began to abuse anger, because of which he began to suffer from a gloomy mood. In fits of anger, he was already specifically tormented by an evil spirit.

That is why the right to righteous anger should be delegated to those who have the ripe fruit of the Spirit. When he judges, not appointed to judge, or not having authority, such, says Jesus, judges with an outward judgment, judges according to the flesh.

The Pope, as the Judge, is angry. And he judges with justice. In the same way, one who has his own area of ​​responsibility is angry as a judge, and as a judge, he judges with a righteous judgment. All the rest inevitably execute lynching.

Those who are entrusted in the church with the right to judge internal, that is, sinning believers, and in particular cases of resistance to the Gospel - even unbelievers, cannot do without an element of anger in their emotions. (Acts 13:8-11)

Showing anger, judges do not lose control over themselves. Like God, the righteous Judge does not lose control when he shows anger. The Holy Spirit, as a rule, reinforces the verdict.

The wrath of a righteous man with delegated authority is not in defense of his own interests, but in defense of the interests of the Kingdom. Much of this anger relates to the ministry of the elders. Either the elders of Israel of the Old Testament, or the elders of the New Testament church.

It is up to the elders to sort out conflict situations. It is the elders who control themselves in crisis situations, and can control emotions ...

Elders, they are elders, they are spiritual, they are mature - these are those who can remain impartial, unbiased in their judgments and extremely careful not to go beyond the limits of what is permitted in the use of strictness in the power given to them by the Lord. If possible, they would rather avoid such strictness than exhibit it. (2 Corinthians 13:10)

Paul here refers to wrath as a severity delegated to him by the Lord to judge those within.

See? Paul's appeal exclusively to the spiritual. Only the spiritual is entrusted with responsibility in the church. Only the spiritual has the competence to deal with correction. When a non-spiritual person takes up the correction, it ends badly. He inevitably crosses the line of what is permitted by the Spirit and falls into carnal emotions.

Therefore, the main circle of saints needs to focus on the common commandment not to judge, which means not to be angry at all.

The anger of a person, whether a believer or a non-believer, in defense of the wounded interests of the person himself. That is why it is called "human wrath". We will consider it further.

Human anger is inspired by wounded emotions and is divided into fair And vain.

Fair Everyone experiences anger different time, because everyone has a God-given sense of justice, while anyone who is angry in vain, is immediately subject to judgment: (Mat. 5:22) .

Although fair anger and there is a place for everyone, but only up to a limited time limit:

This kind of anger cannot be vented through angry utterances or impulsive responses.

Summarizing what has been said, let us summarize: a person is usually angry
- either, speaking in the name of God, as a person in charge,
either on my own behalf...

Consider the scripture just quoted in context. What are we talking about here? About anger in one's own name;
- while you feel such anger, even though it is thrice fair, do not let it out;
- experiencing this kind of anger, extinguish it as soon as possible;
- otherwise inevitably give place to the devil through malicious words or actions.

The conclusion from the above: all saints can from time to time experience anger within themselves, as a response to the injustice shown to them personally, but at the same time they must not allow this anger to manifest itself and must try to extinguish it at the level of feeling.

Human anger: features.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, Scripture warns us precisely against human or household_anger . The poured out anger of a fool is an uncontrollable internal discontent, expressed in an external irritable action.

According to the above verse: to restrain even just anger is wisdom, but to pour out is foolishness.

Let's go back to the nature of anger. Let's remember how it occurs: (Rom.4:15)

Righteous law produces righteous anger, and human law produces human anger. Even a biblical law or a biblical requirement becomes human, the fulfillment of which we demand or expect from others, and not God. Because of which, by the way, we are angry with human anger, even for the right reason.

In other words, when on a personal level we present our demands to our neighbor, even if they are biblical: whether it is a brother, a matchmaker, and he, the matchmaker, does not fulfill these requirements, anger boils in us. This is an immutable spiritual principle. We are, as it were, becoming Judges of the law, which is actually not true.

When we do not contain such seething anger by faith, we inevitably cross the line where we become guilty before God.

As long as one of our relatives, friends or acquaintances does not meet our expectations, even very good ones, we feel dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction within us constantly produces anger, even if it looks like sluggish grouchiness.

We do not consider grouchiness to be something bad in the same way as breaking out into a scream, for example. Actually it is not.

When King Asa became angry, he was just irritated and nothing more. However, the consequences of this were more than disappointing for him.

Thus, when we impose a law on our neighbor and do not see that our neighbor is in a hurry to fulfill it, we experience anger. God makes the law, not us. In no case should we take the place of the Author of the law.

Experiencing constant anger over the misbehavior of others, we adopt a spirit of control and act irresponsibly in it. We must get rid of this decisively. We must learn to accept our neighbor for who he is. It is enough to tell a person once and if he did not listen to us, he should be left alone so that God would change him, and not us. We should always remain contented in every situation.

Because "pleased" is not necessary when everyone around suits you. You are “happy” when you decide not to suffer from the way others behave.

You feel good no matter how others behave. Surrounding will always give a reason for discontent. Whether we refuse to take advantage of this opportunity, that is the decision.

Therefore: to be satisfied is a choice. Because you are not a victim of circumstance, but free from its influence. Son or daughter of Heavenly Father.

Your contentment does not depend on what is happening around you.
Your contentment depends on what is going on inside you.
Just let the Holy Spirit control your emotions.
Learn to manage your emotional sphere with His help.

Turn on the faith given to you for this.
And the people who annoy you will get better.
And regardless of your experiences.
And certainly not at the appointed time.

Consequences of human anger...

What it means to turn prudently explains the following, verse 9: do not repay with abuse; in other words, don't be angry.

The next consequence of anger, which we have already mentioned, is the breaking off of fellowship with the saints.

A person who is prone to anger is also prone to stir up conflict; he quickly loses friends, does not maintain long-term friendships. His irascibility has a repulsive effect on others, like a push in the nose until it bleeds.

When two people who are prone to anger approach, their relationship falls apart even faster. Just a little, he boiled. Just a little, they fled.

The one who is close to the irritable is always hard from his eternal irritability. Solomon says: It is easier to bear the weight of a stone than such anger.

A heavy character weighs on others. Being in an atmosphere of contentiousness is a real test of faith. The more Spirit-filled you are, the more sensitive you are to such contentiousness. Scientists say: a flash of anger takes the energy of a whole day of work.

This is how the angry one will fall out of the circle of believers.

An angry person rarely realizes that something is wrong with him, and not at all with another. He does not understand that imperceptibly he is degrading, and not just not growing in the Spirit.

Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper for about forty years in constant search of models for the faces of Christ and the apostles. At the very beginning of his work, he was attracted by the surprisingly gentle features of the young boy Pietro Bondinelli. Pietro Bondinelli agreed to pose and Leonardo painted the image of Christ from him.
40 years later, in search of a model for the last character in the Judas painting, Leonardo ran into a man just released from prison. Leonardo was delighted with his find. The vagabond's face bore all the traces of anger and anger necessary for a portrait of Judas. When Great master began to paint the face of Judas from this vagabond, he was surprised to recognize in him the once gentle young man Pietro Bondinelli. Sin played a terrible joke on Pietro. Having gone down in history as a model for the most beautiful character in the picture - Jesus Christ, after 40 years he came up as a model for the most repulsive - for Judas. When viewers today look at a picture and compare 2 characters on it: the Lord and His traitor, no one, without the necessary explanations, guesses that these are one and the same person.

Another consequence of anger is torment from the devil.

We let it happen if we flare up over trifles like a match. The consequences of this illness, mental problems and other troubles, as a constant payment for a nervous state.

If you suffer damage because of anger, it is meaningless to say: the devil attacked me. The devil attacked, but who allowed it? Don't blame everything on the devil. We must honestly acknowledge before God the sin of quarrelsomeness, and then decisively rule over it. An example of the punishment with which the angry punished himself during his lifetime:

And here is an example of a person who managed to tame his anger:

It is interesting that Asa acquired the disease, being angry with the man of God, and Naaman got rid of it, having managed to tame such anger.

The final consequence of untamed anger is the danger of losing salvation. This consequence cannot be passed over in silence; the New Testament clearly speaks of it.

Let's ask ourselves, is it necessary to violate the entire list in order to fall under the definition: "they shall not inherit the Kingdom"? Naturally not. Whoever breaks one point of the law is guilty of breaking the whole law. To get to hell you don't have to drink, it's enough to kill; you can not commit adultery, just do magic. For every single work of the flesh, a person runs the risk of not inheriting the Kingdom of God. And among these individual works of the flesh, it is anger that appears!

After crossing the line of death, many Christians who justified anger under various pretexts will experience a shock. They will find out that, it turns out, Jesus did not throw words into the wind and did not say anything just like that. His warnings must be taken literally.

IN documentary CFAN Ministries by Reinhard Boncke about a resurrected pastor from Nigeria, a testimonial is given where a black pastor tells how, after dying in a car accident, he visited heaven and the lower places of the earth, accompanied by an angel of God. During the testimonial with incidental shots of the resurrection during a large evangelistic meeting, the pastor states in passing that he will now be extremely careful not to give place to anger and quarrels with his wife, because he values ​​​​his place in heaven very much and does not want to lose it. The last statement becomes clear if you find out information that was not included in the film, namely, that the angel told the pastor that he was not going to heaven at all, but to hell, because on the eve of the accident he quarreled with his wife and did not repent ...

I see in these words of Jesus not some kind of classification, but this: for any futile anger there are automatically consequences; it is necessary to go a little further in this anger, and these consequences become simply catastrophic!

In other words, Jesus showed here how, as anger gradually increases, its consequences increase disproportionately. At first, a person just grumbles, then it would seem a little inflamed and now he doesn’t notice how he crosses the line of hell. If you do not believe, re-read the words of the Lord carefully.

Christians who reserve the right to anger, Paul mourned, although outwardly they still remained believers and led a church lifestyle:

That is why anger should not be allowed to come out under any circumstances.

Today, those who have fallen under the influence of worldly psychologists agree that it is harmful to suppress anger, it must be given an outlet. Allegedly, it is useful to “let off steam”. Otherwise, they say, a person will fall into long-term stress. It's like saying: if you are persistently tempted by sin, just satisfy it.

What can be said about this? Even if there is someone who will get rid of stress on earth in this way, the most long-term stress will be later in hell. That is why those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with passions and lusts.

5 directions from the Word on how to tame anger:

1- repent.
2- goodbye.
3- crucify the flesh with faith.
4- soak in the Spirit.
5- leave association with the angry.

1 - repent

In each case of anger, quarrel, discord, especially family one, one must repent and ask for forgiveness. Repent before God and ask for forgiveness from the one with whom we are angry.

How to ask for forgiveness? For example: "please forgive me, I was unrestrained, I gave place to anger, I did not act out of love."

You can't justify anger by shifting the blame to the one who turned out to be the instigator. If you succumbed to a provocation, you are also to blame. The other side may be to blame, as the initiator of the scandal, but it does not justify you.

Ignorance of the law does not exempt from the consequences, so we also need to repent for those situations that happened in childhood, when we were abused, and we snapped or rioted. You never know what we did not know then how to react correctly. However, we were damaged. Just ask the Pope God for forgiveness that you then got angry in return.

2 - goodbye.

One thing you absolutely cannot do without in order to tame anger and get rid of its consequences is without forgiveness. Be generous, forgive the offender, because much has been forgiven you too.

Not to forgive means inevitably to take revenge. Even if it’s just a dissatisfied attitude, which is still poison.

Anger calls out damage. Damage to the soul, damage to the spirit. Forgiveness, on the contrary, leads to their healing. Vengeful - he is angry. To harbor revenge means to cultivate the character of the devil, not Jesus.

When you avenge yourself with even an angry attitude, you do not allow God to protect you. And when you forgive, the whole sky stands up for you. Therefore, do not hold on to a sense of wounded justice.





3 - crucify the flesh.

We must by faith crucify the flesh on the cross of Jesus and not give it the slightest chance to manifest itself. In this kind of dealing with anger, you can not do without prudence and condescension.

4 - be filled with the Spirit.

What will help you remove the tendency to be angry is the help of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, soak in Him. This will take time. And a lot...

If you pour a glass of water on a sponge, the sponge will remain almost dry, but if you pour the same amount drop by drop, gradually, the sponge will be completely soaked.

How to be imbued with the Spirit? Concentrating on God, you can lie down. Contemplating in silence on His goodness and beauty.

This is how you begin to let the perfect world in and let go of anger. And then nothing will touch you to the quick as it did before.

As you soak, you become sanctified by the Spirit. When you are thus sanctified, peace multiplies in you, which will drive out the remnant of anger.

Slow in words does not mean slow in any words. If the words are good, let them come out of you in any quantity. It's about words of anger. That is, if you want to be slow to anger, be slow to angry statements. The feeling of anger will not immediately become a sin if it is not given an outlet. The foregoing does not mean that we must put up with the feeling of anger all the time, but that even if we do not throw out our feelings yet, we must quickly extinguish them inside ourselves.

And if you have already opened your mouth and gave yourself the freedom to speak out? Well, then you're definitely in trouble. What difference does it make, big or small. Until you repent.

Therefore, choose to become a person about whom they say: “like taking water in your mouth”, they provoke you, but you are silent. No matter what happens, you keep everything and keep your mouth shut. The Holy Spirit will help you to do so. Especially when you are imbued with Him, not missing opportunities.

To engage this restraining lever, simply say to yourself:
I deny myself the right to speak in anger
- I deny myself the right to the last word,
-Holy Spirit support my decision in the mighty name of Jesus.
Dad will only be pleased with such words.

It is exactly the same if you experience fear or doubt. You can feel both, but as long as you resist fear and don't give room to doubt, as long as you don't allow it to nest in your mind, you're still in faith, you're still victorious.

One day a missionary in India baptized a Hindu soldier. That one was big strong man, an excellent wrestler. All his friends were afraid of him. But after the conversion, the lion turned into a lamb. A few months later, one of the soldiers began to laugh at him: "Now we will find out if you are a true Christian." Taking a cup of hot soup, he poured it on his chest. Everyone in the room held their breath, waiting for the unbridled outburst of anger for which the convert was famous. Instead, he calmly unbuttoned his vest and wiped at his burnt chest. Then turning calmly he said, “This is what I should have expected. Becoming a Christian - to become persecuted. But my Savior was patient, and I want to be like Him.”

5 - leave communication with the angry.

Prevention of anger is to stop communicating with the angry.
Friendship with the angry is the trap of the devil.

That is, you need to stop being friends with someone who constantly scolds others in your presence. Such friends are the catalysts for your anger. They change your attitude towards people and subsequently - the cause of many troubles.

If people do not change, such ties must be broken. Don't say how? be without a friend? Better without such a friend now than later without the Best.

Faat Yanbulat

John 6:47 - “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me has eternal life”

John 6:54 - “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,
and I will raise him up at the last day"

1 John 5:11 - “This is the testimony that God has given us eternal life,
and this life is in his Son.”

1 John 5:13 - “This I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you,
believing in the Son of God, you have eternal life"


Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and the Gospel Hall Church emphasize these verses. Since John uses the past tense "has eternal life," they are declaring that believers have eternal life now—their eternal security is assured.


1. Almost without exception, those who claim to have life "eternal security" also believe in the immortality of the soul. But if believers as well as non-believers have an immortal soul, then what about the eternal life that Jesus promised to give to believers?

2. If the argument is advanced that "being saved" believers are immune to hellfire and the lake of fire, where does the Gospel of John and the Epistle teach this?

3. Where can I get objective evidence that a "saved person" is truly saved? He may say that he is saved, but how can one know for sure that such statements of his are true?

4. The "saved" argument in the above passages rests on a misunderstanding of the use of grammatical tenses in John's writings. The past tense is used by John in the story of future events to emphasize the certainty of their outcome. Take a look at the following examples:

  • “The Father loves the Son and has given everything into His hand” (John 3:35). But the writer of Hebrews clearly says, "Now we do not yet see everything subjected to him" (2:8).
  • "I have conquered the world" (John 16:33), but the Garden of Gethsemane was yet to come.
  • “I … have finished the work that You gave Me to do” (John 17:4). However, Jesus had yet to die “for our sins according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3).
  • “And the glory that You gave Me, I gave them…” (John 17:22). But believers will not receive final glorification until Christ returns and receives eternal life (Col. 1:27 cf. 2 Tim. 2:10-12).
  • “... let them see My glory, which You have given Me” (John 17:24). Jesus was not yet glorified until his ascension (Luke 24:26; 1 Tim. 3:16).
  • See also Romans 4:17-21. Isaac had not yet been born at the time his father received the promises; 2 Tim. 1:10. But people are still dying and will continue to die until the end. millennium when death is destroyed (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:24-28).

5. In a similar way, eternal life is spoken of as if it could be enjoyed now, although it will be granted only in the future, "on the last day." This is proved in two ways: A) By showing that John is referring to eternal life given at the last day; B) By quoting other New Testament references that show that eternal life and final salvation are still attributes of the future.

Here is the evidence to support this:

  • Eternal life will be given at the “last day”:
    • “The will of the Father who sent me is this, that from what He has given Me, nothing should be destroyed, but all that should be raised up on the last day"(John 6:39).
    • “This is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life; and I will resurrect him on the last day"(John 6:40).
    • “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day"(John 6:54).
    • Eternal life is promised (1 John 2:24,25), but for the time being it remains in the Son (1 John 5:11) until the “last day”, when it will be given to true believers.

  • Other passages that indicate that eternal life is not available to believers at this time:
    • « In hope eternal life, which God, who does not change in word, promised before the ages” (Titus 1:2).
    • “So that, being justified by His grace, we by hope(in hope) have become heirs of eternal life" (Titus 3:7 compare with Romans 8:24 - "For we are saved in hope. But hope, when he sees, is not hope; for if anyone sees, then why should he hope? ?").
    • “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life» (Mt.25:46 compare with Dan.12:2). The context of this passage indicates that the righteous will be judged first and then invited into eternal life (Matt. 25:31-46). This implies that the righteous do not have eternal life before entering into it.
  • Salvation in its final version will come in the future:
    • "For now closer salvation comes to us than when we believed” (Rom. 13:11). If salvation was nearer than when the saints believed, obviously they did not have it in the present.
    • “Are not all of them ministering spirits sent to serve those who have inherit the rescue?" (Heb. 1:14). The heir cannot own the property in the present.
    • "... in a helmet hope salvation" (1 Thessalonians 5:8). Man need not hope for what he already possesses.

36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
(John 3:36).

This verse is often used as evidence for the teaching that a person can only be saved by faith in Christ, faith that is not accompanied by any works of obedience. This doctrine is also called the doctrine of salvation by faith alone.

Faith in the name of Jesus Christ as the Son of God is obedience to God:

23 And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he commanded us.
(1 John 3:23).

Obviously, faith in the name of Christ and faith in Christ are one and the same. It is also evident that faith in Christ includes all that Christ requires of us.

A careful study of John 3:36 shows that faith in the Son includes obedience to the Son.

« Not a believer” in this verse is a translation of the participle in the form of the nominative case, singular, male apeithon(initial form - apeitheo), which means "not amenable to persuasion; difficile"; "disobedient"; "relinquish faith and obedience."

For this reason, in other translations of the New Testament, we find such options as "not submitting to the Son"; "who does not submit to the Son"; "who disobeys the Son"; "who disobeys the Son."

It only remains to note that the word believer' at the very beginning of the verse it is pisteuo"believe; believe"; "put trust".

All this means that refusal to obey the Son is tantamount to unbelief. This proves that faith in Jesus Christ includes the fulfillment of the requirements (that is, the commandments) that He puts forward.

In order for a person to believe in Christ, he must trust God, repent of his sins, confess faith in Christ as the Son of God, and be baptized into Him:

3 Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
4 Therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
(Rom 6:3-4).